MINUTES - Council - 19110109r· -- - -~ l . t,1!ZHgS;:"s; __ "; __ "-:-_.-, F I R S T MEETING 0 F THE COUNCIL F 0 R I 9 I I. . The first meeting of the Council for I9II was held in the Council Room on Monday January 9th, at II o'clock in the forenoon. The following Nembers presented themselves and signed declarations of Office and took their seats;-n~~ely the necessary t J. Baldwin, Thlayor•• ·I w. J. :fSnowles, Reeve Councillors;- W. J. Bassett, John Bond, Altchie IEurray, Dr Scrivener, Frank Staples. ' The Clerk introduced the :lirayor to the Council and business ws.s at once proceeded with. The Clerk reported that at the recent Nomination for Councillors and Public School Trustees only five Councillors were elected an' two Public School Trustees and it would therelfore be necessary to hold another Nomination for one Councillor and one Public School Trustee. / The Clerk reported that he had as directed Uli:Bn had held an.~electlll and taken a vote of the qualified Bjectors on the three bylaws submitted to the ratepayers with the folloaing result in the three Wards of the r,:ulmicipali ty;:- By-Law to loan Walter Collis Tannery Co $Io.ooo for a period of five years;- North Ward, for the By-Law I06 against the By-Law '2' Centre Ward, " IO& " 2 South Ward, " I25 " 2 Total, for the By-Law 336 It 6 First Meeting Continued. By-Law to exempt the Walte:r Collis Tannery Co. From all tax save School Tax for a period of ten years and free water for a like period North Ward, for the bylaw I07 against the bylaw 2 Centre Ward, 11 I02 11 5 South Ward, 11 II8 t! !L Total " 327 n I8 There were 429 qualified Voters Names on the List and as the number who voted against each of the bylaws was less than one-fifth of the number on the Lists it only required three-fifths of the names on the List to carry the bylaws which was 258 and as the total vote cast in favour of the Loan bylaw was 336 there was a majority of 78 for the L~an bylaw and 69 for the exemption bylaw. On the By.Law to raise $5000.00 to build sidewalks and bridges the Vote was as follows;- ·North Ward, for the bylaw 78, against the bylaw I5 Centre Waed, for the bylaw 93, " 9. S.outh Ward, for the bylaw95 n 23 ~ - Total tt 226 II 47. A communication was received and read from the ~ick Childrens Hospil in Toronto asking for a contribution for that institution. Bills were received from the following persons;-Namely, B. F. Davis, wood for Town Rall/ $5.00 B. F. Davis, r.ent of cart I8 days 9.00 B. F, Davis, unloading oar of coal 6.!5 Underhills Limited, oindars 2.00 .Canada Netal Co. supplies 5.83 The Clerk Election Expenses 40.I5 ~unicipal World. blanks for taking vote 6.56 Aurora Banner, advertising and printing 2I.OO ,.--\ ,(_ , __ )· First Meeting Continuea. . 6 ____________ __ Moved by !Kr Bassett seconded by I1r Bond that the following bills be paid and that the Mayp., issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution, The Clerk Municipal World Aurora Banner Carried. $40.50 6·.56 21.00 Moved by Mr Bassett seconded. by lir Knowles that the time for the return of the Collectors Roll be extended to March.First next Carried. Moved by Mr. Knowles swconded by Mr Bassett that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to hold a Nomination for a sixth Councillor and third Public School Trustee for this Municipality on Monday January !6th, in the Council Room from 7.30 to 8.30 in the evening. I Carried; Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by !.tr Scivener that the following be a Committee to strike the standing Committees for the current year;- Namely Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Bassett and Scrivener. Carried. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Murray that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise for tenders for gravel to be delivered on the streets of Aurora, same to be delivered where directed by the assistant Chief tenders to be in by January !6th. Carried Moved by MrKnowles seconded by Mr Murray that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to purchase the necessary supplies for the Assessor Carried. '1 l t •( t I ( \_) First Meeting for 1911 Continued. Leave was asked to intrmduce Bylaws to appoint Auditors to audit the Municipal and School Accounts for I910 Trustee and a Local Board of Health. To appoint a High School · Leave Granted and bylaws read a· first time • Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded by Mr bond that the Bylaws now before the Council be read a second and third time this day and that rule 33 of bylaw no 16 be suspended for that purpose/ Carried. Bylaws read a second time and Council went into .Committee of the whole on the same !1Ir Knowles in the chair. Committee rose and reported Bylaws with blanks filled• Bylaws read a third tin:e and passed. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. l j •. j·' : _:':·;··.·.·.· .• 't . ·····-···\