BYLAW - Provide for the Nomination of Candidates and for the Election of the Members of Municipal Council - 19451203 - 93145BY -La N IBER 931 of the Manicipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE NOHIAATION OF CAAIDIDATES All FOR TEE; ELECTION OF THEM 4IBER3 OF THE OUNICI24L COUNCIL AND.OP THE REQUIRED TRUSTEES OF THE SCHOOL BOARD AND OF TE& REQUIRED 0XBER OF THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC COnRiISSION l FOR THE EENSUING TERK OF OFFICE. WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that a meetings shall take place for the nomination for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors in Towns on the last Monday in December, except where it is Christmas Day, and in that case the meeting shall be held on the preceding Friday and that the Council may by By -Law provide that such meeting may be held at half past seven o'clock in the afternoon. AND WHEREAS by the provisions of the Public School Act, The Board of an urban Municipality may, by resolution, of which written notice shall be given to the Clerk of the 1,1unicipality pursuant to the Act, require the election of public school trustees to be held byballot on the same day as iunicipal Councillors are elected. AND F'HER:3AS by the provisions of The Public Utilities Act the members of a Coinraission established under Part 111 of that Act shall be elected at the same time and place and in the same manner as the head of the Council. THEREFORE THE ii+UNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATIOA OF THF, TOWN OF AURORA aACTS AS FOLLO,'IS: 1. That the meeting for the nomination of all candidates for the Municipal Council and for the Aurora Public School Board and for The Hydro Electric Commission of the Town of Aurora and for the ensuing terra of office shall be held at the Mechanic's .`Tall, Aurora, on ED nday, the 31st day of December, 1945, at 7.30 o'clock, D.S.T. in the afternoon. 2. That, if more candidates are nominated for an office than are to be elated,the Returning Officer shall adjourn the proceedings until the 7th day of January, 1946, on which day an election shall be held and the polls 2 . shall be opened in each polling sub -division between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the afternoon, y S.T. at the following place or places. Pollinp Oubdivison Place Number 1 Queen's Hotel Number 2 Town Hall. idurdoer 3 Mechanic's Hall lumber 4 Frankcom's House Number 5 Milgates Garage* That the following persons are hereby appointed Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Olerks to hold the said election and to take the vote, as regaired by The Idanicipal Act, The Public Schools Act, and or any other Act or Acts pertain- ing thereto, in the respective polling subdivisions as follows: Polling S�-Division Deruty Returning Officer Poll Olerk Twnber 1 James Murray James Raeside Number 2 W.H.Taylor Wm.MeGirr Number 3 O.Heath Thms.Rogers Number 4 vim, Dunning E.C.Fielding. Nwnber 5 Chas. Davies Walter Milgate. Dated at the Town Hall, Aurora, this Say of December, 1945. Passed at the Town Ball, Aurora, this 3"day of December, 1945. MATO R C LM