MINUTES - Council - 19090616T WE L F T H ME E T I N G 0 F THE C 0 UN C I L F 0 R I 9 o9.
The twelfth meeting of the Council for I909 was held on Wednesday evening
June I6th, The members present were the Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles
and Councillors Bond, Bassett, and Delahaye. The Mayor .in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.
The Mayor explained that the meeting had been called for the purpose
of consulting in regard to building Cement siaewalks and passing the
debenture bylaws.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Bond thp.t the Road and Bridge Committ
be and are hereby instructed to have Four foot tile made for the culv
ert on Kennedy Street instead of a cement arch as recommended in Road
and Bridge Committees report of :Jlay 2Ist last, and that the said commi
ttee be and are hereby authorized to have moulds made for making cement
tile, also that the said Committee be and are·hereby instructed to
have a five foot cement sidewald constructed on the North side of
J,!osley Street from Yonge street to Wells street and that the seal of
the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Leave was asked to intrmduce a Bylaw to raise by the issue of special
Debentures the sum of $3600 to pay off the floating debt of the rRunici
pality of the town of Aurora. Also to introduce a bylaw to raise the
sum of $!200 by the issue of special debentures to pay for the sinking
of an Artesian water well in the town of Aurora.
Leave granted and Bylaws read a first time.
Moved by 1:r Bond seconded by I~r Dela.hayetl!Q that the Bylaws noe before
the Council be read a second and third time this day and that rule 33 of
bylaw fioiO be suspended for that purpose
Bylaws read a second time and Council went into Committee of the whole
on the same Reeve Knowles in the chair.
Committee rose reported progress
Council Adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor
T H I R T E E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R I 9 0~
The thirteenth meeting of the Council was held on Tuesday mvening June
22nd, I909, Members present, the ]l:ayor, Reeve and Councillors Bassett,
Browning, Delahaye and tiastings. T-e IJlayor in the Chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.
A petition was received from Samuel George and twenty nine other ratepaye
ers of Wellington street East asking the Council to have ~ellington Street
watered from Victoria street eastv to the Railway tracks.
Application wass received from rars Ross asking the Council to put down
a pipe from Mr Cooks to her lot situated north of Irs Cooks property on
Yonge street to supply her with water offering to pay the cost of putting
down a three quarter inch pipe and take water for a bath, closet and
kitchen tap.
A bill was received from !~r Joseph Harvey amounting to $260.40 for sinking
the artesian well at the water works.
Moved by Mr Hastings seconded by Mr Browning that the request of !.irs Ross
be granted and that the Waterworks committee be and they are hereby
instructed to put in a water service for Mrs Ross at her expense and to
have a prpper agreement drawn up governing the same, service to consist
of a two inch pipe on Yonge Street and Mrs ~oss to be charged at the rate
of a three quarter inch pipe.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by ~iir Browning that the account of Mr
Joseph Harvey amounting to $260.441! be paid that the !fayor do issue an ordar
on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of The Corporation be
attached to this resolution
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Hastings that the Bylaw committee be
and are hereby instructed to l.ook into the matter of watering Wellington
street east and if found correct .the bylaw oommi ttee blliag in a bylaw
at the next meeting of this couaoigoverhing the same and that the seal
of the Corporation be ·attached to this resolution/
Thirteenth Meeting continued.
On motion Council again went into Committe.e of the whole on the bylaws
for issuinJ debentures for $3600.00 and #I200.00 Mr Knowles again in the
Committee rose and reported bylaws with blanks filled and
recommended the thir.d reading of the Bylaws.
Moved by Mr Bassett Seconded by I.lr .Hastings that the b,.laws now before
· _) the Council be read a third time and passes.
Bylaws read a third time and passed.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Delahaye that.the Clerk be and is here
by instructed to have the Debentures for the Consolidation of the debt
and the sinking of the artesian well prepared and printed and hand them
to the mayor and Treasurer for their signaturers and that he ll,lso be
and is hereby authorized to attach the seal of the Corporation to the
said Debenturers.
Moved by Mr Brov.'lling seconded by Mr B;astings that lllhe Clerk be and is here
by instructed to advertise for tenders for the purchase of the Consoli
dation debentures and the artesian well debentures three times in the
daily Mail & Empire and Daily Globe and twice in th• the Aurora Banner
said tenders to be in the Clerks hands on or before Satftrday July 3rd
at 7· o'clock p, m.
Council adjourned to meet at the ca:j.l of the Mayor.
JJ: d~~'~~~