MINUTES - Council - 19110417 (2)TENTH MEETING 0 F T H .E COUNCII, F 0 R I 9 I I • The tenth meeting of the Council for I9II was held in the Council Room on Monday evening April I7th, I9II, the following members being present;-Viz Mayor Baldwin, Reeve ~nowles and Councillors Bassett, Murray, Staples and ~teele ,, The l~ayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Clerk laid on the table the liudi tors report of the Liunicipal, and Qchool accounts. Bills were received from the following persons;- $oronto & York Radial Ry Freight, James Robertson & Co, ?ipes for waterworks s. H. Lundy, Expense of Dep~tations I34.95 88 .,30 111oved by 11r Bassett seconded by ]T;r Steele that the following accounts be paid, that the i!layor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. ;-Viz Toronto & ~BBXk york Radial Ry James robertson & Co S. H. Lundy, Carried· $2.40 !34.95 88.30 Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Steele that the request of the Sons of England for the use of the Town ?ark in which to hold a demonstration on June 22nd I9II be granted Carried. Moved by I.1r Bassett seconded by llr ~'j;aples that the Auditors report ~-·);• of the ~eiunicipal and School accounts for I9IO be and the same is hereby accepted that the Mayor sign the same and that the Clerk be and is hereb~ instructed to have the same advertised according to law and roo copies printed, in pamphlet forn. Carried• Moved by !~r Bassett seconded by Hr Staples that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and instructed to have the Positive Clutch & ?ulley '!!orks bylaws printed and advertised in the Aurora Banner four times the first insertion to appear on April 2Ist I9II. Carried, Tenth IIeeting continued l.loveil by !1r Bassett seconded by !.lr Steele that the 'ilaterworks Com- mittee be ana theyeare hereby authorized to lay a 4 inch water main on Church Street from Yonge Street to Victoria 0 treet anil ~kxxek place a hydrant at the corner of Victoria and Church Streets and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Garried. The Road and Bridge Committee presented a report of the work to be done on the streets and sidewalks in the !1unicipali ty. On motion Council went into Cormnittetl of the whmle on the same Reeve Knowles in the chair. Committee rose and reported the report with certain amendments. Report ,:cdopted by the Council. Council Adjourned to meet at the call of the r:layor.