MINUTES - Council - 19110516T H I R T E E N T H MEETING 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I j_, F 0 R I 9 I I • The thirteenth lleeting of the Tmm Council \'\'liS held in the Council ~oom on Tuesday evening I.:ay I6th the following llembers ieing present namely;-!ITayor Baldwin, lieeve Znowles, and Councillors Bassett, Bond, Murray, Scrivner, Staples. Minutes of the laEt meeting read and co:P.f'irmed. A communication ·;,as received from the To-...n Clerk giving the result of' the votmng on the Positive Clutch and Pulley '.':arks Bylaws on the I5th, inst. Also one from Clarance Dicker in ;regard to the .::mrchase of' waste water from thw Artesian Wells. A petition was received from the residents of Larmont Street asking the Council to lay the new Cement sidewall;: on the outside of' the Trees on that street. A tender was received from J\T, K Ec Lustry offering to paint the elevated tank for the sum of' $50,00_the Corporation to supply the material. Bills y,·ere received from the following persons Viz;- The Ontario Lime Association,Tile Expense of taking the Vote on the Positive Clutch & :Pulley Works Bylaws Metrepolitan Ry Freight Miahael Graham, work on water Works L. Rhinehart, aleaning IC:arket and Counail R .. $!4,00 33.50 I.28 5.25 r.oo Moved by I.!lr Bassett seaonded by Ir.r Murray that the following bills be paid that the mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this r.esolution;- Ontario Lime Assoaiation Expense of taking the Vote on the 1'ositive Clutch and Pulley 7iorks Bylaws Metrepolitan Ry Michael Graham L. Rhinehart Carried. I4.00 33?50 I.28 5.25 I,·OO Thirteenth Meeti:dg continued .t. M (;1 (VIA"' . ~~:a rf/1fi-~VVl;y J,loved by Dr Scrivener~KThe tend'f of 1L K._ MA1XSkey for ~ painting the elevated tank be accepted and that he be instructed to proceed with the work at once under the direction of the water C:orks _committee. Carrie·d· lJ!oved by !lr Scrivener seconded by Mr·.Bond that the offer of :,:r Clarence Dicker for the surpulus water at the water works be accepted and that· the 'iiater Works Committee be instructed to secure an agreement with him. earried· The ':\'ater l'iorks Committee presented a report recommending certain work to be donea. Moved by I.:r Bassett seconded by r.'fr ~~Iurray that the report ott' the Water Works Committee be be adopted and that the seal of the Corpor- ation be attached to thi resolution Carried. Moved by lllr T. Scrivener Seconded by :.:r Bond that the Positive Clutch and f\ulley Works Bylaws now before the Council be read a third time and passed and the Hayor sign the same and cause the sael of the Corporltion to be attacher thereto. Carried. Bylaws read a third time and passed. Leave was asked to introduce a bylaw to appoint a Court of Revision for I9II/ Leave granted and Bylaw read a first time : Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded by I<:r Bond that the bylaw now before the Council be read a second and third time this day that rule 33 of bylaw i!oiO be suspended for that purpose and that the sael of the Corporation be attached to this resolution Carried. Bylaw read a second time and Council went into Committee of the whole on the same !.1r Bassett in the chair? -~; Qommi tt.ee rose and reported the bylaw i':i th blanks Filled Bylaw ~ead a third time and passed /l / "'A~e:-:·c.L Counc~l adjoutned to meet at the call of the Mayor, '"pl-p .. ~.:r/-_ -' ' ··.-.... ··