MINUTES - Council - 19091012T W E N T I E I H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R I9o9 Tile twentith meeting of the Council for I909 was held in the Council Room on Tuesday evening Octob er I2th, the following melll!bers being present;-namely, The Mayor, Reeve and Councillors Bond, Bassett and Delahaye. Tfie Mayor in the chair. TLinutes of the three p~evious meetings read and confirmed. Communications were received from the Riverside Shoe Company stating they hail decided to locate in Montreal instead of Aurora. From the Aurora Skeiting and Hockey Club asking for the use of the town park in whibh to build an open air ice skating rink. A Petition was received from Jo)ln Scot and others on Spruce street asking the Council tom Construct a six inch tile drain on that street from Catherine .;~venue to ;.:aple street £nil charce the residents a frontag tax. Bills were received from s. H. Lundy, express and freight :jlii.40 Kaufman Rubber Co. rubber boots for firemen I6I.50 D. H. Nelson Sharpening picks &c William Ough 7 Son, hardware for streets James Robertson & Co Pipes for ':iater ~.Vorks James Morrison & Co. do W. L. Banbury teaming &c 3.45 I2.72 4~.36 78.65 I3.75 Eoved by J.;r Bassett seconded by l:lr Delahaye that the following accounts be paia that the Eayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the saJ1e and that the seal of the Corporation be attachea to this resolution ;-Viz/ Sj H/ :Lundy Kaufman Rubber Co. D. H. Nelson William Ough & Son James Robertson & Co· James ;,:orrison & Co. IV. L. Banbury - Carried. ~I ,40 I6I.50 3.45 12.72 47.36 78.65 !3,75 I .~ ) I I I • Twentiteth meeting continued. Moved by r.:r Bassett seconded by cir Bond that the action of the Tiiayor in signing orders for the paym ent o~ the following accounts be and the same is hereby confirmed;-Namely Sept.22, Luke Holman, Gravell for Street $30.45 H £5 11 25 Oct. 2 11 11 11 11 !1 n 9 11 H 11 H 11 H 11 II Joseph ?eagle, work on road James Hodgins do James Hodgins do T/ N. Brodie Chief F. B. Salary W. ~L .:Birchard, 11ltreetlighting 7.50 6.75 8.25 I5,00 58.3I do light in f/h & E/ ~ I,63 James Hodgins work on road Joseph Seagle do Chris Kennedy do do Plow &c Ale~. McLeod teaming gravell Carried. 9.00 9.00 I5,00 6.85 6.30 ~:Caved by Mr Bassett seconded by r:r Delahaye that the petition of r.:r John Scott and others for a drain on Spruce street be grahted and that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to prepare a by-law governing the same at the next meeting of this Council and that 1Lr Chris :Kennedy be and is hereby instructed to measure the distance the drain is required to run and give full particulars as to the outlet and cost of drain Carried .• Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by !VIr Bond thatbthe Clerk be and is hereby instructed to hand the Collectors roll to Mr C. A? Petch when so to do by the Jl1ayor Carried. Moved by lKr Knowles seconded b;t; Mr Delahaye that the folloy;ing be a Committee to have the lockup repaired and a wall put across the Firil Hall, the Mayor and Councillor Bassett, Carried. / I I ....• ~·· I Twentieth meeting Continued, Leave was aske~dto introduce a By-Law to appoint a Collector for the year I909/ Leave granted and bylaw read a first time. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by 1Jr Bond that the bylaw now before the Council be read a fixxt second ahd third time this day and that rule »£ 33 of bylaw lio IO be suspended for that purpose. Carried. Bylaw read a second time .and Council went into Committee of the whole on the same Mr Delahaye int the chair Committee rose and reported bylaw filled with the name of C, A. Petch, Bylaw read a third time and passed. Council Adjourned to meet at the call of the ;,;ayor, I ii ~ l 'I ol 'l l ., I l