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AGENDA - General Committee - 20171003
General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release September 22, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Abel in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations 4. Delegations (a) Craig Mather, President, Suzanne Haines, Executive Director, and Stephanie Nicolò, Program, Gallery and Volunteer Services Coordinator, Aurora Cultural Centre Re: Item R4 – PRCS17-032 – Canada 150 Art Installation at Church Street School at 22 Church Street 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Recommended: That the following Consent Agenda Items, C1 to C4 inclusive, be approved: C1. FS17-020 – 2016 Year End Development Charges Statement (Information Report dated May 16, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-020 be received for information. C2. FS17-039 – Interim Operating Budget Forecast – as at July 31, 2017 (Information Report dated September 19, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-039 be received for information. C3. PBS17-067 – Planning Applications Status List (Information Report dated September 19, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-067 be received for information. C4. Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of August 21, 2017, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. CAO17-006 – Engagement of Review of Joint Operations Centre (JOC) Project and Costs General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO17-006 be received; and 2. That Internal Audit Services of the Region of York be engaged to review and report on the JOC Project and Costs using Brook Laker & Associates as outlined in Report No. CAO17-006, for a total fee of $29,000 excluding HST, to be funded from within expected 2017 operating surplus. R2. FS17-043 – Capital Projects Status and Closures as of July 31, 2017 Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-043 be received; and 2. That the Capital Project closures and Capital funding adjustments outlined in Attachments #1 and #2 be approved. R3. FS17-044 – 2018 Fees and Charges Update Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-044 be received; and 2. That the 2018 Fees and Charges for applications, permits, use of Town property, the sale of Town publications and for the prescribed service charges for administrative matters as itemized on the attached schedules be approved: Schedule A – General Fees and Charges Schedule B – Planning and Building Services Schedule C – Corporate Services Schedule D – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Schedule E – Infrastructure and Environmental Services Schedule F – Financial Services; and 3. That the necessary by-law be enacted at a future Council meeting. R4. PRCS17-032 – Canada 150 Art Installation at Church Street School at 22 Church Street General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PRCS17-032 be received; and 2. That the installation of the Canada 150 Milestones Mural: A Community Art Project art installation on the southwest lawn of Church Street School at 22 Church Street be approved in the amount of $2,700, funded from the Property Improvement Operating Account 1-4-07302-5037; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the funding Agreement between the Town of Aurora and the Ontario Heritage Trust, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R5. PBS17-076 – Proposal for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-076 be received; and 2. That Council accept the Zoning By-law Amendment Application related to the following Zoning By-law Proposal: (a) Shimvest Investments Limited (271 Holladay Drive) R6. CS17-030 – Implications of the Provincial Government’s Proposed Changes to Employment Standards Legislation on the Town (Information Report dated September 19, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-030 be received for information. 7. Notices of Motion 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Delegation Request 7KLV'HOHJDWLRQ5HTXHVWIRUPDQGDQ\ZULWWHQVXEPLVVLRQVRUEDFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQ IRUFRQVLGHUDWLRQE\HLWKHU&RXQFLORU&RPPLWWHHVRI&RXQFLOPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH &OHUN¶VRIILFHE\WKHIROORZLQJGHDGOLQH 4:30 p.m. Two (2) Days Prior to the Requested Meeting Date Council/Committee/Advisory Committee Meeting Date: Subject: Name of Spokesperson: Name of Group or Person(s) being Represented (if applicable): Brief Summary of Issue or Purpose of Delegation: Please complete the following: +DYH\RXEHHQLQFRQWDFWZLWKD7RZQVWDIIRU &RXQFLOPHPEHUUHJDUGLQJ\RXUPDWWHURILQWHUHVW"<HV ܆܆1R ܆ ,I\HVZLWKZKRP" 'DWH ܆,DFNQRZOHGJHWKDWWKH3URFHGXUH%\ODZSHUPLWVILYHPLQXWHVIRU'HOHJDWLRQV /HJLVODWLYH6HUYLFHV &OHUNV#DXURUDFD 7RZQRI$XURUD -RKQ:HVW:D\%R[ $XURUD21/*- Council General Purposes Committee: October 3, 2017 Canada 150 Aurora Cultural Centre Art Installation Craig Mather, President; Suzanne Haines, Executive Director; Stephanie Nicolo Aurora Cultural Centre We are presenting the design concept for the Canada 150 art installation at the Church Street School as part of the Aurora Cultural Centre community arts program. This presentation is in support of the staff report PRCS17-032 ✔ Al Downey, Director Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services September 20, 2017 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 1 of 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C1 Page 1 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C1 Page 2 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C1 Page 3 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C1 Page 4 of 6 PART IAttachment #1FS17-020Town of AuroraDevelopment Charges Reserve Fund StatementYear Ended December 31, 2016GENERAL FIRE PKS DEV & INDOOR LIBRARY MUNICIPAL ROADS & WATER SANITARYGOV'T SERVICES FACILITIESRECSERVICES PARKING RELATED SYSTEM SEWERTOTALOpening Balance January 1(911,094.75) 1,426,719.63 (3,926,682.23) (4,814,545.74) 2,269,935.35 304,217.70 7,764,764.59 794,395.47 3,036,474.94 5,944,184.96 Add: Development Charges Collected747,727.53 784,163.45 5,306,603.59 8,785,883.45 1,830,210.73 20,115.30 3,027,379.37 468,516.85 471,295.32 21,441,895.59 Less: Transfers to Operating Budget in Year (see Part II)(260,000.00) - (127,399.30) (320,543.36) (289,500.00) - - (63,671.22) - (1,061,113.88) Transfers to Capital Budget in Year (see Part II)(270,000.00) (1,712,657.03) (3,282,838.32) (31,500.00) (55,022.48) - (3,302,370.36) - (1,485,000.00) (10,139,388.19) Less: DC credits paid in year (see Part III)(315,725.00) (33,350.00) (217,170.99) (566,245.99) Add: Interest Earned (charged)(18,096.88) 5,530.31 (30,786.34) 94,463.57 41,687.42 3,600.10 83,077.40 13,311.58 20,042.15 212,829.31 Closing DC Balance(711,464.10) 503,756.36 (2,376,827.60) 3,713,757.92 3,797,311.02 327,933.10 7,539,501.00 1,212,552.68 1,825,641.42 15,832,161.80 Add: Unspent Committed Allocations to Capital89,815.30 (10,000.00) 4,423,468.47 31,500.00 20,832.93 933,568.16 181,375.00 1,508,150.84 7,178,710.70 Revised Closing DC Balance(621,648.80) 493,756.36 2,046,640.87 3,745,257.92 3,818,143.95 327,933.10 8,473,069.16 1,393,927.68 3,333,792.26 23,010,872.50 PART IITown of AuroraDevelopment Charges Reserve Fund StatementYear Ended December 31, 2016GENERALFIREPKS DEV &INDOORLIBRARY MUNICIPAL ROADS &WATERSANITARYExpenditures from DC'sGOV'TSERVICESFACILITIESRECSERVICES PARKINGRELATEDSYSTEMSEWERFunding Transferred to Operating Budget for Specific Purposes:- SARC Debenture Payment(320,543.36) (320,543.36) - Growth Related Activities for Planning Development Services(260,000.00) (260,000.00) - Repayment of internal APL Borrowing(289,500.00) (289,500.00) - Landscape Architects (development related)(127,399.30) (127,399.30) - IES Salaries & Wages (related to DC Capital projects)(63,671.22) (63,671.22) - Total Operating Budget Allocations(260,000.00) - (127,399.30) (320,543.36) (289,500.00) - - (63,671.22) - (1,061,113.88) Funding Transferred to Capital Projects:34217 - Joint Operations Centre(1,411,075.00) (293,656.00) (1,704,731.00) 12021 - Land Acquisition - Joint Operations Centre(967,624.00) (1,408,007.00) (2,375,631.00) 21007 - Fire Station Acquisition(1,712,657.03) (1,712,657.03) 31112 - Recon - Industrial Pkwy S - Wellington St to Industry(165,831.00) (165,831.00) 34627 - Industrial Pkwy N - Sidewalk(464,094.00) (464,094.00) 34629 - Mary, Industrial Pkwy S & Wellington W Rehab(45,000.00) (45,000.00) 41006 - Leslie 2C Lands Sani Sewer Service(1,485,000.00) (1,485,000.00) 34238 - Streetsweeper(270,000.00) (270,000.00) 31154 - Speed Cushion Pilot Project(142,000.00) (142,000.00) 72250 - AFLC Roof Top Unit(31,500.00) (31,500.00) 73161 - Stewart Burnett Accessible Playground(924,500.00) (924,500.00) 73177 - Pedestrian Underpasses(687,882.00) (687,882.00) 73268 - North Dam Rehab Wildlife Park(60,000.00) (60,000.00) 73134 - Parks/Trails Signage Strategy(175,950.00) (175,950.00) 77001 - Collection Expansion(60,000.00) (60,000.00) 81001 - Growth Related Studies(270,000.00) (270,000.00) Capital Close Reports - funds returned to source256,310.68 4,977.52 174,099.64 435,387.84 Total Capital Project Allocations(270,000.00) (1,712,657.03) (3,282,838.32) (31,500.00) (55,022.48) - (3,302,370.36) - (1,485,000.00) (10,139,388.19) Total DC Investments(530,000.00) (1,712,657.03) (3,410,237.62) (352,043.36) (344,522.48) - (3,302,370.36) (63,671.22) (1,485,000.00) (11,200,502.07) TOTAL DC FUNDING General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C1 Page 5 of 6 PART IIIAttachment #1FS17-020Town of AuroraDevelopment Charges Reserve Fund StatementYear Ended December 31, 2016Development Charge Credits ContinuityAgreement DC Credit PurposeBalance Opening New Credits Agreed Credits Paid/Granted Cr. Not Used Ending Balance2004 Whitwell/Certas (statefarm) Sani Pump Station886,655 886,655 2008 Ballymore Brentwood 2008 Sani Pump Station115,887 (115,887) - 2014 Mattamy 2C Phase 1 Watermain External Works Part I849,964 849,964 2014 Mattamy 2C Phase 1Sanitary External Works Part I550,083 550,083 2014 Mattamy 2C Phase 1Park construction216,610 216,610 2012 Knights Creek/Treasure Hill Trails works172,395 (197,845) (25,450) 2014 TACC 2C Phase 1Parks and Trails construction70,600 70,600 2014 Mattamy 2C Phase 2Watermain External Works Part II789,056 789,056 2014 Mattamy 2C Phase 2Sanitary External Works Part II957,266 957,266 2014 Mattamy 2C Phase 2Parks and Trails1,515,929 1,515,929 2014 Brookfield 2C Phase 1Sanitary External works518,000 518,000 2014 Brookfield 2C Phase 1Trail design/construction109,200 8,680 (117,880) - 2015 TACC 2C Phase 2Sanitary Oversize128,598 (101,284) (27,314) - 2015 TACC 2C Phase 2Parks construction1,668,109 1,668,109 2015 Mattamy 2C Phase 3Park construction344,023 344,023 2015 St. John's Development 2C Sanitary Oversize31,162 31,162 2015 St. John's Development 2C Parks Trails271,722 271,722 2015 St. John's Development 2C Hartwell Way Valley Crossing Trail Comp.200,000 200,000 2015 Brookfield 2C Phase 2Parks design/construction507,511 507,511 2015 Shimvest 2CWatermain136,103 136,103 2015 Shimvest 2CSewermain245,467 245,467 2015 Shimvest 2Ctrail system209,217 209,217 2016 Shimvest 2C Phase 2Trail system89,800 89,800 2016 Mattamy Phase 4Leslie Street Sanitary Sewer works1,618,536 1,618,536 2016 Mattamy Phase 4Parks and trails266,258 266,258 2016 Skygrove Site Plansidewalks33,350 (33,350) - - 10,493,558 2,016,624 (566,246) (27,314) 11,916,622 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C1 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora Information Report No. FS17-039 Subject: Interim Operating Budget Forecast – as at July 31, 2017 Prepared by: Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Planning Department: Financial Services Date: September 19, 2017 In accordance with the Procedure By-Law, any Member of Council may request that this Information Report be placed on an upcoming General Committee or Council meeting agenda for discussion. Executive Summary This report presents to Council the information necessary to effectively monitor the financial performance of the corporation’s operating budget presented as of July 31, 2017. As of this date, the corporation is forecasted to conclude the fiscal year with a favourable variance of $103,700 from the Town’s tax levy funded operations and a favourable variance of $883,700 from its utility rate funded operations. • Staff will strive to maintain this expected outcome for the year • If required, any tax levy funded operating budget deficit that remains at fiscal year-end will be offset by an equivalent value reduction in the contribution of excess supplementary tax revenues to reserves, while any resultant surpluses would be contributed to stabilization reserves • Any excess or shortfall in the rate funded program revenues at fiscal year-end will be contributed to or funded from rate reserves Background To assist Council in fulfilling its roles and responsibilities with respect to Town finances and accountability, the Financial Services Department has worked with all departments to review the corporation’s operating budget financial performance to date. Each Director has reviewed his/her respective department’s operating budget with its results to date and remaining outstanding plans, and forecasted an expected year end position. Finance staff have reviewed each submission and performed the necessary consolidation. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 1 of 10 September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 7 Report No. FS17-039 Tax levy funded operating budget surplus now forecasted Staff currently forecast that the Town’s tax levy funded operating budget will finish the year with an anticipated surplus of $103,700, representing a $230,200 improvement in the Town’s financial position over its forecasted position at the end of May. A detailed break-down of the Town’s current forecasted variance by department can be found in Attachment #1. The report has been simplified to show only the net budget amount, the forecasted ending position for each item, and the variance. Staff have similarly reviewed the results of the Town’s rate funded operations to date and the expected year end forecasted positions for the water, wastewater, and storm water program budget which is presented in Attachment #2. Staff currently forecast that the Town’s utility operations are on pace to finish the year with a surplus of $883,700. Items of note are presented by department in the Analysis section below. The forecasts and representations are those of each Director, and have not been revised by financial services staff. Each Director is charged with delivering their approved portfolio of municipal services within their approved budget. They may manage issues encountered throughout the year by reallocating approved financial resources amongst their budget detailed line items, so as to best deliver their overall service portfolio in the circumstances of an ever changing community, operating environment and economic conditions. Analysis Operating Budget Overall, the Town’s approved budget for 2017 includes $60,814,800 in approved expenditures, together with $18,993,100 in revenues consisting of user fees, charges, and investment income, and a total “Town purposes” tax levy for the year of $41,821,700. Upon detailed review of the consolidated forecast as of the end of July, the corporation is projected to conclude the fiscal year with an estimated operating budget surplus of $103,700; representing an improvement in the Town’s forecasted financial position of $230,200. This improvement in position is most attributable to further forecasted software license and maintenance savings and increased fitness and aquatics revenues. This forecast is based upon the best information and estimates available at this time. Accordingly, the forecast will continue to be subject to change over the remainder of the fiscal year, meaning there will continue to be influencing variables that are difficult for staff to estimate such as development driven revenues, investment income as well as the ultimate level of Town services that will be consumed by fiscal year end. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 2 of 10 September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 7 Report No. FS17-039 In previous years, the Town budgeted a “salary gapping savings” amount of $150,000 under the corporate expenses section of the budget. This provision is to recognize that while salaries in all departments are based on 100% usage, with no staff departures, in reality there is some staff turnover and periodic vacancies that arise naturally during the year. New for 2017, this amount has been identified in full in the Corporate Accounts section of the budget, but is then allocated to each operating department on a pro-rata basis. CAO and Council – No Variance The CAO and Council budget areas are currently forecasting to conclude the fiscal year with a budget variance of zero. Corporate Services - $231,400 favourable The Corporate Services department forecasted favourable variance of $231,400 (3.3%) on a net operating budget of $7,022,500 arises mostly from insurance premium, software license and vacant position savings, representing an increase of $124,300 over last quarter. Further savings are anticipated from salaries, software licensing and maintenance fees. These savings have been partially offset by unplanned one-time health & safety and compensation review consulting costs. Financial Services - $15,800 unfavourable The unfavorable forecasted budget variance of $15,800, or 1.2% on a net operating budget of $1,371,700 relates to unexpected staff turnover requirements, and a position uplift to meet heavy internal demands for procurement services which has been partially offset by higher than anticipated administrative revenues (property tax ownership changes, water account ownership changes admin fees and tax certificates) driven by an increase in the volume of sales of new and used homes, representing a moderate improvement over last quarter. Fire Services - no variance The Newmarket Finance Department is reporting that the Central York Fire Services budget continues to be on track at this point in time. Infrastructure & Environmental Services - $328,400 unfavourable The Infrastructure & Environmental Services department program is currently forecasting a slightly higher deficit of $328,400, or 2.6% on a net operating budget of $12,689,800 versus last quarter’s forecast. This deficit is attributable to greater than anticipated town facility and streetlight electricity costs, increased facility and fleet operating material costs and unexpected compressor repairs at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex. These costs are partially offset by anticipated waste collection and engineering services savings. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 3 of 10 September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 7 Report No. FS17-039 An additional report will be presented to Council summarizing the status of the LED streetlight replacement program and the resulting energy savings that have been achieved. Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services - $137,800 favourable The Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department is anticipating an overall favourable budget variance of $137,800, or 3.5% on a net operating budget of $3,934,100, representing an increase of $76,100 over last quarter’s forecasted variance. The key contributors to this identified variance relate to anticipated salary savings in Business Support and Community Programs and increased sponsorship revenues which have been partially offset by larger than anticipated active net user charges. The growth in PRCS’ forecasted variance is mostly attributable to healthier than anticipated fitness and aquatic program revenues. Planning & Building Services - $146,500 favourable The Planning & Building Services Department is forecasting an overall favourable budget variance of $146,500 on a net operating budget of ($30,900) attributable primarily to vacant position savings; in addition to larger than anticipated development driven revenues from site plan fees, representing a moderate growth over last quarter’s figure. Building Services is a self-funded function as per provincial legislation. Consequently, if it is unable to recognize sufficient revenues to offset its expenses in a given fiscal year, it will draw from its dedicated reserve in order to balance its operating budget. If it recognizes excess revenues, these revenues are utilized to replenish its dedicated reserve. Currently, Building Services is anticipating concluding the fiscal year with a small surplus which will be contributed to its dedicated reserve. Corporate Revenues & Expenses - $65,800 favourable Corporate Revenues & Expenses are projected to conclude the fiscal year with an favourable budget variance of $65,800, or 1.4% on a net operating budget of $4,811,000 attributable to larger than anticipated supplementary tax revenues which have been partially offset by larger than expected tax amounts owing being written off and a minor increase in post-retirement health and dental benefit premium requirements for staff who have recently retired early. Post-retirement benefits end upon the recipient reaching their normal retirement age. The above noted larger supplementary tax revenues relate to the further recognition of assessment growth that had not been realized as budgeted; staff’s expectation is that the unrealized assessment growth still occurred, however instead it will now manifest itself through higher than expected in-year supplementary taxes. Accordingly, staff are now forecasting a $133,600 favourable variance in supplementary tax revenues, which will not be contributed to reserves and will instead offset the equivalent tax levy deficit. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 4 of 10 September 19, 2017 Page 5 of 7 Report No. FS17-039 Total Tax Levy - $133,600 unfavourable In an effort to achieve an approved operating budget for the upcoming year prior to the year commencing, the Town must estimate its tax assessment base growth for the upcoming year as the final figure is not yet available at the time of budget’s creation. The Town is anticipating that it will collect a total of $41,688,100 in tax levy revenue for 2017, which is $133,600 less than what was budgeted. These lower than anticipated revenues relate to the Town’s overestimate of its 2017 growth in its tax assessment base upon which the year’s property taxes are calculated; the budget anticipated an assessment growth of 4.10% while the final assessed growth for 2017 was 3.36%. As noted above, staff now expect that this additional assessment growth still occurred, however instead it will now manifest itself through higher than expected in-year supplementary taxes. This revenue short-fall is fully offset by an equivalent supplementary tax revenue surplus under Corporate Revenues. Operating Budget Summary Overall, staff are predicting that the general municipal operations budget will end the year in surplus position of $103,700, if the planned budget contribution from supplemental taxes is to be realized. Any deficit that remains at fiscal year-end, if any, would be offset by an equivalent reduced contribution of excess supplementary tax revenues to reserves, while any resultant surpluses will be moved to stabilization reserve funds. Water, Wastewater and Storm Water Budget The water and wastewater budgets are comprised primarily of fixed operational costs, funded by the net proceeds from the sale of water and wastewater services. These fixed operational costs include staff and service maintenance costs related to maintaining the infrastructure systems, water quality testing, and the billing and customer service functions. These costs are not directly impacted by the volume of water flowing through the system. These fixed costs are funded from the net revenues earned which are variable in nature due to the fact that they are based upon metered water consumption volumes. The water, wastewater and stormwater operations budget is currently projected to close the year with a favourable budget variance of $883,700 primarily attributed to greater than anticipated development driven water meter sale revenues combined with contact and salary savings, presenting a minor increase over last quarter. This forecasted variance will continue to be subject to change particularly over the summer months as the average daily temperature and level of rainfall received have a direct relationship to the volume of water consumed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 5 of 10 September 19, 2017 Page 6 of 7 Report No. FS17-039 Advisory Committee Review Not applicable Financial Implications The actual resultant annual surplus or deficit in the general operating budget and water / wastewater budgets will be allocated by Council to / from various reserves at fiscal year- end as per the Town’s surplus control bylaw. There are no other immediate financial implications arising from this report. Council fulfills its role, in part, by receiving and reviewing this financial status report on the operations of the municipality relative to the approved budget. Communications Considerations The report will be posted to the Town’s Budget and Financial Information web page for transparency and accountability. Link to Strategic Plan Outlining and understanding the Town’s present financial status at strategic intervals through-out the year contribute to achieving the Strategic Plan guiding principle of “Leadership in Corporate Management” and improves transparency and accountability to the community. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Provide direction to staff on specific management actions to be taken in order to further control expenditures, enhance revenues, or alter service levels with the intent of managing the year end results to a balanced position. Conclusions Having completed seven months of operations, the management team of the Town is presently forecasting to end the year with a favourable budget variance from its tax levy funded operations of $103,700. Staff remain vigilant to realize budget savings whenever possible in an effort to continue to minimize or eliminate an operating budget deficit at year end, in any. Should the Town finish the year in a deficit position at fiscal year-end, this amount will be offset by an equivalent reduced contribution of excess General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 6 of 10 September 19, 2017 Page 7 of 7 Report No. FS17-039 supplementary tax revenues to reserves. Any remaining surpluses at fiscal year-end will be contributed to the Town’s rate stabilization reserve. The water, wastewater and storm water operations are currently projected to conclude the fiscal year with a favourable budget variance. Any surplus remaining at fiscal year- end will be contributed to the rate reserves. Attachments Attachment #1 – Net Operating Forecast Update Attachment #2 – Water, Wastewater and Storm Water Net Operating Forecast Update Previous Reports FS17-019 - Interim Forecast Update - As of March 31, 2017 FS17-035 - Interim Forecast Update - As of May 31, 2017 Pre-submission Review Agenda Management Team review on August 31, 2017 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 7 of 10 Attachment 1 Shown in $,000's COUNCIL Council Administration 535.9$ 535.9$ -$ - Council Programs/Grants 4.0 4.0 - - Advisory Committees 22.0 22.0 - - Council Office Total 561.9$ 561.9$ -$ - CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE CAO Administration 501.8$ 507.8$ (6.0)$ (1.2 %) Communications 734.9 728.9 6.0 0.8 % Chief Administrative Office Total 1,236.7$ 1,236.7$ -$ - Council and C.A.O. Combined 1,798.6$ 1,798.6$ -$ - CORPORATE SERVICES Legal Services 891.3$ 859.4$ 31.9$ 3.6 % Legislative Services 1,260.0 1,177.8 82.2 6.5 % CS Administration 429.0 458.4 (29.5) (6.9 %) Human Resources 684.0 753.8 (69.8) (10.2 %) Elections 82.5 84.7 (2.2) (2.7 %) Information Technology 1,899.2 1,794.4 104.8 5.5 % Telecommunications 260.0 209.2 50.8 19.5 % By-law Services 551.5 551.6 (0.0) (0.0 %) Animal Control 242.1 220.9 21.2 8.7 % Customer Service 699.8 658.1 41.7 6.0 % Emergency Preparedness 23.0 22.9 0.1 0.3 % Corporate Services Total 7,022.5$ 6,791.1$ 231.4$ 3.3 % FINANCIAL SERVICES Policy & Planning Administration 304.5$ 301.7$ 2.8$ 0.9 % Accounting & Revenue 285.8 230.6 55.2 19.3 % Financial Planning 430.0 430.0 - - Procurement Services 351.4 425.2 (73.8) (21.0 %) Financial Services Total 1,371.7$ 1,387.5$ (15.8)$ (1.2 %) FIRE SERVICES Central York Fire 10,225.0 10,225.0 - - Total Fire Services 10,225.0 10,225.0 - - INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES IES Administration 493.5$ 542.6$ (49.1)$ (9.9 %) Engineering Service Operations (112.3) (145.8) 33.5 29.8 % Facilities & Fleet 6,606.3 6,880.7 (274.4) (4.2 %) Snow Management 1,563.7 1,546.5 17.2 1.1 % Road Network Operations 2,447.1 2,675.3 (228.2) (9.3 %) Waste Collection & Recycling 1,691.5 1,518.8 172.6 10.2 % Infrastructure & Environmental Services Total 12,689.8$ 13,018.2$ (328.4)$ (2.6 %) PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES Parks & Recreation Administration 988.8$ 1,014.6$ (25.8)$ (2.6 %) Business Support (921.8) (1,004.0) 82.2 8.9 % Parks/Open Spaces 2,467.4 2,410.7 56.6 2.3 % Recreational Programming/Community Dev.1,399.7 1,374.9 24.8 1.8 % Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Total 3,934.1$ 3,796.3$ 137.8$ 3.5 % Town of Aurora Net Operating Forecast Update as at July 31, 2017 Variance Favourable / APPROVED BUDGET ANNUAL FORECAST (Unfavourable) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 8 of 10 Attachment 1 Shown in $,000's Town of Aurora Net Operating Forecast Update as at July 31, 2017 Variance Favourable / APPROVED BUDGET ANNUAL FORECAST (Unfavourable) PLANNING & BUILDING SERVICES Development Planning (633.1)$ (768.5)$ 135.4$ 21.4 % Long Range & Strategic Planning 602.2 591.1 11.1$ 1.8 % Net Building Department Operations (503.5)$ (468.1)$ (35.4)$ (7.0 %) Contribution to Building Reserve 503.5 468.1 35.4$ 7.0 % Total Building Services - - - - Planning & Building Department Total (30.9)$ (177.4)$ 146.5$ 474.0 % CORPORATE REVENUE & EXPENSE Supplementary Taxes & Payments-in-Lieu (711.0)$(845.1)$ 134.1$ 18.9 % Penalties on Unpaid Property Taxes (900.0) (900.0) -$ - Overhead Cost Re-allocation to Building Services (453.8) (453.8) -$ - All Other Revenue (4,841.4) (4,891.6) 50.2$ 1.0 % Cash to Capital 4,837.8 4,837.8 -$ - All Other Expense 6,879.4 6,997.8 (118.5)$ (1.7 %) 4,811.0$ 4,745.2$ 65.8$ 1.4 % TOTAL TAX LEVY FUNDED OPERATIONS 41,821.7$ 41,584.4$ 237.3$ 0.6 % TOTAL TAX LEVY (41,821.7)$ (41,688.1)$ (133.6)$ (0.3 %) OPERATING (SURPLUS) DEFICIT - (103.7)$ 103.7$ 0.2 % Surplus Surplus General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 9 of 10 Attachment 2 Shown in $,000's APPROVED ANNUAL BUDGET FORECAST RETAIL REVENUES Water (11,249.8)$ (11,298.6)$ 48.8$ 0.4 % Wastewater (10,029.5) (10,059.4) 29.9$ 0.3 % Storm Water (1,451.6) (1,651.6) 200.0$ 13.8 % Retail Revenues Total (22,731.0)$ (23,009.7)$ 278.7$ 1.2 % TOTAL REVENUE (22,731.0) (23,009.7) 278.7 1.2 % WHOLESALE COSTS OF WATER & SEWER Water 6,796.0$ 6,796.0$ -$ - Sewage Discharge Fee 7,699.4 7,699.4 - - Wholesale Costs Of Water & Sewer Total 14,495.4$ 14,495.4$ -$ - NET CONTRIBUTION TO OPERATING COSTS (8,235.6)$ (8,514.3)$ 278.7$ 3.4 % OPERATING COSTS: Water Administration & Billing 1,300.8$ 1,721.0$ (420.2)$ (32.3 %) Water System Operations 1,414.1 856.7 557.4$ 39.4 % Wastewater System Operations 945.7 238.0 707.7$ 74.8 % Storm Water Management Operations 451.6 263.9 187.7$ 41.6 % Pumping Stations (Net)173.4 171.1 2.3$ 1.3 % Reserve Contributions OUT 3,950.0 4,379.9 (429.9)$ (10.9 %) TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 8,235.6$ 7,630.6$ 605.0$ 7.3 % UTILITY BUDGET (SURPLUS) / DEFICIT 0.0$ (883.7)$ 883.7$ 3.9 % Surplus Surplus (Unfavourable) Town of Aurora Water, Wastewater and Storm Water Net Operating Forecast Update as at July 31, 2017 Variance Favourable / General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C2 Page 10 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 1 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 2 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 3 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 4 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 5 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 6 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 7 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 8 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 9 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 10 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 11 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 12 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 13 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 14 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 15 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 16 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 17 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 18 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 19 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 20 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 21 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 22 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 23 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 24 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 25 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 26 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 27 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 28 of 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item C3 Page 29 of 29 Town of Aurora Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Monday, August 21, 2017 Time and Location: 2 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair), Diane Buchanan, Steve Hinder, Tim Jones, Brian North, and Jo-anne Spitzer Members Absent: Councillor Sandra Humfryes Other Attendees: Stephanie Mackenzie-Smith, Manager of Corporate Communications, Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Steve Hinder Seconded by Brian North That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 3. Receipt of the Minutes General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C4 Page 1 of 4 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, August 21, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2017 Moved by Tim Jones Seconded by Diane Buchanan That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 22, 2017, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations None 5. Matters for Consideration 1. Round Table Discussion Re: 2017 Awards Event – Debrief Staff noted the positive feedback received on the event and provided an update on the comments received regarding award categories, including the Good Business Award, Green Award, and Community Leadership Award. The Committee discussed various options and challenges, and agreed that the current selection of categories should be maintained and that the criteria should focus on community. Staff and Committee discussed further elements of the awards event including the opening ceremonies, presentation and photo op area, food and beverage, and sponsorships. Moved by Tim Jones Seconded by Jo-Anne Spitzer 1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2017 Awards Event – Debrief be received and the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C4 Page 2 of 4 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, August 21, 2017 Page 3 of 4 2. Round Table Discussion Re: 2018 Awards Event – Plans Staff and Committee discussed various logistical options for the next awards event including food and beverage, ceremony and reception format, invitations, venue, entertainment, promotion, and minor revisions to the nomination form. It was agreed that the 2018 Community Recognition Awards event will be held on Monday, May 28, 2018, at Town Hall. Moved by Brian North Seconded by Jo-Anne Spitzer 1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2018 Awards Event – Plans be received and the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 6. Informational Items 3. Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017 Re: Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2017 Moved by Steve Hinder Seconded by Tim Jones 1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017, regarding the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 22, 2017, be received for information. Carried 7. New Business The Committee discussed the structure and location of future meetings and agreed that formal meetings are not yet needed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C4 Page 3 of 4 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, August 21, 2017 Page 4 of 4 8. Adjournment Moved by Brian North Seconded by Diane Buchanan That the meeting be adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C4 Page 4 of 4 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. CAO17-006 Subject: Engagement of Review of JOC Project and Costs Prepared by: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer Department: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Date: October 3, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. CAO17-006 be received; and 2. That Internal Audit Services of the Region of York be engaged to review and report on the JOC Project and Costs using Brook Laker & Associates as outlined in report CAO17-006, for a total fee of $29,000 excluding HST, to be funded from within expected 2017 operating surplus. Executive Summary To report back to Council regarding their request for an external review of the costs of the JOC project and lessons to be learned from it. • Internal Audit Services of the Region of York will coordinate the project. • Quotations were obtained from two third-party audit firms, with quotes for two optional levels of work. • Funding required is in addition to 2017 Operating Budget availability Background At its meeting of April 11, 2017, Council considered Report No. FS17-003 – Joint Operations Centre (JOC) Project: Financial Summary Report, as well as a prior report IES17-001 – Facility Project Status Report – JOC Final Report. Among the recommendations approved, the following additional recommendations were approved by Council on by way of amendments: That staff be directed to request that York Region conduct an independent auditor’s review of the Joint Operations Centre project; and That staff be directed to compile a comprehensive list of “lessons learned” respecting the Joint Operations Centre and Aurora Family Leisure Complex projects for future reference by staff and Council; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R1 Page 1 of 6 October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Report No. CAO17-006 That staff be directed to report back on the total cost of the Joint Operations Centre project. Analysis A Terms of Reference for the proposed review was developed Staff worked with the Director of Audit Services of the Region of York to develop a terms of reference for the review which will fulfil all three of the above resolutions. Attachment #1 is the Background document issued by the Region of York to solicit independent audit firms to quote on the proposed work. Two quotations were requested of each bidder The Background document solicited quotations to be prepared based on two option levels of review as follows: Option 1: Full audit, including budgeting, procurement, change orders, land acquisition, funding, accounting and reporting, and lessons to be learned. Option 2: Limited project review, focusing on validation of the reported budget and cost figures, analysis of scope reductions and costs to complete the project and confirmation of final project cost vs budget variance. Quotations were received from two independent audit firms previously used by the Region of York on similar assignments, with one bidder being the lowest for both options as follows (excluding HST): Firm Option 1: full audit cost Option 2: limited scope Brook Laker & Associates $72,500 $29,000 To ensure independence and adequate supervision, the contractor will be engaged and supervised by the Internal Audit Services of the Region of York. The Town will be required to pay for the contractor. No additional fees will be incurred for the Region staff time. Funding required exceeds 2017 Operating Budget availability The Town carries in its annual budget a provision for internal audit services, a shared initiative of the N6 municipalities. The areas of internal audit for 2017 were previously General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R1 Page 2 of 6 October 3, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Report No. CAO17-006 assigned and committed. This work requested by Council is in addition to the normal budget provision of internal audit services. Staff recommend proceeding with the limited scope assignment, and to authorize the Region of York to engage Brook Laker & Associates to conduct this work for the Town. Funding for this work will be from within the currently anticipated 2017 Operating Budget surplus. Future forecasts will reflect this commitment. Advisory Committee Review None Financial Implications As noted, the Town has previously committed its internal audit services budget for 2017. This JOC review work is recommended to be funded from within the currently anticipated 2017 operating surplus. Communications Considerations The decision to proceed with the review of the JOC project and lessons learned will be communicated through the regular channels used for normal Council activities. Link to Strategic Plan Engaging in an independent review of the major capital project will support the Strategic Plan principles of progressive corporate excellence and continuous improvement, as well as furthering the goal of maintaining accountability and transparency. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. The Town may choose not to proceed with any further review by adopting a “receive only” resolution. 2. Council may choose to change the option level of the review by revising the second recommendation to the following: That Internal Audit Services of the Region of York be engaged to review and report on the JOC Project and Costs using Brook Laker & Associates as outlined in report General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R1 Page 3 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R1 Page 4 of 6 Background The Director, Audit Services requires the assistance of your firm in performing a review related to the construction of the Town of Aurora Joint Operations Centre (JOC). Construction of the JOC was substantially completed in 2016, and a final report was presented to Council by the Director, Infrastructure and Environmental Services (IES) in January 2017 (see Attachment 1). At that time, Council identified a number of concerns with the information provided by IES and directed staff to prepare a more comprehensive report. In April 2017, the Director, Financial Services presented a second report to Council (see Attachment 2); this report includes an analysis of cost vs. budget, a breakdown of funding sources, estimates for items that remain outstanding, and a list of lessons learned. As a result of continued concerns regarding the manner in which the budgeted and actual costs have been reported, and in light of another significant capital project on the horizon, Council has requested an independent review and analysis. The objectives of this review are to: 1.Provide stakeholders with an accurate accounting of the costs associated with the JOC project and their relationship to the Council-approved budget. 2.Identify opportunities for improvement to ensure that similar issues are avoided going forward. Council will be presented with two options for the scope of this review: Option 1 Full Town of Aurora Joint Operations Centre project audit including (but not limited to) activities related to: -Budgeting -Preparation of tender -Award of contract -Change orders -Land acquisition -Funding sources, including sale of other properties -Accounting -Reporting The audit report will include findings and actionable recommendations for process improvements. Attachment #1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R1 Page 5 of 6 Option 2 Limited Town of Aurora Joint Operations Centre project review focusing on information provided by Financial Services in report FS17-003, including (but not limited to): - Validation of budget and cost figures - Analysis of scope reductions and subsequent costs to complete project - Confirmation of final project cost vs. budget variance The report will include findings and actionable recommendations for process improvements. Attachments For your reference, the following documents have been attached: • Attachment 1 – IES 17-001 (January 2017 report to Council) • Attachment 2 – FS17-003 (April 2017 report to Council, with attachments) • Attachment 3 – 2017-01-31 Council Minutes • Attachment 4 – 2017-04-11 Council Minutes Timeframe Options with tendered quotes will be presented to Council in September 2017, with work expected to begin in October. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R1 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. FS17-043 Subject: Capital Projects Status & Closures as of July 31, 2017 Prepared by: Karen Oreto, Financial Analyst Department: Financial Services Date: October 3, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. FS17-043 be received; and 2. That the capital project closures and capital funding adjustments outlined in Attachments #1 and #2 be approved. Executive Summary To present Council with the information necessary to monitor the Town’s active capital project status as at July 31, 2017 and to seek authorization for staff to close completed projects and make any necessary funding adjustments. Background Twice a year, staff bring forward to Council a report that outlines the financial position of the Town’s active capital projects. The Capital Projects Status & Closures as of July 31, 2017 report provides an overview of the Town’s active capital projects and has been prepared in consultation with the various Town staff who are responsible for managing their department’s capital projects. All capital projects have been reviewed and recommendations provided for any budget adjustments and potential closures of projects. Any funding surpluses arising at project completion will be returned to their original funding sources. This report does not include any projects brought forward by the Aurora Library Board. Analysis As of July 31, 2017, the Town had a total of 174 active projects. Staff is recommending the closure of 24 of these projects. Twenty-three of the projects recommended for General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 1 of 15 October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Report No. FS17-043 closure are outlined in Attachment #1, which collectively have a surplus of $2,422,278 to be returned to their original source of funding. In addition to the closures identified in Attachment #1, staff also recommends funding adjustment to 1 project, which can then be closed as outlined in Attachment #2. The funding adjustment is for $725 with a note of explanation included in the Attachment. Status of Remaining Open Capital Projects – Attachment #3 This schedule provides an inventory and progress status update for the 149 active projects which will remain open as of July 31, 2017. These projects represent a total approved budget value of $91,690,660 with an unspent balance of available as at July 31, 2017 of $36,131,142. Projects closed in Attachment #1 and #2 have been removed from Attachment #3. Advisory Committee Review None Financial Implications This report recommends the closure of 23 capital projects, with a net funding adjustment of $2,422,278 (as noted in Attachment #1) to be returned to their original funding sources, and $725 of net funding adjustments as noted in Attachment #2 and closure of this project. The Town’s portfolio of remaining active capital projects contains 149 projects (outlined in Attachment #3), with a total budgeted/funded value of $91,690,660. To date $55,559,518 has been spent on these projects, with a remaining approved unspent and funded value of $36,131,142. Staff are not authorized to increase the total project budget, or to increase the scope of a capital project without Council’s approval. Communications Considerations The list of open capital projects will be posted to the Town’s Budget and Financial Information web page for openness and accountability. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 2 of 15 October 3, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Report No. FS17-043 Link to Strategic Plan Reporting to Council and the public on the status of approved capital projects and associated funding, and regularly managing and closing these projects demonstrates the Strategic Plan principles of Leadership in Corporate Management, and demonstrates accountability and transparency to the community of the local government. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Amend the recommended projects for closure and/or funding adjustments. 2. Direct further alternative options as required. Conclusions Staff from all departments, continue to work on completing all outstanding active capital projects for which Council has approved and committed funding, and that the community anticipates their completion. This report is intended to update Council on the status of each active approved project: bring closure to some, funding adjustments to others, and provide a status report on all remaining projects. Attachments Attachment #1 – Capital Projects to be Closed with Funds Returned to Source Attachment #2 – Capital Projects Funding Adjustments and Closure of 1 Project Attachment #3 – Active Capital Project Listing Previous Reports FS17-012, Capital Projects Status & Closures as of December 31, 2016, to General Committee April 18, 2017. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 3 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R2 Page 4 of 15 Attachment # 1 - Page 1 of 2Town of AuroraAttachment #1Capital Projects to be Closed with Funds Returned to SourceAs of July 31, 2017CORPORATE SERVICES1.01 Mobile and Remote Worker Strategy (14046)15,00015,0002012Project cancelled. Return $15,000 to Growth & New Capital ReserveFINANCIAL SERVICESINFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICESEngineering and Capital Delivery1.02Street Light Improvements - Wellington St. (34707) 366,600 19,251 347,3492013Project cancelled. Return $312,614 to Roads & Related DC and Roads R & R Reserve $34,7351.03 Street Light Poles St John's (34710) 119,100 21,04298,0582014Project cancelled. Return $98,058 to Roads R & R Reserve.1.04 Street Light Poles - Bayview (34711) 225,000 5,663219,3372015Project cancelled. Return $219,337 to Roads R & R Reserve.1.05 Speed Message Board (34522) 8,000 -8,0002013 Unable to proceed with software upgrade, close project. Return $8,000 to Roads & Related DC. 1.06 PlaceSpeak (34528) 30,000 25,4394,5612017 Project complete and can be closed. Return $4,561 to Roads Related DC. 1.07 Bulk Water Meter Installation (43044)580,000-580,0002014 Project cancelled. Return $580,000 to Water & Sewer Reserve. Infrastructure OperationsFleet Management1.08 Ford F 150 (#14) (34198) 45,000 29,07715,9232017Project complete and can be closed. Return $15,923 to Fleet R & R Reserve.1.09 Chev Express (#20) (34230) 60,000 42,35417,6462017Project complete and can be closed. Return $17,646 to Fleet R & R Reserve.1.10 Chev Express (#21) (34231) 60,000 42,35417,6462017Project complete and can be closed. Return $17,646 to Fleet R & R Reserve.1.11 Replacement of By-Law Vehicle (#403) (24006) 40,000 33,2386,7622017 Project complete and can be closed. Return $6,762 to Fleet R & R Reserve.Facilities1.12 JOC - Solar Panels (72265) 130,000 125,0384,9622016Project complete and can be closed. Return $4,962 to Green Initiative Reserve Fund1.13 Firehall 4-3 - Air Conditioning Unit (72279)10,000 9,941592017Project complete and can be closed. Return $59 to Facilities R & R Reserve. 1.14 AFLC - Squash Courts Floor Replacement (72274) 100,000100,0002016 Grant funding, not approved. Return Town portion of $67,000 to Facilities R & R Reserve. 1.15AFLC - LED Lighting for Arena, Pool and Squash Courts (72225)150,000150,0002016 Grant funding, not approved. Return Town portion of $100,500 to Facilities R & R Reserve. 1.16 AFLC - Pool Dehumidification Replacement (72211) 237,300 201,56835,7322015 Project complete and can be closed. Return $35,732 to Facilities R & R Reserve. Report Line RefClose Project Account / Disposition of BalanceYear of Original ApprovalProject Total Approved Funding Total Expendituresto July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit)General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 5 of 15 Attachment # 1 - Page 2 of 2Town of AuroraAttachment #1Capital Projects to be Closed with Funds Returned to SourceAs of July 31, 2017Report Line RefClose Project Account / Disposition of BalanceYear of Original ApprovalProject Total Approved Funding Total Expendituresto July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit)1.17 AFLC - Pool Tile and Drains* (72209)350,000350,0002017 Grant funding not approved. Return Town portion of $234,500 to Facilities R & R Reserve. 1.18 AFLC - Re & Re Duct Work* (72210) 75,00075,0002017 Grant funding not approved. Return Town portion of $50,250 to Facilities R & R Reserve. PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES1.19 Artifical Turf Repair - soccer goal areas (73189) 35,000 -35,0002016 Work will not take place. Return $35,000 to Parks R & R Reserve. 1.20 Playground Replacement - E Hader Park (73206) 100,000 100,0002015 Project deferred. Return $100,00 to Parks R & R Reserve. 1.21 Tennis Court Resurface - Fleury Park (73228) 40,000 30,3619,6392016 Project complete and can be closed. Return $9,639 to Parks R & R Reserve.Project came in lower than expected because damage was not as significant as originally anticipated. 1.22 Tennis Court Resurface - Summit Park (73229) 20,000 19,1438572016 Project complete and can be closed. Return $857 to Parks R & R Reserve. 1.23 Tennis Court Resurface - McMahon Park (73230) 75,000 25,75349,2472016 Project complete and can be closed. Return $49,247 to Parks R & R Reserve. Project came in lower than expected because damage was not as significant as originally anticipated. 1.24 Willow Farm Trail Improvements (73277) 181,500 181,5002017 Grant funding not approved. Return Town portion of $121,000 to Parks R & R Reserve. PLANNING & BUILDING SERVICESTOTAL3,052,500$ 630,222$ 2,422,278$ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 6 of 15 Attachment # 2 - Page 1 of 1Town of AuroraAttachment #2Capital Projects Funding Adjustmentsand Closure of 1 ProjectAs of July 31, 2017INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES2.01* Woodchipper (#300) (34229)60,000 60,725(725) (725)$0Project complete. Fund deficit of $725 from Fleet R & R Reserve.Total(725)$*1 Projects that are complete and can be closed (high-lighted above) (725) Projects that require funding adjustments but will remain open -(725)Report Item RefExplanationRevised Remaining Available BudgetProposed Budget AdjustmentProject (Project Ref. #) Total Approved Funding Total Expendituresas of July 31, 2017Remaining Available Budget Surplus/ (Deficit)General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 7 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 1 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 20173.01 Organization Structural Review (12026)100,000 31,13568,86520152018 Project ongoing. 3.02 Cultural Precinct Plan (73261) 80,000 64,93515,06520152017Project ongoing. Currently initiating detailed design.3.03 Accessibility Committee (12002) 475,000 73,236401,76420162018Project is ongoing. 2017 planned expenditures are on track to be completed by Q4.3.04 Customer Care Implementation Plan (12016) 453,100 255,735197,3652010/20122018 In progress. Conditional on shared projects.3.05 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (12025) 186,000 92,26193,73920132019In progress. Phase II almost complete. Starting Phase III.3.06 Bylaw Permit Parking Program (24012) 25,000 -25,00020162018In progress. Currently exploring cloud based options. Expeceted completion by Q4 2017.3.07 Radios for By-Law Officers (24015) 25,00025,00020172018 In progress. Expected completion by Q4 2017.3.08Computer & Related Infrastructure Evergreening (14047)151,900 37,280114,6202017Q4 2017Project ongoing, equipment being sourced by procurement. Completion expected Q4 2017.3.09 Fibre Optic Infrastructure (14053) 160,000 155,7854,2152011/2012Q4 2017Other project priorities halted this project. Remaining funds will be used by the end of Q4 2017.3.10 Eclipse Project Portfolio Management (14058) 25,00025,0002012Q2 2018Decision to centralize project management preceeding the acquisition of software. Project on hold. Funds anticipated to be utilitzed by Qtr 2 2018. 3.11 TH - Council Chambers A/V System (72238) 657,922 583,82274,1002015Q3 2017System fine tuned and changes made. Final project payments estimated to be completed at the end of Q3.3.12 IT Strategic Plan (14063) 80,00080,0002014Q1 2018Other project priorities halted this project. Going out to market for consultant in Q3 2017.3.13 Business Continuity/IT Disaster Recovery (14062) 25,000 13,20311,7972015Q4 2017Business Continuity/IT Disaster Recovery infrastructure work underway. Expected completion Q4 2017.Report Item RefCAOCORPORATE SERVICES Year of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project StatusAccess AuroraHuman ResourcesInformation TechnologyBy Law ServicesGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 8 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 2 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project Status3.14 Mobility Solutions (14065)45,000 30,13414,8662015Q4 2017Technology acquisitions partially complete for Meeting Management project. Remaining funds to source additional components as needed once voting has launched. 3.15 Joint Ops LAN Room & DR site (14037) 75,000 63,11011,8902017Q4 2017Project nearing completion. Waiting for final invoicing.3.16 Wireless Upgrades and Enhancements (14068) 18,000 19,489(1,489)2017Work complete for 2017, additional funding requested in 2018.3.17 Meeting Management Software (13008) 105,000 42,23462,76620132,018Two phase project. Phase 1 is currently in progress and phase 2 will commence immediately after.3.18 Records and Information Management (14035)700,000 610,73189,2692009/2012Q3 2017Phase 4 - software installed and testing is currently underway.3.19Emergency Response Plan Update & Continuation of Operations Plan (13011)35,00035,00020172018Project has been delayed pending potential N6 partnership initiative.3.20 Financial System Upgrade (14012)100,000 90,7019,29920162017Additional Work on G/L realignment for facilties division, other optimization and upgrade work.3.21 Financial System Optimization (14060) 110,000 96,91213,08820132018Additional work to be completed with respect to FIR.3.22Bloomington, Yonge to Bayview Sidewalk/Bike Illumination (31056)883,569 608,876274,6932010/2011Q4 2017 Waiting for final invoice from York Region. 3.23Design - Elderberry Trail, Springmaple Chase, Houdini Way (31079)2,008,900 1,030,516978,3842013Q3 2018 Line painting. 1 year maintenance for painting.3.24Reconstruction - Centre St. (Yonge to Walton Dr.) (31103)884,900 540,542344,3582012Q3 2017Project complete. 1 yr maintenance ending Q4 20173.25Recon - Bluegrass, Steeplechase, Woodsend & Skyview (31096)1,937,700 1,011,957925,7442014Q3 2018 Line painting. 1 year maintenance for painting.3.26S/W, Multi-Use Trail & Illumination - Leslie St from Wellington St to Don Hillock (34610)192,810 9,974182,83620142018 Design complete, construction scheduled for 2018. Part of a Regional project. 3.27S/W, Multi-Use Trail & Illumination - St John's Sdrd - Bayview Ave to Leslie St. (34635)1,444,000 32,6161,411,38420142017 Design complete, construction scheduled for 2017. Part of a Regional project. 3.28 Recon - Haida Dr & Trillium Dr (31105) 960,700 522,451438,2492015Q3 2018 Top course installed Q3 2017 - 1 yr maint.3.29 Recon - Brookland - Yonge to Banbury (31107) 1,864,600 63,2371,801,36320152017 Construction to take place in 2017.3.30Recon - Algonquin Cres & Haida Dr (31108) 1,771,600 724,2891,047,3112015Q4 2018 Top course in 2018.3.31 Recon - Catherine Ave (31111)974,300 774,218200,0822015Q2 2018 Top course installed Q2 2017- 1 yr maint..INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICESFINANCIAL SERVICES Strategic InitiativesEngineering and Capital DeliveryLegal ServicesLegislative ServicesGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 9 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 3 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project Status3.32Recon - Industrial Pkwy S - Wellington to Industy St (31112)2,672,031 2,422,425249,6062014Q3 2018 Top course in Q3 2017 - 1yr maint.3.33Recon - Kennedy St W & Temperance St (31109) 113,959 35,93178,02820162018 Construction to take place in 2018. 3.34 Recon - Murray Dr (section) and Pinehurst Crt (31113) 120,000120,0002016Q3 2018 Construction to take place in 2018. 3.35 S/W Repair - Henderson/Tamarac/Poplar (34611) 435,000435,00020162019 Design postponed to Q4 2017, construction to be done in 2019. 3.36S/W - Industrial Pkwy N - E Side, AFLC - St John's, W Side, Montesorri School to St John's (34627)515,600 315,841199,7592016Q3 2017 Under maintenance until Sept 30/17.3.37S/W - Mary St - Industrial Pkwy S - Wellington St W (34629)661,000 42,436618,56420162017 Design in progress. Region approval needed 3.38S/W Repair - St John's Sdrd - Gateway to Industrial Pkwy N (34613)25,00025,0002017Q3 2018 Design and construction in 2018.3.39Yonge/Wellington Intersection Improvement (34527) 75,00075,0002017Region retained consultant for this study3.40S/W, Multi-use Trail and Illumination - Leslie St - Wellington to State Farm (34620)361,580361,5802017Q4 2018 Leslie Phase 2 started in July3.41Sanitary Sewer on Leslie St to Service 2C Lands (41006)1,543,300 35,1491,508,15120142017To be constructed by 2C developer, Town will pay.3.42 Wastewater Hydraulic Model (41004) 100,000 5,90394,0972015Q3 2018 Work in progress.3.43 Decommission Sewer - Wells St PS (41007) 300,000 156,646143,3542015Q2 2018 Construction complete Q2 2017- 1 yr maint.3.44 3 Phase Electrical Power (41009) 120,000 -120,0002015Q4 2018 RFP to be issued in 2017.3.45 Maintenance of Culverts - Yonge/Batson (42054) 100,000 53,77746,2232015Q3 2018 Design in progress. Construction in 2018.3.46 Town Wide Stream Erosion Master Plan (42057) 117,790 4,536113,2542015Q2 2018 Design work ongoing.3.47 Water Meter Replacement Program (43038) 1,583,896 994,553589,3432012ongoingOngoing project. Additional funds requested in 2018.3.48 Backflow Prevention Program (43039) 50,000 -50,00020122019 Work in progress. Rating businesses. 3.49 St John's Sdrd - Leslie to 2C (43048) 1,661,000 35,3251,625,67520152017To be constructed by 2C developer, Town will pay. Construction scheduled for 2017.3.50 Reconnection - Bathurst/Orchard Hts (43053) 70,000 -70,0002015Work to be completed by York Region.3.51Water Hydraulic Model (43040) 100,000 21,74778,2532015Q2 2018 Work in progress.3.52Decommission Well House Behind Ransom Crt (43047)40,000 -40,0002016Q4 2017Completion of project with existing resources is being explored.3.53 SCADA Monitoring System (41010) 200,000 16,556183,44420162018Phase 1 assessment completePhase 2 Design - 2017Phase 3 Implementation - 20183.54 Storm Sewer Reserve Fund and Rates Study (42059) 50,000 35,48414,5162016Q2 2018 Work in progress.3.55 Street Light Conversion to L.E.D. (34709) 3,354,200 2,282,3011,071,89920142017 Project nearing completion, waiting on final supply of coach lights 3.56 Street Lights (31151) 50,000 1,72048,2802016Q4 2017 Ongoing.3.57 Maximo Upgrade to 7.6 (31153) 75,000 75,0002017Q2 2018 To start in Q4 2017.Water, Wastewater and Sewer SystemGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 10 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 4 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project Status3.58 Sanitary Sewer CCTV Inspection (41011) 150,000 43,007106,9932017ongoing Multi year project. 3.59 Structural Watermain Relining Program (43054) 779,395 65,826713,5692017Q4 2017 Work under way.3.60 Bulk Water Station (43058) 60,000 60,00020172017 Site prepped. Waiting for station to be installed. 3.61 Flood Study for Tannery Creek (42062) 75,000 75,0002017Q4 2018 RFP to be issued Q4 2017.3.62 Catch Basin Cleaning (42063) 95,000 95,00020172017 Project tendered. 3.63 Storm Sewer Outlet Cleanup (42064) 50,000 50,0002017Q4 2018 RFP to be issued Q4 2017.3.64Oversized Storm Pipe Assessment and Clean Up (42065) 500,000 500,0002017Q4 2017 Project awarded work to start Q3 2017. 3.65Damaged Storm Pipe off Henderson Dr (42066) 150,000 150,0002017Q4 2018 Project to be done with York Region.3.66Temperance St Parking Lot Retaining Wall and Stairs (31173)60,00060,0002017Q4 2017 Design complete / construction Q3-Q4 2017.3.67 IES Closed Projects Contingency (31115) 50,000 -50,0003.68Ford F 150 (#2) (34197)45,00045,00020172017 Waiting for final invoice.3.69JD Zero Turn Mower (#257) (71105)112,100 36,61575,48520172017 Waiting for final invoice.3.70Forklift (34408)31,08831,08820172017 Waiting for final invoice.3.71Sign Truck (34411)160,000160,00020172018 Tender awarded, waiting for delivery.3.72Back up Cameras for Existing Vehicles (34407)50,00050,0002017Project approved, pending a report back to Council. 3.73 215 Industrial Pkwy. Exterior Works (72146)145,0006,666138,33420122017Waiting for condition report. Possibility of doing work in 2017.3.74 ACC Lot Repave (72133) 1,839,499 1,779,80059,69920142017 Project complete. Finishing up deficiencies. 3.75 Work Station Refresh, Carpet, etc (72201) 270,000 67,168202,83220152020 Project ongoing. 3.76 Cameras - HDIP (72204) 50,000 -50,00020152018Additional funding requested in 2018 to complete all buildings.3.77 22 Church St/Library - Exterior Repairs (72219) 120,000 75,48944,51120152017Outside work completed. Facility brick repairs pending.3.78 AFLC - Arena Dehumidifiers (72226) 135,000 8,573126,42720152018 Work to be completed in 2018. Retaining mechanical engieer consultant for review and specifications. 3.79 89 Mosley - Condition Assessment Report (72241)* 425,000 8,904416,0962015Assessment complete. Work to be tendered. 3.80 Building Condition Report (72202) 174,830 101,69873,1322015Work in progress. Received draft report from consultant.3.81 Library - LED Light Study (72237) 15,000 -15,0002015Q4 2017 Site inspection to be done to determine next steps. 3.82 Community Radio Station and Sound Studio (74010) 10,00010,0002015Waiting for further direction.Facilities Infrastructure OperationsFleet ManagementGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 11 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 5 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project Status3.83ACC - Improvement of Aurora Community Centre (72175)*425,000 136,013288,98720162018Work in progress. Project must be completed by March 2018.3.84SARC - Improvement to Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (72221)*425,000 95,849329,15120162018Work in progress. Project must be completed by March 2018.3.85 AFLC - Whirpool and Pool Heaters (72247) 50,00050,0002016Waiting for engineers report.3.86 Library - Brick Works (72248) 30,00030,00020162017 Work complete. Waiting for final invoice.3.87 AFLC - Roof Top Unit (72250) 35,000 4,22330,77720162017 Waiting for consultation with mechanical consultant. 3.88 ACC - Replace Rooftop HVAC (72132) 250,000250,0002017Waiting for engineers report.3.89 AFLC - Signs (72139) 50,00050,0002017Work in progress.3.90 ACC - Auditorium (72155) 70,00070,0002017Design phase.3.91 3 Stream - Recycling Containers (72182) 40,00040,0002017Q4 2017 Should be finished by the end of the year.3.92 JOC - Fuel Management System (72195) 100,000 85,19814,80220172017Infrastructure installed, vehicle installation ongoing.3.93 Library - Accessible Door Installation - Yonge St (7225820,00020,0002017Work in progress. 3.94 SARC - Cooling Evaporator Tower (72263) 75,00075,0002017Project to be tendered.3.95 22 Church St - Exterior Painting (72267) 25,00025,00020172017 Work complete. Waiting for final invoice.3.96 AED Replacement - Various Locations (72269) 35,00035,00020172017 Items purchased. Waiting for final invoice. 3.97 SARC - Retrofit Shower Fixtures (72270) 35,00035,00020172017 Work in progress. 3.98 SARC - Replace Inverter Systems for Fire Panel (7227115,00015,00020172017 Awarded. Work to be completed year end. 3.99 Library - Improvements - Canada 150 Intake II* (72275) 300,000300,00020172018In progress. Project must be complete by March 2018.4.00 SARC - Improvements Canada 150 Intake II* (72276) 375,000375,00020172018In progress. Project must be complete by March 2018.4.01 ACC - Improvements - Canada 150 Intake II* (72277) 400,000400,00020172018In progress. Project must be complete by March 2018.4.02 ACC - Rubber Flooring Repairs (72280) 12,00012,00020172018 Work in progress. 4.03 Mobile Two Way Handheld Radios (72273) 40,00040,0002017Project being coordinated between By-law and IES.4.04 Victoria Hall - Accessibility Ramp Installation (72259) 20,00020,0002017Project approved, pending a report back to Council. 4.05 SARC - Refresh Program Room (72272) 20,00020,0002017Project approved, pending a report back to Council. 4.06Parks/Trails Signage Strategy Study & Implementation (73134) 599,350 266,356 332,9942011/20122018Last trail signage phase going to procurement late Q3 20174.07 Arboretum Development (73085) 740,000 566,543 173,4572008-2013ongoing Multi year project. CulturePARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICESParksGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 12 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 6 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project Status4.08 Former Kwik Kopy Trail Connection (73107) 185,000 110,16374,8372009Waiting on approval from LSRCA.4.09 Parks Pathway System (73117) 285,000 278,4396,5612011/20122017 Work will be complete by year end. 4.10 Street Tree Planting Contract (73119) 739,892 177,816562,07620102018 Planting continues into the fall this year. 4.11 Rotary Park Upgrade (73159) 15,893 12,4403,45320122018Project to remain open pending further conversation with Rotary Club and TATC.4.12 Emerald Ash Borer Management Program (73160) 1,094,850 733,457361,3932013ongoing Multi year project. 4.13 Site Servicing - Stewart Burnett (73161) 2,040,500 248,7861,791,71420124.14 Pedestrian Underpasses (73177) 1,036,218 163,958872,26020122019 Construction scheduled for 20184.15 2C West Ecologoical Integrity Monitoring (73260) 212,400 71,074141,32620142023Project commitment for a 10 year period. Year 4 of 10. 4.16 Natural Ice Rink Cells (73233) 54,000 54,00020144.17 Queens Jubilee Park Access (73252) 567,000 254,658312,34220142017 Project will be complete end of year.4.18 Playground Surface Restoration (73154) 30,900 3,60227,2982015ongoing Project ongoing. 4.19 Bridge Assessment (73193) 65,000 50964,49120152018LSRCA out for RFQ for design. Staff will need to report back to council pending cost estimates and additional funding if required.4.20 Wildlife Park - North Dam Rehabilitation (73268) 700,000 168,177531,82320152018MNR approvals pending, works to be completed in 2018.4.21 Trail Construction as per Trail Master Plan (73147) 150,000 150,00020152018Waiting on developers to complete access routes.4.22 Wildlife Park - Phase 1/2/3 (73169) 1,200,000 1,200,0002015Project is currently in design and approval stages involving MNR and LSRCA final approvals date unknown at this time.4.23Improvements to Fleury Park Washroom Facility (73242)*150,000 6,662143,3382016Staff are awaiting comments from LSRCA on alternative washroom designs based on prefabricated building. Project may be deferred pending LSRCA comments. Staff to report back to Council on this project.4.24Mavrinac Park (73285) 1,723,076 224,1151,498,96120162017 Project to be completed early October 20174.25 Playground Replacement - Lundy Park (73209) 75,000 75,00020172017Project to be completed early October 2017, can be closed end of 20174.26 Tennis Court Resurface - N Weller Park (73227) 20,000 20,00020172017 Project complete. Waiting for final invoicing. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 13 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 7 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project Status4.27 Convert Pathway Lighting to LED (73289) 30,000 30,00020172017 LED lights being installed - close end of 20174.28 Traffic Circle Improvements in 2B (73291) 25,000 25,00020172018Work will be completed by end of Q3 this year. Additional funding reqeusted for next year to do more work.4.29 Bandshell/Washroom Roof & Paint (73190) 30,000 11,33618,66420172017Roofing completed - painting in Sept - close end of 2017.4.30 Replace Artificial Turf - Sheppard's Bush (73223) 1,386,800 1,386,80020172018Tender with purchasing - tender issued end of Sept.4.31Grade Separated Crossing Wellington E of John West Way (73243) 60,000 60,00020172017 RFP awarded and with consultant4.32Light Armoured Vehicle at Aurora Cenotaph (73282) 15,000 8,7246,27620162017 Work will be completed by year end. 4.33Stewart Burnett Park Playground and Parking Facility (73286) 400,000 5,835394,16520172018 Parking lot tender to be issued in early Q44.34 Picnic Tables/Garbage Receptacles (73292) 15,000 1,87013,13020172018Work being completed in house. Additional funds requested as part of the 2018 budget process.4.35 Museum Collection Infrastructure (74013) 15,000 2,99912,00120172018 Additional equipment to be purchased in 2018.4.36 Canada 150 Celebrations (74012) 94,000 22,81171,18920172018Project ongoing to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday. 4.37 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame (74017) 50,500 50,500-Project ongoing. Additional funding requested as part of the 2018 budget process. 4.38 Sport Aurora Sustainability (74018) 93,700 14,03579,6652017Project ongoing.4.39Canine Commons Leash Free Park Improvement (73301) 72,000 72,00020172017Mulch/paving components are complete. Fencing to be completed by Q4 2017.4.40 PRS Closed Projects Contingency (73187) 50,000 50,0004.41 Fitness Equipment Replacement (74007) 178,600 121,36657,2342012ongoingProject ongoing, additional equipment to be purchased in 2017.4.42 Mobile Devices for BBS (24011)100,000 21,66278,3382016Q2 2018 Ongoing project.4.43 Building Division Website Portal (24013) 75,00075,0002017Project delayed4.44 Update of Zoning Bylaw (81004) 140,000 94,530 45,4702007-2011Q4 2017Project is not finalized. Waiting for appeals to be dealt with before we can begin printing.4.45 Community Improvement Plan (81015) 666,473 80,895 585,5782014Project ongoing.4.46Official Plan Review/Conformity to Places to Grow (81001) 300,000 -300,0002016tbdProject delayed due to Provincial Plan Review and Regional Official Plan Review.4.47 Library Square Conceptual Plans (81019) 500,000 500,0002017Q2 2018 Project ongoing.4.48 15059 Leslie Street (12019)7,459,536 7,389,11870,4192011/20122017 Project ongoing. Pending sale of final property.4.49 Town of Aurora Strategic Plan (12015) 50,00050,0002015Q4 2017 Project ongoing.Long Range & Strategic Planning Development Planning DivisionBuilding DivisionPLANNING & BUILDING SERVICESRecreationGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 14 of 15 Attachment # 3 - Page 8 of 8Town of AuroraAttachment #3Active Capital Project ListingAs of July 31, 2017Report Item RefYear of Approval / # of Projects Expenditures to July 31, 2017 Current Balance Surplus/ (Deficit) Project Description Total Approved FundingExpected Date of CompletionNotes on Project StatusTotal91,690,660 55,559,518 36,131,142 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R2 Page 15 of 15 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. FS17-044 Subject: 2018 Fees and Charges Update Prepared by: Laura Sheardown, Financial Analyst – Cash Flow & Investments Department: Financial Services Date: October 3, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. FS17-044 be received; and 2. That the 2018 Fees and Charges for applications, permits, use of Town property, the sale of Town publications and for the prescribed service charges for administrative matters as itemized on the attached schedules be approved: Schedule A – General Fees and Charges Schedule B – Planning and Building Services Schedule C – Corporate Services Schedule D – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Schedule E – Infrastructure and Environmental Services Schedule F – Financial Services; and 3. That the necessary by-law be enacted at a future Council meeting. Executive Summary All fees and charges listed on the schedules attached to the Fees and Charges Bylaw are for user pay services, where the requesting party is the sole beneficiary from the service. Most of the fees are on a full cost recovery basis, which allows the Town to fully recover the costs of providing a specific service or use of property. The annual review of the Fees and Charges bylaw allows staff the opportunity to ensure that the Town is recovering the cost of user pay services and make changes if required. Background Council last reviewed the Town’s Fees and Charges Bylaw in October of 2016. The bylaw is structured to align fees with departmental owners in the form of schedules for General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 1 of 25 October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Report No. FS17-044 each department in order to facilitate reviews and updates as required. It has been the Town’s practice to review the attached schedules annually and to make revisions as required. Analysis Most of the changes on the schedules are as a result of a minimum 2.1% increase to reflect the impact of inflation on the cost of each service’s delivery as per the direction of Council. These inflationary increases are necessary in order to maintain desired applicable service cost recovery benchmarks. All fees increased for other reasons or rationales will be explained within the individual schedules listed below and are flagged with the ‘*’ symbol on the right hand side. The final schedules to the Fees and Charges Bylaw will only include the 2018 fees column. Schedule A – General Fees and Charges Inflationary indexing only. Schedule B – Planning and Building Services Planning and Building Services is adding a fee to allow them to sell a comprehensive listing of zoning by-law exceptions within Aurora and removing the fees for address and street name changes from the Fees and Charges Bylaw as they are now included in the Planning Bylaw. Schedule C – Corporate Services Legal Services has added two fees, one being for the registration of subdivisions and the other as a general legal fee for Paralegal. Schedule D – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services are proposing the following changes to its fees: • Section 2 (c) Youth Activities – The range has been adjusted to recognize that some of these programs are offered free of charge. • Section 5 (b) & (d) Youth Drop-in and Other Drop-in – Drop-in activities fees have been expanded to include the sale of ‘multi-passes’ for 10 visits for a price lower than purchasing them individually. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 2 of 25 October 3, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Report No. FS17-044 • Section 6 P.A. Day Programs – The range has been adjusted to recognize that some of these programs are offered free of charge and the range of specialty programs offered has been increased. • Section 9 (h) Senior Centre Special Event Vendors – A new fee category and range is being added to recognize the growing trend of Senior Centre Special Events and the costs associated with them. • Section 10 (h) Corporate Memberships – Simplification of the fee structure to provide only one level of corporate membership discount. • Section 10 (i) Youth After-School Member Fee – The fee is being removed from the schedule as the program has been discontinued. • Section 10 (j) Fitness Assessment – Introduction of a new fee to cover the cost of a fitness assessment by Club Aurora staff. • Section 10 (k) FIT Club – Addition of a new fee for an introduction to Club Aurora and personal training for youth. • Section 10 (l) Youth Gymnasium Monthly Membership – A new fee category to allow youth access to the gymnasium through a monthly membership. • Section 10 (n) Promotional membership Discount – A promotional discount to be offered on new membership sales, with Director approval, during key holiday times throughout the year. • Section 12 (c) Squash House League – The fees have been redesigned to match the current program structure. • Section 12 (e) & (f) Squash Equipment Rentals & Equipment Sales – These fee categories are being removed as the program has been discontinued. • Section 14 (f) – (j) Aquatic Personal Training – These fees are being removed as the program has been discontinued. • Section 15 Pool Rental Rates – The pool rental structure has been simplified so that all rentals are now charged by lane. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 3 of 25 October 3, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Report No. FS17-044 • Section 16 (c) Family Skate Pass – The fee range has been revised to allow for a wider variety of options. • Section 18 (n) & (q) 52 and 56 Victoria Street – These fees are being eliminated from the schedule as the facilities are being decommissioned. • Section 18 (z) Public Library Magna & Lebovic Rooms – These fees are being eliminated from the Town’s Fees and Charges Bylaw as control of these rooms, and the associated revenues, are being transferred to the Aurora Public Library effective January 1, 2018. • Section 18 (ab) Locker Rental – This fee is being added to the schedule to allow for the rental of lockers within Town facilities. • Section 19 (g) & (h) Tournaments – This fee structure is being simplified into only one for both adult and youth tournaments. Schedule E – Infrastructure and Environmental Services All Service Connection Fees have been adjusted in order to ensure that that the Town continues to fully recover its anticipated increased service connection costs. The Town has recently received the results of its tender for the provision of these services. Some of the fees have been divided into more than one category to ensure that the amounts being charged are reflective of the cost to the Town for providing the service. Schedule F – Financial Services Inflationary indexing only. Advisory Committee Review The Finance Advisory Committee is not mandated to review the proposed fee changes prior to the review by General Committee. Financial Implications With regards to the Fees and Charges Bylaw, the revised fees proposed here will be used by the departments to complete their revenue projections for the 2018 Operating Budget. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 4 of 25 October 3, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Report No. FS17-044 The proposed 2018 fees and charges have been adjusted in order to reflect changes to departmental costs in providing applicable services to users. All fee increases will alleviate tax pressure on the 2018 tax base, when costs increase as a result of inflation, but non-tax revenues do not increase, the tax revenues must therefore increase by more than inflation to balance the budget. Council should be aware that the fees presented in these schedules include HST where applicable. Communications Considerations Finance and Corporate Communications staff will work together to ensure the proposed fee changes are posted in accordance with the Town’s Notice Provision Policy. Link to Strategic Plan Reviewing and updating the Town’s fees and charges annually for user pay services contributes to achieving the Strategic Plan guiding principle of ‘Leadership in Corporate Management’ and improves transparency and accountability to the community. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Council may choose to accept, amend or reject any or all of the recommendations of this report. 2. Leave fees at 2017 levels and absorb incremental costs of providing related services within the Town’s tax levy. Conclusions Staff recommend endorsement of the proposed changes to the Fees and Charges Bylaw. As part of the annual update of the Town’s fees and charges, staff have ensured that all changes brought forward are a fair representation of the cost of these services and that they are in line with surrounding municipalities for similar services. Attachments Schedule A – General Fees and Charges Schedule B – Planning and Building Services Schedule C – Corporate Services Schedule D – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 5 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R3 Page 6 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule A General Fees and Charges Effective January 1, 2018 Page 1 of 1 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Photocopies (8 1/2 X 11 and 8 1/2 X 14) per page 0.80$0.75$ Photocopies (11x 17)per page 1.40$1.35$ first page 7.05$6.90$ per additional page 2.40$2.35$ Tender documents per set depending on size of document per tender $45.00 to $375.00 $45.00 to $365.00 As required to reimburse costs incurred by the Town of Aurora, including but not limited to Registration Fees, Courier Fees, Corporate and Title Search Fees, external File Retrieval Costs, etc., at the discretion of the Director. each Disbursement Cost Disbursement Cost DISBURSEMENTS Fax Transmittal GENERAL FEES TENDER DOCUMENTS General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 7 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule B Planning and Building Services Department Effective January 1, 2018 Page 1 of 2 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Development Planning Division Maps Official Plan Schedule 'A' Map (18x24 inches) (colour)per map 18.00$ 17.00$ Official Plan Schedules other than 'A' (11x17) (b/w)per map 8.00$ 7.00$ Urban Design Areas Map (11 x 17) (colour)per map 16.00$ 15.00$ Town Street Plan Map (b/w) (22x34 inches)per map 8.00$ 7.00$ Town Street Plan Map (colour) (22x34 inches)per map 13.00$ 12.00$ Town Air Photo Map (34x44 inches)per map 39.00$ 38.00$ Application Status List Map (18x30 inches)per map 13.00$ 12.00$ Oak Ridges Moraine Map Schedule 'J' as per Official Plan 48 (11 x 17) (b/w)per map 16.00$ 15.00$ Official Plans Official Plan per OP 54.00$ 53.00$ 2C Secondary Plan per copy 33.00$ 32.00$ Secondary Plans per Secondary Plan 23.00$ 22.00$ Aurora Promenade Study per copy 54.00$ 53.00$ Secondary Plans Consolidation per copy 43.00$ 42.00$ Official Plan Amendment (Various)per copy 11.00$ 10.00$ Urban Design Guidelines (Various)per copy 31.00$ 30.00$ Zoning Zoning By-law 2213-78 (2014 Consolidation)per By-law 85.00$ 83.00$ Comprehensive Zoning By-law per copy 30.00$ 30.00$ Comprehensive Zoning Exceptions per copy 85.00$ n/a * Heritage Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Plan per copy 29.00$ 27.75$ Other GIS Analysis per hour 77.00$ 75.00$ Application Status Listing per copy 18.00$ 17.00$ Vacant Employment Land Inventory per copy 18.00$ 17.00$ Address Change each n/a 1,000.00$ * Street Name Change each n/a 1,500.00$ * Circulation Fees, including Labels per circulation 78.00$ 76.00$ Building Division Permitted Use Letter To respond in writing to enquires related to uses of specific properties with respect to permitted uses as set in the Town of Aurora Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended each 41.00$ 40.00$ Administrative Costs Additional costs associated with the administration fee internal processing model homes applications with respect to outside agencies, and engineering review, and corporate policies and procedures per unit 434.00$ 425.00$ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 8 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule B Planning and Building Services Department Effective January 1, 2018 Page 2 of 2 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Construction Activity Report Reports generated upon request providing permit numbers, location, description and construction value each 82.00$ 80.00$ Zoning Review - Residential (single, semi or street townhomes) Zoning review of applications other than a building permit application including zoning review of Committee of Adjustment or Consent applications and determination of legal non- conforming status. each 82.00$ 80.00$ Zoning Review - All Other Building Types Zoning review of applications other than a building permit application including zoning review of Committee of Adjustment or Consent applications and determination of legal non- conforming status. each 164.00$ 160.00$ Sign Review Sign By-law review of applications other than a sign permit application including Sign By-law review of Planning Applications. each 164.00$ 160.00$ Permit fees related to By-law Number 4753- 05.P Pool Enclosure Permits each 307.00$ 300.00$ Hot Tub Permits each 164.00$ 160.00$ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 9 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule C Corporate Services Department Effective January 1, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Basic (Standard template - no changes required)per document 680.00$665.00$ Complex (requires changes to standard template)per document 1,800.00$1,740.00$ Condominium Agreement per document 6,250.00$6,130.00$ Subdivision Agreement per document 8,350.00$8,170.00$ Subdivision Registration Process per plan 2,000.00$N/A* Site Plan/Development Agreement per document 1,650.00$1,635.00$ Encroachment/Licence Agreement per document 680.00$665.00$ Amending Agreement per document $ 680.00 (minimum) $ 665.00 (minimum) Information regarding the status of existing agreements and/or registered documents, including agreements and by-laws per document 125.00$118.00$ Highway Dedication/Subdivision Assumption By-law Legal Administration Fee per by-law 785.00$770.00$ Law Clerk per hour 110.00$100.00$ Paralegal per hour 150.00$N/A* Solicitor per hour 250.00$245.00$ Town Insurance Claim Legal Administration Fee per claim 10% of the value of the claim made by the Town plus disbursements 10% of the value of the claim made by the Town plus disbursements REGISTRATION FEE (i.e. processing of any type of document that requires registration)per document 210.00$205.00$ CERTIFIED PHOTOCOPIES per page $ 11.00 $ 10.75 Application Fee per application $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Manual Search Time and Preparation Time per 15 minutes $ 7.50 $ 7.50 Photocopies per page $ 0.20 $ 0.20 Computer Programing (develop program to retrieve information)per 30 minutes $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Disks per disk $ 10.00 $ 10.00 DOCUMENT PREPARATION/REVIEW (General) - includes but is not limited to easements, permissions to enter, development charges deferral, purchase and sale agreements LEGAL SERVICES Note: All Legal Services fees and/or service charges may be adjusted based on the complexity and nature of the agreement, document, or service as determined by the Town Solicitor to be fair and reasonable. DOCUMENT PREPARATION/REVIEW (Specific) GENERAL LEGAL FEES SERVICES RELATED TO EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS (excluding documents or agreements that fall under Document Preparation/Review (General)) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (F.O.I.) REQUESTS (Fees related to search and records preparation are prescribed by legislation) LEGISLATIVE SERVICES General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 10 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule C Corporate Services Department Effective January 1, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) AudioCD/DVD/ Tape - Council/General Committee/Public Planning/Advisory Committees/Boards meeting per CD/DVD/tape $ 32.00 $ 31.25 Civil Marriage Solemnization Fee per service 490.50$480.25$ Marriage Licences per licence $ 138.00 $ 135.00 Witness Fee (if Town staff are required to be witnesses)per witness $ 61.30 $ 60.00 Rehearsal Fee for offsite Civil Marriage ceremony per service $ 92.00 $ 90.00 Administrative Fee to be charged for change of wedding date within 7 days of scheduled ceremony per change $ 30.75 $ 30.00 Administrative Fee to be charged for cancellation of Civil Marriage ceremony before consultation meeting each $ 61.30 $ 60.00 Administrative Fee to be charged for cancellation of Civil Marriage ceremony after consultation meeting each $ 177.75 $ 174.00 Commission Service per commission $ 20.50 $ 20.00 VITAL STATISTICS INFORMATION Burial Permits (HST Exempt)per permit $ 35.75 $ 35.00 LOTTERY LICENSING Bingo Events (HST Exempt)regulated by Province of Ontario 3% of prize board 3% of prize board Raffles (HST Exempt)regulated by Province of Ontario 3% of prize board 3% of prize board BREAK OPEN TICKETS (NEVADA) (HST Exempt) regulated by Province of Ontario 3% of prize board 3% of prize board CIVIL MARRIAGE SERVICES MAIL OUT COST (Annual Subscription) ADMINISTER OATHS/TAKE AFFIDAVITS This fee is to commission documents for work that is not in connection with business of the Town (i.e. third party) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 11 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule C Corporate Services Department Effective January 1, 2018 Page 3 of 3 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Media Bingo (HST Exempt)regulated by Province of Ontario 3% of prize board 3% of prize board Letters of Approval (HST Exempt) Town approval of Lottery Schemes Licenced by the Province of Ontario per application $ 36.50 $ 35.75 LIQUOR LICENSE CLEARANCE LETTER each $ 178.75 $ 175.00 NO OBJECTION LETTER each $ 81.75 $ 80.00 Provision of AODA Training per person 52.75$51.60$ By-Law Inspection and Attendance Fees Attendance Supervisory Fee hourly $ 52.50 $ 51.25 Non Compliance Re-Inspection Fee per visit $ 107.25 $ 105.00 Pool Enclosure Re-Inspection Fee per visit $ 52.50 $ 51.25 Parking permits per permit $10.25 - $307.50 $10.00 - $300.00 Property Information Request Review of departmental files and documents related to specific property requests relating to zoning, permits, occupancy and general property status each 143.00$140.00$ Parking Permit Fees ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA) TRAINING General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 12 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 1 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 1. ADMINISTRATION a)Membership Refunds (Except Medical Reasons)per refund 38.10$ 37.30$ b)Membership On Hold (Except Medical Reasons)per hold 38.10$ 37.30$ c)Program Refund (Except Medical Reasons)per refund 21.20$ 20.70$ e) Landscaping Administration Fees each 8.168% - less than $100K 7.148% - $100K to $250K 6.126% - $250K to $500K 5.105% - more than $500k 8.168% - less than $100K 7.148% - $100K to $250K 6.126% - $250K to $500K 5.105% - more than $500k f) Landscape Maintenance Fees each 25.525% of estimated value of landscape works installed on municipal property (excludes open space plantings) 25.525% of estimated value of landscape works installed on municipal property (excludes open space plantings) g) Vendor Permit Fee per event/ per day $53.20 - $528.00 $52.10 - $517.00 h) Park Clean Up Fee - Refundable Deposit each $ 100.00 - $1,000.00 $ 100.00 - $1,000.00 i) Program/Event Promotional Material each $ 0.50 - $11.00 $ 0.50 - $10.72 j) Swim Diapers & Swim Goggles each $11.00 - $21.60 $10.85 - $21.15 k) Park Event Set-Up Fee (Mandatory for all groups of 80 or more.) (Includes up to 6 tables + 6 garbage recepticles, access to electrical, water, washrooms, where available.) per event/ per day 347.20$ 340.00$ l) Additional Parks Set-Up Fee (In addition to Park Event Set-Up Fee, for up to 6 additional tables and 6 additional garbage recepticles.) per event/ per day 80.00$ 78.25$ m) Park Permit Maintenance/Damage Deposit (Refundable) (For groups of 25 or more, not requiring an event set-up.) per event/ per day $100.00 - $500.00 $100.00 - $500.00 n)Park/Picnic Shelter Clean-up Fee (Mandatory for all groups of 79 or less.)per event/ per day 102.10$ 100.00$ o)Facility Permit Maintenance/Damage Deposit (Refundable)per event/pe day $ 0 - $1,000.00 $ 0 - $1,000.00 2. REGISTERED SEASONAL PROGRAMS a) Pre-School Activities per class $ 4.45 - $22.20 $ 4.35 - $21.70 b) Children's Activities per class $ 5.50 - $31.80 $ 5.40 - $31.15 c) Youth Activities per class $ 0 - $50.00 $ 3.35 - $40.00 * d) Adult Activities per class $ 7.60 - 58.20 $ 7.40 - 56.95 e) Senior's Activities per class $ 2.85 - $26.60 $ 2.80 - $26.05 f)Family Activities per class $ 4.45 - $11.00 $ 4.35 - $10.75 g) Fitness Programs per class $ 1.85 - $31.80 $ 1.80 - $31.15 h) Seniors Bus Trips per person $ 5.55 - $210.85 $ 5.40 - $206.50 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 13 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 2 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge 3. REGISTERED AQUATICS PROGRAMS a) Lessons - Learn to Swim per class $ 7.05 - $24.50 $ 6.90 - $24.00 b) Leadership Programs per program $ 31.80 - $495.20 $ 31.15 - $485.00 c) Aquatics Specialty Programs per class $ 7.05 - $24.50 $ 6.90 - $24.00 4. REGISTERED CAMP PROGRAMS a) Day Camps per day $ 11.00 - $52.20 $ 10.75 - $51.05 b) Specialty Camps per day $ 12.80 - $93.85 $ 12.50 - $91.90 c) Extended Care per person $ 26.60 - $111.60 $ 26.05 - $109.25 5. DROP-IN ACTIVITIES a) Youth Drop-in per visit Free - $3.10 Free - $3.00 b) Youth Drop-in 10 visits $24.00/10 visits n/a * c) Other per visit Free - $3.15 Free - $3.05 d) Other 10 visits $24.00 - $48.00/10 visits n/a * 6. P.A. DAY PROGRAMS per person $ 0 - $100.00 $ 16.35 - $43.40 * 7. WORKSHOP/ CLINICS/ TOURNAMENTS a) Individual per person $ 2.35 - $16.70 $ 2.30 - $16.35 b) Team per team $ 21.40 - $27.65 $ 20.95 - $27.05 8. POOL PARTY PACKAGES each $172.00 - $318.00 $168.50 - $311.40 9. SPECIAL EVENTS a) Individual per person $ 2.85 - $21.40 $ 2.80 - $20.95 b) Family per family $ 17.50 - $26.65 $ 17.10 - $26.05 Resident Commercial 79.25$ 77.60$ Non-Resident Commercial 158.45$ 155.15$ d) Ribfest Vendors each $ 422.20 - $3,690.50 $ 413.51 - $3,614.34 e) Art Show Entry Fees each $ 11.00 - $42.25 $ 10.75 - $41.35 f) Food Vendors - Non Profit Groups per day 52.90$ 51.82$ g) Food Vendors per day $ 52.90 - $527.55 $ 51.82 - $516.67 h) Senior Centre Special Event Vendors per day $ 0 - $50.00 n/a * c) Float Registration Fees General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 14 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 3 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Adult 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $158.50/$264.80/$436.80 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $155.19/$259.33/$427.80 Additional Family/ Youth/Student/ Senior 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $126.70/$211.65/$349.25 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $124.05/$207.26/$342.04 1 Month Trial 40.15$ 39.30$ 1 Month Renewal 66.75$ 65.35$ Winter Student Special - Home for the Holidays - 1 mth max 42.25$ 41.35$ Spring Break Student Special - 2wk max $21.15/week $20.68/week Summer Student Special May 31 - Aug 31 (4mth)126.70$ 124.05$ Summer Student Special July 1 - Aug 31 (2mth)63.40$ 62.05$ Adult 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $141.80/$235.60/$387.80 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $138.86/$230.75/$379.81 Youth/Student/ Senior 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $112.60/$187.65/$310.65 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $110.27/$183.78/$304.26 1 Month Renewal 59.50$ 58.20$ Adult 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $82.40/$124.10/$201.20 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $80.66/$121.50/$197.05 Youth/ Student/ Senior 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $65.70/$99.05/$161.60 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $64.32/$97.00/$158.26 Child 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $41.70/$62.55/$101.15 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $40.84/$61.26/$99.04 Adult 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $141.80/$235.60/$387.80 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $138.86/$230.75/$379.81 Youth/Student/Senior 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $112.60/$187.65/$310.65 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $110.27/$183.78/$304.26 1 Month Renewal 59.50$ 58.20$ Adult 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $159.50/$265.85/$443.05 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $156.21/$260.36/$433.93 Youth/Student/Senior 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $128.25/$212.70/$354.45 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $125.59/$208.28/$347.14 1 Month Renewal 55.25$ 54.10$ COMBO MEMBERSHIP (Equipment and Group Fitness) ADD ON: Pool Aquafit Squash GROUP FITNESS MEMBERSHIP ADD ON: Pool Aquafit Squash POOL MEMBERSHIP Lane & Leisure Only AQUAFIT MEMBERSHIP ADD ON: Pool a) f) 10. MEMBERSHIPS (Note: All memberships apply to Aurora residents only. Non-Residents are subject to a 25% surcharge.) b) c) d) SQUASH MEMBERSHIP General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 15 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 4 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Pool Package 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $22.95/$33.40/$57.35 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $22.46/$32.67/$56.16 Aquafit Package 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $22.95/$33.40/$57.35 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $22.46/$32.67/$56.16 Squash 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $74.05/$113.65/$188.70 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $72.49/$111.30/$184.80 Group of 3 - 4 n/a 15% Discount * Group of 5 - 10 n/a 20% Discount * Group of 4+ 25% Discount n/a * i)Youth After-School Membership Fee (14-25 yrs)each n/a 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $67.39/$114.35/$181.74 * i) Youth Summer Gymnasium Membership Youth - each 1 month (July or August) $23.50 1 month (July or August) $23.00 j) Fitness Assessment Per Person $ 35.75 n/a * k) FIT Club Per Person $ 32.75 n/a * l) Youth Gymnasium Monthly Membership Youth - each 1 month $23.50 n/a * Adult 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $134.90/$224.45/$370.75 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $132.10/$219.80/$363.10 Additional Family/ Youth/Student/ Senior 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $108.10/$179.15/$296.80 3 mo. 6mo. 1 yr. $105.85/$175.45/$290.70 1 Month Renewal (Adult)57.05$ 55.85$ 1 Month Renewal (Additional Family, youth, student, senior) 45.85$ 44.90$ n)Promotional Membership Discount (with Director Approval)each 15 - 25% Discount on selected membership packages n/a * 11. DAILY USER FEES a) Youth/Adult $7.60/class or $59.45/10 visits $7.40/class or $58.20/10 visits Senior $5.90/class or $46.75/10 visits $5.75/class or $45.75/10 visits b) Leisure Pool - Casual User Fee each $3.45/use or $25.55/10 visits $3.35/use or $25.00/10 visits c)Squash - Daily User Fee (40 min Court Fee)Prime $9.15/use or $71.95/10 visits $8.95/use or $70.45/10 visits d)Squash - Daily User Fee (40 min Court Fee)Non Prime $5.25/use or $41.75/10 visits $5.10/use or $40.85/10 visits e)Squash - Daily User Fee (40 min Court Fee)Senior 20% off listed fee 20% off listed fee f) Recreation Complex Day Pass each $12.80/visit $12.50/visit g) m) Fitness Centre - Casual User Fee (access to group fitness classes, including cyclefit and aquafit) EQUIPMENT AND WEIGHTS MEMEBERSHIP ADD-ON OPTIONS h)CORPORATE MEMBERSHIPS - Per Company General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 16 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 5 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge 12. SQUASH Private 31.80$ 31.15$ Semi Private (per person) $ 23.75 $ 23.25 3 or more (per person) $ 19.05 $ 18.65 b) Clinics per 1.5 hour clinic 12.25$ 12.00$ c)Members n/a free * House League (40 min) - Member (three times per week)Per Session $ 36.50 n/a * House League (40 min) - Non-Member Per Session $ 73.25 - $115.25 n/a * d) Junior Squash Program per week 12.25$ 12.00$ Racquets (plus $20.00 deposit) n/a $ 4.35 * Eye Guards (plus $20.00 deposit) n/a $ 3.35 * Squash Balls n/a 3.35$ * Eye Guards n/a 17.60$ * 13. SEASONAL PACKAGES a) Summer Splash Pass per family 107.40$ 105.16$ b) Summer Squash Special each 111.55$ 109.25$ Private 61.25$ 59.98$ Semi-Private (per person)46.40$ 45.43$ Private 143.35$ 140.39$ Semi-Private (per person)107.65$ 105.42$ Private 250.20$ 245.04$ Semi-Private (per person)187.05$ 183.78$ Private 474.35$ 464.56$ Semi-Private (per person)356.30$ 348.93$ Private 930.90$ 911.75$ Semi-Private (per person)658.85$ 645.27$ Private n/a 62.28$ * Semi-Private (per person)n/a 46.46$ * Private n/a 144.98$ * Semi-Private (per person)n/a 108.48$ * Private n/a 258.31$ * Semi-Private (per person)n/a 193.99$ * Private n/a 490.08$ * Semi-Private (per person)n/a 367.56$ * c) 14. PERSONAL TRAINING PACKAGES Note: All fees are for members. Non-members are subject to a 20% surcharge. Equipment Salesf) a) e) d) e) f) g) h) i) a) b) Land Based Training - Single Session rate Land Based Training - 3 Session Rate (Get Started) One Time Offer Land Based Training - 5 Sessions Land Based Training - 10 Sessions Land Based Training - 20 Sessions Aquatic Personal Training - 3 Session Rate (Getting Started) One Time Offer Lessons (40 min) Equipment Rentals Aquatic Personal Training - 5 Sessions Aquatic Personal Training - 10 Sessions Aquatic Personal Training - Single Session House League (40 min) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 17 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 6 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Private n/a 929.11$ * Semi-Private (per person)n/a 696.83$ * 15. POOL RENTAL RATES per lane/per hour (plus lifeguard costs) $ 11.75 $ 11.50 per pool/per hour (pluse lifeguard costs) n/a $ 72.50 * per lane/per hour (plus lifeguard costs) $ 11.75 $ 11.50 per pool/per hour (pluse lifeguard costs) n/a $ 90.90 * c)SARC Teaching Pool - Private Rental per hour (plus lifeguard costs) $ 23.25 $ 22.75 d) SARC Leisure Pool/Slide - Private Rental per hour (plus lifeguard costs) $ 38.10 $ 37.30 per person n/a $7.40/visit $58.20/10 visits * Therapist n/a $7.40/visit * f)Pool - School Instructional Lessons (30 mins)per person $21.90/class (1 or 2) $11.50/class (3 or 4) $9.40/class (5 to 10) $7.30/class (11 or more) $21.44/class (1 or 2) $11.23/class (3 or 4) $9.20/class (5 to 10) $7.15/class (11 or more) h) Additional Instructor Fee per hour 21.15$ 20.70$ h) Lifeguard Fee per hour 18.65$ 18.25$ 16. PUBLIC SKATING PROGRAMS a) Adult Shinny Hockey per person $6.00 or $48.00/10 visits $5.90 or $46.45/10 visits b) Public Skating (all)per person $3.00 or $24.00/10 visits $2.80 or $20.70/10 visits c) Family Skate Pass each $ 30.00 - $300.00 $ 114.35 - $198.07 * 17. ICE RENTALS a) Ice Rental Prime Time per hour 203.55$ 199.35$ b)Ice Rental Prime (Minor Hockey/Skating Club only)per hour 190.80$ 186.84$ c) Ice Rental Non-Prime - Weekday (8:00am to 4:00pm) - and all Junior A Hockey at any time. per hour 124.60$ 122.01$ d) Ice Rental Non-Prime - 6:00am to 8:00am Weekday - 8:00am to 4:00pm Summer Ice (July 1 - Aug. 31) - Weekend Summer Ice (July 1 - Aug. 31) per hour 131.90$ 129.16$ e) j) a) b) Aquatic Personal Training - 20 Sessions SARC Teaching Pool - Therapy Rentals SARC 8 Lane Pool - Private Rental AFLC Pool - Private Rental General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 18 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 7 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge 18. FACILITY RENTALS a) COMMUNITY CENTRE - Auditorium per hour 59.25$ 58.00$ b)COMMUNITY CENTRE - Auditorium per day (8 hours) Hourly Rate applies beyond 8 hours 352.25$ 345.00$ c) COMMUNITY CENTRE - ACC#1 Meeting Room per hour 31.65$ 31.00$ d)COMMUNITY CENTRE - ACC#2 Meeting Room per hour 24.50$ 24.00$ e)Arena Floor Rental - Aurora based Youth groups per hour 43.90$ 43.00$ f)Arena Floor Rental - Other per hour 58.20$ 57.00$ g)Arena Floor Event Rental - Not for profit in Aurora per day - multi day event (open - close) $798.45/surface $782.00/surface h)Arena Floor Event Rental - Other per day - multi day event (open - close) $1,128.25/surface $1,105.00/surface Meeting Room $31.65/hour $31.00/hour Program Room C (2nd Floor) $36.80/hour $36.00/hour Program Room A (Main Floor - small) $31.65/hour $31.00/hour Program Room B (Main Floor - large) $36.80/hour $36.00/hour Teaching Kitchen $27.60/hour (plus $50.00 clean-up deposit) $27.00/hour (plus $50.00 clean-up deposit) j)Gymnasium - Prime Time - Aurora based Youth Full Gym - per hour 79.65$ 78.00$ k)Gymnasium - Prime Time - Other Full Gym - per hour 107.25$ 105.00$ Full Gym - per hour 59.25$ 58.00$ m) Squash Courts per court per hour 12.80$ 12.50$ Main Floor Meeting Room n/a $31.00/hour * Main Floor North n/a $31.00/hour * Main Floor North & South n/a $47.50/hour * Upper Level North n/a $31.00/hour * Upper Level South n/a $31.00/hour * Upper Level North & South n/a $47.50/hour * i) n) LEISURE COMPLEX l) 56 VICTORIA STREET GYMNASIUM - Non-Prime - 8:00am to 4:00pm Weekdays General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 19 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 8 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Activity Room A $31.65/hour $31.00/hour Activity Room B $31.65/hour $31.00/hour Activitiy Room A & B $36.80/hour $36.00/hour Activitiy Room A & B & Kitchen $58.20/hour $57.00hour Activity Room C $31.65/hour $31.00/hour Activity Room & Kitchen $52.60/hour $51.50/hour Craft Room $36.80/hour $36.00/hour Multi-Purpose Room/Kitchen - Hourly $118.45/hour $116.00/hour Multi-Purpose Room/Kitchen - Daily (8 hours) $702.45/day $688.00/day o) STRONACH AURORA RECREATION COMPLEX Meeting Room $31.65/hour $31.00/hour per hour 36.80$ 36.00$ Daily (8 hours)217.50$ 213.00$ Monthly n/a $1,682.00/month * q)TENNIS COURTS per hour 8.20$ 8.00$ Park Event/Large Company/School Picnic 347.15$ 340.00$ Hourly (no set-up or staff support required)29.65$ 29.00$ s) TOWN HALL - Coffee Service Per 25 people or less $29.65/ 25 people $29.00/ 25 people Leksand Room No Charge No Charge Holland Room (Staff support fee may apply) No Charge No Charge Leksand Room $31.65/hour $31.00/hour Holland Room (Staff support fee may apply) $37.80/hour $37.00/hour Leksand Room $37.80/hour $37.00/hour Holland Room (Staff support fee may apply) $43.40/hour $42.50/hour Aurora Based Groups $59.25/hour $58.00/hour Non-Aurora Based Groups $123.05/hour $120.50/hour Professional/Commercial Groups $241.00/hour $236.00/hour x)per hour 59.25$ 58.00$ y) TOWN HALL - EQUIPMENT SUPPORT Staffing charge for the use of the equipment in either the Holland Room and/or Council Chambers $76.60/hour (3 hour min) $75.00/hour (3 hour min) t) u) v) w) r) n) p) q) VICTORIA HALL 52 VICTORIA STREET BAND SHELL TOWN HALL - Aurora Based Groups TOWN HALL - Non-Aurora Based Groups TOWN HALL - COUNCIL CHAMBERS (Staff support fee may apply) TOWN HALL - SKYLIGHT GALLERY TOWN HALL - Aurora Based Non-Profit Groups (as defined by Town Policy) SENIORS CENTRE General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 20 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 9 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Magna Room - Hourly n/a 36.00$ * Magna Room - Daily (8 hours)n/a 213.00$ * Lebovic Room - Hourly n/a 31.00$ * Lebovic Room - Daily (8 hours)n/a 181.50$ * Aurora Lawn Bowling Club $1,063.20/year $1,041.33/year Aurora Community Tennis Club $1,727.85/year $1,692.29/year Full Facility - Monthly (rooms & event space)1,594.85$ 1,562.00$ Event/ Activity Space - Monthly 1,062.90$ 1,041.00$ Event/ Activity Space - Daily (8hrs)399.25$ 391.00$ Event/ Activity Space - Hourly 53.65$ 52.50$ Office/ Meeting/ Storage Spaces - Monthly $159.80 - $372.70 $156.50 - $365.00 Office/ Meeting/ Storage Spaces - Hourly $16.85 - $43.15 $16.50 - $42.25 ab) Locker Rental Per Person 1 mo. / 3 mo. / 6 mo. / 12 mo. $6.50/$18.75/$35.25/$67.25 n/a * 19. PLAYING FIELD USER FEES a) Ball Diamonds - Adult per hour 16.50$ 16.14$ b) Ball Diamonds - Youth per hour 10.40$ 10.16$ c) Rectangular Fields - Youth per hour 9.05$ 8.83$ d) Rectangular Fields - Adult per hour 10.85$ 10.59$ g) Tournaments each $228.60/ tournament field per hour rate $223.89/ tournament plus $8.83/field per hour * h) Tournaments - Adult each n/a $223.89/ tournament plus $10.59/field per hour Youth - per hour $ 9.05 $ 8.83 Adult - per hour $ 10.85 $ 10.59 j) ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD - Aurora based non-profit Youth/Adult - Oct 1 - May 14 per hour 23.40$ 22.92$ k) ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD - All schools and Aurora based private people - May 15 - September 30 (regular season) per hour 28.75$ 28.12$ l) ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD - All schools and Aurora based private people - October 1 - May 14 per hour 63.80$ 62.48$ m) ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD - All non-Aurora based groups Youth/Adult - Any time of year per hour 202.00$ 197.85$ 20. CULTURAL SERVICES aa) z) z) i) ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD - Aurora based non-profit - May 15 - September 30 (regular season) AURORA ARMOURY PUBLIC LIBRARY McMAHON PARK General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 21 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule D Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 10 of 10 Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (amended) (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge a) Visiting Researcher per 2 hours $ 25.40 $ 24.86 b) Corresponding Researcher per hour $ 46.15 $ 45.20 c) Photocopies / scans of text per page $ 0.51 $ 0.50 d) High Resolution Image (existing)per image $ 28.85 $ 28.25 e) High Resolution Scan per image $ 57.70 $ 56.50 21. up to 3 trees that are less than 20 cm $ 204.25 $ 200.00 4 trees that are less than 20 cm $ 306.30 $ 300.00 5 trees that are less than 20 cm $ 408.40 $ 400.00 6 trees that are less than 20 cm $ 510.50 $ 500.00 7 trees that are less than 20 cm $ 612.60 $ 600.00 8 or more trees that are less than 20 cm (cost per tree) $ 102.10 $ 100.00 A tree that is greater than 20cm, but less than 70 cm $ 510.50 $ 500.00 a) Tree Permit Fees (as presented and approved in PRS16-022) Tree Permit Fees General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 22 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule E Infrastructure and Environmental Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 1 of 2 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Subdivision and Site Plan Engineering Fees percentage of servicing costs 6.0%6.0% Benchmarks per benchmark $76.35 $74.75 Plot WIMS/SIMS Maps, Engineering Drawings - drawings printed in-house per sheet of map $3.85 $3.75 Plot WIMS/SIMS Maps, Engineering Drawings - drawings sent out for reproducing per sheet of map $19.40 or $3.85 per sheet, whichever is greater $19.00 or $3.75 per sheet, whichever is greater Request for digital drawings per drawing $3.85 (fee applies only for large requests: over 10 drawings) $3.75 (fee applies only for large requests: over 10 drawings) Topsoil Preservation Permit flat fee + price per ha of site area $651.95 Flat Fee + $36.95/ha $638.50 Flat Fee + $36.15/ha Request for Information per request $64.35 $63.00 7-Day Traffic Counts per location $63.85 $62.50 8-Hour Turning Movement Count per intersection $163.90 $160.50 Traffic Signal Timings per intersection $79.40 $77.75 Lot Grading review and inspection per lot $281.55 $275.75 Grading review and inspection for pool construction (securities of $1,000 will be collected at the time of permit fee payment) per lot $383.65 $375.75 Work Performed for Residents, Contractors and Developers Actual Labour, Material & Equipment plus 35% overhead and full cost of contracted services plus 15% administrative fee, subject to HST Actual Labour, Material & Equipment plus 35% overhead and full cost of contracted services plus 15% administrative fee, subject to HST Hydrant Deposit Each $2,128.80 $2,085.00 Fire Flow Test Each $260.65 $255.25 Sewer Camera Rate lump sum actual cost plus 15% administrative fee actual cost plus 15% administrative fee Water Sampling - New Subdivisions each $109.50 + lab costs $107.25 + lab costs Water Meters and Water Meter Accessories each Actual cost plus 35% overhead, subject to HST (overhead limited to a maximum of $500 per meter or accessory) Actual cost plus 35% overhead, subject to HST (overhead limited to a maximum of $500 per meter or accessory) Water Meter Wire Charge per box $107.50, subject to HST $105.25, subject to HST Road Excavation Permit Deposit each $561.55 $550.00 Road Excavation Control Permit whichever is greater $135.55 or 10%$132.75 or 10% Road Closure Deposit each $0.00 - $10,000 $0.00 - $10,000 Road Closure Administrative Fee each $0.00 - $6,126.00 $0.00 - $6,000.00 Road Closure Set-up & Take Down Fee each $0.00 - $2,042.00 $0.00 - $2,000.00 Film Road Inspection each $521.25 $510.50 Road Excavation Fees Road Closure Fees (previously part of By-law 4750-05) REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC DATA General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 23 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule E Infrastructure and Environmental Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 2 of 2 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 25mm Water Service flat rate portion + price per metre of service $603.00 flat rate + $977.00 per metre $6,483.00 flat rate * 40mm Water Service flat rate portion + price per metre of service $725.00 flat rate + $1,183.00 per metre $8,204.50 flat rate * 50mm Water Service flat rate portion + price per metre of service $1,068.00 flat rate + $1,450.00 per metre $8,712.00 flat rate * 125mm Sanitary Service per metre of service $1,450.00 per metre $9,304.00 flat rate * 150mm Storm Service per metre of service $1,450.00 per metre $9,304.00 flat rate * 125mm Sanitary Service & 150mm Storm Service in same trench per metre of longer service $1,679.00 per metre $10,971.00 flat rate * Clean-out/Inspection Chamber each $2,289.00 $2,679.25 * Water Connection Fee each n/a $821.00 * Sewer Connection Fee each n/a $821.00 * Existing Service Disconnection In Conjunction with New Service Installation each n/a $251.75 * Existing Water Services Disconnection In Conjunction with New Service Installation each $1,145.00 n/a * Existing Sewer Services Disconnection In Conjunction with New Service Installation each $2,289.00 n/a * Existing Water Services Disconnection Not In Conjunction with New Service Installation each n/a $1,517.00 Existing Water Services Disconnection Not In Conjunction with New Service Installation each $1,526.00 n/a * Existing Sewer Services Disconnection Not In Conjunction with New Service Installation each $3,814.00 n/a * Inspection services installed by Owner each 10% of construction cost $253.25 * 48 hours or more of notice during business hours (8:00am - 4:00pm)each $0.00 $0.00 Less than 48 hours notice during business hours (8:00am - 4:00pm)each $83.50 $81.75 Outside business hours each $166.95 $163.50 Blue Boxes each $16.35 $16.00 Blue Totes each $146.00 + delivery charge of $32.00 for the 95 gal totes (which includes picking up old damaged totes) $143.00 + delivery charge of $31.00 for the 95 gal totes (which includes picking up old damaged totes) Green Bins each $26.55 $26.00 Kitchen Catcher each $7.65 $7.50 Backyard Composters each $37.00 $36.00 Replacement Blue Tote wheel set each $41.00 $40.00 Water Turn On/Off Service Charges (perviously included in By-law 5716-15) Waste Collection Fees Service Connections Fees General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 24 of 25 By-Law XXXX-17 Schedule F Financial Services Effective January 1, 2018 Page 1 of 1 Description of Service for Fee or Service Charge Unit of Measure (i.e. per hour, page, document, etc.) 2018 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) 2017 (Including H.S.T. where applicable) Tax Bill Reprint - per tax year per document 16.85$16.50$ Returned Cheques per cheque 43.90$43.00$ Payment recalled by Bank per item 15.85$15.50$ Tax Certificate per property 81.45$ 79.75$ Water/Wastewater Certificate per property 81.45$ 79.75$ Water Bill Reprint - per billing period per document 16.85$ 16.50$ Official Tax Receipt Letter for Government Agencies per document 31.40$ 30.75$ Duplicate Receipt per receipt 13.80$13.50$ Detailed Analysis of Tax Account-per tax year per property 33.45$32.75$ Tax Roll Ownership Change per property 33.45$32.75$ Water Account Ownership Change/ New Account Set-up per property 52.35$51.25$ Letter of Reference for Utilities each 27.35$ 26.75$ Addition of unpaid charges to tax bill per addition 15.85$15.50$ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R3 Page 25 of 25 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PRCS17-032 Subject: Canada 150 Art Installation at Church Street School at 22 Church Street Prepared by: Allan D. Downey, Director of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Date: October 3, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. PRCS17-032 be received; and 2. That the installation of the Canada 150 Milestones Mural: A Community Art Project art installation on the southwest lawn of Church Street School at 22 Church Street be approved in the amount of $2,700 funded from the Property Improvement Operating Account 1-4-07302-5037; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the funding Agreement between the Town of Aurora and the Ontario Heritage Trust, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to outline the Canada 150 Milestones Mural: A Community Art Project to be installed on the southwest lawn at Church Street School at 22 Church Street. This project is part of the Canada 150 celebration at the Aurora Cultural Centre located at Church Street School. Funding in the amount of $2,700 for installation of the public art and lighting will be allocated from Property Improvement Operating Account within the Parks Division budget. Background The Aurora Cultural Centre received a grant in May 2017 from the Canada 150 federal grants program to develop a community art installation on the Church Street School at 22 Church Street property. Canada 150 funded projects are to be completed from January – December 2017. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R4 Page 1 of 8 October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Report No. PRCS17-032 The Canada 150 Milestone Mural project celebrates this Canadian milestone through the creation of an art installation at 22 Church Street. The installation encompasses the four Canada 150 themes of 1) Diversity and inclusion; 2) Truth and Reconciliation 3) Nature and the environment; and 4) Who we are today and dreams for a bright future. The Aurora Cultural Centre hired Community Arts Facilitator, Ted Hamer to coordinate the project and hold a series of public art creation workshops from June - September 2017. These free workshops were promoted to the local community, including children and youth, seniors, multicultural communities, newcomers to Aurora and Canada, people living with disabilities, the general public, and community arts associations. Families attended consultation and painting activities, bringing them together in multi- generational dialogue about Aurora and Canada, and building art for the community. To date the project has received community input from over 600 individuals, artists, and community organizations. The selected location is on the southwest lawn at Church Street School at 22 Church Street. The design concept and schematics for the public art is found in Attachment No. 2. Community Arts Facilitator and professional mural artist, Ted Hamer, designed the art installation to focus the conversation through a series of maple leaves. The leaves are constructed of MDO, an exterior grade plywood skinned on both sides with resin impregnated fiber, which creates a smooth, easy-to-paint surface. The MDO is cut into the shape of the leaves in the Aurora Senior Centre wood shop under the guidance of key volunteer, Ron Coe and routed to smooth the edges. Mr. Hamer created images from the community consultation and both community volunteers and professional artists painted the leaves. Each leaf is coated with an anti-graffiti coating and secured to a frame painted to look like tree branches that is installed in the ground. Ongoing maintenance of the leaves is contracted with the artist by the Aurora Cultural Centre. The Board of the Aurora Cultural Centre, Ontario Heritage Trust, and Town staff have reviewed the installation plans on the southwest lawn of the property. The hanging structure will be fabricated in steel and leaves will be affixed through Town resources. The art installation will be installed in the ground with a general contractor. Partners The Canada 150 Milestones Mural art installation project has been reviewed by the Ontario Heritage Trust who have indicated their support upon receipt of the documentation from the municipality and lead organization. The Canada150 federal grants program covered the cost of the Community Arts Facilitator and professional mural artist Ted Hamer, materials, signage and construction of the art piece. During the General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R4 Page 2 of 8 October 3, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Report No. PRCS17-032 project, the Aurora Cultural Centre reached out to the artistic and heritage partners to invite their participation to create dialogue and collaboration between these entities as outlined in the Cultural Master Plan. Lastly, community partners have helped the Aurora Cultural Centre with pricing of materials to help the project be more affordable. All partners, including the Town of Aurora, will be acknowledged at an official unveiling and named on a permanent plaque on the installation. The community consultation, materials, and creation of the art installation have been funded by the Canada 150 federal grants program. Installation of the art in the amount of $2,700 will be funded through Property Improvement Operating Account within the Parks Division Budget. Analysis Community Based Art The Canada 150 Milestones Murals art installation project was specifically built to be a voice for the community to talk about Canada and Aurora. The project has seen input and participation from multi-generation families and diverse cultural and ethnic representation. “Involvement in community-based arts projects can help people feel better connected, more inspired to get involved, and more confident about their ability to make a difference in their communities” (Voluntary Arts Network, 2005; Rogers & Spokes, 2003). This project will celebrate and be a direct result of the involvement of our community in building an artistic installation. Value of Public Art in areas of revitalization Public art has been identified as a place-maker to build civic pride for residents, to encourage tourism as a destination, an economic driver as businesses see vitality in a community, and an activator for revitalization as it draws people together. “Public art is a valuable tool for creating dynamic and sustainable places. Art that is created by the community and displayed prominently at locations within the community serves as an effective tool for creating unique and diverse locations and destinations.” (National League of Cities, Sustainable Cities Institute). Advisory Committee Review The external Board of Directors of the Aurora Cultural Centre have approved the design concept and use of funding to hire the artist, engage in community consultation and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R4 Page 3 of 8 October 3, 2017 Page 4 of 5 Report No. PRCS17-032 fund the building of the art installation. The Board has also directed staff to complete the documentation for Ontario Heritage Trust. Financial Implications Installation of the Canada 150 Milestones Mural art project will require funding of $2,700 from the Property Improvement Operating Account within the Parks Division Budget. Communications Considerations Staff at the Aurora Cultural Centre will be responsible for all marketing and advertising, and associated costs, to promote the project. The Town of Aurora Corporate Communications Division will share and support messaging to ensure residents are aware of the mural and its contribution to arts and culture in Aurora. Link to Strategic Plan The Canada150 Art Installation supports the vision of An innovative and sustainable community where neighbours care and businesses thrive. The project an innovative creative project that promotes culture, encourages partnerships with key cultural stakeholders, has a foundation in community input and delivery, works with local professional and community artists, and is installed in the Aurora Promenade Concept supported by the Cultural Master Plan. It further connects with the strategic plan goals of Supporting an exceptional quality of life for all through a) “Celebrating and promoting our culture” by expand opportunities and partnership that contribute to the celebration of culture in the community, a) “Strengthening the fabric of our community” by actively promote and support a plan to revitalize the downtown, and b) “Encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle” by supporting multi-generational programming in cultural and recreational activities to encourage every age cohort to interact and share experiences Alternative(s) to the Recommendation None. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R4 Page 4 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R4 Page 5 of 8 Attachment No. 1 CANADA 150 Milestone Murals: Re-Occurring Themes and Ideas for Imagery as of: July 21, 2017 •meeting with Don Chrentien in August •* connected with Indiginous artists & muralists •commitment to newcomers •volunteerism (including the Caring Canadian Award, Welcoming arms, and Inn from the Cold) •Town's commitment to the creative arts; ie PTPotters •imagery from campers •accomplishments of some famous Aurorans - an Auroran had been the engineer of the Empire State building (tbc) (without this being a congratulatory mural) •Aurora Musuem spot •volunteerism (including the Caring Canadian Award, Welcoming arms, and Inn from the Cold) •Aurora's trails and Arboretum •trumpeter swans •horse breeders •Merlin's Hollow •polar bears •Aurora Borealis Nature and the Environment Who We are Today & Our Bright Future Tomorrow Truth and Reconciliation Diversity and Inclusion General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R4 Page 6 of 8 Attachment No. 2 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R4 Page 7 of 8 Attachment No. 2 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R4 Page 8 of 8 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PBS17-076 Subject: Proposal for Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications Prepared by: Glen Letman, Manager of Development Planning Department: Planning and Building Services Date: October 3, 2017 ____________________________________________________________ Recommendation 1. That Report No. PBS17-076 be received, and; 2. Staff recommend that Council accept Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application related to the following Zoning Bylaw Proposal: a) Shimvest Investments Limited (271 Holladay Drive) Executive Summary On June 27, 2017 Council passed Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 6000-17 and pursuant to Section 34 ( of the Planning Act passed a Resolution to only accept certain classes of Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an owner’s request of a Zoning Bylaw Amendment proposal. A Council resolution is required to receive, or not receive, the Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications. The owner’s descriptions of their Proposal and accompanying plans are attached for Council information and consideration. Proposals: a) Shimvest Investments Limited (271 Holladay Drive). The owner proposes to develop the lands for a six storey mixed use building with 128 residential units, 377 m2 gross floor area (GFA) of ground floor commercial space and 160 parking spaces. Background On June 27, 2017 Council enacted Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 6000-17. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R5 Page 1 of 9 October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 3 Report No. PBS17-076 As reported in staff report PBS17-056 the provisions of Bill 73, incorporated into the Planning Act provides that once a Comprehensive Zoning By-law is approved by Council by simultaneously repealing and replacing all zoning bylaws in effect no new site-specific zoning by-law amendments (Section 34) and no new minor variance applications (Section 45) can be submitted to the Town for a period of two (2) years, unless Council passes a resolution permitting a specific application, a class of application or in respect of such applications generally. With respect to this on June 27, 2017 Council passed the following resolution: “That Report No. PBS17-056 be received; and That, pursuant to Section 45 (1.4) of the Planning Act, Council declares that Committee of Adjustment minor variance applications be permitted; and That, pursuant to Section 34 ( of the Planning Act, Council declares that Industrial/Employment, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) By-law amendment applications be permitted.” The subject Proposals do not fall within either of the classes in which Council has passed a resolution. As such, in order for an applicant to submit a complete application to the Town for a Section 34, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Council shall, by resolution direct that the application can be received and processed. If accepted all applicable processing provisions of the Planning Act would apply to the application. Analysis The Proposal under consideration is accompanied with a brief summary and plans which are attached to this report for Council review and information. The applicant has indicated that he will be requesting Delegation status to outline their proposal. A description of the Proposal is as follows: a) Shimvest Investments Limited (271 Holladay Drive). The owner proposes to develop the lands for a six storey mixed use building with 128 residential units, 377 m2 gross floor area (GFA) of ground floor commercial space and 160 parking spaces. The lands are currently zoned “Mixed Residential Commercial C6(421) Exception Zone” by By-law 6000-17. A Zoning By-law Amendment application is required to permit the development. The rationale to accept the receipt of the Zoning Bylaw Amendment application is that the proposal conforms to the 2C Secondary Plan. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item R5 Page 2 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 3 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 4 of 9Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 5 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 6 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 7 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 8 of 9 Leslie StreetWellington Street East Holladay Dri v e State Farm Way First Commerce DriveScri v e n e r D r i v e Conklin Crescent B a d g e r o w W a yDuggan StreetElyse CourtLOCATION MAP Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, September 19, 2017. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. Air Photos taken Spring 2016, © First Base Solutions Inc., 2016 Orthophotography. ¯0 25 50 75 100 Metres APPLICANT: SHIMVEST INVESTMENTS LIMITEDFILES: ZP-2017-05 RELATED FILES: ZBA-2012-02 SUB-2012-02 FIGURE 1 ^ UV404 St John's Sdrd WellingtonSt W Wellington St E Henderson Dr Vandorf SdrdBathurst StYonge StYonge StBloomington RdBayview AveLeslie StLeslieStHwy 404Hwy 404Bathurst StSubject Lands General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R5 Page 9 of 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R6 Page 1 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R6 Page 2 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R6 Page 3 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R6 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017Item R6 Page 5 of 5 Public Release September 29, 2017 Town of Aurora Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index • Item C5 – Memorandum from Mayor Dawe Re: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of July 28, 2017 • Notice of Motion (a) Mayor Dawe Re: Federal Legalization of Recreational Cannabis Public Release September 29, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Abel in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations 4. Delegations (a) Craig Mather, President, Suzanne Haines, Executive Director, and Stephanie Nicolò, Program, Gallery and Volunteer Services Coordinator, Aurora Cultural Centre Re: Item R4 – PRCS17-032 – Canada 150 Art Installation at Church Street School at 22 Church Street 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Recommended: That the following Consent Agenda Items, C1 to C5 inclusive, be approved: C1. FS17-020 – 2016 Year End Development Charges Statement (Information Report dated May 16, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-020 be received for information. C2. FS17-039 – Interim Operating Budget Forecast – as at July 31, 2017 (Information Report dated September 19, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-039 be received for information. C3. PBS17-067 – Planning Applications Status List (Information Report dated September 19, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-067 be received for information. C4. Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of August 21, 2017, be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 3 of 5 C5. Memorandum from Mayor Dawe Re: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of July 28, 2017 (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of July 28, 2017, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. CAO17-006 – Engagement of Review of Joint Operations Centre (JOC) Project and Costs Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO17-006 be received; and 2. That Internal Audit Services of the Region of York be engaged to review and report on the JOC Project and Costs using Brook Laker & Associates as outlined in Report No. CAO17-006, for a total fee of $29,000 excluding HST, to be funded from within expected 2017 operating surplus. R2. FS17-043 – Capital Projects Status and Closures as of July 31, 2017 Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-043 be received; and 2. That the Capital Project closures and Capital funding adjustments outlined in Attachments #1 and #2 be approved. R3. FS17-044 – 2018 Fees and Charges Update Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-044 be received; and 2. That the 2018 Fees and Charges for applications, permits, use of Town property, the sale of Town publications and for the prescribed service General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 4 of 5 charges for administrative matters as itemized on the attached schedules be approved: Schedule A – General Fees and Charges Schedule B – Planning and Building Services Schedule C – Corporate Services Schedule D – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Schedule E – Infrastructure and Environmental Services Schedule F – Financial Services; and 3. That the necessary by-law be enacted at a future Council meeting. R4. PRCS17-032 – Canada 150 Art Installation at Church Street School at 22 Church Street Recommended: 1. That Report No. PRCS17-032 be received; and 2. That the installation of the Canada 150 Milestones Mural: A Community Art Project art installation on the southwest lawn of Church Street School at 22 Church Street be approved in the amount of $2,700, funded from the Property Improvement Operating Account 1-4-07302-5037; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the funding Agreement between the Town of Aurora and the Ontario Heritage Trust, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R5. PBS17-076 – Proposal for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-076 be received; and 2. That Council accept the Zoning By-law Amendment Application related to the following Zoning By-law Proposal: (a) Shimvest Investments Limited (271 Holladay Drive) General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Page 5 of 5 R6. CS17-030 – Implications of the Provincial Government’s Proposed Changes to Employment Standards Legislation on the Town (Information Report dated September 19, 2017, included on agenda per Member of Council request) Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-030 be received for information. 7. Notices of Motion (a) Mayor Dawe Re: Federal Legalization of Recreational Cannabis (Added Item) 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Memorandum Date: October 3, 2017 To: Members of Council From: Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Re: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board Meeting Highlights of July 28 , 2017 Recommendation That Council: Receive the correspondence for information Endorse the recommendations Provide direction 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone: 905-727-3123 ext. 4746 Email: mayor@aurora.ca www.aurora.ca Town of Aurora Office of the Mayor Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C5 Page 1 of 3 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority 120 Bayview Parkway, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 3W3 E-mail: info@LSRCA.on.ca Website: www.LSRCA.on.ca Presentations: a) Low Impact Development Treatment Trail Tool Manager, Urban Restoration, Steve Auger, provided the Board with an overview of the Low Impact Development (LID) Treatment Train Tool, noting the project has been ongoing since 2014 when discussions began between Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA), Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). The Tool is intended to assist developers, consultants, municipalities and landowners implement better site design by optimizing storm water management practices. The Tool uses the Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model as the engine and relies on Ontario climate and geologic condition data sets. Some of the Tool’s functionality includes: hydraulic routing to better predict flow volumes/rates, calculating pre- and post-development water budget, benefits derived from implementing stormwater best management practices such as LID, and end-of-pipe facilities, by themselves or in combination. The Tool is currently being Beta tested to identify opportunities for general improvements. It is proposed that this Tool will be instrumental in facilitating the Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Offsetting Program to predict the phosphorus loading that would be required to achieve net zero phosphorus from new and redevelopment projects. Training and distribution of the Beta version of the Tool has already begun, with more training proposed before the end of 2017 and into winter/spring of 2018. Staff Reports: Budget Status Report The Board received Staff Report No. 32-17-BOD, prepared by Manager, Finance, Katherine Toffan, which provided the Board with a summary of revenues and expenditures for the period ending June 30, 2017. Conservation Authorities Act Review The Board received Staff Report No. 33-17-BOD prepared by Chief Administrative Officer, Mike Walters, which provided the Board with an outline of LSRCA’s comments on the Conservation Authorities Act review and sought the Board approval to submit comments to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Conservation Ontario, and LSRCA member municipalities. Board Meeting Highlights July 28, 2017 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C5 Page 2 of 3 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority 120 Bayview Parkway, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 3W3 E-mail: info@LSRCA.on.ca Website: www.LSRCA.on.ca Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Offsetting Program Draft Policy The Board received Staff Report No. 34-17-BOD prepared by Chief Administrative Officer, Mike Walters, which provided the Board with details regarding the Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Offset Program policy. The draft policy will be tabled at the September 22, 2017 Board of Directors’ meeting for approval. Campaign Feasibility Study Final Report The Board received Staff Report No. 35-17-BOD prepared by Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation Executive Directors, Cheryl Taylor, which provided the Board with the final report on the Campaign Feasibility Study for the Scanlon Creek Conservation Area Nature Centre. The report will be tabled at the September 22, 2017 Board of Directors’ meeting for discussion. For more information or to see the full agenda package, please click the link below for LSRCA’s Board of Directors’ webpage: LSRCA Board Meetings Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Item C5 Page 3 of 3 Notice of Motion Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Date: October 3, 2017 To: Members of Council From: Mayor Dawe Re: Federal Legalization of Recreational Cannabis Whereas the federal government is legalizing the use of recreational cannabis; and Whereas the provincial government is working towards a regulatory approach that will align with the federal government’s legislative framework; and Whereas the provincial government has indicated that cannabis and cannabis related products will be sold by new standalone stores and an online order service operated by a new Crown Corporation subsidiary to the LCBO; and Whereas the provincial government has indicated that there will be approximately 40 stores by July 2018, 80 stores by July 2019, and 150 stores by 2020; and Whereas the provincial Ministry of the Attorney General has indicated that there may be an “opt out” provision for municipalities; 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That staff be directed to investigate this “opt out” provision with the Province. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Notice of Motion (a) Page 1 of 1