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AGENDA - General Committee - 20170221
General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release February 10, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Thom in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations (a) Dr. Dave Williams, Southlake Regional Health Centre Re: Update on Southlake Regional Health Centre 4. Delegations 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 4 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. FS17-004 – Canada 150 Celebrations Grant and Budget Confirmation Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-004 be received; and 2. That Report No. FS17-004 satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 74012 – Canada 150 Celebrations, and that staff be authorized to proceed with the project at the reduced budget of $87,000. R2. IES17-006 – Permission to Enter Private Property Agreement to Replace Culvert Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-006 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreements to facilitate the culvert replacement as part of the Brookland Avenue reconstruction project, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R3. IES17-007 – Award of Tender IES 2017-07 – Replacement of Seven Zero Turn Mowers Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-007 be received; and 2. That Capital Budget for Projects 71093, 71094, 71095, 71096, 71101, 71102 be combined with Project No. 71105 and the total budget be increased by $7,100.00 funded from the Fleet Repair and Replacement (R&R) reserve; and 3. That Tender No. IES 2017-07 for the supply and delivery of seven (7) new 60” Zero Turn mowers be awarded to B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $110,103.00 excluding taxes; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 4 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R4. IES17-008 – Metrolinx Barrie Corridor Expansion Project Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-008 be received; and 2. That the staff comments as outlined in this report be endorsed; and 3. That the Town Clerk be directed to forward this report to Metrolinx as the Town’s comments to the Draft Environmental Project Report for the GO Rail Network Electrification Project. R5. PBS17-005 – Application for Site Plan Approval Shimvest Investments Ltd. Block 161, Registered Plan 65M-4485 File Number: SP-2016-05 Related File Numbers: SUB-2012-02, SPA-2012-02 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-005 be received; and 2. That Site Plan Application File SP-2016-05 (Shimvest Investments Ltd.) to permit the development of the subject lands for nine (9) townhouse and two (2) semi-detached dwelling units be approved; and 3. That a total of eleven (11) units of sewage capacity be allocated to the subject lands; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 4 R6. PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field Recommended: 1.That Report No. PRCS17-004 be received; and 2.That this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 73223 and that staff be authorized to proceed with Sheppard’s Bush Turf; and 3.That the substitution of Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose field for a full-size regulation soccer field and, subject to the approval of the Ontario Heritage Trust, conversion of the Sheppard’s Bush Soccer field to a Multi-Purpose Sports field, be authorized; and 4.That the remaining funds of $686,800 be reallocated from Capital Project No. 73161 – Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose Sports field to Capital Project No. 73223 – Sheppard’s Bush Turf Replacement and direct staff to commence with the detailed design and Tendering process for the Sheppard’s Bush Multi-Purpose Sports field; and 5.That, subject to approval of the Tender for Sheppard’s Bush Multi- Purpose Sports field, the project proceed in the spring of 2018. 7.Notices of Motion 8.New Business 9.Closed Session 10.Adjournment PRESENTATION REQUEST This Presentation form and any written submissions or background information for consideration by either Council or Committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk’s office by the following deadline: 4:30 P.M. ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: SUBJECT: NAME OF SPOKESPERSON: NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION: PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest? Yes No IF YES, WITH WHOM? DATE I I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits ten (10) minutes for Presentations. Legislative Services 905-727-3123 councilsecretariatstaff@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, ON L4G 6J1 February 21, 2017 Update on Southlake Regional Health Centre Dr. Dave Williams Southlake Regional Health Centre Update on Southlake ✔ Mayor G. Dawe ✔ General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (a) Page 1 of 1 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. FS17-004 Subject: Canada 150 Celebrations Grant and Budget Confirmation Prepared by: Laura Sheardown, Financial Analyst – Cash Flow & Investments Department: Financial Services Date: February 21, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. FS17-004 be received; and 2. That Report No. FS17-004 satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 74012 Canada 150 Celebrations; and that staff be authorized to proceed with the project at the reduced budget of $87,000. Executive Summary Under the direction and guidance of the Canada 150 Committee, staff applied for both federal (Canada 150 Fund) and provincial (Ontario 150 Celebration) grants to cover all of the costs associated with suggested events and event enhancements. The results for both grants have now been received and the Town was successful in securing $20,000 federal funding for an Indigenous Pow Wow. Since we have now received confirmation, staff are asking Council to release the budget approval conditions and allow the Canada 150 Committee and staff to proceed. At this time, without any budget support required, the Canada 150 celebrations include the federally funded Indigenous Pow Wow, and a Youth Innovation Fair, sponsored by State Farm in the amount of $7,500 and Rotary, in the amount of $1,000. Background An Ad Hoc committee was formed to develop a plan for Aurora to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017. Under the direction and guidance of the committee, staff applied for several grants to provide funding for Town events to celebrate Canada’s sesquicentennial. As staff were aware that the results of all grants would not be known prior to the completion of the 2017 Budget, a place holder funding request was included for the Canada 150 Committee’s four priority items that they wanted to proceed with General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R1 Page 1 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 5 Report No. FS17-004 even if grant funding was not approved. Those four events were a military tattoo, a Pow Wow, a special legacy feature and Family First Night fireworks display. The results for all grants have now been received and the Town was successful in securing only federal funding for an Indigenous Pow Wow. Analysis Military Tattoo The Canada 150 Committee would like to proceed with the presentation of a full military tattoo, specially created just for the celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary. This event would provide an opportunity to help attendees understand the history and ceremony that has evolved over the past 150 years. It is important for Council to understand that this event must occur in the ACC in May when the ice is out. The budget does not include costs to remove and reinstall the ice for any other time of the year. As timing is tight, and since no planning or contacts with bands has occurred yet, despite the best efforts of staff, it may not be possible for this event to proceed. Staff will keep Council apprised of the status of this project as it unfolds. Canada 150 Park Naming & Water Feature The Town has several new parks being created during 2017. Working with Parks staff, the committee would like one to be named in honour of Canada’s Sesquicentennial anniversary and install a water feature giving the families of Aurora a place to connect with nature while highlighting the importance of environmental stewardship. This project funding allocation is for the development and installation of the water feature within the selected park. All other park costs, including signage and landscaping are already included in the Park’s budgets. Family First Night Fireworks Display This enhancement to existing family First Night celebrations would provide an excellent opportunity to draw active participants to an evening long birthday party celebrating the end of Canada’s 150 celebrations and encourage them to look forward to the next 150 years of innovation and success. Canada 150 Marketing and Support In order to ensure that all of the planned events and enhancements are properly advertised and communicated to Aurora’s residents, staff are requesting funding to support both broad based and niche marketing plans. This funding would also support internal expenses that may be required such as event set-up or clean-up. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R1 Page 2 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Report No. FS17-004 Advisory Committee Review The Canada 150 Committee has worked with staff to develop not only the recommended events and enhancements and associated grant requests, but also the refined list of events now being requested from Council. Financial Implications The original funding request from the 2017 budget for $94,000, and the revised budget request, both funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, are broken down as follows: Capital Project #74012 – Canada 150 Celebrations Event/Item Original Budget Request Revised Budget Proposed Military Tattoo $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Pow Wow (amount revised based on grant) 17,000 20,000 Canada 150 Park Naming & Water Feature 25,000 25,000 Family First Night Fireworks Display 12,000 12,000 Youth Innovation Fair (new) 8,500 Canada 150 Marketing (new) 10,000 Total Expenditures $ 94,000 $ 115,500 Revenue Sources Canada 150 Fund (Pow Wow) Unknown at time ($ 20,000) State Farm (Youth Innovation Fair) ( 7,500) Rotary (Youth Innovation Fair) ( 1,000) Total Revenues ($ 28,500) Net Budget Funding Request $ 94,000 $ 87,000 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R1 Page 3 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 5 Report No. FS17-004 The revised funding request is $ 7,000 lower than the original budget requested through the 2017 budget process. Communications Considerations The Canada 150 Committee and associated staff will work with Communications to develop appropriate marketing plans for all of the planned Canada 150 celebrations, events and legacy items. Link to Strategic Plan The Canada 150 events support the Strategic Plan goal of supporting an exceptional quality of life for all through the following key objective within this goal statement: Celebrating and promoting our culture: expand opportunities and partnerships that contribute to the celebration of culture in the community. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1. Amend the recommended events and enhancements. Conclusions Staff recommend the approval of the Canada 150 Committee’s preferred events and associated costs to allow the residents of Aurora the opportunity to take part in celebrations of Canada’s 150 anniversary within their community. Attachments Attachment 1 - Capital Budget Sheet Project #74012 – Canada 150 Celebrations as presented during Budget 2017. Previous Reports Capital Budget Project #74012 – Canada 150 Celebrations General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R1 Page 4 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R1 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R1 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. IES17-006 Subject: Permission to Enter Private Property Agreement to Replace Culvert Prepared by: Patrick Ngo, Municipal Engineer Department: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Date: February 21, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. IES17-006 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreements to facilitate the culvert replacement as part of the Brookland Avenue reconstruction project, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. Executive Summary This report seeks Council approval for the Town of Aurora and Highland Gate Developments Inc. to enter into agreement with the property owners on Brookland Avenue as required for the purpose of the replacement of storm sewer culvert inlets and outlets within private properties which form part of the Brookland Avenue reconstruction project. Background The 2017 capital road reconstruction budget has been approved by Council. The Brookland Avenue reconstruction project is one of the capital road projects to be undertaken in 2017. The design of this road project is substantially completed including culvert replacement. The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) requires permits to be applied on behalf of the property owners in which the culvert inlets or outlets are located within their properties. As such, agreements between the Town and the property owners shall be required in order to allow the culvert inlet and outlet works within private properties and to fulfill LSRCA requirements. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R2 Page 1 of 4 February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 3 Report No. IES17-006 Analysis The Town requires permission to enter private properties to carry out culvert replacement works The inlets and outlets of the existing culverts are located within private properties, namely, Highland Gate Golf course and the residential condominium located at 15 Brookland Avenue. The Town requires access to the above noted properties to undertake and conduct the culvert replacement works. Town staff and the Engineer Consultant have met the owner representatives on numerous occasions in the last few months in preparing the Permission to Enter agreement. The agreement has been reviewed and comments from the Town’s Legal department have been incorporated into the agreement. The Permission to Enter agreement is to obtain authority from the owners to permit Town staff, it’s agents, consultants, contractors or any other party, access to the property to conduct the required culvert replacement works. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications There are no financial implications. Communications Considerations A Public Open House meeting was held on December 8, 2015 in Town Hall to present to residents the preliminary engineering design layout plans for the reconstruction of the Brookland Avenue. Link to Strategic Plan Invest in Sustainable Infrastructure: • Maintain and expand infrastructure to support forecasted population growth through technology, waste management, roads, emergency services and accessibility General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R2 Page 2 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R2 Page 3 of 4 SanduskyPark Culvert ReplacementAccess Pointsto Culverts Access Pointsto Culverts Brookland Ave Brookland AveBanbury CrtDunning Ave YONGE STREET21GolfLinksDr 3 39 15 14800 14845 6 7 14799 5 14834 14824 14785 14879 9 14846 30 14810 3 2 4 8 36 41 14872 1 40 12 16 35 33 3137 15 39 14 22 10 11 26 24 20 43 14806 47 BROOKLAND AVENUECULVERT REPLACEMENTLOCATION MAP Map created by the Town of Aurora Infrastructure & Environmental Services Department, January 19th, 2017. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. This is not a legal survey. 0 25 50 Metres IES17-006 Appendix 'A' Legend Culvert Replacement Access Points to Culverts St John's Sdrd Bloomington Rd Wellington St W Wellington St E Henderson Dr Vandorf SdrdBathurst StBathurst StYonge StYonge StBayview AveLeslie StLeslie StHwy 404Hwy 404General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R2 Page 4 of 4 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. IES17-007 Subject: Award of Tender IES 2017-07 – Replacement of Seven Zero Turn Mowers Prepared by: Greg McClenny, Facilities & Fleet Supervisor Department: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Date: February 21, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. IES17-007 be received; and 2. That Capital Budget for Projects 71093, 71094, 71095, 71096, 71101, 71102 be combined with Project No. 71105 and the total budget be increased by $7,100.00 funded from the Fleet Repair and Replacement (R&R) reserve; and 3. That Tender No. IES 2017-07 for the supply and delivery of seven (7) new 60” Zero Turn mowers be awarded to B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $110,103.00 excluding taxes; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. Executive Summary This report seeks Council approval to award tender for the supply and delivery of seven (7) Zero Turn mowers for the Parks Department to replace seven existing Zero Turn mowers. Background The seven (7) existing Zero Turn mowers, No. 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, are scheduled for replacement in 2017. Past experience has demonstrated that Zero Turn mowers with high-hour usage are unreliable during peak-use seasons and require an increased amount of service. As a result, the Parks department is unable to meet their operational service level. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R3 Page 1 of 4 February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Report No. IES17-007 Analysis Table 1 shows a summary of the bids received for this project: Company Name Total Bid (excluding taxes) 1 B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. $110,103.00 2 Turf Care Products Canada Limited $142,970.00 Verification of the tenders was undertaken by Town staff. The lowest compliant bid was submitted by B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $110,103.00, excluding taxes, for the supply of five (5) 2017 Kubota ZD1211R60 (rear discharge) Zero Turn mowers, and two (2) 2017 Kubota ZD1211-60 (side discharge) mowers. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications Table 2 is a financial summary for 2017 Capital Projects 71093, 71094, 71095, 71096, 71101, 71102, 71105 as based on the tender submitted by B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. Table 2 Financial Summary Approved Budget 2017 Capital Projects 71093, 71094, 71095, 71096, 71101, 71102, 71105 $105,000.00 Total Approved Budget $105,000.00 Less previous commitments $0.00 Funding available for subject Contract $105,000.00 Contract Award excluding HST $110,103.00 Non-refundable taxes (1.76%) $1,937.81 Total Funding Required $112,040.81 Budget Variance -$7,040.81 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R3 Page 2 of 4 February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Report No. IES17-007 As indicated in Table 2, the project would be $7,040.81 over budget if awarded. This is due to higher than anticipated pricing of the equipment. It is recommended that the additional funding be provided from the Fleet R&R reserve. Communications Considerations There is no external communication required. Link to Strategic Plan Objective 2: Invest in sustainable infrastructure Maintain and expand infrastructure to support forecasted population growth through technology, waste management, roads, emergency services and accessibility. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation Council may choose to not award this project. The tender evaluation process meets all requirements of the Procurement By-law, and awarding this contract is the next step in fulfilling the requirements of the tendering process. If Council chooses to not award this contract, the existing mowers will continue operating and will require an increase in ongoing maintenance resulting in increased costs and decreased service levels. Conclusions The tender review meets the Procurement By-law requirements and it is recommended that Tender No. IES 2017-07 for the supply and delivery of seven (7) Zero Turn mowers be awarded to B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $110,103.00, excluding taxes. Attachments Not applicable. Previous Reports Not applicable. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R3 Page 3 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R3 Page 4 of 4 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. IES17-008 Subject: Metrolinx Barrie Corridor Expansion Project Prepared by: Jamal Massadeh, Traffic and Transportation Analyst Department: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Date: February 21, 2017 Recommendation 1. That Report No. IES17-008 be received; and 2. That the staff comments as outlined in this report be endorsed; and 3. That the Town Clerk be directed to forward this report to Metrolinx as the Town’s comments to the Draft Environmental Project Report for the GO Rail Network Electrification Project. Executive Summary This report will update Council on the current status of the Barrie Railway Corridor Expansion (BRCE) project including the Electrification Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) from Union Station in Toronto to Allandale GO Station in Barrie through the Town of Aurora. Metrolinx is seeking comments on the Draft Environmental Project Report for the GO Rail Network Electrification Project. As part of the Regional Express Rail, Metrolinx is electrifying GO-owned corridors. Metrolinx and Hydro One (as Co-Proponents), are following the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) in accordance with Ontario regulation 231/08-Transit Projects and Metrolinx Undertakings to examine the conversion of several GO Rail Corridors from diesel to electric propulsion. Background The population of the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area is increasing, and with it, traffic congestion is also increasing. As part of Moving Ontario Forward, Metrolinx is committed to expanding and improving the GO Transit system to bring 15 minute, and two-way electrified services to core parts of the network through the Regional Express General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R4 Page 1 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Report No. IES17-008 Rail (RER) program. A component of the Regional Transportation Plan, The Big Move program supports Metrolinx’s goal of transforming the GO system into a comprehensive regional rapid transit network. Based on the above, Town staff have been heavily involved with Metrolinx reviewing their reports and providing comments to the best of the Town’s interests. Metrolinx is also working on the Environmental Assessment related to the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project that involves additional tracks, upgrades at existing stations, key rail/road grade separations, future layover facility for overnight storage of trains and upgrades to existing structures within the corridor such as culverts and bridges. The Town will have future opportunities to provide formal comments when the Draft Environmental Project Report for the Corridor Improvements is completed and circulated for formal comments and feedback. Analysis Regular meetings are being held between the Town staff and Metrolinx for project update discussions A number of meetings were held and more meetings are scheduled with Town staff and Metrolinx to discuss different projects and their direct impact on the Town. The main purpose of these meetings is to keep the Town informed of the various projects that are being undertaken and providing comments in a timely manner. Metrolinx is currently undertaking numerous projects to support the rail expansion program as follows: • Go Rail Network Electrification Transit Project Assessment Process • Aurora Station Construction • Yonge Street Bridge Expansion and widening • Track Expansion (three (3) tracks) and land expropriation • Wellington Street East Grade Separation To support the above noted projects the following studies/reports were submitted for review and comments: • Natural Environment Assessment • Traffic impact assessment • Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment • Cultural Heritage Evaluation and Heritage Impact Assessment General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R4 Page 2 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Report No. IES17-008 • Land Use Socio-Economic Assessment • Air Quality Assessment • Archaeological Assessment • Tree Inventory • Stormwater Management • Noise and vibration Modelling • Utilities • Visual Assessment • Pedestrian Underpasses at the GO Station in Aurora – construction completed ahead of schedule All of the above mentioned studies are at different stages and the Town is in the process of reviewing and providing comments. Town comments are pending based on due dates, and status of each study. Town staff have requested that Metrolinx address some of the more critical issues: • Trail Linkages: The Town has commented to Metrolinx the importance of having grade separated pedestrian facilities to implement the Council approved Trails Master Plan. The Master Plan has identified a number of locations that the Town would like to pursue as part of the Rail Expansion Project. Some of these locations are Yonge Street (at the rail overpass), the crossing at Cousins Drive, and the pedestrian crossings identified across the GO Transit line south of Henderson Drive. Metrolinx has stated that they have no intention of including any pedestrian crossings unless the Town incurs the cost. • Parking availability to serve GO commuters: The Rail Expansion Project is expected to bring a high number of commuters to the Town, which will result on an increase in parking demand. Metrolinx advises that it has been actively working on land acquisition in order to provide needed parking spaces. Metrolinx has mentioned that it will provide 1,000 additional spots by the 2030 timeline. Staff have also advised Metrolinx of the Town’s strong preference to not underutilize large areas as surface parking, but to provide structured parking, either as an addition to the existing parking garage or with a new structure. The lands surrounding the GO station are part of the Promenade Intensification Plan and redevelopment in the area will occur over time. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R4 Page 3 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Report No. IES17-008 In partnership with the Town, Metrolinx is conducting a parking utilization study to identify available parking spaces that can be leased to Metrolinx. This study was requested as a consequence of Metrolinx leasing Our Lady of Grace Church parking lot and the concerns raised by neighbouring residents regarding increased traffic in the area. The Our Lady of Grace Church parking lot utilization has been in the order of only 10 to 15 percent, which represents 15 to 25 vehicles parked daily. •The proposed grade separation on Wellington Street East: Staff have expressed concerns with respect to potential impacts on the community context with a grade separation in this location and the ability to implement the Promenade Plan. There are a number of heritage properties along the Wellington Street corridor and the proximity to the Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District. This project will have significant impacts including; land acquisition, grading, construction activity, traffic rerouting, Berczy Street access impacts, cultural heritage evaluation and impacts to the implementation of the Promenade Secondary Plan. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications There are no financial implications. Communications Considerations Construction activities planned by Metrolinx will have significant impacts on the Town of Aurora in future years. There is a need for Metrolinx to improve their communication and public education programs to assist Council and staff to better anticipate and respond to their activities. The Town has established an internal project coordination team to better manage information flow that is currently occurring from multiple Metrolinx project teams and on multiple projects and/or issues. The team is having regular meetings with Metrolinx to receive updates on their work, particularly in Aurora. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R4 Page 4 of 6 February 21, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Report No. IES17-008 Communications will be provided to Council on a regular basis based on information collected through Metrolinx as well as planned presentations from Metrolinx to update staff and Council on upcoming activities and decisions. Staff have been working with Metrolinx towards finalizing a date for Metrolinx to present to Aurora Council. Link to Strategic Plan Objective 2: Invest in Sustainable Infrastructure • Maintain and expand infrastructure to support forecasted population growth • The introduction of an improved commuter system will improve economic activity and development growth as Aurora becomes a much easier place to access from all areas across the GTHA Alternative(s) to the Recommendation As directed by Council. Conclusions Metrolinx is creating significant infrastructure within Aurora as part of its Rail Expansion Project along the Barrie corridor from Toronto to Barrie through the Town of Aurora. The long term benefit will be realized; however there will be a significant impact to the community as various projects are undertaken. Town staff have been meeting with Metrolinx on a regular basis to review and provide comments on various studies. It is anticipated that the proposed work by Metrolinx will have a significant impact on traffic operations in the Town, therefore staff is working closely with Metrolinx regarding the work taking place within Aurora. Attachments None. Previous Reports Report No. CAO16-007 Metrolinx Parking Coordination Plan General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R4 Page 5 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R4 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PBS17-005 Subject: Application for Site Plan Approval Shimvest Investments Ltd. Block 161, Registered Plan 65M-4485 File Number: SP-2016-05 Related File Numbers: SUB-2012-02, SPA-2012-02 Prepared by: Marty Rokos, Planner Department: Planning and Building Services Date: February 21, 2017 Recommendations 1. That Report No. PBS17-005 be received; and 2. That Site Plan Application File SP-2016-05 (Shimvest Investments Ltd.) to permit the development of the subject lands for nine (9) townhouse and two (2) semi-detached dwelling units be approved; and 3. That a total of 11 units of sewage capacity be allocated to the subject lands; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. Executive Summary This report seeks Council approval to a site plan application. • This report provides background information, evaluation and recommendations regarding the Site Plan Application submitted by Shimvest Investments Ltd. to permit the development of the subject lands for 11 townhouse and semi- detached dwelling units. • Planning and Building Services has reviewed the subject application in accordance with the provisions of the Town’s Official Plan, Zoning By-law and municipal development standards respecting the subject lands. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 1 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 • All departments and agencies have provided comment and support the site plan application provided technical comments are addressed. • All technical revisions to the proposed plans will be reviewed by Town Staff prior to the execution of the Site Plan Agreement. Staff recommend approval of Site Plan Application File: SP-2016-05. Background Application History The Town received the Site Plan Application from Shimvest Investments Ltd. on July 19, 2016. Location / Land Use As illustrated in Figure 1, the subject lands are located on the north side of Scrivener Drive at Milliken Drive. The total area of the subject lands is 4646 m2. The subject lands have the following characteristics: • 10.2 m of frontage on Scrivener Drive; • The property has a flag shape; the residential dwellings will be located behind two existing lots on Scrivener Drive; • A private condominium road is proposed to serve the residential units; and • The site is currently vacant. Surrounding Land Uses The surrounding land uses are as follows: North: Environmental protection (creek valley) South: Scrivener Drive and Residential East: Environmental protection (creek valley) and residential West: Environmental protection (creek valley) Policy Context The Site Plan Application is consistent with the policies of the PPS, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Regional OP, and the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 2 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 Provincial Policies All Planning Act development applications are subject to provincial policies. The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest. These policies support the development of strong communities through the promotion of efficient land use and development patterns. The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe is a guiding document for growth management within the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) Area to 2041. The Growth Plan provides a framework which guide decisions on how land will be planned, designated, zoned and designed. The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP) is a provincial document that provides policies which addresses aquatic life, water quality, water quantity, shorelines and natural heritage, other threats and activities (including invasive species, climate change and recreational activities) and implementation. York Region Official Plan The subject lands are designated as “Urban Area” within the York Region Official Plan. York Region’s vision for the Urban Area is to strategically focus growth while conserving resources and to create sustainable, lively communities. Under the York Region’s Official Plan, one regional urbanization goal is to enhance the Region’s urban structure through city building, intensification and compact, complete communities. Aurora 2C Secondary Plan Area (OPA 73) The subject lands are designated as “Urban Residential 1” by the Aurora 2C Secondary Plan (OPA 73). Permitted uses include single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, places of worship, community and cultural facilities, elementary schools, parks, open space, pedestrian and bicycle routes, accessory buildings and structures, accessory uses, and secondary suites. A maximum of 20% of the total number of units within any individual Draft Plan of Subdivision within the Urban Residential 1 designation may be townhouse units. During the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment processes under files SUB-2012-02 and ZBA-2012-02, the boundaries of the Environmental Protection Area designation was refined by the Environmental Impact Study to create the development area as it currently exists. This was formalized through the registered Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law 5526-13. Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended The subject lands are zoned “Row Dwelling Residential (R6-63) Exception Zone” by the Town of Aurora Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended. Permitted uses in the R6-63 Exception Zone include row housing, back to back townhouses, and a home occupation. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 3 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 Reports and Studies The Owner submitted the following documents as part of a complete Site Plan application: Name Report Author Site Plan RN Design Landscape Plan NAK Design Strategies Composite Utility Plan RTG Systems Inc. Private Site Lighting RTG Systems Inc. Floor Plans RN Design Elevations RN Design Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Soil Engineers Ltd. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Soil Engineers Ltd. Servicing Brief Stantec Record of Site Condition Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Survey Rady-Pentek & Edward Surveying Ltd. Proposed Application Proposed Site Plan As illustrated on Figure 4, the site plan proposes two (2) townhouse blocks with a total of nine (9) dwelling units as well as two (2) semi-detached dwellings. All of the units would be two (2) storeys in height. Because of the downward slope towards the environmental protection areas, each unit has a walkout basement and appears to be three (3) storeys from the rear. Vehicular access would be via a private condominium road extending north from Scrivener Drive. A total of 29 parking spaces are proposed, including three (3) dedicated visitor parking spaces and 2-3 parking spaces for each dwelling unit. A condominium application will be submitted at a future date. Information on each building is summarized below: Block Residential Dwelling Units Storeys Parking Spaces Block 1 4 2 12 Block 2 5 2 10 Block 3 2 2 4 3 visitor spaces Total 11 2 29 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 4 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 5 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 The pertinent site statistics are as follows: Site Statistics Proposed Zoning By-law Requirements Permitted Uses Row housing and semi- detached dwellings * Row housing, back to back townhouses, home occupation Lot Area (minimum) 197 m2 80 m2 Lot Frontage (minimum) 6.7 m 6.0 m Front Yard (minimum) Main Building Garage 5.9 m for unit 9*, 6.0 m for other units 3.0 m 6.0 m Rear Yard (minimum) 7.1 m 7.0 m Side Yard (minimum) Interior Exterior Exterior, garage 1.2 m 1.2 m 3.0 m 6.0 m Lot Coverage (maximum) 25.5% n/a Building Height (maximum) 9.37 m 13.0 m Parking (minimum) Units 1-4: 3 parking spaces each Units 5-11: 2 parking spaces each 2 parking spaces/unit *Proposed Site Plan provision does not conform to the Zoning By-law and will require approval of a minor variance by the Committee of Adjustment to address the deficiency. Analysis Planning Considerations Aurora 2C Secondary Plan Area (OPA 73) The proposed Site Plan development conforms to OPA 73. As noted earlier, the subject lands are designated as “Urban Residential 1 (UR1)” by the OPA 73. The UR 1 designation is intended to promote well designed, low density housing in appropriate locations throughout the community. Including the units proposed in the subject site plan application, the Shimvest Draft Plan of Subdivision will have 257 single detached dwellings, nine (9) townhouse dwellings, and two (2) semi-detached dwellings within the UR1 designation. The townhouse dwellings would account for 3.3% of the total number of units, which complies with the Official Plan policy. The zoning to permit townhouse dwellings is in effect. As a result, the proposed townhouse dwelling use falls within the range of permitted uses in OPA 73. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 5 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 6 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 Planning Staff are of the opinion that the proposed site plan conforms to the land use and development policies of OPA 73 and is compatible with the surrounding land uses. Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended Minor variances to the provisions of the Zoning By-law are required before the Site Plan Agreement is finalized. The subject property is zoned “Row Dwelling Residential (R6-63) Exception Zone” by the Town of Aurora Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended. The proposed Site Plan as prepared by the applicant does not comply with the permitted uses of the Zoning By- law. The proposed units 10 and 11 are semi-detached dwellings, which are not a permitted use in the R6-63 Zone. Additionally, Unit 9 does not comply with the minimum front yard setback of 6 m. Relief to the Zoning By-law is required to permit units 9, 10 and 11 as proposed. The site plan agreement will not be executed and registered until the Site Plan and the Minor Variances are approved. Urban Design and Elevations Staff have reviewed the plan for urban design and building materials conformity. Staff are satisfied with the submission. The proposed Site Plan development will be designed and constructed in accordance with the Urban + Architectural Design Guidelines for the 2C West Secondary Plan Area. The proposed Site Plan design will ensure best practice urban design and architectural detail is adhered to with regards to the proposed Site Plan application. The residential units will be clad in a combination of brick and stone at the front and mainly brick at the rear. Each unit features a front covered porch and a single car garage. The garages are recessed slightly behind the main walls of the houses and the porches. Second floor balconies face the condo road and main floor balconies overlook the rear yards. All units feature walkout basements to access the rear yards. Driveways are adjacent to the neighbouring unit’s driveway where possible to reduce their visual prominence. Landscaping The owner proposes landscape plantings at the entrance to the site at Scrivener Drive consisting of shrubs and cedars. This landscaped area would also act as visual screening between the condominium road and the adjacent residential lot. Visual screening in the form of trees and shrubs is proposed in the area of the visitor parking. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 6 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 7 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 Deciduous trees are proposed along the road and in the front yards of the townhouses, as well as in the rear yards of Units 1-3. A hard landscaped seating area is proposed in the interior of the site consisting of benches, concrete paving, potential mailbox location, and shrubs. The entire block would be fenced from the surrounding Environmental Protection lands. Trails will be developed to the west and north of the subject lands but will not connect to the site directly. An Environmental Impact Study was submitted for the Shimvest subdivision lands in 2012. All tree removals on the subdivision lands were undertaken in accordance with the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision. Department / Agency Comments Internal departments and external agencies have no concerns to the approval of the site plan. Final technical matters will be addressed prior to execution of the site plan agreement. Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department Parks staff have no objections to site plan approval provided that the plans are updated to revise two tree species and show fence detailing, a landscape cost estimate and grading information. The owner is currently preparing a second site plan submission to address these comments. Development Planning Engineer The Development Services Engineer has no objections to the approval of the Site Plan subject to additional technical information being provided, including a detailed cost estimate and details on grading, garbage pickup, and curbs. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority has confirmed that they have no objections in principle to the approval of the Site Plan. LSRCA staff are preparing technical comments to be submitted to the Town in the coming weeks. The owner will be required to address the technical comments before a site plan agreement is entered into with the Town. Planning and Building Services, Building Division As noted in the Zoning By-law section of this report, Building division staff advise that semi-detached dwellings are not a permitted use in the R6-63 Zone and that Unit 9 does not comply with the minimum front yard setback of 6 m. Minor variance applications will be required to address these deficiencies. Building division staff have General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 7 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 8 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 no objections to the approval of the Site Plan application subject to the applicant providing a Geotechnical Report. Other Agencies Canada Post, the York Catholic District School Board, Central York Fire Services, PowerStream, Rogers, and Enbridge have reviewed the application and have no comments. Advisory Committee Review No Communication Required. Financial Implications At the time of Site Plan agreement, fees and securities will be applied to the development. The development of the subject lands generates development charges and cash in lieu of parkland fees. Communications Considerations On November 22, 2016, Council approved a requirement for public notification signage for Site Plan applications submitted under Section 41 of the Planning Act. The subject Site Plan application was submitted before this requirement was approved. As such, public notification is not required. All planning applications are listed on the Town’s website which is reported to Council and updated quarterly. The required minor variance applications will be circulated to abutting property owners as part of the Committee of Adjustment requirements. Servicing Allocation Water and Sanitary Servicing capacity for nine (9) townhouse dwellings and two (2) semi-detached dwellings is required to facilitate this development. Link to Strategic Plan The proposed Site Plan application supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an exceptional quality of life for all through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objective within this goal statement: Strengthening the fabric of our community: Through the proposed Site Plan application on the subject lands, the application will assist in creating housing in accordance with General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 8 of 16 February 21, 2017 Page 9 of 10 Report No. PBS17-005 the Collaborate with the development community to ensure future growth includes housing opportunities for everyone action item. Alternatives to the Recommendation 1. Direct staff to report back to Council addressing any issues that may be raised at the General Committee Meeting. 2. Refusal of the application with an explanation for the refusal. Conclusions Planning and Building Services reviewed the subject Site Plan application in accordance with the provisions of the Town’s Official Plan, Zoning By-law and municipal development standards respecting the subject lands. Subject to Committee of Adjustment approval of a minor variance, the Site Plan application is considered to be in keeping with the development standards of the Town. All technical revisions to the proposed plans will be reviewed by Town Staff prior to the execution of the Site Plan agreement. Staff recommend approval of the Site Plan application File: SP-2016-05. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R5 Page 9 of 16 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 10 of 16 Holladay Drive Scrivener Driv e Leslie StreetConklin Crescent W i l l i a m G r a h a m D r i v e Milliken DriveBad g e r o w W a yDuggan StreetStarkw eather StreetIvy Jay CrescentLOCATION MAP Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, December 12, 2016. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. Air Photos taken Spring 2016, © First Base Solutions Inc., 2016 Orthophotography. ¯0 25 50 75 100 Metres APPLICANT: SHIMVEST BLOCK 161 – SHIMVEST INVESTMENTS LIMITEDFILES: SP-2016-05FIGURE 1 ^ UV404 St John's Sdrd W ellingtonSt W W ellington St E Henderson Dr Vandorf SdrdBathurst StYonge StYonge StBloomington Rd Bayview AveLeslie StLeslieStHw y 404Hw y 404Bathurst StSubject Lands General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 11 of 16 Ivy Jay C r e s c entMilliken DriveTonnerCrescentHolladay Drive S c r i v e n e r D r i v e Duggan S t r e etConklin Crescent OFFICIAL PLAN Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, December 12, 2016. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Metres APPLICANT: Shim vest Block 161 – Shim vest Investm ents Lim itedFILES: SP-2016-05FIGURE 2 SUBJECT LANDS 404 St John's Sdrd WellingtonSt W Wellington St E Henderson Dr V andorf SdrdBathurst StYonge StYonge StBloom ington Rd Bayview AveLeslie StLeslieStHw y 404Hw y 404Bathurst StEnvironmental Protection Area Stormwater Management Facility Urban Residential 1 Wildlife Park OPA 73 Legend General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 12 of 16 RU EP-15 EP-15 R2-96O-9 O-15 R2-98 R2-97 R2-96 R2-97 O-15 RU R2-71 O-9 R2-96 R2-73 R2-97 O-9 R2-96 R6-63 R2-74 R2-83 I-19R2-71 R2-98 O-9 O-9 R2-96 RA3-13 R2-97 R2-96 O-6 O-6 O-9 ZONING BY-LAW Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, December 13, 2016. Base data provided by York Region and Aurora - GIS. ¯0 25 50 75 100 Metres APPLICANT: Shimvest Block 161 – Shimvest Investments LimitedFILES: SP-2016-05FIGU RE 3 ^ UV404 St John's Sd rd WellingtonSt W Wellington St E Hend erson Dr Vand orf Sd rdBathurst StYonge StYonge StBloomington RdBayview AveLeslie StLeslieStHw y 404Hw y 404Bathurst StSU BJECT LANDS Detached Dwelling Second DensityR2 Zoning Legend RESIDENTIAL ZONES Row DwellingR6 Major Open Space OPEN SPACES ZONES O Environmental ProtectionEP Apartment Third DensityRA3 Institutional INSTITU TIONAL ZONES I RuralRU RU RAL ZONES General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 13 of 16 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, December 13, 2016. Data provided by RN Design. APPLICANT: Shimvest Block 161 – Shimvest Investments LimitedFILES: SP-2016-05FIGURE 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 14 of 16 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, December 13, 2016. Data provided by RN Design. APPLICANT: Shim vest Block 161 – Shim vest Investm ents Lim itedFILES: SP-2016-05FIGURE 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 15 of 16 PROPOSED BLOCK 1 ELEVATIONS Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning & Development Services Department, December 13, 2016. Data provided by RN Design. APPLICANT: Shimvest Block 161 – Shimvest Investments LimitedFILES: SP-2016-05FIGURE 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R5 Page 16 of 16 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. PRCS17-004 Subject: Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field Prepared by: Jim Tree, Manager of Parks Department: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Date: February 21, 2017 Recommendation 1.That Report No. PRCS17-004 be received; and 2.This this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 73223 and that staff be authorized to proceed with Sheppard’s Bush Turf; and 3.That the substitution of Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose field for a full-size regulation soccer field and, subject to the approval of the Ontario Heritage Trust, conversion of the Sheppard’s Bush Soccer field to a Multi-Purpose Sports field, be authorized; and 4.That the remaining funds of $686,800 be reallocated from Capital Project No. 73161 – Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose Sports field to Capital Project No. 73223 – Sheppard’s Bush Turf Replacement and direct staff to commence with the detailed design and Tendering process for the Sheppard’s Bush Multi- Purpose Sports field; and 5.That, subject to approval of the Tender for Sheppard’s Bush Multi-Purpose Sports field, the project proceed in the spring of 2018. Executive Summary •To obtain Council approval to convert the existing soccer field at Sheppard’s Bush to a Multi-Purpose sports field and the proposed Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose field to a full-size regulation soccer field General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R6 Page 1 of 7 February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-004 • To provide Council with a plan of action in addressing a recent request from the Aurora Youth Soccer Club (AYSC) to substitute the proposed Multi-Purpose facility at Stewart Burnett Park to a full-sized regulation soccer field and the following: o To provide a cost effective alternative solution for Council to consider in responding to the AYSC request for dedicated clubhouse facilities. Background At the December 6, 2016 meeting of Council, Council awarded Tender No. PRS 2016- 59 for the construction of a Multi-Purpose sports field. In the “Analysis” section of Report No. PRCS16-048, staff discussed the matter of the request from the Aurora Youth Soccer Club (AYSC) to provide for a dedicated soccer field and consideration in substituting the proposed Multi-Purpose field at Stewart Burnett Park to a dedicated full-sized regulation soccer field. The main rationale for this substitution was that the AYSC requires a clubhouse and dressing room facilities which could be available to them within the neighbouring Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) and, as such, the AYSC would withdraw their request for these facilities to be constructed at Sheppard’s Bush. Analysis Staff completed analysis of all the issues associated with the proposed field substitutions and determined that both facilities can be achieved in principle Following Council approval of Tender No. PRS 2016-59, staff completed a detailed review of the tendered unit price schedule as well as a detailed cost estimate for the conversion of Sheppard’s Bush sports field to a multi-purpose facility. This work involved discussion with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) as it will be necessary to obtain the approval of the Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT), the owners of Sheppard’s Bush, prior to proceeding with any site alteration on this property. LSRCA has committed to reaching out to OHT on the Towns’ behalf; however, as of the submission of this report, staff have not yet obtained OHT confirmation. Notwithstanding this, staff believe that approval of this proposal is a matter of process and will not be unreasonably withheld or denied. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R6 Page 2 of 7 February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-004 In addition, staff met with the successful bidder of Tender No. PRS 2016-59 Stewart Burnett Multi-Purpose Sports field to discuss this alternative proposal and they were amenable to working with the Town. Procurement staff have also followed up with the successful bidder and has advised that they have arrived at a revised project cost that accurately reflects the decreased scope of works for the proposed Stewart Burnett Park soccer field resulting in a financial credit in the amount of $250,650. Conversion of Sheppard’s Bush soccer field to a Multi-Purpose sports field in 2018 should not significantly impact user groups Sheppard’s Bush artificial turf replacement was presented to Council in the draft 2017 Capital Budget. Upon approval of this project, staff would have Tendered the project in the spring of 2017 with an anticipated project start date in the fall of 2017. Sheppard’s Bush field is a very heavily utilized facility and because of this it is not possible to conduct any field upgrades or construction work until the new facility comes on board at Stewart Burnett Park. Under the proposed scenario of converting Sheppard’s Bush to a Multi-Purpose facility, it will be necessary to expand the footprint of the field and include additional lighting components. If Council approves this proposal, staff will proceed with all the necessary facility design work and specification, and issue a tender in late 2017 for project commencement in early 2018 which will permit uninterrupted use of Sheppard’s Bush for all of 2017. All permitted use associated with Sheppard’s Bush would then transfer to Stewart Burnett Park field and natural turf fields for part of the 2018 playing season until completion of the multi-purpose facility. Staff will work to minimize disruption to user groups during the transition period. Advisory Committee Review Not Applicable General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R6 Page 3 of 7 February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-004 Financial Implications Table 1, Stewart Burnett Park soccer field, illustrates a revised project cost based on the decreased field size. Table 2 represents a detailed Sheppard’s Bush Multi-Purpose Sports field cost estimate. TABLE 1 STEWART BURNETT REVISED PROJECT COST FOR DEDICATED SOCCER Approved Budget Total Approved Budget $2,727,300 Less previous commitments *133,602 Funding available for subject Contract $2,593,698 Initial Contract Award excluding HST $1,956,936 Estimated Credit for reduce field size $250,650 Revised contract amount $1,706,286 Non-refundable taxes (1.76%) $30,031 10% Project Contingency $170,629 Sub-Total $1,906.946 Total Funding Required $1,906.946 Positive Budget Variance $686,751 *Previous Commitments included site surveying, and detailed design costs General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R6 Page 4 of 7 February 21, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Report No. PRCS17-004 TABLE 2 SHEPPARD’S BUSH ESTIMATED COST FOR CONVERSION TO MULTI-PURPOSE FIELD Approved Budget Pending Council Approval for Turf Replacement and or Approval of Conversion Capital Project 73223 Total Approved Budget $700,000 Residual funding remaining in Project 73161 Stewart Burnett Field available for reallocation to project 73223 Sheppard’s Bush field $686,751 Revised total funding available for project 73223 $1,386,751 Less previous commitments $0 Non-refundable taxes (1.76%) $20,097 10% Project Contingency $114,189 Total Project Cost $1,252,465 *Estimated cost to convert to Multi-Purpose Field $1,141,892 Positive Budget Variance $110,573 *costs are based on estimates only and may be subject to increase or decrease depending on actual tendered prices Communications Considerations No communication considerations at this time. Link to Strategic Plan The redesign of Stewart Burnett and Sheppard’s Bush artificial turf field supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for all through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objectives within this goal statement: Encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle by developing a long-term needs assessment for recreation programs, services and operations to march the evolving needs of the growing and changing population. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R6 Page 5 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item R6 Page 6 of 7 Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item R6 Page 7 of 7 Public Release February 17, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Thom in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations (a) Dr. Dave Williams, Southlake Regional Health Centre Re: Update on Southlake Regional Health Centre (b) Laurie Mueller and Erin Hamilton, Sport Aurora Re: Sport Plan Progress and Status Report (Added Item) 4. Delegations (a) Jimmy Brennan, Aurora FC, Aurora Youth Soccer Club Re: Item R6 – PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field (Added Item) General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 5 (b) Ron Weese, Activate Aurora, and Javed Khan, Aurora Chamber of Commerce Re: Notice of Motion (b) Mayor Dawe, Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event (Added Item) 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. C1. Memorandum from Mayor Dawe Re: Correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. FS17-004 – Canada 150 Celebrations Grant and Budget Confirmation Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-004 be received; and 2. That Report No. FS17-004 satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 74012 – Canada 150 Celebrations, and that staff be authorized to proceed with the project at the reduced budget of $87,000. R2. IES17-006 – Permission to Enter Private Property Agreement to Replace Culvert Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 5 1. That Report No. IES17-006 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreements to facilitate the culvert replacement as part of the Brookland Avenue reconstruction project, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R3. IES17-007 – Award of Tender IES 2017-07 – Replacement of Seven Zero Turn Mowers Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-007 be received; and 2. That Capital Budget for Projects 71093, 71094, 71095, 71096, 71101, 71102 be combined with Project No. 71105 and the total budget be increased by $7,100.00 funded from the Fleet Repair and Replacement (R&R) reserve; and 3. That Tender No. IES 2017-07 for the supply and delivery of seven (7) new 60” Zero Turn mowers be awarded to B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $110,103.00 excluding taxes; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R4. IES17-008 – Metrolinx Barrie Corridor Expansion Project Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-008 be received; and 2. That the staff comments as outlined in this report be endorsed; and 3. That the Town Clerk be directed to forward this report to Metrolinx as the Town’s comments to the Draft Environmental Project Report for the GO Rail Network Electrification Project. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 5 R5. PBS17-005 – Application for Site Plan Approval Shimvest Investments Ltd. Block 161, Registered Plan 65M-4485 File Number: SP-2016-05 Related File Numbers: SUB-2012-02, SPA-2012-02 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-005 be received; and 2. That Site Plan Application File SP-2016-05 (Shimvest Investments Ltd.) to permit the development of the subject lands for nine (9) townhouse and two (2) semi-detached dwelling units be approved; and 3. That a total of eleven (11) units of sewage capacity be allocated to the subject lands; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R6. PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field Recommended: 1. That Report No. PRCS17-004 be received; and 2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 73223 and that staff be authorized to proceed with Sheppard’s Bush Turf; and 3. That the substitution of Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose field for a full- size regulation soccer field and, subject to the approval of the Ontario Heritage Trust, conversion of the Sheppard’s Bush Soccer field to a Multi-Purpose Sports field, be authorized; and 4. That the remaining funds of $686,800 be reallocated from Capital Project No. 73161 – Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose Sports field to Capital Project No. 73223 – Sheppard’s Bush Turf Replacement and direct staff General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 5 of 5 to commence with the detailed design and Tendering process for the Sheppard’s Bush Multi-Purpose Sports field; and 5. That, subject to approval of the Tender for Sheppard’s Bush Multi- Purpose Sports field, the project proceed in the spring of 2018. 7. Notices of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas Re: Property Tax Vacancy Rebates (replacement of version introduced on February 7, 2017) (Added Item) (b) Mayor Dawe Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event (Added Item) (c) Mayor Dawe Re: Amendment to Procedure By-law No. 5920-16 (Added Item) 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment Public Release February 17, 2017 Town of Aurora Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 7 p.m. Council Chambers • Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index • Presentation (b) Laurie Mueller and Erin Hamilton, Sport Aurora Re: Sport Plan Progress and Status Report • Delegation (a) Jimmy Brennan, Aurora FC, Aurora Youth Soccer Club Re: Item R6 – PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field • Delegation (b) Ron Weese, Sport Aurora, and Javed Khan, Aurora Chamber of Commerce Re: Notice of Motion (b) Mayor Dawe, Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event • Item C1 – Memorandum from Mayor Dawe, Re: Correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City • Additional Information to Item R6 – PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field Re: Sheppard’s Bush Multi-Purpose Field Layout Plan • Notice of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas, Re: Property Tax Vacancy Rebates (replacement of version introduced on February 7, 2017) • Notice of Motion (b) Mayor Dawe, Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event • Notice of Motion (c) Mayor Dawe, Re: Amendment to Procedure By-law No. 5920-16 Public Release February 17, 2017 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 7 p.m., Council Chambers Councillor Thom in the Chair 1. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3. Presentations (a) Dr. Dave Williams, Southlake Regional Health Centre Re: Update on Southlake Regional Health Centre (b) Laurie Mueller and Erin Hamilton, Sport Aurora Re: Sport Plan Progress and Status Report (Added Item) 4. Delegations (a) Jimmy Brennan, Aurora FC, Aurora Youth Soccer Club Re: Item R6 – PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field (Added Item) General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 5 (b) Ron Weese, Activate Aurora, and Javed Khan, Aurora Chamber of Commerce Re: Notice of Motion (b) Mayor Dawe, Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event (Added Item) 5. Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine or no longer require further discussion, and are enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Member may request for one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. C1. Memorandum from Mayor Dawe Re: Correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City, be received for information. 6. Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) R1. FS17-004 – Canada 150 Celebrations Grant and Budget Confirmation Recommended: 1. That Report No. FS17-004 be received; and 2. That Report No. FS17-004 satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 74012 – Canada 150 Celebrations, and that staff be authorized to proceed with the project at the reduced budget of $87,000. R2. IES17-006 – Permission to Enter Private Property Agreement to Replace Culvert Recommended: General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 3 of 5 1. That Report No. IES17-006 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreements to facilitate the culvert replacement as part of the Brookland Avenue reconstruction project, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R3. IES17-007 – Award of Tender IES 2017-07 – Replacement of Seven Zero Turn Mowers Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-007 be received; and 2. That Capital Budget for Projects 71093, 71094, 71095, 71096, 71101, 71102 be combined with Project No. 71105 and the total budget be increased by $7,100.00 funded from the Fleet Repair and Replacement (R&R) reserve; and 3. That Tender No. IES 2017-07 for the supply and delivery of seven (7) new 60” Zero Turn mowers be awarded to B.E. Larkin Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $110,103.00 excluding taxes; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R4. IES17-008 – Metrolinx Barrie Corridor Expansion Project Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES17-008 be received; and 2. That the staff comments as outlined in this report be endorsed; and 3. That the Town Clerk be directed to forward this report to Metrolinx as the Town’s comments to the Draft Environmental Project Report for the GO Rail Network Electrification Project. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 4 of 5 R5. PBS17-005 – Application for Site Plan Approval Shimvest Investments Ltd. Block 161, Registered Plan 65M-4485 File Number: SP-2016-05 Related File Numbers: SUB-2012-02, SPA-2012-02 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS17-005 be received; and 2. That Site Plan Application File SP-2016-05 (Shimvest Investments Ltd.) to permit the development of the subject lands for nine (9) townhouse and two (2) semi-detached dwelling units be approved; and 3. That a total of eleven (11) units of sewage capacity be allocated to the subject lands; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. R6. PRCS17-004 – Redesign of Stewart Burnett Park and Sheppard’s Bush Artificial Turf Field Recommended: 1. That Report No. PRCS17-004 be received; and 2. That this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for Capital Project No. 73223 and that staff be authorized to proceed with Sheppard’s Bush Turf; and 3. That the substitution of Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose field for a full- size regulation soccer field and, subject to the approval of the Ontario Heritage Trust, conversion of the Sheppard’s Bush Soccer field to a Multi-Purpose Sports field, be authorized; and 4. That the remaining funds of $686,800 be reallocated from Capital Project No. 73161 – Stewart Burnett Park Multi-Purpose Sports field to Capital Project No. 73223 – Sheppard’s Bush Turf Replacement and direct staff General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Page 5 of 5 to commence with the detailed design and Tendering process for the Sheppard’s Bush Multi-Purpose Sports field; and 5. That, subject to approval of the Tender for Sheppard’s Bush Multi- Purpose Sports field, the project proceed in the spring of 2018. 7. Notices of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas Re: Property Tax Vacancy Rebates (replacement of version introduced on February 7, 2017) (Added Item) (b) Mayor Dawe Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event (Added Item) (c) Mayor Dawe Re: Amendment to Procedure By-law No. 5920-16 (Added Item) 8. New Business 9. Closed Session 10. Adjournment SSport AuroraYear 1Sport Plan Status ReportPresented to: Town of Aurora General CommitteeFebruary 21, 2017Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 1 of 15 PPresentation OverviewSport AccessPromotions & Celebration of SportSport TourismSport Leadership1. Completed Tasks2. Next Steps 3. Timelines Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 2 of 15 Sport LeadershipCompleted TasksAurora Sport Policy (T1)•Sport Plan Sub Committee created•Research completed on Sport Policy best practicesSport Development Officer (T4)•Sport Aurora Executive Director allocated Sport Plan responsibilities•Sport Plan Implementation Manager hired on contract•Sport Plan Research Coordinator hired for 8 monthsCompllleeettttteeeedddd TTTTaaaaassssskkkkksssssAAurooorrraa SSSSppoorrrrrt Poliicccyyyyy ((((TTTT1111111))))))•Spppooorrrrttt PPPllannn SSSSSuuuubbbbb CCCCCooommmmmmmmmiiiitttteee createddd•Reesssseearcch ccccooommpppplleeetted oon SSSppppooorrrrrtttttt PPPPPPooooollllliiiiicccyyy bbbeeesssttt ppprrraaaacccttiicceessssSpppppooorrttttt DDDeevveelloooopppppmmmeeeeennntt OOffffiiccerr ((TT44))••••SSSSSpppppooorrrtt AAAuurroooorraaa EExxxeeeeecccccuuuuutiveee Diiiirrrreeeeccccttor aallllooocccaatttteed SSpppppooorrrrtt PPPPPPlllllaaaaannn rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnnsssssiibilliiiittttiiees•SSpppoooorrrtttt PPPPllannnn IIIIImmmmmppppllllleeeeemmmmmmeeeeennnntttaaattttioonnnnn MMannaaggeeerr hhiireedd oooonnnnnn cccccooooonnnntttttrrrraaaactttt•••SSSSSSpppppoooorrrrrtttt PPPllllannnnnn RReeeesssseeeeaaaaarrrccchhh CCCCooooooooorrrrdddddiinaaaatttooooorr hhhiireeeeedd ffoorr 88888 mmmmmooooonnnnnnttttthhhhssAdditional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 3 of 15 SSport LeadershipRecommendationNext StepsTimelinesDevelop Aurora Sport Policy (T1)•Present Sport Policy recommendations to Sport Aurora members at AGMFebruary 22, 2017Add a Sport Development Officer (T4)•Evaluate staff needs for Year 2 and 3 to meet deliverables •(based on approval by Town of Aurora to contract Sport Aurora)March 2017Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 4 of 15 Sport AccessCompleted TasksPhysical Literacy Training (T13)•Physical Literacy Summit hosted in May 2016•Canadian Sport for Life leader, Drew Mitchell, hired to lead all training•Over 65 people trained in Physical Literacy Meeting of Agencies Supporting Persons with a Disability (T15)•Committee members recruited•First meeting scheduled for February 23rd•Research conducted on current status of inclusion in sportDevelop a Recreation and Sport Access Policy (T16)•Individuals identified to be invited to a CommitteeCoommpplleettttteeeeddddd TTTTaaasssssskkkkkkkksssssPhysiicccccccaaalll LLLLLLiiiiittttteeerrrrrraaccyyy TTrrraaaaaiinnniiinnnnggggg ((((TTTTT1111133333)))•Phhyyyysssssiiiccccccaaaaaalllll LLLLiiitteeeerraaacccccyyyy SSSSuummmmmmmmiiitttttt hhhhhhhooooossstttteeeeddddd iiinn MMMaayyyyy 222220000001111666•Caannnnaaadddddddiiiiiaaaaannnn SSSSpppooort fffffooooorrrr LLLLiiiifffee lleeaadddeeeeerrrr, DDDDrrewww MMMiiiittcccchheellll, hhiiiireeeeddd tttoooo llleeeeeeeaaaaddddd aaaaallll trrainninnggg•Ovveeeeeeeerr 66666655555 pppeeeoopllleeeee tttttrrrrrraaaaiiinnnneeeeeddddd iiin Physssiccccaaal LLiiittteeeeeeeerrrrrraaccccccyyyyy MMMMMMeeeeeeeeeeeetttiinngggggggg ooooooof AAAAAgeenncciiieeeeeesss SSSSuuupppppooooorrttttiinnnnnngggg PPPeeeeeeerrsssssooooonnnssss wwwwwiiiiitthhhh aaaa DDDDDiiiiissssaaaaabiiillliiiitttttyy ((((TTTTT11115555)))•••••CCCCCooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiittttttttteeeeee mmmmeemmbbbbbeeerrrrss rrreeeccrruuuuuiiittteeeddddd•••••FFFFFFiiiiirrrrrrrsssstttttt mmmeeeeeeeettiinnnngg sscchhhheeeeduulleedd ffffoooorr FFFFeeeebbbbruaaaarryyy 222333rdrdrd•Reeeeessseeeeaaaaaaaarrrrccccchhh cccooooonnnnndducttttteeeddddd on cccuuuurrreenntt ssttaattuuuuss ooooffffff innnccclluuuusssiiiooooon inn ssppooorrrttttDDDDDDeeeeevvvveeeeelloooopp aa RRRReeeeeeeccrreeeeaaaatttiiiioooonnnnn aaannnnddd SSSSSSpppoooooorrt AAAAAccccccceeesss PPPPoooooolicyyyy ((TTTT111666666))))••IIIInnndddddiiivvvvviddddddualsss ideeennnttttiffiiieeedddd tttooo bbbbeeee iiiiinnvvvviiittttteeeeedd ttooo aa CCCCCoommmmmmmmmmmiiiitttttteeeeeeeAdditional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 5 of 15 Sport AccessRecommendationNext StepsTimelinesPhysical Literacy Training (T13)•Training of parents and teachersOngoingMeeting with agencies supporting persons with a disability•Meeting scheduled with agencies•Author a report on state of access and needsFebruary 23rdFebruary 2017Develop a recreation and Sport Access Policy •Send invitations to identified Committee members•Host first meeting of Committee members•Develop recommendations to be presented to Town•Conduct an environmental scanFebruary 2017March 2017March 2017March 2017Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 6 of 15 Promotions & Celebration of SportCompleted TasksDevelop a broad based Sport Marketing Strategy (T21)•Sport Aurora staff met with Town of Aurora Communications Coordinator to communicate recommendations•A communications strategy in place•Sport Expo hosted•Met with Aurora Chamber of Commerce to discuss partnership opportunitiesCompletteeeeddddd TTaaasskkkkksssssDeveellooopp a bbroad bbbaasssseeeeddddd SSSSpppoorrtt MMMMMaaaarrrrkkketing Strateggyy ((T222211)))))•Spooorrrtt AAuuroooorraaaa sssssttttaaafffffffff mmmmeeeeettttt wwwithh Town oofff AAuuurooooorrraaa CCCCooommmmmmmmuuunniccaaatttiiiiooonnnssss CCCCCooooooorrdddiinnattoor too coommmmmuniicccccaaaattttee reeeccommmmmmeennddaaattttiiioooonnnsssss••AAAA cccoooommmmmmuunnnicattiiiooooonnnnssss ssstttrraaaattttteeegggggyyyy iiinnn pppllllaaccccceeeee•SSSppooooorrrt Exppooooo hhhhhoossttteeeeed••••MMMMMeeettt wwittth AAAAAurorraaaaa CCCCChammmmmbbbeeeerrr oooofff Commmmmeeeerccccce ttoo ddddiissccuuusssss pppppaaaaarrrrttnnnneeeerrssssshhhhhiipp oopppppoorttuunniitieessAdditional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 7 of 15 PPromotion & Celebration of SportRecommendationNext StepsTimelinesDevelop broad based Sport Marketing Strategy (T21)•Research options for a sport app•Research marketing initiatives in other municipalities•Additional meeting with Town of Aurora Communications Coordinator to develop ideas for collaborative effort•Sport Summit planned between May –September 2017•Establish plan to consult marketing advisors from public, not-for-profit and private sectorsFebruary & March 2017Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 8 of 15 Sport Tourism –All Year 2 DeliverablesCompleted Tasks•Initial recommendations developed based on meetings with Sport Plan Sub Committee•Recommendations will be part of a formalized approach to Year 2 deliverablesCompletteeeeddddd TTaaasskkkkksssss•Inittiiaaal rrecooommeennndddaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnss ddeevvveeelllllooooppeedd based on mmeeettttinngggggsss with Sport Plan SSSuuuuubbbb Commmmittteeeeeee•Reecoommmeeennnnddddaatioooons wwwiiilllllllll bbee ppppaaaarrrttttt ooooofffff aaa ffoorrmmmaaallliiizzzeeeddd aapppprrooaachhhhh tttoo Yearr 22222 dddddeeeellllliiiivvvveeraaabbbllleeessAdditional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 9 of 15 TTHANK YOUQuestions?Sport Plan Sub CommitteeStephen Kimmerer, Ron Weese, Reg Chappell, Laurie Mueller, Bruce StaffordAlan Dean,Katie Williams, Dave Lovegrove, Chris Foster, Nancy Black, Rob Fairs, Brent McKinnon,Paul Schnabel, Katie Williams, Wallace Pidgeon, Jason Scott, Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 10 of 15 Sport Plan Status Report – January 2017 Sport Leadership Research and make recommendations to be included in an Aurora Sport Policy that outlines the role of sport in the community. The Policy should specifically address the roles and responsibilities of the Town and local sport stakeholders including sport clubs and collectives, the business sector, education, public Health etc. Recourses: Canadian Sport Policy 2012, Winnipeg Community Sport Policy, Abbotsford BC: Successful Alignment with Canadian Sport for Life Physical Literacy in a Recreation Environment, Ontario Sport Plan, Ministry Tourism Culture & Sport Recommendations Completed Tasks Next Steps Timelines T1 A. Develop an Aurora Sport Policy ƔSport Plan Sub Committee was created, meetings took place and recommendations developed which will be incorporated into final Year 1 Report ƔResearch completed based on existing documents related to sport policy (e.g. CSP2012, Game ON Sport Plan, local municipal sport policies) ƔRecommendations presented to Sport Aurora membership at AGM ƔRecommend to Parks & Recreation that Sport Aurora be consulted as the Sport Council on recommendations on Policy changes to the Field, Ice, and Pool Allocation Policy. Sport Aurora as the Council should have input gathered from multiple sport stakeholders as a whole instead of individual sport input. ƔSport Aurora AGM on February 22, 2017 ƔRecommendation moving forward in 2017/2018 T2 B. Change the Name to the Parks. Recreation and Sport Coordinating Committee xChange of Committee name completed by Town of Aurora ƔRecommendations to be included regarding Sport Aurora and Town roles and responsibilities to be included in final Year 1 Report ƔMarch 2017 T3 C. Sport Council xRecommendations related to the role of Sport Aurora have been developed xThat Sport Aurora be recognized as the Sport Council of Aurora xRecommendations to be included in final Year 1 Report xMarch 2017 T4 D. Add a Sport Development Officer as a new position ƔResponsibilities allocated to Sport Aurora Executive Director ƔSport Plan Implementation Coordinator hired on contract ƔSubsequent Committees were formed in direct relation to the recommendations made by both the Executive Director and Implementation Coordinator ƔEvaluate staff needs for Year 2 and Year 3 to meet deliverables of Sport Plan ƔEvaluate Sport Aurora Budget to reflect the Sport Plan deliverables and what is feasible moving forward ƔMarch 2017 ƔMarch 2017 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 11 of 15 Sport Access Sub Committee Develop recommendations to be included in a Recreation and Sport Access Policy that identifies barriers to sport participation and addresses mechanisms that increase participation and in particular provide full access for residents from low-income backgrounds. Included in this Committee’s responsibilities should be meeting with agencies that support persons with disabilities and understands needs and identify gaps in service levels. Recommendations Tasks Completed Next Steps Timelines T13 A. Physical Literacy training xMay 4th Held at Seneca College xActivate Aurora has hired Drew Mitchell from Sport for Life as Activate Aurora’s Director of Training in December 2016 responsible for the training of all leaders (parents, teachers in the schools) in FMS & PL 101, 201, and 301. He was hired to deliver the clinics and provide certification. xThe Executive Director and Chair will aid in the promotions and recruitment to the training of all these groups identified. xThe following avenues were implemented to promote Physical Literacy and Training in PL 101,201 & 301: xMember of the Healthy Active Living Committee at RHPS xAttendance at meet the teacher night with a booth where 200 Activate Aurora brochures flyers were distributed xPresentation at RHPS school assembly xRon presented to the Parent Council xSpoke to the Principal of Rick Hansen and the Athletics Director to lead Lunch and Learn Training for the teachers. x20 Leaders from Maximillion Kolbe were trained in PL 201 & 301 in May 2016. x20 Town of Aurora Staff were trained in PL 201 & 301 in May 2016 x27 Leaders from sport organizations were trained in PL 201 & 301 in October 2016 xAFLC was provided to Activate Aurora at no charge to train leaders in PL 201 & 301 xThe Old Library at 54 Victoria was provided to train leaders in the Multi Sport Play Program xMeeting rooms at the AFLC were provided in the months of September/October/November up to December for no charge to Activate Aurora. xTraining teachers are in progress xTraining Parents are in progress xAll Data on Courses and the document on all participation as well as manage and administer the finances are on going. Documenting Data and recording numbers is a priority and creating a leadership database is essential. xAttending four Wellness Evenings at local public schools where Activate Aurora will delivery activities that incorporate physical literacy for parents and children. xOngoing xJanuary, February and March 2017 T15 B. Convene a meeting with agencies supporting persons with disabilities to better understand their needs in being included in Sport in Aurora. xCommittee members have been recruited xFirst meeting schedule for February 23rd ƔHost meeting of Committee to delivery needs for persons with a disability ƔAuthor a report on the state of access and needs ƔReviewing the possibility of surveying sport organizations to see who provides services for persons with a disability ƔFebruary 2017 xFebruary 2017 xFebruary 2017 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 12 of 15 Recommendations Tasks Completed Next Steps Timelines T16 C. Develop a recreation and Sport Access Policy that identifies barriers to participation and addresses mechanisms that can increase participation and full access for residents from low-income backgrounds. ƔIndividuals identified to be invited to the Advisory Committee ƔSend invitations to identified Advisory Committee members ƔHost first meeting of Advisory Committee members ƔDevelop recommendations based on meeting(s) with Advisory Committee members ƔConduct an environmental Scan ƔPoll current providers of financial assistance (AKCP, CTC, service agencies…) ƔFebruary 2017 xMarch 2017 xMarch 2017 xMarch 2017 xMarch 2017 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 13 of 15 Promotion & Celebration of Sport Research and make recommendations to be included in a broad based Sport Marketing Strategy that encompasses all necessary ingredients to increase the public’s general understanding of the benefits of a robust sports system. In creating the strategy, the committee should undertake the following activities. Recommendations Tasks Completed Next Steps Timelines A. Inventory marketing, promotional and community messaging resources and supports available throughout the municipality, the sport community and the sport partners currently affiliated with sport organizations in Aurora. ƔInvestigate other Town web sites to compare marketing & Promotional strategies and develop additional recommendations ƔResearch identify for a sport app to be the one stop spot for information about sport in Aurora ƔMarch 2017 xMarch 2017 B. Undertake an environmental scan of sport marketing campaigns that have been successfully implemented in other jurisdictions. Document the best practices drawn from these and prioritize the approaches that are most likely applicable to the Aurora circumstances. ƔResearch what other Towns have and report on i.e. Sport Hamilton, Sport London and Kelowna ƔReview the research completed and establish a priority on the potential approaches ƔFebruary 2017 xMarch 2017 C. Adopt standardized communication messaging and language that is applicable to all sport environments. ƔA Communications strategy is in place and being executed. ƔA meeting with the Communications Coordinator has happened and Sport Aurora’s recommendations have been communicated with her. ƔSupply Communications Coordinator with Sport Aurora plan and support/help implement. Additional meetings to take place to create ideas in a collaborative effort. ƔFebruary 2017 D. Create marketing tools and initiatives to reach as many audiences as possible and utilize an array of promotional techniques to expand the messaging reach as far as possible i.e traditional advertising, social media, public service announcements, communication through sport organizations. xSport Aurora, has executed an outreach program to include Churches, School Board, both Public and Separate School Boards. ƔResearch opportunities to enhance advertising and messaging in non-sport locations. ƔSignage or Banner opportunities on streets, bridges, etc. as part of the Activate Aurora Strategic Plan. ƔWork towards getting messaging into the school system and leveraging their resources. Continue to build off the relationships that have been established with Activate Aurora. ƔFebruary 2017 xFebruary 2017 xMarch 2017 E. Host an annual Sport Excellence Summit to strengthen cohesion and learning amongst the sport partners in Aurora. ƔSport Aurora had a Sport Expo but no academic component because future years will incorporate additional factors. ƔDiscussions have taken place about a celebrity fundraiser as a collaborative effort between the Hall of Fame and Sport Aurora. ƔDiscussion to continue regarding Celebrity fundraiser dinner as a collaborative effort between the Hall of Fame and Sport Aurora. ƔSport Summit is being planned for sometime between May – September 2017 xMarch 2017 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 14 of 15 Recommendations Tasks Completed Next Steps Timelines F. Consult with marketing advisors from public, not-for-profit and private sector sport or physical activity organizations that would benefit from coordinated marketing efforts. Advisors should routinely meet appropriate members of the Sport Coordinating Committee and staff to offer advice and information about developing and maintaining the marketing strategy. ƔIdentify who are the marketing leads are amongst the various public, not-for-profit and private sector. ƔUnderstanding the different sport structures ƔConfirm if those identified would be willing to participate in an Advisory capacity. ƔEstablish the Advisory Group (e.g. Michael Ney/Activate Aurora, AYSC, and Playball) that supports the sport effort in Aurora. ƔRequest that there be a Town person that is part of this group of Advisors. ƔFebruary/March 2017 G.Develop a long-range plan for the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame that continues to capture the heritage of sport in Aurora as well as current sport excellence. ƔSport Aurora recommended an athlete to the ASHoF to consider as a Future Hall of Famer. ƔSport Aurora has identified and awarded an Athlete of the Year and recognized School Athletes of the Year in Year 1 and will consider the addition of a Coach of the Year in Year 2. ƔSport Aurora has considered a Volunteer of the Year award in 2017 ƔSport Aurora has considered a Sport Business Sponsor of the Year Award ƔSport Aurora partnered with all Public and Separate Schools in Aurora to present Sport Aurora’s School Athletes of the Year. These Athletes were presented and recognized in Council, Published in the Era Banner and the Auroran Newspaper, featured on our Facebook and sent out through all platforms of Social Media. It was also posted on our web site. ƔSport Aurora Athlete of the Year selected by our committee was announced through a Press Release, Published in all platforms of social media and Published in Sport in Aurora Magazine. It was added to our web site and was recognized and presented the award at the Sport Aurora Breakfast of Champions. ƔAurora Sports Hall of Fame should provide the Town with the ASHoF Sustainability Plan. ƔThe Aurora Sports Hall of Fame has delegated to Council the need for sustainability and has been awarded funding for next year from the Reserve fund in place. Ɣ Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Presentation (b) Page 15 of 15 LegislativeServices905-727-3123CIerksauroraca1\iJRI{I100JohnWestWay,Box1000Aurora,ONL4G6J1DelegationRequestThisDelegationRequestformandanywrittensubmissionsorbackgroundinformationforconsiderationbyeitherCouncilorCommitteesofCouncilmustbesubmittedtotheClerk’sofficebythefollowingdeadline:4:30pm.Two(2)DaysPriortotheRequestedMeetingDateCouncillCommitteelAdvisoryCommitteeMeetingDate:February21st2017Subject:StewartBurnettSoccerFieldNameofSpokesperson:JimmyBrennanNameofGrouporPerson(s)beingRepresented(ifapplicable):AuroraFC(AYSC)BriefSummaryofIssueorPurposeofDelegation:Toagreewiththepurposalofchangingthemulti-usefieldtosoccerspecificatStewartBurnettandchangingSheppardBushtomulti-usefield.Pleasecompletethefollowing:HaveyoubeenincontactwithaTownstafforYesNoDCouncilmemberregardingyourmatterofinterest?Ifyes,withwhom?Date:JohnFirmanFeb1st2017ElIacknowledgethattheProcedureBy-lawpermitsfive(5)minutesforDelegations.Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Delegation (a) Page 1 of 1 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Delegation (b) Page 1 of 1 Memorandum Date: February 21, 2017 To: Members of Council From: Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Re: Correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City Recommendation 1.That the correspondence from Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City, be received for information. Attachments Attachment 1 - Letter dated February 9, 2017 from Régis Labeaume, Mayor of Québec City 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone: 905-727-3123 ext. 4746 Email: mayor@aurora.ca www.aurora.ca Town of Aurora Office of the Mayor Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Item C1 Page 1 of 3 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item C1 Page 2 of 3Attachment 1 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017Item C1 Page 3 of 3 DRAWING TITLEPROJECT TITLEREVISIONSSTAMPNORTH ARROWDRAWING No.LAYOUT PLANMATERIALSLOCATION MAP - NOT TO SCALEDRAWING NOTESSHEPPARD'S BUSH PARKMULTI-PURPOSE ARTIFICIAL TURPLAY FIELDPLAN SCALESERDIKA CONSULTING INC.Landscape Architecture1650 Elgin Mills RoadEast,Unit#309Richmond Hill, ONL4S0B2416 . 272 . 7712 / zori@serdika.caPRIME CONSULTANTLEGENDAdditional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Additional Information to Item R6 Page 1 of 1 Notice of Motion Councillor Tom Mrakas Date: February 21, 2017 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Mrakas Re: Property Tax Vacancy Rebates Whereas the province of Ontario mandates under Section 364 of the Municipal Act, that every local municipality shall have a program to provide property tax rebates in respect to vacant portions of buildings that are in the commercial or industrial classes; and Whereas the 2016 Provincial Budget announced a legislative framework to facilitate increased municipal flexibility with providing municipalities broad flexibility for 2017 and future years to tailor the vacant unit tax rebate to reflect community needs and circumstances; and Whereas this vacant unit tax rebate may encourage some property owners to keep commercial and industrial buildings empty; and Whereas unoccupied retail is not good for the overall health of the municipality; and Whereas boarded-up stores impact on the ability to revitalize main streets; and Whereas the repeal of the vacant unit tax rebate will contribute to the healthy development of the downtown core; and Whereas the repeal of the vacant unit tax rebate would support the varied efforts of the Town in bringing renewal to our downtown promenade and makes financial sense for the Town; 1.Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the Town of Aurora seek to repeal the vacant unit tax rebate effective for the tax year 2017; and Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Notice of Motion (a) Page 1 of 2 Notice of Motion Re: Property Tax Vacancy Rebates February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 2 2.Be It Further Resolved That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Honourable Minister of Finance to request the necessary regulatory authority using the flexibility provided in the legislative framework to repeal the vacancy tax rebate; and 3. Be It Further Resolved That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Council of the The Regional Municipality of York and all area municipalities to advise of Council’s interest in seeking abolishment of the vacant unit rebates provisions. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Notice of Motion (a) Page 2 of 2 Notice of Motion Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Date: February 21, 2017 To: Members of Council From: Mayor Dawe Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event Whereas Activate Aurora is an Ontario Trillium Foundation-funded, three-year, cross- sectorial program designed by Sport Aurora with the guidance of the Canadian Sport for Life Society; and Whereas the goal of this program is to make Aurora ‘Canada’s Most Active Community’ through education awareness, capacity building and sustainable programming activities; and Whereas some of the programs and activities held to date include walk-to-school events; play-day events, daily physical activity curriculum and delivery in local schools, Seniors’ Active Living Fair and continuing older adult engagement as well as the York Region Physical Literacy Summit; and Whereas the Activate Aurora Team includes representatives from the York Region District School Board, York Catholic School Board, Seneca College, Municipal Recreation Staff, Healthy Kids Community Challenge, York Region Public Health, Southlake Regional Health Centre, and the Aurora Seniors Association; and Whereas this “first-ever” cross and multi-sectorial approach will help engage and educate citizens of all ages in Aurora about the importance of incorporating daily physical activity and the benefits to their overall physical and mental well-being; and Whereas ‘Open Streets’ is a globally successful initiative that temporarily closes local streets to automobile traffic so that people can use them for walking, cycling, playing or socializing; and Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Notice of Motion (b) Page 1 of 2 Notice of Motion Re: Activate Aurora – Open Streets Event February 21, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Whereas Activate Aurora is interested in hosting an Open Streets Event on Sunday, June 4, 2017, in conjunction with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce during their Annual Street Sale; and Whereas local streets in the vicinity of Town Park would be closed to vehicular traffic; and Whereas different interactive physical activities would be hosted by Activate Aurora in Town Park for our citizens to engage in; 1.Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That Council endorse this initiative by resolution; and 2.Be It Further Resolved That Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services staff be requested to support the proposed activities at Town Park and affected streets within existing Operating Budgets. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Notice of Motion (b) Page 2 of 2 Notice of Motion Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Date: February 21, 2017 To: Members of Council From: Mayor Dawe Re: Amendment to Procedure By-law Number 5920-16 Whereas the Town of Aurora Procedure By-law Number 5920-16, Section 39.b), Adjournment, requires an amendment; and Whereas in its current form this particular section of the By-law states “If Council or General Committee is still in session at 11 p.m., it shall be adjourned unless all Members present concur in the extension of the Meeting.”; and Whereas if for whatever reason a Council member must leave the meeting that is in session by 11 p.m., the current By-law, as it stands, does not permit the extension; and Whereas this may negatively impact moving the business of the Town forward for the benefit of our community; 1. Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That Council amend By-law Number 5920-16, Section 39.b), Adjournment, to read “If Council or General Committee is still in session at 11 p.m., it shall be adjourned unless two-thirds of the Members present enact a resolution to extend the Meeting.” Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Notice of Motion (c) Page 1 of 1