MINUTES - Council - 19110327···-'···. SEVENTH MEETING 0 F T li E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R I 9 I I. The seventh meeting o~ the Council was held on Monday evening March 27th, I9II, the following membews being present, Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Bass.ett/ Bond, I>Turnty, Scrivener, Saples and Steele. The Mayor in the chair. The I[ayor explained that~ the meeting had been called to meet a (/:lo"--,v.L~ deputation from The Rel'~G>t Clutch & Pulley 'Jorks Limited of Toronto in regard to locating their works in this :,:unicipali ty. Mr Rook the manager of the Works addressed the 66uncil. stating the Company would expect a loan of $IO,OOO from the town for a period of twenty years, exemption from taxes excepting School tax for a period of ten years and free water for drinking purposes. Moved by Dr Srivener seconded by J\'r Bond that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed and authorized to have a bylaw prepared by Solicitor Lennox to grant the ?ositive Clutch & Pulley Works, Limited of Toronto A loan of $Io.ooo for a period of twenty years said sum to be repaid by equal annual instalments extending over a period of Twenty years xixixFBXBBBi with interest af 5 percent, also a bylaw to exempt said Company from all taxes (excepting School Tax) fpr a period of ten years and free water for drinking purposes only. said bylaws to be advertised in the Aurora Banner for three weeks commencing April 6th/ Carried. Moved By Dr Scrivener seconded by ::r Bassett that this Council secure an option from :.:r Mcateer for ninety days for two acres of land off the south weast corner of his farm for a site for the proposed Positive Clutch and ?ulleg Works, Limited of Toronto, and that the Mayor and Councillors Bassett and Scrivener be appointed to attend to the matter Carried Council adjourned to meet at the call of the l ____ ..... ~~