AGENDA - General Committee - 20190618General Committee
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
7 p.m.
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Public Release
June 11, 2019
Town of Aurora
General Committee
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
7 p.m., Council Chambers
Councillor Gilliland in the Chair
1. Approval of the Agenda
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
3. Community Presentations
4. Delegations
5. Consent Agenda
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require
further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that
a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent
Agenda for separate discussion and action.
That the following Consent Agenda items, C1 to C3 inclusive, be approved:
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C1. FS19-021 – 2019 Interim Forecast Update – as at April 30, 2019
1. That Report No. FS19-021 be received for information.
C2. OPS19-016 – Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Skate Park
1. That Report NO. OPS19-016 be received; and
2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional approval of Capital Project
No. 72281 – AFLC Skate Park in the amount of $600,000.
C3. OPS19-017 – Lake-to-Lake Cycling and Walking Trail Agreement
1. That Report NO. OPS19-017 be received; and
2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement
between the Town of Aurora and the Regional Municipality of York for the
operation, maintenance and replacement of the Lake-to-Lake Cycling
and Walking Trail within the Regional right-of-way once constructed.
6. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
That the following Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes item, A1, be received:
A1. Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2019
1. That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 22, 2019,
be received for information.
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7. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda)
R1. CS19-022 – Entry onto Private Property Protocol
1. That Report No. CS19-022 be received; and
2. That the revised Entry onto Private Property Protocol as outlined in
Attachment #1 providing property owners with notification of entry and
removing the requirement to obtain a search warrant for investigation
purposes, be endorsed.
R2. FS19-020 – 2020-2022 Operating and 2020 Capital Budget Development
Presentation to be provided by Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Planning.
1. That Report No. FS19-020 be received; and
2. That the updated Council Budget Principles and Process be approved;
3. That the key principles for the 2020 to 2022 multi-year operating budget
development be endorsed.
R3. FS19-023 – 2018 Year End Budget Report – as at December 31, 2018
1. That Report No. FS19-023 be received for information.
R4. PDS19-051 – Energy Conservation and Demand Management (ECDM)
Plan Update 2019-2023
Presentation to be provided by Joken Chiu, Energy Analyst, WalterFedy.
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1. That Report No. PDS19-051 be received; and
2. That the Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management
(ECDM) Plan Update for 2019 to 2023 (Attachment #1), be endorsed.
R5. CMS19-016 – 2019 Capital Project – Outdoor Field Development
1. That Report No. CMS19-016 be received; and
2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital
Project No. 73317 – Outdoor Field Development Strategy, in the amount
of $55,000.
R6. CS19-026 – Licensing By-law Amendments – Second Hand Goods
1. That Report No. CS19-026 be received; and
2. That a by-law be brought forward to amend Schedule 12 of the Town’s
Licensing By-law No. 5630-14 to reflect current business models for
Second Hand Goods stores.
8. Notices of Motion
(a) Mayor Mrakas
Re: Response to Regional Governance Review
9. New Business
10. Closed Session
11. Adjournment
Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. FS19-021
Subject: 2019 Interim Forecast Update – as at April 30, 2019
Prepared by: Tracy Evans, Financial Analyst
Department: Financial Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. FS19-021 be received for information.
Executive Summary
This report presents to Council the information necessary to effectively monitor the
financial performance of the corporation’s operating budget presented as of April 30,
2019. As of this date, the corporation is forecasted to conclude the fiscal year with
favourable variances from its tax levy and utility rate funded operations.
• A surplus of $975,800 from tax levy funded operations is forecasted
• A utility operations surplus of $415,100 is anticipated
As it is still early in the fiscal year, these forecasted variances may be subject to change
over the remainder of the fiscal year. Should any operational budget excesses or short-
falls remain at year end they will be contributed to or transferred from the appropriate
reserves as will be defined in the town’s 2019 surplus control by-law.
To assist Council in fulfilling its roles and responsibilities with respect to Town finances
and accountability, the Financial Services Department has worked with all departments
to review the corporation’s operating budget financial performance to date. Each Director
has reviewed their respective department’s operating budget versus its results to date
and remaining outstanding plans, and forecasted an expected year end position. Finance
staff have reviewed each submission and performed the necessary consolidation.
Staff have similarly reviewed the results of the Town’s utility operations to date and the
year end forecasted positions for the water, wastewater, and storm water service lines
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Items of note are presented by department in the Analysis section below. The forecasts
and representations are those of each Director, and have not been revised by Financial
Services staff. Each Director is charged with delivering their approved portfolio of
municipal services within their approved budget. They may manage issues encountered
throughout the year by reallocating approved financial resources amongst their budget
detailed line items, so as to best deliver their overall service portfolio in the circumstances
of an ever changing community, operating environment and economic conditions. In
some instances a departmental pressure may be addressed at a corporate level as per
the Executive Leadership Team’s direction.
A surplus of $975,800 from tax levy funded operations is forecasted
Staff currently forecast that the Town’s tax levy funded operations will finish the year with
an anticipated surplus of $975,800. A detailed break-down of the Town’s current
forecasted variance by department can be found in Attachment #1. This report has been
simplified to show only the net budget amount, the forecasted ending position for each
item, and the variance. Overall, the Town’s approved budget for 2019 includes
$67,454,900 in approved expenditures, funded by $20,196,400 in revenues consisting of
user fees, charges, and investment income, and a total “Town purposes” tax levy for the
year of $47,258,500.
The key drivers of this forecasted surplus are healthier than projected development driven
revenues and salary savings. This forecast is based upon the best information and
estimates available at this time. Accordingly, the forecast will continue to be subject to
change over the remainder of the fiscal year, meaning there will continue to be influencing
variables that are difficult for staff to estimate, such as development driven revenues and
investment income, as well as the ultimate level of Town services that will be consumed
by fiscal year end.
Historically the Town has budgeted a “salary gapping savings” amount of $150,000 under
the corporate expenses section of the budget. This provision is to recognize that while
salaries in all departments are based on 100% usage, with no staff departures, in reality
there is some staff turnover and periodic vacancies that arise naturally during the year.
For 2019 a share of this amount has now been formally allocated to each operating
department on a pro-rata basis.
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CAO and Council
Council and the Office of the CAO are forecasting to conclude the fiscal year with a minor
favourable variance on a net operating budget of $1,908,200. This variance relates to
advertising savings in Corporate Communications.
Corporate Services
Corporate Services is forecasting to finish the fiscal year in an overall balanced budget
position. This variance is attributable to the inclusion of the Town’s project management
office (PMO) under Corporate Services, offset by savings in animal control shelter costs
and higher than budgeted parking violation revenues. Capital project funding is available
for the funding of the PMO. As there is currently sufficient forecasted savings available
within the Town’s operating budget, staff are presently not forecasting to draw upon these
available funds.
Financial Services
Financial Services is forecasting a $109,600 (6.0 percent) favourable variance on a net
operating budget of $1,838,500 driven almost wholly by salary savings resulting from
vacant position gapping.
Fire Services
Central York Fire Services (CYFS) is forecasting a surplus of $629,000 (2.4 percent) on
a total budget of $27,214,800 as of March 31, 2019. This surplus is mostly attributable
to gapping for retirements, leave of absences, new hires, and other vacancies. Aurora’s
share of this budget and its resultant surplus was $11,062,800 and $254,600,
respectively. This noted CYFS surplus was offset by a contribution to the shared CYFS
Reserve, thus leaving the Town’s forecasted Fire Services requirements as budgeted.
Operational Services
Operational Services excluding water, wastewater & storm water services is forecasting
a minor overall variance on a net operating budget of $9,996,100. Key contributors to
this variance are a deficit in snow management resulting from larger than anticipated
contract and salary costs due to a larger than anticipated number of snow events at the
beginning of 2019 offset by contract, salary and operating material cost savings in park
and road network operations, as well as waste management. If required, the snow
management reserve may be accessed in order to balance any funding short-falls arising
from snow management.
Operational Services’ salaries and wages are split between tax levy and rate (water,
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wastewater & storm water services) funded programs. In any given year, the extent of
operational service staff support of tax levy or rate funded programs is difficult to predict;
consequently some variability in this regard is not unusual.
Community Services
Community Services is forecasting a $353,400 (3.7 percent) favourable variance on a net
operating budget of $9,429,700. The key contributors to this noted variance are salary
savings, projected town facility contract and utility savings.
Also included in this variance are anticipated revenue surpluses totalling $38,450 from
new adult/seniors programs, increase in fitness participation, increased sponsorship,
advertising and grant revenue.
Planning & Development Services
The Planning & Development Services department is forecasting a surplus of $505,300.
The key contributing factor to this favourable variance was heathier than expected
development driven revenue such as engineering fees for lot grading, subdivisions and
site plans. It should be noted that the majority of these revenues arise at the ‘front end’
of a development; consequently, as the Town has almost reached build out for its
designated greenfield areas, these revenues can be expected to decline in future years.
Not included in this variance is a projected Building Services’ surplus of $214,100, as it
is a self-funded function as per provincial legislation. If it is unable to recognize sufficient
revenues to offset its expenses in a given fiscal year, it will draw from its dedicated reserve
in order to balance its operating budget. If it recognizes excess revenues, these revenues
are utilized to replenish its reserve. This year’s forecasted surplus results from salary
savings. As the majority of Building Services’ revenues arise more towards the ‘back end’
of a development, these associated revenues are expected to continue to be strong into
the short term as development initiated earlier through Planning & Development Services
runs its course towards conclusion.
Corporate Revenues & Expenses
Corporate Revenues and Expenses is forecasting a minor surplus on a net operating
budget of $4,378,100. The primary driver of this noted variance is a surplus in penalties
on unpaid property taxes, offset by higher bank charges and contributions to reserves.
Aurora Public Library Contribution
The Aurora Public Library remains on track to spend its full planned requisition from the
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Total Tax Levy
Staff have confirmed that the Town will collect a total of $47,258,500 in tax levy revenue
in 2019, equal to what was budgeted.
Operating Summary
Overall, the Town of Aurora general municipal operations is forecasting a surplus of
$975,800 with no noticeable adverse impacts to service levels. As it is still early in the
2019 fiscal year, this forecasted surplus is at a high risk of being subject to change prior
to year end. Should any surplus remain at fiscal year-end, it will be transferred to the
appropriate town reserve(s) as will be set out in the town’s 2019 surplus control bylaw.
The Operating Budget Summary can be found in Attachment 1.
A utility operations surplus of $415,100 is anticipated.
Utility operations is currently projected to close the year with a favourable budget variance
of $415,100, primarily attributable to anticipated increased revenues and contract
savings. This forecasted variance will continue to be subject to change, particularly over
the summer months, as the average daily temperature and level of rainfall received have
a direct relationship to the volume of water consumed.
The utility operations service line budgets are comprised primarily of fixed operational
costs, funded by the net proceeds from the sale of water, waste water and storm water
services. These fixed operational costs include staff and service maintenance costs
related to maintaining the infrastructure systems, water quality testing, and the billing and
customer service functions. These costs are not directly impacted by the volume of water
flowing through the system. The fixed costs relating to water and waste water are funded
from the net revenues earned by these services which are variable in nature due to the
fact that they are based upon metered water consumption volumes. Storm water
revenues are not subject to the same volatility as the water and waste water service lines.
Should any utility service line surpluses remain at fiscal year-end, they will be moved to
their respective stabilization reserve funds as will be set out in the town’s 2019 surplus
control bylaw.
The utility operations summary can be found in Attachment 2.
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Advisory Committee Review
Not applicable.
Legal Considerations
Financial Implications
The actual resultant annual surplus or deficit in the general operating budget and water /
wastewater budgets will be allocated by Council to / from various reserves at fiscal year-
end as per the Town’s surplus control bylaw. There are no other immediate financial
implications arising from this report. Council fulfills its role, in part, by receiving and
reviewing this financial status report on the operations of the municipality relative to the
approved budget.
Communications Considerations
This report will be posted to the Town’s Budget and Financial Information web page for
transparency and accountability.
Link to Strategic Plan
Outlining and understanding the Town’s present financial status at strategic intervals
throughout the year contributes to achieving the Strategic Plan guiding principle of
“Leadership in Corporate Management” and improves transparency and accountability to
the community.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
Having completed four months of operations, the management team is presently
forecasting to end the year with a favourable budget variance from its tax levy funded
operations of $975,800. This forecast is based upon the best information and estimates
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Attachment 1
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Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. OPS19-016
Subject: Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Skate Park
Prepared by: Sara Tienkamp, Manager Parks & Fleet
Department: Operational Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. OPS19-016 be received; and
2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional approval of Capital Project No.
72281 – AFLC Skate Park in the amount of $600,000.
Executive Summary
This report provides information to satisfy the conditional approval of Capital project
No.72281 and seeks Council approval to proceed with AFLC Skate Park replacement.
• Engineering consultant retained in 2018 to investigate deterioration of AFLC
Skate Park recommends replacement.
• Skate park facility highly utilized and will continue to pose safety risk to users if
not mitigated.
In November 2013, the Town of Aurora engaged Jasper Construction to commence
renovation work at the AFLC. The work included the construction of a new large skate
park facility. After delays and various issues associated with the project, the skate facility
was opened to the public in spring of 2015.
Following the winter of 2015, issues with the concrete surfacing of the skate park
appeared almost immediately after construction including:
• significant cracking believed to be the retention of water underneath the concrete
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• delaminating of concrete surface;
• water was not draining properly through drains; and
• poor grading and possible incorrect installation of facility.
Engineering Consultant retained in 2018 to investigate deterioration of AFLC
Skate Park recommends replacement.
In 2018, the Community Services Department retained the services of Greenview
Environmental Management Ltd. to investigate the deterioration and provide remedial
alternatives and associated costs.
The research by Greenview included reviewing the design and construction documents,
subsurface analysis, measuring of groundwater, concrete sampling and strength testing
and overall construction methods. This research found critical deficiencies related to
design and construction:
• an insufficient layer of free-draining aggregate material to avoid the collection of
water underneath the concrete slab;
• an insufficient amount of rebar reinforcement installed in the concrete; and
• concrete not meeting the required strength requirements.
As such, Greenview recommended the Town replace the skate park with a properly
engineered and constructed structure to ensure safe, long term, recreational use of the
facility with minimal ongoing maintenance costs and risk.
Skate park facility highly utilized and will continue to pose safety risk to users if
not mitigated.
The skate park receives a high amount of traffic daily as it is a large facility, designed to
provide users with different abilities, challenges in the sport.
The cracking and delaminating of the concrete lend to an uneven and rough skate
surface, increasing the risk of injury to users, as skateboard wheels require a smooth
level surface to travel. In addition pooling water also poses a threat to patrons.
Staff continue to patch and grind the concrete deficiencies, utilizing various measures
and methods to help mitigate the ongoing problems and reduce risk to users. The
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concrete issues will persist from the frost, till the water, drainage and concrete strength/
reinforcement are rectified.
The skate park is inspected daily, April through November by parks staff ensuring the
facility is safe for use as per the Park Maintenance Standard Service Levels.
Advisory Committee Review
Not applicable.
Legal Considerations
The Town has a duty to maintain the Skate Park. Failure to do so may result in claims
against the Town. To date, the Town has not received any claims in regard to the Skate
Financial Implications
The AFLC Skate Park project received conditional budget approval and funding in the
2019 Capital Budget. This report is to lift the condition, allowing the project to
Communications Considerations
The Town of Aurora will inform the public of any closures as a result of the capital
project by posting to social media, the Town website and having appropriate signage at
the site.
Link to Strategic Plan
This project supports the Strategic Plan Goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of
Life for all by improving transportation, mobility and connectivity. This project maintains
a well-managed and fiscally responsible Municipality.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
1. Council may chose not to approve Capital Project No 72281 for the replacement of
the skate park. This will pose ongoing safety concerns and lead to the potential
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Expenditures Total
3$5.65 55(6(59(&217
Funding Total
Total Over (Under) Funded
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September 30, 2018
Greenview File: 166.18.008
13 Commerce Court
Bancroft, Ontario
Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
135 Industrial Parkway North
Aurora, Ontario
Attachment #2
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page i
September 2018
Executive Summary
The Skate Park at the Town of Aurora’s Family Leisure Complex on Industrial Parkway North was constructed in
2014. In recent years, the Town has observed cracking of the concrete and water ponding issues.
The Town of Aurora retained Steenhof Mechanical and Electrical Services Inc. and subconsultant Greenview
Environmental Management Limited as their civil and structural subconsultant specialist, to investigate the observed
issues, and provide remedial alternatives and associated cost estimates to address the issues.
The deficiency investigations included: background information review, design and construction documentation
review, subsurface investigations, groundwater measurements, in-situ concrete sampling and strength testing, and
in-situ scanning of the existing concrete’s construction. The results of the investigations and testing indicate a
number of critical deficiencies related to both the design and construction of the Skate Park.
The design failed to account for the underlying frost-susceptible soils and did not provide adequate engineering
controls to permit drainage from under the Skate Park’s concrete works to suitable outlets. As a result, cracking
from frost heaving and/or resultant settlement of the concrete has occurred. The concrete’s strength (i.e. concrete
class) was incorrectly specified as compared to acceptable standards.
The deficiencies in construction include the failure to install sufficient free-draining, non-frost-susceptible granular
bedding below the concrete, insufficient concrete reinforcement per the design, the failure to supply and install the
designed thickness and/or strength of concrete required for the intended use, and the failure to manage local
stormwater infiltration on and around the vicinity of the Skate Park. Based on background records provided by the
Town, monitoring and inspection of the construction was absent.
The observed deficiencies and associated findings of the investigation and testing work could be addressed in one
of two approaches. Remedial efforts could be undertaken to the existing Skate Park to mitigate further issues and
deterioration of site conditions, with enhanced maintenance. The initial remedial cost for repairs is estimated in the
range of $200,000 to $300,000. Due to the nature of the Skate Park’s existing construction, the repairs are not
expected to address all issues, and may not fully address all deficiencies in the long-term.
The replacement of the Skate Park, including the establishment of drainage measures to manage surface flows
from adjacent areas, would address all deficiencies and provide a long-term solution with the cost estimated in the
range of $400,000 to $600,000.
Greenview recommends that the Town replace the Skate Park, and in doing so, implement the proper engineering
controls and standard that would provide the Town with safe, long-term, recreational use of the facility with minimal
ongoing maintenance cost and risk.
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Skate Park Review Report
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September 2018
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction _______________________________________________________________________ 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Methodology ______________________________________________________________________ 2
2.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Site Investigations and Testing .............................................................................................................. 2
2.2.1 General Approach ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 Subsurface Investigation ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 In-Situ Material Investigation ......................................................................................................... 3
3.0 Results ___________________________________________________________________________ 4
3.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Subsurface Investigations ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1 Borehole Investigations ................................................................................................................. 4
3.2.2 Groundwater Investigations .......................................................................................................... 4
3.3 In-Situ Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3.1 Concrete Investigations ................................................................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Base Materials .............................................................................................................................. 5
4.0 Discussion ________________________________________________________________________ 6
4.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Remedial Alternatives ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.2.1 Repair Skate Park ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Replace Skate Park ...................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Recommendations _________________________________________________________________ 9
6.0 Closing __________________________________________________________________________ 10
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List of Figures
Figure 1 Regional Location Plan
Figure 2 Borehole and Sampling Location Plan
List of Appendices
Appendix A Geotechnical Investigation and Concrete Core Testing Assessment of Skate Park Concrete
Cracking, Aurora Family Leisure Complex, 135 Industrial Parkway North, Town of Aurora, Soil
Engineers Ltd., August 2, 2018
Appendix B Photograph Log
Appendix C Statement of Qualifications and Limitations
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 1
September 2018
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
The Skate Park is part of the Town of Aurora’s (Town) Aurora Family Leisure Complex, located on Industrial
Parkway North in the Town of Aurora (Figure 1). The Skate Park was constructed in 2014 as part of a major
renovation of the Complex. The area surrounding the Skate Park consists of a site access road and sidewalk to
the west, a parking lot to the south, a landscaped area to the east and the Complex building and entrance
sidewalk to the north (Figure 2).
Since construction in 2014, the Town has observed significant cracking of the in-situ concrete and water pooling
within the Skate Park. The Town retained Steenhof Mechanical & Electrical Services (SMES) as prime
consultant, whom retained Greenview Environmental Management Limited (Greenview) as a civil/structural
subconsultant, to investigate and determine the cause of the deficiencies and make recommendations for
remedial measures.
As a preliminary phase in reviewing the observed deficiencies at the facility, Greenview provided an initial report
identifying several potential issues associated with the design and construction of the Skate Park (Deficiency
Review, June 14, 2018). Greenview’s initial report recommended that site intrusive investigations and destructive
testing be undertaken to qualify and quantify the extent of the deficiencies identified, prior to recommending
remedial alternatives.
1.2 Purpose and Scope
Greenview was retained to identify the cause of the observed deficiencies within the Skate Park and provide
remedial alternatives and associated cost estimates for the Town’s consideration in addressing the deficiencies.
The scope of this report is summarized generally as follows:
1. Describe the methodology employed for intrusive investigations and destructive testing for the project.
2. Summarize the results of the intrusive investigations and related testing.
3. Discuss the results of the in-field testing and identify causation of the deficiencies observed.
4. Identify remedial alternatives to address the deficiencies within the Skate Park.
5. Provide cost estimates for the remedial alternatives identified.
6. Provide recommendations to the Town to address the Skate Park’s deficiencies.
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
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September 2018
2.0 Methodology
2.1 Background
As noted above, Greenview has undertaken an initial review of the deficiencies observed at the Skate Park, and
the results and recommendations are presented in that report.
For this more comprehensive study, the provided background and design documentation for the initial study has
been referenced. The documentation provided includes:
1. Site photographs taken post-construction on May 16, 2018 (refer to attached Photograph Log).
2. Drawings by Hardcore Skateparks dated July 31, 2013.
3. Detailed Skate Park drawings sealed by GS Engineering Consultants Inc. dated August 25, 2014.
4. Issued for Construction site servicing plan (SS-1) and removal and grading plan (G-1) prepared by
Gerrits Engineering dated July 12, 2013.
5. Field density test results letter prepared during construction by Soil Engineers Ltd. dated April 23, 2014.
6. Contract change notice documentation for site servicing addendum dated May 2014.
7. Site servicing inspection reports prepared during construction by Gerrits Engineering dated March 2014
to April 2014.
8. Site meeting minutes prepared during construction by Jasper Construction dated February 2014 to
February 2015.
9. Additional selected as-built drawings provided by the Town.
10. Site photographs taken during Skate Park construction as provided by the Town.
2.2 Site Investigations and Testing
2.2.1 General Approach
The general methodology employed for on-site investigations and testing is as follows:
1. On-site, advance three (3) boreholes, and in these locations construct three (3) groundwater
piezometers around the perimeter of the Skate Park at select locations, to a maximum depth of 5.0m
below ground surface.
2. Advance and collect up to ten (10) concrete cores and underlying granular/soil samples at locations
across the concrete surfaces of the Skate Park, with primary focus on the two (2) bowl areas and any
other areas of concern.
3. Measure/document the location of the new boreholes/piezometers, and concrete core locations, using
established survey control at the site, provided by the Owner/Client.
4. Analyse soil, concrete, and other collected materials for their properties, classifications, strength and
related characteristics pertinent to the objectives of the study.
Upon acceptance of the consultant recommendation by the Town, Greenview retained Soil Engineers Ltd. to
assist with the above noted testing and provide focused geotechnical and material testing recommendations.
Soil Engineers issued a report of their findings dated August 2, 2018 (Appendix A).
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Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
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September 2018
2.2.2 Subsurface Investigation
The subsurface investigations were performed on-site on June 25, 2018, which included advancing boreholes in
overburden for analysis and to install piezometers for groundwater level measurement and monitoring. Three
(3) boreholes were advanced around the perimeter of the Skate Park in locations dictated by Greenview, located
as shown on Figure 2. The boreholes were advanced to a typical minimum depth of 5.0m below ground surface
and representative soil samples were obtained at specific intervals for laboratory testing and classification. A
Standard Penetration Test was performed at each interval, as outlined in the geotechnical report (Appendix A).
A 25mm piezometer was installed in each of the three boreholes, for groundwater elevation monitoring. The
water level in each piezometer was measured twice daily during the three days of field investigations, and again
on July 17, 2018. Greenview surveyed the top of each piezometer casing, referencing on-site benchmarks from
background documentation, to convert measured groundwater levels to elevations.
2.2.3 In-Situ Material Investigation
The in-situ material investigations performed on-site on June 26, 2018 and June 27, 2018, included scanning the
existing concrete skate park works for encased reinforcement (rebar), collecting concrete core samples for
measurement and testing, and observing the in-situ material below the concrete. A sub-scanner detection tool
was used to identify the location and depth of rebar within the Skate Park’s concrete slabs and structures.
General reinforcement layout was noted. Nine (9) concrete core samples were obtained across the Skate Park
in pre-selected locations by Greenview. Once cored, the concrete samples were measured and visually
inspected on-site and taken to the laboratory for compressive strength testing. The base material below the
concrete at each core location was visually reviewed on-site. The base granular material was generally noted,
and its thickness was measured, and the sub-base material was also noted.
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3.0 Results
3.1 General
This section summarizes the key findings from the subsurface and in-situ material investigations performed at
the Skate Park facility. The results summarized in this section are a combination of Greenview’s field
measurements and observations, and laboratory test results provided by Soil Engineers (refer to Appendix A).
Results have been compared to the original design drawings provided by the Owner, and other applicable
3.2 Subsurface Investigations
The subsurface investigations performed on-site, included drilling boreholes for soil collection and analysis, and
the installation of piezometers for groundwater level monitoring. Section 3.2.1 summarizes the properties and
classification of the soil collected in each of the three boreholes. Section 3.2.2 lists the static ground water
elevations measured in the piezometers.
3.2.1 Borehole Investigations
The results of the borehole investigations indicated that a silty-clay fill material was encountered below the
surficial topsoil (Appendix A). The fill material was underlain by a very stiff, native clay material. Silty clay is
highly frost-susceptible and has low permeability. The moisture content of the soil in each borehole was very
moist to wet.
3.2.2 Groundwater Investigations
Following the installation of the piezometers, groundwater levels were measured twice daily from June 25 to 27,
2018. Further, on July 17, 2018, representative static groundwater levels were measured, and are presented in
Table 1 below. From the measured groundwater levels and converted elevations, the interpreted direction of
groundwater flow is from west to east. Based on the groundwater elevation data in Table 1 and the site elevation
data provided by the Town (Figure 2), the static groundwater table exceeds 2m below the Skate Park existing
ground surface.
Table 1: Static Ground Water Elevations - Measured July 17, 2018
Location Ground Elevation
Static Groundwater
Elevation (m) Difference (m)
BH-1 256.26 253.26 3.0
BH-2 257.02 253.12 3.9
BH-3 255.78 252.98 2.8
3.3 In-Situ Materials
The in-situ material investigations performed on-site included scanning the concrete for reinforcement, collecting
concrete core samples for measurements and testing, and visual review of the base granular materials below
the concrete.
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3.3.1 Concrete Investigations
Scanning the concrete for the location, orientation and embedment of the reinforcement revealed that the existing
rebar layout does not conform to the layout specified in the drawings. The drawings specified 305mm (12”)
spacing of rebar in both directions in the curved sections of the concrete bowls and ramps; however, there is
limited to no rebar in these areas. The reinforcement layout within the floor areas of the Skate Park appeared to
generally reflect the required layout indicated on the drawings. It is noted from the design drawings that the
curved ramp sections of the Skate Park were to be pre-cast elements; however, photographs taken during
construction show cast-in-place concrete construction (Appendix B).
As noted in Greenview’s initial report, there was a discrepancy in the required strength of concrete to be used for
the Skate Park’s construction. Table 2 summarizes the results of the compressive strength testing and the
measured, as-constructed, concrete thickness. The compressive strength varies significantly, with the lowest
strength being 28.7MPa and highest being 66.8MPa. Further, the thickness of the concrete varies, with cores in
the areas of CH-7 and CH-8 being less than the design requirement of 150mm.
Table 2: Concrete Core Results
CH-1 51.9 180 170 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-2 49.4 175 85 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-3 47.7 180 210 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-4 36.7 190 170 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-5 33.8 165 215 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-6 28.7 180 0 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-7 50.9 140 210 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-8 66.8 130 210 Predominantly silty clay base
CH-9 39.3 155 195 Predominantly silty clay base
3.3.2 Base Materials
The base materials observed directly below the concrete appeared to be a mix of aggregate, concrete chips and
silty clay. No base material was encountered directly below the concrete slab in the south ramp, in the location
of CH-6. From field observations, it appears that the specific installation of a free-draining granular base material
was absent across the Skate Park area.
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4.0 Discussion
4.1 General
Based on the results summarized in Section 3.0, provided documentation and visual observations, Greenview
provides the following summary related to the predominant sources of the observed deficiencies at the Skate
The results of the geotechnical investigation for the soil materials indicate that the soil below the Skate Park, is
primarily silty clay. Silty clay is a poorly-draining, highly frost-susceptible soil and is not typically used as a base
material in climates where frost/freezing occurs. Silty clay expands when saturated or frozen, and contracts
when drained or thawed. A structure built on silty clay will, therefore, be subject to heave and settlement, based
on climatic conditions. A sufficiently thick, free-draining base layer is required below a concrete structure to
minimize the effects of the expanding and contracting soil. The investigations reveal that the base material in
several areas below the concrete is less than the specified 200mm thickness, leaving the concrete susceptible
to the silty clay soil’s heaving and settlement action, which can result in concrete damage. It is noted that the
background design documentation indicates some level of granular base to be installed below the concrete;
however, its specification and extent is inconsistent and unclear.
The subsurface investigations also considered the potential effects of groundwater relative to the Skate Park
deficiencies. Groundwater elevation data measured from the piezometer locations around the perimeter of the
Skate Park revealed that the static groundwater level is approximately 2m below the Skate Park surface. This
information indicates that groundwater does not likely have a negative impact on the Skate Park. The water
pooling observed on top of the concrete the south west corner of the Skate Park is likely due to seepage out of
the adjacent landscaped area, after precipitation events.
With respect to the concrete, scanning of the in-situ concrete for the presence of reinforcement resulted in a
significant discrepancy between as-built conditions and design drawings. As noted in Section 3.3.1, there is
limited to no rebar in sections of the concrete. Without reinforcement, any heaving or settlement of the structure
would most likely result in concrete cracking. Further, there are areas of the Skate Park where the concrete does
not meet the minimum concrete compressive strength requirements in accordance with CSA A23.1 which
dictates that the concrete’s compressive strength should be a minimum of 30MPa (Class F-1 or C-1 exposure
classes), as the Skate Park is subject to freeze-thaw action, and the concrete was to be reinforced. The concrete
test results indicated that the south ramp area (CH-6, Figure 2) does not meet this minimum requirement. The
design drawings, however, indicate that concrete slabs were to meet a strength of 4000psi (28MPa), which was
met in all areas of the Skate Park. It is also noted that the concrete strength varies significantly, from 28.7MPa
to 66.8MPa, which indicates a lack of quality control.
Underlying the concrete, there should have been a sufficient layer of free-draining aggregate material that would
permit the flow of any moisture/water occurring below the slab to be drained, to avoid collection and subsequent
frost impacts on the overlying concrete. The results of the study indicate that there was minimal to no free-
draining base aggregate material installed below the concrete, which would result in the opportunity for moisture
to collect underneath the concrete and freeze during cold conditions. The resultant frost heaving action would
then be imposed on the concrete above, and settlement during thaw conditions. The heaving and settlement
action, coupled with a lack of concrete reinforcement, would result in cracking of the concrete.
Adjacent to the Skate Park itself, are the larger facility’s concrete sidewalks along the north and west sides.
These sidewalks are sloped to the south and east respectively, directing precipitation towards the Skate Park.
The north and west sides of the Skate Park have open landscaped areas, which would permit infiltration of the
precipitation into the ground, and beneath the Skate Park itself.
Overall, the key conclusions with respect to the cause of the observed deficiencies at the Skate Park are as
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1. Based on provided information, the design and engineering of the materials underlying the concrete
Skate Park are flawed. The design generally fails to provide the necessary engineering controls to limit
the potential impacts of freeze-thaw conditions on the materials specified for the Skate Park.
2. The overall quality of construction of the Skate Park does not meet an acceptable standard. The noted
absences of granular base material below the concrete, and concrete reinforcement are a significant
contributor to the observed deficiencies.
3. The absence of proper site grading and stormwater management works adjacent and related to the
Skate Park, and the resultant infiltration of precipitation into the Skate Park soils is the primary source
of moisture, and resultant cracking from concrete heaving and settlement due to frost.
4.2 Remedial Alternatives
Based on the determined causation of the deficiencies, Greenview offers the following remedial alternatives for
the Town’s consideration.
4.2.1 Repair Skate Park
The repair of the Skate Park is possible, however, is considered to be potentially short-term and may not fully
address all noted deficiencies. The repairs could include:
1. The construction of stormwater management works/measures that would intercept and/or collect and direct
water away from the Skate Park. The interceptor feature would be constructed along the perimeter of the
Skate Park such that it would intercept overland flows from adjacent areas (sidewalks, etc.), and direct it to
a proper outlet feature. Further, subsurface water collection features could be installed in strategic locations
under the concrete to promote underslab drainage and permit water to outlet away from the Skate Park.
2. Complete superficial concrete repairs such as sealing cracks and patching delaminated surfaces.
This repair remedial option is not expected to fully address all noted issues within the Skate Park. The concrete
reinforcement deficiencies, and the practical inability to properly install a free-draining material below all concrete
areas will not fully address the impacts of frost heaving and subsequent settlement. The effectiveness of the
repairs would be evaluated via visual inspection, and any observed changes in the existing cracking or other
Subject to a design review, Greenview estimates the cost to undertake the noted measures, and repairs in the
range of $200,000 to $300,000.
4.2.2 Replace Skate Park
As noted above, the repair of the Skate Park is not expected to address all noted (and potential future)
deficiencies. To address all issues, the alternative of replacing the Skate Park is proposed, which would include:
1. Removal all concrete structures and slabs, and ancillary elements (retaining walls, etc.) within the Skate
Park area.
2. Modify existing stormwater/drainage works near the Skate Park to account for existing drainage patterns
and issues.
3. Remove unsuitable soils within the Skate Park to the appropriate extents to promote subsurface drainage,
restrict the impacts of frost, and support the finish Skate Park facility, as designed.
4. Reconstruct the Skate Park (existing or new design) with appropriate construction quality controls and
assurance monitoring.
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5. For all of the above, provide the appropriate design and engineering drawings, specifications, and related
expectations to ensure the replacement facilities can be used as intended, and meet their anticipated service
With the understanding of the existing issues, the replacement remedial alternative is expected to address all
existing (and future potential) deficiencies of the existing facility.
The Town’s original cost to construct the existing facility was reported as $325,270 at the end of construction in
2014. With demolition and new facility construction, including design, engineering, and contract administration,
the estimated cost for replacement is estimated in the range of $400,000 to $600,000.
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5.0 Recommendations
Based on the extent of the deficiencies and the anticipated cost of maintaining the existing facility for continued
and safe use by the public, Greenview recommends that the Town replace the existing Skate Park.
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6.0 Closing
We trust this submission meets with your expectation in considering alternatives to move this project forward.
Greenview would be pleased to meet with you to review the content of this report and recommended next steps.
This report and its findings are governed by the attached statement of service qualifications and limitations
(Appendix C).
All respectfully submitted by,
Greenview Environmental Management Limited
Tyler H. Peters, P.Eng.
Senior Project Engineer
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Appendix A
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August 2, 2018 Reference No. 1806-S126
Page 1 of 10
Greenview Environmental Management
13 Commerce Court
Bancroft, Ontario
K0L 1C0
Attention: Mr. Tyler Peters, P.Eng.
Re: Geotechnical Investigation and Concrete Core Testing
Assessement of Skate Park Concrete Cracking
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
135 Industrial Parkway North
Town of Aurora
Dear Sir:
Further to your authorization sent by email dated June 20, 2018, and Purchase
Order No. 166.18.008-01, a geotechnical investigation and concrete core samples
extraction have been carried out at the subject site to assist in the investigation of
concrete cracking of the existing skate park. Our findings and recommendations
are presented herein.
The field work, consisting of three (3) boreholes to a depth 5.1 m and nine (9)
concrete cores was performed on June 25 to 27, 2018, at the locations shown on the
Borehole and Corehole Location Plan, Drawing No. 1. Upon completion of the
borehole drilling and sampling, three (3) 25-mm piezometers were installed to a
depth of 4.5 m below the prevailing ground surface, for groundwater monitoring.
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The boreholes were advanced at intervals to the sampling depths by a compact,
track-mounted continuous-flight power-auger machine equipped for soil sampling.
Standard Penetration Tests, using the procedures described on the enclosed “List
of Abbreviations and Terms”, were performed at the sampling depths. The test
results are recorded as the Standard Penetration Resistance
(or ‘N’ values) of the subsoil. The relative density of the granular strata and the
consistency of the cohesive strata are inferred from the ‘N’ values. Split-spoon
samples were recovered for soil classification and laboratory testing.
The field work was supervised and the findings were recorded by a Geotechnical
The sampling depths and the depth of the soil strata changes were referred to the
prevailing ground surface at each of the borehole locations.
Detailed description of the encountered subsurface conditions is presented on the
Borehole Logs, Figures 1 to 3, inclusive. The revealed stratigraphy is plotted on
the Subsurface Profile, Drawing No. 2.
The investigation has revealed that beneath a veneer of topsoil and a layer of earth
fill extending to depths ranging from 2.5r to 4.5r m below the prevailing ground
surface, the site is generally underlain by a stratum of firm to very stiff silty clay.
Topsoil (All Boreholes)
The revealed topsoil is 10 cm thick. The topsoil is dark brown in colour,
indicating it contains appreciable amounts of roots and humus. These materials
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are unstable and compressible under loads; therefore, the topsoil is considered to
be void of engineering value.
Earth Fill (All Boreholes)
The earth fill generally consists of silty clay with traces of sand, gravel, and
topsoil. It extends to depths of 2.5r to 4.5r m below the prevailing ground
The water content of the fill samples was determined, and the results are plotted
on the borehole logs; the values range from 16% to 31%, with a median of 22%,
indicating that the fill is in a very moist to wet, being generally in wet condition.
The obtained ‘N’ values range from 2 to 25, with a median of 11 blows per 30 cm
of penetration, indicating that the relative density of the fill is loose to compact,
being generally compact. The loose density is restricted to the surficial layer of
the fill.
Grain size analyses were performed on 3 representative samples of the fill material
and the results are plotted on Figure 4.
The engineering properties of the inorganic fill are generally similar to those of the
silty clay discussed in the following section.
Silty Clay (All Boreholes)
The silty clay was contacted below the earth fill. It is laminated with silt and
occasional fine sand layers, showing that the soil is a lacustrine deposit.
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The obtained ‘N’ values range from 7 to 21, with a median of 18 blows per 30 cm
of penetration. This indicates that the consistency of the clay is firm to very stiff,
being generally very stiff.
The Atterberg Limits of a representative sample and the natural water content of
all the samples were determined. The results are plotted on the Borehole Logs and
summarized below:
Liquid Limit 26%
Plastic Limit 16%
Plasticity Index 10%
Natural Water Content 21% to 27% (median 24%)
The above results show that the silty clay is a cohesive material with low plasticity.
The natural water content of the samples was found to be between its liquid and
plastic limits, confirming the consistency of the clay as determined by the ‘N’
A grain size analysis was performed on a representative sample; the result is
plotted on Figure 5.
Based on the above, the soil engineering properties pertaining to the project are
given below:
x High frost susceptibility and soil-adfreezing potential.
x Low water erodibility.
x Low permeability, with an estimated coefficient of permeability of
10-8 cm/sec, an estimated percolation rate of more than 80 min/cm and
runoff coefficients of:
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0% - 2% 0.15
2% - 6% 0.20
6% + 0.28
x A cohesive-frictional soil, its shear strength is derived from consistency and
augmented by the internal friction of the silt. Its shear strength is moisture
x A very poor pavement-supportive material, with an estimated California
Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of less than 3%.
x Moderately high corrosivity to buried metal, with an estimated electrical
resistivity of 2500 ohmcm.
The boreholes were checked for the presence of groundwater, groundwater seepage
and/or the occurrence of cave-in upon the completion of the field work. The levels
are plotted on the Borehole Logs and listed in the following table.
BH No.
Depth (m)
Soil Colour
Changes Brown
to Grey
During Augering
Cave-in* Level
On Completion
Depth (m) Depth (m) Amount Depth (m)
1 5.1 5.1+1.5 Some 1.8
2 5.1 5.1+3.0 Some 2.8
3 5.1 5.1+- - Dry
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As shown above, groundwater was measured at depths of 1.8r m and 2.8r m from
the prevailing ground surface upon completion of the field work in Boreholes 1
and 2. Borehole 3 remained dry upon completion of the field work. The
measured levels are derived from infiltrated precipitation trapped in the voids of
the earth fill, as well as from the groundwater regime of the site and are subject to
seasonal fluctuations.
The groundwater yield from the silty clay, due to its low permeability, is expected
to be small in rate and limited in quantity
Nine (9) concrete cores have been extracted from the skate park floor slab for
unconfined compressive strength test. The core locations are shown on the
Borehole and Corehole Location Plan, Drawing No. 1. The cores have been tested
in accordance with CSA – A23.2 – 9C/14C. The test results are summarized in
the following table and are enclosed in the Appendix.
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Strength (MPa)
Average Core Depth and Remarks
SubgradeDepth (mm) Remarks
1 51.9
180 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill170Granular
350 Total
2 49.4
175 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill85Granular
260 Total
3 47.7
180 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill210Granular
390 Total
4 36.7
190 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill170Granular
360 Total
5 33.8
165 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill215Granular
380 Total
6 28.7
180 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill0 Granular
180 Total
7 50.9
140 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill210Granular
350 Total
8 66.8
130 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill210Granular
340 Total
9 39.3
155 Concrete
Silty Clay Fill195Granular
350 Total
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Based on the findings, the geotechnical considerations pertaining to the
assessment and/or remediation of the skate park concrete cracking concerns are
presented herein:
x The subgrade generally consists of silty clay material which is high in frost
heave and soil-adfreezing potential, and one must realize that the ground will
heave during the cold weather. Therefore, the slab-on-grade in open areas
should be designed to tolerate frost heave. In areas where ground movement
due to frost heave cannot be tolerated, the slab-on-grade, must be constructed
on a free-draining granular base, 0.3 to 1.2 m thick, depending on the degree of
tolerance for movement. Alternatively, the slab-on-grade, should be insulated
with 50-mm Styrofoam, or equivalent.
x The grading around the skate park slab-on-grade must be such that it directs
runoff away from the structure.
x A proper drainage, consisting of filter-sleeved weepers should be installed
beneath the floor slab, and should be connected to catch basins and storm
manholes. The invert of the subdrains should be at least 0.3 m beneath the
underside of the granular base and should be backfilled with free-draining
granular material. Along the perimeter where surface runoff may drain onto
the pavement, an intercept subdrain should be installed to prevent seepage into
the granular bases, since this may weaken the subgrade and will inflict frost
damage on the concrete slab.
x A Modulus of Subgrade Reaction of 20 MPa/m can be used for the design of
the concrete slab constructed on a 200 mm thick granular base of 20-mm
Crusher-Run Limestone, or equivalent.
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The recommended soil parameters for the project design are given in Table 6.
Unit Weight and Bulk Factor
Unit Weight
Bulk Factor
Bulk Loose Compacted
Earth Fill 21.0 1.20 1.00
Silty Clay 20.5 1.30 1.05
Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficients
K a
At Rest
K o
K p
Earth Fill (compacted) and
Silty Clay 0.40 0.50 2.50
This report was prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd. for the account of Greenview
Environmental Management, and review by the designed agents, financial
institutions, and government agencies. Use of the report is subject to the
conditions and limitations of the contractual agreement. The material in the report
reflects the judgment of Basim Al Ali, P.Eng., and Daniel Man, P.Eng., in light of
the information available to it at the time of preparation. Any use which a Third
Party makes of this report, and/or any reliance on decisions to be made based on it
are the responsibility of such Third Parties. Soil Engineers Ltd. accepts no
responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any Third Party as a result of
decisions made or actions based on this report.
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The abbreviations and terms commonly employed on the borehole logs and figures, and in the text of the
report, are as follows:
AS Auger sample
CS Chunk sample
DO Drive open (split spoon)
DS Denison type sample
FS Foil sample
RC Rock core (with size and percentage
ST Slotted tube
TO Thin-walled, open
TP Thin-walled, piston
WS Wash sample
Dynamic Cone Penetration Resistance:
A continuous profile showing the number of
blows for each foot of penetration of a
2-inch diameter, 90° point cone driven by a
140-pound hammer falling 30 inches.
Plotted as ‘x ’
Standard Penetration Resistance or ‘N’ Value:
The number of blows of a 140-pound
hammer falling 30 inches required to
advance a 2-inch O.D. drive open sampler
one foot into undisturbed soil.
Plotted as ‘{’
WH Sampler advanced by static weight
PH Sampler advanced by hydraulic pressure
PM Sampler advanced by manual pressure
NP No penetration
Cohesionless Soils:
‘N’ (blows/ft)Relative Density
0 to 4 very loose
4to10 loose
10 to 30 compact
30 to 50 dense
over 50 very dense
Cohesive Soils:
Undrained Shear
Strength (ksf) ‘N’ (blows/ft)Consistency
less than 0.25 0 to 2 very soft
0.25 to 0.50 2 to 4 soft
0.50 to 1.0 4 to 8 firm
1.0 to 2.0 8 to 16 stiff
2.0 to 4.0 16 to 32 very stiff
over 4.0 over 32 hard
Method of Determination of Undrained
Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils:
x 0.0 Field vane test in borehole; the number
denotes the sensitivity to remoulding
U Laboratory vane test
Compression test in laboratory
For a saturated cohesive soil, the undrained
shear strength is taken as one half of the
undrained compressive strength
1 ft = 0.3048 metres 1 inch = 25.4 mm
1lb = 0.454 kg 1ksf = 47.88 kPa
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Reference No: 1806-S126U.S. BUREAU OF SOILS CLASSIFICATIONCOARSEUNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATIONCOARSEProject: Skate Park Concrete Cracking InvestigationBH./Sa. 1/4 2/2 6/4Location: Aurora Family Leisure ComplexLiquid Limit (%) = - - -135 Industrial Parkway North, Town of AuroraPlastic Limit (%) =---Borehole No: 1 2 3Plasticity Index (%) = - - -Sample No: 3 2 5Moisture Content (%) = 10 8 7Depth (m): 1.8 1.0 3.3Estimated Permeability Elevation (m): - - -(cm./sec.) =10-710-710-6Classification of Sample [& Group Symbol]: BH.1/Sa.3 and BH.2/Sa.2 - SILTY CLAY FILL, a trace of sand to sandy and a trace to some gravelBH.3/Sa.5 - FILL, SILT, some sandSILT & CLAYFigure: 4
COARSEMEDIUMFINECLAYSANDMEDIUMFINEGRAVELGRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIONSANDV. FINEGRAVELSILTCOARSEFINEFINE3" 2-1/2" 2" 1-1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 4 8 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 270 32501020304050607080901000.0010.010.1110100Percent PassingGrain Size in millimetersBH.1/Sa.3BH.2/Sa.2BH.3/Sa.5General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item C2 Page 38 of 53
Soil Engineers Ltd.Reference No: 1806-S126U.S. BUREAU OF SOILS CLASSIFICATIONCOARSEUNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATIONCOARSEProject: Skate Park Concrete Cracking InvestigationLocation: Aurora Family Leisure ComplexLiquid Limit (%) = 26135 Industrial Parkway North, Town of AuroraPlastic Limit (%) = 16Borehole No: 1Plasticity Index (%) = 10Sample No: 6Moisture Content (%) = -Depth (m): 4.8Estimated Permeability Elevation (m): -(cm./sec.) =10-8Classification of Sample [& Group Symbol]: SILTY CLAY, a trace of fine sandGRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIONSANDV. FINEGRAVELSILTCOARSEFINEFINESILT & CLAYFigure: 5
COARSEMEDIUMFINECLAYSANDMEDIUMFINEGRAVEL3" 2-1/2" 2" 1-1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 4 8 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 270 32501020304050607080901000.0010.010.1110100Percent PassingGrain Size in millimetersGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item C2 Page 39 of 53
BOREHOLE AND COREHOLE LOCATION PLANREF. NO.:1806-S126 DWG NO. 1 DATE August 2018LegendCorehole LocationBorehole LocationScale: 1:250BH1BH2BH3CH1CH2CH3CH4 CH5CH6CH7CH8CH9AURORA FAMILY LEISURE COMPLEXGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item C2 Page 40 of 53
68%685)$&(352),/('5$:,1*126&$/($66+2:16$XJXVW6NDWH3DUN&RQFUHWH&UDFNLQJ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ$XURUD)DPLO\/HLVXUH&RPSOH[,QGXVWULDO3DUNZD\1RUWK7RZQRI$XURUD72362,/),//6,/7<&/$<:$7(5/(9(/(1'2)'5,//,1* &$9(,1 :$7(5/(9(/67$%,/,=('General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item C2 Page 41 of 53
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Appendix B
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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Item C2
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 1
September 2018
Photograph Log
Photo 1 (Looking N): General view of Skate Park.
Photo 2 (Looking S): General view of Skate Park.
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Item C2
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 2
September 2018
Photograph Log
Photo 3 (Looking N): Extensive concrete cracking visible in large bowl.
Photo 4 (Looking E): Extensive concrete cracking visible in south section of Skate Park.
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 3
September 2018
Photograph Log
Photo 5 (Looking S): Water ponding observed in the southwest corner of the Skate Park.
Photo 6 (Looking NW): Geotechnical crew advancing BH-2 in northwest landscaped area.
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 4
September 2018
Photograph Log
Photo 7 (Looking N): Geotechnical crew advancing BH-1 along south perimeter of Skate Park.
Photo 8 (Looking N): Concrete core sample (CH-2) removed from large bowl.
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 5
September 2018
Photograph Log
Photo 9 (Looking S): Silty clay found directly below concrete slab in south ramp after CH-6 was removed.
Photo 10 (Looking NW): Rebar sample taken within CH-9.
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Skate Park Review Report
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Town of Aurora
Page 6
September 2018
Photograph Log
Photo 11 (Looking E, Date Unknown): Skate Park during construction. Photo provided by Town.
Photo 12 (Looking E, Date Unknown): Skate Park during construction. Photo provided by Town.
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Appendix C
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Statement of Service Conditions and Limitations
Provision of Services and Payment
Upon documented acceptance of Greenview’s proposed services,
costs and associated terms by the client, Greenview may
commence work on the proposed services directly. Upon retention
of Greenview’s services related to this project, the client agrees to
remit payment for the services rendered for the specified period
within (30) days of receipt as invoiced by Greenview on a typical
monthly basis, unless otherwise arranged between the client and
Greenview. In the event of non-payment by the client, Greenview
reserves the right, without external influence or expense, to
discontinue services and retain any documentation, data, reports,
or other project information until such time as payment is received
by Greenview.
Warranty, Limitations, and Reliance
Greenview relies on background and historical information from the
client to determine the appropriate scope of services to meet the
client’s objectives, in accordance with applicable legislation,
guidelines, industry practices, and accepted methodologies.
Greenview provides its services under the specific terms and
conditions of a specific proposal (and where necessary formal
contract), in accordance with the above requirements and the
Limitations Act 2002, as amended, only.
The hypotheses, results, conclusions, and recommendations
presented in documentation authored by Greenview are founded on
the information provided by the client to Greenview in preparation
for the work. Facts, conditions, and circumstances discovered by
Greenview during the performance of the work requested by the
client are assumed by Greenview to be part of preparatory
information provided by the client as part of the proposal stage of
the project. Greenview assumes that, until notified or discovered
otherwise, that the information provided by, or obtained by
Greenview from, the client is factual, accurate, and represents a
true depiction of the circumstances that exist related to the time of
the work.
Greenview relies on its clients to inform Greenview if there are
changes to any related information to the work. Greenview does
not review, analyze or attempt to verify the accuracy or
completeness of the information or materials provided, or
circumstances encountered, other than in accordance with
applicable accepted industry practice. Greenview will not be
responsible for matters arising from incomplete, incorrect or
misleading information or from facts or circumstances that are not
fully disclosed to or that are concealed from Greenview during the
period that services, work, or documentation preparation was
performed by Greenview.
Facts, conditions, information and circumstances may vary with
time and locations and Greenview’s work is based on a review of
such matters as they existed at the particular time and location
indicated in its documentation. No assurance is made by
Greenview that the facts, conditions, information, circumstances or
any underlying assumptions made by Greenview in connection with
the work performed will not change after the work is completed and
documentation is submitted. If any such changes occur or additional
information is obtained, Greenview should be advised and
requested to consider if the changes or additional information affect
its findings or results.
When preparing documentation, Greenview considers applicable
legislation, regulations, governmental guidelines and policies to the
extent they are within its knowledge, but Greenview is not
qualified to advise with respect to legal matters. The presentation
of information regarding applicable legislation, regulations, not
intended to and should not be interpreted as constituting a legal
opinion concerning the work completed or conditions outlined in a
report. All legal matters should be reviewed and considered by an
appropriately qualified legal practitioner.
Greenview’s services, work and reports are provided solely for the
exclusive use of the client which has retained the services of
Greenview and to which its reports are addressed. Greenview is
not responsible for the use of its services, work or reports by any
other party, or for the reliance on, or for any decision which is made
by any party using the services or work performed by or a report
prepared by Greenview without Greenview’s express written
consent. Any party that uses, relies on, or makes a decision based
on services or work performed by Greenview or a report prepared
by Greenview without Greenview’s express written consent, does
so at its own risk. Except as set out herein, Greenview specifically
disclaims any liability or responsibility to any third party for any loss,
damage, expense, fine, penalty or other such thing which may arise
or result from the use of, reliance on or decision based on any
information, recommendation or other matter arising from the
services, work or reports provided by Greenview.
Site Reviews and Assessments
A site assessment is created using data and information collected
during the investigation of a site and based on conditions
encountered at the time and particular locations at which fieldwork
is conducted. The information, sample results and data collected
represent the conditions only at the specific times at which and at
those specific locations from which the information, samples and
data were obtained and the information, sample results and data
may vary at other locations and times. To the extent that
Greenview’s work or report considers any locations or times other
than those from which information, sample results and data were
specifically received, the work or report is based on a reasonable
extrapolation from such information, sample results and data but the
actual conditions encountered may vary from those based on
Only conditions, and substances, at the site and locations chosen
for study by the client are evaluated; no adjacent or other properties
are evaluated unless specifically requested by the client. Any
physical or other aspects of the site that were not chosen for study
by the client, or any other matter not specifically addressed in a
report prepared by Greenview, are beyond the scope of the work
performed by Greenview and such matters have not been
investigated or addressed.
Greenview provides proposals, reports, assessments, designs, and
any other work for the sole party identified as the client or potential
client in the case of proposals.
For proposals specifically, the information contained therein is
confidential, proprietary information, and shall not be reproduced or
disclosed to any other party than to that of the addressee of the
original proposal submission, without prior written permission of
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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Item C2
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Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. OPS19-017
Subject: Lake-to-Lake Cycling and Walking Trail Agreement
Prepared by: Sara Tienkamp, Manager Parks & Fleet
Department: Operational Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. OPS19-017 be received; and
2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement
between the Town of Aurora and the Regional Municipality of York for the
operation, maintenance and replacement of the Lake-to-Lake Cycling and
Walking Trail within the Regional right-of-way once constructed.
Executive Summary
This report provides information for Council to direct staff to make application, to the
Region, to cost share in the streetscape improvements, and to enter into a formal
• Lake-to-Lake Trail supported by Town of Aurora policies.
• Agreement required with York Region for the Town of Aurora to maintain Lake-to-
Lake Trail within right-of-way.
• Lake-to-Lake Trail works to be completed on Bayview Avenue by fall 2019.
The concept of the Lake-to-Lake route originated as part of the York Region Pedestrian
and Cycling Master Plan (the Plan) in 2008. The Plan recommended the creation of an
on-road and off-road cycling route/walking trail from Lake Simcoe at the northern edge
of the Region of York through the City of Toronto to Lake Ontario in the south. York
Region completed a comprehensive Feasibility and Design Study in 2013 that resulted
in the selection of a preferred route.
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June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Report No. OPS19-017
The Lake-to-Lake route within Aurora will use the existing Tim Jones Trail from the
northern Newmarket/Aurora border to Vandorf Sideroad. The proposed new portion of
Lake-to-Lake will be constructed south of Vandorf Sideroad, on the west side of
Bayview Avenue to Bloomington Road.
Lake-to-Lake Trail supported by Town of Aurora policies.
The Trails Master Plan identifies the preferred Lake-to-Lake route as part of the
interconnected trails network, as well as part of the existing trail (Tim Jones Trail).
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan also provides an overview of trails and the
development of this new connection route is consistent with the strategic priority of
placing a high importance on trail development and maintenance.
Lake-to-Lake Trail works to be completed on Bayview Avenue by fall 2019.
The Region will be undertaking the works for the new multi-use trail in the summer of
2019. This will include tree removal within the trail alignment, construction of a multi-use
three (3) metre wide asphalt trail, tree planting and enhancement of the intersection at
Vandorf Sideroad for accessibility.
Agreement required with York Region for the Town of Aurora to maintain Lake-to-
Lake Trail within right-of- way.
The ongoing operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed trail within the
Region’s road allowance will be the responsibility of the Town of Aurora’s Operation
staff once constructed. This is the condition that the Lake-to-Lake route and the
Pedestrian and Cycling Municipal Partnership Program are based upon. As such, it will
be necessary for the Town of Aurora and York Region to enter into a formal agreement.
Advisory Committee Review
Not applicable.
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June 18, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Report No. OPS19-017
Legal Considerations
Legal Services will assist in the preparation of the agreement, which will include clauses
that deal with the Town’s obligations to maintain, repair and replace the proposed
improvements. The Agreement will also contain insurance and indemnification clauses.
Financial Implications
York Region has committed to fully fund the construction of the Lake-to-Lake trail,
including the section of the trail that falls within the Town of Aurora’s borders.
At this time, staff feel that the Town’s existing Operating Budget is sufficient in funding
any incremental operating costs arising from the new trail system; however, as York
Region and impacted municipalities continue to negotiate the on-going obligation for the
day-to-day operation and longer term repair and replacement of the trail, additional
operating and capital funding may be required. Upon execution of an Agreement, staff
will update the Town’s operating and Ten (10) Year Capital requirements accordingly.
Communications Considerations
There is no external communication required.
Link to Strategic Plan
This project supports the Strategic Plan Goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life
for all by improving transportation, mobility and connectivity. This project maintains a
well-managed and fiscally responsible Municipality.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
Staff recommends that the Town enter into an operation and maintenance agreement
with York Region for the Lake to Lake Cycling and Walking Trail along Bayview Ave
between Vandorf Sideroad and Bloomington Road.
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The Regional Municipality of York is investing in building a safe, efficient and reliable Regional transportation network for all users.
To enhance our Regional road network for all travellers, improvements
will be made to Bayview Avenue between Bloomington Road and
Vandorf Sideroad in the Town of Aurora.
Once completed in fall 2019, improvements will:
• Provide new opportunities for cyclists and commuters to
use active forms of transportation to explore York Region by
travelling on dedicated and comfortable cycling and pedestrian
trails. A 2.2 kilometre asphalt Lake to Lake Cycling Route and
Walking Trail will be built on the west side of Bayview Avenue from
Bloomington Road to Vandorf Sideroad (see description below).
• Improve the condition of our Regional roads for motorists
by repaving Bayview Avenue
• Meet the needs of our communities today and into the
future by enhancing intersection accessibility at Vandorf Sideroad.
Improvements include installing zebra markings, gradual slope
transitions, accessible pedestrian signals and tactile walking
surface indicators. These flat bumps, detectable under foot when
walking, alert pedestrians with low or no vision they are at the
edge of the roadway
Upcoming construction
To install the trail, select trees close to the proposed trail area will be removed. This work is scheduled to take place in
March 2019. As with all construction, some work may be rescheduled due to weather and advance notice will be provided
whenever possible. Trees that have been removed will be replaced with new trees once the trail is built.
Major trail construction and additional road improvements are scheduled to take place in summer 2019.
About the Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail
The Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail is a 121-kilometre recreational and commuter trail that will connect
Lake Ontario in the south to Lake Simcoe in the north.
This transformative project is an important part of York Region and the City of Toronto’s active transportation network,
connecting to trails such as the Greenbelt Route, PanAm Path and Waterfront Trail, destinations like transit hubs and other
attractions such as beaches, community centres and parks.
For more information, please visit
Improving Bayview Avenue
General Inquiries:
Lindsey Adlam
Communications and Community Engagement Specialist
Office: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75923
After hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200
Transportation Services
Bayview Avenue
Transportation Improvements
Town of Aurora
Winter 2019
We’re here to answer your questions. Accessible formats of this newsletter or communication
supports are available upon request.
Email with
“Send me Bayview Avenue Lake to
Lake enews” to receive project updates
straight to your inbox.
Construction Activity:
Abdus Sobahan
Construction Administrator
Office: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75930
Bayview AvenueBloomin
Lake to Lake
Cycling Route
and Walking
Trail Missing
Town of Aurora
Attachment #1
General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Item C3
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Town of Aurora
Finance Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Time and Location: 5:30 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair), Councillor John Gallo,
and Mayor Tom Mrakas
Member(s) Absent: None
Other Attendees: Bruce Gorman, CEO, Aurora Public Library, Julie Rocca,
Administrative Co-ordinator, Aurora Public Library, Marie
Rankel and Adam Mobbs, Aurora Public Library Finance
Sub-Committee Members, Doug Nadorozny, Chief
Administrative Officer, Jason Gaertner, Acting Director of
Financial Services/Treasurer, Karen Oreto, Financial
Analyst, Tracy Evans, Financial Analyst, Budget, and Ishita
Soneji, Council/Committee Coordinator
The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Mayor Mrakas
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
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Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Page 2 of 4
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
3. Receipt of the Minutes
Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 30, 2019
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 30, 2019, be
received for information.
4. Delegations
5. Consideration of Items
1. Memorandum from Acting Director of Financial Services
Re: Updated Draft Council Budget Principles and Processes Direction
Staff provided a brief overview of the updated Council Budget Principles and
Processes documents. The Committee inquired about the next steps of the
budget process and staff noted that upon approval from Council, staff would
work towards the budget milestones as identified at the previous Committee
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Mayor Mrakas
1. That the memorandum regarding Updated Council Budget Principles and
Processes Direction Documents be received; and
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Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Page 3 of 4
2. That the updated Council Budget Principles and Processes documents be
brought to a future General Committee meeting.
2. Review of Detailed Financial Budget Information
Re: Aurora Public Library
Mr. Bruce Gorman, CEO of the Aurora Public Library provided details of the
line-by-line analysis and year-to-date comparison of the budget for the Aurora
Public Library including details on the 2017 and 2018 surpluses, explanations
regarding the highlighted items, impacts of the Provincial funding cuts to the
library, means of maintaining funds allocated in the capital reserve, various cost
avoidance strategies, budget pressures, and accomplishments. It was
mentioned that the Library is awaiting a response regarding next steps from the
Southern Ontario Library Service (SOLS) regarding provincial funding cuts.
The Committee and Library staff discussed about the means of utilizing
surpluses and the Library staff noted that they are working towards a growth
accommodation study that would contribute to their development of a ten year
capital plan for the Library that would further demonstrate their intentions for
established reserve balances.
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That the comments and suggestions of the Review of Detailed Financial
Budget Information for Aurora Public Library be received and referred to
staff for consideration and action as appropriate.
3. Memorandum from Project Management Office
Re: Town’s Major Capital Projects Update
Staff provided a brief update on the status of Town’s current major capital
projects and noted that all projects are meeting the budget targets.
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Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Page 4 of 4
Moved by Councillor Gallo
Seconded by Mayor Mrakas
1. That the memorandum regarding Town’s Major Capital Projects Update be
received for information.
4. Distribution and Introduction of Detailed Financial Budget Information
Re: Aurora Historical Society
Staff noted that additional budget information for the Aurora Historical Society
(AHS) is forthcoming, and that representatives from AHS will be present at the
next meeting to review the information.
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
1. That the detailed financial budget information for Aurora Historical Society
be received and deferred for discussion and detailed review at the June 26,
2019 meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee.
6. New Business
Staff referred to Report No. FS19-018 – Capital Close Report as of December 31,
2019, that was referred to the Finance Advisory Committee by General Committee
at its meeting of May 7, 2019, and sought Committee’s input on any items of
interest that require further detail. Staff noted that the report would be brought to a
future Committee meeting for discussion.
7. Adjournment
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Councillor Gallo
That the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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Item A1
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Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. CS19-022
Subject: Entry onto Private Property Protocol
Prepared by: Alexander Wray, Manager of Bylaw Services
Department: Corporate Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. CS19-022 be received; and
2. That the revised Entry onto Private Property Protocol as outlined in
Attachment #1 providing property owners with notification of entry and
removing the requirement to obtain a search warrant for investigation
purposes, be endorsed.
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to update Council on the 1-year Entry onto Private Property
pilot project that was enacted at the council meeting of April 10, 2018. Bylaw Services
is seeking to obtain approval to enact a notification process and immediate access
protocol where entry to private property is required to determine compliance with
Municipal Bylaws.
Residents have a strong expectation of service when requesting the assistance of a
Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officer to ensure the overall community standards are
• Power of Entry provisions are granted by the Province and intended to provide
municipalities with the necessary tools to carry out inspections while ensuring
public health and safety.
Obtaining search warrants to conduct investigations is a cumbersome and resourcefully
strenuous process.
• Power of Entry provisions do not infringe upon a person’s rights under the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 10 Report No. CS19-022
• The decision to grant or deny a request for a search warrant by a Justice of the
Peace or Judge is based on the standard of reasonable and probable grounds.
• Providing a notification process and protocol will balance the rights of residents,
improve relations and maintain efficiencies with residents while ensuring public
safety is not compromised.
• For efficient and effective municipal enforcement it is considered best practice to
enact a Power of Entry By-law passed under the Municipal Act, 2001 that
applies to the Town as a whole.
At the meeting of March 28, 2017 Council adopted the following motion:
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That staff report back to Council with a notification
process to private property owners where rights of entry to properties will be exercised.
Be It Further Resolved That staff provide the options available for when a property
owner refuses permission or is absent, including the option of requiring a warrant, to
ensure public health and safety, and the protection of property and/or the environment;
Be It Further Resolved That staff shall identify protocols where immediate access to
property is required to ensure public health and safety and protection of property and/or
the environment.
Staff report CS17-018 was discussed at the Council meeting of September 12, 2017
and was referred back to staff for further clarification. Points of clarification and concern
raised by Council are outlined below;
• Provide additional definitions for clarity
• Strengthen information from complainants and include provisions that will assist
in managing frivolous and vexatious complaints while ensuring property
violations are managed appropriately
• Provide a longer notice of intent to enter to allow property owners a more
reasonable amount of time to respond
• Include a section on entry to dwelling units
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• Track and collect data to enable a comprehensive analysis of information and
report back to Council in a year
Corporate Services report CS18-004 containing the above additional information was
discussed at the General Committee of February 20, 2018 and was referred back to
At the meeting of April 10, 2018 Council adopted the following motion:
1. That Report No. CS18-006 be received; and
2. That the standard operating guideline regarding entry onto private property and
immediate access protocols (“SOG”) for Municipal Law Enforcement Officers as
outlined on Attachment #1 be endorsed; and
3. That staff report back to Council after one year of implementation of the standard
operating guideline with recommendations on the continuance of practice.
Residents have a strong expectation of service when requesting the assistance of
a Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officer to ensure the overall community
standards are maintained.
When residents contact Bylaw & Animal Services with a concern, they have a strong
expectation that the issue will be resolved promptly. The existing policy creates
significant challenges, time delays, and frustration for residents when Officers are trying
to investigate a concern. Some examples faced during this pilot project are:
Animal Services
When addressing a dog running at large in a subdivision, Officers were not able to enter
the rear yards of multiple properties without requesting permission from a Manager.
Each individual property required a radio authorization, which significantly delayed
Officer’s response times and put both the dog and members of the public at risk.
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June 18, 2019 Page 4 of 10 Report No. CS19-022
Noise Complaint
Bylaw Services received a noise complaint in a residential area for a loud outdoor pool
party. Upon arrival, the Officers could hear the noise from the street. The Officers
spoke with the complainant who provided a telephone number for their neighbors
having the party. The Officers attempted to contact the number, knock on the door, and
gain the owners attention with no success. In this situation, a Notice of Violation was
left on the front door. The complainant was very frustrated and did not understand why
Officers came out if they “can’t do anything to make it stop”.
Clean Yards
When Officers are investigating complaints regarding the Town’s Clean Yard’s By-Law
and are required to conduct remedial action due to non-compliance. Officers are
restricted to cutting and cleaning the front yard only. In many cases, neighboring
property owners express frustration over this because the rear yards are left overgrown.
Overgrowth of grass, bushes, and vegetation can cause infestation of rodents, insects
and vermin.
Throughout the pilot project, Bylaw Officers investigated approximately 500 complaints
which would have required Officers to access the side and rear yards of a property.
There were no documented instances where staff were out right refused, however there
were instances where Officers were not able to obtain consent for entry and therefore
community expectations were not being met. Additionally, Officers would try to obtain
the evidence from a neighboring property where feasible. Often times the neighboring
property was that of the complainant who would become frustrated with the process of
obtaining evidence out of fear of losing their anonymity.
Power of Entry provisions are intended to provide municipalities with the
necessary tools to carry out inspections ensuring public health and safety.
The Municipal Act, 2001 and other legislation provide a framework within which the
Town may pass by-laws permitting Town Officials to enter upon property for purposes of
inspection, without consent and without a warrant, subject to certain conditions.
Attachment #2 provides an overview of the Power of Entry provisions under specific
legislation. Power of Entry provisions have evolved over time to provide Municipalities
and their Officers the necessary tools to be effective and efficient in carrying out their
duties as Peace Officers, Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, Building Inspectors or
other appointed officials of the Town.
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Power of Entry provisions enable municipal officials to monitor and inspect property for
compliance with municipal by-laws, licensing requirements, standards, directions and
Orders while at the same time respecting privacy rights in a home. This is
accomplished by enabling Officials to enter upon a person’s property without the need
for consent or a warrant unless the place being entered is a “room or place actually
being used as a dwelling”.
Power of Entry into dwelling units is considerably more restrictive. In general, the
consent of the occupier is required for an Officer/Inspector to gain entry into a dwelling
unit. It should be noted that the consent of the occupier does not require the consent of
the property owner. This is intended to provide occupiers with the ability to ensure their
living conditions meet regulatory standards. If consent of the occupier to enter the
dwelling unit is not obtained, a warrant must be obtained, unless the presence of
immediate danger exists such that entry is necessary to terminate the danger.
Obtaining search warrants to conduct investigations is a cumbersome and resourcefully
strenuous process.
Recently, Animal Services Officers conducted a search warrant to seize a dangerous
dog in relation to a charge under the Dog Owners Liability Act. The process to obtain
the warrant began in March 2019 and required multiple site visits, emails, telephone
conversations, and meetings with Regional Prosecutors. Once the determination was
made that a search warrant was the appropriate course of action, the investigating
Officer spent approximately 5 working days compiling all evidence, appendixes, and
information to present to a Justice of the Peace for approval. After waiting for
approximately 3 hours for the Justice of the Peace to review the evidence and
information, the Officer was granted permission to execute the warrant 2 days later. In
order to execute the warrant to the requirements outlined, the Officer required the
assistance of 4 York Regional Police Officers, 1 Veterinarian, 1 Lock Smith, and 2 By-
Law Officers. During this time, staff resources were reallocated to ensure coverage and
service standards were continued to be met.
Additionally, staff encountered a cost of approximately $1,000.00 to execute the warrant
to pay for the services of the veterinarian and lock smith.
Power of Entry provisions do not infringe upon a person’s rights under the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”)
Section 8 of the Charter states that everyone has the right to be secure against
unreasonable search or seizure. Power of Entry provisions found in the various
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legislation and in municipal by-laws have been held by the Courts to be reasonable in
that the legislation and by-laws state that entry onto the property is to be done at any
reasonable time and in a reasonable manner.
In Davis v. Guelph (City), 2011 ONCA 761, the judge stated that there is a clear
difference between a private dwelling and a person’s backyard in that there is a
significantly reduced expectation of privacy in a person’s backyard. This is seen by the
very fact that the legislation specifies that there is no explicit right to enter into a
dwelling unless there is consent from the occupier or a warrant.
The decision to grant or deny a request for a search warrant by the Justice of the
Peace or Judge is based on the standard of reasonable and probable grounds.
Warrants for the purpose of municipal activities are issued by a provincial Judge or a
Justice of the Peace (”JP”). The Officer gathers and prepares information for the
request of a search warrant and presents the information under oath. The information
should include the following:
The informant’s name, municipality and occupation
A description of the alleged offence
The section/number of the Act
A concise indication of what is to be searched
The name of the property owner and municipal address
A clear description of the evidence to be obtained
The grounds for the search
Statements by the complainants
Staff met with a Regional Senior Justice of the Peace at the Newmarket Courthouse
who advised that there are two Intake Courts in York Region for the processing of
search warrants. Requests are assigned to a JP who will prioritize requests based on
the nature of the request and workload. Requests for search warrants that are property
complaint driven and do not pose an immediate danger would likely be a low priority
and could take more than a week to process.
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The JP will base their decision to grant or deny the request based on the information
provided. There are three possible outcomes:
The request is denied based on the fact the legislation provides Officers Power of Entry.
The request is denied based on insufficient information to support reasonable grounds
for the issuance.
The request is approved. In this case the information submitted would have to support
reasonable and probable grounds which may include obtaining documented statements
from the complainants or gathering evidence such as photographs from an adjacent
property such as the complainant or public land.
Providing a notification process and protocol will balance the rights of residents,
improve relations and maintain efficiencies with residents while ensuring public
safety is not compromised.
The current process to notify residents that Bylaw Services has attended the property is
to leave a door knocker indicating the nature of the visit, e.g. property standards,
zoning, long grass, etc. The process is informal and does not necessarily provide
residents and/or property owners an official notification that Bylaw is requesting entry to
property for the purpose of investigating a complaint.
A formal notification process and protocol would be beneficial for many reasons
Balance the privacy of residents and property owners with the Town’s rights to enter.
Allows property owners to schedule appointments with the Officers if they would like to
be present for the inspection.
Promotes initial conversations to occur that are not offensive and lead to better relations
and improved cooperation for voluntary compliance.
Provides a safer working environment for our Officers
For efficient and effective municipal enforcement it is considered best practice to
enact a Power of Entry bylaw passed under the Municipal Act, 2001 that applies
to the Town as a whole.
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Under section 438 of the Municipal Act, 2001, municipalities have the right to pass
Power of Entry bylaws, giving the municipality the power to undertake inspections in
particular circumstances.
The purpose of a Power of Entry bylaw is to assist by-law officers in carrying out
property inspections when the property owner is not available to ensure public safety.
Although the Building Code Act and Planning Act, 1992 already provide inspectors with
the power to enter onto land to conduct certain inspections, having a general Power of
Entry bylaw facilitates inspections regarding matters of health and safety. This general
bylaw would apply to all bylaws passed under the Municipal Act, 2001.
Advisory Committee Review
Legal Considerations
The Legal considerations are throughout the report.
Financial Implications
There are no direct financial implications related to implementing a notification process.
However, there would be indirect cost implications if staff were required to obtain a
search warrant when denied a right of entry, as it is a very lengthy and time consuming
process to complete the documentation required to submit the information to the Courts.
Communications Considerations
Bylaw will work with Corporate Communications to ensure citizens are aware of any
changes to the bylaw. This communication will be done via social media, the Town
website and Council Highlights.
Communications will also work with Bylaw Services to ensure that resident handouts
contain information on Power of Entry provisions.
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Link to Strategic Plan
This report supports the strategic goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life
for All By ensuring valid complaints are being addressed while respecting property
owners by providing them with notification of inspection.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
1. That the existing protocol remains in place. In this case understanding
community frustration and a continued reduction in service.
2. That Officers are permitted to conduct investigation in accordance with the
existing provisions outlined in various Provincial Acts.
3. That council provide direction.
Bylaw Services receives hundreds of property-related complaints each year.
Determining the validity of a complaint requires an inspection of the property and further
follow-up inspections if there is a bylaw violation. Power of Entry provisions are
contained in various statutes and are exercised with the best intention to ensure public
health and safety. Staff recommends the attached notification process be implemented
to ensure the process is reasonable without compromising public safety and
Attachment #1 – Standards Operating Guideline – Entry onto Private Property
Attachment #2 – Entry On To Property Authorities
Previous Reports
Report CS17-018 – Power of Entry, General Committee – September 5, 2017
Report CS18-004 – Power of Entry, General Committee – February 20, 2018
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Attachment # 1
Entry onto Private Property
SOP # 4.10 Prepared by: Manager Bylaw Services
Date Revised: February 6, 2018 Approved by: Techa Van Leeuwen, Director CS
To ensure entry onto private property by a Provincial Offences Officer or Municipal Bylaw Officer is
conducted in a manner that balances the Town’s right to enter and an individual’s right to privacy.
This procedure applies to residential properties within the Town of Aurora where a property related
complaint has been received and a by-law violation may be present. However, it does not apply to
complaints related to construction activity that falls within the jurisdiction of the Building Code Act.
x Forced Entry means to enter onto private property by force using physical strength and/or
destruction of property without the property owners or occupant’s authorization.
x Locked gate means a gate which is secured by a device that requires a key or similar device or
specialized knowledge such as a password to open.
x Officer means a Municipal Bylaw Officer or Provincial Offences Officer employed and appointed
as such by the Town of Aurora
x Private Property means rear or side yards, whether or not they are fenced, but does not include
a front yard or walkway to what appears to be the main entry to the principal habitable
structure on the private property.
x Risk to the health and safety of persons or domestic animal (as defined in by-law xxx) means
there is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or domestic animal.
Examples include but are not limited to a compromised pool enclosure, decks or stairs without
appropriate guards, unstable structures or animals in distress.
x Risk of destruction of evidence means evidence required for a successful prosecution has the
potential of being destroyed, altered or removed from the property. Examples include but are
not limited to cutting of trees without a permit, placement of fill without permit.
x Risk of damage to adjacent property means when the condition or state of a property may
cause damage to an adjacent property. Examples include but are not limited to an unsafe tree,
excavations that undermine adjacent footing and foundations.
x Risk to environment means there is a potential threat of adverse effects on living organisms and
environment by effluents, emissions, and waste or resource depletion. Examples include but are
not limited to placement of fill, dumping of chemicals.
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Entry onto Private Property
SOP # 4.10 Prepared by: Manager Bylaw Services
Date Revised: February 6, 2018 Approved by: Techa Van Leeuwen, Director CS
Property Related Complaints
The Town will investigate all property-related complaints under the following circumstances
x the description of the complaint identifies a violation of a Town by-law may be present
x the complainant provides the Town with their name, address and contact information
x the complainant must reside within 120 metre radius of the property they are registering the
complaint against
x If the complainant has registered two complaints with the Town on the same property and an
investigation has revealed no violation, a third complaint by the same individual on the same
property will require a second complainant who resides at a different property within 120
Provincial Offences Officers or Municipal Bylaw Officers employed by the Town of Aurora shall act in
accordance with the following procedure when entering onto to private property in the course of
his/her duties.
Immediate Entry
An Officer may enter onto private property without providing notification to the occupant or property
owner when there is:
x Risk to the health and safety of persons or domestic animal.
x Risk of destruction of evidence
x Risk of damage to adjacent property
x Risk to environment
Before entering onto the private property, Officers must adhere to the following procedure:
1. The Officer shall knock on the door of the premises to advise that they will be entering onto the
private property and for what purpose.
2. If no one answers the door and the occupant appears to be absent, the Officer may enter onto
the private property only after discussing the issue with his/her Manager and both the Officer
and the Manager concur that entry should be made based on information received from
complainant and/or on-site observations.
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Entry onto Private Property
SOP # 4.10 Prepared by: Manager Bylaw Services
Date Revised: February 6, 2018 Approved by: Techa Van Leeuwen, Director CS
3. When entering, the Officer shall verbally identify them-self and display their identification or
provincial offences badge while entering.
4. The Officer shall remain on private property only for the purpose of mitigating risk, remediating
an unsafe situation, securing the area or collecting and preserving evidence.
5. The Officer, in assessing the extent of a risk, may be accompanied by a person who has special
or expert knowledge in relation to the risk. For example, an arborist may accompany an Officer
to determine if a tree is unsafe or unstable.
6. The Officer shall leave a “Notice of Entry” on the main door or in a prominent place and shall
notify the Manager of their findings after leaving the private property.
Immediate Danger - If the Officer is satisfied that an immediate danger to the health and safety of
persons is present the Officer shall take action in accordance with applicable legislation including making
an Emergency Order and taking any measures necessary to terminate the danger.
Entry for Investigation Purposes – Complaint Received, Initial Visit
Before entering onto private property to investigate the validity of a complaint received by the Town,
the Officer must adhere to the following procedure:
1. The Officer shall knock on the door of the premises to advise the occupant of the reason for
their visit and the nature of the complaint.
2. If no one answers the door, the Officer shall leave a “Notice of Intention to Enter” at the
premises on the main door or in a prominent place. The Notice shall contain information related
to the nature of the complaint with reference to Town By-laws. The Notice shall also be sent to
the property owner by mail.
3. The Officer shall await contact from the occupant/owner to discuss the reasons for inspection
and to arrange a time for the inspection where the occupant/owner may be present.
4. After 5 business days, if the occupant has not contacted the Officer, the Officer shall advise
his/her Manager of their intent to enter onto private property and shall be accompanied by a
second Officer for safety reasons.
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Attachment # 1
Entry onto Private Property
SOP # 4.10 Prepared by: Manager Bylaw Services
Date Revised: February 6, 2018 Approved by: Techa Van Leeuwen, Director CS
5. Before entering, the Officers shall knock on the front door to attempt again to contact the
occupant. If there is no answer, the Officers will enter onto the private property and identify
themselves verbally while displaying their identification.
6. If the rear or side yard is secured by a locked gate, the Officer shall not use forced entry or gain
entry by climbing over the fenced area. In this case the Officer shall consult with his/her
Manager and Director to determine next steps and an appropriate course of action which may
include asking adjacent property owner and/or complainant permission to access their property
for the purpose of determining if a violation of Town By-laws exist.
7. The Officers shall only remain on private property for the purposes of investigation. Where an
emergency condition is discovered, the Officers shall take any action necessary to remediate the
emergency including securing the area or preserving evidence.
8. The Officers shall leave a “Notice of Entry” posted on the main door or in a prominent place to
notify the occupant that entry had been gained and shall notify his/her Manager of their
Entry for Inspection Purposes – Outstanding Violation
When an investigation of property reveals a non-compliance with a Town By-law and an Order to
Comply and/or Notice of Violation has been issued, an Officer may enter onto private property for the
purpose of re-inspection to determine the status of the Order/Notice.
The Officer shall make every effort to contact the property owner and arrange for a re-inspection. If the
property owner is not co-operative or not responsive, the Officer shall discuss the case file with his/her
Manager and may enter onto private property adhering to the following procedure.
1. The Officer shall knock on the door of the premises to advise that they will be entering onto the
private property for the re-inspection purposes of an outstanding violation.
2. If no one answers the door and the occupant appears to be absent, the Officer may enter onto
the private property and shall verbally identify them-self and display their identification or
provincial offences badge while entering.
3. If the rear or side yard is secured by a locked gate, the Officer shall not use forced entry or gain
entry by climbing over the fenced area. In this case the Officer shall consult with his/her
Manager and Director to determine next steps and an appropriate course of action for achieving
compliance which may include asking adjacent property owner and/or complainant permission
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Attachment # 1
Entry onto Private Property
SOP # 4.10 Prepared by: Manager Bylaw Services
Date Revised: February 6, 2018 Approved by: Techa Van Leeuwen, Director CS
to access their property for the purpose of the investigation or seeking a search warrant if some
evidence may be gathered in support of the search warrant.
4. The Officer shall remain on private property only for the purpose of determining compliance
with an Order and/or Notice and collection of evidence.
5. The Officer shall leave a “Notice of Entry” on the main door or in a prominent place and shall
document their findings and notify their Manager after leaving the private property.
Entry to Dwellings
Entry to dwellings is strictly regulated in various statutes including the Municipal Act and the Building
Code Act (BCA).
In general, an Officer shall not enter or remain in any room or place actually being used as a dwelling
unless the consent of the occupier is obtained, the occupier first having been informed that the right of
entry may be refused.
If entry to a dwelling is refused, the Officer shall consult with their Manager and Director to review the
specifics of the case and shall take the necessary action in accordance with the applicable statute to
ensure the legal framework for entry to dwellings is upheld.
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Attachment # 2
Legislation Section Comments on the section
Building Code Act,
Each stage of
construction (s.
x right to enter is to inspect
x inspector has the right to enter
x trigger – the inspector must have received a notice
from the owner that the construction is ready to be
x mandatory inspection (“shall”)
Building Permit (s.
x right to enter is to inspect
x inspector has the right to enter
x trigger – permit must be issued or there must at
least be an application for a permit
x upon lands and into buildings
x at any reasonable time without a warrant
x discretionary inspection (“may”)
Property Standards
By-law (s. 15.2)
x right to enter is to inspect
x officer (i.e. property standards officer who has
been assigned responsibility of administering and
enforcing property standards by-laws) has the right
to enter
x trigger – a property standards by-law must be in
x upon any property
x at any reasonable time without a warrant
x officer must produce proper identification
x discretionary inspection (“may”)
Emergency Orders –
Property Standards (s.
x right to enter is to terminate the danger
x officer (i.e. property standards officer who has
been assigned responsibility of administering and
enforcing property standards by-laws) has the right
to enter
x order may be made if upon inspection, the officer
is satisfied that there is non-conformity with the
property standards by-law to such extent as to
pose an immediate danger to the health of safety
of any person
x trigger – order must have been made (but does not
have to have been served)
x upon the property
x without a warrant
x discretionary remediation (“may”)
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Attachment # 2
Legislation Section Comments on the section
Building Code Act,
1992 (continued)
Unsafe Building (s.
x right to enter is to inspect
x inspector has the right to enter
x upon lands and into buildings
x at any reasonable time without a warrant
x discretionary inspection (“may”)
x to determine whether the building is unsafe or
whether an unsafe building order has been
complied with
Unsafe Building (s.
x right to enter is to remediate
x inspector has the right to enter
x upon lands and into buildings
x at any reasonable time without a warrant
x may cause the building to be renovated, repaired or
demolished to remove the unsafe condition or take
such other action as he or she considers necessary
for the protection of the public
x discretionary inspection and remediation (“may”)
Emergency Orders –
where immediate
danger 15.10(3))
x right to enter is to terminate the danger
x inspector has the right to enter
x order may be made if upon inspection, the officer is
satisfied that there is non-conformity with the
property standards by-law to such extent as to pose
an immediate danger to the health of safety of any
x trigger – order must have been made (but does not
have to have been served)
x upon the property
x without a warrant
x discretionary remediation(“may”)
inspections (s.
x right to enter is to inspect
x inspector has the right to enter
x upon land and into buildings
x at any reasonable time without a warrant
x to conduct a maintenance inspection
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Attachment # 2
Legislation Section Comments on the section
Building Code Act,
1992 (continued)
Entry to dwellings (s.
x applies to inspectors and officers
x no right to enter a room or place actually being
used as a dwelling UNLESS:
x consent
x warrant
x delay to obtain warrant or consent would result in
an immediate danger to the health or safety of any
x necessary to terminate a danger under Emergency
x notice is given and entry is necessary to remove a
building, restore a site, remove an unsafe condition
or repair/demolish
Planning Act Zoning By-law (s. 49)
x right to enter is to inspect
x officer has the right to enter
x trigger – officer believes on reasonable grounds that
ZBL is being contravened
x upon any property
x all reasonable times
x officer must produce proper identification
x discretionary inspection (“may”)
Municipal Act,
Municipal By-laws (s.
Examples include:
Animal Control By-
Clean Yards By-law
Debris By-law
Fences By-law
Open air burning By-
Garbage Disposal By-
Noise By-law
x right to enter is to inspect
x employee, officer or agent of a municipality have
the right to enter
x trigger – right to enter needs to be in the by-law or
in a blanket by-law (i.e. by-law needs to include a
x on land
x at any reasonable time
x purpose of carrying out an inspection
x discretionary inspection (“may”)
Municipal By-laws (s.
x no right to enter a room or place actually being
used as a dwelling UNLESS:
x consent
x order
x warrant
x delay to obtain warrant or consent would result in
an immediate danger to the health or safety of any
x notice is given and entry is authorized under
another section (79, 80, 446)
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Attachment # 2
Legislation Section Comments on the section
Municipal Act, 2001
Municipal By-laws (s.
Examples include:
Animal Control By-
Clean Yards By-law
Debris By-law
Fences By-law
Fires and open air
burning By-law
Garbage Disposal By-
Noise By-law
x right to enter is to remediate
x officer has the right to enter
x the Town may enter on the property to remediate
the property if the owner doesn't do so
x discretionary remediation (“may”)
Other engineering
pertaining to
Document is
registered on title
x depends upon wording in the easement, but
typically right to inspect, maintain, repair, alter,
etc., at a reasonable time, may include that notice
must be provided
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Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. FS19-020
Subject: 2020-22 Operating and 2020 Capital Budget Development Direction
Prepared by: Jason Gaertner, Acting Director of Financial Services - Treasurer
Department: Financial Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. FS19-020 be received; and
2. That the updated Council Budget Principles and Process be approved; and
3. That the key principles for the 2020 to 2022 multi-year operating budget
development be endorsed.
Executive Summary
Firstly, this report seeks Council’s approval of its updated Budget Principles and Process
documents which form the foundation upon which the Town’s operating and capital
budgets are built. In addition, this report provides budget development directions and
guidance to staff as they prepare the draft 2020 to 2022 multi-year operating budget for
presentation to the Budget Committee during the fall of 2019.
• Council’s Budget Principles and Process documents have been updated as per
the Finance Advisory Committee’s direction.
• The Finance Advisory Committee has commenced its detailed reviews of
departmental and service partner core operating budgets.
• Council’s key 2020 to 2022 budget principles and direction provide important
guidance to staff.
It is a normal practice for the Town’s Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) to undertake a
review of Council’s Budget Principles and Process documents early in its term. Over the
course of its review of these documents, the FAC recommended the following key
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i. In acknowledgement of the possibility that the inflation in a given budget year
may reach thresholds that are not tolerable to Council, some flexibility in this
regard should be woven into these documents.
ii. In light of the many advantages offered from a multi-year budgeting framework,
staff should proceed with the update of these documents to allow for the Town’s
adoption of a multi-year budget framework.
iii. In an effort to improve the Town’s capital budget process an adjustment was
proposed to allow for the Budget Committee’s review and approval of the Town’s
Repair and Replacement Capital budget and the receipt of the Town’s updated
Ten Year Capital Plan earlier in the fiscal year.
In preparation for staff’s creation of the Town’s draft 2020 to 2022 multi-year operating
budget, it is important for Council to set out its expectations with respect to acceptable
tax impacts to residents and businesses for each year of the multi-year budget. Such
direction has allowed the town to recognize considerable efficiency gains in its past
budget processes. Staff have regularly presented draft budgets to Council that were
within Council’s defined tax impact targets resulting in only minor changes to the
presented draft budget being necessary. Typically Council has only made additions to
the draft budget relating to new priority special projects or initiatives. These additions have
consistently been accommodated within Council’s defined targets as well.
Council’s Budget Principles and Process documents have been updated as per
the Finance Advisory Committee’s direction
Staff have made multiple adjustments to Council’s budget principles and process
documents in order to address the noted FAC recommendations. The key adjustments
1. Inflation flexibility: In an effort to provide Council with some flexibility in instances
where a given year’s inflation rate exceeds its comfort level, Clause 16 of Council’s
budget principles document has been updated to include the following new
requirement - “Should a given fiscal year’s inflation rate exceed two percent, staff will
present Council with options for the mitigation of any inflation in excess of two percent
for its consideration.”
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2. Multi-year budgeting: Staff have made multiple updates to both of Council’s direction
documents in order to integrate the recommended multi-year budget framework. The
majority of the modifications made relate to Council’s Budget Process document.
Some of the key changes include:
• The update of Council’s annual operating budget review and approval to reflect a
review and approval of a single budget and the receipt of 3 forecasted outlook
years in the first year of Council’s term. Then subsequently, in its second year
the approval of a three year operating budget with each of its future year
approved operating budgets being re-affirmed prior to their commencing; and
• The allowance for material adjustments at the time of re-affirmation of each
future year budget; and
• The key budget process milestones updated accordingly.
3. Update of capital components and process milestones: Staff have made multiple
updates to Council’s Budget Process document to reflect the Town’s current key
capital components and process milestones, principally being:
• The Town’s newly approved Strategic Asset Management Policy, including its
strong linkage to the Town’s Asset Management Plan; as well as the Ten Year
Capital Investment Plan; and
• The approval of the Town’s upcoming year’s repair and replacement budget and
receipt of the updated Ten Year Capital Investment Plan in July of each fiscal
The Finance Advisory Committee has commenced its detailed reviews of
departmental and service partner core operating budgets
As per its budget process document, the Finance Advisory Committee has commenced
its detailed reviews of each department and service partner’s core operating budgets
thus allowing for more strategic reviews of the Town’s draft operating budgets by the
Budget Committee. During the course of these reviews any arising budget concern
areas are explored and addressed as part of future town budgets.
To date, the committee has completed its review of the Aurora Public Library and is
scheduled to undertake its detailed review of the Aurora Historical Society at its June 26th
meeting. The Advisory Committee will conclude 2019 with its detailed review of
Corporate Services. At the conclusion of its term, the Finance Advisory Committee will
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have completed a detailed review of all of the Town’s departments and its service
Council’s key 2020 to 2022 budget principles and direction provide important
guidance to staff
While all of Council’s budget principles outlined under attachment #1 are important,
some of the key principles include the following. The numbering of these noted
principles correspond to their position within Council’s budget principles document.
1) The Town’s Budget Process shall include opportunities for input from members of
the public and community groups. All feedback, comments and suggestions
received through solicitation tools such as email, website, surveys or others, will be
conveyed to General Committee – Budget (Budget Committee) as they are received
throughout the budget review process.
8) Council will not rely on budget surplus from one year to support or mitigate budget
pressures in the following budget year.
10) Council and staff will continually look to implement changes in technique, tools, or
approaches in delivering all services and functions which would reduce cost or
improve efficiency or effectiveness of our work.
12) Council is committed to adequately fund infrastructure renewal through annual
increases to infrastructure reserve contributions. These additional increases will be
part of the fiscal strategy budget, and may require overall budget increases beyond
inflation for the residents of the Town.
13) Council recognizes that budget decisions made in one year may impact future
budget years. To ensure open and public awareness, the Town has adopted a multi-
year budgeting framework where Council approves the first year’s budget of its term
and receives an accompanying forecast of the next three budgets. In the second
year of its term, Council will approve a three year operating budget, including all
related tax impacts. Using multi-year budgets and forecasts improves fiscal health
and service delivery through:
a. better coordination of budgeting and strategic priorities,
b. greater certainty for departments in managing expenditures and service
c. improved fiscal discipline of the organization,
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d. streamlined budget reviews that focus on key changes in assumptions and
the reasons driving such changes,
e. allowing staff to develop budgets with fixed targets in place; allowing early
response to circumstances and budget constraints of such targets,
f. reducing uncertainty about future year tax levies, and
g. providing longer term outlook to outside organizations that rely upon the
Town for a share of their funding, which enables them to plan and deliver
their programs more effectively.
In addition, when considering a new capital investment, Council will also consider
the anticipated incremental operating costs that the new investment will produce.
14) A separate Special Phasing Budget will be used to address significant permanent
tax pressures. These pressures will be mitigated through a phase-in over multiple
fiscal years, using tax stabilization reserves where necessary. Foreseen significant
pressures, such as the operating costs for a facility under construction, will be
phased-in in advance where possible. Unforeseen pressures will be phased-in as
promptly as appropriate. Phasing of such tax pressures may result in tax rate
increases which are in excess of inflation so as not to adversely impact the
delivery of existing services and facilities. Where appropriate, growth revenues will
be allocated toward new costs such as these.
16) Council and our taxpayers recognize that annual tax increases approximating
inflation are necessary to support the perpetuation of existing services, facilities
and operations, while accommodating new growth in population and the demand
for more of these same levels of services, facilities and operations that such
growth creates.
Should the inflation rate for a given fiscal year exceed two percent, Staff will present
Council with options for the mitigation of any inflation in excess of two percent for its
18) While the Town is intent on advancing all strategic priorities, it is likely not possible
to advance all issues in every year. Council will need to make these key priority
decisions in a scarce resource environment.
19) Innovation, efficiencies, maintaining service excellence and service improvements
come through the continuous learning and development of our staff. Training and
development funding will be provided in the budget.
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20) The Town will continue to establish a separate Fiscal Strategy to:
a. Eliminate its infrastructure funding gap, and
b. Reduce reliance upon unsustainable revenue sources, such as
supplementary tax and other development driven revenues, by the
operating budget.
Recommended budget preparation directions for 2020 to 2022
Based on the highlighted budget principles, it is recommended that the following budget
directions be endorsed for the preparation of the multi-year 2020 to 2022 Operating
Public Consultation
1) Individuals and groups will be afforded an opportunity to provide suggestions,
advice or requests to the Budget Committee regarding the 2020 to 2022 Operating
budgets or 2020 Capital budget on June 18, 2019.
Base Operating Budget
1) The overall Aurora net residential tax bill increase for the Base Operating budget
will be limited to the reported June 1st to May 31st Consumer Price Index (CPI)
for the Toronto Area for the 2020 budget. In the absence of available inflation
projections for 2021 and 2022, an equivalent rate to the 2020 rate will be
assumed for these years.
2) All fees, rates and charges are to be indexed by the same CPI reported value,
and new revenue sources identified.
3) New taxes from new community growth will be incorporated into the base budget
and be used to extend existing services to these new communities, residents and
4) For strategic priorities separately identified by Council, a further levy increase
may be considered for such new funding. Council may also consider a multi-year
phased approach to increasing service levels.
5) The Treasurer is to provide the Library Board, the Aurora Cultural Centre Board,
and the Historical Society with a clear budget funding allocation less than or
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equivalent to inflation for 2020, 2021 and 2022 early in the budget development
stage for their consideration when preparing their business plans.
6) The three year operating budget will include a staffing needs analysis.
Phase-In Budget
7) The phase-in budget strategy currently approved for the Fire Services expansion
will be funded from within the inflationary and growth components of the base
operating budget, as applicable, with any excess planned increase being a
separate component of the overall tax increase.
Fiscal Strategy Budget
8) In addition to the base budget increase for inflation, a dedicated Fiscal Strategy
tax levy increase will be imposed in each year of the multi-year operating budget
to fund additional contributions to infrastructure reserves in accordance with the
long range fiscal strategies adopted in the recent Ten Year Capital and Asset
Management Plan, and to reduce budgetary reliance on unsustainable levels of
development driven revenues.
For the past seven years the Town has levied an additional one percent in
support of its fiscal strategies. In order for the Town to close or maintain its
infrastructure renewal gaps, a fiscal strategy tax levy increase of one percent will
continue for each year of the multi year operating budget.
Capital Budget
The 2020 capital budget will be developed based upon the foundational principles as
set out in the town’s approved strategic asset management policy and asset
management plan (AMP), as well as its Ten Year Capital Investment Plan, in an effort to
maintain existing capital asset service standards and to accommodate our growing
community needs. Council will undertake an annual review of the Town’s Ten Year
Capital Investment Plan that will be built based upon these noted foundational
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Expected Budget Timing for Council
Period Budget Milestone
January to
Annual Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) detailed departmental
budget reviews (rotating)
June Public stakeholder consultation
July Receipt of next year’s ten year capital investment plan
Approval of next year’s repair & replacement plan
October Approval of next year’s growth & new plan
Approval of next year’s studies & other plan
November to
Year 2: Approval of 2020 to 2022 multi-year budget
Year 3/4: Re-confirmation of next year’s previously approved
operating budget.
Advisory Committee Review
The Finance Advisory Committee reviewed this draft of the updated Council Budget
Principles & Process at its May 22nd meeting.
Legal Considerations
As the proposed 2020 to 2022 multi-year operating and capital budget relate wholly to
the current Council’s term, they are authorized under subsection 291 of the Municipal
Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended (hereinafter the “Act”) to approve these
complete budgets. However, subsection 291(4) of the Act requires that for the second
and each subsequent year to which a multi-year budget applies, the municipality shall,
in the year or the immediately preceding year, re-affirm the approved budget.
Financial Implications
It is anticipated that the Town’s assessment base growth from new structures (not
reassessment increases) will remain strong for another year, following which growth is
anticipated to begin to decline. New revenue from growth is necessary funding to
extend existing services at their same levels to these new residents and businesses
which results in additional costs, and in some cases, additional staffing requirements.
Generally, growth revenue is not used to fund service enhancements to the whole
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Inflation is a reality that if not accommodated on the full revenue side (taxes and all
other revenue sources) dilutes funding available for the provision of base services at
their existing service levels, resulting in dilution of service. Operating cost increases
exceed inflation for such cost items such as insurance, benefits plans, minimum wage
increments, petrochemicals, other fuels and electricity, among others. Accordingly,
inflationary increases to taxes and service fees are necessary and should be expected
by Council and taxpayers to maintain services year to year.
In its Budget Principles document, Council has made very transparent that its reference
inflationary indicator is the June 1st to May 31st annual CPI published by Statistics
Canada for the Toronto area. This public declaration eliminates use of different CPI
values by staff or others during the budget review process. The CPI value for the end of
May is expected to be published by Statistics Canada in late June or July. Should the
inflation indicator exceed two percent, staff will present Council with options for the
mitigation of any value over and above two percent.
In addition to inflation, residents and Council need to recognize that infrastructure
sustainability funding is currently insufficient for maintaining the service levels from our
aging infrastructure. This is a reality facing most municipalities across Canada.
Accordingly, increased funding for infrastructure should be expected to be funded as an
incremental beyond a base operating budget inflationary adjustment.
As of the end of April, the CPI was projected to be 2.0%. As per the principles set out
above, the Base Budget would have a 2.0% tax increase, plus a 1.0% increase for Fiscal
strategy. Any new services introduced by Council will add further increase pressure.
Therefore the potential tax rate impact for 2020 would be approximately 3.0% depending
upon the existence of any new services and the final CPI when published in June. In the
absence of any other available information, a similar potential tax rate impact would be
assumed for the 2020 and 2021 operating budgets. The possible tax increases for each
year of the multi-year plan are set out in Figure 1.
Figure 1
2020 2021 2022
Inflation 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Fiscal strategy 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Total 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%
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Communications Considerations
The budget directions of Council are primarily aimed at staff as they prepare the draft
2020 to 2022 multi-year operating budget. However, in forthcoming pieces, the
Communications Division will include some information which will advise residents of
Council’s budget expectations and the resultant increase to taxes and fees.
A strong communications plan in regards to the development of the Town’s 2020 to
2022 operating and 2020 capital budgets is absolutely critical. Consequently, staff will
develop a clear communication strategy for the entire 2020 budget cycle. This
communication strategy will utilize all communication tools available to the Town,
including its social media channels.
The public consultation process is scheduled to take place on June 18th at 6pm.
Link to Strategic Plan
Developing the annual budget supports all aspects of the Strategic Plan. Specifically,
this report supports the Plan principles of Leadership in Corporate Management,
Leveraging Partnerships, and Progressive Corporate Excellence and Continuous
Improvement, by setting out the approach to be taken in the development of the 2020 to
2022 multi-year operating and 2020 capital budget.
The approval of the 2020 to 2022 operating and 2020 capital budgets provides funding
support and approval for all initiatives, services and operations of the Town, all of which
support and advance the Strategic Plan’s objectives. Overall, these budgets lead to an
improvement in the quality of life for the community that we serve.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
Council may choose to endorse alternate budget preparation direction to staff.
Clear budget preparation directions have assisted immensely in ensuring a smooth and
highly successful budget process in previous years. The Town’s entire budget
development cycle is supported by Council through its approved foundational
documents, being the Council Budget Principles and Council Budget Process. Members
of the public and Council are reminded that in-depth budget discussions with each
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Attachment #3 Summary of Council Budget Principles Document Changes Clause Explanation 2016 2019 12 Wording clarification. Additionally, the Town will ensure the planned capital program attempts to replace assets at the optimal point in time for efficient and effective use of scarce capital funding in accordance with the Ten Year Asset Management and Investment Plan, balancing this with meeting community expectations, and the need for maintaining reliable services. Additionally, the Town will ensure that its capital repair and replacement program remains in alignment with the approved asset management plan while attempting to replace assets at the optimal point in time to ensure the efficient and effective use of scarce capital funding as per the Ten Year Capital Investment Plan. 13 Update to align with Town’s desired multi-year budgeting framework; as well as to document the Town’s best practice to consider any resulting incremental operating costs arising as a result of a new capital investment decision. Council recognizes that budget decisions made in one year may have ripple-type impacts to future budget years. To ensure open and public awareness, for each annual operating budget presented for tax funding, an accompanying forecast of the next three budgets and related tax impacts shall also be presented. These forecasts will be updated as budget decisions are made during review. The forecasts presented will always include three or more years for consistency of vision. Using multi-year budgets and forecasts improves fiscal health and service delivery through: a. better coordination of budgeting and strategic priorities, b. greater certainty for departments in managing expenditures and service levels Council recognizes that budget decisions made in one year may impact future budget years. To ensure open and public awareness, the Town has adopted a multi-year budgeting framework where Council approves the first year’s budget of its term and receives an accompanying forecast of the next three budgets. In the second year of its term, Council will approve a three year operating budget, including all related tax impacts. Using multi-year budgets and forecasts improves fiscal health and service delivery through: a. better coordination of budgeting and strategic priorities, b. greater certainty for departments in managing expenditures and service levels General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R2 Page 24 of 28
Attachment #3 c. improved fiscal discipline of the organization d. streamline annual budget reviews to focus on key changes in assumptions and outlooks, and the reasons driving such changes e. allow staff to develop budgets with fixed targets in place, allowing early response to circumstances and budget constraints of such targets. c. improved fiscal discipline of the organization d. streamlined budget reviews that focus on key changes in assumptions and the reasons driving such changes e. allowing staff to develop budgets with fixed targets in place, allowing early response to circumstances and budget constraints of such targets. f. reduces uncertainty about future year tax levies g. provides longer term outlook to outside organizations that rely upon the Town for a share of their funding, which enables them to plan and deliver their programs more effectively. In addition, when considering a new capital investment, Council will also consider the anticipated incremental operating costs that the new investment will produce. 16 Included new wording to offer flexibility to Council in instances where the required inflation increase exceeds comfort levels. To facilitate this new flexibility, the twelve month inflation Nil For reference, Council will refer to the annual 12 month CPI index for the Toronto Area, as reported by Statistics Should the inflation rate for a given fiscal year exceed two percent, Staff will present Council with options for the mitigation of any inflation in excess of two percent for its consideration For reference, Council will refer to the annual 12 month CPI index for the Toronto Area, as reported by Statistics General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R2 Page 25 of 28
Attachment #3 calculation period was adjusted backwards by one month to better align with the timing of Council’s direction report to staff thus allowing staff to notify Council if the required inflation increase will exceed the newly defined threshold and consequently offer mitigation measures. Canada for the period July 1 to June 30, ending in the year prior to the budget under review. Canada for the period June 1st to May 31st, ending in the year prior to the budget under review. 19 The previous ‘X’ percentages of total salaries and benefits were replaced with the common values being utilized in practice. This principal and its accompanying values will not be finalized until such time that a formal training and development policy is approved for the Town. Innovation, efficiencies, service excellence, maintaining public safety, and service level improvements come through the continuous learning and development of our staff. Training and development funding will be provided in the budget in the range of x% to x% (to be determined) of the Total Salaries and Benefits costs. In the first year of each term of Council, data from the comparator municipalities will be presented to confirm the Town’s percentage allocation. Innovation, efficiencies, service excellence, maintaining public safety, and service level improvements come through the continuous learning and development of our staff. Training and development funding will be provided in the budget in the range of 1% to 3% (to be confirmed by Council) of the Total Salaries and Benefits costs. In the first year of each term of Council, data from the comparator municipalities will be presented to confirm the Town’s percentage allocation. 20 Removal of Hydro Investment Reserve Funds from wording as the Town is no b. Reduce the reliance upon unsustainable revenue sources by the Operating budget, such as interest from the Hydro Investment Reserve Funds. b. Reduce reliance upon unsustainable revenue sources by the operating budget, such as supplementary tax and other development driven revenues. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R2 Page 26 of 28
Attachment #3 longer reliant upon hydro investment reserve funds. Wording was updated to reflect clearer direction that has subsequently been received from the Province in regards to asset management best practices. The driver for the need for current tax increases in this regard is a historical underfunding of contributions to infrastructure reserves, and the recently mandated detailed planning and forecasting taking place for the management of capital asset infrastructure. The Town’s Ten Year Asset Management and Investment Plan outlines and updates this strategy each year. The driver for the need for current tax increases in this regard is a historical underfunding of contributions to infrastructure reserves, and the provincially mandated new municipal asset management regulation. The impact of these factors is more pronounced as a Town’s capital infrastructure ages. Both the Town’s approved strategic asset management policy and asset management plan which outline asset service levels and the Town’s strategy for meeting them; as well as the Town’s Ten Year capital Investment Plan are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. 21 Wording was updated in an effort to clarify the intent of this principle. The Province has quietly been providing “tax room” to municipalities since 1998: Since the substantial changes of property taxes with the introduction of Current Value Assessment in Ontario in 1998, the Province of Ontario has generally held education tax rates revenue neutral for existing properties each year, resulting in a decline of the portion of the property tax bill going toward education. Together with recent uploading from the Region of Historically the Province has provided “tax room” to municipalities. Since 1998, the Province of Ontario has generally held education tax rates revenue neutral for existing properties each year, resulting in a decline of the portion of the property tax bill going toward education. Some of these reductions have been offset by increased regulatory compliance requirements which have directly or General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R2 Page 27 of 28
Attachment #3 York and others of the Social Pooling allocation, and other social and provincial responsibilities, the Province has continually reduced their burden on the property tax bill incrementally each year. Some of these reductions have been offset by increased regulatory compliance requirements which have directly or indirectly added costs to the municipalities. Overall, it needs to be recognized that due to the net zero tax increases for education taxes, the province annually opens “tax room” on the bill for municipalities to address funding pressures such as infrastructure and compliance costs. Council and the community need to recognize that to access this tax room, the local taxes need to increase by more than general inflationary levels. Failing to access this tax room in one year is difficult to recapture in future years. indirectly added costs to the municipalities. Overall, it needs to be recognized that due to the historical net zero tax increases for education taxes, the province annually opens “tax room” on the bill for municipalities to address funding pressures such as infrastructure and compliance costs. Council and the community need to recognize that to access this tax room, the local taxes need to increase by more than general inflationary levels. Failing to access this tax room in one year is difficult to recapture in future years. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R2 Page 28 of 28
Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. FS19-023
Subject: 2018 Year End Budget Report – as at December 31, 2018
Prepared by: Jason Gaertner, Acting Director, Financial Services - Treasurer
Department: Financial Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. FS19-023 be received for information.
Executive Summary
This report presents the year-end financial performance of the Town’s tax levy and
utility rate funded operations. In addition, information is provided on the disposition of
the Town’s tax funded operating surplus, as well as the management of its rate funded
operating deficit in accordance with the 2018 Surplus Control By-law 6137-18.
• The Town’s Tax levy funded operations budget ended the year with a surplus of
• Utility operations closed the fiscal year with an operating deficit of $321,300
All year-end surpluses or deficits were addressed in accordance with the Town’s 2018
surplus control by-law.
In an effort to keep Council informed as to the financial status of the Town’s operating
budgets, it was presented with interim forecast updates on a quarterly basis over the
course of 2018. Now that the Town’s external audit is substantially complete, this
allows Finance staff to finalize this report of the 2019 fiscal results for the Town of
It should be noted that the audited financial statements are presented in a format
consistent with the Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS), whereas this report is
presented in a format consistent with the “traditional balanced municipal budget”
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On December 18, 2018, the Surplus Control By-law 6137-18 was passed. This by-law
authorizes the CAO and Treasurer to allocate portions of a year-end surplus to specific
reserve accounts, or to offset a year-end operating deficit through a draw from specific
reserve accounts as part of the year-end accounting processes. This is done in an effort
to separate a previous year’s budget variance from that of the upcoming year’s budget.
Any surplus allocations are to be made according to a specific formula set out in the by-
law and are to be reported back to Council.
The Town’s Tax levy funded operations budget ended the year with a surplus of
Actual total expenditures for 2018 were $67,840,200 which was 5.8 percent or
$3,715,100 above the established budget of $64,125,100. Total 2018 revenues
(including the $44,175,100 tax levy) were $68,736,500, which was 7.2 percent or
$4,611,400 higher than the $64,125,100 budgeted for total revenue. These two
variances result in the net $896,300 surplus.
The 2018 approved operating budget provided for $64,125,100 of expenses, offset by
various revenue sources. Before the offsetting overall surplus contribution to reserves of
$896,300 has been applied, the following significant variances contributed to the year
end results:
Budget Variance
Favourable / (Unfavourable)
Engineering fees revenues 690,500
Penalties on unpaid property taxes 338,400
Membership fees revenues 128,000
One-time streetlight conversion to LED
Ice and other rentals 85,900
Various other development driven fees 67,400
Tax levy short-fall (278,200)
Development driven application fees (119,200)
Sub-total – unplanned revenues 1,013,000
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Salary & benefits 510,800
Electricity – Town Facilities / Parks 190,200
Electricity – Streetlights 49,700
Road maintenance contracts 83,800
Debenture Payment funded from operations (315,500)
Snow management operating materials / contract (244,500)
Tax assessment appeal decisions (187,500)
Other facility operating material & supplies (181,100)
Fleet vehicle repairs & fuel costs (113,700)
All other net operating savings 91,100
2018 Operating Surplus $ 896,300
Overall, the Town’s municipal operations closed the fiscal year in a surplus position of
$896,300. This surplus was attributable to favorable variances arising from
development as well as other uncontrollable revenue sources. The most significant
expenditure contributor to the reported operating surplus was unplanned staff turnover.
In general, salary and benefits requirements came in under their established budgets by
a total of $660,800. Of this amount, $150,000 in savings relating to vacant position
gapping was projected within the approved budget, taking the form of a credit that was
applied to the budget. Upon application of this credit, the net salary savings recognized
by the Town was $510,800. Another key driver of these salary savings was the Town’s
strategy of budgeting for the impacts of Bill 148 for a full twelve month period rather
than for just the partial period for which the Bill’s impacts became effective in 2018. The
intent of this strategy was to minimize the associated annualization pressure
requirements in the new year.
The Town completed its conversion of its streetlights to LED in 2017 and continues to
convert its parks and facility lighting to LED. The resultant energy savings are now
being recognized by the Town; energy savings contributed to the $239,900 in electricity
savings that were recognized in 2018. All streetlight energy savings are utilized to fund
the associated debenture payments.
Rising contract and operating material unit costs and demand for those contracted
services and materials contributed to the 2018 operating budget short-falls experienced
by snow and fleet management services.
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Many of the variance items noted in the table above are generally not directly
controllable by the Town and are difficult to budget for. As a consequence, these items
have an ability to become significant contributors to the budget variances experienced
at year end.
CAO and Council
The Council and CAO budgets ended 2018 with a $73,100 (4.0 percent) favourable
variance on a net operating budget of $1,846,300. This variance was the result of some
savings experienced from conferences, contracts and consulting.
Corporate Services
Corporate Services ended the fiscal year with a $283,000 (3.8 percent) favorable
variance on a net operating budget of $7,393,900. This variance is mostly attributable
to temporary position vacancies, as well as contract and operating material savings.
Financial Services
Financial Services ended the year with a $263,500 (14.2 percent) unfavourable
variance on a net operating budget of $1,856,400 due to employee departures and a
miscoded contribution to reserves. The short-fall relating to the contribution to reserves
is offset by an equivalent value revenue surplus under the Town’s corporate revenues.
Fire Services
Central York Fire Services (CYFS) experienced a surplus of $736,800 from a total
approved operating budget of $25,069,800, mostly attributable to gapping for
retirements, leave of absences, new hires, and other vacancies. Aurora’s share of this
budget and resultant surplus was $10,490,400 and $299,500 respectively. This noted
CYFS surplus was offset by a contribution to the shared CYFS Reserve, leaving the
Town’s portion as budgeted. The reported year end minor deficit of $12,200 is the
result of timing differences in the Town’s draft fire budget creation and the final budget
being approved by the Joint Council Committee (JCC).
Operational Services
Operational Services, excluding water, wastewater & storm water services, ended 2018
with a $134,200 (1.4 percent) unfavourable variance on a net operating budget of
$9,875,500. This deficit had multiple service line contributors which included snow
management, as well as fleet management. These deficits were partially offset by
surpluses in road network and parks operations resulting from contract, operating
materials and salary savings.
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Operational Services’ salaries and wages are split between tax levy and rate (water,
wastewater & storm water services) funded programs. In any given year, the extent of
operational service staff support of tax levy or rate funded programs is difficult to
predict; consequently, some variability in this regard is not unusual. Overall the
department’s salaries and benefits for tax supported programs finished the year over
their established budgets by $98,900. Within this variance, a salary short-fall of
$229,800 was recognized relating to a lower than budgeted amount of staff’s time being
spent on rate funded programs, partially offset by park operations salary savings.
The key contributors to the deficits recognized in fleet and snow management services
relate to greater than anticipated operating material / supply costs. The higher snow
management costs are primarily attributable to a greater than planned number of snow
events. Increased 3rd party fleet repair costs were the key contributor to the funding
short-falls experienced in fleet management services.
Community Services
Community Services closed the year with a favourable variance of $723,500 (8.4
percent) on a net operating budget of $8,624,600. Some of the key contributors to this
variance were larger than anticipated ice rental revenues relating to a new process that
promotes last minute ice availability, stronger membership fee revenues from fitness,
aquatics and seniors; as well as community program delivery contract and salary
The Town’s strategy of budgeting for the impacts of Bill 148 for a full twelve month
period rather than for just the partial period for which the Bill’s impacts became effective
in 2018 was a material contributor to these noted salary savings. These related savings
were more pronounced in Community Services as a much larger proportion of its staff
were impacted by the labour legislation changes that resulted from Bill 148.
Another contributor to this favourable variance was facility electricity cost savings as the
Town begins to recognize energy savings resulting from its continued conversion of all
its facilities to LED lighting. This conversion continues into 2019.
Planning & Development Services
The Planning & Development Services department ended the year with a surplus of
$463,000. The key contributing factor to this favourable variance was heathier than
expected development driven revenues such as engineering fees for lot grading,
subdivisions and site plans. These surplus revenues were partially offset by lower
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than anticipated revenues relating to condominium development. It should be noted
that the majority of these revenues arise at the ‘front end’ of a development;
consequently, as the Town has almost reached its build out capacity, these revenues
can be expected to begin to decline in future years.
Not included in this variance is a Building Services’ deficit of $985,800, as it is a self-
funded function as per provincial legislation. Consequently, if it is unable to recognize
sufficient revenues to offset its expenses in a given fiscal year, it will draw from its
dedicated reserve in order to balance its operating budget. If it recognizes excess
revenues, these revenues are utilized to replenish its reserve. This year’s deficit results
from lower than planned building permit revenues being recognized. As the majority of
Building Services’ revenues arise more towards the ‘back end’ of a development, these
associated revenues are likely to continue to be strong into the short term as
development initiated earlier through Planning & Development services runs its course
towards completion.
Corporate Revenues & Expenses
Corporate Revenues and Expenses ended 2018 with a $41,800 (1.0 percent)
favourable variance on a net operating budget of $4,071,300. The primary driver of this
noted variance was unplanned one-time rebate revenues relating to the Town's
conversion of its streetlights to LED, larger than anticipated tax penalty revenues, and
provincial labour legislation salary savings, offset by the unplanned first payment toward
the Town's JOC debenture and larger than anticipated tax account write-offs. On an
ongoing basis, all future JOC debenture payments will not impact the tax levy, rather
they will be funded through development charge revenues.
Aurora Public Library Contribution
The Aurora Public Library experienced a surplus of $396,000 from a total approved net
operating budget of $3,843,100, mostly attributable to salary savings. This net operating
budget is equivalent to the Town’s 2018 contribution to the Aurora Library Board. This
noted surplus was contributed to the Library Board’s general capital reserve, leaving the
Town’s planned contribution as budgeted.
Total Tax Levy
The Town collected a total of $44,175,100 in tax levy revenue, excluding supplementary
tax revenues, which was $278,200 less than what was budgeted. These lower than
anticipated revenues relate to the Town’s overestimate of its 2018 growth in its tax
assessment base; the budget anticipated an assessment growth of 3.10% while the
final assessed growth for 2018 was 2.81%. In an effort to achieve an approved
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operating budget for the upcoming year prior to the year commencing, the Town must
estimate its tax assessment base growth for the upcoming year as the final figure is not
yet available at the time of budget’s creation. These additional funds were utilized to
fund the delivery of growth related Town services in 2018. This shortfall was offset fully
by other operating budget surpluses.
Operating Summary
Overall, the Town of Aurora general municipal operations ended the year with a surplus
of $896,300 with no noticeable adverse impacts to service levels. Under the guidelines
as presented in the Surplus/Deficit Control By-law, as the rate stabilization reserve
balance has reached its maximum ceiling of ten percent of the tax levy, the CAO and
Treasurer have approved a contribution of this equivalent amount across the Town’s
repair & replacement reserves.
The final net tax levy funded operations results can be found in Attachment 1.
Utility operations closed the fiscal year with an operating deficit of $321,300
Staff strive to better match revenues with expenses and to eliminate the historic reliance
upon contributions from reserves in order to balance these programs and to ensure the
sufficient replenishment of the underground infrastructure rehabilitation and
replacement reserves. In addition, the annual contribution to underground infrastructure
reserves continues to be responsibly increased each fiscal year. Staff have made
progress in this regard, but more effort is required.
Water and wastewater services concluded the fiscal year with an unfavorable operating
budget variance of $185,000 as a result of surpluses arising from higher than projected
retail revenues and contract savings, more than offset by higher wholesale water
purchase and sewage discharge fees than planned, as well as the write off of some of
the Town’s uncollectable water receivables owing. The noted funding shortfalls in
sewer discharge fees and wholesale water purchases demonstrate that further right
sizing of these budgets is required. Consequently, staff continued to adjust these
budgets within the now approved 2019 rate budget.
Storm water services ended the year with a deficit of $136,300 driven predominately by
higher than anticipated contract costs associated with an increase in the amount of
required maintenance to the Town’s storm water system and a revenue short-fall.
Storm water costs are expected to continue to be under considerable pressure for the
next three to five years as the Town strives to align its reserve balance with its
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associated infrastructure’s renewal requirements.
The overall rate funded utility program experienced a deficit of $321,300 which was
brought to a balanced budget at year end through a draw from rate reserves.
The Water and Sewer Budget Summary can be found in Attachment 2.
Advisory Committee Review
Not applicable.
Legal Considerations
Financial Implications
There are no other immediate financial implications arising from this report. Council
fulfills its role, in part, by receiving and reviewing this financial status report on the
operations of the municipality relative to the approved budget.
The audited PSAB basis financial statements for 2018, as currently drafted, reflect an
operating surplus of $2,310,000. This amount reconciles to the internal report
cumulative total general operating and water & wastewater program budget surplus of
$575,000 as follows:
Tax levy supported budget surplus
Rate supported budget deficit
Traditional Balanced Consolidated Budget Surplus
Add Back: Debt principal repaid included 773,400
Add: Transfers to/from reserves 12,486,000
Add: Capital assets assumed through development
Add: Gain on disposal of capital assets and land
Add: Investment income allocated directly to reserves
Add: Net capitalization of assets adjustment
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Add: Gain on disposal of capital assets and land 35,000
Deduct: Additional operating revenue (215,200)
Deduct: Net Deferred Revenue Adjust – DC, CIL, FGT (9,447,900)
Deduct: Amortization of capital assets (14,948,000)
Net all other PSAB adjustments (628,400)
PSAB 2018 “Annual Surplus”: Audited (Draft) $2,310,000
Communications Considerations
This report will be made available on the Town’s website in the Budget and Financial
Information pages.
Link to Strategic Plan
The 2018 Final Budget Report provides an update on the surplus/deficit of the
corporation and outlines the strategy for managing the identified surplus/deficit.
Outlining and understanding the Town’s financial results contributes to achieving the
Strategic Plan guiding principle of “Leadership in Corporate Management” and improves
transparency and accountability to the community.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
Not applicable; this report is for information only.
The general operating results show a year-end surplus of $896,300 arising primarily
from larger than anticipated development driven revenues such as engineering fees for
lot grading, subdivisions and site plans and salary & benefit savings. These surpluses
have been partially offset by larger than planned operating material and contract costs
and a new debenture cost. The net Water & Wastewater and Storm water Program
Budget results reflect an overall deficit of $321,300.
The above noted year end surpluses were then adjusted by transfers from/to reserves
in accordance with the 2018 surplus control by-law as follows:
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Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. PDS19-051
Subject: Energy Conservation and Demand Management (ECDM) Plan
Update 2019 - 2023
Prepared by: Anca Mihail, Manager of Engineering and Capital Delivery
Department: Planning and Development Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. PDS19-051 be received for information;
2. That Council endorse the Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand
Management (ECDM) Plan Update for 2019 to 2023 (Attachment #1).
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to present and obtain Council’s endorsement for the
Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management (ECDM) Plan Update for
2019 - 2023. The key points of the ECDM plan are:
• The Town’s Facilities overall goal is to reduce electricity consumption by 10.5%
(990,963kWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7% (119,584 cu.m.) and GHG
emissions by 8.3% (268 mtCO2e) of the 2018 baseline by the end of 2023.
• Town’s Water and Wastewater Facilities’ contribution to the overall energy
consumption and GHG emissions is negligible compared to other Town facilities.
• The Town’s fleet vehicles overall goal is to improve the average fuel efficiency to
23L/100km and to reduce GHG emissions by 50% (245 mtCO2e) of the 2018
baseline by the end of 2023.
• The Town’s overall goal (facilities and fleet combined) is to reduce the energy
consumption by 10.5% (990,963kWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7%
(119,584 cu.m.) and GHG emissions by 15.9% (514 mtCO2e) of the 2018
baseline by the end of 2023 with an expected investment in ECDM measures of
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• Strategies needed to achieve the 2019 ECDM Plan’s goals
Ontario Regulation 507/18 of the Electricity Act, 1998 requires public agencies,
including municipalities, to update their Energy Conservation and Demand Management
(ECDM) Plan every five years. The latest ECDM Plan must be made publicly available
on or before July 1, 2019. In March 2019, the Town hired WalterFedy, a consulting
company specialized in energy conservation projects aimed at reducing the energy
consumption and carbon footprint, to update the Town’s ECDM Plan as required.
The Plan focuses on Town’s buildings and services and excludes broader community’s
energy conservation measures and GHG emissions, which will be captured in the future
Community Energy Plan.
This ECDM Plan provides a road map for energy management in the Town of Aurora for
the next five years (2019 – 2023). The main objectives of this plan are:
• Presenting historical energy consumption and GHG emissions, as well as energy
conservation measures (ECMs) that have been implemented since the 2014
ECDM plan.
• Assessing whether the goals of the 2014 ECDM plan have been met.
• Setting goals for the 2019 ECDM plan to be met by 2024.
• Presenting the ECMs planned for the future in order for the Town to meet the
goals established within this plan.
All these objectives form a complete road map, which will determine priorities,
technologies, projects and opportunities for the Town in order to meet corporate energy
and GHG goals.
The 2014 ECDM Plan identified a number of actions to be implemented by 2019. These
are summarized in Attachment 2 – Town of Aurora 2014 ECDM Plan Actions Summary.
Although staff has implemented a number of ECDM actions from 2014 to 2018, there
are still some opportunities remaining due to lack of funding and resources. These
opportunities will be included in the current plan when moving forward.
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Town’s Facilities overall goal is to reduce the electricity consumption by 10.5%
(990,963kWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7% (119,584cu.m.) and GHG
emissions by 8.3% (268 mtCO2e = metric tonnes of carbon dioxide) of the 2018
baseline by the end of 2023.
Since 2014, a number of energy conservation measures (ECMs) have been
implemented in an effort to achieve the goals set out in the plan. Some of the completed
ECMs had their estimated capital costs and energy savings documented in energy
audits, while others were simply implemented. The Town has made use of numerous
government incentives available to implement these projects. In 2017, the Town
received a total of $473,294 in government grants and qualified for $39,577 in hydro
incentives as follows:
• Canada 150 Grant for improvements at SARC ($126,152) and ACC ($116,142).
• Canada 150 Intake II Grant for improvements at ACC ($132,000) and Aurora
Public Library ($99,000).
• Hydro incentive for LED lighting retrofits at SARC ($13,880), ACC ($14,280) and
Aurora Public Library ($11,417).
In addition to the ECMs already implemented, there are a number of measures, which
are already in progress or included in the Town’s 10-year Capital Program to be
implemented by 2021.
Energy audits were completed for all Town’s facilities in 2017. These energy audits
evaluated various ECMs and estimated their energy savings and implementation costs.
However, not all ECMs evaluated are financially feasible, which means having a simple
payback of less than 10 years. The 2019 ECDM Plan highlights all financially feasible
ECMs that will provide good value to the Town and recommends their implementation
between 2019 and 2023.
In addition, the 2019 ECDM Plan includes a benchmarking analysis to show the
facilities’ electricity use intensity (EUI) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) from 2014
to 2018, and compares them to similar facilities in the largest municipalities in Southern
Ontario. This benchmarking analysis can help determine which facilities are performing
poorly compared to similar facilities in other Ontario municipalities. The Town will use
this analysis when determining which facilities to prioritize for the ECMs implementation.
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The completion of the overall goal for facilities is expected to require an estimated
investment of approximately $628,842, which is included in the Town’s capital plan for
facilities from 2019 to 2023. The Town’s facilities goal summary is presented in
Attachment #3 and the estimated investment for the proposed ECMs is in Table 1,
below. The ECMs included in the 2019 Budget are shown in Table 2
Table 1: Estimated investment for the proposed ECMs in-progress and planned 2019-
Facility Cost
Aurora Cultural Centre $28,300
Aurora Community Centre (ACC) $13,335
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) $238,400
Aurora Public Library (APL) $34,207
Aurora Seniors Centre (ASC) $13,200
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) $155,900
Aurora Town Hall $143,800
Victoria Hall $1,700
Total Estimated Investment $628,842
Table 2: ECMs included in 2019 Budget
Facility Energy Conservation
Measure (ECM) Year Cost
Aurora Cultural Centre Interior LED retrofit 2019 $20,000
Aurora Family Leisure Complex
LED retrofit - arena, pool,
interior 2019 $134,000
Aurora Seniors Centre (ASC) Interior and exterior LED
retrofit 2019 $13,000
Aurora Town Hall LED interior lighting retrofit 2019 $87,200
Total Investment $254,200
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Town’s Water and Wastewater Facilities’ Contribution to the overall energy
consumption and GHG emissions is negligible compared to other Town Facilities.
The total annual electricity consumption (in KW/h) for Town’s water and wastewater
facilities from 2014 to 2018 is presented in the report. The energy consumption at these
facilities is very small compared to other Town’s facilities (e.g. administrative offices,
public facilities and indoor recreation facilities) and they do not consume natural gas.
As the Town’s water/wastewater facilities contribute an insignificant amount to the
Town’s overall energy consumption and GHG emissions, it is not recommended to have
energy audits completed or have ECMs implemented at these facilities at this time.
Going forward, the goal for these facilities is to monitor the overall electricity
consumption over the next five years as new facilities are brought on line.
Town’s Fleet Vehicles overall goal is to improve average fuel efficiency to 23
L/Km and reduce GHG emissions by 50% (245 mtCO2e) of the 2018 baseline by
the end of 2023.
The current average fuel efficiency, based on the annual distance traveled from
December 2017 to December 2018, is 46 L/100km.
The goal for the Town’s fleet vehicles is to improve average fuel efficiency from 46
L/100km to 23L/100km and reduce GHG emissions by 50% (245 mtCO2e).
GHG emissions are directly related to the amount of fuel consumed. As a result,
reducing the fuel consumed by improving the average fuel efficiency will reduce GHG
emissions proportionally. Vehicles in Canada have an average highway-city combined
fuel efficiency of approximately 10L/100km. Town’s fleet vehicles are city driven the
majority of the time but should still be able to achieve an average fuel efficiency of
23L/100km through driver/operator training and by implementing anti-idling initiatives.
Attachment #4 summarizes the current fleet vehicles’ efficiency and the goal to be
achieved by the end of 2023.
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The Town’s overall goal (facilities and fleet combined) is to reduce the energy
consumption by 10.5% (990,963KWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7% (119,584
cu.m.) and GHG emissions by 15.9% (514 mtCO2e) of the 2018 baseline by the
end of 2023 with an expected investment in ECDM measures of $628,842.
The energy consumption and GHG emissions reduction goals to be achieved by the
Town at the end of 2023 compared to the 2018 baseline are presented in Attachments
#5 and #6.
Funding for the ECMs proposed to be implemented from 2020 to 2023 will be presented
to Council part of the future capital and operating budgets. As mentioned above, some
ECMs are being implemented in 2019, please see Table no.2.
Strategies needed to achieve the ECDM Plan’s goals
In order to achieve the goals of the 2019 ECDM the following strategies are proposed
over the next five years:
Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) Implementation
• Formalize criteria and metrics for prioritizing energy efficiency projects based on
life-cycle costs, available incentives, impact on occupant comfort, regulatory
requirements, ease of implementation and energy savings impact.
Organization energy policies
• Develop guidelines and policies for energy management to be followed by all
Town of Aurora facilities.
New buildings/equipment
• Develop minimum energy efficiency requirements for equipment replacement
and new equipment.
• Develop formal guidelines for considering energy at all stages of new building
• Develop procurement policies, which favors life cycle costs over lowest first
• Ensure all new buildings and equipment are properly commissioned.
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Energy management
• Investigate potential to adopt an energy management system to monitor and
analyze energy consumption across Town of Aurora facilities.
• Formalize methodology to monitor and track progress of ECMs.
• Create annual report documentation progress of energy efficiency initiatives.
• Provide general training on energy efficiency for operation and maintenance
(O&M) staff.
• Provide targeted training for O&M staff as needed.
• Energy and Climate Change Analyst (and other staff as required) to keep up to
date on industry trends and best practices.
Internal communication/staff engagement
• Improve communication of energy initiatives to staff and public.
• Develop staff engagement strategy to encourage a corporate culture of
• Host online suggestion box/survey for staff to provide commentary on potential
energy efficiency opportunities.
Advisory Committee Review
Not Applicable.
Legal Considerations
Not Applicable.
Financial Implications
The Town’s overall goal in reducing energy, natural gas consumption and GHG
emissions will require an investment of approximately $628,842 by the end of 2023.
Some of the energy conservation measures are already scheduled to be implemented
in 2019 as were part of the 2019 budget request. Funding for the energy conservation
measures proposed to be implemented from 2020 to 2023 will be presented to Council
part of the capital and operating budgets for each respective year.
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Communications Considerations
Not Applicable.
Link to Strategic Plan
This report supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of
Life for All through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key
objective within this goal statement:
Invest in sustainable infrastructure: Maintain and expand infrastructure to support
forecasted population growth through technology, waste management, roads,
emergency services and accessibility.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
Ontario Regulation 507/18 of the Electricity Act, 1998 requires public agencies,
including municipalities, to update their Energy Conservation and Demand Management
(ECDM) Plan every five years. The latest ECDM Plan must be made publicly available
on or before July 1, 2019.
This report seeks Council’s endorsement for the 2019 Corporate Energy and Demand
Energy Plan that presents a road map, which will determine priorities, technologies,
projects and opportunities for the Town in order to meet corporate energy and GHG
Attachment #1 – Town of Aurora, Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan
Update 2019-2023
Attachment #2 – Town of Aurora 2014 ECDM Plan Action Summary
Attachment #3 – Facilities Goal Summary
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June 3, 2019
Prepared by
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Town of Aurora
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update 2019-2023
Table of Contents
2.1 Baseline .................................................. 2
2.1.1 Energy Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 2
2.1.2 GHG Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Energy Conservation Measures ..................................... 4
2.2.1 Completed ECMs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 4
2.2.2 In-Progress ECMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.3 Planned ECMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Goals ................................................... 7
3.1 Baseline .................................................. 8
3.1.1 Energy Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 8
3.1.2 GHG Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Energy Conservation Measures ..................................... 9
3.2.1 Completed ECMs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 9
3.2.2 In-Progress ECMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.3 Planned ECMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Goals ................................................... 9
4 FLEET 10
4.1 Baseline .................................................. 10
4.2 Proposed GHG Reduction Measures .................................. 10
4.3 Goals ................................................... 11
6.1 Previous .................................................. 12
6.2 Current .................................................. 13
6.3 Action Plan ................................................ 16
6.4 Additional Strategies ........................................... 16
6.4.1 Previous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.4.2 Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Benchmarking Analysis
Best-in-class Review
Communication Strategy
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Town of Aurora
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update 2019-2023 1
The Ontario Provincial Government has committed to help public agencies better understand and manage their
energy consumption. As part of this commitment, Ontario Regulation 507/18 under the Electricity Act requires
public agencies, including municipalities, municipal service boards, school boards, universities, colleges and
hospitals to report on their energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually, to develop and
implement an Energy Conservation and Demand Management (ECDM) Plan, and to update their ECDM Plan
every five years.
The Town of Aurora is committed to developing and executing on strategies to reduce environmental impact,
utility costs, and ensure regulatory compliance in accordance with Ontario Regulation 507/18.
Table 1 summarizes the energy consumption and GHG emissions for the Town of Aurora facilities and fleet for
2018. This is the baseline which the current goal will be based on.
Table 1: Town of Aurora 2018 energy consumption and GHG emissions summary
Administrative Public Indoor Recreation Water/Waste Water Fleet Total
Offices Facilities Facilities Facilities
Electricity Consumption [kWh] 1,299,380 1,220,316 6,761,361 118,358 - 9,399,415
Natural Gas Consumption [m
3 ] 193,359 119,928 921,252 -- 1,234,539
GHG Emissions [mtCO2e] 421 279 2,030 5.1 491 3,226
Table 2 summarizes the energy consumption and GHG reduction goals that the Town of Aurora plans to meet
by 2024.
Table 2: Town of Aurora 2023 goals summary
Administrative Public Indoor Recreation Water/Waste Water Fleet Total
Offices Facilities Facilities Facilities
Electricity Consumption Reduction [kWh] 173,937 313,257 503,769 -- 990,963
Electricity Consumption Reduction [%] 1.9 3.3 5.4 -- 10.5
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction [m
3 ] 2,589 26,894 90,101 -- 119,584
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction [%] 0.21 2.2 7.3 - - 9.7
GHG Emissions Reduction [mtCO2e] 12 64 192 - 245 514
GHG Emissions Reduction [%] 0.38 2 5.9 - 7.6 15.9
Implementation Cost [$] 143,800 77,407 407,635 - - 628,842
*Reductions based on 2018 energy consumption and GHG emissions.
* Water/Waste water facilities contributed the least to energy consumption and GHG emissions of all Town of Aurora facilities (Table 1). As such, goals for energy
consumpion and GHG emissions reductions were focused on other facilities.
The overall goal is to reduce electricity consumption by 10.5%(990,963 kWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7%
(119,584 m
3 ), and GHG emissions by 15.9%(514 mtCO2e) of the 2018 baseline by the end of 2023. This is
expected to require an investment of approximately $628,842.
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Town of Aurora
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update 2019-2023 2
This Energy Conservation & Demand Management (ECDM) plan was created in accordance with the require-
ments described in Ontario Regulation 507/18 under the Electricity Act. It provides a roadmap for energy
management in the Town of Aurora for the next five years (2019 - 2023). The main objectives of this plan are:
• Examining historical energy consumption and GHG emissions, as well as energy conservation measures
(ECMs) that have been implemented since the 2014 ECDM plan.
• Examining whether the goals of the 2014 ECDM plan have been met, and sets goals for the 2019 CDM
plan to be met by 2024.
• Examining what ECMs are already planned for the future, as well as additional ECMs which should be
completed from 2019 - 2023 in order for the Town of Aurora to meet the goals established within this plan.
All three objectives are vital and will come together to form a complete roadmap which will determine the
priorities, technologies, projects, and opportunities required to achieve the Town of Aurora’s corporate energy
and GHG goals.
2.1 Baseline
A list of the facilities included in this section are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3: Town of Aurora facilities list
Building Category Address Year Area [sqft]
Aurora Town Hall Administrative offices 100 John West Way 1991 49,280
Joint Operations Centre (JOC)Administrative offices 229 Industrial Parkway N 2016 63,152
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Indoor recreation facility 1 Community Centre Lane 1966, 1996 81,100
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Indoor recreation facility 135 Industrial Parkway North 1985 61,000
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Indoor recreation facility 1400 Wellington Street East 2007 104,000
Armoury Public facility 89 Mosley Street 1874 8,400
Aurora Cultural Centre Public facility 22 Church Street 1885 17,500
Aurora Public Library Public facility 15145 Yonge Street 2000 44,375
Aurora Seniors Centre Public facility 90 John West Way 2005 13,934
McMahon Clubhouse Public facility 76 Maple Street 1930, 1970 1,400
Victoria Hall Public facility 27 Mosley Street 1883 900
2.1.1 Energy Consumption
Figure 1 summarizes the Town of Aurora’s annual electricity and natural gas consumption from 2014 - 2018.
Data from 2014 - 2018 was provided by the Town of Aurora.
It can be seen that the annual electricity consumption has an increasing trend from 2014 - 2016, but decreases
slightly from 2016 onwards (mainly due to reduced electricity consumption in indoor recreation facilities). The
annual natural gas consumption had a significant decrease from 2014 - 2015 but increases every year after-
An increase in annual electricity consumption for administrative offices in 2016 can be seen due to the new
Joint Operations Centre being newly operational. However, the building was not heated significantly until 2017
(as shown by the increase in annual natural gas consumption). There were no facilities added or removed
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Town of AuroraEnergy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update 2019-2023 3
01,000,0002,000,0003,000,0004,000,0005,000,0006,000,0007,000,0008,000,0000100,000200,000300,000400,000500,000600,000700,000800,000900,0001,000,0002014201520162017201820142015201620172018Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh)Annual Natural Gas Consumption (m3)Administrative offices Indoor recreation facility Public facilityWater/Waste water facilityFigure 1: Annual electricity and natural gas consumption
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Town of Aurora
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update 2019-2023 4
2.1.2 GHG Emissions
GHG emissions is typically measured in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (mtCO2e). To illustrate, a typical
passenger vehicle emits approximately 4.6 mtCO2e per year. GHG emissions can be broken down into three
categories - Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3.
Scope 1 emissions are defined as direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organization. An
example of this would be the emissions from the burning of natural gas or propane in on-site equipment. This
is typically the second largest contributor to a facility’s GHG emissions.
Scope 2 emissions are defined as indirect emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organization. An
example of this would be the downstream emissions from electricity purchased from the grid for use in on-site
equipment. This is typically the smallest contributor to a facility’s GHG emissions.
Scope 3 emissions are defined as emissions from sources not owned or directly controlled by the organization.
An example of this would be emissions from vehicles used in employee travel and commuting. Scope 3 emis-
sions were not included in this inventory as it is difficult to quantify, and data is not readily available. However,
this would typically be the largest contributor to a facility’s GHG emissions.
Figure 2 summarizes the Town of Aurora’s GHG emissions from 2014 - 2018. It is separated into Scope 1 and 2
emissions. It can be seen that Scope 1 and 2 emissions can be directly tied to a facility’s electricity and natural
gas consumption.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Annual GHG Emissions (mtCO2e)Scope 1 Scope 2
Figure 2: Annual GHG emissions
2.2 Energy Conservation Measures
2.2.1 Completed ECMs
A number of energy conservation measures (ECMs) have been implemented since the 2014 CDM plan was
completed in an effort to achieve the goals set out in the plan. A list of the ECMs implemented to date is
summarized in Table 4.
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Some of the completed ECMs had their estimated capital costs and energy savings documented in energy
audits, while others were simply implemented. All energy and cost estimates available were obtained from the
completed energy audits.
The Town of Aurora has made use of numerous government incentives available to implement these projects.
In 2017 alone, the Town of Aurora received a total of $473,294 in government grants and qualified for $39,577
in hydro incentives.
Table 4: Completed ECMs summary table
Year Electricity Natural Gas Capital
Building ECM Completed Savings Savings Cost
[kWh] [m
3 ][$]
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) LED parking lot lights 2014
Aurora Town Hall LED parking lot lights 2014
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) LED parking lot lights 2014
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Interior LED Retrofit 2017 172,576 -15,949 78,152
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Arena LED Retrofit 2017 6,599 0 50,823
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Upgrade ice plant motor controls, replace shell and tube chillers 2017
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Installation of new condensers and hot water boilers 2017
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Interior LED Retrofit 2017 139,995 0 22,000
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Arena LED Retrofit 2017 293,599 0 143,000
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Pool MH to LED 2017 240,416 0 90,000
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) LED retrofit: exterior 2017
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Replace screw compressor 2017
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Replacement of pool liner 2017
Aurora Public Library Interior Lighting Retrofit 2018 182,784 -2,352 103,000
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Low-flow Lavatories and Showerheads 2018 0 91,459 2,600
Note: Costs and energy savings provided by Stantec energy audits.
2.2.2 In-Progress ECMs
In addition to the ECMs already implemented, there are a number of ECMs which are already in-progress to be
implemented. A list of the in-progress ECMs is summarized in Table 5. All energy and cost estimates available
were obtained from the completed energy audits.
Table 5: In-Progress ECMs summary table
Year Electricity Natural Gas Capital
Building ECM Completed Savings Savings Cost
[kWh] [m
Aurora Cultural Centre Interior LED Retrofit 2019 10,035 229 20,000
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Interior LED Retrofit 2019 57,624 -3,606 67,000
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Pool LED Retrofit 2019 28,048 -2,211 27,000
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Arena LED retrofit 2019 45,000 0 40,000
Aurora Seniors Centre Interior CFL and T8 to LED Retrofit 2019 43,041 -2,628 9,000
Aurora Seniors Centre Exterior LED Retrofit 2019 5,790 0 4,000
Aurora Town Hall T8 Light to LED 2019 88,917 -2,719 85,000
Aurora Town Hall CFL pot light to LED 2019 11,729 -2,719 2,200
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Replace screw compressor 2019
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Replace fan coil units 2020
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Replace humidicon equipment 2020
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Arena low-e ceiling 2020 125,000 0 59,000
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Exterior LED retrofit 2020 21,440 0 27,000
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Replace plumbing fixtures in arena change rooms 2020 0 45,730 23,800
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Low-E ceilings 2020 123,000 0 117,000
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Replace compressors 2021
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Replace two heating boilers 2021
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Upgrade of climate control 2021
Aurora Public Library Replace rooftop HVAC 2021
Aurora Public Library LED exterior lighting retrofit 2021 194,520 0 23,000
Aurora Town Hall Replace forced air and gas furnaces 2021
Aurora Town Hall LED exterior lighting retrofit 2021 17,957 0 39,000
Note: Costs and energy savings provided by Stantec energy audits.
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2.2.3 Planned ECMs
There are a number of energy conservation opportunities across the facilities in the Town of Aurora. This section
describes the ECMs which are planned to be implemented from 2019 - 2023.
A number of energy audits were completed for many of the Town of Aurora’s facilities in 2017. These energy
audits evaluated various ECMs and estimated their energy savings and implementation costs. A list of all ECMs
evaluated in these energy audits is summarized in Table 6. ECMs with no simple payback period cost more in
energy than what they are able to save and are therefore not good conservation projects.
Table 6: Facilities planned ECMs summary table
Electricity Natural Gas Capital Simple
Building ECM Savings Savings Cost Payback
[kWh] [m
3 ][$] [Years]
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Low-flow lavatory and shower 0 19,487 800 0.0
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Optimum start/stop -10,166 10,585 5,835 2.7
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Occupancy sensors 10,945 -309 6,700 4.4
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Exterior LED retrofit 6,599 0 50,823 51.3
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Demand control ventilation -934 2,778 6,800
Aurora Cultural Centre Occupancy sensors 14,536 20,685 4,800 0.4
Aurora Cultural Centre Programmable thermostat 26,771 2,969 3,500 0.6
Aurora Cultural Centre Exterior LED retrofit 2,369 0 5,000 11.3
Aurora Cultural Centre Demand control ventilation 1,478 2,244 2,600 15.6
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Low-flow lavatory and shower 0 9,867 2,200 0.1
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Optimum start/stop 9,655 1,645 6,400 3.1
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Demand control ventilation 6,862 8,383 9,800 3.2
Aurora Public Library Occupancy sensors 12,447 -281 5,100 2.8
Aurora Public Library Optimum start/stop 3,588 3,894 6,107 3.1
Aurora Public Library Boiler replacement 10 6,757 127,464 53.3
Aurora Public Library Demand control ventilation -7,038 2,541 7,400
Aurora Seniors Centre Low-flow lavatories 0 1,710 200 0.1
Aurora Seniors Centre Demand control ventilation 2,924 2,188 5,500 13.5
Aurora Seniors Centre Occupancy sensors 12,570 -1,081 6,600 16.2
Aurora Seniors Centre VVT systems -514 800 10,900 42.7
Aurora Town Hall Low-flow lavatory and shower 16,850 0 500 0.1
Aurora Town Hall Demand control ventilation 29,108 5,820 5,100 0.9
Aurora Town Hall Optimum start/stop 9,376 2,207 12,000 5.4
Aurora Town Hall Low-flow toilet fixtures 0 0 19,000 8.9
Aurora Town Hall Occupancy sensors 1,068 519 15,000 44.4
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Daylighting 78,472 -381 11,000 1.0
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Optimum start/stop 7,889 911 4,100 2.9
Victoria Hall Low-flow lavatory fixtures 916 0 100 0.5
Victoria Hall Programmable thermostat 76 420 300 1.2
Victoria Hall Occupancy sensors 224 0 200 4.4
Victoria Hall Interior LED retrofit 1,313 -104 1,100 4.6
Note: Costs and energy savings provided by Stantec energy audits.
However, not all ECMs evaluated are financially feasible (simple payback < 10 years). Table 7 summarizes
ECMs evaluated in the energy audits which had a simple payback of less than 10 years. This ensures that the
planned ECMs are financially feasible and provide good value to the Town of Aurora. These ECMs are planned
to be implemented from 2019 - 2023.
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Table 7: Facilities planned ECMs summary table
Electricity Natural Gas Capital Simple
Building ECM Savings Savings Cost Payback
[kWh] [m
3 ][$] [Years]
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Low-flow lavatory and shower 0 19,487 800 0.0
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Optimum start/stop -10,166 10,585 5,835 2.7
Aurora Community Centre (ACC)Occupancy sensors 10,945 -309 6,700 4.4
Aurora Cultural Centre Occupancy sensors 14,536 20,685 4,800 0.4
Aurora Cultural Centre Programmable thermostat 26,771 2,969 3,500 0.6
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Low-flow lavatory and shower 0 9,867 2,200 0.1
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Optimum start/stop 9,655 1,645 6,400 3.1
Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Demand control ventilation 6,862 8,383 9,800 3.2
Aurora Public Library Occupancy sensors 12,447 -281 5,100 2.8
Aurora Public Library Optimum start/stop 3,588 3,894 6,107 3.1
Aurora Seniors Centre Low-flow lavatories 0 1,710 200 0.1
Aurora Town Hall Low-flow lavatory and shower 16,850 0 500 0.1
Aurora Town Hall Demand control ventilation 29,108 5,820 5,100 0.9
Aurora Town Hall Optimum start/stop 9,376 2,207 12,000 5.4
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Daylighting 78,472 -381 11,000 1.0
Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) Optimum start/stop 7,889 911 4,100 2.9
Victoria Hall Low-flow lavatory fixtures 916 0 100 0.5
Victoria Hall Programmable thermostat 76 420 300 1.2
Victoria Hall Occupancy sensors 224 0 200 4.4
Victoria Hall Interior LED retrofit 1,313 -104 1,100 4.6
Note: Costs and energy savings provided by Stantec energy audits.
A benchmarking analysis has been completed to show the facilities’ electricity use intensity (EUI) and green-
house gas intensity (GHGI) for 2014 - 2018, and compares them to similar facilities in the largest municipalities
in Southern Ontario. This benchmarking analysis can help determine which facilities are performing poorly
compared to similar facilities in other Ontario municipalities. This can be found in the Appendices.
The Town of Aurora will keep this analysis in consideration when determining which facilities to prioritize for
ECM implementation.
2.3 Goals
Table 8 summarizes the energy and GHG emissions reductions that can be expected to be achieved if all ECMs
shown in Table 5 and 7 are implemented.
Table 8: Town of Aurora facilities goal summary
Administrative Public Indoor Recreation Total
Offices Facilities Facilities
Electricity Consumption Reduction [kWh] 173,937 313,257 503,769 990,963
Electricity Consumption Reduction [%] 1.9 3.3 5.4 10.5
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction [m
3 ] 2,589 26,894 90,101 119,584
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction [%] 0.21 2.2 7.3 9.7
GHG Emissions Reduction [mtCO2e] 12 64 192 268
GHG Emissions Reduction [%] 0.38 2 5.9 8.3
Implementation Cost [$] 143,800 77,407 407,635 628,842
*Reductions based on 2018 baseline energy consumption and GHG emissions.
The overall goal for the Town of Aurora’s facilities is to reduce electricity consumption by 10.5%(990,963
kWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7%(119,584 m
3 ), and GHG emissions by 8.3%(268 mtCO2e) of the 2018
baseline by the end of 2023. This is expected to require an investment of approximately $628,842.
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3.1 Baseline
A list of the facilities included in this section are summarized in Table 9.
Table 9: Water/Waste water facilities list
Building Address Year Area [sqft]
Vandorf Water Booster Station 85 Vandorf Sideroad 1998 1,000
Vandorf Lift Station 385 Vandorf Sideraod 1997 215
Ballymore Lift Station 560 St Johns Sideroad East 1996 102
Temperance Street Lift Station 15140 Yonge Street 2001 10
Brentwood Lift Station 3 Woodland Hills Boulevard 2003 215
State Farm Lift Station 24 State Farm Way 2006 460
Elderberry Trail Lift Station 12 Equestrian Drive 2006 460
3.1.1 Energy Consumption
Figure 3 summarizes the water/waste water facilities’ annual electricity consumption from 2014 - 2018.
Electricity consumption for water/waste water facilities is dependent on the volume of water processed. There-
fore the annual electricity consumption is typically expressed in kilowatts per volume processed. However, this
information was not available for Town of Aurora’s facilities so the total annual consumption is shown instead.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Annual Electricity Consumption (kWh)Figure 3: Annual electricity consumption for water/wastewater treatment facilities
3.1.2 GHG Emissions
Figure 4 summarizes the water/waste water facilities’ GHG emissions from 2014 - 2018. It is separated by into
Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Scope 1 and 2 emissions are directly tied to a facility’s electricity and natural gas
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consumption. However, these facilities do not consume natural gas and so annual GHG emissions consist only
of Scope 2 emissions.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Annual GHG Emissions (mtCO2e)Figure 4: Annual GHG emissions for water/waste water facilities
3.2 Energy Conservation Measures
3.2.1 Completed ECMs
No ECMs have been completed for this category of facilities.
3.2.2 In-Progress ECMs
No ECMs are planned for this category of facilities.
3.2.3 Planned ECMs
As the water/waste water facilities contribute an insignificant amount to Town of Aurora’s overall energy con-
sumption and GHG emissions, it is not recommended to have energy audits completed or ECMs implemented
at these facilities at this time.
3.3 Goals
It is difficult to define concrete electricity reduction goals for water/waste water facilities as there are no in-
progress or planned ECMs for these facilities. As a result, the Town of Aurora will simply continue to monitor
overall electricity consumption over the next five years as new facilities are brought online.
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4.1 Baseline
Figure 5 shows the distance traveled by each of Town of Aurora’s fleet vehicles from December 2017 - December
Average distance travelled
Fleet VehiclesDistance Travelled (km)Figure 5: Distance travelled by fleet vehicles from December 2017 - December 2018
Table 10 summarizes the total distance traveled, fuel consumed, and GHG emissions. GHG emissions from
fleet vehicles are categorized under Scope 1.
Table 10: Fleet vehicles annual summary
Annual Distance Traveled [km] 423,135
Annual Gasoline Consumed [L] 91,544
Annual Diesel Consumed [L] 104,238
Average Fuel Efficiency [L/100km] 46
Annual GHG Emissions* [mtCO2e] 491
*Based on 2.3 kg/L of gasoline and 2.7 kg/L of diesel con-
4.2 Proposed GHG Reduction Measures
The following actions were identified as per the June 2018 Corporate Environmental Action Plan (CEAP).
•Develop a green fleet plan
–Addresses new green fleet procurement and replacement of older fleet vehicles. The plan should
consider alternative fuels, high efficiency vehicles, and hybrid/electric options.
–The Town of Aurora is aware that there would be extra maintenance costs, specialty equipment, and
training and certifications for mechanics associated with hybrid/electric options. The Town of Aurora
will keep these items in consideration when evaluating the benefits of hybrid/electric options.
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–Develop an electric vehicle charging station usage fee policy and maintenance plan.
•Implement an anti-idling initiative
–Will include working with schools to educate parents and public. This will also include the implemen-
tation of an anti-idling campaign for town staff and contractors.
The poor average fuel efficiency is likely a result of less efficient vehicles in the fleet and the idling of vehicles.
It is recommended that these actions from the CEAP be implemented to reduce annual GHG emissions from
fleet vehicles. An additional measure to consider is driver/operator training to provide education on the most
efficient way to operate fleet vehicles.
4.3 Goals
GHG emissions are directly related to the amount of fuel consumed. As a result, reducing the fuel consumed
by improving average fuel efficiency will reduce GHG emissions proportionally. Vehicles in Canada have an
average highway-city combined fuel efficiency of approximately 10 L/100km. Fleet vehicles would likely be
driving in the city the majority of the time, but should still be able to achieve an average fuel efficiency of 23
L/100km. Table 11 summarizes the goals for fleet vehicles if they were to improve their average fuel efficiency.
Table 11: Fleet vehicles goal summary
Average Fuel Efficiency [L/100km] 23
Annual Fuel Savings [L] 97,891
Annual GHG Emissions Reduction [mtCO2e] 245
Annual GHG Emissions Reduction [%] 50
*Reductions based on 2018 baseline fuel consumption and GHG
The goal for fleet vehicles is to improve average fuel efficiency to 23 L/100km and reduce GHG emissions by
50%(245 mtCO2e).
Solar PV has been installed at a total of four facilities as a means of renewable generation. None of the electricity
generated by these installations is used on site as they feed back into the grid through the IESO’s Feed-in Tariff
(FIT) program. Figure 6 summarizes the annual electricity generation from all sites from 2014 - 2018.
Table 12 summarizes the total electricity generated by the four facilities from 2014 - 2018.
Table 12: Solar PV generation summary
Aurora Public Aurora Town Joint Operations Stronach Aurora
Library Hall Centre Recreation Complex Total
Electricity Generated [kWh] 28,474 47,950 76,093 1,352,648 1,505,165
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2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Electricity Generated (kWh)Aurora Public Library Aurora Town Hall JOC SARC
Figure 6: Annual solar PV electricity generation
This section will summarize the Town of Aurora’s previous goals from the 2014 ECDM plan, current goals for the
2019 ECDM plan, an action plan on how to achieve the current goals, and some additional energy management
strategies to consider.
6.1 Previous
The 2014 Corporate Energy Management Plan (CEMP) identified a number of actions to be achieved and
implemented by 2019. These are summarized in Table 13.
Although the Town of Aurora has taken initiative in implementing a number of the above actions from 2014
- 2018, there are still many opportunities remaining. These opportunities should be kept in mind even when
moving forward with the current plan.
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Table 13: Town of Aurora 2014 ECDM plan actions summary
Action Status
1. Implement all feasible energy efficiency improvements for existing town-owned facilities
as outlined in Building Portfolio Energy Analyses and Assessments.
2. Conduct an audit of the five highest energy consuming town-owned buildings. Addressed
3. Examine opportunities to expand the corporate O&M preventative maintenance program
at town facilities.
4. Conduct a life-cycle audit of town-owned infrastructure and equipment, and assess
opportunities for energy efficiency upgrades.
5. Implement a minimum green building standard of LEED Silver for all new town facilities. On-going
6. Consider opportunities to upgrade town-owned fleet vehicles to reduce costs and energy
Not financially feasible
7. Regularly communicate energy initiatives as part of the CEAP brand. On-going
8. Conduct energy efficiency training for staff as required. Not addressed
9. Include general training on energy and energy efficiency as part of the town’s onboard-
ing process.
Not addressed
10. Explore strategic partnerships with Energy Services Company (ESCO) to identify and
fund energy efficiency projects.
Not addressed
11. Adopt energy efficiency standards to guide the procurement of town-owned equipment. Not addressed
12. Continue to implement town-wide energy management system (EMS). Not addressed
13. Conduct an assessment of the metering needs of each town-owned facility. Not financially feasible
14. Document the savings achieved from energy efficiency projects and rolling out suc-
cessful projects.
15. Develop corporate GHG emissions targets and corporate energy efficiency targets. On-going
16. Develop consistent guidelines and policies for energy management. On-going
6.2 Current
Table 14 summarizes the energy consumption and GHG emissions for Town of Aurora facilities and fleet for
2018. This is the baseline which the current goal will be based on.
Table 14: Town of Aurora 2018 baseline energy consumption and GHG emissions summary
Administrative Public Indoor Recreation Water/Waste Water Fleet Total
Offices Facilities Facilities Facilities
Electricity Consumption [kWh] 1,299,380 1,220,316 6,761,361 118,358 - 9,399,415
Natural Gas Consumption [m
3 ] 193,359 119,928 921,252 -- 1,234,539
GHG Emissions [mtCO2e] 421 279 2,030 5.1 491 3,226
The energy consumption and GHG emissions reduction goals Town of Aurora will achieve by 2023 are sum-
marized in Table 15. Figure 7 summarizes the results of achieving the goals set in this plan. It compares the
estimated 2023 energy consumption to the 2018 energy consumption.
The overall goal is to reduce electricity consumption by 10.5%(990,963 kWh), natural gas consumption by 9.7%
(119,584 m
3 ), and GHG emissions by 15.9%(514 mtCO2e) of the 2018 baseline by the end of 2023. This is
expected to require an investment of approximately $628,842.
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Table 15: Town of Aurora 2023 goals summary
Administrative Public Indoor Recreation Water/Waste Water Fleet Total
Offices Facilities Facilities Facilities
Electricity Consumption Reduction [kWh] 173,937 313,257 503,769 -- 990,963
Electricity Consumption Reduction [%] 1.9 3.3 5.4 -- 10.5
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction [m
3 ] 2,589 26,894 90,101 -- 119,584
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction [%] 0.21 2.2 7.3 - - 9.7
GHG Emissions Reduction [mtCO2e] 12 64 192 - 245 514
GHG Emissions Reduction [%] 0.38 2 5.9 - 7.6 15.9
Implementation Cost [$] 143,800 77,407 407,635 - - 628,842
*Reductions based on 2018 baseline energy and GHG emissions.
* Water/Waste water facilities contributed the least to energy consumption and GHG emissions of all Town of Aurora facilities (Table 1). As such, goals for energy
consumpion and GHG emissions reductions were focused on other facilities.
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01,000,0002,000,0003,000,0004,000,0005,000,0006,000,0007,000,0008,000,0000200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,000Administrative officesIndoor recreation facilityPublic facilityWater/Waste water facilityAdministrative officesIndoor recreation facilityPublic facilityWater/Waste water facilityFacility TypeFacility TypeAnnual Electricity Consumption [kWh]Annual Natural Gas Consumption (m3)2018 Consumption2023 ConsumptionFigure 7: Comparison of baseline and projected consumption values of 2018 and 2023
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6.3 Action Plan
Below are the actions that need to be taken in order to achieve the goals set in Section 6.2
1. Ensure all in-progress ECMs will be implemented by 2023.
2. Ensure all planned ECMs will be implemented by 2023. Prioritize poorest performing facilities (as
identified by the benchmarking analysis), and ECMs with largest potential electricity and natural gas
3. Obtain government and utility (IESO, Enbridge) incentives when implementing ECMs, and document
estimated electricity and natural gas savings.
4. Have updated energy audits completed by 2023 to investigate potential measures for 2024 ECDM
plan update.
•Water/waste water facilities
1. Continue to monitor and track electricity consumption as new facilities are brought online.
1. Develop green fleet plan, provide driver/operator training, and implement anti-idling initiative to im-
prove fuel efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.
2. Measure distance traveled, fuel consumed, and average fuel efficiency of fleet vehicles at regular
intervals to track progress.
6.4 Additional Strategies
6.4.1 Previous
A motion was put forth in a Town of Aurora council meeting on June 12, 2018 which recommended Town of
Aurora employees to investigate/implement energy conscious behavioral changes. These changes are summa-
rized as follows:
• A plan to diminish the use of lights in buildings and facilities during the night hours;
• Raise the temperature setting in Town of Aurora buildings by one degree in the summer months, and lower
the temperature by one degree in the winter months;
• Decrease kitchen and bathroom hot water temperature settings;
• Mitigate the summer sun effect from the Town Hall Atrium and main floor south-facing windows; and
• Install automatic room timers on a five-minute empty room shut-off.
6.4.2 Current
The following strategies should also be considered from a strategic energy management perspective:
• Implement life cycle cost purchasing practices
–Money spent achieving energy efficiency is often overlooked in the decision making process.
–Make use of life cycle cost analysis on all new construction, major renovations and equipment over
$50,000 rather than simply evaluating first costs.
–Consider energy efficiency upgrades during renovations or equipment replacements rather than pur-
chasing "like for like".
• Establish purchasing specifications of energy efficiency equipment and services
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–Establish efficiency specifications for standard equipment routinely replaced (e.g. lights, motors,
HVAC equipment).
–Develop engineering tender documents that favour energy efficient equipment rather than lowest
capital cost.
–Establish efficiency standards for design and construction, building operations, and maintenance
• Monitor, track, and reward progress
–Record metrics (electricity consumption savings, natural gas consumption savings, capital costs, etc.)
for all major ECM projects implemented.
–Establish a reward/recognition program for successes to encourage participation.
• Improve communication and engagement
–Leverage communication channels (e.g. Town of Aurora website, internal bulletins) to advertise
successes of retrofit projects for staff and the public.
–Implement specific training to O&M staff as needed (e.g. new technology, best practices).
–Implement general training to all staff on energy efficiency best practices.
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TOWN OF AURORA 2014 ECDM PLAN SUMMARY ActionStatus1. Implement all feasible energy efficiency improvements for existing town-owned facilities as outlined in Building Portfolio Energy Analyses and AssessmentsOn-going2. Conduct an audit of the five highest energy consuming town-owned buildings. Addressed3. Examine opportunities to expand the corporate O&M preventative maintenance program at town facilities. On-going4. Conduct a life-cycle audit of town-owned infrastructure and equipment, and assess opportunities for energy efficiency upgrades.Addressed5. Implement a minimum green building standard of LEED Silver for all new town facilities. On-going6. Consider opportunities to upgrade town-owned fleet vehicles to reduce costs and energy consumption.Not financially feasible*7. Regularly communicate energy initiatives as part of the CEAP brand. On-going8. Conduct energy efficiency training for staff as required. Not addressed**9. Include general training on energy and energy efficiency as part of the town’s onboarding process. Not addressed**10. Explore strategic partnerships with Energy Services Company (ESCO) to identify and fund energy efficiency projects.Not addressed**11. Adopt energy efficiency standards to guide the procurement of town-owned equipment. Not addressed**12. Continue to implement town-wide energy management system (EMS). Not addressed**13. Conduct an assessment of the metering needs of each town-owned facility. Not financially feasible*14. Document the savings achieved from energy efficiency projects and rolling out successful projects. On-going15. Develop corporate GHG emissions targets and corporate energy efficiency targets. On-going16. Develop consistent guidelines and policies for energy management. On-going ATTACHMENT #2 PDS19-051 *Items that are not “financially feasible” are recommendations where the return of investment is greater than ten (10) years.**Items that are “not addressed” are recommendations where there were a lack of resources to pursueGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R4 Page 45 of 49
TOWN OF AURORA FACILITIES GOAL SUMMARY Reduction FacilityTarget Administrative OfficesPublic FacilitiesIndoor Recreation FacilitiesTotalElectricity Consumption Reduction[kWh]173,937313,257503,769990,963Electricity Consumption Reduction[%] Gas Consumption Reduction[m3]2,589 26,894 90,101 119,584Natural Gas Consumption Reduction[%] Emissions Reduction[mtCO2e]1264192268GHG Emissions Reduction[%]0.3825.98.3Implementation Cost[$]143,80077,407407,635628,842 ATTACHMENT #3 PDS19-051 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R4 Page 46 of 49
FLEET VEHICLES ANNUAL SUMMARY Item MeasuredUnit of MeasureTotalAnnual Distance Travelled[km]423,135Annual Gasoline Consumed[L]91,544Annual Diesel Consumed[L]104,238Average Fuel Efficiency[L/100km]46Annual GHG Emissions*[mtCO2e]491*Based on 2.3 kg/L of gasoline and 2.7 kg/L of diesel consumedFLEET VEHICLES GOAL SUMMARY Item MeasuredUnit of MeasureGoal**Average Fuel Efficiency[L/100km]23Annual Fuel Savings[L]97,891Annual GHG Emissions Reduction[mtCO2e]245Annual GHG Emissions Reduction[%]50**Reductions based on 2018 baseline fuel consumption and GHG emissions ATTACHMENT #4 PDS19-051 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R4 Page 47 of 49
TOWN OF AURORA 2018 BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND GHG EMISSIONS SUMMARY Baseline FacilityMeasurementAdministrative OfficesPublic FacilitiesIndoor Recreation FacilitiesWater/Waste Water FacilitiesFleetTotalElectricity Consumption [kWh] 1,299,380 1,220,316 6,761,361 118,358 -9,399,415Natural Gas Consumption[m3] 193,359 119,928 921,252-- 1,234,539GHG Emissions [mtCO2e] 4212792,0305.1 491 3,226TOWN OF AURORA 2023 GOALS SUMMARY Reduction FacilityTargetAdministrative OfficesPublic FacilitiesIndoor Recreation FacilitiesWater/Waste Water Facilities*FleetTotalElectricity Consumption Reduction[kWh] 173,937 313,257 503,769 - - 990,963Electricity Consumption Reduction[%] 1.9 3.3 5.4 - - 10.5Natural Gas Consumption Reduction[m3] 2,589 26,894 90,101--119,584Natural Gas Consumption Reduction[%] Emissions Reduction[mtCO2e] 12 64 192 - 245 514GHG Emissions Reduction[%] 0.38 2 5.9 - 7.6 15.9Implementation Cost [$] 143,800 77,407 407,635--628,842 ATTACHMENT #5 PDS19-051 * Water/Waste water facilities contributed the least to energy consumption and GHG emissions of all Town of Aurorafacilities. As such, goals for energy consumption and GHG emissions reductions were focused on other facilities.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R4 Page 48 of 49
COMPARISON OF BASELINE AND PROJECTED CONSUMPTION VALUES OF 2018 AND 2023 ATTACHMENT #6 PDS19-051 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Item R4 Page 49 of 49
Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. CMS19-016
Subject: 2019 Capital Budget - Outdoor Field Development Strategy
Prepared by: John Firman, Manager, Business Support
Department: Community Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. CMS19-016 be received; and
2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project
No. 73317 – Outdoor Field Development Strategy, in the amount of $55,000.
Executive Summary
As a condition of approval of Capital Project No. 73317, Outdoor Field Development
Strategy (“the strategy”), Council requested that staff provide details of the scope of work
for the strategy, issue the RFP, and return to Council prior to awarding the contract.
Based upon this report and the attached scope of work, staff believe that they have met
Council’s condition of approval and request that the condition be lifted, so that staff can
proceed to award the contract.
• Council discussed the need for an Outdoor Field Development Strategy in 2018
during discussions regarding the development of the Hallmark lands
• A detailed scope of work was prepared to ensure the strategy includes appropriate
inputs and provides appropriate recommendations for Council’s consideration
Capital project No. 73317 – Outdoor Field Development Strategy received conditional
approval in the 2019 Capital Budget, pending a further report to Council outlining the
scope of work.
A comprehensive field development strategy is needed to help ensure that the Town is
properly positioned to meet the existing and future outdoor sports field needs for the
community. This will help maximize opportunities with existing assets and provide
informed recommendations for the acquisition/development of new assets. Thorough
consultation with all stakeholders will ensure that all relevant input is considered in the
development of this strategy.
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June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Report No. CMS19-016
Council discussed the need for an Outdoor Field Development Strategy in 2018
during discussions regarding the development of the Hallmark lands
During Council deliberations and discussions with various sport field user groups
regarding the development of the Hallmark Lands, Council identified the need for a
comprehensive outdoor field development strategy. With conflicting information from user
groups and extensive research required to properly develop a strategy, staff
recommended an independent consultant be retained to conduct this research and
develop a strategy.
In addition to existing challenges in meeting community sports field needs, other
contributing factors toward the need for a comprehensive strategy include the fact that
almost half of all sports fields are owned by third parties, with no guarantee of future
availability to the Town. We also know that the 19 fields on the Stronach Group property
(Magna fields) will be lost in the not too distant future and will need to be replaced.
A detailed scope of work was prepared to ensure the strategy included appropriate
inputs and provide appropriate recommendations for Council’s consideration
Staff have issued an RFP in accordance with the Procurement By-Law, which includes a
scope of work to ensure that all appropriate inputs are received, including:
• Inventory of existing assets
• Community user group requirements
• Census, statistical and other relevant community data
The scope of work also ensures fulsome recommendations are provided as an outcome of
the study, including:
• Recommendations for re-purposing existing assets
• Recommendations for the acquisition/development of new assets
• Recommendations for alternative strategies for multi-use assets, rather than one-
for-one replacements
• Recommendations for the replacement of third party fields that are expected to be
lost in the near future
The complete scope of work is outlined in attachment #2.
With Council approval to lift the conditional approval, the project is expected to commence
July 2, 2019, with a recommendation report returning to Council in the Fall of 2019.
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June 18, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Report No. CMS19-016
Advisory Committee Review
Not applicable
Legal Considerations
Financial Implications
A total of $55,000 was conditionally approved by Council as part of the 2019 Capital
Budget, funded from the Studies & Other reserve. Staff feel that this budget should be
sufficient in funding the above noted scope of work.
Communications Considerations
Approval of the award of contract would be communicated to the general public through
Council Highlights.
Link to Strategic Plan
An Outdoor Field Development Strategy supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting
an exceptional quality of life for all in its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in
the following key objective within this goal statement:
Objective 4: Encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
1. Council may choose not to approve staff’s recommended scope of work.
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Expenditures Total
678',(6 27+(55(6&217
Funding Total
Total Over (Under) Funded
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Attachment 2 – CMS019-016
2.1 Introduction
The Town, with a current estimated population of 62,000 is a dynamic, progressive and
diverse community. Aurora is centrally located within the Region of York (population of
1.11 million in 2016), resulting in the driving distance to be no more than 30 minutes in
any direction within the region. The Town currently operates sixty five (65) rectangular
sports fields, including approximately twenty five (25) fields not owned by the Town, and
eighteen (18) ball diamonds, of various sizes and features.
Population growth, changing demographics, and changes in membership for various
sport organizations requires a comprehensive review to determine the Town’s sport field
development needs in order to meet existing and future demands.
In addition, a one third (1/3) party-owned sports field complex consisting of nineteen (19)
soccer fields of various sizes may no longer be available to the Town in future years.
The Town is seeking proposals from qualified recreation facility planning Consultants to
undertake the necessary review in order to provide Council with recommendations for a
Sport Field Development Strategy. Qualified Proponents are those who have a strong
background and expertise in outdoor recreation facility programming, utilization, and
development, along with experience in engaging community sport organizations,
particularly in a municipal environment.
2.2 Scope of Study
The study shall be Town-wide and will consider all existing Town owned properties,
including but not limited to those properties with existing sports fields. The study shall
also consider the existing and future potential for use of third-party owned fields, the re-
purposing of existing Town owned fields, and the potential need for property acquisition
to develop future fields.
2.3 Project Schedule
The anticipated commencement date for this Contract is July 2, 2019. The work shall
begin immediately upon award of the Contract.
Proponents shall provide timelines for each part of the project as identified in the terms
of reference with the expectation that the draft report be complete by September 1, 2019
and a final report be completed by September 30, 2019.
The Proponent shall provide, as part of their proposal, a detailed critical path, outlining
each task, indicating target dates for progress reports, meetings with the Town and
others, analysis, submissions, and draft and final reports. The schedule shall be
confirmed prior to the commencement of Work.
2.4 Resources
The following resources are to be utilized by the Consultant in the completion of this study:
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x Town of Aurora Parks and Recreation Master Plan;
x Census data;
x Town of Aurora Sport Plan;
x Town of Aurora Official Plan;
x Local sport organizations consultation (including needs and trends);
x Town of Aurora staff consultation (including field inventory data);
x Town of Aurora parks and sports field maps; and
x Other resources as deemed appropriate.
2.5 Terms of Reference
2.5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this study is to:
1. Review the existing inventory of Town-owned and third party-owned
sports fields and identify to what degree this inventory is meeting the
needs of the community sports organizations, and options for re-
purposing existing Town-owned fields.
2. Review the future needs of the community sports organizations and
provide strategic directions on the size, type and amount of additional
sports fields that may be required in future years to meet these needs,
including the potential to re-purpose existing sports fields.
3. Provide strategic directions for the replacement of the nineteen (19)
rectangular sports fields that may no longer be available to the Town.
2.5.2 Part 1
The first goal will be achieved through the following objectives:
1. Review the Town of Aurora community profile with the most recent
available census data. This includes providing a historical demographic
overview and a future demographic projection, and will include a socio-
economic profile of the Town.
2. Meet with Town staff to obtain information to identify the existing
inventory of Town-owned and third party-owned sports fields, utilization
rates and opportunities to re-purpose existing fields.
3. Meet with/obtain information from community sports organizations to
identify current and future needs and assess the degree to which those
needs are being met with existing sport fields and what different and/or
additional sports fields will be required to meet future needs.
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2.5.3 Part 2
The second goal will be achieved through the following objectives:
1. Prepare a comprehensive listing of all existing Town-owned sports
fields, identifying all opportunities for re-purposing sports fields,
a. All options for re-purposing sports fields at each location where re-
purposing is feasible;
b. All limitations that would prevent the re-purposing of an existing
sports field;
c. Additional considerations that may impact the ability to re-purpose
a sports field.
2. Preparing a comprehensive listing of all anticipated future sports field
needs, including;
a. Size and configuration of sports fields;
b. Field type (soccer, rugby, football, lacrosse, field hockey, baseball,
c. Time frames for new field requirements.
3. Preparing a comprehensive strategy incorporating the findings from Part
1 and Part 2, to meet the future sports fields needs, including;
a. Recommendations for re-purposing existing sports fields; and
b. Recommendation for the development of new sports fields.
2.5.4 Part 3
The third goal will be achieved through the following objectives:
1. Assessing the impact of losing the specified nineteen-field complex on
the overall sports field needs, both current and future.
2. Preparing a comprehensive strategy incorporating the findings from Part
1 and Part 2, for the replacement of these fields, including alternative
options for;
a. Field sizes;
b. Field types (ie: grass fields vs. artificial turf); and
c. Configuration of fields (ie: larger fields lined to accommodate
multiple field size uses).
2.5.5 Part 4
The Sports Field Development Strategy shall be completed by:
1. Incorporating all of the findings from Part 1 through Part 3.
2. Including separate strategies for Part 2 and Part 3.
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3. Including a hybrid strategy combining Part 2 and Part 3.
2.6 Project Deliverables
The Consultant shall be responsible for the following deliverables:
2.6.1 Draft Report
The Consultant shall provide the Town with five (5) copies of each of the draft
documents, including an executive summary that the Town will review prior to
release of the final report.
2.6.2 Final Report
The overall purpose of this project is to create a report that will:
1. Include all findings from Part 1 through to Part 3 from the Terms of
2. Include a summary of the findings for Part 1 to identify the existing and
future needs for outdoor sports fields.
3. Include a summary of the findings for Part 2 to identify all Town-owned
and third party-owned sports fields, and all opportunities for re-
purposing existing Town-owned sports fields.
4. Make recommendations regarding future sports field needs:
a. Recommendations for re-purposing existing sports fields and
developing new sports fields to meet existing community user group
b. Recommendations for re-purposing existing sports fields and
developing new sports fields to meet future community user group
needs, including time lines; and
c. Recommendations for potential partnerships with school boards
and/or other organizations to achieve recommendations in a. and b.
5. Include a summary of all findings in Part 3 and make recommendations
for the replacement of the specified nineteen (19)field,third party-owned
The final report shall be provided in an electronic format (in PDF and in Microsoft
application format) with at least twenty five (25) copies in printed form and one (1)
unbound copy. In addition, there shall be an executive summary provided in
Microsoft PowerPoint format.
The Consultant shall provide any related graphics or maps in Microsoft application
2.6.3 Presentation to Council
The Consultant shall provide and make a presentation to Council upon completion
of the final report. The anticipated date of such presentation is October of 2019.
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2.6.4 Meetings
The Consultant will be responsible for providing minutes of all meetings within one
(1) week of each meeting. All meetings will be outlined in detail in the critical path
and will be confirmed prior to the commencement of the project.
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Town of Aurora
General Committee Report No. CS19-026
Subject: Licensing By-law Amendments – Second Hand Goods
Prepared by: Alexander Wray – Manager of Bylaw Services
Department: Corporate Services
Date: June 18, 2019
1. That Report No. CS19-026 be received; and
2. That a by-law be brought forward to amend Schedule 12 of the Town’s
Licensing By-law No. 5630-14 to reflect current business models for Second
Hand Goods Stores.
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to seek council’s approval to amend Schedule 12 of the
Town’s Licensing By-law No. 5630-14 providing businesses and residents increased
flexibility when buying and selling Second Hand Goods.
• The amendments will provide the community with greater access to affordable
• The proposed changes support waste diversion and recycling initiatives.
• All other sections of Schedule 12 will remain in effect.
• Staff have reviewed existing Municipal By-laws and the proposed changes will
provide consistency between the Town’s by-law and other GTA municipalities.
The Town’s Licensing By-law No. 5630-14, being a By-law to regulate licensing of
business establishments, contains 14 Schedules. These schedules have received
sporadic updates since the initial implementation of the By-law in 1998. Schedule 12
has not received any updates since 2001 and as such, is not reflective of the current
needs of our growing community. Due to concerns brought forth from business owners,
Bylaw Services conducted a review of Schedule 12 – Second Hand Goods.
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June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Report No. CS19-026
The amendments will provide the community with greater access to affordable
The proposed changes to Schedule 12 of the Licensing By-law will support businesses
that deal exclusively in one or more of the following second hand goods:
- Clothing
- Children’s Toys
- Books
- Magazines
- Comics
- Appliances
- Musical Instruments (Not exceeding a value of $250.00 CDN).
This change will provide residents affordable access to these items while
streamlining processes for community business owners.
Second hand retailers who sell high value items will continue to be regulated under
the Town’s existing bylaw to ensure accountability and transparency.
The proposed changes support waste diversion and recycling initiatives.
The Recycling Council of Ontario estimates that the average person throws away 81
pounds of textiles annually, most of which ends up in landfills. Currently, it is estimated
that 40% of people shop at second hand good stores. The proposed changes provide
our residents an opportunity to divert landfill waste and support local businesses.
All other sections of Schedule 12 will remain in effect.
While reviewing Schedule 12, all other sections of the schedule were reviewed for
accuracy. The proposed changes are specific to businesses dealing exclusively in the
sale of second hands goods. There will be no effect on existing standards for
businesses operating as salvage yards or pawnshops.
Staff have reviewed existing Municipal By-laws and the proposed changes will
provide consistency between the Town’s bylaw and other GTA municipalities.
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June 18, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Report No. CS19-026
Bylaw Services reviewed existing by-laws in Guelph, Newmarket, and Oshawa when
considering the proposed changes. Based on this detailed review, staff believe that the
Town will be better aligned with surrounding municipalities moving forward.
Advisory Committee Review
Legal Considerations
The Town’s Licensing By-law No. 5630-14 - Schedule 12 must be amended to ensure
Second Hand Goods retailers are compliant with the bylaw. All proposed changes are
reviewed by the Town’s Legal Services Division.
Financial Implications
Communications Considerations
Link to Strategic Plan
This report supports two elements of the Towns strategic plan by Advancing the
Economy and Building a Greener Community.
Alternative(s) to the Recommendation
1. Make no changes to the existing By-law, limiting the operations of Second Hand
Goods retailers in Town.
The existing requirements outlined in Schedule 12 of the Town’s Licensing By-law No.
5630-14 do not reflect the needs of our residents and business communities. The
proposed changes will allow for better access to affordable goods while supporting our
thriving business community.
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Notice of Motion Mayor Tom Mrakas
Date: June 18, 2019
To: Members of Council
From: Mayor Mrakas
Re: Response to Regional Governance Review
Whereas the Government of Ontario has announced a review of Ontario's eight regional
municipalities (Durham, Halton, Muskoka District, Niagara, Oxford County, Peel,
Waterloo, York), the County of Simcoe and their lower-tier municipalities by appointed
Special Advisors; and
Whereas the provincially appointed Special Advisors are to provide advice and develop
recommendations for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the purpose of
improving governance, decision-making and service delivery in the eight regions and
Simcoe County and their lower-tier municipalities; and
Whereas the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) informed its members last
August, that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing began informal discussions
on regional governance review, wishing to hear from municipalities about how this
system of governance is working recognizing it was established in the 1970s; and
Whereas the provincially appointed Special Advisors have included within the scope of
their review, consideration of moving to single-tier municipalities or amalgamating
existing municipalities; and
Whereas the Town of Aurora welcomes all opportunities to improve both Regional and
local municipal service delivery and achieve greater efficiencies and cost savings for all
Aurora and York taxpayers and rate payers; and
Whereas York Region's municipal structure provides for Regional services throughout
all local York municipalities, resulting in cost-effective, quality services that respond to
the needs of the local municipalities and citizens, such as Children's and Court
Services, Housing, Long Term Care, Paramedic and Police Services, Public Health,
Social Assistance, Public Transit, Water and Waste Treatment, to name a few; and
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Notice of Motion (a)
Page 1 of 2
Notice of Motion
Re: Response to Regional Governance Review
June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 2
Whereas the province requested feedback on the regional review through an online
survey or written submission; and
Whereas the Town of Aurora has demonstrated its fiscal responsibility by embracing
shared service arrangements like Central York Fire Services and also by reducing its
Council size from 9 members to 7 before the 2018 Municipal Election;
1.Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That it is recognized and factual that York
Region was formed, effective January 1, 1971, at which time resulted in the
consolidation of fourteen (14) former municipalities (previously under 'York County')
into nine (9) new municipalities; and
2.Be It Further Resolved That the Council of the Town of Aurora endorses the
effectiveness of the current two-tier municipal governance structure, with continued
exploration and implementation of furthering efficiencies and partnerships, as has
existed between York Region and our partner York local municipalities, since its
inception in 1971; and
3.Be It Further Resolved That the Town of Aurora and its actively engaged citizens
value the distinct identity of their community of communities and are committed to
being proud hosts and stewards of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Greenbelt, Lake
Simcoe and the Holland Marsh; and
4.Be It Further Resolved That this motion be forwarded to all municipalities of York
Region, the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, all
local MPP's and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.
General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Notice of Motion (a)
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Public Release
June 17, 2019
Town of Aurora
Additional Items to
General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
7 p.m., Council Chambers
• Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index
• Item A2 – Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2019
• Notice of Motion (b) Councillor Kim; Re: Aurora Food & Cultural Festival
Public Release
June 17, 2019
Town of Aurora
General Committee
Meeting Agenda (Revised)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
7 p.m., Council Chambers
Councillor Gilliland in the Chair
1. Approval of the Agenda
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
3. Community Presentations
4. Delegations
5. Consent Agenda
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require
further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that
a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent
Agenda for separate discussion and action.
That the following Consent Agenda items, C1 to C3 inclusive, be approved:
General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 5
C1. FS19-021 – 2019 Interim Forecast Update – as at April 30, 2019
1. That Report No. FS19-021 be received for information.
C2. OPS19-016 – Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) Skate Park
1. That Report NO. OPS19-016 be received; and
2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional approval of Capital Project
No. 72281 – AFLC Skate Park in the amount of $600,000.
C3. OPS19-017 – Lake-to-Lake Cycling and Walking Trail Agreement
1. That Report NO. OPS19-017 be received; and
2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement
between the Town of Aurora and the Regional Municipality of York for the
operation, maintenance and replacement of the Lake-to-Lake Cycling
and Walking Trail within the Regional right-of-way once constructed.
6. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
That the following Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes items, A1 and A2, be
A1. Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2019
1. That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 22, 2019,
be received for information.
General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Page 3 of 5
A2. Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2019
(Added Item)
1. That the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 3, 2019,
be received for information.
7. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda)
R1. CS19-022 – Entry onto Private Property Protocol
1. That Report No. CS19-022 be received; and
2. That the revised Entry onto Private Property Protocol as outlined in
Attachment #1 providing property owners with notification of entry and
removing the requirement to obtain a search warrant for investigation
purposes, be endorsed.
R2. FS19-020 – 2020-2022 Operating and 2020 Capital Budget Development
Presentation to be provided by Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Planning.
1. That Report No. FS19-020 be received; and
2. That the updated Council Budget Principles and Process be approved;
3. That the key principles for the 2020 to 2022 multi-year operating budget
development be endorsed.
R3. FS19-023 – 2018 Year End Budget Report – as at December 31, 2018
General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Page 4 of 5
1. That Report No. FS19-023 be received for information.
R4. PDS19-051 – Energy Conservation and Demand Management (ECDM)
Plan Update 2019-2023
Presentation to be provided by Joken Chiu, Energy Analyst, WalterFedy.
1. That Report No. PDS19-051 be received; and
2. That the Corporate Energy Conservation and Demand Management
(ECDM) Plan Update for 2019 to 2023 (Attachment #1), be endorsed.
R5. CMS19-016 – 2019 Capital Project – Outdoor Field Development
1. That Report No. CMS19-016 be received; and
2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital
Project No. 73317 – Outdoor Field Development Strategy, in the amount
of $55,000.
R6. CS19-026 – Licensing By-law Amendments – Second Hand Goods
1. That Report No. CS19-026 be received; and
2. That a by-law be brought forward to amend Schedule 12 of the Town’s
Licensing By-law No. 5630-14 to reflect current business models for
Second Hand Goods stores.
8. Notices of Motion
(a) Mayor Mrakas
Re: Response to Regional Governance Review
General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Page 5 of 5
(b) Councillor Kim
Re: Aurora Food & Culture Festival
(Added Item)
9. New Business
10. Closed Session
11. Adjournment
Town of Aurora
Heritage Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, June 3, 2019
Time and Location: 7 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Neil Asselin (Chair), John Green, Matthew Kinsella, Jeff
Lanthier, Hoda Soliman, Councillor Sandra Humfryes, Mayor
Tom Mrakas (ex-officio)
Members Absent: Bob McRoberts (Vice Chair)
Other Attendees: Robin McDougall, Director, Community Services, Adam
Robb, Planner, Joseph Filice, Senior Student, Planning
Services, and Ishita Soneji, Council/Committee Coordinator
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by John Green
Seconded by Matthew Kinsella
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved with the
following change that Item 4 be considered prior to Item 1.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
3. Receipt of the Minutes
Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Item A2
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Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2019 Page 2 of 5
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 1, 2019
Moved by John Green
Seconded by Jeff Lanthier
That the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 1, 2019, be
received for information.
4. Delegations
5. Matters for Consideration
1. HAC19-005 – Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register of
Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 84 Mosley
Street East
Staff provided a brief overview of the report and noted that the conceptual site
plan to replace the existing building would be subject to site plan control as the
property is located in the Town Park Stable Neighbourhood. The Committee
and staff discussed about the heritage and contextual value of the existing
Moved by Councillor Humfryes
Seconded by Matthew Kinsella
1. That Report No. HAC19-005 be received; and
2. That the comments from the Heritage Advisory Committee regarding the
following recommendations be incorporated into a report to General
(a) That the property located at 84 Mosley Street be removed from the
Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest;
Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Item A2
Page 2 of 5
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2019 Page 3 of 5
(b) That prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, future building
elevations be subject to review by Planning staff and/or the Design
Review Panel to ensure the sympathetic design of any replacement
2. HAC19-006 – Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register of
Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 11 Irwin
Staff provided a brief overview of the report and background of the subject
property and noted that a cultural heritage assessment was conducted on the
property and that all future conceptual site plans would be subject to Design
Review Panel review.
The Committee and staff discussed about the parameters of the heritage
building evaluation. The Committee inquired about materials to be considered
and the total size of the proposed new building and staff provided
Moved by Matthew Kinsella
Seconded by Jeff Lanthier
1. That Report No. HAC19-006 be received; and
2. That the comments from the Heritage Advisory Committee regarding the
following recommendations be incorporated into a report to General
(a) That the property located at 11 Irwin Avenue be removed from the
Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest;
(b) That prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, future building
elevations be subject to review by Planning staff and/or the Design
Review Panel to ensure the sympathetic design of any replacement
Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Item A2
Page 3 of 5
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2019 Page 4 of 5
6. Informational Items
3. Memorandum from Heritage Planner
Re: Heritage Updates
Staff provided a brief overview of the memorandum and highlighted the details
of various topics. The Committee and staff discussed about the process of the
comprehensive review of all properties on the Heritage Registrar,
implementation process of the Heritage Recognition Awards, enforcement
process of unlawful demolition, and parameters of the contributions made to
the Heritage Reserve Fund.
The Committee sought clarification on the merits of designation of properties
that are listed versus those with a commemorative plaque, and staff provided
clarification. It was suggested that an education program for residents on
heritage designations could be developed as part of the comprehensive review
Moved by Jeff Lanthier
Seconded by Councillor Humfryes
1. That the memorandum regarding Heritage Updates be received for
4. Memorandum from Director of Community Services
Re: Library Square Design
The Committee consented to consider Item 4 prior to the consideration of Item 1.
Mr. Roland Rom Colthoff and Mr. Thomas Nemeskari, RAW Design, Mr. David
Leinster, The Planning Partnership, Mr. Philip Evans, ERA Architects were
present to provide an update on the Library Square Design. They spoke to the
updated features of the design including the café and the linkage between the
new addition and the Library, properties of proposed building materials to be
used for the interior and exterior of the building and the massing of the building
veil, shadow studies, alterations to School House interior to serve code/life-
Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Item A2
Page 4 of 5
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2019 Page 5 of 5
safety requirements, and means of tree protection during the construction
Moved by Jeff Lanthier
Seconded by Hoda Soliman
That the consultants’ presentation be received for information.
The Committee and staff discussed about the various design elements,
proposed materials, the timeline of the Library Square project thus far
including the collaborative process in developing a design that captures the
authenticity of the heritage value of existing structures and maintaining the
design of the addition sympathetic to the existing building, and the next steps
of the project. Staff noted that the comments of the Committee will be
incorporated in a report to General Committee in July 2019.
Moved by Jeff Lanthier
Seconded by John Green
1. That the memorandum regarding Library Square Design be received; and
2. That the comments and suggestions regarding the Library Square Design
be received and referred to staff for consideration and action as
7. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Humfryes
Seconded by Hoda Soliman
That the meeting be adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Item A2
Page 5 of 5
Notice of Motion Councillor Harold Kim
Date: June 18, 2019
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Councillor Kim
Re: Aurora Food & Culture Festival
Whereas the Town of Aurora has had three successful Multicultural Festivals and
attendance growing with each new year; and
Whereas the number of activities and offerings have increased with each new year; and
Whereas it is critical that we welcome and engage new residents and share with them
the rich culture and history of Aurora, along with its spirit of volunteerism in which
Aurora was built; and
Whereas Newmarket has discontinued its Multicultural Festival and Richmond Hill has
discontinued Taste of the Hill thereby offering a great opportunity for Aurora to fill in the
multicultural festival gap in the Region; and
Whereas supporting food, culture, and diversity in itself supports Aurora’s Strategic Plan
objectives of “Supporting an exceptional quality of life for all,” which in turn attracts
people and businesses; and
1.Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the application from Sports Horizons
Inc. for the Aurora Food & Culture Festival be approved, in accordance with the
Third Party Events in Outdoor Town Facilities Policy; and
2.Be It Further Resolved That the Aurora Food & Culture Festival be declared as an
“event of Town significance”, in accordance with the Municipal Alcohol Policy.
Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Notice of Motion (b)
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