MINUTES-Court of Revision-19150601-·-.," \ I ) / C 0 U,R;:T 0 ~ R E V I 8 I 0 N F 0 R 1 9 1 5. The Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for Aurora for the year 1915 v:as held in the Council Room On Tuesday June 1st. the follouing members being present:-viz, Mayor B: ld1vin, Reeve Kiw1iles, Councillors f,ndrelfS 1 Bassett, and Murray. Mayor Baldwin was elected Chairmolll 1 when the following appeals vrere heard:;- Mrs Adeline Pickering appealed sgainst the assessment of her lo":: 0 0!'1 Machell Ave.assessed to high and six feet to mutch frontage. Assessment to oe adjusted if measurement is v:rong. J. B. Spurr appec:.led against the assessment of his vacent lots on Le Lepper Street was assessed to high. Appeal not sustained. J.B.Spurr also appealed against his assessment on unfinished house on Lepper ntreet s it was assessed in 1914 as uufinished and was still in that condition and should be assessed for land only. Appeal to be laid over until next meeting. W.C.Campbell appealed against his assessment on the Creamery w:as assessed to high being l'lO"' ·:~ed as a storehouse. Appeal not sustained. Henry Ney appealed against the assessment of his property on Wellington Street Assessment being to high as stable had been removed since last assessment in 1914 and assessment was the same. Appeal not sustained. lli1liam Sanford Sen. appealed against the assessment of his property on Ross Street assessed to high. Appeal not Sustained. John Hamer appealed against the assessment of his vacent lot on Larmont Street as it had been &.lready assessed to him in connection with the property on Wellington Street that he sold til George Smith. J Appeal sustained as he was wrongfully assessed. William Hardwick appealed against his assessment as he claimed the property had deprecated in value since rink and septic tanks had been built on the opposite side of the street. Appeal not sustained. Thomas Spillett appealed against his assessment of vacent lot · on Wells Street assessed to high. Appeal not sustained. Court adjourned to meet on Monday June 7th. at 7:30 P.M. ~~ /){, ···'"-·· -~---.:..._,_. • ........>: . .:,,.;-. ·,,,,_''-<·'-:..~"""'-'-·'"