MINUTES - Council - 19090316S I X T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 g 0 9 • The sixth Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room on Tuesday Evening March 16th, 1909, the following members being present, The Mayor, Reeve and Councillors Bond, Bassett ,Delahaye, Hs.st ings and Querrie. The Mayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A communication was received from the Lords Day Alliance asking the Council to ce~ operate in preventing the Bill now before the Legislature in passing giving the Street Railway Company the privelege €ilf running their cars on Sunday. From the Royal T~mplars lllf Tempera.nce notifying the Council they had given up their hall in the Naughtan Block in which Division Court had been held and consequently the Council would have to get a hall elsewhere. Bills were received from the following parties, Kennedy & Knowles, coal for Mrs Smith ~ -$4.30. Rutherford & Co,, blue stone for battries for fire alarm 2.68. Royal Templars GJf Temperance, rent of hall for Divlhsion Court6,00. Application was made by the Fire Brigade for their s.nnua.l grant of $60.00. Mr Watts made application for the privelege of erectin~ a small office on the east side of Bcer0y Street. A petition was recelhved from T. H. Broad end five others asking the Council to put down a tile drain on Spruce Street North and charge a frontage ta.x for the same. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Delahaye that the following accounts be paid and that the Mayor Issue orders on jhe treasurer for the same, namely Kennedy & Knowles -:!t4. 30 • Rutherford !!: C~, 2.68. ~ Royal Templars of Temperance -6 .oo. and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resol~tion, Carried, .--.,-~-------..,.,..,-,-_·:·o--.-:-·c:-:: ·.·;·-:--:.-. ---- ----------~----------- I ---~~~...,.,-,_..,--·-""''"'"=·=·-n··~,··-· ~ ·-~~-·""· ----·.., ......... .,. .... --~~----.(' ·~--~ Minutes o~ sixth meeting continued, Moved by Mr Knowles Seconded by Mr Delahaye that Mr Watts be and is hereby allGwed tG permission t0 erect an o~~ice tm the eastcside o~ Bercy Street, Carried. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Q.uerrie that the Water Works Committee be and they are hereby instructed te pRMMMRMX proceed to purchase at Gnce the necessary pipes and supplies ~or the new Artesian Well at the Water Work lot and that the seal o~ the Corporation be attached to this reselution, Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by M;: Hastings that the Fire Brigade be allowa their annual grant o~ sixty dGllars and that the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to issue an order on the Treasurer for that amount payable to the treasurer o~ the Fire Brigade and that the seal o~ the Corporation be attcha to this resolution.· Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.