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AGENDA - General Committee - 20170919
General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release September 8, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Abel in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations (a) Julie Stephenson, Youth Programmer, and Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events Re: Aurora’s First Youth Innovation Fair on November 15, 2017 4. Delegations 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Recommended: That the following Consent Agenda Items, C1 to C2 inclusive, be approved: C1. IES17-035 – Award of Tender 2017-100-IES New Service Connections Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-035 be received; and 2. That Tender 2017-100-IES – The Construction of New Sewer and Watermain Service Connections for one (1) year commencing on January 1, 2018, with an option to renew by the Town, in its sole discretion, for an additional two (2) one (1) year periods, in the Town of Aurora, be awarded to V. M. DiMonte Construction Limited at the unit prices tendered; and 3. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew Tender 2017-100-IES for an additional two, one-year periods pending an annual analysis and satisfactory performance review by the Director; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. C2. Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of June 6, 2017, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. PRCS17-031 – Tree Removal Permit Application – 81 Catherine Avenue Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 4 1. That Report No. PRCS17-031 be received; and 2. That Council support the Town of Aurora’s Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation of July 12, 2017, and deny Tree Permit Application #057 for 81 Catherine Avenue. R2. PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-068 be received; and 2. That Council provide direction whether to receive, or not receive, Zoning By-law Amendment Applications on the following Zoning By-law Amendment Proposals: (a) 132-198 Old Bloomington Road (The Biglieri Group Ltd.); (b) 15356 Yonge Street (2578461 Ontario Inc.); and (c) Shimvest, Prato and Preserve, Aurora 2B. R3. PBS17-069 – Mural Sign Request for DNA Bar & Lounge – 15480 Yonge Street Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-069 be received; and 2. That the request for a mural sign for the property located at 15480 Yonge Street be denied. R4. PBS17-071 – Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By- law Amendment York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc. 440, 460, 480 and 500 William Graham Drive Plan 65M-4442, Block 4 and Block 5 File Number: OPA-2017-04, ZBA-2016-12 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-071 be received; and 2. That Application to Amend the Official Plan, File Number OPA-2017-04 (York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc.), to permit a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys be approved; and 3. That Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File Number ZBA-2016-12 (York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc.), to amend the 'RA2(423)’ and ‘(H)RA2(424)’ exception zones to include assisted living units and accessory uses as permitted uses, and to allow a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys be approved; and 4. That the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council Meeting; and 5. That a Temporary Use By-law for temporary relief of providing 80% of parking spaces underground be presented at a future Council Meeting. R5. CAO17-005 – Donation of Naming Rights Southlake Regional Health Centre Foundation Gala Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO17-005 be received; and 2. That the naming of the Trailhead Parkette in the subdivision located at St. John’s Sideroad and Thomas Phillip Drive, to be auctioned in support of the Regional Cancer Care Program, be approved. 7. Notices of Motion 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. IES17-035 Subject: Award of Tender 2017-100-IES New Service Connections Prepared by: Anca Mihail, Manager of Engineering and Capital Delivery Department: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Date: September 19, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. IES17-035 be received; and 2. That Tender 2017-100-IES – The Construction of New Sewer and Watermain Service Connections for one (1) year commencing on January 1, 2018 (with an option to renew by the Town, in its sole discretion, for an additional two (2) one (1) year periods) in the Town of Aurora be awarded to V. M. DiMonte Construction Limited at the unit prices tendered; and 3. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew Tender 2017-100-IES for an additional two, one-year periods, pending an annual analysis and satisfactory performance review by the Director; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to seek Council authorization to award Tender number 2107-100-IES to V.M.DiMonte Construction Limited. • the tender review has complied with the Procurement By-law requirements • staff recommend awarding tender 2017-100-IES, The Construction of New Sewer and Watermain Connections in the Town of Aurora, to V.M.DiMonte Construction Limited at the unit prices tendered, excluding taxes, for One (1) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C1 Page 1 of 6 September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Report No. IES17-035 Year (with an Option to Renew by the Town, in its Sole Discretion, for an Additional Two (2) One (1) Year Periods). Background Service connections are requested, by application, from developers, residents or commercial property owners whenever they require a new or an additional storm, sanitary and water service connection. The applicant is fully responsible for all costs for these new service connections. Applicants pay an established installation fee based on the prices tendered (plus administration charges) for all water services up to 50mm in diameter, storm and sanitary sewer service installations and the disconnection of all services to be abandoned. All fees and charges are paid to the Town prior to the commencement of the work. Analysis Tender Opening A total of fourteen (14) companies picked up the tender documents and on August 24, 2017 the Tender Opening Committee received four (4) compliant bids. Table 1 – Bid Summary Firm Name Total Bid (excluding taxes) 1 V.M.DiMonte Construction Limited $328,045.00 2 Dig-Con International limited $377,406.25 3 FDM Contracting Co. Ltd. $586,625.00 4 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction $643,800.00 Verification of the submitted tenders was undertaken by Town staff and deemed to be compliant. V.M.DiMonte Construction Limited has successfully performed the work included in this contract for the Town of Aurora for the last 9 years. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C1 Page 2 of 6 September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Report No. IES17-035 Revisions to the Service Connection Fees The proposed service connection fees are detailed in Table 2. The proposed fees are based on the VM DiMonte Construction Limited tender with an administration charge included. All prices exclude HST. Table 2 – Service Connection Fees Service Connection Fees 2018 2019 2020 25mm Water Service (fee based on actual length of service) $534.00 flat rate* plus $864.00 per metre $642.00 flat rate* plus $932.00 per metre $642.00 flat rate* plus $932.00 per metre 40mm Water Service (fee based on actual length of service) $642.00 flat rate* plus $1,047.00 per metre $777.00 flat rate* plus $1,114.00 per metre $777.00 flat rate* plus $1,114.00 per metre 50mm Water Service (fee based on actual length of service) $945.00 flat rate* plus $1,283.00 per metre $1,080.00 flat rate* plus $1,350.00 per metre $1,080.00 flat rate* plus $1,350.00 per metre 125mm Sanitary Service (fee based on actual length of service) $1,283.00 per metre $1,350.00 per metre $1,350.00 per metre 150mm Storm Service (fee based on actual length of service) $1,283.00 per metre $1,350.00 per metre $1,350.00 per metre 125mm Sanitary Service & 150mm Storm Service in same trench (fee based on actual length of longer service) $1,485.00 per metre $1,553.00 per metre $1,553.00 per metre * The flat rate component of the water services connection fees is to cover the cost of the main stop and curb stop installation required for each service connection. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C1 Page 3 of 6 September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Report No. IES17-035 Table 2 – Service Connection Fees (Continued) Service Connection Fees 2018 2019 2020 Existing Water Service Disconnection In Conjunction with New Service installation (each) $1,013.00 flat rate $1,080.00 flat rate $1,080.00 flat rate Existing Sewer Service Disconnection In Conjunction with New Service installation (each) $2,025.00 flat rate $2,093.00 flat rate $2,093.00 flat rate Existing Water Service Disconnection Not in Conjunction with New Service installation (each) $1,350.00 flat rate $1,418.00 flat rate $1,418.00 flat rate Existing Sewer Service Disconnection Not in Conjunction with New Service installation (each) $3,375.00 flat rate $3,443.00 flat rate $3,443.00 flat rate Sanitary or Storm Cleanout / Inspection Chamber (each) $2,025.00 flat rate $2,093.00 flat rate $2,093.00 flat rate Project Schedule The Contract is expected to commence in January 2018. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications There are no financial implications for this Contract. All work is fully funded by the recipient of the services provided prior to the commencement of the work. Any incremental costs incurred from this contract award will be recovered through a corresponding connection user fee increase. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C1 Page 4 of 6 September 19, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Report No. IES17-035 Communications Considerations There are no communication related issues. Link to Strategic Plan This report supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for All through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objective within this goal statement: Invest in sustainable infrastructure: Maintain and expand infrastructure to support forecasted population growth through technology, waste management, roads, emergency services and accessibility. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Council may choose to not award this project. The Tender evaluation process meets all requirements of the Procurement By-law and awarding this contract is the next step in fulfilling the requirements of the tendering process. This contract is fully funded by the recipient of the services provided; therefore no budget funding is required. Conclusions The tender review has complied with the Procurement By-law requirements and it is recommended that Tender 2017-100-IES, for The Construction of New Sewer and Watermain Service Connections in the Town of Aurora, be awarded to V.M.DiMonte Construction Limited, at the unit prices tendered, excluding taxes, for One (1) Year (with an Option to Renew by the Town, in its Sole Discretion, for an Additional Two (2) One (1) Year Periods). Attachments None. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C1 Page 5 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item C1 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Time and Location: 10 a.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Anita Moore (Chair), Anna Lozyk Romeo (Vice-Chair), Bill Hogg, and Terry Jones Member(s) Absent: Steve Hinder Other Attendees: Dan Elliott, Director of Finance, Sandra McKenzie, Manager of Human Resources, and Michael de Rond, Town Clerk The Chair called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Terry Jones Seconded by Anna Lozyk Romeo That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 3. Receipt of the Minutes Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2017 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C2 Page 1 of 4 Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Moved by Terry Jones Seconded by Bill Hogg That the Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of May 23, 2017, be received for information as amended. Carried 4. Delegations None 5. Matters for Consideration 1. Draft GRAHC17-001 - Report No. 1 of the Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Re: Council Compensation Review The Committee discussed the end of the one-third tax-free provisions of Council compensation, and agreed that information provided by staff to the Committee should be included in Committee’s report to Council. The Committee suggested further information that could be included in the report. Moved by Terry Jones Seconded by Bill Hogg 1. That Draft Report No. GRAHC17-001 be received; and 2. That the comments and suggestions of the discussion regarding draft Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Report No. GRAHC17-001 be referred to staff and that the report be brought forward to General Committee for approval. Carried 2. Round Table Discussion Re: Additional Information re Committee Commitments and Compensation from Other Appointments General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C2 Page 2 of 4 Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Moved by Bill Hogg Seconded by Anna Lozyk Romeo 1. That the discussion regarding Committee Commitments and Compensation from Other Appointments be received and the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for consideration. Carried 3. Round Table Discussion Re: Discussion of upcoming meeting schedule The Committee discussed upcoming meeting dates, and agreed to hold their next meeting in September 2017. Moved by Steve Hinder Seconded by Bill Hogg 1. That the discussion regarding the upcoming meeting schedule be received and the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for consideration; and 2. That staff proceed with scheduling fall Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee meeting dates. Carried 6. Informational Items None 7. New Business None General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C2 Page 3 of 4 Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 4 8. Adjournment Moved by Bill Hogg Seconded by Terry Jones That the meeting be adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item C2 Page 4 of 4 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PRCS17-031 Subject: Tree Removal Permit Application – 81 Catherine Avenue Prepared by: Sara Tienkamp, Acting Manager of Parks Department: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Date: September 19, 2017 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PRCS17-031 be received; and 2. That Council support the Town of Aurora’s Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation of July 12, 2017 and deny Tree Permit Application #057 for 81 Catherine Avenue. Executive Summary This report is to provide Council with the following information regarding a tree removal application for 81 Catherine Avenue: • As per Town of Aurora Bylaw #5850-16 that prohibits and/or regulates the Injury or Destruction of Trees on Private Property in the Town of Aurora, direction of Council is required for the tree permit application for 81 Catherine Ave. to facilitate the installation of a pool enclosure under Building permit # PR2017070- POL1; • Comments and input obtained from Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC); • Arborist Report prepared by Griffith Property Services Inc. on behalf of homeowner. Background On June 6, 2017, the Parks Department received an application to permit the Injury or Destruction of Trees on Private Property. A total of six (6) trees, four (4) at 81 Catherine Ave and two (2) at 82 Centre Street were identified for removal to construct a pool enclosure in which a permit had been issued through the Building Department. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 1 of 23 September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-031 The trees are located within the Heritage Conservation District and therefore require approval of Council following a review by the Town’s Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC). On July 12, 2017, HAC received a memorandum from staff providing an overview of the application and relevant policies within the Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Plan, which speak to the preservation of healthy trees and mature vegetation. The committee recognized the subject trees as heritage features providing the following recommendations as follows: THAT the memorandum regarding Tree Removal Permit Application – 81 Catherine Ave be received; and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: (a) That all six (6) trees as part of the Tree Permit Application at 81 Catherine Avenue and 82 Centre Street remain in accordance with Section 4.6.2 and 5.7 of the Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Plan. At the Council meeting of July 11, 2017, there was a delegation by the applicant for the tree removal permit and their consulting Arborist. They spoke in opposition of the HAC recommendation, noting that the trees in request for removal posed a potential safety hazard and interfered with the proposed pool enclosure and as a result, the following motions were moved: THAT the comments of the delegation be received; and THAT Item six (6) of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 12,2017, be referred back to staff for further information and a report back to Council. Analysis Direction of Council is required for the tree permit application #057, for 81 Catherine Ave. to facilitate the installation of a pool enclosure The subject property is listed within the heritage conservation district as designated under, Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA). Under Tree Protection Bylaw 5850-16, Section 9 (1) (b) states: If a tree subject to an application is found by the Director to be a Heritage Tree, the Director shall not issue a permit unless the injury, destruction or removal is approved by Council following a review by the Town’s Heritage Advisory Committee. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 2 of 23 September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-031 As well, under Tree Protection Bylaw #5850-16 Section 8(1) (f) (g) subsections state: (f) Where the trunk of a Tree straddles a property line, the written consent to the Permit issuance from the property owner(s) on whose property the affected Tree is partially located; and (g) Where the Applicant is not the Owner, the written authorization of the Owner consenting to the Application While the trunks of the 2 Maples located at 82 Centre Street do not straddle the property line, due to the size and caliper of the trees, the root zone would be significantly compromised and injured due to construction of the pool enclosure. Therefore the owners of 82 Centre Street have provided their consent on Tree Permit Application #057. Heritage Advisory Committee recognize subject trees as heritage features In review of the tree removal application, the HAC committee utilized the following sections of the Northeast Old Aurora Heritage conservation District Plan during discussions: 4.6.2 Trees and Shrubs a) Mature trees should be preserved to the greatest possible extent, except where removal is necessary due to disease or damage, or to ensure public health and safety, as certified by an arborist. Lost trees should be replaced. b) In order to facilitate achievement of tree preservation objectives in the plan, the Town may consider the development of options for establishment of an effective and implementable program for tree preservation in the district, taking into account impacts on staffing and funding. A new or modified implementation program for tree preservation may be incorporated into to the plan by municipal by-law. c) Planting should not obscure heritage buildings or be placed so close to heritage buildings as to cause damage. Planting should screen less attractive sites and vistas in the District, such as parking lots. 5.7 Vegetation The vegetative cover in both the public and private realms of the District significantly contributes to the area’s human-scale, village-like character. Trees, shrubs, and gardens all contribute to the area’s distinctiveness. In addition to their scenic beauty, trees and other vegetation are equally important for controlling the effects of climate by General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 3 of 23 September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-031 reducing wind velocity, providing shelter from sun, rain, and snow, and creating a moderated microclimate. No heritage permit is required for planting, but the following practices are supported. a) Plant material introduced to the public realm should be indigenous and/or historically appropriate. b) Existing mature trees and other vegetative amenities in the public realm should be retained and preserved except where removal is necessary due to disease or damage, or to ensure public health and safety. c) An appraisal of the health of tree cover in the public realm should be undertaken with the result being a replanting policy or plan to replace unhealthy trees and coordinate new plantings. d) The placement of new tree-plantings should avoid screening buildings of cultural heritage value or interest. e) Plantings should contribute to screening less attractive sites in the District, including above-ground utilities, where practical from an operation and maintenance perspective. f) Voluntary guidelines for appropriate vegetation are located in Section 9.7. Consulting Arborists tree health assessment of proposed removal trees In a report prepared by Griffith Property Service’s certified Arborist on behalf of the homeowner, the six (6) trees included in the tree removal application were assessed for health, structural integrity and long term impacts of construction considered. Six (6) trees in total that were assessed included four (4) White Spruce, 23-35 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) located at 81Catherine Avenue and two (2) Red Maples, 147 cm and 105 cm DBH located at 82 Centre Street. The Arborist also indicated that White Spruce are naturally shallow rooted and as a result of growing as understory trees beneath the heavy shade of the older larger maples, their canopies have become unbalanced/sparse and root plates very shallow. The Spruce were assessed as in fair health and given a poor structural integrity rating. The extensive excavation required to install the pool would significantly disturb the root zones and create conditions that would no longer be suitable for any of these trees to thrive, potentially creating safety concerns as root plate would be destabilized. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 4 of 23 September 19, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-031 The Red Maples are located on the adjacent neighbour’s property in close proximity to the fence line. They are currently healthy and vigorous with only a few structural concerns. These trees have been rated in good health and structural integrity assessed as fair. Due to the size and location of the maples, root damage would be inevitable during construction. Measures could be undertaken to mitigate some of the effects of the construction and long term impacts. Due to the substantial costs associated with these measures both property owners have agreed the trees should be removed. Advisory Committee Review At its July 12, 2017 meeting, HAC discussed this matter and the committee recognized the trees as heritage features within the Heritage Conservation District, recommending to Council that all six (6) trees not be approved for removal. Financial Implications Tree removal permit fees have been paid in the amount of $1,300. Communications Considerations None. Link to Strategic Plan Trees within the heritage conservation district falls within the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability for all through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objectives within this goal statement: Encouraging the stewardship of Aurora’s natural resources: Assess the merits of measuring the Town’s natural capital assets. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Council can decide to approve the Permit to Injure or Destroy trees on Private Property. 2. Council can decide to approve the permit partially, by allowing the four (4) White Spruce trees located at 81 Catherine Avenue to be removed and deny the removal of the two (2) Red Maples located at 82 Centre Street. The pool permit would remain active. The tree removal permit would than go through due process and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 5 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 6 of 23 Attachment #1General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 7 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 8 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 9 of 23 Attachment #2General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 10 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 11 of 23 Attachment #3General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 12 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 13 of 23 Attachment #4General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 14 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 15 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 16 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 17 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 18 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 19 of 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R1 Page 20 of 23 4.Delegations (a)Jennifer Bentley, Owner, and Jeremy Hamlin, Arborist Re: Item R10 – Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-07; Re: Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 12, 2017; Re: Item 6 – Tree Removal Permit, 81 Catherine Avenue Ms. Bentley and Mr. Hamlin spoke in opposition of the Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation, noting they are requesting that the trees in question be removed as they pose a potential safety hazard and interfere with their proposed swimming pool. Moved by Councillor Thom Seconded by Councillor Gaertner That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item R10. Carried Extract from Council Meeting of Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Attachment #5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 21 of 23 5. Consent Agenda Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Councillor Kim That the following Consent Agenda items, C1 (with the exception of sub-items C1, C3, R1, and R2) to C5 inclusive, be approved: C1. General Committee Meeting Report of July 4, 2017 1. That the General Committee meeting report of July 4, 2017, be received and the following recommendations carried by the Committee be approved: (C8) Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2017 1. That the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 8, 2017, be received for information. Carried Extract from Council Meeting of Tuesday, July 11, 2017 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 22 of 23 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R10. Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-07 Motion to refer Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Councillor Humfryes That Item 6 of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 12, 2017, be referred to staff for further information and report back to Council. On a recorded vote the motion to refer Carried Yeas: 7 Nays: 2 Voting Yeas: Councillors Abel, Gaertner, Humfryes, Kim, Mrakas, Thom, and Thompson Voting Nays: Councillor Pirri and Mayor Dawe Main motion as amended by the motion to refer Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Councillor Kim 1. That Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-07 be received; and 2. That the Committee recommendations contained within this report, with the exception of Item 6 from the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 12, 2017, be approved. Carried Extract from Council Meeting of Tuesday, July 11, 2017 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R1 Page 23 of 23 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PBS17-068 Subject: Proposals for Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications Prepared by: Glen Letman, Manager of Development Planning Department: Planning and Building Services Date: September 19, 2017 ____________________________________________________________ Recommendation 1. That Report No. PBS17-068 be received, and; 2. That Council provide direction whether to receive, or not receive, Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications on the following Zoning Bylaw Proposals: a) 132-198 Old Bloomington Road (The Biglieri Group Ltd). b) 15356 Yonge Street (2578461 Ontario Inc.) c) Shimvest, Prato and Preserve, Aurora 2B. Executive Summary On June 27, 2017 Council passed Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 6000-17 and pursuant to Section 34 ( of the Planning Act passed a Resolution to only accept certain classes of Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an owner’s request of a Zoning Bylaw Amendment proposal. A Council resolution is required to receive, or not receive, the Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications. The owner’s descriptions of their Proposal and accompanying plans are attached for Council information and consideration. Proposals: a) 132-198 Old Bloomington Road (The Biglieri Group Ltd). The owner proposes to develop the lands as a residential plan of subdivision consisting of 58 single detached lots. An Official Plan Amendment application is also required, and has been submitted to the Town. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R2 Page 1 of 26 September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Report No. PBS17-068 b) 15356 Yonge Street (2578461 Ontario Inc.). The owner proposes to retain the existing Knowles/Redman House located on the eastern portion of the lands and develop the western portion of the subject lands to construct a 5 storey (facing Yonge Street) 37 unit apartment building. c) Shimvest, Prato and Preserve are proposing to develop their ‘remnant’ parcels of land as a 25 lot Plan of Subdivision within the Bayview Northeast Community (Area 2B). Background On June 27, 2017 Council enacted Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 6000-17. As reported in staff report PBS17-056 the provisions of Bill 73, incorporated into the Planning Act provides that once a Comprehensive Zoning By-law is approved by Council by simultaneously repealing and replacing all zoning bylaws in effect no new site-specific zoning by-law amendments (Section 34) and no new minor variance applications (Section 45) can be submitted to the Town for a period of two (2) years, unless Council passes a resolution permitting a specific application, a class of application or in respect of such applications generally. With respect to this on June 27, 2017 Council passed the following resolution: “That Report No. PBS17-056 be received; and That, pursuant to Section 45 (1.4) of the Planning Act, Council declares that Committee of Adjustment minor variance applications be permitted; and That, pursuant to Section 34 ( of the Planning Act, Council declares that Industrial/Employment, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) By-law amendment applications be permitted.” The subject Proposals do not fall within either of the classes in which Council has passed a resolution. As such, in order for an applicant to submit a complete application to the Town for a Section 34, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Council shall, by resolution direct that the application can be received and processed. If accepted all applicable processing provisions of the Planning Act would apply to the application. Analysis The three Proposals under consideration are accompanied with a brief summary and plans which are attached to this report for Council review and information. All applicants have requested Delegation status to outline their proposal. A description of the General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R2 Page 2 of 26 September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Report No. PBS17-068 Proposals are as follows: a) 132-198 Old Bloomington Road (The Biglieri Group Ltd). The owner proposes to develop the lands as a residential plan of subdivision consisting of 58 single detached lots. The lands are currently zoned ER and a Zoning Bylaw amendment application is proposed on the lands to permit the development. An Official Plan Amendment application and Draft Plan of Subdivision is also required, and has been submitted to the Town. b) 15356 Yonge Street (2578461 Ontario Inc.). The owner proposes to develop the western portion of the subject lands to construct a 5 storey apartment building. The owner also proposes to retain the existing Knowles/Redman House located on the eastern portion of the lands. The lands are currently zoned PDS4(380) and EP(381) as per By-law 6000-17. A Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Site Plan applications are required on the lands to permit the development. c) Shimvest Investments, Prato Estates and Preserve Homes each own one lot on the subject lands. The owners propose to develop a consolidated Draft Plan of Subdivision with 25 single detached lots. The Prato and Preserve parcels are zoned “Detached Third Density Residential R3(281) Exception Zone” and the Shimvest parcel is zoned “Rural RU Zone”. All three properties are designated “Low-Medium Density Residential” by the Town of Aurora Official Plan. The owners propose to rezone the Shimvest parcel to a residential zone to allow the development of a Draft Plan of Subdivision. Applications for Official Plan Amendments and Proposed Plans of Subdivisions will be received and processed pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications None. Communications Considerations Not applicable. Link to Strategic Plan Not applicable. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R2 Page 3 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 4 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 5 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 6 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 7 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 8 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 9 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 10 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 11 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 12 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 13 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 14 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 15 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 16 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 17 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 18 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 19 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 20 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 21 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 22 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 23 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 24 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 25 of 26 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R2 Page 26 of 26 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PBS17-069 Subject: Mural sign request for DNA Bar & Lounge - 15480 Yonge Street Prepared by: Afshin Bazar, Manager of Building Services Department: Planning and Building Services Date: September 19, 2017 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PBS17-069 be received; and 2. That the request for a mural sign for the property located at 15480 Yonge Street be denied. Executive Summary This report provides Council with information and recommendation with respect to a request for a mural sign on the property located at 15480 Yonge Street. • According to Town’s Sign By-law mural signs are only allowed subject to Council approval. • The subject mural sign has been installed without Council approval and it has no cultural or historical significance to the Town. • The property located at 15480 Yonge Street is located within Aurora promenade general area according to the Town’s official plan. • Section 11.15 of the Town’s Official Plan includes policies for signage. According to the provisions of this section the ratio of sign to building mass shall be restricted and signage shall not dominate the façade. • Staff are of the opinion that the subject mural sign is too large and it dominates the façade of the building and therefore is not in conformance with the Official Plan policies for signage. • The subject property is also located within the “Boulevard Area” of The Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design and Implementation Plan. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R3 Page 1 of 5 September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Report No. PBS17-069 •The Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design guidelines suggest minimizing visual clutter and limiting sign coverage to less than 25% of the wall area. •Staff are of the opinion that the subject mural sign which covers close to 40% of the front wall, exceeds the above mentioned guidelines and it is not complementary to the character of The Aurora Promenade in general. •Staff are also of the opinion that authorizing the subject mural sign will set a precedent for similar type of requests from other business owners in the future. Background Staff received a complaint about the signage installed on the front wall of DNA Bar & Lounge located at 15480 Yonge Street. Upon further investigation it has been determined that the subject sign falls under definition of “mural sign” in the Town’s Sign By-law where mural sign has been defined as “any type of display or artistic endeavour applied as paint, film or any other covering to any external wall or other integral part of a building or structure”. Staff issued a notice of violation of by-law and provided the applicant with the option of either removing the unauthorized sign or applying and obtaining the necessary approvals. Applicant has chosen the latter option and applied to obtain the necessary approval. Analysis Assessment based on the Town of Aurora Sign By-law Section 5.1.(j) of the Sign By-law allows mural signs only subject to Council approval. There is no other specific provision with respect to these types of signs. This would allow Council to authorize a mural sign up to 100% wall coverage where it deemed appropriate. An example of such a sign would be the mural sign located on the south-east corner of the Yonge Street and Wellington Street where the mural sign promotes the cultural heritage and history of the Town. The subject mural sign at DNA Bar & Lounge is a commercial sign with no cultural or historical significance to the Town. Assessment based on the Town of Aurora Official Plan Policies The property located at 15480 Yonge Street is located within the Promenade General Area according to the Official Plan. Section 11.15 of the Town’s Official Plan includes policies for signage. According to the provisions of this section the ratio of sign to building mass shall be restricted and signage shall not dominate the façade. Staff are of the opinion that the subject mural sign is too large and it dominates the front façade of the building. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R3 Page 2 of 5 September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Report No. PBS17-069 Assessment based on the Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design guidelines The subject property is also located within the “Boulevard Area” of The Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design and Implementation Plan. The Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design guidelines suggest minimizing visual clutter and limiting sign coverage to less than 25% of the wall area. Staff are of the opinion that the subject mural sign which covers close to 40% of the front wall, exceeds the above mentioned guidelines and it is not complementary to the character of The Aurora Promenade in general. Advisory Committee Review N/A Financial Implications There are no financial implications. Communications Considerations N/A Link to Strategic Plan Staff’s recommendation for denial of the requested variance supports the Strategic Plan goal of supporting an exceptional quality of life for all. Alternatives to the Recommendation 1.Council may choose to authorize the subject mural sign. In this case the applicant can continue to maintain the sign which has already been installed as per attached photo (attachment #1). Authorizing this mural sign will set a precedent and could generate similar requests from other business owners in the future. Conclusions Staff are of the opinion that the subject mural sign is a commercial sign with no cultural or historical significance to the Town. The sign is not in conformance with the Official Plan policies for signage and it exceeds the maximum wall coverage limits as suggested in the Aurora Promenade Streetscape Design guidelines. Staff are also of the opinion that authorizing the subject mural sign will set a precedent and could generate similar requests from other business owners in the future. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R3 Page 3 of 5 September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Report No. PBS17-069 Attachments Attachment #1 -Before and after photos Previous Reports N/A Pre-submission Review Agenda Management Team Meeting review on Aug 31, 2017 Departmental Approval Approved for Agenda Director Chief Administrative Officer Planning and Building Services General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R3 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R3 Page 5 of 5 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PBS17-071 Subject: Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc. 440, 460, 480 & 500 William Graham Drive Plan 65M-4442, Block 4 and Block 5 File Number: OPA-2017-04, ZBA-2016-12 Prepared by: Caitlin Graup, Planner Department: Planning and Building Services Date: September 19, 2017 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PBS17-071 be received; 2. That Application to Amend the Official Plan, File Number OPA-2017-04 (York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc.), to permit a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys be approved; 3. That Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File Number ZBA-2016-12 (York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc.), to amend the 'RA2(423)’ and ‘(H)RA2(424)’ exception zones to include assisted living units and accessory uses as permitted uses, and to allow a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys be approved; 4. That the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council Meeting; and, 5. That a Temporary Use By-law for temporary relief of providing 80% of parking spaces underground be presented at a future Council Meeting. Executive Summary This report seeks Council’s approval for the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) applications at 440, 460, 480 and 500 William Graham Drive within the 2C Secondary Plan Area. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 1 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 •An application has been made for an OPA to amend Policy 3.3.2 e) of the 2C Secondary Plan to permit a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys (maximum 28 metres). •An application has been made for a ZBA to amend the RA2(423) and (H)RA2(424) exception zones to include assisted living units as a permitted use along with associated accessory uses, and to allow a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys (maximum 28 metres). •The subject site is part of an overall seniors apartment housing complex being built in phases. •It is Staff’s opinion that the proposed amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, Places to Grow Plan, Lake Simcoe Protection Plan and York Region Official Plan. •It is Staff’s opinion that the proposed amendments are appropriate and compatible with existing and future surrounding uses and that they represent good planning. •It is Staff’s opinion that a Temporary Use By-law be implemented to address the temporary relief requested for providing a minimum of 80% required parking spaces below grade. Background Application History The subject Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted to the Town on November 24, 2016, with an addendum revision on December 19, 2016. An information report was brought forward at a Public Planning Meeting on January 25, 2017 for the Zoning By-law Amendment. Council passed the following resolution: 1.That Report No. PBS17-007 be received; and 2.That comments presented at the Public Planning meeting be addressed by Planning and Building Services in a comprehensive report outlining recommendations and options at a future General Committee meeting. Subsequently the Applicant determined they wanted to further increase the building height from what was requested in the Zoning By-law Amendment. This increase in height triggered an Official Plan Amendment. The Applicant submitted the Official Plan Amendment application on May 11, 2017, along with a revision to the Zoning By-law Amendment application. Both applications were brought forward at a Public Planning Meeting on June 28, 2017 (Report PBS17-054). Council passed the following resolution: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 2 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 1.That Report No. PBS17-054 be received; and 2.That comments presented at the Public Planning meeting be addressed by Planning and Building Services in a comprehensive report outlining recommendations and options at a future General Committee meeting. Location / Land Use The subject lands are located north of Wellington Street at the intersection of Leslie Street and William Graham Drive. The properties are located on the south side of William Graham Drive, municipally known as 440, 460, 480 and 500 William Graham Drive (See Figure 1). The subject lands are irregularly shaped and form a future development block within the York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc. landholding. The property is currently vacant and no site plan development applications have been received on the lands. Surrounding Land Uses The surrounding land uses are as follows: North: Residential Townhouse development; South: Open space and valley lands; East: Vacant, future Christian Seniors’ apartment housing development; West: Phase 1 Christian Seniors’ apartment housing development. Policy Context Provincial Policies All Planning Act development applications are subject to provincial policies. The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest. These policies support the development of strong communities through the promotion of efficient land use and development patterns. The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe is a guiding document for growth management within the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) Area to 2041. The Growth Plan provides a framework which guide decisions on how land will be planned, designated, zoned and designed. The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP) is a provincial document that provides policies which addresses aquatic life, water quality, water quantity, shorelines and natural heritage, other threats and activities (including invasive species, climate change and recreational activities) and implementation. Staff will review the proposed development for consistency with the above mentioned provincial policies. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 3 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 York Region Official Plan (YROP) The subject lands are designated as “Urban Area” within the York Region Official Plan. York Region’s vision for the Urban Area is to strategically focus growth while conserving resources and to create sustainable lively communities. Under the York Region’s Official Plan, one regional urbanization goal is to enhance the Region’s urban structure through city building, intensification and compact, complete communities. The Applicant submitted a request to York Region for exemption from Regional Approval. On June 27, 2017 the Region advised that it had reviewed the subject planning applications and determined that the Official Plan Amendment is a local matter and as such is exempt from Regional approval under section 8.3.8 of York Region’s official plan policies. Town of Aurora Official Plan – 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73) The subject lands are designated “Urban Residential 2” by the 2C Secondary Plan, being Official Plan Amendment No. 73 to the Town of Aurora Official Plan (See Figure 2). The “Urban Residential 2” Designation is intended to promote well designed and transit supportive medium density housing forms in proximity to community, recreational and convenience commercial facilities. Multi-unit buildings are a permitted form of housing. Densities shall range between 35-50 units per net residential ha, with low rise apartment developments at a maximum density of 125 units per net residential ha. Section 3.3.2.e) of the 2C Secondary Plan sets the maximum building height at 6 storeys or 20 metres, whichever is less. However Council may consider buildings that exceed 20 metres in height, provided the building is not greater than 6 storeys, and the additional height is provided to assist in dealing with a complex grading issue where extensive valley system and undulating topography exists. The Applicant’s OPA application is requesting an increase in maximum building height to permit 7 storeys (maximum 28 metres). Zoning By-law 6000-17 The subject zoning by-law amendment application was submitted prior to Council adopting the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 6000-17 on June 27, 2017. The application has been reviewed as a transitional application, and By-law 6000-17 zones and provisions will be applied to the subject lands. It is noted that the only changes to the subject zones were the naming conventions (previous zone RA3-14 is now RA2(423) and zone (H)RA3-15 is now (H)RA2(424). The permitted uses and zone requirements remain the same. An Amendment to the Zoning By-law has been applied for as described in the Proposed Applications section. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 4 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 5 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 Development of the lands will be subject to a subsequent removal of (H) zoning application for the (H)RA2(424) lands, a site plan application and building permit process. Reports and Studies The Owner submitted the following documents as part of a complete application to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications: Report Name Report Author Planning Justification Report Malone Given Parsons Draft Zoning By-law Malone Given Parsons Conceptual site plan and cross section Proposed Applications Proposed Official Plan Amendment The applicant proposes to amend the existing Official Plan policy 3.3.2 e) of the Aurora 2C Secondary Plan which sets the maximum building height at 6 storeys or 20 metres, whichever is less. It does, however, provide Council the opportunity to consider buildings that exceed 20 metres in height, provided the building is not greater than 6 storeys, and the additional height is provided to assist in dealing with a complex grading issue where extensive valley system and undulating topography exists. The Applicant’s OPA application is requesting an increase in maximum building height to permit 7 storeys (maximum 28 metres). Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment An Amendment to the Zoning By-law has been applied for to: •Increase the maximum building height from 6 storeys or 20 metres (whichever is less) to a maximum of 7 storeys with a maximum building height of 28 metres in the RA2(423) and (H)RA2(424) Zones; •Add assisted living units as a permitted use and reduce the minimum number of apartment units from 125 to 70 units in the RA2(423) zone; •Add assisted living units as a permitted use and reduce the minimum number of apartment units from 100 to 76 units in the (H)RA2(424) zone; •Add accessory uses including an adult day centre; office space on main floor for visiting doctors, therapists, denturists and other health care providers servicing the residents; main floor tuck shop for residents; and a gathering hall/meeting room area in the basement of Phase 2; as permitted uses associated with assisted living units in the RA2(423) zone; •Reduce the minimum landscape buffer from 7.5 metres to 4 metres; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 5 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 6 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 •Decrease the minimum lot coverage for the (H)RA2(424) lands from 25% to 20%; •Increase the minimum lot coverage for the RA2(423) lands from 17% to 20% to compensate for the overall site coverage calculation of approximately 20%; and •Obtain temporary relief from the requirement to provide a minimum of 80% of parking spaces below grade The introduction of assisted living units would require a change to the minimum number of apartment units required on the lands per the table below. It is noted that the proposed assisted living units are designed for personal care, support and health services for the elderly in a supervised setting. In order to accommodate the approximate 90- 200 assisted care units, the applicant is proposing to reduce the minimum number of apartment units as currently set out by the site specific provisions, essentially maintaining the same minimum number of units within the apartment zones. The RA2(423) and (H)RA2(424) zone provisions require a minimum number of units to implement Regional and OPA 73 policy requirements of ensuring residential neighbourhoods are designed to achieve an average minimum density of 50 residents and jobs combined per developable hectare. The applicant has also applied to allow a maximum building height of 7 storeys (maximum 28 metres). A conceptual cross section of the proposed building has been submitted to illustrate the grading constraints (See Figure 5) which the Applicant says has necessitated the 28 metre height exception, as well as the breakdown in space relating to the assisted living units. The following is a table to compare the difference in units proposed for the future RA2(423) and (H)RA2(424) development blocks. Zone Senior’s Apartments Assisted Living Units Current Zone Unit Range Proposed Unit Range RA2(422) - (Phase 1A & 1B) 75-160 154 (actual) 0 RA2(423) - (Phase 2) (H)RA2(424) - (Phase 3) 125-160 100-160 70-120* 76-160* 60-100* 0-100* Total 300-480 300-434 60-200 Institutional (H)I(425) Not yet determined *Denotes exception to bylaw. Note: Final zoning performance standards will be evaluated by Staff in detail prior to the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment being brought forward to Council for enactment. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 6 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 7 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 Analysis Planning Considerations It is Planning Staff’s opinion that the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, Places to Grow Plan, Lake Simcoe Protection Plan and the York Region Official Plan. The proposed official plan amendment and rezoning to permit assisted living units as well as other accessory uses will encourage and provide opportunities for economic development and community investment, as well as provide for a mix of housing types and densities and are in keeping with the Provincial Policy Statement. Places to Grow policy regarding new development taking place in designated greenfield areas requires that these areas be planned in a manner that contributes to complete communities and creates a diverse mix of lands uses to support vibrant neighbourhoods. The applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law are consistent with the Places to Grow Plan by providing seniors housing opportunities. The subject lands are designated “Urban Area” in the York Region Official Plan. The Urban Areas are the focus of growth within York Region, with a full range of residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses permitted. As noted previously, the Region has determined that the Official Plan Amendment is a local matter and as such is exempt from Regional approval under section 8.3.8 of York Region’s official plan policies. York Region has no objections to the application. Town of Aurora Official Plan – 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73) It is Planning Staff’s opinion that the proposed Official Plan Amendment application is appropriate and compatible with existing and future surrounding land uses. As noted above, the subject lands are designated “Urban Residential 2” by the 2C Secondary Plan, being Official Plan Amendment No. 73 to the Town of Aurora Official Plan (see Figure 2). The “Urban Residential 2” designation is intended to promote well designed and transit supportive medium density housing forms in proximity to community, recreational and convenience commercial facilities. Multi-unit buildings are a permitted form of housing. Densities shall range from 35-50 units per net residential hectare, with low-rise apartment developments at a maximum density of 125 units per net residential hectare. The proposed development conforms to these Official Plan policies. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 7 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 8 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 Section 3.3.2 e) of the Secondary Plan limits building heights to 6 storeys or 20 metres, providing that Council may consider increasing the measured height (but not building storeys) given an extensive valley system or undulating topography. The applicant is proposing to increase the building height from a maximum of 6 storeys (maximum 20 metres) to a maximum of 7 storeys (maximum 28 metres). The property grade drops down from north to south creating a grading complexity within the subject site. The rear of the building (south facing) is located adjacent to an Environmental Protection Area and is not directly abutting a residential area. The additional floor will provide a range of independent as well as assisted living type housing opportunities for seniors. Planning Staff are of the opinion that the proposed Official Plan Amendment application to increase the maximum building height by 1 storey is appropriate and compatible with the existing and future surrounding land uses. Zoning By-law 6000-17 The zone classification and provisions of the Town’s new Zoning By-law 6000-17 will be applied to the site. It is Planning Staff’s opinion that the proposed Zoning By- law Amendment Application is appropriate and compatible. Planning staff are of the opinion that the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application is appropriate and compatible with adjacent and neighbouring development, and that the by-law exceptions are appropriate to facilitate the development. The zone provisions and performance standards will be reviewed in greater detail at the time of the preparation of the subject zoning by-law amendment. It is Planning Staff’s opinion that a Temporary Use By-law is appropriate to be be brought forward to address the requirement of providing 80% of required parking spaces below grade. The applicant has requested temporary relief from the requirement to provide a minimum of 80% of required parking spaces below grade. Through construction of Phases 2 and 3 of the development, a number of parking spaces will be temporarily provided above grade. At full build-out of the project, the minimum 80% of parking spaces below grade will be met. Department / Agency Comments The proposed applications were circulated to internal and external agencies for review and comments. All circulated agencies are satisfied with the applications and have no further comments at this time. Any technical matters will be resolved prior to the passing of the implementing by-laws. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 8 of 15 September 19, 2017 Page 9 of 10 Report No. PBS17-071 Public Comments Planning Staff did not receive any comments from the public with regards to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications. Advisory Committee Review No communication required. Financial Implications The site will be developed through a future Site Plan Application; as such fees and securities will be required with the Site Plan Agreement. In addition, the proposed development will generate yearly tax assessment to the Town. Communications Considerations There were no interested parties that requested notification of this matter. Link to Strategic Plan The proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments support the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an exceptional quality of life for all through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objectives within this goal statement: Strengthening the fabric of our community: Through the proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments on the subject lands, the applications will assist in working with the development community to ensure future growth includes housing opportunities for everyone and works with the development community to meet intensification targets to 2023 as identified in the Town’s Official Plan. Alternatives to the Recommendation 1.Direct staff to report back to another General Committee Meeting addressing any issues that may be raised at the General Committee Meeting. 2.Refusal of the application with an explanation for the refusal. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R4 Page 9 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R4 Page 10 of 15 Radial Drive William Graham Drive S p a rks Street Capreol AvenueTownsLane Leslie StreetLeslie StreetConklin Crescent LOCATION MAP Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Building Services Department, August 23, 2017. Base data provided by York Region & the Town of Aurora. Air Photos taken Spring 2016, © First Base Solutions Inc., 2016 Orthophotography. ¯ FIGURE 1 St John's Sdrd Wellington St E Vandorf SdrdHenderson Drive ^ Wellington St W UV404 UV404Leslie StYonge StBathurst StBayview AveBloomington Rd 0 50 100 Metres APPLICANT: YORK REGION CHRISTIAN SENIORS' HOME INC.LOCATION: 440, 460, 480 and 500 WILLIAM GRAHAM DRIVEFILES: ZBA-2016-12 & OPA-2017-04 SUBJECT LANDS General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R4 Page 11 of 15 OPA 30 OPA 73 William Graham Drive LESLIE STREETEXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Building Services Department, August 23, 2017. Base data provided by York Region & the Town of Aurora. ¯0 50 100 Metres APPLICANT: YORK REGION CHRISTIAN SENIORS' HOME INC.LOCATION: 440, 460, 480 and 500 WILLIAM GRAHAM DRIVEFILES: ZBA-2016-12 & OPA-2017-04FIGURE 2 St John's Sdrd Wellington St E Vandorf SdrdHenderson Drive ^ Wellington St W UV404 UV404Leslie StYonge StBathurst StBayview AveBloomington Rd OPA 73 OPA 30 Environmental Protection Area Mixed-Use Residential/Commercial Park Place of Worship Stormwater Management Facility Urban Residential 1 Urban Residential 2 Business Park Linear and Other Open Space Business Park 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R4 Page 12 of 15 Radial Drive William Graham Drive S p a rks Street Capreol AvenueTowns La n e W arrenM cBrid e C r escent Conklin Crescent Leslie StreetLeslie Street(H)I(425)RA2(423) R8(412)* R8(416) R8(416)* RA2(422)(H)RA2(424) O1 O1 O1 O1 E-BP E-BPEP EP EP EP RU RU R3(407) R3(407) R8(412) R8(412)R8(413) R8(413)C6(418) C6(417) E-BP(446) E-BP(447) E-BP(445) R3(451) EXISTING ZONING BY-LAW Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Building Services Department, August 23, 2017. Base data provided by York Region & the Town of Aurora. ¯0 50 100 Metres APPLICANT: YORK REGION CHRISTIAN SENIORS' HOME INC.LOCATION: 440, 460, 480 and 500 WILLIAM GRAHAM DRIVEFILES: ZBA-2016-12 & OPA-2017-04FIGURE 3 SUBJECT LANDS St John's Sdrd Wellington St E Vandorf SdrdHenderson Drive ^Wellington St W UV404 UV404Leslie StYonge StBathurst StBayview AveBloomington Rd Mixed Residential CommercialC6 Second DensityApartment ResidentialRA2 Holding HOLDING ZONES H RuralRU RURAL ZONES Business ParkE-BP Institutional INSTITUTIONAL ZONES I Detached Third Density ResidentialR3 COMMERCIAL ZONES Zoning Legend Townhouse DwellingResidential RESIDENTIAL ZONES R8 Major Open Space OPEN SPACES ZONES O1 Environmental ProtectionEP EMPLOYMENT ZONES General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R4 Page 13 of 15 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Building Services Department, August 23, 2017. Base data provided by OCA Architects. APPLICANT: YORK REGION CHRISTIAN SENIORS' HOME INC.LOCATION: 440, 460, 480 and 500 WILLIAM GRAHAM DRIVEFILES: ZBA-2016-12 & OPA-2017-04FIGURE 4 SUBJECT LANDS General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R4 Page 14 of 15 PROPOSED PHASE 2 BUILDING SECTIONS Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning and Building Services Department, August 23, 2017. Base data provided by OCA Architects. APPLICANT: YORK REGION CHRISTIAN SENIORS' HOME INC.LOCATION: 440, 460, 480 and 500 WILLIAM GRAHAM DRIVEFILES: ZBA-2016-12 & OPA-2017-04FIGURE 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R4 Page 15 of 15 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. CAO17-005 Subject: Donation of Naming Rights Southlake Regional Health Centre Foundation Gala Prepared by: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer Department: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Date: September 19, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. CAO17-005 be received; and 2. That the naming of the Trailhead Parkette in the subdivision located at St. John’s Sideroad and Thomas Phillip Drive, to be auctioned in support of the Regional Cancer Care Program, be approved. Executive Summary The Town has been asked to participate in a live auction donation at a Gala for the Southlake Foundation, which is being held to support the Regional Cancer Program. The Gala will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2017. The proposal is to auction off the opportunity to name the new Trailhead Parkette in the subdivision located at St. John’s Sideroad and Thomas Phillip Drive subject to the compliance with the Town of Aurora Naming Policy. Analysis In the past, convention has had developers of subdivisions suggest names of parks or parkettes to the Town and then the Town Council would approve or refuse the name in accordance with the Policy. The same process would be used in this case other than the successful bidder would suggest the name rather than the developer. Advisory Committee Review None. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Item R5 Page 1 of 2 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017Item R5 Page 2 of 2 Public Release September 15, 2017 Town of Aurora Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index • Delegation (a) Anthony Biglieri, The Biglieri Group Ltd., representing 2523059 Ontario Inc. Re: Item R2 – PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications • Delegation (b) Bruce Hall, The Planning Partnership, representing 2578461 Ontario Inc. Re: Item R2 – PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications • Notice of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas Re: Aurora Christmas Market (Outdoor) Public Release September 15, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Abel in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations (a) Julie Stephenson, Youth Programmer, and Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events Re: Aurora’s First Youth Innovation Fair on November 15, 2017 4. Delegations (a) Anthony Biglieri, The Biglieri Group Ltd., representing 2523059 Ontario Inc. Re: Item R2 – PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications (Added Item) General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 2 of 5 (b) Bruce Hall, The Planning Partnership, representing 2578461 Ontario Inc. Re: Item R2 – PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications (Added Item) 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. Recommended: That the following Consent Agenda Items, C1 to C2 inclusive, be approved: C1. IES17-035 – Award of Tender 2017-100-IES New Service Connections Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-035 be received; and 2. That Tender 2017-100-IES – The Construction of New Sewer and Watermain Service Connections for one (1) year commencing on January 1, 2018, with an option to renew by the Town, in its sole discretion, for an additional two (2) one (1) year periods, in the Town of Aurora, be awarded to V. M. DiMonte Construction Limited at the unit prices tendered; and 3. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew Tender 2017-100-IES for an additional two, one-year periods pending an annual analysis and satisfactory performance review by the Director; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 3 of 5 C2. Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of June 6, 2017, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. PRCS17-031 – Tree Removal Permit Application – 81 Catherine Avenue Recommended: 1. That Report No. PRCS17-031 be received; and 2. That Council support the Town of Aurora’s Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation of July 12, 2017, and deny Tree Permit Application #057 for 81 Catherine Avenue. R2. PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-068 be received; and 2. That Council provide direction whether to receive, or not receive, Zoning By-law Amendment Applications on the following Zoning By-law Amendment Proposals: (a) 132-198 Old Bloomington Road (The Biglieri Group Ltd.); (b) 15356 Yonge Street (2578461 Ontario Inc.); and (c) Shimvest, Prato and Preserve, Aurora 2B. R3. PBS17-069 – Mural Sign Request for DNA Bar & Lounge – 15480 Yonge Street Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 4 of 5 1. That Report No. PBS17-069 be received; and 2. That the request for a mural sign for the property located at 15480 Yonge Street be denied. R4. PBS17-071 – Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By- law Amendment York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc. 440, 460, 480 and 500 William Graham Drive Plan 65M-4442, Block 4 and Block 5 File Number: OPA-2017-04, ZBA-2016-12 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-071 be received; and 2. That Application to Amend the Official Plan, File Number OPA-2017-04 (York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc.), to permit a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys be approved; and 3. That Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File Number ZBA-2016-12 (York Region Christian Seniors’ Home Inc.), to amend the 'RA2(423)’ and ‘(H)RA2(424)’ exception zones to include assisted living units and accessory uses as permitted uses, and to allow a maximum building height of seven (7) storeys be approved; and 4. That the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council Meeting; and 5. That a Temporary Use By-law for temporary relief of providing 80% of parking spaces underground be presented at a future Council Meeting. R5. CAO17-005 – Donation of Naming Rights Southlake Regional Health Centre Foundation Gala Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO17-005 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Page 5 of 5 2. That the naming of the Trailhead Parkette in the subdivision located at St. John’s Sideroad and Thomas Phillip Drive, to be auctioned in support of the Regional Cancer Care Program, be approved. 7. Notices of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas Re: Aurora Christmas Market (Outdoor) (Added Item) 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Delegation Request 7KLV'HOHJDWLRQ5HTXHVWIRUPDQGDQ\ZULWWHQVXEPLVVLRQVRUEDFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQ IRUFRQVLGHUDWLRQE\HLWKHU&RXQFLORU&RPPLWWHHVRI&RXQFLOPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH &OHUN¶VRIILFHE\WKHIROORZLQJGHDGOLQH 4:30 p.m. Two (2) Days Prior to the Requested Meeting Date Council/Committee/Advisory Committee Meeting Date: Subject: Name of Spokesperson: Name of Group or Person(s) being Represented (if applicable): Brief Summary of Issue or Purpose of Delegation: Please complete the following: +DYH\RXEHHQLQFRQWDFWZLWKD7RZQVWDIIRU &RXQFLOPHPEHUUHJDUGLQJ\RXUPDWWHURILQWHUHVW"<HV ܆܆1R ܆ ,I\HVZLWKZKRP" 'DWH ܆,DFNQRZOHGJHWKDWWKH3URFHGXUH%\ODZSHUPLWVILYHPLQXWHVIRU'HOHJDWLRQV /HJLVODWLYH6HUYLFHV &OHUNV#DXURUDFD 7RZQRI$XURUD -RKQ:HVW:D\%R[ $XURUD21/*- September 19, 2017 - General Committee Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 132-198 Old Bloomington Road Anthony Biglieri of The Biglieri Group Ltd. 2523059 Ontario Inc. Request to Council to permit the processing of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands at 132-198 Old Bloomington Road. Please refer to the Letter attached with additional information. ✔ Marco Ramunno, Director of Planning and Development Services August 18, 2017 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 1 of 4 BU ILDING YOUR IDEAS - INTO BIG PLANS THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. P LANNING | DEVELOPMENT | PROJECT MANAGEMENT 20 Leslie Street, Suite 121, Toronto, Ontario M4M 3L4 Office: (416) 693-9155 Fax: (416) 693-9133 tbg@thebiglierigroup.com September 15, 2017 Th e Town of Aurora Office of the Town Clerk 100 John West Way - Box 1000 Aurora, ON, L4G 6J1 Attention: Mayor Geoffrey Dawe and other Members of Council De ar Mr. Dawe and Members of Council, RE : Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment of Town of Aurora Zoning By-law 6000-17 Lots 12 and 14 and Part of Lots 10, 11 and 13 of Registered Plan 166, Town of Aurora 132-198 Old Bloomington Road, Aurora TBG Project No. 16405 We represent 2523059 Ontario Inc., the owner of the above-mentioned properties municipally known as 132-198 Old Bloomington Road in the Town of Aurora. The subject site is legally described as Lots 11, 12 and 14 and Part of Lots 10 and 13 of Registered Plan 166 in the Town of Aurora. The Subject Site represents 10.12 hectares or 25.01 acres property located northeast from the major intersection of Bloomington Road and Yonge Street in the Town of Aurora. The Subject Site is located on the north side of Old Bloomington Road, an east-west Local Road that runs parallel to Bloomington Road, a Regional Arterial Road. This letter has been requested by the Town of Aurora Planning Department as a formal request to Council to permit the processing of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands. FIRST SUBMISSION On August 02, 2017, The Biglieri Group Ltd., on behalf of 2523059 Ontario Inc., made a submission to the Town of Aurora, containing applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit the development of 58 residential lots. An Official Plan Amendment application was submitted to permit the proposed residential development in conformity with the Town of Aurora’s Official Pla n and Yonge Street South Secondary Plan. Several site-specific amendments to OPA 34 were required to permit the proposed residential development of 58 single-detached units on the subject site. These site-specific amendments were as follows: An amendment to Section 3.2.3 c) of the Yonge Street South Secondary Plan to allow for an increase to the gross residential density maximum for Cluster Residential designations. Currently, a maximum of 5 units per hectare (2 units per acre) is permitted. The amendment will permit an increase in density to 5.7 units per hectare or 2.32 units per acre; An amendment to Section 3.6.2 of the Official Plan to revise the language pertaining to maximum building coverage. The Plan currently states that the maximum building coverage permitted is 12% of all lands within Cluster Residential designation. The proposed Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 2 of 4 TH E BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. 2 amendment will permit development on 12% of all constrained and unconstrained lands on the property; and, Lastly, an amendment will be required to Section 3.6.3 c) of the Official Plan which states that there should be a minimum separation distance of 35 metres between any Estate Residential designation and the lot line of any Cluster Residential unit. The amendment proposes a 35 metre setback between a house in an Estate Residential designation and a house in a Cluster Residential designation with a 10 metre landscaped buffer. R E VISED SUBMISSION A fter the submission was made, we have had ongoing conversations with the Town of Aurora Planning Department in regards to the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Through conversations with staff and our client, it has been determined that the application will be revised in accordance with Section 3.2.3 c) of the Yonge Street South Secondary plan to maintain a maximum of 5 units per hectare (2 units per acre) on the subject lands. Therefore, the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision will be revised from 58 units to 50 units in accordance with this policy. Ho wever, the following site-specific amendments will still be required: An amendment to Section 3.6.2 of the Official Plan to revise the language pertaining to maximum building coverage. The Plan currently states that the maximum building coverage permitted is 12% of all lands within Cluster Residential designation. The proposed amendment will permit development on 12% of all constrained and unconstrained lands on the property; and, Lastly, an amendment will be required to Section 3.6.3 c) of the Official Plan which states that there should be a minimum separation distance of 35 metres between any Estate Residential designation and the lot line of any Cluster Residential unit. The amendment proposes a 35 metre setback between a house in an Estate Residential designation and a house in a Cluster Residential designation with a 10 metre landscaped buffer. A Zoning By-Law Amendment will be required for the proposed residential development. The existing zoning is Estate Residential (“ER”) which is not in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan designation of Cluster Residential . A more appropriate zoning category in accordance with the Cluster Residential designation of the Official Plan would be Residential Two – Detached Dwelling Second Density (“R2”). A site -specific zoning by-law amendment will be required to implement the R2 zone on the subject lands in order to permit the proposed 50 residential units in accordance with the policies for Cluster Residential development outlined in the Official Plan. C O NCLUSION It is our respectful opinion that Council should allow for our request for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands located at 132-198 Old Bloomington Road as the proposed development is in keeping with the general intent of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. The existing Estate Residential zoning for the subject lands located at 132-198 Old Bloomington Road is inappropriate given the Cluster Residential designation as per the Yonge Street South Secondary Plan (OPA 34). The Estate Residential zoning for the subject lands does not conform to the general intent of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. SU PPORTING DOCUMENTS I n support of this request, please find enclosed the following: One (1) cheque in the amount of $500.00, payable to Town of Aurora , representing the fee associated with processing this Request to Council to allow for the processing of the Zoning By-law Amendment; Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 3 of 4 THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. 3 One (1) copy of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. Kindly confirm receipt of this Request by reply e-mail to the undersigned. We respectfully request that you provide us with notice of any meetings involving the subject matter of the within request. Should you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully, THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. Anthony Biglieri, MCIP RPP Melinda Holland, M.Pl. Principal Planner Planner Cc: Marco Ramunno, Director of Planning and Development Services, Town of Aurora 2523059 Ontario Inc. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 4 of 4 Delegation Request 4:30 p.m. Two (2) Days Prior to the Requested Meeting Date Council/Committee/Advisory Committee Meeting Date: Subject: Name of Spokesperson: Name of Group or Person(s) being Represented (if applicable): Brief Summary of Issue or Purpose of Delegation: Please complete the following: ܆܆ ܆ ܆ ✔ General Committee Meeting - September 19, 2017 Item R2 (b): 15356 Yonge Street (2578461 Ontario Inc.) - Zoning By-law Amendment Application Bruce Hall, The Planning Partnership 2578461 Ontario Inc. To provide additional information and details regarding the proposal and application history, and to address any questions the Committee may have. Mayor Dawe and Mr. Marco Ramunno September 13, 2017 ✔ ✔ Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (b) Page 1 of 1 Notice of Motion Councillor Tom Mrakas Date: September 19, 2017 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Mrakas Re: Aurora Christmas Market (Outdoor) Whereas special events align with Objective 3: Celebrating and promoting our culture and Objective 5: Strengthening the fabric of our community, of the Town’s Strategic Plan; and Whereas the revitalization of the downtown core is a key priority for our businesses and residents; 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That staff develop a new special event—a one night, outdoor Aurora Christmas Market—to be held prior to Christmas 2017 in Library Square; and 2. Be It Further Resolved That staff report back to Council with dates and costs associated with holding a 2017 Aurora Christmas Market for Council’s approval; and 3. Be It Further Resolved That staff include costs associated with holding a 2018 Aurora Christmas Market as a budget option in the 2018 Draft Operating Budget for consideration by Budget Committee. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Notice of Motion (a) Page 1 of 1 Public Release September 19, 2017 Town of Aurora Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Replacement Delegation (a) Anthony Biglieri, The Biglieri Group Ltd., representing 2523059 Ontario Inc., Re: Item R2 – PBS17-068 – Proposals for Zoning By-law Amendment Applications (Revised letter attached) • Delegation (c) Jennifer Bentley, Owner, Re: Item R1 – PRCS17-031 – Tree Removal Permit Application – 81 Catherine Avenue Delegation Request 7KLV'HOHJDWLRQ5HTXHVWIRUPDQGDQ\ZULWWHQVXEPLVVLRQVRUEDFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQ IRUFRQVLGHUDWLRQE\HLWKHU&RXQFLORU&RPPLWWHHVRI&RXQFLOPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH &OHUN¶VRIILFHE\WKHIROORZLQJGHDGOLQH 4:30 p.m. Two (2) Days Prior to the Requested Meeting Date Council/Committee/Advisory Committee Meeting Date: Subject: Name of Spokesperson: Name of Group or Person(s) being Represented (if applicable): Brief Summary of Issue or Purpose of Delegation: Please complete the following: +DYH\RXEHHQLQFRQWDFWZLWKD7RZQVWDIIRU &RXQFLOPHPEHUUHJDUGLQJ\RXUPDWWHURILQWHUHVW"<HV ܆܆1R ܆ ,I\HVZLWKZKRP" 'DWH ܆,DFNQRZOHGJHWKDWWKH3URFHGXUH%\ODZSHUPLWVILYHPLQXWHVIRU'HOHJDWLRQV /HJLVODWLYH6HUYLFHV &OHUNV#DXURUDFD 7RZQRI$XURUD -RKQ:HVW:D\%R[ $XURUD21/*- September 19, 2017 - General Committee Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 132-198 Old Bloomington Road Anthony Biglieri of The Biglieri Group Ltd. 2523059 Ontario Inc. Request to Council to permit the processing of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands at 132-198 Old Bloomington Road. Please refer to the Letter attached with additional information. ✔ Marco Ramunno, Director of Planning and Development Services August 18, 2017 Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 1 of 4 BUILDING YOUR IDEAS - INTO BIG PLANS THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. PLANNING | DEVELOPMENT | PROJECT MANAGEMENT 20 Leslie Street, Suite 121, Toronto, Ontario M4M 3L4 Office: (416) 693-9155 Fax: (416) 693-9133 tbg@thebiglierigroup.com September 15, 2017 Town of Aurora Office of the Town Clerk 100 John West Way - Box 1000 Aurora, ON, L4G 6J1 Attention: Mayor Geoffrey Dawe and other Members of Council Dear Mayor Dawe and Members of Council , RE: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment of Town of Aurora Zoning By-law 6000-17 Lots 12 and 14 and Part of Lots 10, 11 and 13 of Registered Plan 166, Town of Aurora 132-198 Old Bloomington Road, Aurora TBG Project No. 16405 We represent 2523059 Ontario Inc., the owner of the above-mentioned properties municipally known as 132-198 Old Bloomington Road in the Town of Aurora. The subject site is legally described as Lots 11, 12 and 14 and Part of Lots 10 and 13 of Registered Plan 166 in the Town of Aurora. The Subject Site represents 10.12 hectares or 25.01 acres property located northeast from the major intersection of Bloomington Road and Yonge Street in the Town of Aurora. The Subject Site is located on the north side of Old Bloomington Road, an east-west Local Road that runs parallel to Bloomington Road, a Regional Arterial Road. This letter has been requested by the Town of Aurora Planning Department as a formal request to Council to permit the processing of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands. FIRST SUBMISSION On August 02, 2017, The Biglieri Group Ltd., on behalf of 2523059 Ontario Inc., made a submission to the Town of Aurora, containing applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit the development of 58 residential lots. An Official Plan Amendment application was submitted to permit the proposed residential development in conformity with the Town of Aurora’s Official Plan and Yonge Street South Secondary Plan. Several site -specific amendments to OPA 34 were required to permit the proposed residential development of 58 single-detached units on the subject site. These site-specific amendments were as follows: • An amendment to Section 3.2.3 c) of the Yonge Street South Secondary Plan to allow for an increase to the gross residential density maximum for Cluster Residential designations. Currently, a maximum of 5 units per hectare (2 units per acre) is permitted. The amendment will permit an increase in density to 5.7 units per hectare or 2.32 units per acre; • An amendment to Section 3.6.2 of the Official Plan to revise the language pertaining to maximum building coverage. The Plan currently states that the maximum building coverage permitted is 12% of all lands within Cluster Residential designation. The proposed Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 2 of 4 THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. 2 amendment will permit development on 12% of all constrained and unconstrained lands on the property; and, • Lastly, an amendment will be required to Section 3.6.3 c) of the Official Plan which states that there should be a minimum separation distance of 35 m etres between any Estate Residential designation and the lot line of any Cluster Residential unit. The a mendment proposes a 35 metre setback between a house in an Estate Residential designation and a house in a Cluster Residential designation with a 10 m etre lands caped buffer. REVISED SUBMISSION After the submission was made, we have had ongoing conversations with the Town of Aurora Planning Department in regards to the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Through conversations with staff and our client, it has been determined that the application will be revised in accordance with Section 3.2.3 c) of the Yonge Street South Secondary plan to maintain a maximum of 5 units per hectare (2 units per acre) on the subject lands. Therefore, the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision will be revised from 58 units to 50 units in accordance with this policy. However, the following site-specific Official Plan amendments will still be required: • An amendment to Section 3.6.2 of the Official Plan to revise the language pertaining to maximum building coverage. The Plan currently states that the maximum building coverage permitted is 12% of all lands within Cluster Residential designation. The proposed amendment will permit development on 12% of all constrained and unconstrained lands on the property; and, • Lastly, an amendment will be required to Section 3.6.3 c) of the Official Plan which states that there should be a minimum separation distance of 35 metres between any Estate Residential designation and the lot line of any Cluster Residential unit. The amendment proposes a 35 metre setback between a house in an Estate Residential designation and a house in a Cluster Residential designation with a 10 metre landscaped buffer. A Zoning By-Law Amendment will be required for the proposed residential development. The existing zoning is Estate Residential (“ER”) which is not in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan designation of Cluster Residential . A more appropriate zoning category in accordance with the Cluster Residential designation of the Official Plan would be Residential Two – Detached Dwelling Second Density (“R2”). A site -specific zoning by-law amendment will be required to implement the R2 zone on the subject lands in order to permit the proposed 50 residential units in accordance with the policies for Cluster Residential development outlined in the Official Plan. CONCLUSION It is in our professional planning opinion that the existing Estate Residential zoning for the subject lands located at 132-198 Old Bloomington Road is inappropriate given the Cluster Residential designation as per the Yonge Street South Secondary Plan (OPA 34). The Estate Residential zoning for the subject lands does not conform to the general intent of the Town of Aurora Official Plan, whereas the revised proposed development is in keeping with the general intent of the Town of Aurora Official Plan. Thus, we are respectfully requesting that Council allow for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands located at 132-198 Old Bloomington Road. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS In support of this request, please find enclosed the following: Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 3 of 4 THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. 3 ➢One (1) cheque in the amount of $500.00, payable to Town of Aurora, representing the fee associated with processing this Request to Council to allow for the processing of the Zoning By-law Amendment; ➢One (1) copy of the revised proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. Should you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully, THE BIGLIERI GROUP LTD. Anthony Biglieri, MCIP RPP Melinda Holland, M.Pl. Principal Planner Planner Cc: Marco Ramunno, Director of Planning and Development Services, Town of Aurora 2523059 Ontario Inc. Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (a) Page 4 of 4 7KLV'HOHJDWLRQ5HTXHVWIRUPDQGDQ\ZULWWHQVXEPLVVLRQVRUEDFNJURXQGLQIRUPDWLRQ IRUFRQVLGHUDWLRQE\HLWKHU&RXQFLORU&RPPLWWHHVRI&RXQFLOPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH &OHUN¶VRIILFHE\WKHIROORZLQJGHDGOLQH 4:30 p.m. Two (2) Days Prior to the Requested Meeting Date Subject: Name of Group or Person(s) being Represented (if applicable): Brief Summary of Issue or Purpose of Delegation: Please complete the following: +DYH\RXEHHQLQFRQWDFWZLWKD7RZQVWDIIRU &RXQFLOPHPEHUUHJDUGLQJ\RXUPDWWHURILQWHUHVW"<HV ܆܆ 1R ܆ ,I\HVZLWKZKRP"'DWH ܆ ,DFNQRZOHGJHWKDWWKH3URFHGXUH%\ODZSHUPLWVILYHPLQXWHVIRU'HOHJDWLRQV /HJLVODWLYH6HUYLFHV &OHUNV#DXURUDFD 7RZQRI$XURUD -RKQ:HVW:D\%R[ $XURUD21/*- September 19, 2017 81 Catherine Tree Removal Permit/Stop work order of Pool despite valid pool permit Jennifer Bentley We applied for permit to remove two trees on our neighbour's property (with their permission) because we believe they present a hazard to our home and children and have had no communication from anyone on the matter since it was discussed at last council meeting. Separately, on Friday, we received a stop work order on our pool from town at 5:00 p.m. because it was determined that we had violated a by-law and caused injury to the same two trees on our neighbour's property even though we have a pool permit with a stamp that says "this permit has been reviewed for compliance with the town of aurora by laws and other applicable legislation." We were shocked and embarrassed while a by law officer remained stationed outside our home for several hours until an emergency work order could be produced and posted on our house. We have made every attempt to follow town policies and procedures and at no time were aware of any by law violations. Our only goal at this point is to find a resolution to the situation so that we can live in our home peacefully, in accordance with town by laws and have a safe environment for our children to spend time outdoors in our backyard. ✔ By Law Officers, Geoffrey Dawe, Town Arborist September 15, 16, 17, 2017 ■ Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Delegation (c) Page 1 of 1