MINUTES-Court of Revision-19190602~~.~ ... I
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S E C 0 N D M E t T I N G 0 F C 0 U R T 0 F R ~ V I S I 0 N
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The seeonli meetin& of the Court of Revision for the year was lleli
in the Council Room on Montay eveuin& June 2ni. The followinc members
bein~ present NamelJ :-MaJor Jassett, Reeve Knowles, Councillors
Anirews, Jrownin:; ani Ta.Jlor.
Minutes of the previous meetin:; reai ani confirmei.
The followin:; appeals were then heari.
H T IEqcroft, Assessei for to much lanl.. Appeal aijournei until
next meetirl& of the Court.
Mr ~1i Mrs James Waite, Improper Assessment. Appeal sustainei
assessment on lani reiueet $370.00.
Frank Teasial.e. Improper Income assessment. Appeal s11stainei.
Court then aijournei to meet at the call of the Chairman.