MINUTES - Council - 19090201'-~-- T H I R D M E E T I N G 0 F T H''E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 0 9. The third meeting of' the Council f'or 1909 was held in the Council Room on Monday Evening February 1st the members present being the Mayor, Reeve .and Councillors Bond Bassett, Browning, Delahaye, Hastings and Querrie, The Mayor in the chair. Minutes of' last meeting read and conf'irmed, A communication was received f'rom the Secretary ot the Publis Shool Board asking the Council to instruct Constable Kennedy to interview certan boys who have been visiting the School grounds and warn them if' f'ound there again they will be prose9uted, The f'ollowing accounts were received;- C. A. Petch, Postage -$1.26 "Wm if: ~eihsnn, sundries 6.15 Moved by !vir bBassett seconded by Mr Hastings that the f'ollowing accounts be paid tha~ the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer f'or the same and that the seal of' the Corporation be attached there to, c. A. Petch, Wm J. Nelson 6.15 Carried, Moved by Mr Bond seconded by Mr Delahaye that Mr Kennedy interview certain boys that have been annoying thevPublic School pupils and instruct himmto have them brdlught bef'ore a magistrate if' there is any more compla.int against them. Carried. Mr William Smith apneared bef'ore the Council soli.ci tinp: aid f'or his brdlther -Charles Smith. Moved ;;by Mr BasRett seconded by Mr Hastings that Mr Kennedy be and is hereb~ instructed to order supplies f'or Mrs C, Smith to the amount of' ten c'lollars. Carried_. J1imlles of' third meeting continued. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Brovming thst the Assessor be r;ranted the use of' the Assessment Roll of' 1908 to assist him in his Assessment f'or the present year and that the Clerk ubeia:Hd is hereby instructed to t2.r::d tlce same to him. Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by ~r Hactinss that the kayor and Clerk be and are hereby instructed to sign the lease with the Grand Trunk Tiailway ar:!cl that the seal of' the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Hastings that Mr Browning Mr Querrie and the Reeve be a Committee to go over the Assessment Roll with the Assessor Mr Petch. Carried. Leave was asl{ed to introduce a Bylaw to appoint,· B"n Assessor f'or the yEar 1909. Leave granted and Bylaw read a f'irst time, Moved by Jllr Knowles seconded by v;r Querrie that the Bylaw now bef'ore the Council be read a second and thircl time this day and that rule 33 of' bylaw number 10 be suspended f'or that purpose. Carried. Bylaw read a seconcl time and Council went into Committee of' the whole on the same Mr Querrie in the chair. Committee rose and reported bylaw with blan~ f'illed with the name of' C. A. Petch and recommended the third readin,s of' the bylaw. Bylaw read a third time and passed L-------