AGENDA - General Committee - 20161128Special General Committee 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release November 25, 2016 Town of Aurora Special General Committee 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 2. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 3. Delegations (a) Stephen Kimmerer and Ron Weese, Sport Aurora Re: Sport Aurora Funding Request (b) Ron Weese and Nancy Black, Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Re: Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Funding Request 4. Public Consultation – Open Session – Opportunity for Members of the Public to Provide Input Regarding the 2017 Budget Note: The Director of Financial Services – Treasurer will provide a summary of any email comments from the public received to date. Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 2 of 4 5. Closed Session 6. Consideration of Items 7. Adjournment Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 3 of 4 Agenda Items 1. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (Deferred from Budget meeting of November 21, 2016 – Item 4) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services be approved. 2. Memorandum from Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Re: Special Event Budget for 2016 (Deferred from Budget meeting of November 21, 2016 – Item 5) Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Special Event Budget for 2016 be received for information. 3. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of Corporate Services (Not considered at Budget meeting of November 14, 2016) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for Corporate Services be approved. 4. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of Planning and Building Services (Not considered at Budget meeting of November 14, 2016) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for Planning and Building Services be approved. Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 4 of 4 5. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of CAO/Administration Services (Not considered at Budget meeting of November 14, 2016) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for CAO/Administration Services be approved. 6. Consideration of Budget Option Decision Units (Budget Binder Tab 5) Recommended: 1. That Council provide direction regarding the Budget Option items. DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for consideration by either Council or Committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk’s office by the following deadline: 4:30 P.M. ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: November 28th, 2016 SUBJECT: Sport Aurora Funding Request NAME OF SPOKESPERSON: Stephen Kimmerer & Ron Weese NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): Sport Aurora Inc BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: This presentation will be directly related to funding request and budget ask from the Town of Aurora. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest? YES X NO ☐ IF YES, WITH WHOM? Al Downey DATE: November 23rd, 2016 X I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5) minutes for Delegations. Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, ON L4G 6J1 Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Delegation (a) Page 1 of 1 DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for consideration by either Council or Committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk’s office by the following deadline: 4:30 P.M. ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: Monday November 28, 2016 SUBJECT: Budget – Options 2017 NAME OF SPOKESPERSON(S): Ron Weese & Nancy Black NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED: Aurora Sports Hall of Fame BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame is requesting funding support for 2017 as part of the Sports Plan (sustainability of the Hall) PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest? YES X ☐ NO ☐ IF YES, WITH WHOM? Samantha Yew DATE: November 23, 2016 ☐X I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5) minutes for Delegations. Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, ON L4G 6J1 Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Delegation (b) Page 1 of 2 DRAFT COPY FOR DISCUSSION ONLY 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Funds Raised Ticket Sales, Donations, Sponsorships, Program Advertising, Fantasy Auction Proceeds, etc 49,475$ 57,350$ 58,500$ 59,700$ 60,900$ Expenses Annual Gala Induction Dinner 27,655 31,955 32,600 33,300 34,000 Website, Video Brochures & Promotional Materials 16,344 8,100 8,300 8,500 8,700 Artifact Collections, Displays & Curation 14,800 22,097 20,500 20,900 21,300 Education Outreach 3,315 4,750 4,800 4,900 5,000 Induction, Nominations & Selection 1,998 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 Sponsor, Honoured Member & Volunteer Support 4,874 6,850 7,000 7,100 7,200 Executive Director Fee and Expenses 29,961 29,700 30,300 30,900 31,500 Acccounting, Legal and Administrative Costs 3,897 4,070 4,200 4,300 4,400 102,844 108,822 109,000 111,200 113,400 Shortfall 53,369-$ 51,472-$ 50,500-$ 51,500-$ 52,500-$ Provided by: Provided by: & FUNDING REQUIRED FOR SUSTAINABLILITY Funds Required for Sustainability Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Delegation (b) Page 2 of 2 Memorandum Date: November 21, 2016 To: Mayor and Members of Council Copy: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer From: Allan D. Downey, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Re: Special Event Budget for 2016 Recommendations 1. That the memorandum regarding Special Event Budget for 2016 be received for information. Background Please find attached detailed breakdown of Special Events Expenses as submitted for the 2016 Budget. This information provides more detail with regards to operational costs than had been previously provided to Council. Please insert this information on Tab 14 of your 2017 Budget binder. Attachments Attachment 1 – Special Event Budget - 2016 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone: 905-727-3123 ext. 4752 Email: adowney@aurora.ca www.aurora.ca Town of Aurora Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 1 of 10 Special Event Budget- 2016 Arctic Adventure Revenues Sponsorship 800.00$ Food Vendors 200.00$ Total Revenue 1,000.00$ Expenses Contracts Entertainment 4,725.00$ Ice Sculptures 1,975.00$ Subtotal 6,700.00$ Operating Supplies 1,550.00$ Equipment 250.00$ Subtotal 1,800.00$ Equipment Rental Sound System 700.00$ Inflatables 1,500.00$ Subtotal 2,200.00$ Total Expense 10,700.00$ Art Show Revenues Sponsorship 450.00$ Registration Fees 3,220.00$ Sale Commissions 1,000.00$ Total Revenue 4,670.00$ Expenses Contracts Entertainment 800.00$ Juror 400.00$ Mobile Signs 600.00$ Subtotal 1,800.00$ Operating Awards 1,200.00$ Flowers and Décor 455.00$ Subtotal 1,655.00$ Recognition Food 225.00$ Subtotal 225.00$ Total Expenses 3,680.00$ Attachment 1 Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 2 of 10 Canada Day Revenues Federal Grant 25,000.00$ Food Vendors 500.00$ Sponsorship 5,000.00$ Total Revenue 30,500.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Entertainment 3,000.00$ Activity Providers 3,150.00$ Electrician 550.00$ Pancakes 650.00$ Security 750.00$ Flag Printing 1,500.00$ Newspaper Insert 700.00$ Subtotal 10,300.00$ Promotional Recognition Food 225.00$ Subtotal 225.00$ Rentals Inflatables 3,000.00$ Stage 2,000.00$ Sound 1,500.00$ Tents 1,400.00$ Toilets 600.00$ Subtotal 8,500.00$ Contracts Fireworks 14,000.00$ 14,000.00$ Total Expenses 33,025.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 3 of 10 Canada Day Parade Expenses Operating Materials Rotary Donation 150.00$ Wagon for Council 800.00$ Town Crier 160.00$ React 300.00$ Shuttle Buses 200.00$ Signage 400.00$ Decorations 300.00$ Volunteer Appreciation 215.00$ Subtotal 2,525.00$ Equipment Rentals Toilets 350.00$ Subtotal 350.00$ Contracts Marching Bands 8,150.00$ Cultural Dancers 1,850.00$ Subtotal 10,000.00$ Total Expenses 12,875.00$ Concerts in the Park Revenues Sponsorship 7,000.00$ Total Revenue 7,000.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Signage 150.00$ Subtotal 150.00$ Equipment Rentals Sound 6,000.00$ Subtotal 6,000.00$ Contracts Consultants 2,000.00$ Bands 11,500.00$ Subtotal 13,500.00$ Total Expenses 19,650.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 4 of 10 Ribfest Revenues Food Vendor Fees 5,000.00$ Entry Fees 17,000.00$ Beer Commissions 3,000.00$ Admission Fee 30,000.00$ Sponsorship 5,000.00$ Total Revenue 60,000.00$ Expenses Operating Signage 500.00$ Mobile Signs 600.00$ Food for Bands 300.00$ Tent 700.00$ Subtotal 2,100.00$ Equipment Rentals Toilets 7,100.00$ Stage 2,900.00$ Sound 9,000.00$ Subtotal 19,000.00$ Contracts Police 1,000.00$ Bands 30,750.00$ Rider for Bands 2,000.00$ Security 2,200.00$ SOCAN 1,000.00$ Light Towers 750.00$ Dumpster 2,300.00$ Subtotal 40,000.00$ Total Expenses 61,100.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 5 of 10 Colours of Fall Concert Revenues Sponsorship 1,000.00$ Food Vendor 51.00$ Total Revenue 1,051.00$ Expenses Operating Pumpkins 200.00$ Signage 200.00$ Decorations 100.00$ Subtotal 500.00$ Equipment Rentals Sound 750.00$ Subtotal 750.00$ Contracts Band 1,600.00$ Subtotal 1,600.00$ Total Expenses 2,850.00$ Haunted Forest Revenues Food Vendor 51.00$ Sponsorship 750.00$ Admission Fees 19,000.00$ Total Revenue 19,801.00$ Expenses Operating Paid Duty Police 1,000.00$ Honourariums 5,000.00$ Pumpkins 900.00$ Decorations 1,700.00$ Subtotal 8,600.00$ Equipment Rentals 2,400.00$ Toilets 300.00$ Light Towers 600.00$ Generators 300.00$ Mobile Signs 600.00$ Buses 600.00$ Subtotal 2,400.00$ Recognition Food 500.00$ Subtotal 500.00$ Total Expenses 11,500.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 6 of 10 Santa Under the Stars Parade Revenues Float Entry Fees 1,600.00$ Sponsorship 3,500.00$ Total Revenue 5,100.00$ Expenses Operating Council Float 400.00$ Santa 150.00$ Town Crier 160.00$ Signage 400.00$ Buses 200.00$ Awards 190.00$ Subtotal 1,500.00$ Recognition Food 400.00$ Subtotal 400.00$ Equipment Rentals Toilets 300.00$ Subtotal 300.00$ Contracts Paid Duty Police 900.00$ Marching Bands 6,300.00$ Cultural Performers 1,600.00$ React 550.00$ Optimist 300.00$ Subtotal 9,650.00$ Total Expenses 11,850.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 7 of 10 Tree Lighting Ceremony Revenues Sponsorship 2,000.00$ Total Revenue 2,000.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Volunteer Appreciation 100.00$ Clementines 100.00$ Craft and Games 250.00$ Decorations 250.00$ Subtotal 700.00$ Contracts Reindeer 1,400.00$ Salvation Army 300.00$ Live Theatre 500.00$ Sound System 300.00$ Santa 150.00$ Town Crier 150.00$ Fire Juggler 500.00$ Subtotal 3,300.00$ Total Expenses 4,000.00$ Aurora's Borealis Revenue Sponsorship 5,000.00$ Total Revenue 5,000.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Lights 250.00$ Subtotal 250.00$ Equipment Rental Bucket Truck 1,500.00$ Subtotal 1,500.00$ Contracts Signage 350.00$ Subtotal 350.00$ Total Expenses 2,100.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 8 of 10 Family First Night Revenue Sponsorship 600.00$ Total Revenue 600.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Hot Chocolate and Cookies 300.00$ Crafts and Games 600.00$ Decorations 300.00$ Subtotal 1,200.00$ Equipment Rentals Inflatables 1,500.00$ Subtotal 1,500.00$ Contracts Reptile Shows 600.00$ Mad Science 750.00$ Band 350.00$ Magician 800.00$ Face Painter 600.00$ Subtotal 3,100.00$ Total Expenses 5,800.00$ Movies in the Park Revenues Sponsorship 3,500.00$ Food Vendor 300.00$ Donations 2,000.00$ Total Revenue 5,800.00$ Expenses Operating Prizes 300.00$ Subtotal 300.00$ Contracts Toilets 400.00$ Open Air 9,000.00$ Games and Activities 600.00$ Subtotal 10,000.00$ Total Expenses 10,300.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 9 of 10 Easter Egg Hunt Revenues Admission Fees 7,450.00$ Total Revenue 7,450.00$ Expenses Operating Goodie Bags 2,000.00$ Girl Guides 1,500.00$ Mobile Signs 400.00$ Subtotal 3,900.00$ Contracts Bunny Hutch 650.00$ Subtotal 650.00$ Total Expenses 4,550.00$ Subtotal Multicultural Festival Contracts Performers 7,900.00$ Inflatables and Childrens Activities 3,250.00$ Signage and Décor 400.00$ Advertising 6,350.00$ Printing 450.00$ Stage 2,000.00$ Sound 850.00$ Tents 1,600.00$ Security 600.00$ Food 400.00$ Mobile Signs 600.00$ Total Expenses 24,400.00$ Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2 Page 10 of 10 Public Release November 28, 2016 Town of Aurora Additional Items to Special General Committee 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 7 p.m., Council Chambers • Revised Index for Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda • Item 2. b) Additional Information to Item 2. a) Memorandum from Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Re: Special Events Budget for 2016 Re: Special Event Expenses – 2016, and 2016 Special Events Marketing • Item 5. b) Report No. CAO16-008 – Training and Development • Item 5. c) Report No. CAO16-009 – Vacancy Control • Item 5. d) Memorandum from Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Re: Updated 2016 Departmental Objectives Overview Summary Public Release November 28, 2016 Town of Aurora Special General Committee 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda (Revised) Monday, November 28, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 2. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 3. Delegations (a) Stephen Kimmerer and Ron Weese, Sport Aurora Re: Sport Aurora Funding Request (b) Ron Weese and Nancy Black, Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Re: Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Funding Request 4. Public Consultation – Open Session – Opportunity for Members of the Public to Provide Input Regarding the 2017 Budget Note: The Director of Financial Services – Treasurer will provide a summary of any email comments from the public received to date. Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda (Revised) Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 2 of 5 5. Closed Session 6. Consideration of Items 7. Adjournment Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda (Revised) Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Agenda Items 1. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (Deferred from Budget meeting of November 21, 2016 – Item 4) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services be approved. 2. a) Memorandum from Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Re: Special Event Budget for 2016 (Deferred from Budget meeting of November 21, 2016 – Item 5) Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Special Event Budget for 2016 be received for information. 2. b) Additional Information to Item 2. a) Memorandum from Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Re: Special Event Budget for 2016 Re: Special Event Expenses – 2016, and 2016 Special Events Marketing (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That the Additional Information to Item 2. a) Memorandum from Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Re: Special Event Budget for 2016, regarding Special Event Expenses – 2016, and 2016 Special Events Marketing, be received for information. 3. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of Corporate Services (Not considered at Budget meeting of November 14, 2016) Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda (Revised) Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 4 of 5 Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for Corporate Services be approved. 4. 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of Planning and Building Services (Not considered at Budget meeting of November 14, 2016) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for Planning and Building Services be approved. 5. a) 2017 Operating Budget – Departmental Business Plans (Budget Binder Tab 6) Review of CAO/Administration Services (Not considered at Budget meeting of November 14, 2016) Recommended: 1. That the 2017 Business Plan for CAO/Administration Services be approved. 5. b) CAO16-008 – Training and Development (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO16-008 be received for information. 5. c) CAO16-009 – Vacancy Control Report (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO16-009 be received for information. Special General Committee – 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda (Revised) Monday, November 28, 2016 Page 5 of 5 5. d) Memorandum from Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Re: Updated 2016 Departmental Objectives Overview Summary (Budget Binder Tab 4) (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That the memorandum regarding Updated 2016 Departmental Objectives Overview Summary be received for information. 6. Consideration of Budget Option Decision Units (Budget Binder Tab 5) Recommended: 1. That Council provide direction regarding the Budget Option items. Special Event Expenses- 2016 Arctic Adventure Revenues Sponsorship 1,100.00$ $800 Food Vendors 350.00$ 200.00$ Total Revenue 1,450.00$ 1,000.00$ Expenses Contracts Entertainment 2,691.00$ 4,725.00$ Ice Sculptures 3,571.00$ 1,975.00$ Subtotal 6,262.00$ 6,700.00$ Operating Supplies 501.00$ 1,550.00$ Equipment 245.00$ 250.00$ Subtotal 746.00$ 1,800.00$ Equipment Rental Sound System 700.00$ Inflatables 1,460.00$ 1,500.00$ Subtotal 1,460.00$ 2,200.00$ Total Expense 8,468.00$ 10,700.00$ Art Show Revenues Sponsorship 450.00$ Registration Fees 4,290.00$ 3,220.00$ Sale Commissions 1,523.00$ 1,000.00$ Total Revenue 5,813.00$ 4,670.00$ 4,670.00$ Expenses Contracts Entertainment 170.00$ 800.00$ Juror 300.00$ 400.00$ Mobile Signs 610.00$ 600.00$ Subtotal 1,080.00$ 1,800.00$ Operating Awards 1,310.00$ 1,200.00$ Flowers and Décor 322.00$ 455.00$ Subtotal 1,632.00$ 1,655.00$ Recognition Food 249.00$ 225.00$ Subtotal 249.00$ 225.00$ Total Expense 2,961.00$ 3,680.00$ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 1 of 13 Canada Day Revenues Federal Grant 25,000.00$ 25,000.00$ Food Vendors 859.00$ 500.00$ Sponsorship 3,500.00$ 5,000.00$ Total Revenue 29,359.00$ 30,500.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Entertainment 7,485.00$ 3,000.00$ Activity Providers 3,120.00$ 3,150.00$ Electrician 524.00$ 550.00$ Pancakes 95.00$ 650.00$ Security 691.00$ 750.00$ Flag Printing 1,613.00$ 1,500.00$ Subtotal 13,528.00$ 10,300.00$ Rentals Inflatables 2,299.00$ 3,000.00$ Stage 1,831.00$ 2,000.00$ Sound 1,475.00$ 1,500.00$ Tents 744.00$ 1,400.00$ Toilets 279.00$ 600.00$ Subtotal 6,628.00$ 8,500.00$ Contracts Fireworks 13,737.00$ 14,000.00$ Subtotal 13,737.00$ 14,000.00$ Total Expense 33,893.00$ 33,025.00$ Canada Day Parade Operating Materials Rotary Donation 150.00$ 150.00$ Wagon for Council 800.00$ 800.00$ Town Crier 152.00$ 160.00$ React 300.00$ 300.00$ Shuttle Buses 173.00$ 200.00$ Signage 400.00$ Decorations 45.00$ 300.00$ Volunteer Appreciation 215.00$ Subtotal 1,620.00$ 2,525.00$ Equipment Rentals Toilets 350.00$ Contracts 350.00$ Marching Bands 9,512.00$ 8,150.00$ Cultural Dancers 1,373.00$ 1,850.00$ Subtotal 10,885.00$ 10,000.00$ Total Expense 12,505.00$ 12,875.00$ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 2 of 13 Concerts in the Park Revenues Sponsorship 10,350.00$ 7,000.00$ Total Revenue 10,350.00$ 7,000.00$ 7,000.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Signage 395.00$ 150.00$ Licences and Supplies 723.00$ Subtotal 1,118.00$ 150.00$ Equipment Rentals Sound 5,342.00$ 6,000.00$ Subtotal 5,342.00$ 6,000.00$ Contracts Consultants 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ Bands 10,220.00$ 11,500.00$ Subtotal 12,220.00$ 13,500.00$ Total Expense 18,680.00$ 19,650.00$ Ribfest Revenues Food Vendor Fees 3,991.00$ 5,000.00$ Entry Fees 15,491.00$ 17,000.00$ Beer Commissions 4,000.00$ budgetted - actual still to be 3,000.00$ Admission Fee 30,000.00$ Sponsorship 6,800.00$ 5,000.00$ Total Revenue 30,282.00$ 60,000.00$ Expenses Operating Signage 254.00$ 500.00$ Mobile Signs 610.00$ 600.00$ Food for Bands 561.00$ 300.00$ Tent 682.00$ 700.00$ Subtotal 2,107.00$ 2,100.00$ Equipment Rentals Toilets 3,653.00$ 7,100.00$ Grey Water Removal 1,933.00$ Stage 2,696.00$ 2,900.00$ Sound 8,219.00$ 9,000.00$ Subtotal 16,501.00$ 19,000.00$ Contracts Police 665.00$ 1,000.00$ Bands 27,321.00$ 30,750.00$ Rider for Bands 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ Kids Activities 468.00$ Security 2,200.00$ SOCAN 1,100.00$ 1,000.00$ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 3 of 13 Electrician 920.00$ 750.00$ Letters 3,459.00$ Dumpster 2,300.00$ Subtotal 35,933.00$ 40,000.00$ Total Expense 54,541.00$ 61,100.00$ garbage dumpster and light towers were budgetted ($3050) but were able to get equipment donated for 2016 Colours of Fall Concert Revenues Sponsorship 1,500.00$ 1,000.00$ Food Vendor 51.00$ 51.00$ Total Revenue 1,551.00$ 1,051.00$ Expenses Operating Pumpkins 149.00$ 200.00$ Signage 200.00$ Decorations 100.00$ Subtotal 149.00$ 500.00$ Equipment Rentals Sound 763.00$ 750.00$ Subtotal 763.00$ 750.00$ Contracts Band 1,526.00$ 1,600.00$ Subtotal 1,526.00$ 1,600.00$ Total Expense 2,438.00$ 2,850.00$ Haunted Forest Revenues Food Vendor 51.00$ Sponsorship 750.00$ Admission Fees 19,000.00$ Total Revenue 19,801.00$ Expenses Operating Paid Duty Police -$ 1,000.00$ Honourariums -$ 5,000.00$ Pumpkins 750.00$ 900.00$ Decorations 637.00$ 1,700.00$ Subtotal 8,600.00$ Equipment Rentals 2,400.00$ Toilets 279.00$ 300.00$ Light Towers -$ 600.00$ Generators -$ 300.00$ Mobile Signs -$ 600.00$ Buses 559.00$ 600.00$ Subtotal 2,400.00$ Recogntion ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 4 of 13 Food 400.00$ 500.00$ Subtotal 400.00$ 500.00$ Total Expense 400.00$ 11,500.00$ Santa Under the Stars Parade Revenues Float Entry Fees -$ 1,600.00$ Sponsorship -$ 3,500.00$ Total Revenue -$ 5,100.00$ 5,100.00$ Expenses Operating Council Float -$ 400.00$ Santa -$ 150.00$ Town Crier -$ 160.00$ Signage -$ 400.00$ Buses -$ 200.00$ Awards -$ 190.00$ Subtotal -$ 1,500.00$ Recogntion Food -$ 400.00$ Subtotal -$ 400.00$ Equipment Rentals Toilets -$ 300.00$ Subtotal -$ 300.00$ Contracts Paid Duty Police -$ 900.00$ Marching Bands -$ 6,300.00$ Cultural Performers -$ 1,600.00$ React -$ 550.00$ Optimist -$ 300.00$ Subtotal -$ 9,650.00$ Total Expense -$ 11,850.00$ Tree Lighting Ceremon Revenues Sponsorship -$ 2,000.00$ Total Revenue -$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Volunteer Appreciation -$ 100.00$ Clementines -$ 100.00$ Craft and Games -$ 250.00$ Decorations -$ 250.00$ Subtotal -$ 700.00$ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 5 of 13 Contracts Reindeer -$ 1,400.00$ Salvation Army -$ 300.00$ Live Theatre -$ 500.00$ Sound System -$ 300.00$ Santa -$ 150.00$ Town Crier -$ 150.00$ Fire Juggler -$ 500.00$ Subtotal -$ 3,300.00$ Total Expense -$ 3,300.00$ Aurora's Borealis Revenue Sponsorship -$ 5,000.00$ Total Revenue -$ 5,000.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Lights -$ 250.00$ Subtotal -$ 250.00$ Equipment Rental Bucket Truck -$ 1,500.00$ Subtotal -$ 1,500.00$ Contracts Signage -$ 350.00$ Subtotal -$ 350.00$ Total Expense -$ 350.00$ Family First Night Revenue Sponsorship -$ 600.00$ Total Revenue -$ 600.00$ Expenses Operating Materials Hot Chocolate and Cook -$ 300.00$ Crafts and Games -$ 600.00$ Decorations -$ 300.00$ Subtotal -$ 1,200.00$ Equipment Rentals Inflatables -$ 1,500.00$ Subtotal -$ 1,500.00$ Contracts Reptile Shows -$ 600.00$ Mad Science -$ 750.00$ Band -$ 350.00$ Magician -$ 800.00$ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 6 of 13 Face Painter -$ 600.00$ Subtotal -$ 3,100.00$ Total Expense -$ 3,100.00$ Movies in the Park Revenues Sponsorship 5,250.00$ 3,500.00$ Food Vendor 300.00$ Donations 2,158.00$ 2,000.00$ Total Revenue 7,408.00$ 5,800.00$ Expenses Operating Prizes 154.00$ 300.00$ Subtotal 154.00$ 300.00$ Contracts Toilets 127.00$ 400.00$ Open Air 8,649.00$ 9,000.00$ Games and Activities 350.00$ 600.00$ Subtotal 9,126.00$ 10,000.00$ Total Expense 9,280.00$ 10,300.00$ Easter Egg Hunt Revenues Admission Fees 5,580.00$ 7,450.00$ Sponsorship 1,225.00$ 7,450.00$ Total Revenue 6,805.00$ 7,450.00$ Expenses Operating Goodie Bags 1,455.00$ 2,000.00$ Girl Guides 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ Mobile Signs 457.00$ 400.00$ Printing 305.00$ Subtototal 3,717.00$ 3,900.00$ Contracts Bunny Hutch 457.00$ 650.00$ Subtotal 457.00$ 650.00$ Total Expense 4,174.00$ 4,550.00$ Multicultural Festival Contracts Performers 6,863.00$ 7,900.00$ Inflatables and Childrens 3,871.00$ 3,250.00$ Signage and Décor 122.00$ 400.00$ Advertising 7,608.00$ 6,350.00$ ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 7 of 13 Printing 450.00$ Stage 1,926.00$ 2,000.00$ Sound 763.00$ 850.00$ Tents 1,513.00$ 1,600.00$ Security 577.00$ 600.00$ Food 542.00$ 400.00$ Mobile Signs 1,221.00$ 600.00$ Total Expense 25,006.00$ 24,400.00$ Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 8 of 13 2016 Special Events MarketingUpdated as of 28/11/2016PLEASE NOTE THIS DOCUMENT REPRESENTS A SUMMARY OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES RELATED TO EVENTS. IT MAY OR MAY NOT BE INCLUSIVE OF ALL SPECIAL EVENT EXPENSES.Event Graphic DesignPrint MaterialsPhoto-graphyNewspaper MagazineCommentsAuroran (Notice Board, January 7)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, January 14) $0.00Auroran (Notice Board, January 21) $0.00Auroran (Notice Board, January 28) $0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 4) $0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 11) $0.00Concept and campaign artwork$700.00Posters (100)$40.00Postcards (3,000)$239.00Anthony Bell Photography$300.00Auroran (Notice Board, January 21)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, January 28)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 4)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 11)$0.00Aurora Banner (February 11)$349.00Auroran (February 11)$77.28Concept and campaign artwork$775.00Passport/map artwork$150.00Posters (100)$40.00Postcards double-sided (2,000)$260.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 18)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 25)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 3)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 10)$0.00Auroran (March 17)$629.05Aurora Banner, Newmarket Era, EG Express (March 17)$828.00Aurora Banner, Newmarket Era, EG Express (March 24)$828.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 24)$0.00SNAPd Aurora (March edition)$395.00Arctic AdventureEaster Egg HuntAurora's BorealisSpecial Events paid for mobile sign printing and placement.Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 9 of 13 2016 Special Events MarketingUpdated as of 28/11/2016Event Graphic DesignPrint MaterialsPhoto-graphyNewspaper MagazineCommentsAuroran (Notice Board, April 7)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, April 14)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, April 21)$0.00Aurora Banner (April 21)$779.00King Sentinel (April 21)$157.50Aurora Banner (April 28)$1,245.00Auroran (April 28)$629.05King Sentinel (April 28)$315.00SNAPd Aurora (April edition)$395.00Concept and campaign artwork $650.00Forms and display artwork $300.00Event invitation artwork $50.00Event program artwork $400.00Post-event artwork part 1 $300.00Post-event artwork part 2 $100.00Signage (In Kind Donation $414) $0.00Posters $18.63Auroran (January 14)$325.00Auroran (February 11)$325.00Auroran (June 2)$315.00Aurora Banner (June 2)$579.00SNAPd Aurora (February edition)$395.00SNAPd Aurora (July edition)$395.00Mini-campaign artwork $300.00Posters $40.00Auroran (Notice Board, May 5)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, May 12)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 2)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 9)$0.00No paid advertising.Art Show and SaleCommunity Recognition AwardsAurora Teen IdolSpecial Events paid for poster and postcard printing.Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 10 of 13 2016 Special Events MarketingUpdated as of 28/11/2016Event Graphic DesignPrint MaterialsPhoto-graphyNewspaper MagazineCommentsCall for submissions artwork$300.00Concept and campaign artwork$400.00Posters - Double-sided (100)$80.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 11)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 18)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, February 25)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 3)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 10)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 17)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 24)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, March 31)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, April 7)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, April 14)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, April 21)$0.00SNAPd Aurora (August edition)$395.00Concept and campaign artwork including insertion$800.00Posters$40.00Aurora Banner (June 16)$579.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 16)$0.00Aurora Banner (June 23)$579.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 23)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 30)$0.00SNAPd Aurora (June edition)$395.00Concept and campaign artwork$500.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 30)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 7)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 14)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 21)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 28)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 4)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 11)$0.00Mini-campaign artwork$150.00Auroran (Notice Board, June 30)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 7)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 14)$0.00Aurora Banner (July 14)$394.00Movies in the SARC Spring / Movie Call for SubmissionsCanada DayConcerts in the ParkTheatre in the ParkSpecial Events paid for the printng and distribution of the double-sided newspaper insertion.No paid advertising. Special Events paid for poster printing.Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 11 of 13 2016 Special Events MarketingUpdated as of 28/11/2016Event Graphic DesignPrint MaterialsPhoto-graphyNewspaper MagazineCommentsConcept and campaign artwork$550.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 21)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 28)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 4)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 11)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 18)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 25)$0.00Paid via grantConcept and campaign artwork$800.00Three newspaper ads$325.00Full page ad and lug ad$550.00Posters$40.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 21)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, July 28)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 4)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 11)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, August 18)$0.00Auroran (August 18)$600.00Aurora Banner, Newmarket Era, EG Express (August 18)$759.00Bradford Topic (August 18)$267.00Georgina Advocate (August 18)$346.00King Sentinel (August 18)$157.50Uxbridge Times Journal (August 18)$340.00Auroran (August 25)$600.00Aurora Banner, Newmarket Era, EG Express (August 25)$759.00Bradford Topic (August 25)$267.00Georgina Advocate (August 25)$346.00King Sentinel (August 25)$157.50Uxbridge Times Journal (August 25)$340.00SNAPd Aurora (August 1)$1,235.00Concept and campaign artwork$300.00Posters$40.00Auroran (Notice Board, September 15)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, September 22)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, September 29)$0.00Auroran (September 29)$315.00All costs covered through Special Events.Special Events paid for mobile sign printing and placement. Special Events also paid for Ribfest Auroran insertion.Colours of Fall ConcertMulticultural FestivalRibfestMovies in the Park SummerNo paid advertising. Special Events paid for poster printing.Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 12 of 13 2016 Special Events MarketingUpdated as of 28/11/2016Event Graphic DesignPrint MaterialsPhoto-graphyNewspaper MagazineCommentsConcept and campaign artwork$800.00Posters (100)$40.00Postcards double-sided (2,000)$260.00Auroran (Notice Board, September 29)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, October 6)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, October 13)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, October 20)$0.00Auroran Front Page (October 20)$300.00Aurora Banner, Newmarket Era, EG Express (October 20)$759.00Auroran (Notice Board, October 27)$0.00Auroran Front Page (October 27)$0.00Aurora Banner, Newmarket Era, EG Express (October 27)$759.00SNAPd Aurora (October edition)$395.00Concept and campaign artwork$500.00Posters (100)$40.00Auroran (Notice Board, November 10)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, November 17)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, November 24)$0.00SNAPd Aurora (November edition)$395.00Concept and campaign artwork$525.00Posters (100)$40.00Postcards (2,000)$197.50Auroran (Notice Board, November 24)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, December 1)$0.00SNAPd Aurora (December edition)$395.00Concept and campaign artwork$400.00SNAPd Aurora (December edition)$395.00Auroran (Notice Board, December 15)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, December 22)$0.00Auroran (Notice Board, December 29)$0.00$10,625.00 $1,415.13 $300.00 $16,004.88 $5,185.00GRAND TOTAL$33,530.01Special Events paid for posters and postcard printing.Special Events paid for mobile sign printing and placement.Tree Lighting CeremonyFamily First NightAurora's Haunted ForestSanta Under the Stars ParadeAdditional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 2. b) Page 13 of 13 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. CAO16-008 Subject: Training and Development Prepared by: Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer Department: Date: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer November 28, 2016 Recommendation 1.That Report No. CAO16-008 be received for information. Executive Summary Staff have presented Council with capital and operating budget submissions. As part of the operating budget, Council has asked for a closer review of Training & Development budgets and spending for the Town. The purpose of this report is to provide that perspective. Background In 2014, Council requested a review of Training & Development budgets for the organization, and as a result, the total Training & Development budget for 2015 was decreased by 40% (approximately $100,000). In the 2017 budget request, staff are asking for the Training & Development budget to be restored to a level comparable to 2014. Analysis The 2016 forecast on this budget line is ($141,152), or 94% of the allocated budget. Staff have been conservative in their spending on training and development in 2016 for a number of reasons. First and foremost, staff are aware of the budget deficit and have been reducing spending on training and development to reduce potential negative impact on the budget by required expenditures in other areas. Further, as Council is aware, 2016 saw the reorganization and realignment of a number of Town divisions and departments, along with turnover at the management level. Management has used these opportunities to review staff requirements related to training and development and Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. b) Page 1 of 6 November 28, 2016 Page 2 of 5 CAO16-008 to set new plans in place for their teams. It has taken time to review employee performance and departmental requirements, resulting in a reduction in formal training delivery for the interim period. There is an organizational need to ensure staff have the appropriate training Based on the assessments that have taken place, management has recognized an organizational need to ensure that staff have the appropriate statutory or regulated training required in their roles, while also developing staff competencies in order to strengthen our ability to succession plan. 8.5% of our full time workforce is eligible to retire in 2016, with another 2.5% eligible in 2017 and 2018. The cost to replace a retired employee can be up to two times their annual salary and the loss of institutional knowledge extensive. Having internal candidates prepared to move into other roles within the organization shortens the recruitment and orientation process significantly. In comparison to other municipalities, Aurora is on the lower end of the scale, and usually under 1% (of full time wages and benefits) on training and development. The 2017 request would translate into a 1% spend that is less than many of our comparators. (See Attachment No. 1) In some cases, departments and divisions have reallocated funds from other areas in their budgets in order to provide an increase in training and development. The following will provide insight into the most significant of increases in the training and development budget. Infrastructure and Environmental Services training budget The IES training budget increase of $14,239 to amount of $37,600. This increase is a result of the need to meet both unionized and non-union staff training needs primarily related to health and safety training and skills development directly related to jo b performance. In assessing the departments' needs, a training matrix has been developed outlining the various course requirements. Staff have expressed concern of the withdrawal of core training availability and the 2017 budget request is to provide sufficient training to the department to cover basic compliance and technical skills needs. Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. b) Page 2 of 6 November 28, 2016 Page 3 of 5 CAO16-008 Financial Services training budget The Financial Services training budget has increased by $8,580 over 2016. This was accomplished deliberately by reviewing each budget line to find any available funding to put towards much needed training and professional development. Continued changes to the Municipal Act in the areas of reporting and property taxation, grants, and also changes to Accounting Standards subject to annual audit all required ongoing professional development, training and courses. Further, two accounting designations each require 120 hours each 3 years, minimum 20 hours per year training, while two credentialed public buyers require 45 hours each five year period, and are far behind in the last two years with only four hours each. Accordingly, efforts were specifically made to replace funding lost in the prior year’s $100,000 training reduction by Council. Learning is exchanged from staff to staff in one on one meetings and managerial meetings. IT training budget The IT services budget contains two components: one for corporate training and another for division staff training. With the Windows 10 and Office 2016 rollout in 2017, the department does not have the internal resources to deliver training to staff. Using a vendor to deliver this training will cost $25,000. This is required so that there will be improved leverage of the features and functionality of the Office Suite. $14,000 has been proposed as training for IT division staff. The average cost for highly technical training is $2,400. When allocated across the division, this will ensure that the division is able to provide a high level of service to other departments and Council, facilitating the work of the Town. Examples of training include Microsoft Active Directory 2016, SQL Server 2012, W indows 2016 Server, CityView Business Rules, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) and User State Migration Tool (USMT) training for Support Services staff for imaging computers. Corporate Courses and Seminars The Corporate Courses and Seminars provides for an increase of $35,000 over 2016. The 2016 budget has been overspent in order to deliver leadership training, report writing training, health and safety and other employee development programs. In 2016, the Town did not have a learning & development strategy, and there was a reluctance to invest in training given staff awareness around budget restrictions. In addition to extensive Health and Safety training, there is a need for a Corporate Learning Strategy to provide a framework for employee and management development and succession planning. By partnering with the N6, the Town seeks out cost effective and efficient methods to provide learning opportunities to all staff. In 2017, Human Resources will Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. b) Page 3 of 6 November 28, 2016 Page 4 of 5 CAO16-008 lead the implementation of comprehensive health & safety training, complimented by other employee and management development initiatives. Some of this will be developed and delivered internally, and in other cases, external vendors, resources or methods (e.g. e-learning) will be engaged in the delivery of these programs. 2017 will see the development of a Corporate Learning Strategy In 2017, staff will be reviewing the Training and Development policy, and Human Resources has been mandated to develop a Corporate Learning Strategy by which the organization can more closely monitor learning and development, provide tools to management and staff to improve and measure learning transfer, and more clearly define responsibility for training and development within the Town. Financial Implications The full 2017 budget request has been included in the 2017 Budget documents for Council’s review and approval. Communications Considerations None. Link to Strategic Plan Staff training is integral to the execution of the vision and goals contained within the Strategic Plan. Conclusions This report provides a closer review of the Training and Development budgets and spending for the Town. Attachments Attachment No. 1: Comparison Chart – Training Dollars Reflected as a Percentage of Total Full Time Wates and Benefits (2016 data) Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. b) Page 4 of 6 Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Item 5. b) Page 5 of 6 Training Dollars reflected as a percentage of Total Full Time Wages and Benefits (2016 data) Aurora 2014, 2015 and 2016 YTD actuals and 2017 proposed budget identified in red. 0.63% 0.61% 0.67% 0.87% 0.95% 0.95% 1.00% 1.04% 1.12% 1.18% 1.30% 1.45% 1.69% 1.80% 0.00% 0.20% 0.40% 0.60% 0.80% 1.00% 1.20% 1.40% 1.60% 1.80% 2.00% Vaughan Aurora 2016 YTD Aurora 2015 Aurora 2014 Halton Hills Markham Aurora 2017 budget Newmarket Whitchurch-Stouffville Richmond Hill Georgina York Region Caledon East Gwillimbury Attachment No. 1Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Item 5. b) Page 6 of 6 Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Item 5. c) Page 1 of 4 Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Item 5. c) Page 2 of 4 Attachment #1Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Item 5. c) Page 3 of 4 Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016Item 5. c) Page 4 of 4 Date: November 28, 2016 To: Budget Binder Distribution Group From: Dan Elliott, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer Re: Updated 2016 Departmental Objectives Overview Summary Attached to this memo for the Budget Committee’s review, you will find the Town’s updated 2016 Departmental Objectives/Initiatives overview summary. As requested by the Budget Committee on November 21st staff have undertaken a review of this overview and made any necessary changes. In particular, staff have enhanced their included comments as they relate to departmental objectives that have been labelled as ‘In progress’. Please replace the previously provided same named document which is located under Tab #4 – Impact of Strategic Plan on 2017 Budget within your 2017 budget binder with this updated document. Memorandum Financial Services Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 1 of 7 Legend: Abandoned In progress Completed Department name: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Objective Status Comments Convert street lights to LED for energy savings. Strategic Environmental Master Plan In progress Project nearing completion. Coach light style requires retrofit which will extend into 2017 due to manufacturer constraint Town Wide Stream Erosion Management Plan Strategic Environmental Master Plan In progress Detailed studies to be initiated in 2017 Expand 2015 successes of Lean Practices pilot to include cross functional services to increase operational efficiencies Completed Successfully completed analysis of water meters installation and billing process Integrate various corporate project management practices to create consolidated delivery model Abandoned Deferred Implement changes to winter snow control to eliminate use of sand on roads Completed Implemented fall 2015. Implement garbage bag limits and bag tag program to better align with N6 best practices In progress Deferred to 2017 Issue joint N6 tender for renewal of waste collection contract that expires fall 2017 Completed Tender process completed and award recommendation pending Council approval. Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 2 of 7 Department name: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Objective Status Comments Advancement of recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Sports Plan  In progress Entered into Service Agreement with Sport Aurora and presented proposed changes to the structure of the Parks and Recreation and Culture Committee. Advancement of recommendations from the Cultural Precinct Plan  In progress Continue to support the Planning Department in public consultation process. Public Art Policy  In progress Draft complete. To be presented to Council for approval in 2017 Implementation of recommendations coming out of the Cultural Master Plan  In progress Made presentation to Council on actions that have been completed to date. Further actions to be taken in 2017. Implementation of a short and long term plan for the Aurora Collection  In progress Presented options in the 2017 Budget, awaiting Council approval. Update and review of the departmental Pricing Policy  Abandoned Objective identified in the 2017 Business Plan Assist Council on the determination and disposition of use for Library Square, Victoria Hall, the Armoury and the Petch House  In Progress Completed Repurposing Study and made presentation of recommendations to Council, is being considered as part of Cultural Precinct consultation process. Ongoing discussions and negotiations regarding land acquisitions for parkland purposes  In Progress Continue to work with Infrastructure Ontario on Land Acquisition. Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 3 of 7 Department name: Financial Services Objective Status Comments Streamline budget processes Completed Additional changes for 2017 Paperless billings for water In progress IT capability now confirmed, introduce in 2017 after other realignments of resources Develop long term plan for Financial Systems In progress Pending completion of HR/Payroll system Implement Contaminated Sites Accounting Standard Completed Auditors satisfied Implement enhanced metering technology In progress Continuing annual program Procurement Process Improvements In progress To complete mid-2017. Department name: Corporate Services Objective Status Comments Development of a Customer Experience Plan in support of Excellence Matters initiative In progress Working group established. Draft Plan underway. Review Corporate mail process and implement process improvements Completed On-line Services – Pet Licensing, Parking Permit Program In progress On line pet licensing complete. On line parking permits delayed due to IT workload. Participating in N6 Animal Control Study In progress Recommendations from working group expected by Q3 Sign By-law Implementation and Education Completed To obtain Silver (level 2) Certification from Excellence Canada In progress Work required to obtain silver certification eg. customer experience plan, process mapping, etc Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 4 of 7 Develop more robust wellness program focusing on mental health and stress issues  In progress Initiative commenced. Wellness Committee being established with human resources as lead. Draft workplan and clean-up of Town By-laws to assist with the future implementation of a Municipal Code for the Town  In progress Ongoing multi-year project. Initial background research complete. Priorities to be established with work plan Clarifying legal ownership of parking lot adjacent to Temperance Street in order to facilitate the objectives of the Promenade Study.  In progress Revised application required as a result of new management at Land Registry office. Expected completion date is Q2, 2017. Complete the update of the Town-owned land index.  Completed Continue to implement records & document management plan (TRIM) phase 4.  In progress EDRMS expected to launch March, 2017 CRM/KMS Phase 2  In progress CRM phase 2 training to occur in December, full implementation to roll out in January/February. KMS on hold until launch of EDRMS to explore inter- dependencies/opportunities Purchase and implement a new e-agenda system for Council and Committee meetings.  In progress Coordinated work with Council Chambers upgrade. Review and update the Delegation Policy and Real Estate Policy (Notice Policy and Accountability and Transparency Policy already updated in 2015), pursuant to subsection 270(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended.  In progress Real Estate policy to be updated in conjunction with Economic Development model implementation. Delegation policy, initial research complete, expected completion Q2, 2017 Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 5 of 7 Identify, update, and create document precedents for client departments (one per department) to improve corporate efficiency and aid corporate standardization while adhering to risk management strategies for the Town. In progress Templates being reviewed and revised continuously as matters arise. Monitor litigation and administrative tribunal proceedings, taking an active role in same where appropriate. In progress Ongoing monitoring and communication with external partners. Enhance productivity and efficiency through deployment of field tablet mobility devices Completed Update and improve internal intranet for increased corporate collaboration and sharing of corporate knowledge In progress Working with communications on re-branding, layout, etc. Department name: Planning and Building Services Objective Status Comments Comprehensive Zoning By- law Review and Update Completed Final By-law to be presented to Council for enactment January 2017 Re-establish Business Ambassador Program Completed Council to determine appointment of Ambassadors in Q4, 2016 Green Sustainable Development Guidelines In Progress To be completed Q2, 2017 Corporate Environmental Action Plan In Progress Project was transferred to IES as part of the Re-org Update of Official Plan In Progress To proceed once Provincial Review and Regional Growth Projections are finalized Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 6 of 7 Fire Services Review and Inspections on Building Code Matters-Process Improvement In Progress Coordination with CYFS in progress, to be completed in Q1, 2017 New Zoning By-law– Staff Training and Implementation In Progress Pending Approval of the By-law, Q1, 2017 Implementation of Mobile Devices for Bldg Inspectors Completed Completed Q4, 2016 Implement of a Septic Maintenance Program Completed Completed Q4, 2016 Additional Items to Special General Committee - 2017 Operating Budget Meeting Agenda Monday, November 28, 2016 Item 5. d) Page 7 of 7