MINUTES - Council - 19120122THIRD }1EETING 0 F THE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 2. The third meeting of the town Council for 1912 was held in the Council Room on ~londay Evening January 22nd, the following members being present ma;ror Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Bassett, Browning, Conover !vlanning and !iii tohell. The Mayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A Communication was received and ree.d from w. Percy Gellispy and Company re the Callas Leatner Company. Accounts "\':ere received from C. A. Petch, :j?l:l!l:s::tagx keep of mrs Cline $1.30 B. F. Davis. carting • 50 G. A. ;Ll.oyd, coal for Town Hall 3.75 .A. ih Atkinson, stove for lockup 4.00 moved by ~!ir Bassett seconded by !olr 11i tchell that the following accounts be paid that the ~Cayor issue orders on tho Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution/- c. A. I'et'oh, 1.30 B. F. Davis .50 G. A. Lloyd A. Atkinson Carried. 3.75 4.-00 The Committee aprointed to consult 11r Lennox in regard to the I' Positive Clutch and I'ulley ':'.'eorks made the following report;- To the Ivlayor and Council Gentlemen;- We your Committee arrr;oointed to consult Mr :Lennox in regard to the proposition of the Positive Clutch and Pulley ',7orks asking the Council to accept ;~10. 000 of their bonds in lieu of a I:iortgage on the Hachinery of their plant to be located in Aurora;-beg leave to rerort as follows. That tho request of the Company be granted;-That a first mortgage be taken on the land, build Third l.leeting Continued. and land belonging to the said Company in Aurora;-~hat the said Compa:qv deposit with the I:ayor and Treasurer of this I.Iunicipali ty ~~10. 000 in BeD' their Bonds as collateral security in lieu of a first mortgage on the±r machinery;-and to save time and trouble they would further rec commend that the Local :Legislature be asked to confirm the action of this council. All of which is respectfully submitted. Signed ti. J. Baldv1:in Chairman of com !.loved by ~Rr Browning seconded by Er Bassett that the report of the Committee BID' the :;lositive Clutch and Pulley ':'lorks be and the same is hereby adopted, that the Eayor and Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to have Debentures of the said Co:J?any printed and sold as soon as possible and the proceeds deposited in the Bank of Montreal to the credit of this l\lunicipality, and that the I\ayor and Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said Company the sum of $2.000 as soon as the mortgage is completed by the said company and the balance in accordance with the agreement with the said Company and that the Solicitor be instructed to proceed and have a private bill submitted to the Legislature and the Company to bear the cost cif obtaining the sa1:1e and that tho seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution Carried. Council Adjourned to meet at the call of the Iiayor