MINUTES-Court of Revision-19170605.~~~~-~·~:·.'~"--·. ~·~· ~·~····~-'""-·~~~.-,..."' C 0 U R T 0 F R E V I S I 0 N F 0 R l 9 l 7. The first meeting of the Court of Revision for the To~m of Auron. 113-S held in the Council Room on Tuesd3.y evening June 5th the following members being present, M3.yor B3.ldwin, Reeve Knowles, Cuuncillors Ausman, B3.ssett 3.lld H3.11cock. ! Moved Dy Mr Knowles seconded oy Mr H3.ncock th3.t M3.yor B3.ldwin be t-~--3.ppointed ch 3.irm3.ll for this Court for 1917. I C3.rried. The followitg' 3.ppe3.ls were then he3.rd; ! W J Mount th3.t his assessment on property on Wellington Street W3.S to high. Appe3.l not sustained 3.lld dismissed. VIm H3.stings th3.t the assessment on his house un the corner of Tyler 3.nd George Streets W3.s to high. Appe3.l not sustained 3.nd dismissed. Wm Dunning that the 3.ssessment W3.s to high on his f3.rm buildings. Appeli not sustained 3lld dismissed. Wm C3.se th3.t his 3.ssessment 1ns to high uu Lots 22 &: ... 23 Tyle;JT S;t;. ;;· r" in division No 2 • . ~ppe3.l sustained 3.lld 3.ssessrnent lowered ~noo. 00. Wm Case that his 'l.ssessment was to high on Lots 22 & 29 Tyler St in division No 4. Appe3.l not sust3.ined 3.nd dismissed •. 'rhom3.s Urquh'l.rt th3.t his Lot on Yunge Street was 3.ssessed to high and th3.t it should be assessed as part of the farm. Appe3.l not sust3.ined 3.lld dismissed. John Cook th3.t his V3.Cent Lot No 16 Com13.ught Ave W3.S 3.ssessed to high. Appe3.J. not sust3.ined 3.lld dismissed. Herbert Armit3.ge th3.t his building on Yonge §t W3.s assessed to high. Appe3.l sust3.ined 3.nd 3.ssessment lowered ~noo. oo ou building. A A Conover th3.t the Aren3. was 3.ssessed to high. 1\ppeli sust3.ined 3.Hd 3.ssessment lowered $650. 00 ---,---,---7-.--.. :r·_;-~---~~--'-·-~~=·~""<~=,.-="'~~=-~~...;,_~·~~~...;......~---'-'--.,_.....___. .. ~--=>-._.......__.__,_~_.----=~''"""""'""'"""~"'""-'''"'-~'--~---~-:---~-·-·~.~-· .. _. __ _,_ ·--'-'-:._._··-'"'---;-·'·~--"--------.~---··~""'"""~=--"":""""" ... ;..._. -·--·-· -· --·-... --.-e:--.1 I~ I i ; .. ·<'"'-.'"•' Couc~ of Revision continued. A A Conover Th:;tt the :;tSsessment vns to high the property :;tssessed to the Shu:lem'lll Est on Yonge Street Adjoining the W:;tterworks. Appe3.l sust:;tined and :;tssessment lowered $Pl00. 00. lhrtin Hutcheson th:;tt the :;tssessment on lot 31 Tyler W:;ts to high. ~ppeal not sustained 'llld dismissed. Mrs C Thorn th::tt the assessment W:;tS to high on her house 'llld lut on Tem:_>er'lliCe Street. A:_>pe3.l not sust:;tined and dismissed. J M W3.ltun a:>pelied to have hLs business :J.ssessment ch'lllged as he h:;td sold the premises 'llld removed to a~wtl:rer office. Appeal not sust3.ined 'llld dismissed. Court then adjuurued to meet at the c:;tll of the chairm'lll, ~--.. -~ .. , .... ;--;·;:c.-_,_. ____ ,_,_.,·--·--·;-.;>: ~;:.:;;;::,:;, __ lJ ~-// ~~~ 0 ~~ . 16 ./P ~~ '·-·:V\ ··,;·;«·