MINUTES-Court of Revision-19200527r._ .· -·~··--------··-·-··~··•·;G,;~o .. ~·-"··--·---------·~•--·""L.c .. -c··--"=·"-4"""''"""'=•··-•""~-----•----. ,;c-.<~.~-.. ~:..:,._: ______ ~--------•cii.c ... •.~--~---~------•-~., ! .
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c 0 u R T 0 F R E v I s I 0 N F 0 R 1 9 2 o. I
The first meeting of the Court of Revisiun for the year fur the
Tuwu of Auror3. was held in the Counci Room Thursda.y evening May 27th.
The following memoers oeing present N'O.mely :-Meyor iasset-r;, Reeve
Scrivener CuuucLd.ors Fa.ris, Hicksou a.uc.i Matson.
Moved by Mr lvla.tsou seconded oy Mr Hickson thil.t Ma.yor-Bassett oe av-
poinced cha.irm:u1 for this Court for 1920. Ca.rried,
The following a.ppeals were then he3.rd.
H T Baycroft assessed to high, number of acres to la.rge. Avpea.J. sus-
t3.ined; 3.Ssessment reduced ou ouildings ~b240, :Uld ~l,.Jo on l:u1d.
John Bosworth a.ssessmeut to high on la.tld, ouildings a.ud. ousiness.
~ppea.l sustained; assessment red.uced to $8000.
J' arnes Waite assessed to high, 3Jld wrongfully assessed on ouisness.
Appeal no~ sustained.
Metropoli tiun Railway c.... Assessed to high. Assessment susta.ined.
W J McAtter should not oe assessed fur two j_Jarcels of .Land as they
were sold ·tu him in one parcel.
Appeal laid over to adJourned meeting June 7th.
William Stewa.rt a.ssessed to high fur property on La.rmont Street.
Appeal sust3.ined, assessment un J.amt reduced $200.
'ii J Mouut a.ssessed to high. Assessment sustil.ined.
Mrs E Rogers property ou MiJ.l Street decreased in va.J.ue since switch
was put in J:'or Tarmery. The Court decided that no deduction should oe
wade oy reason uf T:umery Switch out the propr·~y was assessed tu high,
Assessment reduced un house $100.
Mrs L Fentvu assessed to high, property decre:tsed iu value from ref-
use in creeil:: from T=umery. The Cour~ decided that uo reduction shuuld
oe made oy reaso11 of 'fannery refuse, out finding that 'the property was
assessed 'to high, reduced the assessment on l=u1d $160.
Geo D Gra.harn assessed to high. Assessment susta.iued.
Court theu :tdJourned until June 7th.
C 0 U R T 0 F R E V I S I 0 N F 0 R l 9 2 O.
The first meeting of the Court of Revision for the year for the
Town of !'urora was held in -the Council Room ou Thursday evening May 27th.
The following members being present lhmely :-Mayor Bassett, Reeve
Scrivener, Councillors Faris, Hickson 3.nd Matson.
Moved by Mr Matson seconded by Mr that M33or Bassett be
appointed chairman for this Court for 1920. Carried.
The following appeals were then heard.
H.,T liiaycroft;;. Assessed to high, numoer of acres to large. Ap)Jeal sustai-
nded. Assessment reduced on buildings $240, and $95 on :Land.
John Bosworth Assessment wO high on land, buildings and buisness.
Appeal sustained; assessment reduced to $SOOO,
James Waite .Assessed to high, and wrongfully assessed on ouisness.
Assessment sustained.
Metro pili tion R:tilway Co. · Assessed to high. Assessment sustained,
W J McAtter Should not be assessed for two parcels of la.nct as they
were sold to him in one parcel.
Appeal laid over to adjourned meeting June 7th.
viilliam Stewart Assessed to high for property on Larmont Street.
· Appeal sustained, Assessment on l:llld reduced $200.
i W J Mount Assessed to high. Assessment sustained.
Mrs E Rogers Property ou Mill Street decreased in value since switch
was put in for Taxmery. Appeal sustained, assessment reduced on house
Mrs L Fenton Assessed to high, property decreased ill value from
refuse in creek from Taxmery. Appeal sustaiued, assessment on laxld
reduced $150~
Geo D Graham Assessed to high. Assessment sustained.
Court then adjourned until 7:30 June 7th.
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