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AGENDA - General Committee - 20190319
General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release March 12, 2019 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Gaertner in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Community Presentations 4. Delegations 5. Consent Agenda 6. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Recommended: That the Advisory Committee meeting minutes, Item A1, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committees approved: A1 . Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2019 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Recommended: 1. That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of January 30, 2019, be received for information. 7. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. PDS19-001 – Sidewalk Construction on Kitimat Crescent Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-001 be received; and 2. That the construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent be authorized. R2. OPS19-004 – Winter Maintenance Report No. 2 Future Roads Maintenance Operations Presentation to be provided by Al Downey, Director of Operational Services and Jim Tree, Acting Operations Manager, Roads-Water Recommended: 1. That Report No. OPS19-004 be received; and 2. That the recommendations associated with future Winter Roads and Sidewalk Maintenance Operations as outlined in the Financial Impact Table, be approved in principle; and 3. That each recommendation having a financial impact as outlined in the Financial Impact Table be presented in the applicable year capital and/or operating Budgets for final consideration and approval. R3. FS19-009 – Development Charges By-law Approval Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS19-009 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 5 2. That the Development Charges Background Study report presented at the Special Meeting of Council held on March 19, 2019, be adopted; and 3. That Council directs staff to report back regarding any comments received from the preceding public meeting, if necessary; and 4. That Council confirms that it intends to ensure: a) that the increase in the need for services attributable to the anticipated development will be met, subject to sufficient development charge revenues being generated and other Town affordability criteria being met; and b) that the future excess capacity identified in the Development Charges Background Study for the Town of Aurora shall be paid for by the development charges or other similar charges; and 5. That Council adopts the capital forecasts prepared in conjunction with the Development Charges Background Study for the Town of Aurora subject to each project or undertaking set out therein being subject to annual operating and capital budget approval processes of the corporation; and 6. That the Town continue the development charge approach to calculate the charges on a uniform Town-wide basis for all services; and 7. That the proposed by-law included with the Development Charges Background Study, as amended, being a by-law for the imposition of development charges, be enacted March 26, 2019, which also repeals By-law No. 5585-14, the predecessor by-law. R4. OPS19-005 – Approval of Capital Project No. 71103 and No. 34420 (“Wide Area Mower”) Recommended: 1. That Report No. OPS19-005 be received; and 2. That Capital Project No. 71103 “Replacement of Operational Services Wide Area Mower Unit #255”, be approved; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 5 3. That Capital Project No. 34420 “New addition Wide Area Mower to Operational Services Parks Division”, be approved. R5. PDS19-004 – Stop Control Removal at Corbett Crescent and Cossar Drive Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-004 be received; and 2. That the stop sign, stop line, and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive be removed; and 3. That a by-law to amend By-law No. 4574-04.T be enacted at a future Council Meeting. R6. PDS19-016 – Appointments to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-016 be received; and 2. That Council appoint the Mayor and up to two (2) Councillors (insert names) to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors; and 3. That Council appoint the following seven (7) citizen members of the Aurora Economic Development Working Group (AEDCWG) to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors: • Vern Cunningham • Richard Gong • Tim Hammill • Marilee Harris • Steve Hinder • Mae Khamissa • Craig Youdale. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 5 R7. PDS19-019 – Heritage Permit Application 22 Church Street File: HPA-19-03 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-019 be received; and 2. That the following recommendations be approved: a) That Heritage Permit Application HPA-19-03 be approved to permit the addition to the subject property as shown on the submitted plans; and b) That the property owner photo document any original construction revealed during the proposed addition to the property; and c) That Planning Staff continue to liaise with the Ontario Heritage Trust and ensure the addition remains sympathetic of the heritage resource through all phases of the development. 8. Notices of Motion 9. New Business 10. Closed Session 11. Adjournment Town of Aurora Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Time and Location: 5:30 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson, Councillor John Gallo, and Mayor Tom Mrakas Member(s) Absent: None Other Attendees: Councillor Rachel Gilliland, Councillor Harold Kim, Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer, Jason Gaertner, Acting Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Karen Oreto, Financial Analyst, Tracy Evans, Financial Analyst, Budget, Laura Sheardown, Financial Analyst, Cash Flow & Investment, Michael de Rond, Town Clerk, and Ishita Soneji, Council/Committee Coordinator The Town Clerk called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1. Appointment of the Chair The Town Clerk opened the floor to nominations for the Chair of the Finance Advisory Committee for the 2018-2022 Term. Mayor Mrakas nominated Councillor Michael Thompson as Chair. There were no other nominations, and Councillor Thompson was appointed Chair of the Committee. Councillor Thompson assumed the Chair at 5:32 p.m. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item A1 Page 1 of 4 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Page 2 of 4 2. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Gallo That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 4. Receipt of the Minutes None 5. Delegations None 6. Consideration of Items 1. Finance Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference The Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference and agreed that the Chair be rotated on an annual basis. The Committee and staff discussed the potential of including citizen members in the future. Moved by Councillor Gallo Seconded by Mayor Mrakas 1. That the Finance Advisory Committee Terms of Reference be received. Carried 2. 2019 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item A1 Page 2 of 4 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Staff provided a brief overview of the 2019 Work Plan and inquired about any additional items that the Committee would like to discuss throughout the year. The Committee suggested various areas of interest such as providing input on the funding and reporting framework for current and future capital projects including a review of the capital projects included in the most recent Development Charges study, and undertaking a review of the recreation fee structure. It was requested that more details on the proposed multi-year budget framework in comparison with current practices and a summary of accomplishments of the previous term including the outcome of the detailed departmental budget reviews be provided to the Committee. Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Gallo 1. That the proposed 2019 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee be received; and 2. That the 2019 Work Plan, including the Committee comments, be approved. Carried 3. Round Table Discussion Re: Process and Expectations for 2019 Detailed Departmental Budget Reviews The Committee and staff discussed about the detailed departmental budget review process including the line-by-line analysis of each department carried out in the previous term. Staff highlighted areas of focus such as a multi-year revenue and expense comparisons and discussion on potential budget pressures within each department, and noted a similar approach would be utilized for the departmental budget reviews this term. Moved by Councillor Gallo Seconded by Mayor Mrakas 1. That the comments and suggestions regarding the Process and Expectations for the 2019 Detailed Budget Reviews be received and referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item A1 Page 3 of 4 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Page 4 of 4 4. Round Table Discussion Re: 2019 Operating Budget Debrief Staff circulated the 2019 Budget Committee calendar and provided a brief overview. The Committee and staff discussed about the various public outreach methods to involve members of public in the budget deliberations. It was requested that information on current public outreach methods be provided to the Committee. Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Gallo 1. That the comments and suggestions regarding the 2019 Operating Budget Debrief be received and referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 6. New Business Staff provided an outline of the current grant and funding agreement guidelines and requested the Committee’s input. It was noted that the item would be brought forward to a future meeting for detailed discussion. 7. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Gallo Seconded by Mayor Mrakas That the meeting be adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item A1 Page 4 of 4 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PDS19-001 Subject: Sidewalk Construction on Kitimat Crescent Prepared by: Anca Mihail, Manager of Engineering and Capital Delivery Department: Planning and Development Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendation 1. That Report No. PDS19-001 be received; and 2. That Council authorize the construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent. Executive Summary This report seeks Council’s direction on the construction of sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent • The construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent has been included in the 2018 budget at Council’s request. • Town’s policy supports sidewalk construction where gaps exists and Ontario legislation requires municipalities to remove barriers to accessibility. • Residents on Kitimat Crescent strongly oppose the construction of the proposed sidewalk. • Staff attempted to address residents’ concerns through sidewalk design. Background The Town has implemented the “Active and Safe Routes to School Program” in 2013. This program has helped to encourage the physical activity of youth, enhance environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and help alleviate traffic concerns in school areas. The School Travel Planning Policy (#69) was approved by Council in December 2013 and set out a mechanism that would allow for student pedestrian priority. This policy General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 1 of 9 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 8 Report No. PDS19-001 was intended to provide tools for students and school boards to request safety related traffic controls that could not be accommodated in other Town traffic management policies. A key feature of this program and policy was to focus on the walkability of school routes for students to encourage more walking and build a stronger sense of safety within the community related to school travel. The Town has implemented the school travel planning program for a number of schools (e.g. Rick Hansen Public School, Devins Drive Public School and Regency Acres Public School) with great success. On March 22, 2016, General Committee considered staff Report IES16-027, “School Travel Planning Program for Aurora Heights Public School Update” and resolved: “That Report No. IES16-027 be received; and That three-way stop sign control be installed at the intersection of Tecumseh Drive and Kitimat Crescent (north leg); and That the necessary by-law be introduced to implement the above recommendation; and That staff be directed to prioritize the installation of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent, for consideration as part of the 2017 Capital Budget; and That staff report back to Council on the provision of a school crossing guard at the intersection of Tecumseh Drive and Kitimat Crescent, and That a letter be sent to Aurora Heights Public School with Council’s adopted resolution.” At the Council Meeting held on June 12, 2018, under new business, Council decided: “That staff be directed to conduct a public consultation regarding the request for installation of a sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent” General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 2 of 9 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 8 Report No. PDS19-001 Analysis The construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent has been included in the 2018 budget at Council’s request. Kitimat Crescent is a local street with an urban cross section with curbs but no sidewalk on either side of the street, a pavement width of 8m and a posted speed of 40 km/h. An all-way stop control sign and a crossing guard were approved by Council in 2016 at the Tecumseh Drive and Kitimat Crescent (north leg) intersection to provide a safer crossing for students and parents as per the safe routes to school program. As instructed by Council, staff has included $100,000 in the 2018 budget for the construction of a sidewalk on one side of the street. The design has been delivered in- house in 2018 by the Engineering staff and, if approved by Council, construction will take place in the summer of 2019. The sidewalk is proposed to be installed on the north and west side of Kitimat to minimize any impact to existing trees and utilities. Town’s Policy supports sidewalk construction where gaps exists and Ontario Legislation requires municipalities to remove barriers to accessibility Sidewalks are essential infrastructure that provides safety, accessibility and walkability. • Safety – sidewalks offer a protected, dedicated space for all pedestrians, especially the most vulnerable, and when visibility is poor (e.g. weather related events, dark). • Universal accessibility – sidewalks provide universal accessibility regardless of ability level, including pedestrians with mobility challenges and those with limited sensory or cognitive limitations. • Safe routes to school – promotes walking and cycling to school as demonstrated by the Active and Safe Routes to School Program implemented in Aurora. • Sustainable growth – as the Town’s population grows, we have to look at implementing active transportation principles and design complete streets that will further reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 3 of 9 March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 8 Report No. PDS19-001 In September 2009 Council has approved a “Sidewalk Installation Policy”, Policy No.67, for the installation of sidewalks on Town’s roads that ensures connectivity, safety and convenient pedestrian traffic in new development and existing areas. For local roads, which is the case with Kitimat Crescent, the policy stipulates that: “Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the street, as part of a road reconstruction project, if the local road meets the following criteria: • The road is scheduled to be reconstructed; and • There is sufficient road allowance to accommodate sidewalks on both sides of the street; and • Adjacent to high pedestrian areas such as schools, institutions, commercial, industrial and parks or pedestrian linkages. If the above criteria are not met sidewalks shall be constructed on one side of the street as part of a road reconstruction project.” Kitimat Crescent was reconstructed in 2001 and at that time the Town did not have a Sidewalk Installation Policy. The residents were surveyed on the construction of a sidewalk on the street and the majority of them opposed the installation of a sidewalk. As a result, Kitimat Crescent was reconstructed without a sidewalk. The sidewalk construction on Kitimat Crescent was proposed by Council in 2016 as a result of the School Travel Planning Program implemented for Aurora Heights Public School, which sets out mechanisms to allow for student pedestrian priority, outside of Kitimat Crescent road reconstruction. There is enough room to accommodate a sidewalk on both sides of the street, however staff have proposed the sidewalk construction on the north and west part of the street to minimize any impacts to existing vegetation and utilities. Also, the Town has a duty to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) that took effect January 1, 2016. The AODA’s Built Environment Standards requires municipalities to remove barriers to accessibility and to construct sidewalks and pathways under the Design of Public Spaces (DoPS) Technical Requirements and Specifications. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 4 of 9 March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 8 Report No. PDS19-001 Residents on Kitimat Crescent strongly oppose the proposed sidewalk construction At the Council’s request, on September 19, 2018, an Open House/Public Information Centre was held for the residents of Kitimat Crescent to present the design of the sidewalk and request comments and input from the community. Kitimat Crescent has 41 dwellings, detached and semi-detached. The Open House was attended by 23 residents, 2 residents have sent their comments in writing and a petition signed by 38 households, out of the total of 41, was delivered at the open house. All residents who attended the Open House or sent comments in writing, including the residents who signed the petition, have strongly opposed the construction of the sidewalk. Residents’ concerns are: • Loss of parking • Loss of street trees • Loss of soft landscaping/yards • Reduced home value due to loss of parking • Responsibility for winter maintenance Town’s Crossing Guard was the only one who sent written comments in favor of the sidewalk. She supports the sidewalk construction on Kitimat Crescent, from the perspective of one whose only priority is to get children to and from school safely. She stressed that she watches every day parents with small children dodging traffic or being forced to walk in the middle of the road because Kitimat Crescent is a popular place for family members to park their cars while walking their children to school. In her letter, she raised the concern that, during winter, the snow banks add a new challenge to the pedestrian traffic on the street. Also, Aurora Heights Public School representatives were contacted by Town’s staff and they strongly support the construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent. Staff attempted to address residents’ concerns through sidewalk design The sidewalk is proposed to be located on the north and west side of Kitimat Crescent and it will be placed right behind the road curb to minimize impacts to trees, landscaping, existing utilities and driveway parking. With the proposed sidewalk configuration there will be only one tree impacted which will be replaced part of the construction contract. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 5 of 9 March 19, 2019 Page 6 of 8 Report No. PDS19-001 Staff reviewed existing vehicle parking at each house and did not find a situation where a resident’s same vehicles would not be able to physically fit in a driveway when the proposed sidewalk is constructed along the end of it. Although at the Open House some residents claimed that they would lose parking for one (1) of their two (2) vehicles, as a result of the proposed sidewalk, it was determined that the same vehicles could still fit in the driveway if the resident made some minor adjustments to their current parking habits. These adjustments may include pulling vehicles in further, parking vehicles closer together, backing vehicles in for better access (as opposed to driving straight in), etc. At the Open House residents were informed that the responsibility for winter maintenance remains with the Town, all sidewalks in Aurora are being plowed by the Town’s Operational Services. During the Open House staff informed all residents in attendance that, if they “are not in favor of a sidewalk, a delegation may be brought forward to Council to request special consideration”, as required by Policy No. 67, the “Sidewalk Installation Policy”. Advisory Committee Review Staff requested input from the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) at its March 6 meeting. The Committee strongly encouraged the construction of a sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent to provide a safe route for students, including those with disabilities, to be able to get to school. The construction of an exterior path of travel is important to improve safety and mobility, but also, to encourage a healthier community. In addition, the Committee identified that the existing crosswalk at the intersection of Kitimat Crescent and Tecumseh Drive (north leg) is very beneficial for students to cross Tecumseh Drive from Kitimat Crescent. Legal Considerations Not applicable. Financial Implications There are no financial implications at this time. The budget of $100,000 for this project has been approved in the 2018 budget. The design of the sidewalk has been completed General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 6 of 9 March 19, 2019 Page 7 of 8 Report No. PDS19-001 in-house by the Engineering staff. If Council approves the project, the construction can be done during the summer of 2019. After construction, the operations cost related to the new sidewalk maintenance during winter season will increase by $640 per season. Communications Considerations A letter has been sent out to all residents on the street informing them that this report will be presented to the General Committee on March 19, 2019. In the event that the sidewalk project moves forward, communications protocols will be undertaken with regard to notification to residents and the school. In addition to mail outs, signage will also be placed in the area advising of impact to local traffic. Information will also be added to the News and Notices section of the website and shared on social media. Should construction of the sidewalk not proceed, the Engineering Division will notify the school and local residents by mail out. Link to Strategic Plan This report supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for All through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objective within this goal statement: Invest in sustainable infrastructure: Maintain and expand infrastructure to support forecasted population growth through technology, waste management, roads, emergency services and accessibility. Alternative to the Recommendation 1. If Council does not authorize the construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent at this time, the sidewalk will be built in accordance with Town’s sidewalk policy when the road is being reconstructed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 7 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R1 Page 8 of 9 Aurora H e i g h t s D r Kitimat C r e s Tecums e h D r Tecumseh DrProposed SidewalkPropose d S i d e w a l k Aurora HeightsPublic School85 Tecumseh Dr Tecumseh DrAurora Heights DrKitimat CresH u r o n C r t Ke m a n o R d Ja s p e r D rBigwin DrOt t a w a C r t Cabot Crt2 50 42 44 86 4 6 38 4036 8 34 4846 10 3 1 52 84 25 9 5 7 32 20 1114 28 26 21 19 18 13 15 16 1722 23 30 12 24 LOCATION OF PROPOSED SIDEWALKKITIMAT CRESCENT Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Development Services Department, Engineering and Capital Delivery Division, January 16th, 2019. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. 0 25 50 Metres Hwy 404Bathurst StYonge StYonge StLeslie StLeslie StHwy 404St John's Sdrd WellingtonSt EWellingtonSt W Henderson Vandorf Sdrd SUBJECTLANDS Dr BayviewBloomington RdAveBayviewAve PDS19-001 Attachment #1 KEY PLAN Legend Kitimat Proposed Sidewalk Existing Sidewalk Parcel Fabric General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R1 Page 9 of 9 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. OPS19-004 Subject: Winter Maintenance Report No.2 Future Roads Maintenance Operations Prepared by: Jim Tree, Manager of Roads & Water (Acting) Department: Operational Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendation 1. That Report No. OPS19-004 be received; and 2. That the recommendations associated with future Winter Roads and Sidewalk Maintenance Operations as outlined in the Financial Impact Table be approved in principle; and 3. That each recommendation having a financial impact as outlined in the Financial Impact Table be presented in the applicable year Capital and/or Operating Budgets for final consideration and approval. Executive Summary This report will focus on a number of current operational issues and the pros and cons of contracted service providers’ vs. in-house delivery of winter maintenance services as follows: • Current roads inventory consists of 220 road allowance km requiring eleven (11) plow routes, seven (7) are maintained by the Town and four (4) routes by our contracted service provider; • Supplementing the Roads Winter Maintenance Operation with an element of external contracted service provides greatest level of flexibility; • Additional 13 road allowance km of roads and 28 km of sidewalks will be assumed within the next six (6) to eight (8) years and will require additional resources; • Quality, control of service, current operating structure and costs are the key considerations in determining whether or not to continue to contract out some or all winter road maintenance services; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 1 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 • Further conversion of seasonal contract workers to full-time Flex Operators offers greater level of experience, reliability and efficiency in the Roads and Parks Divisions; • The 2019 Operating budget proposes the conversion of one (1) full-time Roads Operator to Crew Leader provides a greater level of support to frontline workers and accountability in the Winter Roads Maintenance Operation. • Delivery of the majority of Winter Sidewalk Maintenance by contracted service provider is the most cost effective and efficient method; • Contracted Winter Sidewalk Maintenance service provision affords the most flexibility in meeting the challenges inherent in the work; • Growth-related sidewalk inventory assumption requires the addition of one (1) route in winter 2019/2020; • Town-owned equipment and staff will continue to supplement winter sidewalk maintenance and other important sidewalk maintenance functions; • Terms and conditions in the current Winter Sidewalk Maintenance contract should be reviewed and revised prior to the renewal or tender of future contract. Background This report is the second of three separate reports that deal with winter roads maintenance. Report #1 was presented to Council on January 15 and February 12, 2019 and the revised Provincial Minimum Maintenance Standards for Roads (MMS) was discussed and potential service level increase to provide Snow Plow Windrow clearing. This report is dedicated to future Winter Roads Maintenance Operations and all aspects of contract service providers’ verses in-house services. Report #3 will be the final report dedicated to a single issue associated with rear yard private laneways in the Hollidge Boulevard and Ochalski Road area and the Baywell Crescent and Hollandview Trail area. This report will deal with matters regarding the Town’s current role in maintaining these private laneways. There have been significant improvements in the Winter Roads Operations. These improvements were identified in Report OPS18-012 along with many other issues requiring further review and more areas where additional changes to the operation and procedures will result in further improvement. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 2 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 Analysis Section 1: Contract vs. In-house Operation Current roads inventory consists of 220 road allowance km requiring eleven (11) plow routes, seven (7) are maintained by the Town and four (4) routes by our contracted service provider. At the conclusion of the current winter roads maintenance contract on April 15th 2021, there will be eleven plow routes, seven of which will be maintained by the Town. This includes one additional partial route that was added to the Town maintained routes in the fall of 2018. At that time, staff determined that the additional roads assumed did not warrant the expense to engage a fifth contract truck which is identified as a provisional item in the current contract. Based on current and forecasted labour and equipment resources as well as the timing of new road assumptions, we do not believe it will necessary to engage the fifth contracted truck during the life of the current contract. Supplementing the Roads Winter Maintenance Operation with an element of external contracted service provides greatest level of flexibility. In Report OPS18-012 staff referenced a number of considerations for improving the Roads Operations Winter Maintenance including the possibility that the Town conduct 100% of the maintenance in-house. In order to do so it would require purchasing, and taking delivery of, four additional trucks prior to November 2021. It would also be necessary to recruit four additional Operators for the 2021/22 season and to add one additional truck and Operator in the 2022/23 season bringing the total number of plow trucks and routes to twelve (12). This would satisfy the Roads Operations W inter Maintenance needs for planned build out of the municipality. Based on many years of experience and in discussions with other neighbouring municipalities, there seems to be no perfect scenario when it comes to the method of delivering winter roads and sidewalk maintenance. There are resulting pros and cons, with both in-house and external service providers. The typical scenario in many municipalities is to own and operate a fleet of municipal snow removal equipment and to supplement the operation with a component of contract equipment. There are benefits to both scenarios, on one hand, our present Contractor must provide uninterrupted service on a 24-hour, seven (7) days per week schedule and their work force is not subject to work stoppages due to labour disputes, illness or absenteeism of General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 3 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 any kind and these benefits cannot be easily ignored. Alternatively, contractor’s work force is somewhat nomadic in that there is often a change in Operator’s year-over-year who are inexperienced with their assigned routes which can result in reduced efficiency and quality of work. The contractor’s staff also tends to be less engaged in the operation and often lack the same sense of pride or ownership one finds in a municipal employee. Although manageable with ongoing oversight, these issues are significant and often negatively impact the quality of work. As is very typical, contract service providers require a greater level of supervision and oversight by the Town in order to consistently achieve an acceptable level of service. Municipal staff tend to be a highly trained and experienced group who have a stake in the operation and are dedicated to consistently demonstrating a level of professionalism and pride of ownership in conducting the work. Experience has proven that our Municipal staff have a direct positive impact on the quality of work that is always evident resulting in a corresponding reduction in the level of complaints from the public and a further reduction in supervision time required to ensure that their work is efficient, thorough, complete and in accordance with the applicable standards. Additional 13 road allowance km of roads and 28 km of sidewalks will be assumed within the next six (6) to eight (8) years and will require additional resources. The Town will be assuming an additional 13 road allowance km of roads for a total of 233 road allowance km and 28 km of sidewalks for a total of 262 km. This represents all roads and sidewalks associated with remaining development currently planned for the municipality. In order to address the ongoing maintenance needs required to provide the current level of service, staff are projecting that it will be necessary to increase the number of roads maintenance routes from the current eleven (11) routes to a total of twelve routes and winter sidewalk maintenance routes from the current seven (7) to eight (8) routes to address additional sidewalk and maintenance standards. It is expected that these roads and sidewalks will be added to our current inventory incrementally over the next six (6) to eight (8) year period. At the conclusion of the current road and sidewalk winter maintenance contracts in 2021, there will be eleven (11) plow routes seven (7) of which will be maintained by the Town. The Town could assume responsibility for the four (4) currently contracted-out snow routes which would require purchasing four additional trucks one (1) full year ahead of time to ensure their availability for the 2021/22 winter season. It will also be necessary to recruit four (4) additional Operators for the 2021/22 season and to add one General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 4 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 additional truck and Operator in the 2022/23 season bringing the total number of plow routes to twelve (12) required to maintain 233 road allowance km at planned build out of the municipality Quality, control of service, current operating structure and costs are the key considerations in determining whether or not to continue to contract out some or all winter road maintenance services. There are a number of aspects to consider when contemplating whether to contract out some or all winter road maintenance services; however, staff believe that the most significant aspects can be narrowed down to the following three areas: • Quality and Control of Service Delivery; • Current Department Operating Structure; and • Overall Cost. While the growth in population and geographic expansion in the municipality has been ongoing over the past five (5) decades, growth has also occurred in the necessary support systems including funding, equipment and other resources required to maintain the roads infrastructure. Council and staff have continued to support, grow and keep pace with municipal services levels and, as a result, the Roads, Water/W astewater Divisions are currently staffed and equipped to conduct all but a minority of the Winter Roads Maintenance Operations. This has resulted in many years of providing excellent public works service under the current model and we see no advantage in any significant change of course at this time. Our current operating structure and quality control in delivering W inter Roads Maintenance services are among the most significant considerations in determining whether or not to contract out more or less of the work. The financial impacts are another major consideration. The process of determining the Corporation’s costs to own and operate the Town’s fleet is rather complex in terms of obtaining the precise and proper allocation of the costs. This requires drilling down into all of the detailed financial information including staff allocation, and associated capital and operational fleet related overhead and other expenses. Factors used to determine costs include the following: • Contractor’s actual invoices; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 5 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 6 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 • Town’s actual staff time including overtime, standby and fringe benefits; • Town’s actual equipment capital costs; • Town’s actual and estimated materials and supplies, i.e. fuel, insurance, repairs, maintenance, tires, licensing depreciation and depo building housing costs; • Town’s estimated mechanics time to service and repair a single snowplow/ sander truck; and • Actual residual value of a snowplow/sander truck recently sold at public auction. The overall operating cost to provide Town-owned equipment are marginally less than those of the contractor; however, it is important to note that in the event that the Town was to convert to an in-house operation entirely, there would be an initial capital and operational impact associated with the purchase of four (4) additional vehicles and Operators. These costs are estimated to be in the range of $1,100,000. It should also be noted that the contractors’ costs are market-based and they can fluctuate up or down depending on a number of variables including the current market, the length of the contract, age of equipment being requested and other specific terms of the contract. In view of this, together with the fact that the most valuable attribute of contracted services is in the flexibility that this equipment affords the overall operation, we recommend that the Winter Roads Operation continue to be supplemented with four (4) contracted plow/sander trucks. Section 1: Summary of Recommendations: • That four (4) contract road plows/sanders continue to supplement the Winter Roads Operation on four (4) assigned routes; • That the Town’s own forces continue to maintain seven (7) of the remaining routes. Section 2: Conversion of Seasonal Staff Further conversion of seasonal contract workers to full-time Flex Operators offers greater level of experience, reliability and efficiency in the Roads and Parks Divisions. As part of the Roads and Parks Divisions Business Plans, and in moving forward with improvements in the overall operations, it is important to address a long-standing General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 6 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 7 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 operational issue involving the use of six (6) month seasonal contract workers to supplement the Winter Roads and Parks Maintenance operation. Traditionally, the Roads Division has employed four (4) seasonal contract workers to supplement the full time complement of nineteen (19) full-time staff bringing the total winter complement to twenty-three (23) staff. There is a similar practice in the Parks Division where up to ten (10) six month seasonal staff are recruited every spring to supplement the parks operations busiest season. It is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit and retain experienced and competent seasonal operators for the winter operations. This particular job requires a great deal of skill and experience and in recent years the available pool of highly skilled workers has diminished significantly which seems to be emerging as a common problem in the sector. For example, in preparation for the 2017/18 winter operations, we began actively recruiting for seasonal workers in early September 2017 and were unable to find acceptable candidates until late December 2017. This poses a significant problem in that we do not have sufficient full-time staff resources to fulfil our winter maintenance obligations without the full complement of seasonal staff and delays in our recruitment of experienced operators can result in operational impacts. Several years ago, in an effort to address this issue, we created a single, new, full-time unionized Flex Operator job description, whereby one (1) position in the overall Operational Services Department complement serves a dual function, spending six (6) months in the Roads Division and six (6) months in the Parks Division. This position was filled in 2015 with a qualified candidate and the flexibility the position affords has served the overall operation very well with a highly skilled employee who is qualified to serve in both the Roads and Parks Divisions. Some additional positive results include the following: • Retention of a highly skilled, experienced and versatile employee; • Significant reduction in the need for training and familiarization with the workplace resulting in improved employee efficiency; • Reduced administration costs associated with on-going recruitments for contract staff; • Resolution to the recruitment issue of not being able to find sufficient qualified and experienced staff; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 7 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 8 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 • Very reliable and dedicated staff. As there are many positive attributes of the full-time Flex Operator position, we feel that we should continue down this path and recruit up to four (4) additional full-time Flex Operator positons. To this end, staff have included the additional costs associated with fringe benefits in the 2019 Operational Services Budgets for the conversion of two (2) seasonal staff to full-time Flex Operators. Conditional on Council approval, these full-time Flex Operators will be added to the unionized complement in 2019. We also recommend one (1) additional conversion in the 2020 budget and one in the 2021 budget for a total of four (4) full-time Flex positons. Section 2: Summary of Recommendations: • Subject to Council approval, convert two (2) Seasonal Contract positions to two (2) full-time Flex Operator positions to serve six (6) month terms in both the Parks and the Roads Divisions in June 2019; • Consider converting two (2) additional Seasonal Contract positions in the Parks and Roads Divisions, one (1) in 2020 and one (1) in 2021 to full-time Flex Operators. Section 3: Conversion to Crew Leaders The 2019 Operating budget proposes the conversion of one (1) full-time Roads Operator to Crew Leader provides a greater level of support to frontline workers and accountability in the Winter Roads Maintenance Operation. Since the re-organization of the Parks and Roads Divisions, it has become evident that there is room for improvement in the overall Roads operation from a supervisory perspective. Currently there is one (1) full-time salaried Roads Supervisor and one (1) full-time unionized Roads Crew Leader. Previously there were a number of temporary Crew Leaders who, during the winter months, were not actively working on the frontline supporting the operation. This practice was discontinued and all operators with exception of the single unionized Crew Leader were deployed to winter maintenance vehicles and equipment as required. It has become apparent that there is a need for one (1) additional full-time Crew Leader positon to assist and to supplement both the winter and summer roads maintenance General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 8 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 9 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 program. The roads operation is lacking in adequate supervision given the 24/7 nature of the business, full-time Supervisor and single Crew Leader are often overtaxed particularly during the night-time and weekend periods. Having one (1) additional full time Crew Leader positon to share the supervisory workload will further benefit the operation in bringing about much needed improvement in organizing and overseeing of all aspects of the work. These lead hand type positions have proven to be very efficient and effective for the corporation in leveraging a greater contribution from a unionized employee for a very minimal investment. These positions are also very beneficial in our efforts to provide succession planning and personal growth opportunities for those employees seeking advancement in their career or an opportunity to take on more challenging work. As such staff are of the opinion that supplementing the operation in this fashion is the most efficient and logical step in addressing current needs. Section 3: Summary of Recommendations: • Subject to Council approval, convert one (1) Roads Operator position to a Crew Leader position in the Roads Division in 2019. Section 4: Winter Sidewalk Maintenance Operations Delivery of the majority of Winter Sidewalk Maintenance by contracted service provider is the most cost effective and efficient method. With a current sidewalk inventory of 234 km and an additional 28 km of yet to be assumed sidewalks within the next four (4) to eight (8) years, winter sidewalk maintenance costs will continue to rise. Over the past several decades there have been a number of methods of delivery of winter sidewalk maintenance ranging from conducting the work entirely using Town staff and equipment, then a combination of Town staff and equipment, supplemented with contracted service providers and finally to our current method where the majority of the work is contracted out. Staff have noted in previous reports that the Town’s winter sidewalk levels of service are among the highest in comparison to some of our neighbouring municipalities in that Aurora clears and maintains all sidewalks within the municipality. Currently our level of General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 9 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 10 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 service is such that on average a full cycle of sidewalk maintenance (i.e. plowing and sanding) can be completed within 24 hours (depending on weather event), well under the 48-hour period required by the Provincial Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS). While it is recognized that a full cycle of sidewalk maintenance is typically completed well under the MMS much of the time given community expectations, staff would not recommend any change to the current level of service that extends the time towards the maximum 48 hours. In terms of who is best suited to provide our sidewalk maintenance, we have taken the following three (3) factors into consideration: Comparative costs to provide the service; the flexibility of the service provider; and the quality of the service being delivered. Factors used to determine costs include the following • Actual hours worked by the contractor in 2016, 2017, and 2018 • Contractors actual invoices; • Town’s Comparable actual staff time including overtime, standby and fringe benefits based on hours worked by contractor; • Town’s Comparable equipment capital costs; • Town’s Comparable materials and supplies (i.e. fuel, insurance, repairs, maintenance, tires, depreciation and depo building housing costs); • Town’s estimated mechanics time to service and repair sidewalk clearing machine; • Estimated residual value of Town-owned sidewalk clearing machine sold at public auction at end of life. Costs to the municipality are generally higher than those of the contractor primarily due to the higher labour costs with the employment of seasonal staff operators for six (6) month contracts. The Corporation is obligated to compensate these staff at rates commensurate with our CUPE Collective Agreement. While the estimates for the Town to conduct this work entirely in-house include a capital depreciation component, it should be noted that there would be an initial Capital cost in excess of $1,000.000 to purchase the equipment in the event that this service reverts back to the Town. Additionally, the equipment would need to be ordered approximately one (1) year before the end of the current sidewalk clearing contract in spring of 2021. Contracted Winter Sidewalk Maintenance service provision affords the most flexibility in meeting the challenges inherent in the work. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 10 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 11 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 Similar to our winter roads contract service providers, the contracted sidewalk maintenance service provider must be available to conduct the work on very short notice on a 24/7 basis. This is a significant requirement in that the contractor’s employees must also comply with applicable Ministry of Labour Legislation and Ministry of Transportation Legislation concerning hours of work. Growth-related sidewalk inventory assumption requires the addition of one (1) route in winter 2019/2020. Incremental Growth within the municipality continues to impact the Roads Division and the ability to maintain MMS. As more sidewalks are built and assumed by the Town (including the build out of the 2C lands and introduction of sidewalks on St. John’s Side Road), the Town has assumed an additional 33 km of sidewalk since 2014 (the year the sidewalk clearing contract commenced). With a current inventory of 234 km, each of our six (6) contracted maintenance routes is responsible for 39 km of sidewalk. In 2014 our sidewalk inventory was 201 km which translated to 33.5 km for each of the six (6) contracted routes. In recognition of this additional 5.5 km of growth per route, the current Sidewalk W inter Maintenance contract has provision to add in one additional sidewalk maintenance machine and, based on the length of the current routes, we recommend that it is time to exercise this provision bringing the average kilometers per route down to 33.4 km (2014 Service Levels). This will enable us to continue to remain compliant with current service levels. Funds are included in the 2019 Budget for the provision of adding a seventh (7th) sidewalk route commencing in November 2019. Town-owned equipment and staff will continue to supplement winter sidewalk maintenance and other important sidewalk maintenance functions. In view of the two aforementioned factors, cost and flexibility, we recommend that the focus be turned to areas of the Sidewalk Clearing Program where there is room for improvement, quality control and operational efficiencies. While it is true that the majority of winter sidewalk maintenance is conducted by a contract service provider, the Town has historically owned some equipment that is suitable for clearing snow and ice from sidewalks. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 11 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 12 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 Town owned sidewalk equipment would typically be deployed during times of equipment breakdowns, excessive snow and ice storm events or when localized sidewalk conditions required additional maintenance following a winter weather event. These localized conditions typically involve locations where frequent drifting of snow or ice formation occurs many hours or days following a weather event and can be managed by our own Operations staff during a regular shift when they are not involved in Roads maintenance operations. These conditions can persist for prolonged periods depending on weather conditions and as a result it is much more cost effective to deploy our own staff and equipment as an alternative to calling in the contractor and incurring additional expense. Furthermore, this equipment serves other important needs in the operation associated with snow windrow removal from Yonge Street and other streets in the downtown core as well as spring sidewalk sweeping throughout the entire municipality. Based on these needs, staff submit that having this equipment in the Roads and Fleet Divisions continues to benefit the overall operation and should remain as such. Terms and conditions in the current Winter Sidewalk Maintenance contract should be reviewed and revised prior to renewal of future contract. The current winter sidewalk maintenance contract expires in the spring of 2021 and staff are of the opinion that the current W inter Sidewalk Maintenance contract language is generally satisfactory; however, there are some terms and conditions that should be revised or improved to better reflect the corporation’s requirements and expectations. The following items are among the more significant areas that need to be considered for further improvement: • Review all aspects of the equipment specified for winter side walk maintenance for suitability under all potential conditions. Current equipment is considered light duty and its ability to perform the necessary operation can easily be overwhelmed depending on the conditions; • Specify that all side walk machines be equipped with “V” plows for greater effectiveness in all-weather events, the use of current single angle plows on light duty agricultural tractors is a major cause of boulevard sod damage with minor impact on contract costs; • Include language that better describes the Town’s expectations associated with boulevard turf damage both preventative and restorative. Current language does not address all aspects of this issue; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 12 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 13 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 • Consider implementing penalty clauses and other applicable remedies in the very likely event of repeated boulevard turf damage. Section 4: Summary of Recommendations: • Continue to contract out winter sidewalk maintenance; • Continue to provide winter maintenance service levels on all municipal sidewalks in accordance MMS; • Continue to supplement winter sidewalk maintenance with Town-owned equipment and staff as required; • Add one (1) additional winter sidewalk maintenance route in November 2019 for a total of seven (7) routes; • Review and revise Sidewalk Maintenance Contract language at the conclusion of the current contract. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Legal Considerations The Town, as a municipality, is legislatively mandated to maintain its roadways and sidewalks in a reasonable state of repair. The Town cannot abrogate this responsibility and is liable for damages any person sustains in case of default in that obligation. The MMS serve as a defense to claims against the municipality, provided that the municipality can show that the standards have been met. Although failure to meet the standards may not automatically deem a municipality as being liable, it would generally be difficult to avoid liability in a case where the failure to meet the MMS had contributed to an accident. Consequently, should the Town conduct maintenance that falls below the MMS standard, it is expected that it would lead to an increase in claims and financial liabilities against the Town, including an increase in insurance costs. The recommendations brought forward by this report aim to maintain the service standards at a level that would continue to meet or exceed the MMS. Financial Implications In view of the number of recommendations summarized in each of the four (4) subsections of this report, and for the purposes of clarity in the providing the financial General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 13 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 14 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 implications for those recommendations, please refer to the below Financial Impacts table: Financial Impacts: Report Section # Recommendation Implementation Year & Action Estimated Costs Comments & Next Steps 1 Continue to contract out four (4) winter maintenance road plow/sander vehicles Ongoing Average annual cost per vehicle $60,000 Supplementing Town-owned equipment provides significant flexibility to the overall operation - continue to maintain the majority of routes using Town equipment and labour 1 Town continues to maintain one (1) additional plow route added in 2018 2019 and ongoing Funds allocated in current year operational budgets Town continues to maintain a total of seven (7) plow routes 2 Convert two (2) existing six (6) month Seasonal positions to two (2) full-time Flex Operators Subject to Council approval, convert two (2) full-time Flex Operators in June 2019 $40,000 for additional fringe benefits Conversion of two (2) summer and winter seasonal positions to full-time Flex Operators will address staff retention and qualification issues in both Parks and Roads Divisions, funds have been included in 2019 draft Operational Budgets, subject to Council approval 2 convert one (1) existing Seasonal position to one (1) full-time Flex Operator subject to Council approval, convert one (1) operator in June 2020 $20,000 for additional fringe benefits Conversion of one (1) additional summer and winter seasonal position to a full-time Flex Operator will address staff retention and qualification issues in both Parks and Roads Divisions, funds to be included in 2020 draft operational budgets, subject to Council approval 2 convert one (1) existing Seasonal position to one (1) full-time Flex Operator subject to Council approval, convert one (1) Operator in June 2021 $20,000 for additional fringe benefits Conversion of one additional summer and winter seasonal position to full-time flex operator will address staff retention and qualification issues in both Parks and Roads operations, funds to be included in 2021 draft operational budgets ,subject to Council approval General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 14 of 16 March 19, 2019 Page 15 of 16 Report No. OPS19-004 Report Section # Recommendation Implementation Year & Action Estimated Costs Comments & Next Steps 3 Conversion of existing Roads Operator to Crew Leader subject to Council approval, convert one (1) operator in June 2019 $7,000 to re-classify this position Subject to Council approval, funds have been included in the 2019 draft Operational Service Budget for this low cost investment will result in significant benefits given the 24/7 nature of the Roads Operations this Crew Leader position is an efficient solution to a long-term operational issue 4 Continue to contract out majority of winter sidewalk maintenances services Ongoing through 2021 and the end of the current contract Ongoing funds available in the Operational Services Budget Continue to contract out Winter Sidewalk Maintenance services as the most cost effective and flexible method of delivering this service 4 Add one (1) additional winter sidewalk route maintenance route to the current contract for a total of seven (7) routes Recommend implementation commencing in November 2019 Estimated cost for two months November/ December 2019 $20,000 Provision in the current sidewalk maintenance contract to add an additional sidewalk route based on the increased km of 33 km sidewalk inventory since 2014 Communications Considerations Any significant changes to service levels will be posted to the Town of Aurora website and shared with the community through the Notice Board, social media and News and Notices. Link to Strategic Plan This project supports the Strategic Plan Goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for all by improving transportation, mobility and connectivity. This project establishes a program that enhances the accessibility and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic during the winter season. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation Council could consider recommending alternative service levels or service provision methods and have staff report back on these alternatives. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R2 Page 15 of 16 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R2 Page 16 of 16 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. FS19-009 Subject: Development Charges By-law Approval Prepared by: Jason Gaertner, Acting Director Financial Services - Treasurer Department: Financial Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendation 1. That Report No. FS19-009 be received; and 2. That the Development Charges Background Study report presented at the Special Meeting of Council held on March 19, 2019, be adopted; and 3. That Council directs staff to report back regarding any comments received from the preceding public meeting, if necessary; and 4. That Council confirms that it intends to ensure: a) that the increase in the need for services attributable to the anticipated development will be met, subject to sufficient development charge revenues being generated and other Town affordability criteria being met; and b) that the future excess capacity identified in the Development Charges Background Study for the Town of Aurora shall be paid for by the development charges or other similar charges; and 5. That Council adopts the capital forecasts prepared in conjunction with the Development Charges Background Study for the Town of Aurora subject to each project or undertaking set out therein being subject to annual operating and capital budget approval processes of the corporation; and 6. That the Town continue the development charge approach to calculate the charges on a uniform Town-wide basis for all services; and 7. That the proposed by-law included with the Development Charges Background Study, as amended, being a by-law for the imposition of development charges, be enacted March 26, 2019, which also repeals by-law No. 5585-14, the predecessor by-law. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 1 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 Executive Summary The intent of this report is to provide Council with a status report on the process to update the Town’s development charges by-law, provide updates as to the key changes made to the proposed by-law as they relate to the current Town by-law, and to recommend a revised proposed development charges by-law for its adoption. Key components of this report include: • a summary of the key changes that have been included in the proposed by-law versus the Town’s existing by-law; • the proposed DC by-law for Council’s adoption; • the Development Charges Act provides a mechanism for members of the public to appeal the revised development charges by-law. Background In accordance with the Development Charges Act (DCA), each municipality’s development charges by-law must be reviewed every five years. The Town of Aurora’s current by-law became effective on April 8, 2014, consequently as per the DCA it will expire on April 7, 2019. In an effort to ensure that the Town continues to have an active development charges (DC) by-law in place, it has now undertaken the majority of the steps necessary under the DCA for the renewal of its DC by-law. Some of the key steps undertaken by the Town include: i. the completion of an updated development charges background study and proposed DC by-law which can be found under attachment #1 and attachment #2, respectively; ii. the undertaking of a consultation with the development community in regards to the Town’s updated DC study and proposed by-law; iii. the undertaking of tonight’s public meeting that sought further feedback from public stakeholders on the Town’s draft DC Study and proposed by-law; iv. ensured that its draft DC Study and proposed by-law were posted on the Town’s web site for at least 60 days prior to the passing of the Town’s new by-law. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 2 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 Analysis The Town’s draft DC Background Study has been prepared in accordance with the DCA. Its proposed by-law was prepared by staff, and reviewed by Legal Services as well as the consultant. The Executive Summary section of the Background Study provides an overview of the processes, issues and results of the Background Study. Development charges fund the expansion of services and increases of capacity of municipal infrastructure to meet the needs of the growing community. Development charges do not recover 100% of the costs of servicing growth, leaving some elements and portions for the general tax levy or other sources to fund. The development charges determined and presented for approval have been calculated in accordance with the DCA, and optimized to the extent permitted by that legislation. A summary of the key changes that have been included in the proposed by-law versus the Town’s existing by-law Staff are required to apply the Town’s development charges by-law on a daily basis. Staff must also administer and collect development charges for the Region of York and the school boards. Each of these entities have their own unique DC by-law with significant differences. With this in mind staff have reviewed the Town’s existing development charges by-law, striving to further harmonize its new draft bylaw where it is reasonable to do so with these other entities’ bylaws. This greater harmonization will reduce the risk of errors in DC fee collection, as well as streamline the administration processes. The following points highlight the most significant changes proposed to the Town’s bylaw, other than the amounts of the charges. 1. Adjustment to harmonize to the Region of York’s updated actual square footage definitions for differentiating small apartments from large apartments. In its current DC bylaw, the Region defines a small apartment as being less than 700 square feet in size. In the Town’s current approved by-law a small apartment is defined as being less than 650 square feet. Staff recommend that the Town adjust its threshold to align with the Region’s in this instance. 2. The definition of a special care facility has been revised to exclude the special care/special dwelling portions, if any, for a development of this nature. 3. A new DC rate relating to the development of special care/special dwellings has been added to the Town’s draft bylaw. This new rate has been added in response to a growing trend of developments that are being built upon progressive assisted living service models. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 3 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 4. A new definition has been added to the Town’s draft by-law for a special care/special dwelling. A dwelling of this nature is defined as a residential portion of a special care facility containing rooms or suites of rooms designed or intended to be used for sleeping and living accommodation that have a common entrance from street level; i. Where the occupants have the right to use in common halls, stairs, yards, common rooms and accessory buildings; ii. Which may or may not have exclusive sanitary and/or culinary facilities; iii. This is designed to accommodate persons with specific needs, including, but not limited to, independent permanent living arrangements; and iv. Where support services such as meal preparation, grocery shopping, laundry, housekeeping, nursing, respite care and attendant services may be provided at various levels. 5. Provision 3.9 relating to hotels and motels has been removed. By removing this clause, any future hotel and motel development will be subject to the Town’s standard non-residential charge. In recognition that the Town is now approaching full hotel and motel build out, a specific category of this nature is no longer required. The proposed DC by-law for Council’s adoption The attached DC by-law that has been proposed for adoption reflects the amendments noted above. Schedule “B” to this bylaw outlines the new DC charge rates. This proposed DC by-law can be found in Attachment #2 to this report. The Development Charges Act provides a mechanism for members of the public to appeal the revised development charges by-law The Development Charges Act provides a mechanism for members of the public to appeal the revised development charges by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board (the “OMB”) within forty days following adoption by the Council. The OMB then hears and makes final decision on the matter. However, until the decision of the OMB is issued, the adopted by-law remains in effect, and development charges as set out therein remain due and payable. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 4 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 Advisory Committee Review None Legal Considerations As per the Development Charges Act, 1997, the Town must have an active DC By-law in place in order to enable the Town’s legal capability to collect development charges. As per the Act, the Town must review and update its DC Study and accompanying DC by- law at a minimum once every five years. Unless it expires or is repealed earlier, the Town’s development charge by-law will expire five years after the day it comes into force. If Council does not enact the proposed by-law, as amended, the Town will be unable to collect development charges once the existing DC By-law expires in April. Financial Implications Development charges are the Province of Ontario’s primary funding tool for municipalities to collect revenues for the funding of the necessary expansion of town infrastructure and amenities in order to maintain existing Town service levels as it strives to meet the services demands of the growing community. All funds collected must remain segregated and used for only the purposes of projects eligible under the DC Act. The Town plans to spend $115.83 million over the next five years in response to growth, of which $75.48 million (65%) is recoverable from development charges. The remainder of this planned spend must come from other funding sources such as the tax levy, water rates, grants, subsidies and other contributions. The following table outlines the components and rates of the current bylaw indexed January 1, 2019 and those of the draft bylaw arising from the Background Study. Development Charge Rates (Dollars) Service Single & Semi- Detached Dwelling Non Residential Per Square Meter Current Proposed Current Proposed Municipal Parking Spaces 16 4 0.13 0.11 Fire Services 653 891 3.10 3.98 Outdoor Recreational Services 4,901 6,037 1.86 2.91 Indoor Recreation Services 8,114 7,575 3.10 3.55 Library Services 1,691 1,313 0.62 0.65 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 5 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 6 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 General Government 625 774 2.87 3.44 Services Related to a Highway 5,517 6,139 25.84 27.45 Wastewater Services 853 734 3.97 3.23 Water Supply & Distribution 854 377 4.10 1.72 TOTAL 23,224 23,844 45.59 47.04 Increase 2.7% 3.2% The following table outlines the sources and purposes of the expected $75,476,000 of development charge revenue in the next five year period. Sources & Purposes of Development Charge Revenues (Dollars) Service Residential Non-Residential Combined Forecast DC Revenue Municipal Parking Spaces 107,200 52,800 160,000 Fire Services 1,372,800 646,000 2,018,800 Outdoor Recreational Services 7,968,500 419,400 8,387,900 Indoor Recreation Services 29,660,900 1,561,100 31,222,000 Library Services 4,160,400 218,900 4,379,300 General Government 1,200,200 591,100 1,791,300 Services Related to a Highway 15,359,500 7,228,000 22,587,500 Wastewater Services 2,511,500 1,181,900 3,693,400 Water Supply & Distribution 840,300 395,500 1,235,800 TOTAL 63,181,300 12,294,700 75,476,000 It is important to keep in perspective that the Town’s development charge is only one of three development charges applicable to development within the Town. York Region and educational development charges are also applicable. The following charts outline the proportions should the updated draft bylaw be enacted: $23,844 $59,120 $6,407 Residential DCs ($89,371 per single/semi unit) Town (26.6%) Region (66.2%) School (7.2%) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 6 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 7 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 Communications Considerations This report will be made available on the Town’s web site for the public’s consumption. In addition, as per Schedule 2 (s. 13 and O. Reg 82/98 s.10 (5)), the Town will provide notice to the public within 20 days of the passing of the Town’s revised development charge by-law. This notification will be done by publication in a newspaper that is, in the clerk’s opinion, of sufficient general circulation in the area to which the proposed by-law would apply to give the public reasonable notice of the passing of the Town’s new by- law. Notice will also be given by personal service, fax or mail to: a) everyone who has given the municipal clerk a written request for notice and provided a return address, b) the clerk of the upper tier municipality involved, and c) the secretary of every school board with jurisdiction within the area to which the by-law applies. Finally, notification will be made via the Town’s web site and other social media channels. Link to Strategic Plan Setting a Development Charge bylaw is the primary tool with which Ontario municipalities can finance the cost of expanding infrastructure and service amenities to accommodate growth demands in their communities. Optimizing the charge within the permissions of the legislation demonstrates the Strategic Plan principles of Leadership in Corporate Management. $47.04 $564.38 $11.52 Retail Development Charges ($622.94 per sq.m.) Town (7.6%) Region (90.6%) School (1.8%) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 7 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 8 of 8 Report No. FS19-009 Alternative(s) to the Recommendation Council may direct staff to make any changes to the draft bylaw, or to respond to accommodate any specific concerns or issues raised by members of the public at the meeting. In such a circumstance, clearly worded motions should be considered. Conclusions Staff recommend that the revisions to the Development Charges Background Study be received, and the accompanying proposed by-law be adopted, to take effect March 26, 2019. Attachments Note: Attachments can be accessed on the Town’s Agendas and Minutes page Item R3 with attachments Attachment #1 - Town of Aurora - Development Charge Background Study Attachment #2 - Revised Draft Development Charges By-law No. XXXX-19 Previous Reports FS19-008 – Update to Development Charges By-law Pre-submission Review Agenda Management Team review on February 27, 2019 Departmental Approval Approved for Agenda General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R3 Page 8 of 8 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. OPS19-005 Subject: Approval of Capital Project No. 71103 and No. 34420 (“Wide Area Mower”) Prepared by: Steve Filippelli, Parks & Fleet Supervisor Department: Operational Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendation 1. That Report No. OPS19-005 be received; and 2. That Council approve Capital Project No. 71103 “Replacement of Operational Services Wide Area Mower Unit #255”; and 3. That Council approve Capital Project No. 34420 “New addition Wide Area Mower to Operational Services Parks Division”. Executive Summary This report seeks Council approval to proceed with Capital Project No. 71103 for the replacement of Parks Wide Area Mower unit No.255 and Capital Project No. 34420 growth and new additional Wide Area Mower: • Staff are requesting replacement of wide area No.255 due to significant cost to maintain and provide servicing. • An additional wide area mower is required due to growth and adherence to our Park Maintenance Standard Background The wide area mower has been heavily utilized since its acquisition in 2013. This wide area mower can cut 17 acres/hour using only one operator. This wide area mower maintains all parks and sports fields in Town and uses one unit opposed to multiple units and staff requirements. It is utilized between 40-50 hours per week during the months of May through October. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R4 Page 1 of 6 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Report No. OPS19-005 Analysis A significant cost is required to maintain and provide servicing to this heavily used and fatigued piece of grass cutting equipment. The Wide Area Mower has accumulated 2,814 hours since purchase and operates on a daily basis from 5-6 days per week. It is now showing signs of excessive wear. The metal on the equipment has signs of fatigue and stress cracks from continuous driving (approximately 40-50 hours/week). The breakdowns are no longer minor but rather major, with specialized parts that aren’t normally a stocked shelf item. Specialized parts can take up to three (3) weeks, making turnaround time very slow. An additional wide area mower is required due to growth and adherence to our Park Maintenance Standard With Aurora’s growth and development of 2C parkland and the Hallmark property, new additional second wide area mower can maintain (newly acquired 45 acres of assumed property through the development of 2C parkland and the Hallmark property) along with assisting in maintaining the Council approved “Parks Maintenance Standard Service Level” set out in May 2015. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Legal Considerations None. Financial Implications If approved, Capital Project No. 71103 (unit No. 255) be replaced in the amount of $140,000 and Capital Project No. 34420 “Additional and Growth Wide Area Mower” be purchased in the amount of $140,000 (Capital Sheet attached). General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R4 Page 2 of 6 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Report No. OPS19-005 Communications Considerations There is no external communication required. Link to Strategic Plan Providing a safe and reliable piece of equipment for Operational Services Parks Division that supports the Strategic Plan Goal of maintaining a standard level of service that meets town approved levels that include all municipally-owned and/or operated parks, natural areas, trails, and related outdoor recreation facilities and amenities. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Council may choose to not award Project No. 71103 “Replacement Mower”. The existing Wide Area Mower is a depreciating asset which is forecasted to incur a higher than usual amount of repair costs. If Council chooses to not approve this capital project, the existing Mower will continue to be used, and the Town may experience increased maintenance costs with the possibility of serious downtime in maintenance operations of Outdoor Sports Fields and Park facilities. That may result in staff not being able to meet the council approved maintenance standard service levels. 2. Council may choose to not award Project No. 34420 “New Additional Mower”. One Wide Area Mower to facilitate the entire Town is not ideal with the growth and development and the added 2C lands that are coming on board this spring. If Council chooses to not approve this capital project, the one existing mower will continue to be used, and the Town may experience decreased service levels with a possibility of not meeting the required maintenance standard service levels. Conclusions Staff recommends that both Capital Project No. 71103 Capital Project No. 34420 be approved to ensure that Council approved Park Maintenance Standards are complied with. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R4 Page 3 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R4 Page 4 of 6 Town of Aurora Capital Projects Project Department Version Year 71103 Wide Area Mower (#255-20) Operational Services Commitments-Trans 2019 Description TARGET START DATE AND END DATE: Use format Q4 2017 - Q1 2018 Q1 2019 PROJECT CONDITIONALLY APPROVED PENDING A FURTHER REPORT TO COUNCIL AS PER BUDGET COMMITTEE ON FEBRUARY 2 2019PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide a brief overview of the project and include the key goals, objectives and performance measures. 2013 wide area mower utilized to mow sports field and park open space. Mower is recognized in the 10 yr capital plan but needs replacement sooner than forecast due to required repairs and lifecycle expectancy. The Town of Aurora does not have a lifecycle for this vehicle in its asset management policy but based on the manufacturers recommendations and conversations with other municipal fleet departments, these units are usually replaced at 3,000 hrs or 6 years. This mower was originally planned in the 10 yr capital for replacement after 7 yrs of service. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION/CAPITAL SERVICE LEVEL IMPACT:Provide the reasons the project should be approved and what will be the impact of the project to service levels. This machine has accumulated 2,814 hrs since purchase and operates 5-6 days a week May through mid-October. This piece of equipment is essential to parks operations as it is the primary wide area cutter. Without this mower, service levels cannot be met and user groups could be impacted as this equipment maintains turf on the sports fields. PROJECT BENEFITS:Explain the benefits of the project which could include Citizen/Client, compliance, financial, internal, learning & gr Significant cost savings in repairs Less down time of equipment Maintenance targets met and customer satisfaction IMPACT TO THE ORGANIZATION IF THE PROJECT WAS NOT APPROVED:Please provide an explanation of what the outcomes would be if the project was not approved. User groups could suffer as a result of turf not being maintained adequately, loss of revenue and Town could be exposed to a liability. Budget Future20242022202120202019 2023Total General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R4 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1 Town of Aurora Capital Projects Project Department Version Year 34420 New Wide Area Mower Operational Services Commitments-Trans 2019 Description TARGET START DATE AND END DATE: Use format Q4 2017 - Q1 2018 PROJECT CONDITIONALLY APPROVED PENDING A FURTHER REPORT TO COUNCIL AS PER BUDGET COMMITTEE ON FEBRUARY 19 2019PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide a brief overview of the project and include the key goals, objectives and performance measures. New wide area mower required to sustain the service level standards for turf maintenance in our parks and sports fields. Between 2016-2018 Parks has assumed approximately 25 acres of land to maintain through development. By the end of 2020, with additional 2C parkland and the Hallmark property, there will be approximately an additional 20 acres to maintain. The addition of a second wide area would take pressure off and allow for back up when one mower is in for service or repairs. These mowers are integral to the operation and their performance is key in maintaining our maintenance levels.PROJECT JUSTIFICATION/CAPITAL SERVICE LEVEL IMPACT:Provide the reasons the project should be approved and what will be the impact of the project to service levels. Growth of Town and addition of new parkland and facilities. To maintain parks service level standards. PROJECT BENEFITS:Explain the benefits of the project which could include Citizen/Client, compliance, financial, internal, learning & gr Well maintained parks and sports fields within our community to support activity,good health and safe play IMPACT TO THE ORGANIZATION IF THE PROJECT WAS NOT APPROVED:Please provide an explanation of what the outcomes would be if the project was not approved. Loss of revenues due to unmaintained sports fields Possible exposure to liable due to unsafe fields Budget Future20242022202120202019 2023Total General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R4 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 2 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PDS19-004 Subject: Stop Control Removal at Corbett Crescent and Cossar Drive Prepared by: Michael Bat, Traffic/Transportation Analyst Department: Planning and Development Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PDS19-004 be received; 2. That the stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive be removed; and, 3. That a by-law to amend By-law 4574-04.T be enacted at a future Council Meeting. Executive Summary This report seeks Council’s approval to remove the existing stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive in order to eliminate the discrepancy on right-of-way expectation between pedestrian crossing Corbett Crescent and vehicle travelling in westbound-to-southbound direction. The repot can be summarized as follows: • Existing road conditions of Corbett Crescent and Cossar Drive; • Definition of crosswalk as defined by the Highway Traffic Act and Ontario Traffic Manual; • Existing geometric design for Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive; and, • Staff recommends to remove the existing traffic control and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive. Background In response to complaints, Town staff undertook an investigation regarding the existing traffic operations on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive (subject location). General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R5 Page 1 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 6 Report No. PDS19-004 The subject location is illustrated in Figure 1. Analysis Existing road conditions of Corbett Crescent and Cossar Drive Corbett Crescent: is a two-lane local road with single lane per travel direction. It has an urban cross-section with curbs on both sides of the road and sidewalks provided on the west side of the road from Cossar Drive to the southern property limit of 30 Corbett Crescent. The existing pavement is measured 8.5 metres wide and in accordance to the Town Zoning By-law No. 4574-04.T the posted speed limit is 40 km/h within the study area. Cossar Drive: is a two-lane local road with single lane per travel direction. It has an urban cross-section with curbs on both sides of the road and sidewalks provided on the south side of the road. The existing pavement is measured 8.0 metres wide and in accordance to the Town Zoning By-law No. 4574-04.T the posted speed limit is 40 km/h. Definition of crosswalk as defined by the Highway Traffic Act and Ontario Traffic Manual According to the Highway Traffic Act (HTA), Crosswalk means: a) “That part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the roadway, or” b) “Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface.” Based on Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 11, Crosswalk (or Pedestrian Crosswalk) is defined as: a) “Any portion of the Roadway, at an intersection or elsewhere, distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by appropriate pavement markings and/or signs, or by the projections of the lateral lines of the sidewalk on opposite sides of the road.” General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R5 Page 2 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 6 Report No. PDS19-004 Existing geometric design for Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive In accordance to the as-constructed engineering drawing and site visit undertaken by staff, the existing geometric design for Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive is comparable to the requirements for a typical angel bend layout as illustrated in the Town Design Criteria Manual for Engineering Plans – Drawing No. R-206. Generally, traffic control is not required/installed under this configuration. Under the existing condition, a stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines are installed on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive. The northbound-to-eastbound traffic is controlled by the stop sign and the westbound-to-southbound traffic is uncontrolled and operates as free-flow. The existing traffic operations is illustrated in Figure 2. Staff recommends to remove the existing traffic control and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive Stop Sign and Stop Line: As noted in OTM Book 15, the purpose of stop sign is to clearly assign and regulate right-of-way between vehicles approaching an intersection from different directions when there is potential for conflict. As described above, there is no conflicting vehicular movements within the subject location and therefore the existing stop sign and stop line are not required. Crosswalk Lines: As noted in OTM Book 15, crosswalk lines are not recommended at uncontrolled crossing: “The presence of a marked pedestrian crossing may create a false sense of confidence on the part of pedestrians, particularly children, who may enter the crosswalk expecting that approaching drivers will see them and stop. A discrepancy may exist between pedestrians’ expectations and the expectations of approaching drivers who may not expect to find a pedestrian crossing at an uncontrolled location.” In addition, under the HTA, crosswalk is defined without the distinction between controlled and uncontrolled crossing locations. In the absence of stop/yield signs, pedestrian crossover, or traffic control signals (half or full), pedestrians at an General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R5 Page 3 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 6 Report No. PDS19-004 uncontrolled crossing location are required to wait for gaps in vehicular traffic before crossing. The existing depressed curb can be maintained. According to OTM Book 15 depressed curbs are not intended to imply right-of-way for pedestrian, but rather to improve accessibility and safety where pedestrian activity has been demonstrated, or is anticipated. Therefore, in accordance to the requirements and definitions outlined in HTA and OTM books, the existing stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines are not required on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive. Staff have consulted with York Regional Police and Town’s By-law Services and no concerns were identified/raised with the removal of stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines at the subject location. Staff will monitor the overall traffic operations and pedestrian activities under post- removal condition and install additional traffic signs including “Pedestrian Ahead” (Wc-7) and “Pedestrian Yield to Traffic” (Wc-36) signs if required. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Legal Considerations None. Financial Implications The approximate cost to removal the stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines is estimated at $250.00 and the necessary funds are available from the Operations Department Operating Budget. Communications Considerations The affected residents have been notified via mail of the proposed removal of stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R5 Page 4 of 8 March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 6 Report No. PDS19-004 A follow-up letter will be sent to the affected residents to notify the Council’s decision. Link to Strategic Plan This report supports the Strategic Plan goal of Support an Exceptional Quality of Life for All by examining traffic patterns and identify potential solutions to improve movement and safety at key intersections in the community. Alternative to the Recommendation Council may direct staff to not proceed with the removal of of stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive. Conclusions Based on the information presented in this report, the existing stop sign, stop line and crosswalk lines installed on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive are not required and it may potentially causes discrepancy on right-of-way expectation between pedestrians and motorists. Given the above, staff recommends the existing traffic control and crosswalk lines be removed, monitor the post-removal condition and install additional traffic signs including “Pedestrian Ahead” (Wc-7) and “Pedestrian Yield to Traffic” (Wc- 36) signs if required. Attachments Figure 1: Subject Locations Map Figure 2: Existing Site Context Previous Reports None. Pre-submission Review Agenda Management Team Meeting review on February 28, 2019 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R5 Page 5 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R5 Page 6 of 8 SUBJECTAREA Corbett CresMur ray D r Glenview Dr145 123 Murray DrCorbett CresCossar Dr Springburn Cres Devlin P l Glenview Drive Seaton Dr 8 6 4 6 3 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 43 41 39 20 18 16 14 12 10 11151719212325272931 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 17192123252729313337 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 44 42 22 20 18 16 14 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 134 138 142 146 150 154 158 162 166 170 174 178 182181 177 173 169 165 161 130 128 126 124 122 120 118 189 185 202 198 194 190 186 46 48 34 33 Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Development Services Department, January 9th, 2019.Air photos taken Spring 2018 © First Base Solutions Inc., 2018 Orthophotography. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. This is not a legal survey. 0 25 50 Metres St John's Sdrd Bloomington Rd Wellington St W Wellington St E Henderson Dr Vandorf SdrdBathurst StBathurst StYonge StYonge StBayview AveLeslie StLeslie StHwy 404Hwy 404KEY PLANSTOP CONTROL REMOVAL AT CORBETT CRES AND COSSAR DR PDS19-004 Figure #1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R5 Page 7 of 8 FIGURE 2 EXISTING SITE CONTEXT Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Development Services Department, February 1st, 2018. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. This is not a legal survey. PDS19-004 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R5 Page 8 of 8 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PDS19-016 Subject: Appointments to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors Prepared by: Nick Kazakoff, Economic Development Officer Department: Planning and Development Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PDS19-016 be received; 2. That Council appoint the Mayor and up to two (2) Councillors (insert names) to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors; and 3. That Council appoint the following seven (7) citizen members of the Aurora Economic Development Working Group (AEDCWG) to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors: Vern Cunningham Richard Gong Tim Hammill Marilee Harris Steve Hinder Mae Khamissa Craig Youdale. Executive Summary This report seeks Council’s appointment of the seven (7) citizen members of the Aurora Economic Development Working Group (AEDCWG) to the Board of Directors of the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC), it is also recommended that Council appoint the Mayor and up to two Councillors to the AEDC Board of Directors. • Council has appointed an Aurora Economic Development Corporation Working Group • Aurora Economic Development Corporation has now been legally incorporated • The next step is to appoint Aurora Economic Development Corporation Work Group as the Board of Directors. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R6 Page 1 of 5 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Report No. PDS19-016 • Board will consist of up to 8 citizen members and 3 Council members. Background In November 2017, Council appointed 4 citizen members and 3 Council members to the working group Board of the AEDC. The intent was to initially establish a working group that would review and validate the economic development structure approved by Council leading to the incorporation of the AEDC in late 2018. The working group actively recruited 3 additional citizen members to the AEDCWG which were appointed by Council in October 2018 for a total of 7 citizen members. The Aurora Economic Development Corporation has now been legally incorporated as a corporation without share capital under the Corporations Act (Ontario) as previously directed by Council. This now requires the seven citizen working group members to be appointed as directors to the recently established AEDC Board of Directors. Analysis The next step is to appoint Aurora Economic Development Corporation Work Group as the Board of Directors The seven Aurora Economic Development Working Group citizen members to be appointed as directors to the AEDC Board of Directors are: Vern Cunningham Richard Gong Tim Hammill Marilee Harris Steve Hinder Mae Khamissa Craig Youdale Board will consist of up to 8 citizen members and 3 Council members Citizen members of the Board of Directors of the AEDC will include a maximum of 8 and minimum of 4 members, while Council members of the Board of Directors will include the Mayor and up to 2 Councillors. The CAO will also be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors (ex-officio). Citizen members of the Board of Directors will be appointed to a maximum two consecutive three year terms. The Board of Directors may choose to extend the term of General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R6 Page 2 of 5 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 5 Report No. PDS19-016 a past chair for one additional year of continuity purposes. The initial Directors who are citizens will be appointed using staggered terms as follows, to ensure continuity: • Two Year Term Appointment: Tim Hammill & Steve Hinder • Three Year Term Appointment: Marilee Harris, Richard Gong, Mae Khamissa, Craig Youdale. • Four Year Term Appointment: Vern Cunningham The term of the appointment of Directors of the AEDC will be effective starting the day after the Annual General Meeting of the Corporation. This includes the appointment of new Directors. Council members will be appointed for a term concurrent with term of Council or until which time as replacement member has been appointed. The Board of Directors will appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair from its appointed citizen Directors. The Town will provide an Executive Director as staff support for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will also appoint a Secretary and Treasurer to the Corporation. The Board of Directors will have the ability to establish committees (Executive, ad hoc, other) as required. Advisory Committee Review None. Legal Considerations The Aurora Economic Development Corporation was incorporated as a corporation without share capital pursuant to the requirements of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Corporations Act and the regulations thereunder. The next step is to appoint directors to the Board who will organize, govern and operate the corporation. Financial Implications There are no financial implications. Communications Considerations Communications will announce the appointments through the News and Notices section of the website. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R6 Page 3 of 5 March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 5 Report No. PDS19-016 Link to Strategic Plan Maintaining Ad Hoc and Advisory Committees/ Boards supports the Strategic Plan goal of supporting an exception quality of life for all through the accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objectives within this goal statement: Strengthening the fabric of our community: through the identification of new formats, methods and technologies to effectively and regularly engage the community. Alternative to the Recommendation 1. Council may choose not to appoint any or some of the proposed nominees. This would result in vacancies in the composition of the Board of Directors and would require additional recruitment. Conclusions With the legal incorporation of the Aurora Economic Development Corporation now completed the following seven (7) citizen members of the Working Group: Vern Cunningham, Richard Gong, Tim Hammill, Marilee Harris, Steve Hinder Mae Khamissa and Craig Youdale are recommended to be appointed to the AEDC Board of Directors. The appointment of such directors is now required by Council in order for the board to be able to commence its operations. In addition, Council shall appoint the Mayor and up to two Councilors to the Board of Directors. Attachments None Previous Reports General Committee Report No. PDS18-074, dated July, 17, 2018. Pre-submission Review Agenda Management Team Meeting review on February 28, 2019. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R6 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R6 Page 5 of 5 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PDS19-019 Subject: Heritage Permit Application 22 Church Street File: HPA-19-03 Prepared by: Adam Robb, Planner Department: Planning and Development Services Date: March 19, 2019 Recommendation 1. That Report No. PDS19-019 be received; and 2. That the following recommendations be approved: a) That Heritage Permit Application HPA-19-03 be approved to permit the addition to the subject property as shown on the submitted plans; b) That the property owner photodocument any original construction revealed during the proposed addition to the property; and c) That Planning Staff continue to liaise with the Ontario Heritage Trust and ensure the addition remains sympathetic of the heritage resource through all phases of the development. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide Council with direction from the Heritage Advisory Committee regarding Heritage Permit Application HPA-19-03 for the addition to the property at 22 Church Street. The proposed addition is part of the Town of Aurora Library Square revitalization project, and will create up to 32,000 square feet of community and cultural space. • The subject property, known as the Aurora Cultural Centre or “Church Street School”, is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (By-law 2390- 80), listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places, and recognized under Easement to the Ontario Heritage Trust. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 1 of 86 March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 7 Report No. PDS19-019 • The Church Street School was constructed in 1885-86 and is one of the finest remaining examples of a High Victorian designed public school in Ontario. • According to the Heritage Impact Assessment provided, there will be minimal to no impact on the character-defining elements of the heritage resource through sympathetic placement, massing and materiality of the addition. Background Location The Church Street School, municipally known as 22 Church Street, is located in the historic centre of the Town of Aurora. As part of the Aurora Cultural Precinct, the property is in an area with a high concentration of built heritage and cultural landscapes in Aurora’s downtown core. The Church Street School is approximately 95 metres east of Yonge Street, at the northwest corner of the Church Street and Victoria Street intersection. It is directly adjacent to the Aurora Public Library to the west and across the road from the Part IV designated Trinity Anglican Church to the east. It is part of the Town’s Library Square revitalization project. The Ontario Heritage Trust supports the addition Being a building of high heritage significance, the exterior and scenic character of the property are also protected by an Ontario Heritage Trust conservation easement. The Ontario Heritage Trust was circulated the plans and elevations for the proposed addition, and gave their comments and initial support for the project and design on January 23, 2019. The Ontario Heritage Trust comments were addressed in the Heritage Impact Assessment (See Attachment 2). Protection of this important heritage resource will continue to be achieved through Staff consultation with the Ontario Heritage Trust throughout the development process. Analysis History of the Property The Church Street School was designed by architect Thomas Kennedy and built in 1885-86 by William Crane and Son. It is known significantly for its role as a school house from 1886-1951 and intermittently from 1963-68. Designed to house 400 students, the Church Street School was built to replace an 1858 structure at the same location. Reflecting the confidence in Aurora’s future, the large school house was General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 2 of 86 March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 7 Report No. PDS19-019 designed to accommodate the anticipated growth in population in the area due to the arrival of the “Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Union Railway” in 1853. Of the many schools that existed in Ontario, when the Church Street School was built, it was noted by the regional school inspector that the Church Street School was one of the finest in the Province. Heritage Evaluation of the Existing Building The existing character defining elements that contribute to the heritage value of the “High Victorian” designed 22 Church Street, as per designation By-law 2390-80 include: • Symmetrical, 2 storey, rectangular plan with projecting, gabled bays; • Low pitched hip roof with cross gables; • Yellow brick construction upon a granite fieldstone foundation with scoring; • Extensively patterned and corbelled brickwork, especially that of the cornice and projecting bays; • Straight-line, parapet gables with ornamental sheet-metal coping and finials; • Long, narrow, rectangular and round headed windows with double-hung, 2 over 2 wooden sashes and operable transom lights; • Open belfry with elaborately turned and scroll-cut wooden detailing, and distinctive ogee shaped roof with finial and iron weathervane; • Huge rectangular rooftop monitor heavily bracketed with blind windows; • Divided front entrances with wooden, paneled double doors and transom lights; • Dominant position in the streetscape of the historic centre of Aurora; and • Setback from the street with a broad front lawns and mature specimen trees. Impact Mitigation Measures and Conformity to Town Objectives As outlined in the Heritage Impact Assessment, there will be minimal or no impact on the character defining elements of the heritage resource (See Attachment 2). The new addition will be sympathetic and distinguishable from the heritage building. The visual impacts of the proposed development will be mitigated by: • Providing a roof level height that does not exceed the height of the heritage building; • Articulating the form of the new addition to respond to the massing of the heritage building; • Designing the mass of the new addition to maintain the visual prominence of the heritage building; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 3 of 86 March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 7 Report No. PDS19-019 • Insetting a new glass atrium to provide visual relief between the masses of the heritage building and the new rear addition and also ensure that the rear elevation of the heritage building remains legible; • Introducing new materiality for the addition that will be sympathetic to, yet distinguishable from the heritage building. In addition to the mitigation efforts listed above, the new addition also conforms to the guiding principles of the Aurora Cultural Precinct/Library Square Project Concept Plan by creating a community hub, thinking big, enhancing connections, creating a downtown destination, and building on community assets. Neighbourhood Context As part of the Library Square project, the proposed addition will serve as an integral part in the revitalization of Aurora’s historic downtown core. The Library Square project will add multi-season programming and activation space to the area, and the proposed addition to the subject property will complement this community hub by offering much needed community theatre, studio, and program space. The proposed addition will also be sympathetic to the character of the area and other surrounding heritage buildings. Proposed Addition The proposed redevelopment anticipates the retention of the original building in its entirety, removal of a later (non-heritage) addition circa 2001, and construction of a new approximately 32,000 square foot rear addition (See Attachment 3). The new rear addition and public square will provide: • A new universally accessible primary entrance to the Cultural Centre. The building currently does not meet AODA standards; • New landscaped public open space in place of the existing parking lots to the east and west of the subject property; • Over 26,000 square feet of community and cultural space, including a performing arts theatre and various studio space; • Brick repointing and floor repairs to the existing property as part of the new construction; • Expansion of the public realm on site; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 4 of 86 March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 7 Report No. PDS19-019 • Opportunities for activation and programming in collaboration with the Aurora Public Library; • Passive appreciation of the heritage building through seating and integration into the square. Advisory Committee Review The Heritage Advisory Committee reviewed Heritage Permit Application HPA-19-03 on March 5, 2019 and approved the recommendations made by staff. The Heritage Advisory Committee provided comments regarding: • Ensuring that the colour and material selections of the veil around the exterior of the addition remain sympathetic and complementary to the heritage property. • Ensuring that the scale and massing of the addition remains subordinate and does not conflict with the heritage structure in terms of prominence. • Ensuring that the impact of any shadows from the addition are mitigated. • Requiring that any other future design changes that may impact the heritage attributes of the property be subject to further review from the Heritage Advisory Committee as a new Heritage Permit Application. Legal Considerations Heritage Permits The subject property was designated in 1980 under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (the “Act”). The Heritage Permit application was deemed complete by staff on February 8, 2019 and is being processed pursuant to section 33(1) of the Act. Within 90 days of receiving notice of the application and after consultation with HAC, Council may approve the permit application, with or without conditions, or may refuse the application. Only the owner may appeal Council’s decision to the Conservation Review Board, therefore, given that Council is the owner of the property, any decision made by Council will be final. Council must make a decision by Thursday, May 9, 2019. In addition, as mentioned previously, the Town entered into an easement agreement with The Ontario Heritage Foundation (now known as the Ontario Heritage Trust) on May 31, 1982. The agreement requires the Town to obtain written approval from the Trust in order to undertake any construction. Staff will continue to work closely with the Trust throughout the development process. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 5 of 86 March 19, 2019 Page 6 of 7 Report No. PDS19-019 Financial Implications There is no financial impact associated with this report. Communications Considerations No communication required. Link to Strategic Plan The conservation of heritage resources supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for All through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in objective Celebrating and Promoting our Culture. Alternative to the Recommendation 1. Refuse the Heritage Permit Application Conclusions It is recommended that the Heritage Permit Application for the addition to 22 Church Street be approved, which follows the recommendations made by the Heritage Advisory Committee. According to the Heritage Impact Assessment provided, the addition will rehabilitate the site and conserve the cultural heritage value of the building by having minimal to no impact on the character-defining elements of the property. As part of the Library Square revitalization project, the addition will be an integral component in making the downtown a ‘destination’ and in providing community and cultural space for visitors and residents of Aurora alike. Attachments Attachment 1 – Location Plan Attachment 2 – Heritage Impact Assessment (2019) Attachment 3 – Conceptual Plans Attachment 4 – Heritage Inventory Information Sheet General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 6 of 86 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019Item R7 Page 7 of 86 Mosley StreetYonge StreetVictoria StreetChurch StreetMetcalfe StreetTyler StreetTemperance StreetHarrison AvenueMap created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Development Department, February 11, 2019. Base Data Provided by York Region.¯01020304050MetresLOCATION PLANHAC19-00&+85&+675((7$77$&+0(17SUBJECT LANDSGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 8 of 86 ͛ͯͬͩͬ͛ͯͦͮͯͬ͛ͦͨͮͬ͟͟͝͝ HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT ǗǗ%2/ %1/""1ǔǚǗȒǚǛ& 1,/&1/""1 2/,/Ǿ 002"!ǿ "/2/6ǗǗǾǗǕǖǞ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 9 of 86 /"-/"!#,/ǿ )++&+$/1+"/0%&- ǖǗǚǚ61/""1Ǿ2&1"ǚǕǕ ,/,+1,ǾǚǗǞ țǙǖǛȜǞǜǚȒǖǚǚǛ /"-/"!6ǿ / %&1" 10+ ǽ ǛǗǚ%2/ %1/""1Ǿ2&1"ǛǕǕ ,/,+1,ǾǙǗ ǖ țǙǖǛȜǞǛǘȒǙǙǞǜ /,'" 1ǿȱǖǝȒǕǞǕȒǕǖ /"-/"!6ǿȡ ȡȡ ǿ2)& %,,)Ǿ2/,/+1ǽț2/,// %&3"0Ǿ+ǽ!ǽȜ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 10 of 86 ͩͨͮͨͮͭ͟͝ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v 1 INTRODUCTION 1 ǖǽǖ ,-",#1%""-,/1 ǖǽǗ &1""0 /&-1&,++!,+1"51 ǖǽǘ ,+1"51%,1,$/-%0 ǖǽǙ 5&01&+$"/&1$"" ,$+&1&,+ ǖǽǚ !' 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Defective: Not functioning as intended; signiƜcant deterioration and major distress observed, possible damage to support struc- ture; may present a risk; must be dealt with immediately. &+!,4s11%"s,21%")"31&,+țǾ2ǕǖǞȜǽ &+"+1/+ "țǾ2ǕǖǞȜǽ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 32 of 86 ǖǞȡǿ 22Ǿ2ǕǖǞ /& (sǾ"s-" &))6+"/1%"*&+"+1/+ "!,,/sǾ /" / ("!))1%"461%/,2$%+!ȡ,/#&/)6 "51"+s&3")6"/,!"!ǽ%"s"s%,2)!"/"-) "!ǽ ș%"s1,+"#,2+!1&,+s--"/1,"&+$,,! ,+!&1&,+Ǿ4&1%s,*"s2/# "s,&)&+$ǽ4, s"*"+14&+!,4s+"/1%"*&+"+1/+ " 4"/"-/"3&,2s)6/& ("!&+ǽ ș3"/))1%"4,,!4,/(,+1%"*&+")"31&,+Ǿ &+ )2!&+$!" ,/1&3"!"1&)s+!4,,!!"1&)s /,2+!1%""3"-/,'" 1&,+sǾ--"/s1,"&+ $,,! ,+!&1&,+ǽ+"), 1&,+,#s,ƛ&1!*$" +!s,*"), )&7"!/"s,#Ɲ(&+$-&+14"/" +,1"!ǽ /& ("!&+4&+!,411%"s,21%")"31&,+țǾ2ǕǖǞȜǽ ,21%")"31&,+Ǿ!"1&),#4,,!s,ƛ&1!*$"țǾ2ǕǖǞȜǽ ș%"*"1)Ɲs%&+$s--"/1,"&+$,,! ,+!&1&,+ǽ ș %"/&+41"/ ,+3"6&+$s6s1"*--"/1," #2+ 1&,+&+$s&+1"+!"!+!&+$,,! ,+!&1&,+ǽ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 33 of 86 2Ǖ HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT | 22 CHURCH STREET & 52-56 VICTORIA STREET, AURORA West Elevation ș %"4,,!4&+!,4sǾ#/*"s+!s&))s--"/1, "&+$,,! 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"s1,/1&,+ǿ the action or process of ac- curately revealing, recovering or represent- ing the state of an historic place, or of an individual component, as it appeared at a particular period in its history, while protecting its heritage value. /"s"/31&,+ǿthe action or process of protecting, maintaining, and/or stabilizing the existing materials, form, and integrity of a historic place or of an individual component, while protecting its heritage value. Source: Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada (2010). 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Overall, the Trust commented that it “is supportive of the Library Square project and the addition to the Church Street School.” Additional comments asked for clariƜcation on and further information about aspects of the proposed design, with reference to: 1. Placement and size, including size of the building height and footprint, and changes in grade; 2. Compatibility and distinguishability, including materials; and 3. Impacts to the north elevation, including connections to heritage fabric, windows and existing openings. This letter responds to the Trust’s comments, as well as clariƜes the information presented in and is to be read in conjunction with the Heritage Impact Assessment dated February 8, 2019, prepared by ERA Architects Inc (“ERA”). 1. PLACEMENT AND SIZE With regards to placement and si7e, the Trust sought clariƜcation of whether or not the height and footprint could be reduced to further minimize impacts, and elaboration on impacts as a result of changing grade around the building. ERA worked with the client and project team from August to September of 2018 to reduce the height and scale of the proposed addition. As such, the current proposed height and building footprint have been thoroughly considered and designed in direct response to heritage consultation feedback. Technical requirements and the building program inƝuence the height and footprint as presented. The minor roof parapet protrusion that extends above the new roof accommodates technical requirements for drainage, as well as technical equipment for the proposed theatre space. The minor footprint protrusion beyond the footprint of the historic building also accommodates the proposed building program as it is required to accommodate functions such as front and back of house space for the theatre. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 56 of 86 February 22, 2019 | Project ID: 18-090-01 22 Church Street & 52-56 Victoria Street - Aurora Cultural Centre PAGE 2 OF 4 ERA Architects Inc. #600-625 Church St Toronto ON, M4Y 2G1 The Trust also asked for clariƜcation with regards to the impacts, if any, of the proposed lowering of grade level around the Church Street School, in particular with regards to the west foundation wall of the existing building. To mitigate any potential impact to the foundation, areas along the foundation where the grade will be lowered will be structurally underpinned. The existing Ɯeld stone construction of the foundation will continue to the new grade level to match the existing foundation in material and construction method. The potential for additional impacts will be considered as the project moves forward, and the team will continue to communicate with the Trust as design challenges are worked through. 2. COMPATIBILITY AND DISTINGUISHABILITY The Trust’s comments referenced the importance of materials selection “in ensuring the addition is harmonious, but distinguishable from the historic building.” We agree with this comment. The consultant team will maintain continuous dialogue with the Trust as the material palette for the addition is reƜned through the design process. 3. IMPACTS TO THE NORTH ELEVATION As the Trust notes in their comments, “the glass atrium ... allows the north elevation of the school to remain legible.” Minimal impacts to the existing heritage fabric are anticipated, as existing openings will be used to connect the existing and new buildings. The Trust expressed its expectation that “all existing windows will be retained including their glazing,” and requested further clariƜcation of impacts as a result of enclosing the north elevation. With regards to connections to the heritage fabric, details will be articulated in the design development stage. The elevation provided on the following page shows where the new structure will be connected to the heritage building (indicated in pink). ERA will work with the consultant team and a code consultant to detail the required Ɯre separation and the approach for treating the existing windows on the north elevation. This approach will also be coordinated with the Trust. The existing openings that will be used to connect the heritage building and the proposed addition will require widening to accommodate the new link between the two structures. The openings are not in their original condition, as they have been altered by the 2001 addition of a staircase and an elevator core at the rear of the building. The Trust also expressed its expectation “that all outstanding repairs to the Church Street School ...be completed and form part of the scope of work for the Library Square project.” The property is currently in good condition as there have been ongoing maintenance eƛorts. ERA will describe necessary repairs in the Alteration Request Form to be submitted to the Trust prior to approvals, and will provide the Town of Aurora and/or the Trust with a Conservation Plan should one be required. CONCLUSION General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 57 of 86 February 22, 2019 | Project ID: 18-090-01 22 Church Street & 52-56 Victoria Street - Aurora Cultural Centre PAGE 3 OF 4 ERA Architects Inc. #600-625 Church St Toronto ON, M4Y 2G1 ERA and the project team will continue to coordinate with the Trust to ensure their preliminary comments are addressed through the design development process. Should further information be required, please feel free to contact us for clariƜcation. Sincerely, Philip Evans Partner, ERA Architects Inc. Philip EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEvans General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 58 of 86 February 22, 2019 | Project ID: 18-090-01 22 Church Street & 52-56 Victoria Street - Aurora Cultural Centre PAGE 4 OF 4 ERA Architects Inc. #600-625 Church St Toronto ON, M4Y 2G1 Section showing the exposed north elevation of the heritage building with proposed connections between the existing building and new structure shaded in pink (RAW, 2018; Annotated by ERA, 2018). 267.07GROUND FLOOR 272.47LEVEL 02 262.47PLAZA LEVEL 2 265.05BASEMENT LEVEL -SCHOOL HOUSE 281.88ROOF LEVEL 276.57LEVEL 03 267.90 LEVEL 01 - SCHOOL HOUSE 1 A501 281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE 1358911 279.22THEATRE GRID 265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE2655409545708302020 2580ARCHIVE B11 4 2x765x 2002655200This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work. ISSUE RECORD REVISION RECORD 405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CA North 1 : 50 30 Town of Aurora 17-086 Church Street School Expansion EAST-WEST ATRIUM SECTION 1 A502 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN 200200General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 59 of 86 This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionCOVERA000Project:Date:Issued for:Church StreetSchool ExpansionTown of Aurora17-0862019-02-06100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN22 Church StreetARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LISTSHEET NUMBER SHEET NAMEA301aSCHOOL HOUSE BASEMENT REFLECTEDCEILING PLANA302GROUND FLOOR REFLECTED CEILINGPLANA303SECOND FLOOR REFLECTED CEILINGPLANA304THIRD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN400 ELEVATIONSA401NORTH-SOUTH ELEVATIONSA402WEST ELEVATIONA404EAST ELEVATION500 SECTIONSA501NORTH-SOUTH BUILDING SECTIONA501ANORTH-SOUTH BUILDING SECTIONA502EAST-WEST ATRIUM SECTION 1A503EAST-WEST BUILDING SECTION 2A503AEAST-WEST BUILDING SECTION 1A504EAST-WEST BUILDING SECTION 3A504AEAST-WEST BUILDING SECTION 3A505EAST-WEST ATRIUM SECTION 2A505AEAST-WEST ATRIUM SECTIONA506WEST-EAST BUILDING SECTIONA506AWEST-EAST BUILDING SECTIONARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LISTSHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME000 GENERALA012GENERAL NOTES100-200 PLANSA100SITE PLANA101PLAZA LEVEL PLANA101APLAZA LEVEL PLANA102SCHOOL HOUSE BASEMENT LEVEL PLANA102ASCHOOL HOUSE BASEMENT PLANA201GROUND FLOOR PLANA201AGROUND FLOOR PLANA202SECOND FLOOR PLANA202ATHEATRE LEVEL PLANA202BTHEATRE LEVEL PLAN -BANQUETLAYOUTA202CTHEATRE LEVEL PLAN - CONFERENCELAYOUTA203THIRD FLOOR PLANA203ATHIRD LEVEL PLANA204THEATRE-GRID LEVEL PLANA204ATHEATRE-GRID LEVELA205ROOF PLAN300 RELECTED CEILING PLANSA301PLAZA LEVEL REFLECTED CEILING PLANPROJECT DIRECTORYSTRUCTURALMECHANICAL & ELECTRICALBLACKWELL ENGINEERING134 PETER STREET, SUITE 1301TORONTO, ONTARIO , M5V 2H2WWWW.BLACKWELL.CASMITH + ANDERSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERING500 -4211 YONGE STREETTORONTO, ONTARIO, M2P 2A9W WWW.SMITHANDANDERSEN.COMCODEMATTEO GILFILLAN & ASSOCIATES10 DIRECTOR COURT, SUITE 203VAUGHAN, ONTARIO, L4L 7E8WWWW.MGACODES.COMACOUSTICPLANNING + LANDSCAPETHE PLANNING PARTNERSHIP 1255 BAY STREET, SUITE 500TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5R 2A9WWWW.PLANPART.CAMCLD95 GOULBURN AVE.OTTAWA, ONTARIO, K1N 8C9WWWW.MCLD.CANOVUS ENVIRONMENTAL150 RESEARCH LANE, SUITE 105GUELPH, ONTARIO, N1G 4T2WWWW.NOVUSENV.COMTHEATRE, LIGHTING, A/VNO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGNARCHITECTURALRAW DESIGN INC.317 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, SUITE 405TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5V 1P9T416 599 9729ERRC@RAWDESIGN.CAWWWW.RAWDESIGN.CACOSTINGTURNER & TOWNSEND2 ST. CLAIR AVE W., 12TH FL.TORONTO, ONTARIO, M4V 1L5WWWW.TURNERANDTOWNSEND.COM RENDERED VIEW FROM WESTRENDERED VIEW FROM NORTH-WESTCONTEXT PLANENVELOPEENTUITIVE ENGINEERING200 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 7TH FLOORTORONTO, ONTARIO, M5H 3C6WWWW.ENTUITIVE.COMHERITAGEERA ARCHITECTS INC.625 CHURCH ST, SUITE 600, TORONTO, ONTARIO, M4Y 2G1WWWW.ERAARCH.CA General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 60 of 86 X.XxGB23001A7001A4501A4001A6001A650A-A++1W1S1D1000.00A000.00000.00PT1101LOBBYDETAIL REFERENCEDETAIL SECTION REFERENCEGRID LINE & REFERENCECONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLYREFERENCEDOOR REFERENCEELEVATION REFERENCEINTERIOR ELEVATION REFERENCEROOM NAME & NUMBERWINDOW & SCREEN REFERENCEREVISION REFERENCECEILING MATERIAL & HEIGHTBUILDING SECTION REFERENCEHEIGHT ELEVATION REFERENCEELEVATION FINISH REFERENCEINTERIOR FINISH REFERENCESPOT ELEVATIONEXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONSTANDARD NOTATION LEGEND000.00AD or RD000.00CB000.00TDFDFHC or SVCLSGMRWLPBMHHMHWHPCATCH BASIN(WITH SPOT ELEVATION)TERRACE DRAIN(WITH SPOT ELEVATION)AREA DRAIN or ROOF DRAIN(WITH SPOT ELEVATION)FLOOR DRAINBLOCK WALLBRICK WALLPRECAST CONCRETE WALLCONCRETE WALLDOORSTACKED WASHER& DRYERWASHERDRYERDISHWASHER(UNDERCOUNTER)RANGETILE WALL BEHIND, TYP.REFRIGERATORSLIDING DOORELECTRICAL PANEL orCOMMUNICATION PANELHEATPUMP or FAN COIL UNITFIRE HOSE CABINET +/orSPRINKLER VALVE CABINETSURFACE ROOF ANCHORRECESSED ROOF ANCHORGREEN ROOF ANCHORHORIZONTAL LIFE LINE SUPPORT ANCHORSCUPPER DRAINROOF ACCESS HATCHRAIN WATER LEADERPRINCIPAL BUILDING ENTRANCEBUILDING ENTRANCE(SECONDARY)BUILDING EXITVEHICULAR EXIT/ENTRANCEHOSE BIBSIAMESE CONNECTIONFIRE HYDRANTGAS METERMAINTENANCE HOLE COVERHYDRO MAINTENANCEHOLE COVERWOODEN HYDRO POLELIGHT STANDARDCARD READERELECTRIC STRIKEPUSH BUTTON AUTOMATICDOOR OPENEROBC BARRIER FREE W/DWDDWFEP or CPTYPICAL BULKHEAD(MIN 2100mm AFF)ACOUSTICALBULKHEAD / CEILINGFIRE RATED BULKHEAD / CEILINGINSULATED SOFFITFLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTUREPOT LIGHT, LEDRECESSED POT LIGHT, LEDWALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURESUPPLY AIR DIFFUSERLINEAR AIR DIFFUSERRETURN AIR VENTSPEAKERSPRINKLER HEADCEILING MOUNTED HEATERCEILING FANCARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORSMOKE DETECTOREXIT SIGNFIRE ALARMEMERGENCY REMOTE HEADBICYCLE STORAGE(FLOOR MOUNTED)BICYCLE STORAGE(WALL MOUNTED)WIRE MESH LOCKERENCLOSURE & GATEGARBAGE BINRECYCLING BINCENTERLINEBARRIER FREE TURNING RADIUS (1600mm)BICYCLE RINGVINYL FACED DRY WALLBARRIER FREE TURNING RADIUS (1500mm)SUSPENDED SIGN (WARNING SYSTEM)PROPOSED WALL/COLUMN MOUNT SIGNCONVEX MIRRORSECONDARY BULKHEADHEATED PLENUMDUPLEX RECEPTACLESHOCK ABSORBERD-SHACKLEHORIZONTAL LIFE LINE (STEEL CABLE)SYMBOLS LEGENDCRESSAB Air barrierA/B-A/VB-V/BAir/Vapour Barrier ACAir conditionerACT Acoustic Ceiling Tile AD Area drainAFF Above finish floorAL/ALUM. AluminumALT. Alteration or Alternate AN AnodizedAO Automatic door operator AP Acoustic panelAPC Architectural precast concreteAPPROX ApproximateAR Abuse Resistant ARCH Architectural AS Acoustic seal ASTAstragalASTM American Society for Testing & Materials A-V Audio-VisualAVG AverageBBQ BarbequeBF Barrier FreeBLDG BuildingB/B Back to Back BLKD Bulkhead BM Beam BN Bullnose BOPBottom of pitBTMBottom B/S Both Sides BSMT Basement B/U Back-upBUB Built-up BeamBUR Built-up Roof BR BrickCACF Central Alarm Control FacilityCAB. Cabinet CAP. Capacity CB Catch basinCBP Cupboard CCN Contemplated change noticeCG Corner guardCH Channel CHOOK Coat hookCID Clear inside dimension CIP Cast-In-PlaceCJ Construction or Control jointCLKG Caulking C/L Centre Line CL ClosetCLR Clear CLG CeilingCLNGCeilingCMU Concrete masonry unitCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST. Construction CONT. Continuous CP Control panelCPT CarpetCR Card Reader CSA Canadian Standards AssociationCSK Countersunk CT Ceramic tileC/W Complete withCYL CylinderDB Dead boltDC Door closerDCC Door closer -concreteDCTDoor contactDD Deck Drain DEG. Degree DES DesignDET. Detail DIA. DiameterDIFF. Difference, Differential DIM. DimensionDN DownDP Door pullDPR Door pull -recessedDSF Door stop -floor mountedDSO Door stop -overhead recessedDSM Door stop -mountedDSW Door stop -wall mountedDW DishwasherDWG/S Drawing/s(E) ExistingEA. Each ECElectrical ClosetED Exit deviceE.F. Each Face EIFS Exterior insulating finish systemEJ Expansion jointELEC ElectricalEL Elevation ELEV ElevatorEOS Edge of slabEP Electrical panel EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (synthetic rubber membrane) EPT Epoxy Paint EQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentESPEscutcheon panelES Electric strikeEST. Estimate EXIST. Existing EXP Exposed EXP.JT Expansion Joint EXT. Exterior F Fridge FA Fresh airFAP Fire alarm pullFB Fabric FC Fan coilFD Floor drainFFD Funnel Floor Drain FFE Finished Floor Elevation FF Firefighter elevatorFFH Fire fighter's handsetFG Fixed Glass FH Fire Hydrant FHC Fire hose cabinetFIN. Finish FLR FloorFLUOR FluorescentFP FireplaceFPL Flush pullFRR Fire resistance ratingFSI Floor space index (GFA/lot)FTE Finished terrace elevationFTG Footing FURR. Furring FUT. Future FXT Fixture GA GaugeGALV GalvanizedGB Gypsum boardGFA Gross floor areaGFI Ground fault interrupterGL Glazing, glassGLL Glass -laminatedGLT Glass -temperedGLS Glass -safetyGR GravelGRB Grab bar GRU Grade Related UnitGWG Georgian wire glass GWB Gypsum Wall BoardHC Hollow coreHCC Honeycomb coreHB Hose bibHD Heavy DutyHDF High density fibreboard HDRL Handrail HDWR HardwareHG HingeHGP Pivot hingeHM Hollow metal HORZ. Horizontal HP High pointHPP Heat pumpHR HourHSS Hollow steel sectionHY Hydro poleHT HeightID Interior DesignIDIA Inside diameterIN.D. Indirect Drain IFP Intumescent fireproofingIG Isolated Ground IGU Insulating Glazing Unit INCL. Including INSUL Insulated, insulationINT. InteriorJAN. JanitorJT Joint JST Joist KD Knockdown finishKP KickplateLAV LavatoryLAB. Laboratory LC Linen closetLF Light Fixture LG Laminated Glass LKSLock SetLIN. Lineal or Linear LIN.FT. Linear Feet LINO Linoleum LP Low point LS Latch setLV LouvreM Metre MAG Magnetic lockMAS Masonry MAX. MaximumMDF Medium density fibreboardMECH MechanicalMED. Medium MEZ Mezzanine MFGR ManufacturerMILL MillworkMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMH Man Hole MM Millimetre M.O. Masonry Opening MP Metal panelMTL MetalMW Microwave(N) NewNBC National Building CodeNIC Not In Contract NOM Nominal NO. (No., #) Number NTS Not to scaleNW Natural Wood PCPipe ChasePREFAB. Prefabricated PRE-FIN. (PF) Pre-finished PS Passage setPSF Pounds per Square Foot PSI Pounds per Square Inch P.T. Pressure TreatedPTD PaintedPTN Partition POLPolishedP.U. PolyurethanePVC Polyvinyl chlorideQ.T. Quarry Tile QTY Quantity (R) RelocatedR RadiusRI Riser RB Resilient baseRC Roller catchRD Roof drainRE-BAR Reinforcing Bar REF ReferenceREINF. Reinforced REQD Required RES ResidentialRES.B. Resilient baseREV. Revision (Revised) REV ReverseRH RangehoodRM RoomRR Remote releaseR.O. Rough Opening R.S.O Rough Stud Opening RWL Rain water leaderSAFB Sound attenuation fire battsSAFMB Sound attenuation mineral-fire battsSAFM Self Adhering Flexible MembraneSB Site bulletinSBO Supplied by Owner for Contractor Instal.SC Solid coreSCHED. ScheduleSD Scupper drain SF Square FeetSFP Sprayed fireproofing SH Shelves SI Site instructionSIM SimilarSPEC Specification SP Spandrel panelSPR Sprinkler SPT Spray textureSF Square Feet SK Skim coatSL Sealer, sealSM Square MetreSMKS Smoke SealSS Stainless steelST StoneSTN Stained, stainSTC Sound transmission classSTD Standard STL Steel STR StructuralSTRUCT. Structural SUSP. Suspended SVC Sprinkler valve cabinet SV Sheet Vinyl SWT Storm water tankT Tread TB Tack boardTBD To be determinedTC Traffic coatingTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTER Terrazzo TERR TerraceTD Terrace drainT&G Tongue and Groove TG Tempered glass TH TownhouseTHK ThicknessTHRES ThresholdTOC Top of curbTODTop of drainTOFR Top of finished roofTOG Top of gradeTOP Top of parapetTOS Top of slab/steelTOW Top of wallTRR Temperature rise ratingTT Thumb turnTWF Through wall flashingTYP. TypicalUH Unite heaterULC Underwriters' Laboratories of CanadaUNO Unless noted otherwiseUR UrinalU/S UndersideVB Vapour barrierVCT Vinyl composite tileVERT Vertical VEST. Vestibule VFI Vinyl-faced insulationVNR VeneerVOL Volume VP Visitor parkingVWC Vinyl Wall Covering W/ With WC Water closet WCV Wall coveringWD WoodW/D Washer/Dryer WIC Walk-in closetWIN. Window W/P Waterproof WPS Waterproof surfaceWR Waste receptacleW/R Water resistant WS Weather stripping WT Weight WTS Waterproof traffic surface WWF Welded Wide Flange WWM Welded Wire Mesh YR Year 1B One Bedroom2B Two Bedroom3B Three Bedroom4B Four Bedroom5B Five BedroomGeneral Abbreviation Notes:1. See Door Schedule for hardware abbreviations2. See Window Schedule for window abbreviations3. See Finish Schedule for finishes abbreviations4. See Site Plan for Site Plan abbreviationsSTANDARD ABBREVIATIONSSTEEL STUD WALLSThe size, spacing and height of steel studs for non-loadbearing walls shall conform to OBC 2012 as listed below:SizeMax. Stud SpacingWall height41mm406mm3000mm610mm2700mm64mm406mm4000mm610mm3500mm89mm406mm4600mm610mm3900mmSSPPAACCIINNGG AANNDD HHEEIIGGHHTTThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 10$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionGENERAL NOTESA012NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 61 of 86 265.50265.75266.25266.50266.25266.25266.50266.50266.75267.25266.25265.25265.50265.75264.25264.50264.75262.75263.25263.50263.50263.75264.25264.50264.75265.25265.25265.50265.7526 6 .2 5 2 6 6 .5 0 2 6 6 .7 5 265.25265.50262.75263.25263.50263.75264.25 264.50264.75262.50262.50262.75263.25 263.50263.75N71°54'30"E 20.91N15°18'40"W4.31N72°47'30"E 16.18 134.31 126.52N10°59'20"WN11°51.55N71°51'40"E 30.01N10°51'00"WAsphalt AsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphalt AsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltAsphaltChain Link Fence 262.78(FF)267.11(DS)266.86(DS)266.00266.00267.00266.00265.00266.00264.00264.00263.00263.00264.00264.00265.002 6 6 .0 0 265.00263.00264.00265.00263.00Asphalt Asphalt Concrete Sidewalk Concrete SidewalkConcrete Sidewalk Concrete SidewalkConcrete SidewalkDrop CurbDrop Curb Drop CurbCurb Curb Concrete CurbConcrete CurbConcrete Curb Concrete CurbDrop CurbConcrete CurbConcrete CurbConcrete CurbPortable Concrete CurbPortable Concrete CurbPortable Concrete CurbPortable Concrete CurbCurb Concrete Curb Drop CurbDrop CurbCurbDropPortable Concrete CurbPortable Concrete CurbPCCConcrete CurbConcrete Curb Concrete Curb *9GMGM MHMH0+0+0+0+0.1ŏ0.1ŏ0.1ŏ0.1ŏ0.1ŏ0.1ŏSHRSHRSHR0.07ŏ0.07ŏ0.07ŏ0.2ŏ0.2ŏ0.2ŏ0.2ŏ0.1ŏ0.1ŏStumpHedgeTrees 0.08ŏ1.1ŏ0.15ŏ0.15ŏ0.15ŏ0.2ŏ0.2ŏ0.5ŏ0.1ŏ0.1ŏ0.3ŏ0.45ŏ0.3ŏ0.3ŏ0.3ŏBBSPSPBBSPSPBBBSPBSPSPPSPSPSPPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPPPPPCRW with HR PEDCentreline of Asphalt Concrete Concrete CRW with HR CRW with HRCRW with HRCRW InterlockInterlockCRW with HR CRW with HR CRW with HRCRWFLFLDL Bench Bench BenchBenchBenchBlock Retaining Wall Handrail Block Retaining WallBlock Retaining WallBlock Retaining WallBlock Retaining WallBlock Retaining WallBRW BRW BRW g Wall Wall BRWBRWHR H R HR HR HRGrassConcreteConcreteConcreteInterlockConcrete Concrete ConcreteGrass ConcreteInterlock InterlockGrassGrassn Garden GardenGarden Garden GardenGardenGardenGardenGarden636363)3636363636363636363636363+:%63636363636LJQ ConcreteConcreteConc.BenchFB FB Centreline of AsphaltBlock Retaining WallBlock Retaining Wall InterlockInterlock InterlockInterlock Interlock Interlo c kGarbageCan&RQFUHWH7XEHFireConnection%LNH5DFN CanopyFlower BedFlower Bed LSLSLSLSLSLSLSLS/6/6+3TRTR:9:.:.:.:9CBCBCB&%&%&%/27/273$575 3$575/27 5($676,'(2)<21*(675((7((7 (By Registered Plan 68) 3$5753$5753$5753$5759,&725,$675((7/27/27/276287+6,'(2)026/(<675((7 3$575(By Registered Plan 68)3$57OverhangBrickAbove2nd StoreyStairs Stairs Stairs Stairs StairsStucco Building1 Storey#52Stairs 03651 - 0066 651 - 0002 in Instrument N° YR13712 PIN PIN 03651 - 0111UP)$&3 ',63/$1'(;&+$1*(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(/2:3+$6(&+85&+675((7 9,&725,$675((76.$7,1*5,1. 5()5,*(5$7,216<67(0 (0(5*(1&<*(1(5$725 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6/6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /61.THE BUILDING IS TO BE SPRINKLERED.2.COLLECTION OF WASTE MATERIALS FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL TAKE PLACE ON SITE IN THE LOADING AREA DESIGNATED ON THE GROUND FLOOR PLAN. AN ON-SITE TRAINED STAFF/ MAINTENANCE PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MOVING THE BINS FROM THE SOLID WASTE ROOM TO THE COLLECTION POINT AND PROVIDE VEHICULAR DIRECTIVES TO THE COLLECTION VEHICLE OPERATOR AS REQUIRED. IN THE EVENT THE ON-SITE STAFF IS UNAVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE CITY COLLECTION VEHICLE ARRIVES AT THE CITY, THE COLLECTION VEHICLE WILL LEAVE THE SITE AND NOT RETURN UNTIL THE NEXT SCHEDULED COLLECTION DAY. 3.SIDEWALKS AND BOULEVARDS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY TO HAVE A MINIMUM 2% AND MAXIMUM 4% SLOPE TOWARDS THE ROADWAY.4.REFER TO SITE SERVICING PLAN, FOR SEWER AND WATER SERVICE INFORMATION.5.ALL EXISTING ACCESSES, CURB CUTS, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS, ETC. ALONG THE DEVELOPMENT SITE FRONTAGE THAT ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED ARE TO BE REMOVED. THE BOULEVARD WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES ARE TO BE REINSTATED. SITE PLAN NOTESSWDT.O.C.TOP OF CURBTOP OF WALLT.O.W.T.O.S.TOP OF STRUCTURE00.00EXISTING ELEVATIONPROPOSED ELEVATION00.000VEHICULAR EXIT/ENTRANCEPEDESTRIAN EXIT/ENTRANCEXXX.Xm = TOS GROUND FLOOR AVERAGEXXX.Xm = 000 ESTABLISHED GRADEEXISTING EXTERIOR TOREMAINNEW WALLSITEM ABOVESCREEN REF. #WALL TYPEDOOR REF #SITE PLAN INFORMATION TAKEN FROM :TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN SURVEY OF PART OF LOT X REGISTERED PLAN XXXX CITY OF XXXXXPREPARED BY XXXX LAND SURVEYORS(DATE).PRIMARY ENTRANCE00.00000.00000.000++++SITE PLAN LEGENDNOTES:REFER TO CONSULTANTS DRAWINGS FORINFORMATION RELATING TO SITE SERVICING, GRADING AND LANDSCAPE. ALL ITEMS NEW CONSTRUCTION UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEAbbreviations ADAREA DRAINCACFCENTRAL ALARM CONTROL FACILITYCBCATCH BASINFHFIRE HYDRANTFDFLOOR DRAINHBHOSE BIBHLPHYDRO LIGHT POLEMHMAN HOLETLSTRAFFIC LIGHT STANDARDA4041A4021A4011A401232,000 SQ. FT. SCHOOL HOUSE ADDITIONThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorthAs indicated$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionSITE PLANA100 1 : 200A100SITE PLAN1NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 62 of 86 83)')')')'/2:3+$6( /2:3+$6( 3+$6( /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6/6 /6 /6 ' ' A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A401217 m [182 ft ]MALE WASHROOMB0417 m [188 ft ]FEMALE WASHROOMB0363 m [673 ft ]CAFE/MULTIPURPOSEAREA (20-30 PEOPLE)B02146 m [1567 ft ]PROGRAMB0724 m [255 ft ]STORAGEB0929 m [317 ft ]STAGINGB08107 m [1147 ft ]PLAZA LOBBYB0135 m [380 ft ]CORRIDORB0524 m [260 ft ]ELEC. ROOMB10217 m [2333 ft ]ARCHIVEB1126 m [283 ft ]CATERINGKITCHEN/SERVERYB1211 m [118 ft ]OP. STAFF OFFICEB1322 m [232 ft ]PROG. STAFF OFFICEB1419 m [207 ft ]JANITORB15262.470262.470EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE BUILDING ABOVERETRACTABLE GLASS WALLCATALOGUING AREA37' - 11 1/2"1157238' - 8"1178077' - 1"2350019' - 6 1/2"595112' - 3"372816' - 11 1/2"51745' - 11"180020' - 5 1/2"624111' - 1"337715' - 8"477058' - 3"1775055' - 1 1/2"1680329' - 8 1/2"9050Gx4242660006003394421321875600470450682x1547226126396200280011700180029401305765xOPEN TO ABOVE1A5061A505RETRACTABLE PARTITIONBIRD-FRIENDLY CURTAIN WALL6' - 9"205813' - 7"414520' - 2"6144This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionPLAZA LEVELPLANA101NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 63 of 86 UPUPUP'1)')')')'/2:3+$6( /2:3+$6( /2:3+$6( 3+$6( /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6/6 /6 /6 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012Gx42x765x265.050OPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOW1A5061A505264.800EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEEXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPESTAIR A115NEW SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLY TO REPLACE EXISTING DOORSThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionSCHOOL HOUSEBASEMENT LEVELPLANA102NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 64 of 86 838383UPUPUPDN'1UP)$&3 ',63)'/2:3+$6( /2:3+$6( /2:3+$6( 3+$6( /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6 /6/6 /6 /6 ' ' A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A401243 m [466 ft ]MULTI-PURPOSE STUDIO102111 m [1198 ft ]VISUAL ARTS STUDIO111147 m [1585 ft ]PERFORMING ARTS DANCESTUDIO1105 m [58 ft ]ELEC. ROOM10916 m [174 ft ]WOMENS WASHROOM11216 m [174 ft ]MENS WASHROOM11322 m [242 ft ]COAT ROOM10712 m [130 ft ]LOADING1067 m [74 ft ]JANITOR ROOM10411 m [116 ft ]IT ROOM10341 m [441 ft ]RECEPTION AREA10866 m [715 ft ]ENTRANCE LOBBY10043 m [467 ft ]STAGING10596 m [1038 ft ]CORRIDOR10128 m [299 ft ]STAIR B11427 m [292 ft ]STAIR A11523' - 3 1/2"70950' - 4"9823' - 2"706233' - 10"1031446' - 9 1/2"14256267.900267.070267.07039' - 4"1198529' - 8 1/2"905919' - 6 1/2"595519' - 5 1/2"593329' - 10"90957' - 6"22927' - 2 1/2"220011' - 11"363412' - 0"3652MEN'S W/C102aWOMEN'S W/C102b24' - 6 1/2"747518' - 8 1/2"569925' - 9"784919' - 9 1/2"60345' - 3"16005' - 11"18003' - 11"120028' - 10"879112' - 1 1/2"369010' - 0 1/2"305924' - 10 1/2"7586104' - 0"3169519' - 8"600069' - 3"2110619' - 8"600069' - 3"21106Gx4242660006003394421321875600470450682x154722612639620028004300740018002940130576200020002000200033972854CACF AREA5xOPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOWOPEN TO ABOVE1A506FEATURE WALL1A505RETRACTABLE PARTITIONRETRACTABLE PARTITIONBIRD-FRIENDLY CURTAIN WALLBIRD-FRIENDLY CURTAIN WALL1100CLERESTORYWINDOW ABOVERECYCLED TIMBER COUNTER19027' - 8"23435' - 2 1/2"1592EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEEXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPE267.070267.070This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionGROUND FLOORPLANA201NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 65 of 86 '1'1UPDNDNUP' ' ' ' A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A401213 m [144 ft ]BAR203191 m [2058 ft ]CRUSH SPACE20127 m [294 ft ]STAIR A202342 m [3680 ft ]246-SEAT THEATRE2078 m [87 ft ]S/L LOCK 022068 m [85 ft ]S/L LOCK 012055 m [53 ft ]JANITOR20431 m [338 ft ]MEN'S WASHROOM21431 m [336 ft ]WOMEN'S WASHROOM21310 m [105 ft ]EXIT CORRIDOR21228 m [298 ft ]STAIR B21156 m [604 ft ]BACK-OF-HOUSESTORAGE2094 m [45 ft ]B-F W/C21033 m [351 ft ]THEATRE TABLE/SEATINGSTORAGE208272.470272.470272.47048' - 4"1473648' - 4"1473619' - 9 1/2"603158' - 6 1/2"1784124' - 8"752031' - 2"950022' - 0"670024' - 10"756519' - 8"600084' - 6 1/2"25766109' - 9"3344719' - 8"600084' - 6 1/2"257666' - 10"208810' - 0 1/2"30625' - 6"168114' - 10"451819' - 8"60008 ACCESSIBLE SEATSGENIE LIFTEYE-WASH STATIONJAN.209aGx4242660006003394421321875600470450682x15472261263962002800117001800294013057614205xOPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOWOPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOW1A506FEATURE WALL BELOW1A505RETRACTABLE FIRE CURTAIN ABOVEWATER FIRE-CURTAIN ABOVEBIRD-FRIENDLY CURTAIN WALLBIRD-FRIENDLY CURTAIN WALLRETRACTABLE SEATING STORAGE400RECYCLED TIMBERBAR COUNTERDISPLAY CASEDISPLAY CASE9' - 10"30003 m [29 ft ]BAR STORAGE203a320011001057022' - 11 1/2"700072' - 1 1/2"2198913' - 3 1/2"40476' - 10"2088EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEEXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPE272.470This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionSECOND FLOORPLANA202NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 66 of 86 DNDNDN)'A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012276.565277.12686 m [929 ft ]MECHANICAL ROOM30344 m [477 ft ]CORRIDOR3019 m [97 ft ]B.O.H. TECH OFFICE31148 m [520 ft ]GREEN ROOM30816 m [175 ft ]STAIR B31224 m [262 ft ]FEMALE DRESSING ROOM31324 m [258 ft ]MALE DRESSING ROOM3148 m [85 ft ]MALE W/C314a8 m [89 ft ]FEMALE W/C313a29 m [314 ft ]MECH. CORRIDOR30421 m [225 ft ]S-L LOCK30511 m [117 ft ]STAIR A30649 m [528 ft ]A/V BOOTH3074 m [45 ft ]JANITOR302246-SEATTHEATRE20719' - 9 1/2"603125' - 2 1/2"76784' - 10 1/2"148132' - 2 1/2"981219' - 5"591534' - 9"1059323' - 5 1/2"71565' - 11"1810Gx4242660006003394421321875600470450682x15472261263962002800117001800294013057611001501100ELEVATORCONTROLROOM303aCLOSET304a5xSMOKE VENTS1A5061A505OPEN TO BELOW75072' - 1 1/2"2198913' - 3 1/2"4047ROOF ACCESSLADDEREXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE BUILDING BELOW276.565276.56548' - 4"14736This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionTHIRD FLOORPLANA203NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 67 of 86 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012246-SEATTHEATRE207A/V BOOTH307UPPERMECHANICALPENTHOUSE401Gx4242660006003394421321875600470450682x1547226126396200280011700180029401305765x1A5061A505RETRACTABLE FILM SCREENSPEAKERS39' - 1 1/2"1192719' - 9 1/2"6033279.455This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionTHEATRE-GRIDLEVEL PLANA204NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 68 of 86 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012Gx42x765x1A5061A505EXTENSIVE GREEN ROOFMECHANICAL PENTHOUSESMOKE VENTS[No Slope][No Slope]1 5 .9 % 1 :612.6 % 1:812 .6 % 1:81 5 .9 % 1 :6This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionROOF PLANA205NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 69 of 86 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012FEMALEWASHROOMB03MALEWASHROOMB04CAFÉ/MULTIPURPOSEAREA (20-30PEOPLE)B02JANITORB15CATERINGKITCHEN/SERVERYB12OP. STAFFOFFICEB13PROG. STAFFOFFICEB14PROGRAMROOMB07STAGINGB08STORAGEB09ELEC. ROOMB10ARCHIVEB11CORRIDORB16U/S OF STAIR72% 1:1265.050267.07074.2% 1:1Gx42x765xPENDANTLIGHTS8.3a2323MM AFFRECESSED LEDPERIMETERCOVE LIGHTING7.3d3200MM AFFRECESSED LED PERIMETER COVE LIGHTING1A5068.3a3788MM AFF1A5057.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFF7.3d3600MM AFF7.3d3600MM AFFU/S OF STAIRRETRACTABLE GLASS WALLOPEN TO ABOVE7892EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionPLAZA LEVELREFLECTEDCEILING PLANA301NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 70 of 86 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012Gx42x765x1A5068.3a4973MM AFF1A505OPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOWRECESSED LEDPERIMETERLIGHTINGEXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionSCHOOL HOUSEBASEMENTREFLECTEDCEILING PLANA301aNO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 71 of 86 )$&3 ',63A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012PERFORMINGARTS DANCESTUDIO110STAIR A115MENSWASHROOM113WOMENSWASHROOM112VISUAL ARTSSTUDIO112COAT ROOM107ELEC. ROOM109MEN'S W/C102aWOMEN'S W/C102bMULTI-PURPOSESTUDIO102STAIR B114LOADING106STAGING105CORRIDOR101CORRIDOR101Gx42x765xRECESSED LED PERIMETER LIGHTINGOPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOWOPEN TO ABOVE AND BELOW7.3d3500MM AFFRECESSED LEDPERIMETERLIGHTINGPENDANT LIGHTING1A5068.3a4943MM AFF8.3a4943MM AFFBULKHEAD WALL7.3d3500MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3600MM AFF7.3d3600MM AFF7.3d3500MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFFIT ROOM103JANITOR ROOM1048.3a3100MM AFF1A5057.3d3600MM AFF7.3d3600MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF17.6% 1:617.6% 1:617.6% 1:617.6% 1:617.6% 1:617.6% 1:67.3d4500MM AFF17.6% 1:617.6% 1:617.6% 1:617.6% 1:6RECESSEDLED17.6% 1:617.6% 1:6EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPE9' - 6 1/2"29109' - 6 1/2"2910This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionGROUND FLOORREFLECTEDCEILING PLANA302NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 72 of 86 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012S/L LOCK 01205JANITOR204CRUSH SPACE201246-SEATTHEATRE207BAR203S/L LOCK 02206EXIT CORRIDOR212WOMEN'SWASHROOM213MEN'SWASHROOM214BACK-OF-HOUSESTORAGE209THEATRETABLE/SEATINGSTORAGE208B-F W/C210Gx42x765xRECESSED LEDPERIMETER COVELIGHTINGRECESSED LEDPERIMETER COVELIGHTINGRECESSED P-A SPEAKERSRECESSED P-A SPEAKERSEDGE OF CEILINGBULKHEAD WALLEDGE OF CEILINGBULKHEAD WALL8.3a3000MM AFF8.3a3967MM AFF1A5068.3a3788MM AFF8.3a3788MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF1A505RETRACTABLE FIRE CURTAIN8.3a3000MM AFF8.3a3000MM AFF8.3a3000MM AFFOPEN TO ABOVE7.3d3000MM AFFRECESSED POT LIGHTSEXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionSECOND FLOORREFLECTEDCEILING PLANA303NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 73 of 86 A2BCDEGFHJKLMN1A50113581A5029111A5031A504A4041A4021A4011A4012B.O.H. TECHOFFICE311CORRIDOR301GREEN ROOM308FEMALE W/C313aMALE W/C314aFEMALEDRESSINGROOM313MALEDRESSINGROOM314MECHANICALROOM303MECH.CORRIDOR304S-L LOCK EXIT305A/V BOOTH307STAIR A306246-SEATTHEATRE207STAIR B311JANITOR30217.6% 1:6Gx42x76ELEVATORCONTROLROOM303aCLOSET304a5x1A506WOOD ACOUSTIC PANELSTYPICAL1A5057.3d3200MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFF7.3d2800MM AFF16.2% 1:67.3d2750MM AFFRECESSEDPERIMETER LED LIGHT7.3d3600MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFFEXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPE8.3% 1:126.6% 1:1521.3% 1:562.5% 1:2This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 100$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionTHIRD FLOORREFLECTEDCEILING PLANA304NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 74 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL2281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 031A5011358911279.22THEATRE GRID26552655409554004600265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE1648542x765x13264.800272.47LEVEL 022265.05BASEMENT LEVEL -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF LEVEL267.90LEVEL 01 - SCHOOLHOUSE1A501276.60LEVEL 02 CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE267.50BASEMENT CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE13589115273413245704002450265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE1648542x765x34MATERIALS LEGEND1BOARD-FORMED CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE + PRE-CAST CONCRETE PANELSSPIDER-JOINT CURTAIN WALLEXPANDED-METAL COPPER VEILALUMINIUM LOUVERSEXTENSIVE GREEN ROOF2345ACM PANEL6This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorthAs indicated$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionNORTH-SOUTHELEVATIONSA401 1 : 100A401NORTH ELEVATION1 1 : 100A401SOUTH ELEVATION2NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 75 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL262.47PLAZA LEVELA265.05BASEMENT LEVEL -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 03267.90LEVEL 01 - SCHOOLHOUSEBCDEGFHJKLMN276.60LEVEL 02 CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE267.50BASEMENT CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE1A502279.22THEATRE GRID1A5031A5044600540040952655265525802850457041325273265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE1648516485Gx1A5061A505312456MATERIALS LEGEND1BOARD-FORMED CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE + PRE-CAST CONCRETE PANELSSPIDER-JOINT CURTAIN WALLEXPANDED-METAL COPPER VEILALUMINIUM LOUVERSEXTENSIVE GREEN ROOF2345ACM PANEL6This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorthAs indicated$0Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionWEST ELEVATIONA402 1 : 100A402WEST ELEVATION1NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 76 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL262.47PLAZA LEVELA265.05BASEMENT LEVEL -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 03267.90LEVEL 01 - SCHOOLHOUSEBCDEGFHJKLMN276.60LEVEL 02 CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE1A502279.22THEATRE GRID1A5031A5042655265540955400460052734132457028502580265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE1648516485Gx1A5061A505312266.100266.9936EXPANDED METAL VEIL BEYONDMATERIALS LEGEND1BOARD-FORMED CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE + PRE-CAST CONCRETE PANELSSPIDER-JOINT CURTAIN WALLEXPANDED-METAL COPPER VEILALUMINIUM LOUVERSEXTENSIVE GREEN ROOF2345ACM PANEL6This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorthAs indicated30Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionEAST ELEVATIONA404 1 : 100A404EAST ELEVATION1NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 77 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL262.47PLAZA LEVELA265.05BASEMENT LEVEL -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 03267.90LEVEL 01 - SCHOOLHOUSEBCDEGFHJKLMN276.60LEVEL 02 CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE267.50BASEMENT CEILING -SCHOOL HOUSE1A502279.22THEATRE GRID1A5031A504265526554095540046002400CATERINGKITCHEN/SERVERYB12JANITORB15PROGRAMROOMB07VISUAL ARTSSTUDIO112ARCHIVEB11COAT ROOM107246-SEATTHEATRE207MECHANICALROOM303265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE16485MECH.CORRIDOR3046750CORRIDOR101CORRIDORB16GxEXPANDED METAL VEIL BEYOND1A5061A505RECESSED PERIMETER LED LIGHTING8' - 5 1/2"2580EXISTING SCHOOL HOUSE NOT IN SCOPEThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 10030Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionNORTH-SOUTHBUILDING SECTIONA501NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 78 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL2265.05BASEMENT LEVEL -SCHOOL HOUSE281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 03267.90LEVEL 01 - SCHOOLHOUSE1A501281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE1358911279.22THEATRE GRID265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE26554095457083020202580ARCHIVEB1142x765x2002655200This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 5030Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionEAST-WESTATRIUM SECTION 1A502NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 79 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL2281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 031A5011358911279.22THEATRE GRID6' - 10 1/2"2094465622' - 1 1/2"675012' - 7 1/2"38451' - 10"561VISUAL ARTSSTUDIO112WOMENSWASHROOM112MENSWASHROOM113STAIR A115STAGING105LOADING106PROGRAMROOMB07STORAGEB09246-SEATTHEATRE207A/V BOOTH307THEATRETABLE/SEATINGSTORAGE208BACK-OF-HOUSESTORAGE209265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE2655265540955400168029201648567507' - 3 1/2"221729' - 5"8965GREEN ROOM30842x765xRETRACTABLE SEATINGRETRACTABLE SEATING STORAGERETRACTABLE FILM SCREEN1200This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 5030Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionEAST-WESTBUILDING SECTION2A503NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 80 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL2281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 031A501281.88ROOF - SCHOOL HOUSE1358911279.22THEATRE GRID29102400PERFORMINGARTS DANCESTUDIO110JANITORB15PROG. STAFFOFFICEB14CAFÉ/MULTIPURPOSEAREA (20-30PEOPLE)B02MULTI-PURPOSESTUDIO102ARCHIVEB11WOMEN'S W/C102bWOMEN'SWASHROOM213FEMALEDRESSINGROOM313FEMALE W/C313aMECHANICALROOM303265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE26552655409554001680292016485CORRIDOR301CRUSH SPACE201WOMEN'SWASHROOM213CORRIDOR101UPPERMECHANICALPENTHOUSE40142x76ELEVATORCONTROLROOM303a5x8.3a3000MM AFF8.3a3967MM AFF7.3d3500MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFF7.3d3500MM AFF8.3a3788MM AFF8.3a2323MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3000MM AFF7.3d3200MM AFF7.3d4500MM AFFThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 5030Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionEAST-WESTBUILDING SECTION3A504NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 81 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL2281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 031A5011358911279.22THEATRE GRID265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE42x765xARCHIVEB11265526554095540016802920FEATURE WALLThis drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 5030Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionEAST-WESTATRIUM SECTION 2A505NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 82 of 86 267.07GROUND FLOOR272.47LEVEL 02262.47PLAZA LEVEL2281.88ROOF LEVEL276.57LEVEL 031A5011358911279.22THEATRE GRID265.39ESTABLISHED GRADE42x765xCRUSH SPACE201PERFORMINGARTS DANCESTUDIO110CAFÉ/MULTIPURPOSEAREA (20-30PEOPLE)B02ARCHIVEB11MULTI-PURPOSESTUDIO102CORRIDOR101MEN'SWASHROOM214MALEDRESSINGROOM314MALE W/C314aJANITOR302MECHANICALROOM303ELEC. ROOM109UPPERMECHANICALPENTHOUSE401265526554095540016802920This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the express consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work.ISSUE RECORDREVISION RECORD405-317 ADELAIDE STREET WESTTORONTO CANADA M5V 1P9+1 416 599 9729WWW.RAWDESIGN.CANorth 1 : 5030Town of Aurora17-086Church StreetSchool ExpansionWEST-EASTBUILDING SECTIONA506NO. DATE DESCRIPTION2019-02-06 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 83 of 86 $8525$5(*,67(52)3523(57,(62)&8/785$/ +(5,7$*(9$/8(25,17(5(678SGDWHG6,7($GGUHVV &KXUFK6WUHHW )RUPHU$GGUHVV /HJDO'HVFULSWLRQ3/$13$57/27667$786&XUUHQW8VH1RQSURILWPXVHXP UHFUHDWLRQIDFLOLW\FXOWXUDO FHQWHU 2ULJLQDOXVH3XEOLFVFKRRO +HULWDJH6WDWXV&,+%2+$2+) /LVWHG GHVLJQDWHG3W ,9 %\ODZ1R 'DWH 2IILFLDO3ODQ,QVWLWXWLRQDO=RQLQJ,QVWLWXWLRQDO +&'3ODTXHV'HVLJQDWLRQSODTXH 3+272*5$3+.(<0$3 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 84 of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eneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 85 of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“Aurora Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest”DQGDOOSURSHUW\LQFOXGHGLQWKH,QYHQWRU\ZHUHWUDQVIHUUHGWRWKH5HJLVWHU General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Item R7 Page 86 of 86 Public Release March 18, 2019 Town of Aurora Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index • Delegation (a) Leslie Jennings, Resident Re: Item R1 – PDS19-001 – Sidewalk Construction on Kitimat Crescent Public Release March 18, 2019 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Gaertner in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Community Presentations 4. Delegations (a) Leslie Jennings, Resident Re: Item R1 – PDS19-001 – Sidewalk Construction on Kitimat Crescent (Added Item) 5. Consent Agenda 6. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 5 That the Advisory Committee meeting minutes, Item A1, be received and the recommendations carried by the Committees approved: A1 . Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2019 Recommended: 1. That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of January 30, 2019, be received for information. 7. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. PDS19-001 – Sidewalk Construction on Kitimat Crescent Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-001 be received; and 2. That the construction of the sidewalk on Kitimat Crescent be authorized. R2. OPS19-004 – Winter Maintenance Report No. 2 Future Roads Maintenance Operations Presentation to be provided by Al Downey, Director of Operational Services and Jim Tree, Acting Operations Manager, Roads-Water Recommended: 1. That Report No. OPS19-004 be received; and 2. That the recommendations associated with future Winter Roads and Sidewalk Maintenance Operations as outlined in the Financial Impact Table, be approved in principle; and 3. That each recommendation having a financial impact as outlined in the Financial Impact Table be presented in the applicable year capital and/or operating Budgets for final consideration and approval. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 3 of 5 R3. FS19-009 – Development Charges By-law Approval Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS19-009 be received; and 2. That the Development Charges Background Study report presented at the Special Meeting of Council held on March 19, 2019, be adopted; and 3. That Council directs staff to report back regarding any comments received from the preceding public meeting, if necessary; and 4. That Council confirms that it intends to ensure: a) that the increase in the need for services attributable to the anticipated development will be met, subject to sufficient development charge revenues being generated and other Town affordability criteria being met; and b) that the future excess capacity identified in the Development Charges Background Study for the Town of Aurora shall be paid for by the development charges or other similar charges; and 5. That Council adopts the capital forecasts prepared in conjunction with the Development Charges Background Study for the Town of Aurora subject to each project or undertaking set out therein being subject to annual operating and capital budget approval processes of the corporation; and 6. That the Town continue the development charge approach to calculate the charges on a uniform Town-wide basis for all services; and 7. That the proposed by-law included with the Development Charges Background Study, as amended, being a by-law for the imposition of development charges, be enacted March 26, 2019, which also repeals By-law No. 5585-14, the predecessor by-law. R4. OPS19-005 – Approval of Capital Project No. 71103 and No. 34420 (“Wide Area Mower”) Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 4 of 5 1. That Report No. OPS19-005 be received; and 2. That Capital Project No. 71103 “Replacement of Operational Services Wide Area Mower Unit #255”, be approved; and 3. That Capital Project No. 34420 “New addition Wide Area Mower to Operational Services Parks Division”, be approved. R5. PDS19-004 – Stop Control Removal at Corbett Crescent and Cossar Drive Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-004 be received; and 2. That the stop sign, stop line, and crosswalk lines on Corbett Crescent at Cossar Drive be removed; and 3. That a by-law to amend By-law No. 4574-04.T be enacted at a future Council Meeting. R6. PDS19-016 – Appointments to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-016 be received; and 2. That Council appoint the Mayor and up to two (2) Councillors (insert names) to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors; and 3. That Council appoint the following seven (7) citizen members of the Aurora Economic Development Working Group (AEDCWG) to the Aurora Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors: • Vern Cunningham • Richard Gong • Tim Hammill • Marilee Harris • Steve Hinder General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Page 5 of 5 • Mae Khamissa • Craig Youdale. R7. PDS19-019 – Heritage Permit Application 22 Church Street File: HPA-19-03 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PDS19-019 be received; and 2. That the following recommendations be approved: a) That Heritage Permit Application HPA-19-03 be approved to permit the addition to the subject property as shown on the submitted plans; and b) That the property owner photo document any original construction revealed during the proposed addition to the property; and c) That Planning Staff continue to liaise with the Ontario Heritage Trust and ensure the addition remains sympathetic of the heritage resource through all phases of the development. 8. Notices of Motion 9. New Business 10. Closed Session 11. Adjournment Delegation Request 7KLV'HOHJDWLRQ5HTXHVWIRUPDQGDQ\ZULWWHQVXEPLVVLRQVRUEDFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQ IRUFRQVLGHUDWLRQE\HLWKHU&RXQFLORU&RPPLWWHHVRI&RXQFLOPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH &OHUN¶VRIILFHE\WKHIROORZLQJGHDGOLQH D.m.2QH ()%XVLQHVVDay Prior to the Requested Meeting Date Council/Committee Meeting DQGDate: Subject: Name of Spokesperson: Name of Group or Person(s) being Represented (if applicable): Brief Summary of Issue or Purpose of Delegation: Please complete the following: +DYH\RXEHHQLQFRQWDFWZLWKD7RZQVWDIIRU &RXQFLOPHPEHUUHJDUGLQJ\RXUPDWWHURILQWHUHVW"<HV ܆܆1R ܆ ,I\HVZLWKZKRP"'DWH ܆ ,DFNQRZOHGJHWKDWWKH3URFHGXUH%\ODZSHUPLWVILYHPLQXWHVIRU'HOHJDWLRQV /HJLVODWLYH6HUYLFHV &OHUNV#DXURUDFD 7RZQRI$XURUD -RKQ:HVW:D\%R[ $XURUD21/*- March 19, 2019 R1 Report Kitimat Crescent Leslie Jennings and others) Most residents of Kitimat Crescent Presentation on R1 Kitimat sidewalk project. Request cancellation of sidewalks proposed for Kitimat Crescent: Will not solve the issue identified, will not improve safety, and will be a waste of tax dollars and result in lost greenspace on our charming quiet street. Not a wise investment for the problem. ✔ All councillors various ✔ Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Delegation (a) Page 1 of 1