MINUTES-Court of Revision-19360529\
THE COURT OF REVISIOU FOR THE YEl'.R 1336 was held in the council room on Friday
eve.May 29th.at 8 o•c1~ck and waa composed ofthe following m embera.llilayor Boulding
Reeve Knowles,Deputy.Heeve Malloy and Councillors Baldwin and Bunn.
The appeals presented were considered and disposed as follows;
H.Armitage ,too high,2050.0Q confirmed; . .(,
' )
·Aurora Flour and Feed0 incomplete when assessed 1 5804.00 confirmed;$
Geo.~aw~on too high,975.00 confirmed;~
F.E.Richardson,business ,aoo.oo,arra.nged,l/3 F.E.R.and 2/3 to Aurora Co-Operative
notice to be given of this and simila.rv a.rrangem~nt of Co-Op.l/3 to them~2/3 to "
Mary Caruso.
w.Wallace,too high, 3600.00 confirmed; .r{
A~Atkinaon,lane to 'femp.St. taken off llilrs .G.J?atricks assessment and added to his •
As this is in accprda.nce with the deeds the appeal was granted;
Morton and Co. 4250.00,too high, confirmed~~
Temperanceville Parsonage 2880.00 too high reduced 200.00. on building;~
lli!rs.Bowes 01800.00 too high,confirmed; ~
F.E.Richardson1 3600.00 too high,confirmed; JK
Mary Smith Estate,2000.00,too high,confirme!i; '~
Name of D.Whitmore added to that of G.H,\Vhitmore as owners of farm so assessed.
Names of Mr.and Mrs.S.C.Edwards added as tenants of llilrs.F.Clarke,Larmont st.;
Dog assessed to w.ward transferred to M±ai Smith,Spruce St.N.
'rhe Court then adjourned,after reading the minutes,to meet,if necessary,a.t the
call of the Clerk.and if no further appeal is made from the adjustments.to stand
adjourned,sine die.
Chairman I
I i