I 9 I I.
The sixth meeting of the Town Council for I9II was held in the Council
Room on Monday evening ~larch 20th, the following members being present
Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Bassett, Bond, Murray,
Scrivener, Staples aud Steele. The lKayor in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.
Communications were received and read from;-
The Sons of England asking for the use of the Town ~ark in
which to hold a demanstration on Coronation Day June 22nd/
J.P. Glendenning in regard to Cement mixer.
The T. Rieman Shoe Compauy regarding the instalation of a fmre
Alarm box at the corner of Mosley and Berczy streets.
The Salvation Army asking for a oontribu~ion for the Prison Gate
Fund and Womans Rescue.
The Wettlaufer Bros regarding Cement :Mixer.
T. :a. Lennox, K. c. Regarding the threatned suit of Carman-vs-
the Town.
Bills were received from;-
c. A. Willis. telephoning & at
The Holmes Electric. Co. repairing Fire Alarm
North York Regstrary Office, registering bylaws
Stiver Bros, oo.al for Town Hall
William Ough & Son. hardware
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by 1KrScrivener that the following acoou
nts be paid, that the Mayor issuevorders on the Treasurer for the
same and that the sael of the Corporation be attached to this resolutin
C. A. Willis -- -$3.50
The Holmes Electric Co -
North York Registry Office
Stiver Bros
William Ough & Son
-----.------,---::-~,-.---.-.-c;c:cc.-_-,--_-----------------------·----. ••' --,, ___ , ______________ .
L ·---·--
An account amounting to $393.20 was received from Samuel Williamson
for gravel for sidewalks.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Bond that the Fire and Light Com
mitee be and they are hereby instructed to h~ve a fire alarm box placed
at the corner.of Mosley and Berozy streets. also one at the corner
of Victoria and Church Streets oposite to yhe Public School building.
. , ~ Car~~ed? ,
Moved by Dr Scrivener ~a~~l~i'l~'\;f~',i~Jiun:i.ttee to confer with
the Positive Clutch & Pulley Works of Toronto re securing the said
works for this Town;-Nameley the Mayor, Reeve and Councillor Bassett.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by MrMurray that the following be and
they are hereby appointed a committee re the establishment of a
Carnagie Library in Aurora. Viz;-The Mayor Councillors Bassett
Scrivener. and Staples, and the following Citizens J. Ferguson,
J, F. McDonald. R. E. :Proctor. Thomas Griffith, A. W. Brodlbe and
T, R, Le:iJ.nox, M. L •. A.
Moved by 11r Bassett seconded by rlir Bond that the Clerk be and is here
by instuucted to advertise for tenters to paint the Elevated tank
at the '::aten'orks. tank to have one coat of paint and the material
to be supplied by the Town, ~enders to be in the clerks hands on or
before April 3rd. Specifications may be seen at the office of the
chairman of the Waterworks.
Moved by Mr Staples seconded by tnr Knowles that the following bev a
Committee to go and see Mr Glendennings cement mixer and report the
same to the next meeting of -this --council;-Mayor Baldwin and councillor
' -~-~
. '
Sixth Meeting Continued.
Leave was asked to introduce a Bylaw to appoint a Ivledical Ileal th
Leave granted and Bylaw read a first time.
Moved by lvlr Bassett seconded by r.:r Steele that the bylaw now before
the Council be read a second and third time this day and that rule
33 of bylaw No IO be· suspended for tahds purpose.
Bylaw read a second time and council went into Committee of the
whole on the same T.:r Staples in the chair.
Committee rose and reported bylaw filled with the name of
Dr~. J. Stevenson.
Bylaw read a third time and passedi
Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded by Mr Bond that the Hydro-Electric
rower Commission for Ontario be requested to give this r.iunicipali ty
an estimate of the price to be charged to the said J.1unicipali ty for
IOO to ISO horsepower of electric energy from Niagara Falls to be
supplied ready to be distributed by the said l1unicipality.
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.