MINUTES-Court of Revision-191905271 ..
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' C 0 U R T 0 F REVISION F 0 R 1 9 1 9.
The first meetin& of the Court of Revision for the ye3.r for the
Town of Aurora was helt in the Council Room on Tuesday evenint; May
27th, the fol1owin& members being present, Namely:-Mayor iassett,
Reeve Knowles, Councillors Jrownin" awi Taylor.
MoTed by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Taylor that Mayor Bassett be
appointe& chairman for this Court for 1919. Carrie&.
The Followin& appeus were then he:~.rl..
Arthur Beynon, Wrone;fully assessei. Appeal sust:tinet.
H T lilaycroft, -~ss'essed for to much lantiL Aajournef. until next MeetirJi•
Alfrei Graham, Overcharge in assessment. Appeal not sustainei.
Wm Hartwick, Overchare;e in a.ssessment. Appeal not sustainel..
Mrs M F Heise, Solfi stable anlil claims reduction in assessment.
Appeal· not sustainet.
V1 Jaggs, Not of age. Appeal not sustained.
P G Kelly, Overchar,e in assessment. Appeal not sustained.
Wm Linton, Overcharge in assessment. Appeal not sust9.inel..
James M9.ir, Assessei to high. Appeal sust:tinelil..
George Mair,Assessed to high. Appeal sustainea.
John McM3.hon, Claims exemption on Victory Bonds. Appeal not susta.inel..
J9.ffies Owen, Excessive t9.xes. Appeu sust9.inei, assessment reduceet
to $200,00.
Idwa.rtl. Smith, Overchar:;e in 3.Ssessment. Appeal not sust9.inee..
Wm Stoneman, Improperly 9.Sses'set. Income assessment struck off,
F J Robinson Improperly 9.ssesset. Income assessment struck off.
Thomas Urquhart., Overcha.rge in assessment. Assessment reduceci. to
James Waite, Improper a.ssessment. Aeljourned uritil next meetiu~.
Mrs James Waite, Improper assessment. M.journed until next meetini•
Court then aliljouruel. until June Wat 7: 30 P.M.
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