MINUTES-Court of Revision-19310725THE. COURT.OF RE.VlSION to donfirm the asaesSlllent or consider appeals from the same o~; th8-pa~ement:~ici.on the Railway strip on Yonge st.during August 1931 was held. on MOnday eve.JuJ.y-laoth.a.t a.P.Lwith the Mayor presiding and the Reeve and Coune:UiOrs Bllbroug;n Southwood and ·stuart in attendance. --Mr.A..Bell appeared and stated tha..t the lot assessed to him being 66 feet on the E&at aide of Yonge st.and 2lf feet of that originajlly assessed to Jlrs.""oster ' ' .<!" · :immediately north of the lane into the Anderson farm both belong to Mr.Jno.Porter. 11 ith this correction and the changes of-ownership already noted il.nd eorrected.,be- fore the submission of the roll,the same was adopted by the following resolution; LEG-GJ.Ir SOUTHWOOD,that the a.ssessemnt Roll,.prepared under the Local Improvement Act for the·Y~~ge-st.Railway strip Panment ,as amended,.and in a~cord with the notices, .. -~·. .. duly served upon the Ownera.,be affirmed,and that the seal of the Corporation be att- ached to this resolution. Carried. On motion of Messrs.Bilbro.ugh and Stuart the Court minutes were read by the a1erk and the Court adjour~~;ed sine die. ~¥ .. '· ) . --.C.-:------- Chairman -...