MINUTES - Council - 19120115SECOND M E E T I N G 0 F T li E
1 9 1 2
The second meeting of the Town Council for 1912 was held in the
Council Room on Monday evening Januart 15th/ the following members
being present;-N!lJllely Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors
Bassett. Browning, Conover, Davis and Manning.
The Mayor in the chair.
1;1inutes of last meeting read and confirmed.
Communications were received from ;-
The Sick Childrens Hospital in Toronto asking for a contribution
towards its support.,
The :Positive Clutch and Pulley Works in regard to their agreement
with the tmwn.
Tenders for stone were received from the following persons;-
George Bowser, 2 toise at $6.00
A. Story.
J, A. Bovair
J. J. Dunning. 10
Moved by 1\Ir F..nowles seconded by Io!r Manning that the following tendeE
for stone be and the same are hereby accepted
George Bowser 2 toise at .6.00
A. Storey 2 do 5~50
J. A. Bovair 2 do 6.00
J. J. Dunning 4 do 6i00
if he will furnish them at that price.
Moved by I\Kr Bassett seconded by Ilr Browning that the appeal of
the Sick Childrens Hospital, Toronto for aid be accepted and that they
be granted the sum of Ten Dollars and that the Mayor issue an order on
the treasurer for that amomnt payable to that institution and that the
seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Moved by I~r Knowles seconded by Mr Manning !§hat the following
be a Committee to look over the Positive Clutch and Pulley works
agreement with the town solicitor namely, the '.~ayor d . '-.an councillors
Blissett, Conover and }3:rov.·n:j.nl? C
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Second Meeting Continued
The Committee appointed to strike the standing committees for the
current year reported as follows and recommended the first named
on the commietee to be chairman of the committee.
W'A lR E R w 0 RK s. R 0 A D s and B R I D G E
w. J. Bassett, Esq v~'. J. Knowles, Esq
Fred Browning, Esg Fred Browning, 1~sq
w. J. Knowles, Esq T, A. Manning, Esq
L I G H T. F I R E.
A. A. Conover,f.Sg Fred Browning, Esq_
w. J. Bassett, Esq B. F. Davis, Esq
J. A, Mitchell, Esg A. A. Conover, l:sq
F I Nil N c E. p R 0 l? E R T Y.
J. H. Mitchell, Esg B. F. Davis, Esq
T. A. J~anning, Esq w. J. Knowles, Esq
B, F. Davis, Esq A. A. Conover, Esq
B Y -L A W S •
T. A. Manning, Esq
w. J. Bassett, Esq
J. H. Mitchell, Esq
Report adopted by the Council.
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.