AGENDA - General Committee - 20170606General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release May 26, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Mrakas in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations 4. Delegations 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. Recommended: That the following Consent Agenda Items, C1 to C7 inclusive, be approved: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 8 C1. CS17-012 – Licensing of Medical Marihuana Facilities Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-012 be received for information. C2. Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2017, and April 5, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 1, 2017, and April 5, 2017, be received for information. C3. Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 22, 2017, be received for information. C4. Strategic Plan Steering Committee Meeting Minutes of March 30, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Strategic Plan Steering Committee meeting minutes of March 30, 2017, be received for information. C5. Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 6, 2017, be received for information. C6. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2017 Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 3 of 8 1. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 20, 2017, be received for information. C7. Memorandum from Councillor Mrakas Re: Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. CS17-017 – Sign Variance Request for the Canadian Disc Institute at 15000 Yonge Street Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-017 be received; and 2. That the request for a variance to Bylaw No. 5840-16, being a by-law respecting signs within the Town of Aurora, for the Canadian Disc Institute at 15000 Yonge Street, be denied. R2. PBS17-021 – Draft Plan of Condominium Application Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Aurora Ltd. 555 William Graham Drive Block 30, Plan 65M-4467 File: CDM-2016-05 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-021 be received; and 2. That the Draft Plan of Condominium File No. CDM-2016-05 for a mixed use condominium consisting of two four (4)-storey buildings, with a total of 179 residential units including 508.4 square metres of commercial space, subject to conditions set out in Appendix “A” to this report be approved; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 8 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R3. PBS17-042 – Application for Site Plan Approval MBH Aurora Lodging GP Ltd. Lot 1, Registered Plan 65M-4324 Northwest corner of Goulding Avenue and Eric T. Smith Way File Number: SP-2017-04 Related Files: D14-05-04 and D12-05-1A Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-042 be received; and 2. That site plan application number SP-2017-04 (MBH Aurora Lodging GP Ltd.) to permit the development of the subject lands for a four-storey, 108-room hotel be approved; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R4. PBS17-044 – Application for Site Plan Approval RCG Aurora North GP Inc. 800 St. John’s Sideroad Northeast Corner of Bayview Avenue and St. John’s Sideroad File Number: SP-2017-01 Related Files: OPA-2012-02 and ZBA-2012-09 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-044 be received; and 2. That site plan application number SP-2017-01 (RCG Aurora North GP Inc.) to permit the development of the subject lands for six commercial buildings be approved; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 5 of 8 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R5. PBS17-016 – Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision 2352107 Ontario Inc. 1588 St. John’s Sideroad Part of Lot 26, Concession 3 File Numbers: ZBA-2015-05 and SUB-2015-02 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-016 be received; and 2. That Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No. ZBA-2015-05 (2352107 Ontario Inc.), to implement the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision be approved; and 3. That Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision File No. SUB-2015-02 (2352107 Ontario Inc.), to allow the development of a business park development consisting of nine (9) Employment blocks, one (1) Environmental Buffer block and one (1) Environmental Protection area for a total of 19.38 hectare of the subject lands be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule “A” of this report; and 4. That the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council Meeting; and 5. That the Urban Design Guidelines for the subject lands, prepared by Ware Malcomb, dated May 2015, as amended be approved; and 6. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 6 of 8 R6. CS17-016 – Animal Control By-law Amendments Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-016 be received; and 2. That amendments to By-law Number No. 5642-14, being a by-law to regulate various matters relating to the licensing and keeping of animals in the Town of Aurora, be enacted at a future Council meeting. R7. FS17-025 – Creation of New Winter Control Reserve Fund Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-025 be received; and 2. That the necessary bylaw to create a Winter Control Reserve Fund be brought forward by staff for adoption; and 3. That $500,000 be transferred from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund into the new Winter Control Reserve Fund; and 4. That the strategy for the use of the new reserve fund set out in Report No. FS17-025 be incorporated into the annual year-end surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. R8. FS17-026 – Reserve Fund Strategy for External Legal and Occasional Human Resources Expenses Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-026 be received; and 2. That the strategy for the use of the tax rate stabilization reserve fund for external legal costs and occasional human resources costs as set out in Report No. FS17-026 be incorporated into the annual year-end surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 7 of 8 R9. FS17-027 – Hotel Development Charges - Deferrals Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-027 be received; and 2. That, until the current Town Development Charges By-law No. 5585-14 is repealed, the Treasurer and CAO be authorized to enter into and sign Development Charges Deferral Agreements for hotel or motel developments which defer the excess amounts that the development is required to pay over the amount determined for an office building of the same gross floor area, provided that such hotel/motel have non-lodging uses whose Gross Floor Area (GFA) does not exceed 33% of the GFA used for lodging; and 3. That the similar authorization to enter deferral agreements for hotels or motels approved on August 11, 2015, be withdrawn; and 4. That staff undertake a detailed review of development charges for hotels and motels in the next update of the Town’s Development Charges By- law. R10. IES17-026 – On-Street Parking Concerns on Wiles Court Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-026 be received; and 2. That parking be prohibited at any time on the west side of Wiles Court from Murray Drive to a point 58 metres north of Murray Drive; and 3. That a by-law be enacted to implement the above recommendation; and 4. That a letter be sent to all affected residents outlining Council’s direction. R11. IES17-027 – Vandorf Sideroad Maximum Rate of Speed Amendment Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-027 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 8 of 8 2. That the prescribed maximum rate of speed on Vandorf Sideroad from Leslie Street to 600m west of Leslie Street be reduced from 60km/h to 50km/h; and 3. That the necessary By-law be enacted at the Council meeting of June 13, 2017. R12. IES17-028 – Cleaning of Catch Basins, Storm Detention Tanks and Oil Grit Separators Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-028 be received; and 2. That Capital Project No. 42063 Catch Basin Cleaning be approved; and 3. That funding for the work be allocated from the Storm Sewer Reserve Fund; and 4. That staff report back to Council with the Request for Quotation results including cost implications, recommendations for moving forward with the work and a plan of action associated with a future maintenance program for this infrastructure. 7. Notices of Motion (a) Councillor Abel Re: Twinning With an Indigenous Community: A Canada 150 Municipal Legacy 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. CS17-012 Subject: Licensing of Medical Marihuana Facilities Prepared by: Patricia De Sario, Town Solicitor Department: Corporate Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendation 1.That Report No. CS17-012 be received for information. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information on the strict licensing regime that medical marijuana facilities undergo through Health Canada and to recommend that The Corporation of the Town of the Aurora (the “Town”) not license them. •New legislation was introduced in 2016 to provide access to individuals requiring medical marihuana •Any company or individual applying for a licence and licensed producers (i.e. those who have successfully obtained a licence from Health Canada) are required to provide written notice to the Town and local fire and police authorities •Any company or individual applying for a licence undergo a strict and thorough application process with Health Canada •Once a licence has been issued, Health Canada continues to monitor licensed producers to ensure compliance with the legislation •Legislation requires licensed producers to follow stringent security requirements of the site and within the site •Monitoring activities further include complaint investigations and inspections of the licensed sites •The licensing of a medical marihuana facility would be redundant General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C1 Page 1 of 6 May 16, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Report No. CS17-012 Background On May 26, 2015, Council passed the following motion: That staff be directed to investigate the possibility of the creation of a Town licensing regime for medical marihuana production facilities aligned to that of the City of Mississauga. Since the City of Mississauga enacted its by-law, the federal government replaced the legislation that regulated medical marihuana facilities. The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (the “Act”) provides access to marihuana through licensed producers, which may be a medical marihuana facility or an individual who produces marihuana for him/herself. Analysis New legislation was introduced in 2016 to provide access to individuals requiring medical marihuana Prior to 2016, individuals requiring medical marihuana were only able to obtain marihuana through a medical marihuana facility. It was illegal for individuals to produce it themselves or have someone else produce it for them. With the passing of the Act, individuals requiring medical marihuana may continue to access it by registering with a licensed medical marihuana facility, may register with Health Canada in order to produce a limited amount for themselves or may designate another person to produce it for them. This report will focus on medical marihuana facilities and not individual producers. Any company or individual applying for a licence and licensed producers are required to provide written notice to the Town and local fire and police authorities Before submitting an application to Health Canada, an applicant must provide written notice to the Town and local authorities stating its name, the address of the site, the activities for which a licence is being sought and the date on which the application will be submitted to Health Canada. If a licensed producer intends to amend its licence, it must provide written notice to the Town and local authorities, with the same information as above, before submitting its application. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C1 Page 2 of 6 May 16, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Report No. CS17-012 Within 30 days after the issuance, renewal, amendment, suspension, reinstatement or revocation of a licence, a licensed producer must provide written notice to the Town and local authorities stating its name, the address, and the effective date of the issuance, renewal, amendment, suspension, reinstatement or revocation of a licence and provide a copy of the notice to Health Canada. To date, the Town has not received any such notices. Any company or individual applying for a licence undergo a strict and thorough application process with Health Canada There are various stages to the application process, including screening, security clearance, review of security plans and inspections. Health Canada may refuse an application at any stage of the application process. In addition, even if an applicant clears one stage of the process, Health Canada may re-review that stage if new information affecting the application is received. Health Canada ensures that the application is in keeping with the requirements of the legislation and that the issuance of a licence does not create risks to public health, safety and security. Depending upon the complexity of the application, this process may take more than one year to complete. Legislation requires licensed producers to follow stringent security requirements of the site and within the site The site, as well as any area within the site where marihuana is present, must be visually monitored at all times by visual recording devices and secured by means of intrusion detection systems. In the area where marihuana is present, there must be restricted access to the area, the person in charge must always be present in the area, and a record must be made of the identity of every person entering or exiting the area. There must also be physical barriers that prevent unauthorized access to the area and the area must be equipped with an air filtration system to prevent the escape of odours. Once a licence has been issued, Health Canada continues to monitor licensed producers to ensure compliance with the legislation Health Canada ensures that licensed producers comply with the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act as well as all of the requirements in the Act. In accordance with the Act, licensed producers must maintain good production practices. There are regulations around the packaging, labelling and shipping of medical marihuana. A person requiring medical marijuana must register with the medical marihuana facility as a client. Once General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C1 Page 3 of 6 May 16, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Report No. CS17-012 registered, the individual would place an order and a package will then be shipped from the licensed producer directly to the client. Individuals cannot purchase marihuana by attending the facility. Storefront operations are not permitted and are still considered illegal. Monitoring activities further include complaint investigations and inspections of the licensed sites Health Canada conducts inspections of licensed producers at various stages. The first inspection is a pre-licence inspection, which is conducted to verify the accuracy of information submitted to Health Canada in a licence application or amendment. Once a licence is issued and a licensed producer is ready to sell marihuana, an inspection is conducted to verify that the facilities, activities and products being sold are in compliance with the good production practices and record keeping requirements set out in the Act. Health Canada also conducts targeted inspections to verify compliance with a particular area of the Act. An inspection is also conducted prior to a licence being renewed. During an inspection, Health Canada is able to review records of the licensed producer, including client information, shipping records, quality assurance, standard operating policies and procedures. Lastly, Health Canada may conduct a physical inventory count to ensure there are no inconsistencies with inventory reports. If during an inspection it is found that a licensed producer is not complying with the various legislation and requirements, the inspector will inform the licensed producer and will document any discrepancies. For each discrepancy, the licensed producer will have to submit to Health Canada a corrective action plan which addresses the issue, prevents a recurrence and provides a timeline to remedy the issue. Where there may be injury to an individual, diversion with the supply or if records have been falsified, Health Canada may take immediate enforcement action. Depending upon the severity and number of the issues, Health Canada may conduct inspections more frequently and may suspend or revoke a licence. The licensing of a medical marihuana facility would be redundant Generally, municipalities license businesses to ensure public health and safety and consumer protection. The Act provides Health Canada with various review and enforcement measures to ensure that these factors are paramount. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C1 Page 4 of 6 May 16, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Report No. CS17-012 Typically, there is concern with the location of the licensed producers. However, as a business located in Aurora, the licensed producer is still required to comply with the Town’s zoning by-law as well as other municipal by-laws. Upon the Town receiving notification from a facility that intends to apply for licence from Health Canada, the Town would ensure that the location complies with zoning. If there is a zoning non- compliance issue, the Town may enforce the zoning through the provisions of the zoning by-law. This enforcement and the remedies that the Town has falls out of the scope of a licensing by-law. Advisory Committee Review None. Financial Implications None. Communications Considerations None. Link to Strategic Plan None. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Request that staff bring forward a by-law for Council consideration regarding the licensing of medical marijuana facilities. Conclusions From the application process to after a licence is issued, Health Canada strictly regulates medical marihuana facilities and ensures that they comply with the requirements of legislation and that the issuance of a licence does not create risks to public health, safety and security. There is no added benefit to the Town or its residents in having a municipal licensing regime. As such, staff recommend that a by-law to license medical marihuana facilities not be enacted. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C1 Page 5 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item C1 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Time and Location: 4 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Tyler Barker (Chair), Gordon Barnes, James Hoyes, and Jo-anne Spitzer Member(s) Absent: John Lenchak (Vice Chair) and Councillor Sandra Humfryes Other Attendees: Chris Catania, Accessibility Advisor, Samantha Yew, Deputy Clerk, and Nicole Trudeau, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Gordon Barnes Seconded by James Hoyes That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 3. Receipt of the Minutes General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 1 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2017 Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Gordon Barnes That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 1, 2017, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations (a) Richard Doust, Member of Trails and Active Transportation Committee Re: Bike Aurora Day Mr. Doust provided an overview of Bike Aurora Day, an event organized by the Trails and Active Transportation Committee, which is scheduled to take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Saturday, June 24, 2017. The Committee expressed support for the event and provided comments and feedback on accessibility features. Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Gordon Barnes That the delegation of Richard Doust be received for information. Carried 5. Matters for Consideration 1. Memorandum from Planner, Re: Application for Site Plan Amendment, The Gathering Place of Aurora, 210 Edward Street, Part of Block B & C, Edward Street, Reg. Plan 488, Part 1, 65R13909, Related File Numbers: OPA-2016- 02 and ZBA-2016-06, File Number: SP-2016-09 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 2 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Staff provided an overview of the proposed application for site plan amendment, and the Committee reviewed the site plan and drawings and discussed accessibility standards to be considered as part of the site plan amendment. Moved by Jo-anne Spitzer Seconded by Gordon Barnes 1. That the memorandum regarding Application for Site Plan Amendment, The Gathering Place of Aurora, 210 Edward Street, Part of Block B & C, Edward Street, Reg. Plan 488, Part 1, 65R13909, Related File Numbers: OPA-2016-02 and ZBA-2016-06, File Number: SP-2016-09 be received; and 2. That the following Accessibility Advisory Committee comments regarding the Application for Site Plan Amendment be considered by staff: (a) Request barrier-free path of travel from the accessible parking spaces to the proposed new entry enclosure; and (b) Request to ensure the proper location of accessible parking spaces; and (c) Request to install accessible doors at the proposed new entry enclosure; and (d) Request for the applicant to submit more detail on the proposed new entry enclosure, through a second submission of the application, to be circulated for further comment. Carried 6. Informational Items 2. Extract from Council Meeting of December 13, 2016 Re: Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 2, 2016 Moved by Gordon Barnes Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 3 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Page 4 of 5 1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of December 13, 2016, regarding the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November 2, 2016, be received for information. Carried 3. Extract from Council Meeting of January 31, 2017 Re: Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2016 Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Gordon Barnes 1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of January 31, 2017, regarding the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of December 1, 2016, be received for information. Carried 7. New Business Jo-anne Spitzer expressed concern about snow being ploughed into handicapped spaces in commercial/retail parking lots. The Committee was reminded to contact the Accessibility Advisor and/or Access Aurora in order to track complaints. Tyler Barker suggested that a visit to the Abilities Centre, a fully accessible, multi- use facility in Whitby, would be beneficial for the Committee. He proposed to also invite Sport Aurora, the Mayor and Members of Council. In anticipation of National Access Awareness W eek in June, the Committee discussed potential speakers and events to engage public accessibility awareness, education, and appreciation. Tyler Barker noted that a portable, fully accessible washroom trailer will be unveiled at the Whitchurch-Stouffville Strawberry Festival during the Canada Day weekend. The Committee discussed the possibility of securing the trailer for upcoming Town events. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 4 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Page 5 of 5 8. Adjournment Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Gordon Barnes That the meeting be adjourned at 5:09 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 5 of 10 Town of Aurora Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Time and Location: 4 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Tyler Barker (Chair), Gordon Barnes, James Hoyes, Jo-anne Spitzer, and Councillor Sandra Humfryes (arrived 4:47 p.m.) Member(s) Absent: John Lenchak (Vice Chair) Other Attendees: Chris Catania, Accessibility Advisor, and Nicole Trudeau, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Jo-anne Spitzer Seconded by Gordon Barnes That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 3. Receipt of the Minutes General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 6 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2017 Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Gordon Barnes That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 1, 2017, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations (a) Laurie Mueller, Sport Aurora Re: Sport Plan – Support for Persons with a Disability Ms. Mueller presented an overview of the Sport Plan, highlighting the vision, goals and key recommendations of the Sport Plan, along with the barriers and needs to sport and physical activity participation. The Committee endorsed the Sport Plan and expressed support and commitment in continuing the discussion and dialogue with Sport Aurora. Moved by Gordon Barnes Seconded by James Hoyes That the comments of the delegation be received for information. Carried 5. Matters for Consideration 1. Memorandum from Senior Policy Planner Re: Site Plan Application, RCG Aurora North GP Inc., 800 St. John’s Sideroad, WHITCHURCH CON 2 PT LOT 26 RP 65R32530 PART 1 Related File Numbers: ZBA-2012-09, By-law No. 5890-16, File Number: SP-2017-01 Staff provided an overview of the site plan application, and the Committee reviewed the site plan and drawings and discussed accessibility standards to be considered as part of the site plan application. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 7 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Moved by Gordon Barnes Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer 1. That the memorandum regarding Site Plan Application, RCG Aurora North GP Inc., 800 St. John’s Sideroad, WHITCHURCH CON 2 PT LOT 26 RP 65R32530 PART 1, Related File Numbers: ZBA-2012-09, By-law No. 5890-16, File Number: SP-2017-01, be received; and 2. That the following Accessibility Advisory Committee comments regarding the Site Plan Application be considered by staff: (a) Request for the applicant to confirm the location and total number of parking spaces, including accessible parking spots, through a second submission of the application, to be circulated for further comment. Carried 2. Memorandum from Planner Re: Site Plan Application (Submission 3), P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc., S/W Corner of Yonge Street and Elderberry Trail, Pt of Lot 72, Concession 1, File Number: SP-2014-07, Related Files: OPA-2008-04, ZBA-2008-14 Staff provided an overview of the site plan application, and the Committee reviewed the site plan and drawings and discussed accessibility standards to be considered as part of the site plan application. Moved by Councillor Humfryes Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer 1. That the memorandum regarding Site Plan Application (Submission 3), P.A.R.C.E.L. Inc., S/W Corner of Yonge Street and Elderberry Trail, Pt of Lot 72, Concession 1, File No. SP-2014-07, Related Files: OPA-2008- 03, ZBA-2008-14, be received; and 2. That the following Accessibility Advisory Committee comments regarding the Site Plan Application (Submission 3) be considered by staff: (a) Request for accessible parking spots, curb cuts and entrance ramps on all levels of underground parking (P1 and P2); and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 8 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Page 4 of 5 (b) Request barrier-free path of travel for common access areas related to the ground floor plan including accessible turning spaces, and minimum doorway and corridor widths; and (c) Request power door operators to be provided at the entrance door and throughout the common access areas, including all levels of underground parking (P1 and P2). Carried 6. Informational Items 3. Memorandum from Accessibility Advisor Re: 2017 Community Recognition Awards Staff provided an overview of the memorandum and encouraged Committee members to participate and nominate an individual, group or business for an award, including the Inclusivity Award, as winners will be recognized at the 2017 Community Recognition Awards on Monday, May 29, 2017. Moved by Gordon Barnes Seconded by Councillor Humfryes 1. That the memorandum regarding 2017 Community Recognition Awards be received for information Carried 7. New Business Staff agreed to investigate developing and sharing information on best practices or options meant to assist the planning, design and development process to ensure new developments are accessible and meet or exceed the requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11, as amended, and the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23, as amended. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 9 of 10 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Page 5 of 5 8. Adjournment Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Councillor Humfryes That the meeting be adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C2 Page 10 of 10 Town of Aurora Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Time and Location: 5:30 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair) and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Member(s) Absent: Councillor Harold Kim Other Attendees: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer, Dan Elliott, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Marco Ramunno, Director of Planning and Building Services, Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Planning, Karen Oreto, Financial Analyst, Tracy Evans, Financial Analyst, Budget, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C3 Page 1 of 3 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Page 2 of 3 3.Receipt of the Minutes Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2017 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 22, 2017, be received for information. Carried 4.Delegations None 5.Consideration of Items 1.Review of Financial Information – Planning and Building Services (PBS) Re: (1) Line-by-Line Analysis (2) Long-term Development (3) Other Areas of Focus Staff provided detail to the highlighted items of the line-by-line analysis of the 2017 approved budget for Planning and Building Services, as compared to the budget and actuals of 2014 through 2016. Staff presented and discussed aspects of the 2017-2026 long-term development activity forecast for building permits and the 2012-2016 building permits summary. It was noted that all departments use this same growth basis to facilitate improved budgeting and long-range planning. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1.That the comments and suggestions of the Review of Financial Information – Planning and Building Services (PBS) be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C3 Page 2 of 3 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Page 3 of 3 2.Review of Town’s Current Schedule of Reserve Funds as of December 31, 2016 The Committee consented to consider Item 2 prior to consideration of Item 1. Staff introduced and reviewed the schedule of reserve funds and associated by- laws related to reserves for existing infrastructure, reserves for new infrastructure, reserve funds for special purposes, Central York Fire Services-managed reserved funds, and Aurora Public Library-managed reserve funds. The Committee and staff discussed various aspects, and it was agreed that this information would be linked to the Corporation’s financial health report on the Town’s website. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1.That the comments and suggestions of the Review of Town’s Current Schedule of Reserve Funds as of December 31, 2016, be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 6.New Business Mayor Dawe inquired about the Citizen Budget status. Staff advised that further information would be provided on a future Committee agenda. 7.Adjournment Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the meeting be adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C3 Page 3 of 3 Town of Aurora Strategic Plan Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, March 30, 2017 Time and Location: 4 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Mayor Geoffrey Dawe (Chair), Councillor Michael Thompson Member(s) Absent: Councillor Sandra Humfryes Other Attendees: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer, Anthony Ierullo, Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Dawe That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 3. Receipt of the Minutes None General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C4 Page 1 of 3 Strategic Plan Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 30, 2017 Page 2 of 3 4. Delegations None 5. Matters for Consideration None 6. Informational Items 1. Verbal Update from Chief Administrative Officer Re: Creation of Corporate Strategy Staff provided background to the relationship between the mission, vision, and values of the Town’s Strategic Plan and the Corporation’s business plan. Staff noted the continuing work of the Executive Leadership Team in aligning the priorities of the departmental business plans with the Strategic Plan, which serves as a model for the entire organization. It was further noted that enhanced key performance indicators are being considered in order to demonstrate progress. Staff advised that a report will be submitted to Council outlining the recommended priorities, actions and key performance indicators, which will serve as the framework for the Budget 2018 considerations. Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Dawe 1. That the Verbal Update from Chief Administrative Officer regarding Creation of Corporate Strategy be received for information. Carried 2. Updated Town of Aurora Strategic Plan Staff and Committee discussed aspects of the updated 2017-2031 Town of Aurora Strategic Plan. The Committee made observations and suggestions regarding the reporting of accountability, actions and measurement, progress and achievements, access to financial information, updates with a stronger connection to previous Strategic Plan rather than a new Plan, historical information, and highlighting of new goals and objectives. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C4 Page 2 of 3 Strategic Plan Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 30, 2017 Page 3 of 3 Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Dawe 1. That the Updated Town of Aurora Strategic Plan be received; and 2. That the comments and suggestions of the Committee regarding the Updated Town of Aurora Strategic Plan be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 7. New Business The Committee agreed to hold the next meeting during the first week of May. 8. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Dawe That the meeting be adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless otherwise adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C4 Page 3 of 3 Town of Aurora Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, April 6, 2017 Time and Location: 7 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Paul Pirri (Chair), Councillor Tom Mrakas (Vice Chair), Irene Clement, Larry Fedec (arrived 7:04 p.m.), Melville James, Jennifer Sault, Sara Varty (arrived 7:04 p.m.), Nancee Webb, Kristina Zeromskiene (arrived 7:04 p.m.), and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe (ex-officio member) Member(s) Absent: None Other Attendees: Christina Nagy-Oh, Program Manager, Environmental Initiatives, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Jennifer Sault Seconded by Irene Clement That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C5 Page 1 of 4 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 6, 2017 Page 2 of 4 3. Receipt of the Minutes Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2016 Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James That the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November 24, 2016, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations None 5. Matters for Consideration 1. Memorandum from Mayor Dawe Re: Anti-Idling The Mayor provided a brief overview of the memorandum. The Committee expressed support for the campaign, and provided suggestions to increase public awareness regarding idling vehicles. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Larry Fedec 1. That the memorandum regarding Anti-Idling be received for information; and 2. That the Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to Council: (a) That staff be directed to draft an anti-idling by-law; and (b) That staff be directed to draft an anti-idling education campaign that details the effects of idling vehicles. Carried General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C5 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 6, 2017 Page 3 of 4 6. Informational Items 2. Memorandum from Program Manager, Environmental Initiatives Re: Bring Your Own Bottle Initiative at Town Facilities Staff provided background information regarding the initiative. The Committee inquired about the elimination of the sale of bottled water and pop. Staff advised that pop will be removed from one beverage machine at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex as a pilot project for the month of September 2017. Moved by Sara Varty Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene 1. That the memorandum regarding Bring Your Own Bottle Initiative at Town Facilities be received for information. Carried 2. Extract from Council Meeting of December 13, 2016 Re: Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2016 The Committee inquired about whether there has been any follow-up regarding New Business Motions No. 3 and No. 4. The Chair and staff indicated that updates will be provided at a future meeting. Moved by Irene Clement Seconded by Jennifer Sault 1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of December 13, 2016, regarding the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November 24, 2016, be received for information. Carried General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C5 Page 3 of 4 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 6, 2017 Page 4 of 4 7. New Business Councillor Mrakas noted that nominations for the 2017 Community Recognition Awards are being accepted, and he encouraged Committee members to make submissions. Staff advised that Rick Hansen Public School is requesting volunteers for Aurora’s Annual Clean-up Day on Saturday, April 22, 2017. 8. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Mrakas Seconded by Nancee Webb That the meeting be adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C5 Page 4 of 4 Town of Aurora Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017 Time and Location: 7 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair), Councillor Michael Thompson (Vice Chair), Juergen Daurer, Richard Doust, Stephen Kimmerer, Eric McCartney, and Brian Trussler Member(s) Absent: Reg Chappell Other Attendees: Allan Downey, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Juergen Daurer Seconded by Brian Trussler That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C6 Page 1 of 4 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 20, 2017 Page 2 of 4 3. Receipt of the Minutes Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2017 Moved by Brian Trussler Seconded by Eric McCartney That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 16, 2017, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations None 5. Matters for Consideration 1. PRCSAC17-002 – Canine Commons Update Staff provided background and reviewed elements of the report. The Committee and staff discussed various issues, including options for an alternate park location, replacement and disposal of wood chips, fencing, sponsorship opportunities, and maintenance. Staff noted that a service level needs to be identified for this park. Moved by Juergen Daurer Seconded by Richard Doust 1. That Report No. PRCSAC17-002 be received; and 2. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee recommend to Council: (a) That staff proceed with the priority site capital upgrades and maintenance requirements; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C6 Page 2 of 4 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 20, 2017 Page 3 of 4 (b) That these upgrades be funded in the 2017 Capital and Operational budgets and all related works be completed in 2017; and (c) That future PRCSAC Operational budgets be funded sufficiently to conduct the ongoing service level increase at the Canine Commons Leash Free Park, as outlined in this report. Carried 6. Informational Items 2. Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017 Re: Parks and Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2017 Moved by Stephen Kimmerer Seconded by Juergen Daurer 1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017, regarding the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 16, 2017, be received for information. Carried 7. New Business Eric McCartney inquired about park lighting and whether there are plans to update and replace the old light standards. Staff advised that there is a plan to review the lighting requirements of all trails and parks toward standardization. Eric McCartney inquired about drawings for the proposed Library Square, and staff advised that concept plans had been received, which will be first reviewed by Council. Eric McCartney inquired about trail signage, and staff advised that signs are in the process of being installed. Eric McCartney inquired about the timing of meeting agenda distribution and staff provided a response. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C6 Page 3 of 4 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 20, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Eric McCartney inquired about education pamphlets regarding dog waste, and staff provided an update. Staff provided an update regarding the involvement of By-law Services to ensure that all dogs using the leash-free park are licensed, noting that any dog without a dog tag will not be allowed in the park and dog owners/walkers may be fined. Staff provided an update on a recent meeting with Highland Gate Developments Inc. regarding the Highland Gate area park, noting that they will be seeking public input and the trails issues will be considered by the Trails and Active Transportation Committee. Staff provided updates regarding the proposed multi-use sports facility, the need for additional baseball diamonds, and the new Ice Allocation Policy. Staff noted that a public consultation meeting will be held on April 24, 2017, regarding concept plans for Library Square and the Cultural Precinct. 8. Adjournment Moved by Stephen Kimmerer Seconded by Eric McCartney That the meeting be adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless otherwise adopted by Council at a later meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C6 Page 4 of 4 Memorandum Date: June 6, 2017 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Tom Mrakas Re: Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group Recommendation 1.That the memorandum regarding Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group, be received for information. Attachments Attachment 1 – Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group, addressed to Minister Bill Mauro and Attorney General Yasir Naqvi 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone: 905-727-3123 ext. 4274 Email: tmrakas@aurora.ca www.aurora.ca Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C7 Page 1 of 2 Dear Minister Bill Mauro and Attorney General Yasir Naqvi, After many months and many meetings, conversations and consultations about the need for change, Elected Officials across this Province have been eagerly waiting for the Bill to be presented that will reform the OMB. When the Provincial review of the OMB began last Fall it was indicated to all Stakeholders that the outcome of that review would be a Bill that would be presented in the Spring 2017. As we are now well into Spring, many are anxious to see the Bill presented for public comment and review. We look forward to reviewing a Bill that reflects the concerns raised by the public, businesses and government alike. A Bill that addresses the need for change in scope and power of authority of the OMB, the impact of which will be a much needed return to the authority of local municipalities to uphold their own provincially approved Official Plans. Much work has been done with regards to advocating for change. All are hopeful that the requests from residents and elected officials have not been taken lightly. On behalf of the OMB Reform Working Group, we look forward to reviewing this Bill in the coming weeks and are hopeful that this Government will make those impactful reforms that are long overdue. Regards, Tom Mrakas Chair, OMB Reform Working Group Committee Members Tom Mrakas (Aurora) Michael Thompson (Aurora) Marianne Meed Ward (Burlington) Nicholas Ermata (Cambridge) Frank Sebo (Georgina) Cathy Downer (Guelph) Yvonne Fernandes (Kitchener) Karen Rea (Markham) Nirmala Armstrong (Markham) Don Hamilton (Markham) Christina Bisanz (Newmarket) Karen Cilevitz (Richmond Hill) David West (Richmond Hill) Pat Molloy (Uxbridge) Marilyn Iafrate (Vaughan) Alan Shefman (Vaughan) Mary Ann Grimaldi (Welland) Steve Yamada (Whitby) Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item C7 Page 2 of 2 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 1 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 2 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 3 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 4 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 5 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 6 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 7 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R1 Page 8 of 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 1 of 19and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 2 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 3 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 4 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 5 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 6 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 7 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 8 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 9 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 10 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 11 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 12 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 13 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 14 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 15 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 16 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 17 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 18 of 19 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R2 Page 19 of 19 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PBS17-042 Subject: Application for Site Plan Approval MBH Aurora Lodging GP LTD Lot 1, Registered Plan 65M-4324 Northwest corner of Goulding Avenue and Eric T. Smith Way File Number: SP-2017-04 Related Files: D14-05-04 & D12-05-1A Prepared by: Fausto Filipetto, Senior Policy Planner Department: Planning and Building Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PBS17-042 be received; and 2. That site plan application number SP-2017-04 (MBH Aurora Lodging GP LTD) to permit the development of the subject lands for a four storey, 108 room hotel be approved; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. Executive Summary This report seeks Council approval of a site plan application. • This report provides background information, evaluation and recommendations regarding the site plan application submitted by MBH Aurora Lodging GP LTD to permit the development of the subject lands for a four storey, 108 room hotel totaling 4,837.2 square metres (52,067.2 square feet). • Planning and Building Services has reviewed the subject application in accordance with the provisions of the Town’s Official Plan, Zoning By-law and municipal development standards respecting the subject lands. • All departments have provided comment and are able to support the site plan application provided technical comments are addressed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R3 Page 1 of 10 June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Report No. PBS17-042 • All technical revisions to the proposed plans will be reviewed by Town Staff prior to the execution of the site plan agreement. • Staff recommends approval of site plan application number SP-2017-04. Background The subject lands were formerly part of the larger Town owned lands known municipally as 15059 Leslie Street. The lands were rezoned by the Town from Rural General to a site-specific Business Park zone and a Plan of Subdivision was registered. Location / Land Use As illustrated on Figure 1, the subject lands are located within the former Town lands business park subdivision; on the northwest corner of Goulding Avenue and Eric T. Smith Way. The lands are 0.8 Hectares (2 Acres) in size and are currently vacant. Surrounding Land Uses The surrounding land uses are as follows: North: Open Space and Watercourse; South: Eric T. Smith Way and vacant employment land; East: Goulding Avenue and vacant employment land; and West: vacant employment land. Policy Context and Zoning The site plan application is consistent with Provincial, Regional and Town land use planning policy. Town of Aurora Official Plan The subject lands are designated “Business Park” in the Bayview Northeast Area 2B Secondary Plan. “The Business Park designation is intended to provide opportunities for a mix of high quality employment uses and a variety of supporting commercial and community facilities geared to satisfying the needs of residents, businesses and employees in the Town of Aurora and the Region. The Business Park designation permits an integrated mix of employment activities and businesses that occur within buildings and on sites that are designed, and landscaped to present a high quality, prestige image.” The Business Park designation specifically permits “hospitality and accommodation related uses including hotels and motels and other alternative forms providing extended-stay accommodation.” General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R3 Page 2 of 10 June 6, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Report No. PBS17-042 Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended The subject lands are zoned “Business Park (BP-4i) Exception Zone.” The BP-4i Zone specifically permits the site to be used for a hotel. A preliminary zoning review has identified the following areas of non-compliance with the Zoning By-law: Section Provision Required Proposed 27.D.8.2.3 Landscape Strip 3.0 metres 2.0 metres 27.D.8.2.4 Floor Area Ratio (Maximum) 50% 60% 27.D.8.2.6 Required Parking 153 Spaces 100 Spaces The applicant will be submitting a Minor Variance Application, complete with supporting analysis, in order to seek relief from the identified By-law provisions. Analysis Proposed Site Plan As illustrated on Figure 2, the site plan proposes a four storey, 108 room hotel totaling 4,837.2 square metres (52,067.2 square feet). A total of 103 parking spaces and three check-in stalls will be provided primarily along the south side of the building, fronting Eric T. Smith Way. As illustrated on Figure 3, landscaped strips are proposed long both road frontages as well as along the west property line. Landscaping is also proposed within the parking areas, as well as on along the sides of the building. The Building Elevations are illustrated on Figures 4 and 5. The applicant is proposing a four storey, flat roof hotel. The hotel’s name and logo are proposed to be elevated from the rest of the building. Site Plan Review and Comments The proposed site plan was reviewed by both internal departments and external agencies. There were no objections to the proposed site plan, however comments were provided which were technical in nature. It is anticipated that the majority of the comments would be addressed in the next site plan submission. Given the Town’s goal of promoting development of their employment lands and given that this application is being processed by the Office of Business Concierge team as part of the new economic development, Staff are recommending site plan approval at this time, subject to the resolution of any outstanding issues. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R3 Page 3 of 10 June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 5 Report No. PBS17-042 Advisory Committee Review The site plan was before the Accessibility Advisory Committee on May 10, 2017 and the Committee’s comments were provided to the applicant as part of the comprehensive set of first submission comments. Financial Implications At the time of site plan agreement, fees and securities will be applied to the development. The development of the subject lands generates development charges and cash in lieu of parkland fees. It should be noted that the proposed development will be subject to the Development Charges Deferral Agreement, as previously authorized by Council. Communications Considerations Site plan applications submitted under Section 41 of the Planning Act do not require public notification. All planning applications are listed on the Town’s website through the Planning Application Status List which is reported to Council and updated quarterly. Link to Strategic Plan The proposed site plan application supports the Strategic Plan goal of Enabling a diverse, creative and resilient economy through the following key objective within this goal statement: Promoting economic opportunities that facilitate the growth of Aurora as a desirable place to do business: The application will assist in attracting business in accordance with the Develop plans to attract businesses that provide employment opportunities for our residents action item. Alternatives to the Recommendation 1. Council has the option of directing staff to report back once all outstanding comments are addressed; or 2. Council may also defuse the application with an explanation for the refusal. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R3 Page 4 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R3 Page 5 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R3 Page 6 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R3 Page 7 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R3 Page 8 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R3 Page 9 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R3 Page 10 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 1 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 2 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 3 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 4 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 5 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 6 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 7 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 8 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 9 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 10 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 11 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 12 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 13 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 14 of 15 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R4 Page 15 of 15 �AURORA Town of Aurora General Committee Report Subject: Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision 2352107 Ontario Inc. 1588 St. John's Sideroad Part of Lot 26, Concession 3 File Numbers: ZBA-2015-05 SUB-2015-02 Prepared by: Lawrence Kuk, Planner Department: Planning and Building Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendations No. PBS17-016 1.That Report No. PBS17-016 be received; and 2.That Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No. ZBA-2015-05 (2352107 Ontario Inc.), to implement the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision be approved; and 3.That Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision File No. SUB-2015-02 (2352107 Ontario Inc.), to allow the development of a business park development consisting of nine (9) Employment blocks, one (1) Environmental Buffer block and one (1) Environmental Protection area for a total of 19.38 hectare of the subject lands be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" of this report; and 4.That the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council Meeting; and 5.That the Urban Design Guidelines for the subject lands, prepared by Ware Malcomb, dated May 2015, as amended be approved; and 6.That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements reference in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R5 Page 1 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 2 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 3 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 4 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 5 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 6 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 7 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 8 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 9 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 10 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 11 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 12 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 13 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 14 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 15 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 16 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 17 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 18 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 19 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 20 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 21 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 22 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 23 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 24 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 25 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 26 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 27 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 28 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 29 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 30 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 31 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 32 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 33 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 34 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 35 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 36 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 37 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 38 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 39 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 40 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 41 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 42 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 43 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 44 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 45 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 46 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 47 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 48 of 49 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R5 Page 49 of 49 � Town of Aurora Au�RA General Committee Report Subject: Animal Control By-Law Amendments Prepared by: Mandie Crawford, Manager of Bylaw Services Department: Corporate Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendation No. CS17-016 1.That Report No. CS17-016 be received; and 2.That amendments to By-law No. 5642-14, being a by-law to regulate various matters relating to the licensing and keeping of animals in the Town of Aurora, be enacted at a future Council meeting. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide recommended changes to By-law 5642-14, being a by-law to regulate various matters relating to the licensing and keeping of animals in the Town of Aurora, (Animal Control By-Law), to better protect both residents and animals within the Town of Aurora. •Amending the Town's Animal Control By-law to include Dangerous Dog provisions will enable Animal Control Officers to better protect the public •Clarifying language and requirements relating to control of animals while on leash will also improve public safety •Improving provisions for animal care related to extreme weather will assist with animal protection and wellbeing Background At the Council Meeting of Tuesday, April 11, 2017, the following motion carried: "That staff investigate and report back to Council on the implications of introducing amendments to By-law No. 5642-14 similar to those enacted by the City of Toronto." General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R6 Page 1 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R6 Page 2 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R6 Page 3 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R6 Page 4 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R6 Page 5 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R6 Page 6 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R6 Page 7 of 7 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. FS17-025 Subject: Creation of New Winter Control Reserve Fund Prepared by: Dan Elliott, Director of Finance - Treasurer Department: Financial Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendation 1.That Report No. FS17-025 be received; and 2.That the necessary bylaw to create a Winter Control Reserve Fund be brought forward by staff for adoption; and 3.That $500,000 be transferred from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund into the new Winter Control Reserve Fund; and 4.That the strategy for the use of the new reserve fund set out in Report No. FS17-025 be incorporated into the annual year-end surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. Executive Summary This report proposes the creation of a new Winter Control Reserve Fund and a proposed Reserve Fund strategy to insulate the annual operating budget results from significant fluctuations in winter severities and the costs related to winter control operations of plowing and de-icing. •As operating budgets get more refined each year, the ability of unplanned surplus revenues to off-set over expenditures becomes more unlikely. •To mitigate unexpected year-end variances, winter related expenditures generally beyond the control of staff are proposed to be buffered by the use of reserve funds. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R7 Page 1 of 5 June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Report No. FS17-025 Background Winter control operations include snow plowing and ice control activities for roads and sidewalks along with Town owned parking lots including all facilities. The costs of winter control vary significantly depending on the weather, both in number of events, duration, and amount of precipitation, along with the frequency of thaw-freeze events. The operating budget for winter control consists of the following elements: •Standby fees to contractor for the winter, to have available trucks and operators in the event they are required by us. (fixed cost) •Stand-by premiums for certain Town equipment operators (fixed cost) •Basic winter patrol hours and premiums for staff, including nights (fixed cost) •Granular and liquid ice control materials (variable on weather) •Activity costs of the contractor when they are activated (variable on weather) •IES department staff, equipment and overtime costs of Town employees activated for winter control activities. (variable on weather) Winter control responses are driven by Council adopted service level standards, and are activated regardless of the status of budgets. However, all winter control activities are conducted with efficiency in mind, but more emphasis is placed on effectiveness in meeting the service standards, so to avoid litigation against the town. The severity of the winter will drive the costs of materials, contractor costs, and staff overtime and shift premiums for winter operations activities. If no winter control events occurred in the season, the costs of the winter control program would be limited to the fixed costs of stand-by fees of the contractor, stand-by fees for staff, and the winter patrol hours and premiums for nightly roads monitoring. Analysis Winter control costs vary annually depending on the frequency, severity and timing of precipitation events The following table shows the budgets and actuals for winter control operations costs for the IES Roads section, excluding winter control costs of the Parks Division, or any costs related to bylaw enforcement or parking control. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R7 Page 2 of 5 June 6, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Report No. FS17-025 Winter Control Budget Winter Control Costs Actual Variance Fav. (unfav.) Variance % of Budget 2017 1,563,687 Ytd 849,374 714,313 45% 2016 1,507,437 1,403,922 103,515 7% 2015 1,499,564 1,317,100 182,464 12% 2014 1,386,615 1,484,176 (97,561) (7%) 2013 1,321,100 1,565,729 (244,629) (19%) 2012 1,352,149 1,291,921 60,228 4% The winter control variances are substantively beyond the control of management, and average out over time. As can be seen from 2013, material impacts to year end variances can arise from poor weather winters. It is proposed that a new Winter Control Reserve Fund be created, to be considered part of the Town’s stabilization group of reserve funds, to insulate the year end budget results from the variations in weather and these uncontrollable variances which occur for winter operations. Any annual budget variance arising in the winter control budget section would be transferred to or be funded from the new Winter Control Reserve Fund. The creation of this reserve fund strategy could be seen as deemphasizing budget management for winter control activities. To mitigate against complacency in this respect, staff propose a new annual report. Each spring, a winter control season report will be prepared by staff outlining the financial impacts of the past winter season, and the budget variances that arose therefrom, both for the prior year fall portion, and the current year spring portion. The report would outline the specific actions undertaken to constrain the costs of winter control while meeting the service level established by Council, particularly when the budget becomes overspent. Overspending would be a last resort effort to meet the service level requirements. Any to/from reserve transfers would be annually authorized as part of the year-end surplus control bylaw, and would only be used as a last resort to balance the year-end results as required. It is proposed that initially, the Winter Control reserve fund be funded with a transfer from the tax rate stabilization reserve fund in the amount of $500,000, and that an upset limit on this new reserve fund be set at 1.5 times the annual winter control budget of the prior year. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R7 Page 3 of 5 June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 5 Report No. FS17-025 Advisory Committee Review Finance Advisory Committee reviewed a draft of this report at its meeting of April 26, 2017. Financial Implications By creating the Winter Control Reserve Fund and funding all winter control budget variances to/or from the reserve fund will remove from the operating budget potentially significant budget variances which are beyond staff control. As budgets and year end operating budget variances have become tighter and tighter, and the prospects of surpluses arising from development revenues fall, it is important to have in place funding safeguards for events and circumstances which are beyond the control of management. Regular reporting of reserve fund balances is done through the year end reporting and budget processes. As well, the website Reserve Fund schedule is updated periodically through the year for continuous reference by staff, Council and the public. The new winter control reserve fund would be a stabilization reserve, and accordingly, an initial funding transfer from the existing tax rate stabilization reserve will have no impact on the Town financially, from an operating perspective, or from a financial security perspective. Communications Considerations None. Once created, the new reserve fund, together with its applicable descriptive schedule will be available on our Budget and Financial Information web page. Link to Strategic Plan Initiatives which improve management accountability and clarity of results contribute to achieving the Strategic Plan guiding principle of “Leadership in Corporate Management” and improves transparency and accountability to the community. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R7 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R7 Page 5 of 5 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. FS17-026 Subject: Reserve Fund Strategy for External Legal and Occasional Human Resources expenses Prepared by: Dan Elliott, Director of Financial Services - Treasurer Department: Financial Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendations 1.That Report No. FS17-026 be received; and 2.That the strategy for the use of the tax rate stabilization reserve fund for external legal costs and occasional human resources costs as set out in Report No. FS17-026 be incorporated into the annual year-end surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. Executive Summary This report proposes a reserve fund strategy to be incorporated into the annual financial processes to mitigate year-end operating results from costs which may be significant and occasional for the organization. The expected outcome is that management reporting on year end variances will be more focused on expenses and revenues controllable by management and which are not blurred by impacts of unusual or unexpected circumstances. •As operating budgets get more refined each year, the ability of unplanned surplus revenues to off-set over expenditures gets more unlikely. •To mitigate unexpected year-end variances, expenditures generally beyond the control of staff are proposed to be buffered by the use of reserve funds •Winter control cost variances are proposed to be similarly managed in a separate Report No. FS17-025. •External legal costs and occasionally human resource costs can be extensive, often beyond the direct control of management, and can have a material impact on year end operating results. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R8 Page 1 of 5 June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Report No. FS17-026 Background Reserve Funds can be used to mitigate budget variances which arise from external volatility which is beyond the direct control of management and staff. External legal fees and occasionally certain human resource costs are examples of such costs. Analysis Reserve funds can be used to mitigate unexpected budget variances External legal costs are incurred in response to litigation, investigations, legal opinions, or defense of the Town in OMB or other legal or quasi-judicial proceedings. These costs may also include fees for expert witnesses including planners. The circumstances which trigger these costs are beyond the direct control of management. Often, Council has knowledge of these pending costs before they are incurred, such as likely OMB appeals. Human resource costs which are not budgeted in the annual operating budget but which are incurred in response to sudden or necessary circumstances may include the following: •Costs of periodic compensation and benefits program reviews, updates, and implementation •With the specific approval of Council, to fund organizational restructuring costs •Costs of proceedings and any costs of any fines, penalties and awards under judicial or quasi-judicial processes related to labour, such as but not limited to Ontario Human Rights, WSIB, or wrongful dismissal, including any costs of any escalated grievances under collective bargaining agreements which require external resources to arbitrate, investigate or resolve. •Unplanned pay equity adjustments of a material nature. •Necessary severance payments and related legal costs Material year end budget variances can arise from unanticipated legal or human resources costs In many of these situations, Council may be involved in the decision which triggers or approves the costs during closed session meetings, or becomes aware of their likelihood in advance. However, as these costs are not usually included in the operating budget, they have direct and perhaps material impacts to the year-end operating budget results for which staff are held to account. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R8 Page 2 of 5 June 6, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Report No. FS17-026 It is proposed in this report that budget variances in the external legal budget line item, and any unbudgeted human resources costs of the nature listed above be funded from the tax rate stabilization reserve each year as part of the year end processes, provided that a confidential report to Council detailing any such funding transfers and the basis for such is made to Council within three months of the year end. Annual permission for such would be granted in the Surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. To mitigate the perceived risk of misuse of this strategy, prior to the subject costs being incurred, the CAO would approve them and the use of the reserve fund as the identified source of funding. Further, within three months of the end of the year, a closed session report would be brought to Council outlining the circumstances and the amounts which were funded from the stabilization reserve fund. The report would be in closed session due to the specifics related to legal proceedings and identifiable persons named in the report. Use of the above strategy will insulate the year end budget results from issues not in the direct control of management, leaving the remaining year end results more accountable upon the administration and management of the Town. Advisory Committee Review Finance Advisory Committee reviewed a draft of this report at its meeting of April 26, 2017. Financial Implications Currently, unexpected external legal costs or human resources related costs are absorbed to the best of management’s ability within existing budgets, however, they can often be material enough to still result in budget overruns at year end. Adopting the proposed strategy of using the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund for funding budgetary variances arising from external legal fees and certain Human Resources costs will remove from the operating budget potentially significant budget variances which are beyond staff control. Use of the reserve will not be automatic, but rather only when necessary and appropriate. As budgets and year end operating budget variances have become tighter and tighter, and the prospects of surpluses arising from development revenues fall, it is important to have in place funding safeguards for events and circumstances that were not anticipated by management when the budget was proposed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R8 Page 3 of 5 June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 5 Report No. FS17-026 Regular reporting of reserve fund balances is done through the year end reporting and budget processes. As well, the website Reserve Fund schedule is updated periodically through the year for continuous reference by staff, Council and the public. Any external legal costs or human resources costs so funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization reserve must be reported to a Closed Session of Council within three months of the year-end for transparency with Council. General statements of such transfers will be made in the annual year-end financial report by staff to the public sessions of General Committee/Council. Communications Considerations None, the implementation of the proposed reserve fund strategy will be incorporated into the annual public report establishing a year-end surplus control strategy and bylaw. Link to Strategic Plan Initiatives which improve management accountability and clarity of results contribute to achieving the Strategic Plan guiding principle of “Leadership in Corporate Management” and improves transparency and accountability to the community. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1.May choose to create separate External Legal and Human Resources reserve funds, similar to the separately proposed winter control stabilization reserve fund. 2.May choose status quo and Receive Only this report and not adopt the proposed reserve fund strategy. Conclusions Stabilizing budget variances arising from external legal costs or certain human resource related costs through the automatic use of the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve will remove a significant uncontrollable source of budget variance from the year end budget to actual results upon which management is held accountable. Confidential reports will be provided to Council each year for in respect of any such use of the reserve fund. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R8 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R8 Page 5 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 1 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 2 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 3 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 4 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 5 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 6 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R9 Page 7 of 7 ��--==--r � Town of Aurora Au�RA General Committee Report Subject: On-Street Parking Concerns on Wiles Court No. IES17-026 Prepared by: Jamal Massadeh, Traffic and Transportation Analyst Department: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendation 1.That Report No. IES17-026 be received; and 2.That parking be prohibited at any time on the west side of Wiles Court from Murray Drive to a point 58 metres north of Murray Drive; and 3.That a by-law be enacted to implement the above recommendation; and 4.That a letter be sent to all affected residents outlining Council's direction. Executive Summary This report has been prepared to address residents' and Town Operations Division safety concerns caused by vehicles parked on both sides of Wiles Court and seek Council approval for implementing parking prohibitions on the west side of Wiles Court from Murray Drive to a point 58 metres north of Murray Drive to improve traffic operation and increase safety for residents and public services. Background Staff received several concerns from Wiles Court residents and Town operations staff regarding vehicles parked on both sides of Wiles Court, which hinders two-way traffic flow and the movement of emergency, snow, garbage and street cleaning vehicles. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R10 Page 1 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R10 Page 2 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R10 Page 3 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R10 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R10 Page 5 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R11 Page 1 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R11 Page 2 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R11 Page 3 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R11 Page 4 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 1 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 2 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 3 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 4 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 5 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 6 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Item R12 Page 7 of 7Attachment #1 Notice of Motion Councillor John Abel Date: June 6, 2017 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Abel Re: Twinning With an Indigenous Community: A Canada 150 Municipal Legacy Whereas the Town of Aurora recognizes that the contributions and experiences of Indigenous peoples are part of our country’s shared history; and Whereas municipalities are taking a leadership role in critical areas of importance; and Whereas the Town of Aurora supports the work of all levels of government in advancing reconciliation and renewing a nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples based on mutual understanding and respect; and Whereas the Town of Aurora is hosting its first-ever Indigenous Festival and New Beginnings Pow Wow as part of our Canada 150 celebrations and wishes to make a commitment to ongoing conversation and partnership with Canada’s Indigenous peoples; and Whereas municipalities will often twin with other like-minded communities to foster friendship, understanding, and awareness; 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That staff be directed to investigate twinning with an Indigenous community in Ontario and report back with details for Council consideration; and 2. Be It Further Resolved That, if the Town of Aurora does move forward and twin with an Indigenous community, that the Federal department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs be notified and requested to poll communities so that a registrar of communities interested in twinning can be developed; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Notice of Motion (a) Page 1 of 2 Notice of Motion from Councillor Abel Re: Twinning With an Indigenous Community: A Canada 150 Municipal Legacy June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 2 3. Be It Further Resolved That, if Aurora does twin with an Indigenous community, a notice be sent to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and all Ontario municipalities, to encourage twinning between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Notice of Motion (a) Page 2 of 2 Public Release June 2, 2017 Town of Aurora Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index • Item R13 – Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-05 • Notice of Motion (b) Councillor Gaertner and Councillor Mrakas Re: Highland Gate Redevelopment Public Release June 2, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Mrakas in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations 4. Delegations 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. Recommended: That the following Consent Agenda Items, C1 to C7 inclusive, be approved: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 2 of 9 C1. CS17-012 – Licensing of Medical Marihuana Facilities Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-012 be received for information. C2. Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2017, and April 5, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 1, 2017, and April 5, 2017, be received for information. C3. Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 22, 2017, be received for information. C4. Strategic Plan Steering Committee Meeting Minutes of March 30, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Strategic Plan Steering Committee meeting minutes of March 30, 2017, be received for information. C5. Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2017 Recommended: 1. That the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 6, 2017, be received for information. C6. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2017 Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 3 of 9 1. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 20, 2017, be received for information. C7. Memorandum from Councillor Mrakas Re: Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Correspondence from Chair, OMB Reform Working Group, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. CS17-017 – Sign Variance Request for the Canadian Disc Institute at 15000 Yonge Street Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-017 be received; and 2. That the request for a variance to Bylaw No. 5840-16, being a by-law respecting signs within the Town of Aurora, for the Canadian Disc Institute at 15000 Yonge Street, be denied. R2. PBS17-021 – Draft Plan of Condominium Application Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Aurora Ltd. 555 William Graham Drive Block 30, Plan 65M-4467 File: CDM-2016-05 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-021 be received; and 2. That the Draft Plan of Condominium File No. CDM-2016-05 for a mixed use condominium consisting of two four (4)-storey buildings, with a total of 179 residential units including 508.4 square metres of commercial space, subject to conditions set out in Appendix “A” to this report be approved; and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 9 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R3. PBS17-042 – Application for Site Plan Approval MBH Aurora Lodging GP Ltd. Lot 1, Registered Plan 65M-4324 Northwest corner of Goulding Avenue and Eric T. Smith Way File Number: SP-2017-04 Related Files: D14-05-04 and D12-05-1A Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-042 be received; and 2. That site plan application number SP-2017-04 (MBH Aurora Lodging GP Ltd.) to permit the development of the subject lands for a four-storey, 108-room hotel be approved; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R4. PBS17-044 – Application for Site Plan Approval RCG Aurora North GP Inc. 800 St. John’s Sideroad Northeast Corner of Bayview Avenue and St. John’s Sideroad File Number: SP-2017-01 Related Files: OPA-2012-02 and ZBA-2012-09 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-044 be received; and 2. That site plan application number SP-2017-01 (RCG Aurora North GP Inc.) to permit the development of the subject lands for six commercial buildings be approved; and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 5 of 9 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R5. PBS17-016 – Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision 2352107 Ontario Inc. 1588 St. John’s Sideroad Part of Lot 26, Concession 3 File Numbers: ZBA-2015-05 and SUB-2015-02 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-016 be received; and 2. That Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No. ZBA-2015-05 (2352107 Ontario Inc.), to implement the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision be approved; and 3. That Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision File No. SUB-2015-02 (2352107 Ontario Inc.), to allow the development of a business park development consisting of nine (9) Employment blocks, one (1) Environmental Buffer block and one (1) Environmental Protection area for a total of 19.38 hectare of the subject lands be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule “A” of this report; and 4. That the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council Meeting; and 5. That the Urban Design Guidelines for the subject lands, prepared by Ware Malcomb, dated May 2015, as amended be approved; and 6. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 6 of 9 R6. CS17-016 – Animal Control By-law Amendments Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS17-016 be received; and 2. That amendments to By-law Number No. 5642-14, being a by-law to regulate various matters relating to the licensing and keeping of animals in the Town of Aurora, be enacted at a future Council meeting. R7. FS17-025 – Creation of New Winter Control Reserve Fund Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-025 be received; and 2. That the necessary bylaw to create a Winter Control Reserve Fund be brought forward by staff for adoption; and 3. That $500,000 be transferred from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund into the new Winter Control Reserve Fund; and 4. That the strategy for the use of the new reserve fund set out in Report No. FS17-025 be incorporated into the annual year-end surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. R8. FS17-026 – Reserve Fund Strategy for External Legal and Occasional Human Resources Expenses Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-026 be received; and 2. That the strategy for the use of the tax rate stabilization reserve fund for external legal costs and occasional human resources costs as set out in Report No. FS17-026 be incorporated into the annual year-end surplus control bylaw passed by Council each fall. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 7 of 9 R9. FS17-027 – Hotel Development Charges - Deferrals Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-027 be received; and 2. That, until the current Town Development Charges By-law No. 5585-14 is repealed, the Treasurer and CAO be authorized to enter into and sign Development Charges Deferral Agreements for hotel or motel developments which defer the excess amounts that the development is required to pay over the amount determined for an office building of the same gross floor area, provided that such hotel/motel have non-lodging uses whose Gross Floor Area (GFA) does not exceed 33% of the GFA used for lodging; and 3. That the similar authorization to enter deferral agreements for hotels or motels approved on August 11, 2015, be withdrawn; and 4. That staff undertake a detailed review of development charges for hotels and motels in the next update of the Town’s Development Charges By- law. R10. IES17-026 – On-Street Parking Concerns on Wiles Court Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-026 be received; and 2. That parking be prohibited at any time on the west side of Wiles Court from Murray Drive to a point 58 metres north of Murray Drive; and 3. That a by-law be enacted to implement the above recommendation; and 4. That a letter be sent to all affected residents outlining Council’s direction. R11. IES17-027 – Vandorf Sideroad Maximum Rate of Speed Amendment Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-027 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 8 of 9 2. That the prescribed maximum rate of speed on Vandorf Sideroad from Leslie Street to 600m west of Leslie Street be reduced from 60km/h to 50km/h; and 3. That the necessary By-law be enacted at the Council meeting of June 13, 2017. R12. IES17-028 – Cleaning of Catch Basins, Storm Detention Tanks and Oil Grit Separators Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-028 be received; and 2. That Capital Project No. 42063 Catch Basin Cleaning be approved; and 3. That funding for the work be allocated from the Storm Sewer Reserve Fund; and 4. That staff report back to Council with the Request for Quotation results including cost implications, recommendations for moving forward with the work and a plan of action associated with a future maintenance program for this infrastructure. R13. Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-05 (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-05 be received; and 2. That the Committee recommendations contained within this report be approved. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Page 9 of 9 7. Notices of Motion (a) Councillor Abel Re: Twinning With an Indigenous Community: A Canada 150 Municipal Legacy (b) Councillor Gaertner and Councillor Mrakas Re: Highland Gate Redevelopment (Added Item) 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Town of Aurora General Committee Report Subject: Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-05 Prepared by: Michael de Rond, Town Clerk Department: Corporate Services Date: June 6, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Summary of Committee Recommendations Report No. 2017-05 be received; and 2. That the Committee recommendations contained within this report be approved. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee (PRCSAC) Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2017 1. PRCSAC17-002 – Canine Commons Update (a) That staff proceed with the priority site capital upgrades and maintenance requirements; and (b) That these upgrades be funded in the 2017 Capital and Operational budgets and all related works be completed in 2017; and (c) That future PRCSAC Operational budgets be funded sufficiently to conduct the ongoing service level increase at the Canine Commons Leash Free Park, as outlined in this report. Staff comments: None Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R13 Page 1 of 1 Notice of Motion Councillor Gaertner and Councillor Mrakas Date: June 6, 2017 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Gaertner and Councillor Mrakas Re: Highland Gate Redevelopment Whereas the redevelopment of the Highland Gate Golf Course will be a disruptive process for our residents in the surrounding stable neighbourhood; and Whereas our Council has a duty to do everything in our power to protect our residents by ensuring that this construction is accomplished as smoothly and respectfully as possible; 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That staff provide a report to Council, before any Agreements are signed, that outlines all measures that can be taken to ensure that we have the ability, in writing, to mitigate the impacts of the construction, and that these include, but are not limited to, the following:  Conditions that must be met in the Pre-Servicing and Subdivision agreements, including mitigation measures; and  The process should there be any contravention of the Town's Conditions or Requirements; and  The staff person responsible for addressing residents’ concerns, and in what required time frame; and  Should any amendments to our By-laws be requested that will affect residents, an outline of the process of how these will be approved and communicated to the affected community; and  Whether the developer's Construction Mitigation Plan, which is provided to the residents for the communication process and construction protocols, will be included in the Conditions of the Subdivision Agreement and Draft Plan or be binding in any way; and  The enforcement of the Agreements in regard to the developer's Letter of Credit. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Notice of Motion (b) Page 1 of 1 Public Release June 6, 2017 Town of Aurora Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Delegation (a) Glen Sharp, Resident Re: Item R10 – IES17-026 – On-Street Parking Concerns on Wiles Court • Item R14 – Memorandum from Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Re: Accessibility Advisory Committee – Council Liaison Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017Delegation (a) Page 1 of 1 Memorandum Date: June 6, 2017 To: Members of Council From: Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Re: Accessibility Advisory Committee – Council Liaison Recommendation 1.That the memorandum regarding Accessibility Advisory Committee – Council Liaison be received; and 2.That Councillor John Abel replace Councillor Sandra Humfryes as Council Liaison on the Accessibility Advisory Committee effective immediately. Background The meetings of the Accessibility Advisory Committee are scheduled, for the most part, on a monthly basis at 4 p.m. Unfortunately, the meeting start time conflicts with Councillor Humfryes’ availability and, as a result, she is unable to attend in her role as Council Liaison. Councillor John Abel has agreed to act as Council Liaison in place of Councillor Humfryes. 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone: 905-727-3123 ext. 4746 Email: mayor@aurora.ca www.aurora.ca Town of Aurora Office of the Mayor Additional Items No. 2 to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Item R14 Page 1 of 1