MINUTES-Court of Revision-19140608f I ' ~- t ' ,, v [ t I I [. I ../-- \ ~ C 0 U R T 0 F R E V I S I 0 N 0 N L 0 C A L I M P R 0 V E N T. The C®urt of Revision on the Local Improvents in the Subdivisions of the Wells Property? McMahon property, Alexander parka and Gther parts ef the tewn was held in the Ceuneil Chamber Gn Monday evening June 8th, the fellGwing members being present;-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve KnGwles and couneillors Bassett Coulter and Murray On Motion Mayor Baldwin was appointed Chairman. Mr Alexander was heard re water main to his dwelling. Mr James Brothers was heard re the cost of the sement side walt en Catharine Avenue. The Ceurt then Adjmurned to meet on Tuesday evening June 23rd at 8 e'clock in the Ceuncil Chamber. J) . C 0 U R T 0 F R E V I S I 0 N 0 N LOCAL IMPROVEII The adjourned Court on Local Improvement met Tuesday evening June 23rd the following members being present;-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, and Counci~ors Bassett and Coulter. Mr Baldwin in the chair. Minutes of last meeting of the Court read and confirmed. Moved by Mrb Knowles seconded by Mr Coulter that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to charge a rate of 12 1/2 cents per foot two inch water pipes and 25 cents per foof for four inch water mains on each sideof thestreet in the Local Improvement Districts, and that the rates for Cement Side~alk and drains as laid out in the Schedule by the Clerk in the abeve named districts be and the same is hereby confirmed Carried. Court Adjourned Sinf: Die. "".··