MINUTES-Court of Revision-19180528l
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C 0 U R T 0 F REVISION F 0 R \1; 9 ·:Jl !)! •
The first meeting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Aurora
was held in the Council Room on Tuesday evening May 2eth. the following
members being present, Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Bassett,
Browning and Taylor.
Moved 'lily Mr Bassett seconded 'ey Mr Browning that Mayor Baldwin lile
appointed chairman for this Court for 19le.
The following appeals were then heEtrd.
Mr J N Newberry that his house on Catherne Avenue WEtS assessed to high.
Appeal sustained and assessment on house reduced $100.00.
Mr ChEtrles Welilster appeg,led agEtinst excessive income ;tssessment.
Appe9.l sustained Etssessrnent reduced if500. 00.
Mr VI G Baldwin appealed against the land g,ssessrnent of his property
on the corner of Yonge and Mosley Streets.
Appeal sustained Etssessment reduced $4E5. 00.
Mr John McMahon appealed against the land Etssessment on his fg,rm
Lot el Yonge Street.
Appeal not sustained Etnd dismissed.
Mr J B Spurr appealed EtgEtinst the g,ssessment of his property on
Yonge Street and Etlso against land assessment on Lepper Street.
Appeal sustained on Lepper Street property and assessment on vacent
Lots West of Mr E G Reeves lot reduced to $1~00 per foot.
Appeal on Yonge Street property not sustained and dismissed.
Mr T S Mount appealed EtgEtinst the assessment of the L Mount EstEtte
on Centre Street.
Appeal not sustg,ined and dismissed.
Mr J H Brown Etppealed agEtinst his assessment on Metcalf Street.
Appeal not sustEtitJed and dismissed.
Court then Etdjourned.