MINUTES - Council - 19110211FOURTH MEE:U:ING 0 F T R E T 0 W N C 0 U N C I L F 0 R I 9 I I. ~he fourth meeting of the Council was held in the Clerks Office on Saturday evening February IIth the following members beihg present, Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, and Councillors Bond, Bassett, Murray. The Mayor in the chair. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Kr. Bond that the bylaw to loan the Collis Tanning Company $Io.ooo for a period of five years, also the bylaw to exempt the Collis Tanning Co from all taxes (excepting School tax) for a period of ten years, and the Bylaw to raise the sum of five thousand dollars to build cement sidewalks and bridges in Aurora be now read a third tim.e and passed. Carried. -~e above named bylaws were then read a third time and passed Council then adjour11ed to meet on Monday evening February I3th.