AGENDA - General Committee - 20161115 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Public Release November 4, 2016 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Humfryes in the Chair 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 2. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 3. Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion 4. Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion 5. Delegations 6. Presentations by the Advisory Committee Chair 7. Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 2 of 8 8. Notices of Motion 9. New Business/General Information 10. Closed Session 11. Adjournment General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Agenda Items 1.Presentation by Lisa Lyons, Town Clerk Re: Item 2 – CS16-010 – Draft Procedure By-law and 2017 Meeting Schedule 1.That the presentation regarding Item 2 – CS16-010 – Draft Procedure By-law and 2017 Meeting Schedule be received for information. 2.CS16-010 – Draft Procedure By-law and 2017 Meeting Schedule Recommended: 1.That Report No. CS16-010 be received; and 2.That Council provide feedback on the draft Procedure By-law (Attachment 1); and 3.That the final draft Procedure By-law, incorporating Council feedback, be presented at the Council meeting of November 22, 2016, for enactment effective on January 1, 2017; and 4.That the 2017 Meeting Schedule (Attachment 4) be approved. 3.CAO16-006 – Economic Development Model Review and Comparison Recommended: 1.That Report No. CAO16-006 be received; and 2.That the Hybrid Model for Economic Development be endorsed; and 3.That staff be directed to bring forward an implementation plan for 2017. 4.IES16-083 – Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street and Wellington Street Intersection Follow-up Recommended: 1.That Report No. IES16-083 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 4 of 8 2.That staff report back to Council following the completion of the pilot project for left turn restrictions at the intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street. 5.CS16-012 – Proclamation Policy Recommended: 1.That Report No. CS16-012 be received; and 2.That the “Proclamation Policy” attached to Report No. CS16-012 be approved; and 3.That authority for approving or denying requests for proclamation be delegated to the Town Clerk. 6.IES16-081 – Acceptance of Municipal Services – Chateaus on Bayview – Registered Plan 65M-4292 Recommended: 1.That Report No. IES16-081 be received; and 2.That ownership, operation and maintenance of the works within the roads, right-of-ways and other lands dedicated to the Town as contained within Registered Plan 65M-4292, being Chateaus on Bayview Residential Subdivision, be assumed; and 3.That the necessary by-law be brought forward for enactment to assume for public use the highways within Registered Plan 65M-4292 and to establish as public highway any applicable reserves. 7.IES16-082 – Water Meter Replacement Program Contract Renewal Recommended: 1.That Report No. IES16-082 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 5 of 8 2. That Wamco be awarded the contract for the replacement of 1,500 meters in 2017 at a cost of $502,500 excluding taxes under the single source provisions of the Purchasing By-law; and 3. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew the contract with Wamco at $567,000 excluding taxes for 2018 and $663,000.00 excluding taxes for 2019 pending an annual analysis, and performance review by the Director; and 4. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to execute the necessary agreements, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 8. IES16-084 – Municipal Council Blanket Support Resolution Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-084 be received; and 2. That approval of the following Municipal Blanket Support Resolution, previously approved by Council in 2012, 2013 and 2015, be confirmed for a further 12-month period: Whereas the Province's FIT Program encourages the construction and operation of rooftop solar PV projects (the "Projects"); and Whereas one or more Projects may be constructed and operated in the Town of Aurora; and Whereas, pursuant to the FIT Rules, Version 5.0, Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contract; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That Council of the Town of Aurora supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Projects anywhere in the Town of Aurora; and Be It Further Resolved That this resolution shall expire twelve (12) months after its adoption by Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 6 of 8 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the new FIT form attached to this Report. 9. IES16-085 – Award of Tender No. IES 2016-65 for Fire Monitoring and Suppression Services Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-085 be received; and 2. That Request for Proposal IES 2016-65 – for the Supply of Fire Monitoring and Suppression Services on an as needed basis be awarded to Classic Fire Protection Inc. at the unit prices tendered for a five (5) year contract; and 3. That a purchase order in the amount of $350,000, excluding taxes, be approved in favour of Classic Fire Protection Inc. for the five (5) years of services; and 4. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew RFP IES 2016-65 for an additional two (2), one (1) year optional years, pending an annual analysis and satisfactory performance review, for a total contract duration of up to seven (7) years; and 5. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to approve additional expenditures within the scope of the contract to an amount up to the approved annual operating budget for these services over the term of the contract; and 6. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 10. IES16-086 – Award of Contract for Consulting Services to Prepare a Town- wide Stream Management Master Plan for the Town of Aurora Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-086 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 7 of 8 2. That the Contract for the provision of consulting services to prepare a Town Wide Stream Management Master Plan for the Town of Aurora be awarded to Aquafor Beech Limited for $105,230, excluding taxes; and 3. That additional funding for Capital Project No. 42057 in the amount of $17,790 be approved from the Storm Sewer reserve fund; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 11. IES16-087 – By-law to Establish 0.3m Reserve as Public Highway Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-087 be received; and 2. That a by-law to establish 0.3m reserves on Plans 65M-4075 and 65M-4082 as public highways be enacted. 12. PBS16-092 – Draft Plan of Condominium Application BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. 14222, 14314, 14358 and 14378 Yonge Street Part Lot 17, Plan 132, Part Lots 74 and 75, Con. 1, Part 1, 65R- 35902 File Number: CDM-2016-03 Related File Number: SUB-2012-03, ZBA-2012-16 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS16-092 be received; and 2. That the Draft Plan of Condominium File No. CDM-2016-03 (BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. to permit the development of the subject lands for 42 single detached dwelling units on the subject lands be approved; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 8 of 8 13. PBS16-095 – Public Notification of Site Plan Applications Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS16-095 be received; and 2. That the requirement for Public Notification Signage for Site Plan Applications submitted under Section 41 of the Planning Act as outlined in the staff report be approved. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 1 of 114 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 2 of 114 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 3 of 114 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 4 of 114 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 5 of 114 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 6 of 114 Draft Procedure By-law By-law No. 5920-16 1.Definitions ................................................................................................................ 3 2.Purpose and Application .......................................................................................... 5 3.Principles of the Procedure By-law ........................................................................... 5 4.Interpreting the Procedure By-law ............................................................................ 6 5.Suspension of Rules ................................................................................................ 7 6.Standing Committees ............................................................................................... 7 7.Committees .............................................................................................................. 8 8.Chair of Meeting ....................................................................................................... 8 9.Duties of the Chair ................................................................................................... 9 10.Members of Council and Committees ................................................................. 10 11.Right of Public Input & Notice ............................................................................. 12 12.Members of the Public ........................................................................................ 12 13.Preparation of Agendas ...................................................................................... 13 14. Availability of Agendas of Council & General Committee .................................... 13 15.Additional Items & Corrections ............................................................................ 14 16.Reports of Council and General Committee ........................................................ 14 17.Committee Report............................................................................................... 15 18.Information Reports ............................................................................................ 15 19.Meetings ............................................................................................................. 15 20.Notice of Meetings .............................................................................................. 17 21.Closed Meetings ................................................................................................. 19 22.Speaking Order and Limit ................................................................................... 22 23.Rules of Debate .................................................................................................. 23 24.Order of Business – General Committee ............................................................ 23 25.Order of Business – Council ............................................................................... 24 26.Record of Proceedings ....................................................................................... 24 27.Minutes ............................................................................................................... 25 28.Changes in Order of Agenda .............................................................................. 25 29.Open Forum ....................................................................................................... 26 30.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest ...................................................................... 26 31.Presentations ...................................................................................................... 26 32.Delegations at Meetings of Council & General Committee .................................. 27 33.Consent Agenda ................................................................................................. 29 34.Notice of Motion .................................................................................................. 29 35.Regional Report .................................................................................................. 30 36.Public Service Announcements .......................................................................... 30 Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 7 of 114 2 37. New Business ..................................................................................................... 30 38. By-laws ............................................................................................................... 30 39. Adjournment ....................................................................................................... 32 40. Correspondence ................................................................................................. 32 41. Petitions .............................................................................................................. 33 42. Motions from Other Municipalities ....................................................................... 33 43. Motions – Impact on Corporate Resources ......................................................... 34 44. Procedures Concerning Motions ......................................................................... 34 45. Voting ................................................................................................................. 38 46. Reconsideration of a Matter ................................................................................ 40 47. Point of Order ..................................................................................................... 40 48. Point of Personal Privilege .................................................................................. 41 49. Public Record ..................................................................................................... 41 50. Administrative Authority of Clerk ......................................................................... 42 51. Recording, Broadcasting and/or Live Streaming Meetings .................................. 42 52. Review of Procedure By-law ............................................................................... 42 53. Review of Council Code of Ethics ....................................................................... 42 54. Severability ......................................................................................................... 43 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 8 of 114 3 The Corporation of the Town of Aurora By-law Number 5920-16 Being By-law to govern the proceedings of Council and Committee meetings of the Town of Aurora. Whereas subsection 238 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 requires every Council and local board to adopt a Procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of Meetings; Whereas subsection 11 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that upper and lower tier municipalities may pass by-laws respecting accountability and transparency of the municipality and its operations and of its local boards and their operations; and, Whereas, it is Council’s desire to follow a process of municipal governance that reflects an open, transparent government; Whereas Council, in the interest of good governance, recognizes a Procedure By-law as a hallmark of accountability and transparency; and, Whereas Council considers it necessary to enact a by-law in this regard and to repeal Procedural By-law Number 5330-11; Therefore Council hereby enacts as follows: 1. Definitions In this Procedure By-law: a) “CAO” means the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town or his/her designate; b) “Chair” means the presiding officer at a meeting of Council or a Committee; c) “Clerk” means the Clerk of the Town or his/her designate; d) “Closed Session” means a Meeting, or part of a Meeting of Council or a Committee, which is closed to the public as permitted by the Municipal Act, 2001; e) “Code of Ethics” means the “Code of Ethics”, a declaration of the principles of good conduct and ethics. f) “Committee” means any Standing Committee of Council or an advisory or special Committee established by Council from time to time; g) “Confirming By-law” means a by-law passed for the purpose of giving effect to a previous decision or proceeding of Council; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 9 of 114 4 h) “Council” means the Members of Council of the Town of Aurora; i) “Delegation” means an address to Council or a Committee at the request of a person wishing to speak; j) “Deputy Mayor” means the Councillor who received the highest number of votes in the last regular election; k) “Director” means a Director of the Town or his/her designate; l) “Friendly Amendment” means the Motion under debate is amended with the consent of the mover and seconder, and without the requirement for an amending Motion to be made; m) “Frivolous” means a submission or comment that is without merit or substance or is trivial; n) “Inaugural Meeting” means the first Meeting of Council after a regular election; o) “Local Board” means a local board defined by the Municipal Act, 2001; p) “Mayor” means the Mayor of the Town; q) “Meeting” means any individual elected to Council or a person appointed by Council to a Committee; r) “Member” means any individual elected to Council or a person appointed by Council to a Committee; s) “Motion” means a proposal moved by a Member, and seconded by another Member, to adopt, amend, or otherwise deal with a matter before Council or a Committee; t) “Municipal Act, 2001” means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended; u) “Municipality” means The Corporation of the Town of Aurora; v) “Notice” means written notice, except where legislation, by-law or Corporate Policy provides for another form and manner of notice; w) “Offending Member” means a Member who has been found by the Chair or by Council or by a Committee to have disobeyed a rule in this Procedure By-law or a Chair’s ruling; x) “Point of Order” means a Motion raised by a Member drawing attention to an infraction of this Procedure By-law; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 10 of 114 5 y)“Point of Personal Privilege” means a Motion raised by a Member which concerns the health, safety, rights, or integrity of the Member, the Council, a Committee or anyone present at a Meeting; z)“Procedural Matter” means a matter or Motion of a procedural nature; aa) “Public Planning Meeting” means a Meeting held pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, or other statute; bb) “Quorum” means the number of Members required for the legal conduct of the business of Council or a Committee. cc)“Resolution” shall mean the decision of Council on any Motion; dd)“Robert’s Rules of Order” means the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; ee) “Rules of Procedure” means the rules and regulations contained in this Procedure By-law and that govern the proceedings of Council and its Committees; ff) “Staff” means employee(s) of the Town; gg) “Standing Committee” means a Committee established by Council and consisting solely of all Members of Council; hh) “Town” means the Corporation of The Town of Aurora; ii) jj) kk) “Town Hall” means the municipal offices located at 100 John West Way, Aurora, Ontario; “Vexatious” means a submission or comment that is without merit and pursued in a manner that is malicious or intended to embarrass or harass the recipient or others; “Workshop” means a Meeting of Council or Committee for the purpose of discussing issues in an informal venue. 2.Purpose and Application a)This By-law (referred to as the “Procedure By-law”) establishes the rules of procedure for Council and Committee Meetings. 3.Principles of the Procedure By-law a)The principles of openness, transparency and accountability to the public guide the Town’s decision-making process. In the context of Council and other Committee proceedings, this is accomplished by: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 11 of 114 6 i) Ensuring the decision-making process is understood by the public and other stakeholders; ii) Providing access to information and opportunities for input by the public and other stakeholders consistent with the requirements of this Procedure By-law and other statutory requirements; iii) Exercising and respecting individual and collective roles and responsibilities provided for in this Procedure By-law and other statutory requirements. b) The protection of basic rights by recognizing the right of the majority to decide, the minority to be heard and individuals to have the opportunity to participate. c) The principles of parliamentary law governing Council and Committee Meetings include: i) Every Member has the right to one vote, unless prevented by law; ii) Each Member has the right to be heard on a matter, unless prevented by law; iii) Each Member has the right to information to help make decisions, unless prevented by law; iv) Each Member has the right to an efficient meeting; v) Each Member has the right to be treated with respect and courtesy; vi) Each Member represents the public and will first and foremost consider the well-being and interests of the municipality. 4. Interpreting the Procedure By-law a) In the event of conflict between this Procedure By-law and legislation, the provisions of the legislation prevail. b) If there is a conflict between two or more rules in this Procedure By-law, or if there is no specific rule on a matter, the Chair will rule. In making a ruling, the Chair may consult the Clerk, rely on previous rulings and practices, or refer to Robert's Rules of Order. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 12 of 114 7 5. Suspension of Rules a) Rules of procedure provided for in this Procedure By-law may be waived by a two-thirds majority vote of Council or a Committee, with the exception of the following circumstances: i) Where required by law; ii) Contractual agreements binding the Town; iii) Quorum requirements. b) A Motion to suspend the rules of procedure required by this By-law shall not be debatable or amendable. 6. Standing Committees a) General Committee i) The General Committee shall be comprised of all Members of Council. ii) The General Committee may consider delegations, presentations, correspondence, staff reports and matters which may require more elaboration and discussion than would be appropriate in a formal Council Meeting and such other matters as Council may determine. Recommendations from General Committee will be considered by Council. b) Audit Committee i) The Audit Committee shall be comprised of all Members of Council. ii) The Audit Committee shall: (a) Review audited financial statements; (b) Review significant management letter comments and related recommendations; (c) Review the appointment of auditors; and (d) Make recommendations regarding the above to Council. iii) The Committee’s mandate shall include operational reviews. iv) Meetings will be held at the call of the Chair. Agendas will be distributed to Members of Council at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 13 of 114 8 c) Budget Committee i) The Budget Committee will be comprised of all Members of Council. ii) The Budget Committee shall make recommendations to Council on approval of the Town’s annual operating and capital budgets. iii) The Budget Committee has delegated authority to: (a) Approve the Meeting minutes of the Budget Committee; (b) Direct staff to bring forward information to the Budget Committee as needed, and defer matters to a future General Committee or Budget Committee meeting; and (c) Direct staff to prepare and bring forth for Council’s consideration a report summarizing Committee recommendations on the annual capital and operating budgets. iv) Budget Committee meetings will be held as outlined in the Meeting Schedule, as approved by Council. 7. Committees a) When not provided for in the Terms of Reference or the Policy for Ad Hoc/Advisory Committees and Local Boards, the rules of procedure set out in this By-law shall govern all proceedings of all Committees, including any Ad Hoc, Advisory Committees, or Local Boards. 8. Chair of Meeting a) The Chair is the presiding officer at a Meeting of Council or a Committee. b) The Chair of a Meeting of Council, Audit Committee, Budget Committee, a Closed Meeting or a Workshop Meeting is the Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor is Chair. c) The Chair of a Meeting of General Committee shall be rotated among the Members of Council, excluding the Mayor, every two (2) consecutive meetings, in descending order of votes received by the Members in the last regular election. d) In the absence of the person appointed as Chair, the Members shall appoint one of their Members as Chair for the purpose of that Meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 14 of 114 9 e) The Chair and any Vice Chairs of other Committees are appointed in accordance with the Policy for Ad Hoc/Advisory Committees and Local Boards, or their Terms of Reference. 9. Duties of the Chair a) The Chair is responsible for, where applicable: i) Chairing the Meeting in an objective manner in accordance with this Procedure By-law; ii) Enforcing the rules of order in this Procedure By-law; iii) Enforcing order and good behaviour of all Members at all times; iv) Announcing the business before Council or a Committee and the order in which it is to be considered; v) Receiving, stating and framing all Motions presented to clarify their intent as moved; vi) Ruling on whether a Motion is in order; vii) Protecting Council or a Committee from a Motion that is obviously Frivolous or tending to cause delay by refusing to acknowledge the Motion; viii) Providing information to Members on any matter related to the business of Council or a Committee; ix) Deciding all questions of order at the Meeting, subject to an appeal by any Member to the Council or a Committee on any question of order in respect to business before the Council or a Committee; x) Deciding to acknowledge, and ruling on, whether a Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege is in order; xi) If a Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege is in order, ruling on the Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege and giving the facts, circumstances and reasons for the ruling. xii) If there is an appeal to the ruling of the Chair, announcing the results of the vote; xiii) If necessary, recessing a Meeting for a brief, specified time to consult the Clerk, the CAO or other staff person; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 15 of 114 10 xiv) If there is a threat or imminent threat to the health or safety of any person, or if there is a possibility of public disorder, recessing the Meeting for a specified time; xv) Ensure that Members take a health break by announcing a minimum ten (10) minute recess after two (2) hours have passed since the last break; xvi) Ensuring that all Members who wish to speak on a Motion have spoken; xvii) Ensuring clarity, where required, by reading, or requesting the Clerk, recording secretary or other appropriate person to read Motions before voting; xviii) Putting all Motions to a vote and announcing results; xix) Voting on all matters unless the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act prohibits it; xx) Declining to put to a vote any Motion which contravenes this Procedure By-law; xxi) Calling Members to order; xxii) Ordering a Member, or any other person from the Meeting, in accordance with this Procedure By-law; xxiii) Adjourning the Meeting when the business of the Meeting has concluded; and, xxiv) Signing all by-laws, resolutions, and minutes when required. b) If a Member disagrees with the ruling of the Chair, he or she may appeal the ruling of the Chair immediately. The Chair, in response, shall call a vote on the question of sustaining the ruling of the Chair. The Chair may provide further explanation of the ruling prior to calling the vote. 10. Members of Council and Committees a) Members are responsible for, where applicable: i) Attending scheduled Meetings; ii) Carefully considering and making decisions about Meeting business, including seeking information and advice from staff prior to and during a Meeting; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 16 of 114 11 iii) Voting on Motions put to a vote; iv) Respecting the rules of order in this Procedure By-law; v) Listening attentively, participating in a Meeting and not interrupting, unless to raise a Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege; vi) Remaining silent in their seats while Council or a Committee votes and until the Chair announces the result of the vote; vii) Refraining from using indecent, offensive or insulting language or speak disrespectfully of any individual. viii) Refraining from engaging in private conversation while in the Council Meeting or using communication devices in any manner that disrupts the Member speaking or interrupts the business of Council; ix) Respecting and following the decisions of Council or a Committee; x) Not disclosing any of the content of a Meeting that was closed to the public or provide confidential documents or materials to unauthorized individuals. xi) Complying with the Chair’s rulings and Council’s decisions; and xii) Complying with the Council Code of Ethics. b) If a Member disobeys a rule in this Procedure By-law or a Chair’s ruling: i) After the first occurrence, the Chair calls the Member to order. ii) After the second occurrence, if the Member continues to disobey this Procedure By-law or the Chair’s ruling, the Chair will immediately order the Member to leave his/her seat and observe the Meeting from the audience for the remainder of the Meeting. iii) Any Member other than the Offending Member may appeal the Chair’s ruling in ii), and Council or a Committee may overturn or uphold the Chair’s ruling. Should the Chair’s ruling be overturned, the Offending Member may return to his/her seat. iv) If the Offending Member informs the CAO or a Director that he/she wishes to apologize, the Clerk will inform the Chair of the Member’s request. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 17 of 114 12 v) At the next available opportunity in the Meeting, the Chair will allow the Offending Member to return to his/her seat to apologize to Council or a Committee. The apology will not include additional comments or debate by the Offending Member or by Council or a Committee. vi) After an apology is made by the Offending Member, Council or a Committee may consent to allow the Offending Member to return to the Meeting. vii) Should, at any point, the Offending Member create a disturbance while seated in the audience in accordance with subsection 10(b)ii), the Chair will order the Offending Member to leave the Council chamber or meeting room. viii) Council cannot appeal and the Offending Member cannot seek an apology from Council for the Chair’s ruling in accordance with subsection 10(b)vii). ix) If the Offending Member refuses to leave his/her seat or leave the Council chamber or meeting room as required in subsection 10(b)vii), the Chair may request the CAO to contact security or the police for assistance. 11. Right of Public Input & Notice a) The public has the right to have input and receive Notice on Council’s decision-making process. The methods for doing so include: writing to Council through the Clerk; submitting a petition; speaking at an Open Forum; or speaking as a Delegation. The public will receive Notice in accordance with the requirements of legislation and this Procedure By- law. b) Should an individual wish to be provided with further Notice related to a matter of business before Council or Committee, he/she is required to indicate this wish to the Clerk on the prescribed form, which is available on the Town’s website or at the Town Hall. 12. Members of the Public a) The Chair may expel or exclude any person who disrupts a Meeting, and request security and/or police assistance in doing so. b) No persons, other than Members and Town staff, are permitted to approach the area where Members and staff are seated. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 18 of 114 13 c) Attendees will submit all materials for Council or Committee through the Clerk or his or her designate. d) Attendees are responsible for: i) Maintaining order and not heckling, or engaging in conversations, displaying placards or props or any behavior that may be considered disruptive; ii) Speaking respectfully at all times; iii) Using recording, broadcasting or streaming devices respectfully, and should the Chair direct it, moving or ceasing to use recording, broadcasting or streaming devices. e) All communication devices shall be turned off or set to silent mode during any meeting, with the exception of assistive devices for people with disabilities. 13. Preparation of Agendas a) The CAO and his/her staff are charged with providing guidance and recommendations to Council or Committee related to municipal business, and to implement the decisions of Council. b) The CAO chairs a regularly scheduled internal meeting to review draft agenda items in order to support the business of Council. c) The Clerk provides an administrative process to support the approval, preparation, Notice, publication and distribution/public access to agendas and agenda items, following approval by the CAO and/or Director. 14. Availability of Agendas of Council & General Committee a) Council Meeting agendas are generally available to Members of Council and the public on each Friday preceding a Meeting. b) General Committee Meeting agendas are generally available to Members on the Thursday that is ten (10) days preceding a General Committee Meeting and are generally available to the public on the following Friday. c) Closed Session Meeting agendas will be provided to Council in accordance with the publishing timeframes set out in Section 14 a) where required. d) Council Public Planning Meeting agendas are generally available to Members of Council and the public seven (7) days prior to the Meeting date. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 19 of 114 14 e) Special General Committee and Council, Workshop and emergency Meeting agendas will be provided to Council in accordance with the publishing timeframes set out Notice of Meetings Section of this By-law, where required. f) Agendas for Committees, including Audit Committee and Budget Committee, are generally available seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. 15. Additional Items & Corrections a) An additional item is any item that is to be added to a Council or Committee agenda following publication of the original agenda. b) Any corrections to the agendas of Council or Committee may be listed on the additional items to be distributed, for information only. c) Committee are required to consent to the introduction of additional items by approving the agenda, as amended. d) Requests for items to be added to the agenda as an additional item shall have met at least one of the following conditions: i) Government/agency deadlines; ii) Legal implications; iii) Contractual implications; iv) Financial implications; or v) Council or General Committee direction. e) Additional items to the Council or Committee Meeting agenda are available up to and including the Meeting day of Council, and are not subject to the notice requirements as set out in the Notice of Meetings Section of this By-law. f) Additional items to the General Committee meeting agenda are available on each Friday preceding the Meeting, and further additional items may be provided up to and including the Meeting day. 16. Reports of Council and General Committee a) In accordance with established administrative protocols, reports prepared by staff are submitted in writing to the Clerk and distributed with the agenda for the applicable Meeting of Council or General Committee. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 20 of 114 15 b) Reports prepared by staff members contain information and recommendations prepared in the context of their professional, technical and administrative expertise independent of any particular political, constituent or stakeholder interest. 17. Committee Report a) Recommendations from Committees other than General Committee requiring Council approval will be submitted to the next regular Council meeting in a Summary of Committee Recommendations report. 18. Information Reports a) An information report is prepared for the information of Council and generally relates to a matter considered at Council or General Committee, or is a matter of Town business. b) An information report does not contain recommendations. c) The request for an information report will be approved by a Motion. d) Information reports are circulated directly to Council Members and made available to the public on the Town’s website. Information reports are not published on a General Committee or Council agenda unless a Council Member makes such a request to the Clerk. Where required due to urgency or timing, information reports may be considered directly at Council as an item. e) Confidential information reports are not made available to the public on the Town’s website and may only be placed on a General Committee or Council agenda if the nature of the confidential information satisfies the Closed Meeting requirements of this By-law. 19. Meetings a) Meetings Open to the Public i) All Meetings shall be open to the public except as provided for in the Closed Meetings Section of this By-law. b) Inaugural Meeting i) The first Meeting of a newly elected Council after a regular municipal election shall be held on the first Tuesday in December or such other date and at the time determined by the Clerk. c) Approval of the Meeting Schedule General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 21 of 114 16 i) Council approves a Meeting schedule of Council and Standing Committees for each calendar year, which may be amended. The Meeting Schedule is made available to the public on the Town’s website. ii) The Meeting schedule of Committees is determined by its Members, in accordance with each Committee’s terms of reference and/or prescribed mandate. d) Location of Meetings i) Meetings shall take place at Town Hall, or at another location within the municipality or adjacent to the municipality, as authorized by the Mayor or by Council, or as provided for in the Municipal Act, 2001 when the Notice is given. e) Schedule of Meetings i) Meetings shall take place in accordance with the schedule of “Meetings Schedule” as prepared by the Clerk and approved by Council. ii) All Council Meetings will generally be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. and General Committee Meetings will generally be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Where a Council Meeting day is a public or civic holiday, Council will meet at the same hour on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday. iii) Unless otherwise determined by the Clerk, Council Closed Meetings will be scheduled at 5:30 p.m. immediately prior to a Council or General Committee Meeting, and will recess or adjourn at least twenty (20) minutes prior to the scheduled time of the meeting. iv) Only one (1) General Committee and one (1) Council Meeting will be held in each of July and August. v) Only one (1) General Committee Meeting, one (1) Council meeting and one (1) Public Planning Meeting will be held in each of December and January. f) Public Planning Meetings i) Council will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. for a Council meeting to consider development-related General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 22 of 114 17 applications and other matters that have been submitted under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended 20. Notice of Meetings a) General Provisions i) The Clerk gives Notice of a Meeting by: (a) Updating the annual schedule of Meetings; or (b) Using the Town’s social media accounts; or (c) Publishing Notice on the Town’s regular advertising page in the local newspaper; or (d) Providing the agenda to Members and the public; or (e) All of the above. ii) Every Notice of a Meeting shall indicate the date, time and place of the Meeting, and the contact information for the Clerk’s office. iii) Nothing in this Procedure By-law shall prevent the Clerk from using more extensive methods of Notice. iv) Nothing in this Procedure By-law shall prevent the Clerk from using longer timeframes for providing Notice. b) Special Meetings of Council or General Committee i) A special Meeting of Council or General Committee may be called by the Mayor at any time. A special Meeting of Council or General Committee is limited to business matters included in the Notice of Meeting. ii) Upon receipt of a written petition from a majority of the Members of Council, the Clerk will summon a special Meeting of Council or General Committee for the specific purpose and time identified in the petition. iii) In addition to the general Notice provisions in this Procedure By- law, the Clerk shall give Notice of a special Meeting of Council or General Committee by providing an agenda at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Meeting. c) Workshop Meetings i) The Mayor and/or CAO may hold a workshop Meeting for Members of Council to discuss issues in an informal venue. With the exception of Procedural Matters, no Motions are passed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 23 of 114 18 ii) A record describing, in general terms, the proceedings and the subject matter discussed is made at all workshop Meetings and placed on a future Council agenda to be received only for the purposes of information. iii) In addition to the general notice provisions in this by-law, the Clerk shall give notice of a Workshop Meeting by providing an agenda at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. iv) Delegations shall not be permitted at Workshop Meetings. d) Emergency Meetings of Council or General Committee i) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Procedure By-law, the Mayor may, at any time, call or provide Notice of an emergency Meeting of Council or General Committee. An emergency Meeting of Council or General Committee is limited to business matters included in the Notice of Meeting. ii) The Clerk gives Notice of emergency Meetings of Council or General Committee by: (a) Providing Notice to Council in person, by telephone, by electronic mail, or in the form of an agenda that indicates the date and time of the Meeting and general nature of the matters to be discussed. e) Cancellation or Postponement of Meetings i) A Meeting may be cancelled or postponed where Quorum cannot be achieved, by Council resolution, in the event of an emergency, or where the Meeting is no longer required, as deemed by the Mayor and/or CAO. ii) The Clerk gives Notice of Cancellations or Postponements by: (a) Providing written notice to Members of all Meetings of Council or General Committee regarding cancellations and postponements by the Clerk to each Member no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time set for the Meeting; iii) Providing notice to the public of all Meetings of Council or General Committee regarding cancellations, and postponements by: (a) Posting a Notice on the Town website as soon as possible; (b) Sending a Notice via the Town’s social media accounts; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 24 of 114 19 (c) Posting a Notice on the Town’s regular advertising page in the local newspaper, if time permits; and (d) Where (c) cannot be achieved, posting a Notice at the main entrance to Town Hall. iv) Meetings of other Committees may be cancelled or postponed by the Clerk, Recording Secretary, Chair or other assigned person where Quorum cannot be achieved, by Committee resolution, or in the event of an emergency. f) Invalidation of Notice of Meeting i) If a Meeting Notice is substantially given, but varies from the form and manner provided in this Procedure By-law, the ability to hold the Meeting and the actions taken at the Meeting are not invalidated. g) Quorum i) A majority of members shall constitute a Quorum. ii) As soon as there is a Quorum after the time appointed for commencement of a Meeting, the Mayor or Chair will call the Meeting to order. If a Quorum is not present 30 minutes after the time appointed for commencement of a Meeting, the Clerk shall record the names of the Members present and the Meeting shall not commence or proceed. h) Late Arrival i) If a Member arrives late at a Meeting, any prior discussion is not reviewed without the consent of the Members present. 21. Closed Meetings a) Matters of Closed Session i) Council or a Committee may, by Resolution, close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to the public in accordance with section 239 of the Municipal Act, as amended from time to time, if the subject matter being considered is: (a) The security of the property of the Town or local board; (b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Town or local board employees; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 25 of 114 20 (c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or local board; (d) Labour relations or employee negotiations; (e) Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; (f) Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (g) A matter in respect of which a Council, Board, Committee or other body may hold a closed meeting under another Act; (h) The Meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the Members and no Member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of Council, Local Board or Committee. ii) Council or a Committee may also resolve into a Meeting closed to the public for the following purposes: (a) A request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, if the Council, board, commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act. (b) An ongoing investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipally-controlled corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman Act, an Ombudsman referred to in subsection 223.13 (1) of the Municipal Act, or the investigator referred to in subsection 239.2 (1) of the Municipal Act. b) Notice of Closed Session i) Where a matter may be considered by Council or General Committee for discussion in closed session, wherever possible, written notice will include: (a) The fact that the Meeting will be closed to the public as provided for in the Municipal Act; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 26 of 114 21 (b) The general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed Meeting. c) A Motion to close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to the public shall state the: i) Intention to close the Meeting to the public; and, the general nature of the matter to be considered at the Meeting closed to the public. ii) General nature of the matter to be considered at the Confidential Meeting and the grounds for closing the Meeting as set out in the Municipal Act, as amended from time to time. d) Voting during Meetings Closed to the Public i) Only votes relating to procedural matters or direction to staff may be taken during a Confidential Meeting, unless otherwise authorized. e) Upon completion of the Confidential Meeting: i) The Members shall immediately reconvene in open session; ii) The Mayor shall report any outcomes on the Confidential Meeting as necessary; and, iii) If applicable, the Members shall vote on any Resolutions originating from the Confidential Meeting. f) Scheduling of Closed Meetings i) Closed Meetings shall be scheduled as indicated in the Schedule of Meetings of Council, General Committee and other Committees in this By-law. g) Reporting Out and Confidentiality of Closed Session Discussions i) A summary of any discussion held in closed session and any required vote will occur following the closed session discussion of a Council or Committee Meeting. ii) Public General Committee and Council Closed Session meeting agendas, minutes and reports shall provide sufficient detail without detrimentally affecting the confidentiality of the matter(s) discussed in closed session and the position of the Municipality. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 27 of 114 22 iii) Minutes of a Closed Session meeting shall be presented for adoption at the next Regular Meeting of Council that does not occur on the same day. iv) No Member shall disclose or discuss, through written, electronic or verbal communication, to any individual or corporate third party, any information that has been or will be discussed at a closed session meeting of Council or a Committee until such time that Council or a Committee has determined or has been advised by staff that the matter, or any part of the matter, can be made public subject to review by the Head or designate under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or if directed to do so by a court. h) Openness and Transparency i) The Clerk shall maintain an annual log of all reports and resolutions considered in Closed Session, conduct an annual review with the CAO and staff to determine which items are no longer sensitive and/or confidential. The Clerk shall prepare an Annual Report of all Closed Session items approved for public release, and shall post the report on the Town website. Items identified for release shall qualify for ‘routine disclosure’ under the Town’s freedom of information practices. i) Closed Meeting Investigation i) A person may request that an investigation be undertaken to determine whether Council or other Committee complied with the requirements of the Municipal Act and this Procedure By-law in respect of a Meeting or part of a Meeting closed to the public. A person may initiate such a request by submitting a written request to the Town Clerk. 22. Speaking Order and Limit a) The Chair maintains a list of Members who have requested to speak or ask questions. The Chair designates Members to speak or ask questions in the order in which they appear on the list. b) At Committee meetings, Members be permitted to speak two (2) times on a subject, the first time being for a maximum of ten (10) minutes, and the second time being for a maximum of five (5) minutes; and c) At Council meetings, Members be permitted to speak two (2) times on a subject for a maximum of five (5) minutes each time. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 28 of 114 23 23. Rules of Debate a) Members’ comments are relevant to the matter of business before Council or a Committee. Members should avoid comments intended to be statements or assertions. b) When a Member wishes to raise a point of order or question of privilege, the Member shall ask leave of the Chair to raise the point. After leave is granted, the Member shall state the point to the Chair and then remain silent until the Chair has ruled upon the point. c) Subject to being overruled by Council on a vote which shall be taken immediately and without debate, the Chair shall rule on the point. d) Any Member may require a Motion or question under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt the Member speaking. e) Members express themselves succinctly without repetition. f) Questions may be asked only of: i) The Chair; ii) Staff; iii) A previous speaker; and, iv) A Delegation. 24. Order of Business – General Committee a) The order of business of Council is set out in the agenda, as follows, where provided for: i) Approval of the Agenda ii) Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof iii) Presentations iv) Delegations v) Consent Items vi) Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) vii) Action Items General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 29 of 114 24 viii) Notices of Motion ix) New Business x) Closed Session xi) Adjournment 25. Order of Business – Council a) The order of business for the Council is set out in the agenda as follows, where provided for: i) Approval of the Agenda ii) Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof iii) Presentations iv) Delegations v) Consent Agenda vi) Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda) vii) Action Items viii) Notices of Motion ix) Motions x) Regional Report xi) New Business xii) Public Service Announcements xiii) By-laws xiv) Closed Session xv) Confirming By-law xvi) Adjournment 26. Record of Proceedings a) The Clerk records the minutes of Meetings of General Committee and Council without note or comment. The minutes record: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 30 of 114 25 i) The date, time and location of the Meeting; ii) The name of the Chair and a record of the attendance at the Meeting; iii) The name and nature of presenters and Delegations; iv) All resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the Meeting; and, v) Administrative references, including by-law, report, Motion and policy indexes. 27. Minutes a) Minutes of each Meeting of Council are presented to the subsequent regular Meeting of Council for approval. The approved minutes form the official record of the meeting. b) A report of General Committee is submitted to the next regular Meeting of Council, for consideration of the recommendations. The report from General Committee that is presented to Council shall not contain the mover or seconder on each item but rather shall only show recommendations endorsed by General Committee. c) Approved minutes of Council and report of General Committee will be posted on the Town’s website as they become available. d) Minutes of other Committees, as designated by Council, are submitted to General Committee for Council receipt. e) After the Council minutes have been approved by Council, they shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk. f) The receipt of minutes from other Committees by Council does not constitute endorsement by the Town of any recommendations or actions contained therein. g) It shall be the duty of the Clerk to ensure that the minutes of each Regular Meeting, Public Planning Meeting and Special Council Meeting are made available to each Member within a reasonable amount of time after the holding of such Meeting. 28. Changes in Order of Agenda a) The business of General Committee and Council is dealt with in the order stated on the published agenda, unless Council consents to changing the order. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 31 of 114 26 29. Open Forum a) In the Open Forum that occurs fifteen (15) minutes prior to the formal portion of a General Committee Meeting, any individual may address General Committee to make informal inquiries or to comment on matters of municipal business. Persons speaking at the Open Forum are shall be required to sign the Open Forum Register held by the Clerk or Council/Committee Secretary prior to being permitted to address Council, and shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes each. b) Open Forum will not be included in the Meeting Minutes, and will not be part of the live streaming of the meeting. c) Generally, no Motions are passed related to matters raised during Open Forum. 30. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest a) Members are required to make Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and/or other relevant legislation. b) Where a Meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the requirements set out in the Closed Meetings Section of this By-law, the Member shall leave the Meeting or the part of the Meeting during which the matter is under consideration. c) Where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of the Member’s absence from a particular Meeting, the Member shall disclose the Member’s interest and otherwise comply at the first Meeting of Council or Committee, as the case may be, attended by the Member after the particular Meeting. d) The Clerk shall record the particulars of any disclosure of pecuniary interest and general nature thereof made by a Member, and this record shall appear in the minutes of that Meeting. 31. Presentations a) Staff Presentations i) Staff presentations, if related to a report on the agenda shall occur at the time the report is discussed. Presentations by staff at Meetings shall endeavour to be a maximum of ten (10) minutes. ii) Where a staff or a third-party presentation involves an item on an agenda, the item shall be heard at the appropriate time in the General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 32 of 114 27 agenda with the report brought forward for consideration immediately after the presentation has been made. b) Other Presentations i) Presentations may be made by parties invited by staff or other government agency presentations to Council or General Committee on matters of interest to the Town, as well as awards, certificates, grants and other recognitions presented to/by the Town. Such presentations are received or presented by the Chair. ii) Presentation material shall be submitted to the Clerk in an electronic format prior to the 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting date. iii) Presentations may be up to ten (10) minutes. The consent of Council or General Committee is required to extend a presentation beyond ten (10) minutes. 32. Delegations at Meetings of Council & General Committee a) General Provisions i) Delegations shall be encouraged to appear at the appropriate Committee first rather than Council. ii) Anyone wishing to appear before General Committee or Council shall register as a delegate by submitting the prescribed form to the Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. two (2) days prior to the scheduled Meeting date. iii) Delegates shall advise the Clerk that the audio visual equipment will be required and shall submit supporting material to the Clerk in an electronic format no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting date. iv) Delegates requesting specific financial assistance or services in- kind from General Committee or Council must submit a detailed written request to the Clerk prior to the meeting, which will be forwarded to the appropriate department for review. A decision will not be made at that meeting. v) The Clerk shall give due consideration to the length of the agenda and the number of delegations and shall advise to the requester the earliest possible date when their delegation may be accommodated. A limit of three (3) delegations will be considered at a Meeting of Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 33 of 114 28 vi) Delegations at General Committee and Council meetings shall be on a subject that is within the jurisdiction or influence of local government. Delegations at a Meeting of Council shall be related to an item of business on the agenda. vii) Delegates shall refrain from making statements or comments that are, in the opinion of the Chair, frivolous or vexatious in nature. viii) Delegates shall be restricted to a speaking limit of five (5) minutes, regardless of whether they are representing an organization, association or other group. ix) The consent of Council or General Committee is required to grant a delegation one (1) extension of up to five (5) minutes at a Council or General Committee meeting, and to consider more than three (3) delegations at a Council meeting. x) A delegation not on the agenda shall not be heard without the consent of at least a two-thirds majority of the Members present. xi) Members of General Committee and Council are permitted to ask the individual making a delegation questions only for clarification and to obtain additional relevant information xii) Delegations who appear before General Committee are not permitted to make a delegation in relation to the same item at the following Council meeting, but may submit written material to Members of Council through the Clerk’s Office. b) Delegations at General Committee Meetings i) Individuals who request to make a delegation may be encouraged by a Councillor or staff to consider resolving an issue or concern with staff in lieu of, or prior to, submitting a Delegation request. ii) Where there are numerous delegates taking the same position on a matter, they are encouraged to select a spokesperson to present their views. Delegations are encouraged not to repeat information presented by an earlier delegation. c) Delegations at Council Meetings i) Anyone wishing to speak on an item that is not on the Council agenda shall be directed to appear at the Open Forum session that precedes the Council Meetings. Alternatively, the delegation may be placed on a Committee agenda to address an issue that is not on the Council agenda. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 34 of 114 29 d) Delegations at Public Planning Meetings i) Any person may speak on a matter at a Public Planning Meeting provided that the spokesperson is speaking on an item that is contained in the agenda. The delegate shall not speak for more than five (5) minutes, but may have an opportunity to speak more than once on the agenda item. 33. Consent Agenda a) Consent Agenda will include the following items that do not have presentations or delegations: i) Receipt of the Minutes (i.e. Special Council, Workshop, Closed Session) (Council meeting agenda only); ii) Advisory Committee Minutes; iii) Staff Reports that require no action other than receiving for information; iv) Procurement items that are within the approved budget; v) Communications addressed to Council; and b) Simple questions may be asked by Members about any Consent item during the adoption of the Consent Agenda without requiring a separate vote. c) Members shall identify any items contained on the Consent Agenda which they wish to speak to and the matter shall be extracted from the Consent agenda to be dealt with separately under Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion. d) In the event that a Member of Council declares a Pecuniary Interest on an item that is included on the Consent Agenda, that item shall be considered under Items Requiring Separate Discussion. e) The balance of the items on the Consent Agenda shall be adopted in one Motion. 34. Notice of Motion a) A Member of Council desiring to introduce a subject for discussion by Council will provide the proposed Motion to the Clerk in writing for inclusion in a regular agenda of General Committee or Council by 12 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 35 of 114 30 b) The Motions for Which Notice Has Been Given will be included on the next Council agenda for consideration and disposition. c) The CAO or staff may be requested to comment on the Motion raised in this Section, but no staff report will be prepared unless the Motion is referred to staff for a further report. d) It is the duty of the Member of Council to: i) Prepare the proposed Motion in writing. ii) Submit the proposed Motion to the Clerk by 12 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. iii) Ensure the content of the proposed Motion allows for it to be published on a public agenda. 35. Regional Report a) The representative of the Town on Regional Council will provide a report at regular Meetings of Council on matters of interest to the Town, when available. 36. Public Service Announcements a) Members may speak for no more than three (3) minutes on public service announcements and community events, unless the consent of Council is granted. 37. New Business a) Any Member of Council or a Committee, at any Meeting, may present and introduce any matter of New Business during the New Business portion of the Meeting, and shall have regard to the following guidelines: i) Members are encouraged to raise operational matters prior to the Meeting through the CAO, Director or appropriate staff member; ii) Members are discouraged from raising substantive policy matters, in particular consideration of corporate policies or by-laws; and, iii) Members of Council are encouraged to raise announcements and community events under the Public Service Announcements portion of the Council agenda. 38. By-laws a) By-laws are considered by Council and approved by Motion. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 36 of 114 31 b) Every by-law adopted by Council is done so under the seal of the Town and signed by the Clerk and the Mayor. c) All by-laws shall be given first, second and third readings in a single Motion, unless a Member wishes to discuss the contents of a by-law, at which time the subject by-law shall be removed from the Motion and dealt with separately d) The following types of by-laws may be presented directly to Council: i) Those directed to be presented directly to Council by General Committee or Council; ii) The appointment of staff for by-law inspection, municipal law enforcement and provincial offences administration; iii) Consolidation of by-laws or housekeeping amendments; iv) General by-laws where the purpose and intent of the by-law has been clearly authorized by a previous resolution; v) A by-law to levy interim property taxes; vi) A by-law to set tax rates in accordance with the approved budget; vii) Part-lot control by-laws; viii) Minor amendments resulting from changes to provincial enabling legislation; and, ix) Other administrative by-laws deemed appropriate by the CAO. e) A Confirming By-law is enacted at each Meeting of Council. f) The proceedings at every Meeting of Council shall be confirmed by by-law so that every decision of Council at that Meeting of Council and every Resolution of the Meeting shall have the same force and effect as if each and every one of them had been the subject matter of a separate by-law duly enacted. g) All amendments to any by-law approved by Council shall be deemed to be incorporated into the by-law and if the by-law proposing the amendment is enacted by Council, the amendments shall be inserted by the Clerk. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 37 of 114 32 39. Adjournment a) No item of business shall be considered at a Meeting of Council or General Committee after 10:30 p.m. local time unless a majority of the Members present enact a resolution to extend the hour. b) If Council or General Committee is still in session at 11 p.m., it shall be adjourned unless all Members present concur in the extension of the Meeting. 40. Correspondence a) Correspondence addressed to the Mayor and Council shall be acknowledged by the Clerk and sent directly to the appropriate Committee or Director for response or action. b) Copies of such correspondence shall also be distributed to Members of Council and the CAO. c) Where correspondence is not requested to be included in a Council or General Committee agenda, it is circulated by the Clerk to Members of Council, the CAO, Directorsand applicable staff for their information, and forms a part of the Clerk’s records. d) Where correspondence has been requested to be included on a Council or General Committee agenda or on the request of a Member of Council to the Clerk, correspondence is placed on the General Committee meeting agenda for consideration. Where required due to urgency or timing, correspondence may be considered directly by Council as an Additional Item. e) Staff may prepare recommendations related to the matter for Council’s consideration. f) Council and staff will direct to the Clerk correspondence clearly intended to be considered as part of an agenda of Council or General Committee. g) The Clerk is required to verify whether it is the intent of an individual to include his/her correspondence on a public agenda. For reasons of privacy, irrelevant personal information will be severed from correspondence. General correspondence between Councillors or staff, and constituents or stakeholders, will not be included unless the Clerk is satisfied it was clearly the individual’s intent to include his/her correspondence on a public agenda. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 38 of 114 33 h) Correspondence related to items already decided on by Council will form a part of the Clerk’s records and be circulated to Members of Council, but not placed on an agenda. i) Correspondence must be legible and not contain any defamatory statements. Anonymous correspondence will not be acknowledged, circulated, or placed on an agenda. j) The Council’s receipt of correspondence does not constitute endorsement of the correspondence by the Town of any recommendations it may contain or actions it may advocate. 41. Petitions a) Petitions may be submitted to the Clerk and will include a minimum of two (2) persons and their respective addresses, and a clear statement of purpose for the Petition. b) The request conveyed in the petition will be considered by General Committee for disposition. Where required due to urgency or timing, petitions may be considered directly by Council. c) For reasons of privacy, the names and addresses included with the petition will be provided to Members of Council, but not published in an agenda of the General Committee or Council. d) Staff may prepare recommendations related to the matter for Council’s consideration. e) The Town is not accountable for the accuracy or reliability of petitions that are submitted. 42. Motions from Other Municipalities a) All requests for endorsement of resolutions from other municipalities will be electronically circulated to Council and acknowledged by the Clerk, with the advice that the Town does not take action on resolutions received from other municipalities, but rather makes its position known through the appropriate municipal association, or alternatively, directly to the relevant Minister or government leader. b) A Member of Council may request that a resolution from another municipality be added to a General Committee agenda for consideration. c) The Council’s receipt of resolutions from other municipalities does not constitute endorsement by the Town of any recommendations or actions they may contain. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 39 of 114 34 43. Motions – Impact on Corporate Resources a) The CAO will advise on the appropriate means of disposition for matters that make an impact on administration. b) Council is not required to pass a Motion that makes an impact on corporate resources where a matter: i) Has already been approved by Council; ii) Is considered by the CAO to be minor in nature; and/or, iii) Falls within existing service levels. 44. Procedures Concerning Motions a) General Rules i) Every Motion in any Meeting of Council or Committee requires a mover and a seconder. ii) When duly moved and seconded, every Motion, other than a Motion to adjourn, recess, table or suspend the rules of this Procedure By-law, is open for discussion. iii) No debate is permitted on any Motion or amending Motion until it has been properly seconded. iv) A member may move a Motion in order to initiate discussion and debate, but vote in opposition to the Motion. A seconder of the Motion may vote against the Motion. v) A Motion or amending Motion may not be withdrawn without the consent of the mover and seconder. vi) The Chair of a Meeting of Council or a Committee will not move or second a Motion. vii) All Members of Council or a Committee will vote on all Motions except in the instance where the Member refrains from voting on an issue due to the Declaration of a Pecuniary Interest in the matter by the Member. If any Member does not vote, he/she will be deemed as voting in the negative (except where prohibited from voting by statute). b) Motion under Debate General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 40 of 114 35 i) When a Motion is under debate, no other Motion may be considered except for the following Motions, to be considered in the listed order of priority: (a) To adjourn; (b) To recess; (c) To table an item; (d) To call the question; (e) To defer; (f) To refer; (g) To amend; c) Motion to Adjourn i) A Motion to adjourn means to end a meeting. ii) A Motion to adjourn is not debatable and shall always be in order except when: (a) Another Member is in possession of the floor; (b) A vote has been called; or (c) Members are voting. iii) A Motion to adjourn is not amendable, except when moved to set future time for adjourning. iv) A Motion to adjourn shall take precedence over any other Motion and shall be put immediately without debate. d) Motion to Recess i) A Motion to recess means to suspend a meeting for a specific length of time. ii) A Motion to recess when other business is before the Meeting: (a) Specifies the length of time of the recess; (b) Is debatable as to the length or timing of the recess; and (c) Can only be amended with respect to the length of the recess. e) Motion to Table i) A Motion to table means to postpone a matter without setting a definite date for future discussion for a matter. A tabled Motion that has not been decided on by Council during the term of General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 41 of 114 36 Council in which the Motion was introduced is deemed to have been withdrawn. ii) A Motion to table: (a) Is not to be amended or debated; and (b) Applies to the Motion and any amendments thereto under debate at the time when the Motion to table was made. iii) If the Motion to table carries, in the absence of any direction from Council, the matter may not be discussed until the CAO, or a Member through a Notice of Motion, brings it forward to a subsequent Meeting. f) Motion “To Put the Question to a Vote” or “To call the Vote” i) A Motion “To Put the Question to a Vote” or “To call the Vote” means to stop debate and immediately proceed to vote on the Motion. ii) Any Member may request the Chair “To put the question to a vote” or “To call the vote” by presenting a Motion that the question “now be put to a vote.” A Motion to put the question to a vote must: (a) Be seconded; (b) Is not open to debate; (c) Immediately put to a vote without debate; (d) Requires a 2/3 majority vote to close debate. g) Motion to Refer i) A Motion to refer means to direct a matter under discussion by Council or a Committee to staff or another Committee for further examination or review. ii) A Motion to refer a matter under consideration to a Committee or to staff: (a) Shall be debatable as to the rationale of Referring, but cannot go into the merits of the Motion or subject being Referred; and (b) Can be amended as to the Committee or group to whom it is being referred, as to the time the Committee or staff reports back, and as to directions given to the Committee or staff; and (c) Includes the terms on which the Motion is being referred and the time at which the matter is to be returned; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 42 of 114 37 (d) Includes the reasons for the referral. iii) This Motion may be delayed by the Chair in order to permit Members on the speaking list to speak. h) Motion to Defer i) A Motion to defer means to postpone all discussion on a matter until a future date or time, one which is established as part of the Motion. ii) A Motion to defer to a certain time or date: (a) Is open to debate as to advisability of postponement and cannot go into the merits of the Motion or subject being postponed; and (b) May be amended as to the time or date to which the matter is to be deferred. iii) This Motion may be delayed by the Chair in order to permit Members on the speaking list to speak. i) Motion to Amend i) The purpose of this Motion is to modify a Motion. It cannot be used to directly contradict or negate the effect of another Motion. ii) A Motion to amend: (a) Is to be open to debate; and, (b) Is to be relevant to the main Motion; and (c) Can be applied to a Motion at one time, but that amendment may be amended [by a secondary amendment], which cannot be amended. iii) If it is not considered a “Friendly Amendment,” then the Motion to amend: (a) If more than one, will be put to a vote in the reverse order to that in which they were moved; (b) Will be decided upon or withdrawn before the main Motion is put to the vote; (c) Will not be amended more than once, provided that further amendments may be made to the main Motion; and, (d) Will not be directly contrary to the main Motion. j) Motion Containing Two or More Matters General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 43 of 114 38 i) When the Motion under consideration concerns two (2) or more matters, the Chair, upon the request of any Member, will direct that the vote upon each matter be taken separately. Such request may also be made by the Chair. ii) A vote on the main Motion, as amended, may be split for the purpose of complying with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, or at the discretion of the Chair. k) Withdrawal of Motion i) A request to withdraw a Motion: (a) May only be made by the mover of the Motion; (b) Requires consent of the seconder of the Motion; and, (c) Is in order any time during the debate. l) Adoption in a Single Motion i) One or more items on an agenda may be adopted in a single Motion. 45. Voting a) General Rules i) After a Motion is finally put to a vote by the Chair, no Member speaks to it nor will any other Motion be made until after the vote is taken and the result has been declared. ii) All Members of Council or a Committee will vote on all Motions. Failure by any Member to announce his/her vote openly and individually, including an “abstention,” is deemed to be a vote in the negative. iii) Each Member present and voting announces or indicates his/her vote upon the Motion openly and individually, and no vote is taken by ballot, or any other method of secret voting. b) Majority Vote i) A majority means more than half of the Members present, or: (a) If 9 Members present: 5 (b) If 8 Members present: 5 (c) If 7 Members present: 4 (d) If 6 Members present: 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 44 of 114 39 (e) If 5 Members present: 3 ii) Unless this Procedure By-law states otherwise, a matter passes when a majority of Members present vote in the affirmative. iii) When applicable, a two-thirds majority means 2/3 of the Members present, or: (a) 2/3 of 9: 6 (b) 2/3 of 8: 6 (c) 2/3 of 7: 5 (d) 2/3 of 6: 4 (e) 2/3 of 5: 4 c) Tie Vote i) Any Motion on which there is a tie vote is deemed to be lost. d) Recorded Vote i) A recorded vote is only permitted at Council Meetings and will be taken at the request of a Member prior to the commencement of the vote being taken or immediately thereafter. When electronic voting devices are available, all votes at Council Meetings will be recorded votes. ii) A Member of Council’s failure to participate in a recorded vote when he/she has not declared a conflict of interest is deemed to be a negative vote. iii) A recorded vote at Council Meetings will be taken as set out in a) or b) below: (a) Each Member announces his/her vote openly, and the Clerk records his/her vote in the minutes. Votes are called in random order as determined by the Clerk. (b) Each Member first indicates his/her vote by using an electronic device. Each Member’s vote is then electronically displayed on a screen, and the Clerk announces the outcome of the vote and records each Member’s vote in the minutes. iv) Notwithstanding recorded votes, a record or notation of a Member’s opposition to an issue is not recorded in any Meeting minutes. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 45 of 114 40 46. Reconsideration of a Matter a) Council cannot reconsider a matter until six (6) months have passed from the date of the matter’s original disposition by Council, except upon a vote in the affirmative of two-thirds majority of the Members present. b) Decisions which contractually bind the Town shall not be reconsidered. c) A Motion to reconsider shall be introduced by way of a Notice of Motion and considered either at the next Council Meeting or at a special Meeting called to reconsider the Motion unless the Council, without debate, dispenses with the requirement for a Notice of Motion on a two-thirds vote. d) A Motion to reconsider is debatable, which debate will be restricted to the rationale for reconsidering the matter, and no debate of the main question shall be allowed until the Motion for reconsideration is carried. e) Once the reconsideration Motion has carried, it is reopened in its entirety unless the reconsideration Motion specifies otherwise. f) If the matter is re-opened, all previous decisions of the Council remain in force until the Council decides otherwise. g) No Motion to reconsider may, itself, be the subject of a Motion to reconsider. h) Notwithstanding, if a Council matter was determined in the negative as a result of a tie vote due to an absent Member, the matter may be reconsidered at the next Council meeting via a Motion to reconsider carried by a majority of the Members present 47. Point of Order a) A Member may interrupt the person who has the floor to raise a Point of Order when such Member feels that there has been: i) A deviation or departure from this Procedure By-law; or ii) A deviation from the matter under consideration and the current discussion is not within the scope of the proposed Motion. b) Upon hearing such Point of Order, the Chair decides and states his/her ruling on the matter. c) Upon hearing the Point of Order ruling, a Member only addresses the Chair for the purpose of appealing the Chair’s decision to the Council or a Committee. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 46 of 114 41 d) If no Member appeals, the decision of the Chair is final. e) If a Member appeals the Chair’s ruling to the Council or a Committee, the Member has the right to state his/her case, the Chair has the right to reply and the Council or Committee decides the question “That the decision of the Chair be sustained” without further debate. The decision of the majority of the Members who are present is final. 48. Point of Personal Privilege a) A Member may rise at any time on a Point of Personal Privilege where such Member feels that the health, safety, rights, or integrity of his/her own person, the Council, a Committee or anyone present at the Meeting has been called into question by another Member or by anyone present at the Meeting. b) Upon hearing such Point of Personal Privilege, the Chair decides and states his/her ruling on the matter. c) Where the Chair rules that a breach of Privilege has taken place, he/she demands that the offending Member or individual apologize and, failing such apology, requires said Member or individual to vacate the Meeting room for the duration of the Meeting. d) With the exception of providing an apology, the Member addresses the Chair for the purpose of appealing the Chair’s ruling of a breach of privilege to the Council or a Committee. e) If no Member appeals, the decision of the Chair is final. f) If a Member appeals the Chair’s ruling to the Council or a Committee, the Member has the right to state his/her case, the Chair has the right to reply and the Council or Committee decides the question “That the decision of the Chair be sustained” without further debate. The decision of a majority of the Members who are present at the Meeting is final. 49. Public Record a) All communications that the Clerk receives about a matter on the agenda of a public or open Meeting will form part of the public record. Personal information and opinions in communications are part of the public record unless the author of the communication requests the removal of his/her personal information when submitting it, or where confirmed by the Clerk. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 47 of 114 42 50. Administrative Authority of Clerk a) The Clerk is authorized to amend by-laws, minutes and other Council and Committee documentation for technical, typographical or other administrative errors and omissions for the purpose of ensuring an accurate and complete record of proceedings. b) The Clerk is authorized to create and amend an annotated version of the Procedure By-law from time to time, to assist Members in complying with the rules as enforced and interpreted. 51. Recording, Broadcasting and/or Live Streaming Meetings a) All Meetings with a quorum of Council Members shall be audio and/or visually recorded, broadcast and/or live streamed publically by the Town, with the exception of proceedings closed to the public provided for in the Closed Meetings Section of this Procedure By-law. b) All Meetings of Committee of Adjustments, Property Standards Committee, and other quasi-judicial bodies or Committees shall be audio and/or visually recorded, broadcast and/or live streamed publically by the Town, with the exception of proceedings closed to the public provided for in the Closed Meetings Section of this Procedure By-law. c) Attendees using their own recording, broadcasting and/or streaming devices are encouraged to inform the Clerk or Recording Secretary to ensure attendees at the Meeting are notified through the Chair. d) The approved minutes of a Meeting will form the official record of the Meeting. Any audio, video, or other record of the meeting shall not be considered an official record. 52. Review of Procedure By-law a) Council shall review this By-law within the first six (6) months of the second year of each term of Council. b) The Clerk shall bring forward housekeeping amendments, as required or as directed by Council. 53. Review of Council Code of Ethics a) Council shall review the Council Code of Ethics within the first six (6) months of the first year of each term of Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 48 of 114 43 54. Severability a) Each and every one of the provisions of this Procedure By-law is severable and if any provisions of this Procedure By-law should, for any reason, be declared invalid by any Court, it is the intention and desire of Council that each and every one of the then remaining provisions of this Procedure By-law shall remain in full force and effect. Read a first and second time this ____ day of ______________, 2016. Read a third time and finally passed this day of ______________, 2016. _______________________ Geoffrey Dawe, Mayor _____ Lisa Lyons, Town Clerk General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 49 of 114 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 50 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other Options141 e)Code of Ethics means the Code of Ethics, a declaration of the principles of good conduct and ethics.New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 f)Committee means a Committee, Board, Task Force or other body constituted and appointed by Council, with the exception of the Aurora Public Library Board; New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 g)Confirming By-law means a by-law passed for the purpose of giving general effect to a previous decision or proceeding of Council;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 j)Deputy Mayor means the Councillor who received the highest number of votes in the last regular election;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 k)Director means a Director for the Town or his/her designate;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 l)Friendly Amendment means the motion under debate is amended with the consent of the mover and seconder, and without the requirement for an amending motion to be made;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a Adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 201541 m)Frivolous means a submission or comment that is without merit or substance or is trivial; New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 p)Mayor means the Mayor of the Town of Aurora;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 t)Municipal Act, 2001 means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 u)Municipality means the Corporation of the Town of Aurora;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 v)Notice means written Notice, except where legislation, by-law or Corporate Policy provides for another form and manner of Notice;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a41 W)Offending Member means a Member who has been found by the Chair or by Council or by a Committee to have disobeyed a rule in this Procedure By-law or a Chair's ruling;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a51 z)Procedural Matter means a matter or motion of a procedural nature;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a5 1 aa)Public Planning Meeting means a Meeting held pursuant to the Planning Act or other statute;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a5 1 bb)Quorum means the number of Members required for the legal conduct of the business of Council or a Committee.New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a5 1 dd)Robert’s Rules of Order means the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a n/aDraft By-law Sectionn/an/an/an/aCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)DefinitionsMany definitions have remained the same, with wording simplified to provide clarification. New definitions, as listed below, have been added for clarification. The following definitions have been removed, as they have been defined in the appropriate section: Audit Committee, General Committee, Majority Vote, Motion to defer, Motion to receive, Motion to table, Notice of Motion, Open Forum, Question of Privilege or Personal Privilege, Record, Recorded Vote, Resolution, Secretary, Two-thirds Majority Vote.n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/aGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 51 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)5 1 ee)Rules of Procedure means the rules and regulations contained in this Procedure By-law and that govern the proceedings of Council and its Committees;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a n/a5 1 gg)Standing Committee means a Committee established by Council and consisting solely of all Members of Council;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a n/a5 1 ii)Town Hall means the municipal offices located at 100 John West Way, Aurora, Ontario;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a51 jj)Vexatious means a submission or comment that is without merit and pursued in a manner that is malicious or intended to embarrass or harass the recipient or others;New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a51 kk)Workshop means a Meeting of Council or Committee for the purpose of discussing issues in an informal venue.New Ties into draft By-law content and provides additional clarification for interpreting the By-lawn/a n/a n/a252 a)This By-law (referred to as the "Procedure By-law") establishes the rules of procedure for Council and Committee Meetings.Revised Sets out intent of by-law 2.1 The rules of procedure set out in this By-law shall govern all proceedings of Council and its Committees, including any Advisory or Ad Hoc Committees, or Local Boards.Purpose633 a)The principles of openness, transparency and accountability to the public guide the Town's decision-making process. In the context of Council and Committee proceedings, this is accomplished by:New Sets out principles of by-law n/a n/a i) Ensuring the decision-making process is understood by the public and other stakeholders;ii) Providing access to information and opportunities for input by the public and other stakeholders consistent with the requirements of this By-law and other statutory requirements;iii) Exercising and respecting individual and collective roles and responsibilities provided for in this Procedure By-law and other statutory requirements.5 3 b) The protection of basic rights by recognizing the right of the majority to decide, the minority to be heard and individuals to have the opportunity to participate.New Sets out principles of by-law n/a n/aThe principles of parliamentary law governing Council and Committee Meetings include:New Sets out principles of by-law n/a n/ai)Every Member has the right to one vote, unless prevented by law; ii) Each Member has the right to be heard on a matter, unless prevented by law;iii) Each Member has the right to information to help make decisions, unless prevented by law;iv)Each Member has the right to an efficient meeting; v)Each Member has the right to be treated with respect and courtesy;vi) Each Member represents the public and will first and foremost consider the well-being and interests of the municipality.46 4 b) If there is a conflict between two or more rules in this Procedure By-law, or if there is no specific rule on a matter, the Chair will rule. In making a ruling, the Chair may consult the Clerk, rely on previous rulings and practices, or refer to Robert's Rules of Order.Revised Revised to include Robert's Rules of Order, replacing Bourinot's Rules of Order4.9 In all circumstances in the proceedings of Council or its Committees not providedfor in this By-law, resort shall be had to Bourinot’s Rules of Order as a rule for guidance on the question, and in such cases, the decision of the Chair shall be final and acquiesced to without debate subject to section 4.4 of this By-law.Rules of Order 18 Adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Workshop meeting of November 24, 2015Interpreting the Procedure By-lawn/an/an/a3 c)55Purpose and ApplicationPrinciples of the Procedure By-lawn/an/aGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 52 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)5Rules of procedure provided for in this Procedure By-law may be waived by at wo-thirds majority vote of Council or a Committee, with the exception of the following circumstances:Provides further clarification and provisions to protect arbitrary waiver of rules4.7 (a) Suspension of Procedural Requirements18i)Where required by law;ii) Contractual agreements binding the Town;iii) Quorum requirements.686 c)Budget Committeen/a n/a n/ai)The Budget Committee will be comprised of all Members of Council.ii) The Budget Committee shall make recommendations to Council on approval of the Town's annual capital and operating budgets.iii)The Budget Committee has delegated authority to:Approve the meeting minutes of the Budget Committee;Direct staff to bring forward information to the Budget Committee as needed, and defer matters to a future General Committee or Budget Committee meeting; andDirect staff to prepare and bring forth for Council's consideration a report summarizing Committee recommendations on the annual capital and operating Budgets.iv) Budget Committee Meetings will be held as outlined in the schedule of Regular Meetings of General Committee and Council, as approved by Council.787 a)When not provided for in the Terms of Reference or the Policy for Ad Hoc/Advisory Committees and Local Boards, the rules of procedure set out in this By-law shall govern all proceedings of all Committees, including any Ad Hoc, Advisory Committees, or Local Boards.New Documents current practice n/an/an/a888 e)The Chair and any Vice Chairs of other Committees are appointed in accordance with the Policy for Ad Hoc/Advisory Committees and Local Boards, or their Terms of Reference.New Documents current practice n/a n/a n/a5 a)Revised7The provisions of this By-law shall be observed in all proceedings of Council and its Committees, except that the rules and regulations contained herein may be suspended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members present.Adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of November 24, 2015NewSuspension of RulesStanding CommitteesDocuments new Budget Committee and committee guidelinesCommitteesChair of MeetingGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 53 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)999 a)The Chair is responsible for, where applicable:New4.317i) Chairing the Meeting in an objective manner in accordance with this Procedure By-law;ii)Enforcing the rules of order in this Procedure By-law;iii)Enforcing order and good behavior of all Members at all times;iv) Announcing the business before Council or a Committee and the order in which it is to be considered;v) Receiving, stating and framing all motions presented to clarify their intent as moved;vi)Ruling on whether a motion is in order;vii) Protecting Council or a Committee from a motion that is obviously frivolous or tending to cause delay by refusing to acknowledge the motion;viii) Providing information to Members on any matter related to the business of Council or a Committee;ix) Deciding all questions of order at the Meeting, subject to an appeal by any Member to the Council or a Committee on any question of order in respect to business before the Council or a Committee;x) Deciding to acknowledge, and ruling on, whether a Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege is in order;xi) If a Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege is in order, ruling on the Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege and giving the facts, circumstances and reasons for the ruling.xii) If there is an appeal to the ruling of the Chair, announcing the results of the vote;xiii) If necessary, recessing a Meeting for a brief, specified time to consult the Clerk, the CAO or other staff person;xiv) If there is a threat or imminent threat to the health or safety of any person, or if there is a possibility of public disorder, recessing the Meeting for a specified time;xv) Ensure that Members take a health break by announcing a minimum ten (10) minute recess after two (2) hours have passed since the last break; xvi)Ensuring that all Members who wish to speak on a motion have spoken;xvii) Ensuring clarity, where required, by reading, or requesting the Clerk, recording secretary or other appropriate person to read motions before voting;xviii)Putting all motions to a vote and announcing results;xix) Voting on all matters unless the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act prohibits it;xx) Declining to put to a vote any motion which contravenes this Procedure By-law;xxi)Calling Members to order;xxii) Ordering a Member, or any other person from the Meeting, in accordance with this Procedure By-law;xxiii) Adjourning the Meeting when the business of the Meeting has concluded; and,xxiv)Signing all by-laws, resolutions, and minutes when required.Expanded to add new duties of the ChairThe Mayor shall Chair the Meetings of Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively, and shall:(a) Maintain order and preserve the decorum of the Meeting; (b) Rule on all procedural matters, without debate or comment;(c) Receive and submit to a vote all motions presented by the Members that do not contravene the rules of procedure;(d) Decline to put to a vote motions which do not comply with the rules of procedure, or which are not within the jurisdiction of Council;(e) Announce the results of the vote on any motions presented for a vote;(f) Expel or exclude from any Meeting any person whom the Chair feels has exhibited improper conduct at that Meeting;(g) Adjourn or suspend the Meeting if he or she considers it necessary because of grave disorder; and(h) Close the Meeting when business is concluded or recess the Meeting asmay be required.Conduct of MeetingsDuties of the ChairGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 54 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)1010 10 a)Members are responsible for, where applicable:New4.617-18i) Attending scheduled Meetings;(a) ii) Carefully considering and making decisions about Meeting business, including seeking information and advice from staff prior to and during a Meeting;iii)Voting on motions put to a vote;iv)Respecting the rules of order in this Procedure By-law;v) Listening attentively, participating in a Meeting and not interrupting, unless to raise a Point of Order or Point of Personal Privilege;(b)vi)Remaining silent in their seats while Council or a Committee votes and until the Chair announces the result of the vote;vii) Refraining from using indecent, offensive or insulting language or speak disrespectfully of any individual.(c )viii) Refraining from engaging in private conversation while in the Council Meeting or using communication devices in any manner that disrupts the Member speaking or interrupts the business of Council;(d)ix)Respecting and following the decisions of Council or a Committee;(e )x) Not disclosing any of the content of a Meeting that was closed to the public or provide confidential documents or materials to unauthorized individuals.(f)xi)Complying with the Chair's rulings and Council's decisions; andxii) Complying with the Council Code of Ethics.(g)(h)No Member shall:Use offensive words, inappropriate actions or unparliamentary language in or against Council or against any Member of Council or any Staff member or any member of the public;Speak disrespectfully of any member of the Royal Family, the Governor General, the Lieutenant Governor of any Province, Council, any municipality, any Member or any official or employee of the Town;Engage in private conversation while in the Council Meeting or use electronic devices including cellular phones, personal digital assistants, media players, and pagers in any manner that disrupts the Member speaking or interrupts the business of Council;Leave his or her seat or make any noise or disturbance while a vote is being taken and until the result of the vote is announced;Speak on any subject other than the subject under debate;Where a matter has been discussed in Closed Session, and where the matter remains confidential, disclose a confidential matter or the substance of deliberations at a Closed Session, except to the extent that Council has previously released or disclosed the matter in public. All information, documentation or deliberations received, reviewed or provided in a closed session meeting is confidential. Members of Council shall not release, reproduce, copy or make public any information or material considered at a closed session meeting, or discuss the content of such a meeting with persons other than members of Council or relevant staff members, prior to it being reported in public by Council;Criticize any decision of Council except for the purpose of moving that the question be reconsidered; Contravene the rules of Council or a decision of the Chair or of Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of Council. In case a Member persists in any such contravention, after having been called to order by the Chair, the Chair shall not recognize that Member, except for the purpose of receiving an apology from the Member tendered at that Meeting or any subsequent Meeting.Conduct of MeetingsExpanded to add new duties of MembersMembers of Council and CommitteesGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 55 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)10 10 b)If a Member disobeys a rule in this Procedure By-law or a Chair's ruling: New4.6 (h)Conduct of Meetings18i)After the first occurrence, the Chair calls the Member to order.ii) After the second occurrence, if the Member continues to disobey this Procedure By-law or the Chair's ruling, the Chair will immediately order the Member to leave his/her seat and observe the Meeting from the audience for the remainder of the Meeting.iii) Any Member other than the Offending Member may appeal the Chair's ruling in ii), and Council or a Committee may overturn or uphold the Chair's ruling. Should the Chair's ruling be overturned, the Offending Member may return to his/her seat.iv) If the Offending Member informs the CAO or a Director that he/she wishes to apologize, the Clerk will inform the Chair of the Member's request.v) At the next available opportunity in the Meeting, the Chair will allow the Offending Member to return to his/her seat to apologize to Council or a Committee. The apology will not include additional comments or debate by the Offending Member or by Council or a Committee.vi) After an apology is made by the Offending Member, Council or a Committee may consent to allow the Offending Member to return to the Meeting.vii) vii) Should, at any point, the Offending Member create a disturbance while seated in the audience in accordance with subsection 10(b)ii), the Chair will order the Offending Member to leave the Council chamber or meeting room.viii) viii) Council cannot appeal and the Offending Member cannot seek an apology from Council for the Chair’s ruling in accordance with subsection 10(b)vii).ix) ix) If the Offending Member refuses to leave his/her seat or leave the Council chamber or meeting room as required in subsection 10(b)vii), the Chair may request the CAO to contact security or the police for assistance.1112 11 a)The public has the right to have input and receive Notice on Council's decision-making process. The methods for doing so include: writing to Council through the Clerk; submitting a petition; speaking at an Open Forum; or speaking as a Delegation. The public will receive Notice in accordance with the requirements of legislation and this Procedure By-law.New Policy statement on public right of input and notice of decision making-processn/a n/a n/a Councillor Survey comments suggested having more ways of public participation12 11 b) Should an individual wish to be provided with further Notice related to a matter of business before Council or Committee, he/she is required to indicate this wish to the Clerk on the prescribed form, which is available on the Town's website or at the Town Hall.New Introduces form to capture further notice requestsn/a n/a n/a Provides Chair with swift means of dispensing order, in line with general responsibility of Chair and allows for appeal, and for Member to be reinstated following apologyContravene the rules of Council or a decision of the Chair or of Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of Council. In case a Member persists in any such contravention, after having been called to order by the Chair, the Chair shall not recognize that Member, except for the purpose of receiving an apology from the Member tendered at that Meeting or any subsequent Meeting.Right of Public Input & NoticeGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 56 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)1212 12 a) The Chair may expel or exclude any person who disrupts a Meeting, and request security and/or police assistance in doing so.New Documents current expectations of attendees at Meetingsn/a n/a n/a12 12 b)No persons, other than Members and Town staff, are permitted to approach the area where Members and staff are seated.12 12 c) Attendees will submit all materials for Council or Committee through the Clerk or his or her designate12 12 d)Attendees are responsible for:i) Maintaining order and not heckling, or engaging in conversations, displaying placards or props or any behavior that may be considered disruptive;ii)Speaking respectfully at all times;iii) Using recording, broadcasting or streaming devices respectfully, and should the Chair direct it, moving or ceasing to use recording, broadcasting or streaming devices.12 12 e) All communication devices shall be turned off or set to silent mode during any meeting, with the exception of assistive devices for people with disabilities.1313 13 a)The CAO and his/her staff are charged with providing guidance and recommendations to Council or Committee related to municipal business, and to implement the decisions of Council.New Documents current agenda preparation processn/a n/a n/a13 13 b) The CAO chairs a regularly scheduled internal Meeting to review draft agenda items in order to support the business of Council.13 13 c) The Clerk provides an administrative process to support the approval, preparation, Notice, publication and distribution/public access to agendas and agenda items, following approval by the CAO and/or Director.1413 14 a)Council meeting agendas are generally available to Members of Council and the public on each Friday preceding a Meeting.New Documents current agenda distribution process2.10 Notice to Members 813 14 b)General Committee Meeting agendas are generally available to Members on the Thursday that is ten (10) days preceding a General Committee Meeting and are generally available to the public on the following Friday.13 14 c) Council Closed Session meeting agendas will be provided to Council in accordance with the publishing timeframes set out in Section 14 a) where required.13 14 d) Special Council Public Planning meeting agendas are generally available to Members of Council and the public seven (7) days prior to the meeting date.13 14 e) Special General Committee and Council, Workshop and Emergency meeting agendas will be provided to Council in accordance with the publishing timeframes set out Notice Section of this By-law, where required.13 14 f) Agendas for Committees, including Audit Committee and Budget Committee, are generally available seven (7) days prior to the meeting date.New Documents current agenda distribution processn/a n/a n/aNotice to Members of all Meetings of Council or General Committee, agendas, agenda items, cancellations and rescheduling shall be provided by the Clerk to each Member’s residence or place of business, as directed by the Member, not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time set for the Meeting. Notice may be sent by first-class mail, courier, facsimile, electronic mail or posted to the Town’s official website.Agenda distribution timeframes were adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of November 24, 2015Preparation of Agendas Availability of Agendas Members of the PublicGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 57 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)1514 15 a) An additional item is any item that is to be added to a Council or Committee agenda following publication of the original agenda.New 3.7 Revised Agenda 1214 15 b)Any corrections to the agendas of Council or General Committee may be listed on the additional items to be distributed, for information only. 14 18 c) General Committee and Council are required to consent to the introduction of additional items by approving the agenda, as amended.14 15 d) Requests for items to be added to the agenda as an Additional Item shall have met at least one of the following conditions:i)Government/agency deadlines;ii)Legal implications;iii)Contractual implications;iv)Financial implications; orv)Council or General Committee direction.14 15 e) Additional Items to the regular Council meeting agenda are available up to and including the Meeting day of Council, and are not subject to the notice requirements as set out in the Notice of Meetings Section of this By-law.14 15 f) Additional Items to the regular General Committee meeting agenda are available on each Friday preceding the meeting, and further Additional Items up to and including the Meeting.16 Reports of General Committee and Council 14 16 a) In accordance with established administrative protocols, reports prepared by staff are submitted in writing to the Clerk and distributed with the agenda for the applicable Meeting of Council or General Committee.New n/a n/a n/a14 16 b) Reports prepared by staff members contain information and recommendations prepared in the context of their professional, technical and administrative expertise independent of any particular political, constituent or stakeholder interest.17 Advisory Committee Report15 17 a) Recommendations from other Committees requiring Council approval will be submitted to the next regular Council meeting in a Summary of Ad Hoc/Advisory Committee Recommendations report.New Documents new process for Advisory Committee recommendationsn/a n/a n/a Suggested at Procedural By-law Review workshop of October 6, 201618 Information Reports 15 18 a) An information report is prepared for the information of Council and generally relates to a matter considered at Council or General Committee, or is a matter of Town business.New Documents process for Information reports which promotes transparencyn/a n/a n/a15 18 b) An Information Report does not contain recommendations.15 18 c)The request for an Information Report will be approved by a motion.15 18 d) Information Reports are circulated directly to Council Members and made available to the public on the Town's website. Information Reports are not published on a General Committee or Council agenda unless a Member of Council makes such a request to the Clerk. Where required due to urgency or timing, Information Reports may be considered directly at Council as an item.15 18 e) Confidential Information Reports are not made available to the public on the Town's website and may only be placed on a General Committee or Council agenda if the nature of the confidential information satisfies the Closed Session requirements of this By-law.After delivery of the Council or General Committee agenda, the Clerk may amend the agenda by way of a revised agenda by adding or deleting matters from the prepared agenda in consultation with the Mayor or the C.A.O. In this case, the Clerk shall endeavor to forward additional agenda material to the Members prior to the Meeting. The revised agenda may be presented at the Meeting, and is not subject to the Notice requirements set out in section 2.10 of this By-law.Documents current agenda distribution process and requirements for additional itemsAdditional Items & Corrections to Agendas of Council or General CommitteeDocuments current report processSuggested at Procedural By-law Review workshop of October 6, 2016General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 58 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)19 Meetings15 19 c)Approval of the Schedule of Meetings Revised2.37i) Council approves a schedule of Meetings of Council and Standing Committees for each calendar year, which may be amended. The schedule of Meetings is made available to the public on the Town's website.ii) The Meeting schedule of all other Committees is determined by its Members, in accordance with each Committee's terms of reference and/or prescribed mandate.15 19 d)Location of Council, General Committee and other Committees i) i) Meetings of Council and General Committee shall take place at the Municipal Office, or at another location within the municipality or adjacent to the municipality, as authorized by the Mayor or by Council, or as provided for in the Municipal Act when the Notice is given. Provision added to allow for Meetings in the adjacent municipality15 19 e) Schedule of Meetings of Council, General Committee and other Committeesi) Meetings shall take place in accordance with the schedule of Meetings of General Committee and Council as prepared by the Clerk and approved by Council.ii) All Council Meetings will generally be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. and General Committee Meetings will generally be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Where a Council Meeting day is a public or civic holiday, Council will meet at the same hour on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday.Meeting start times added for clarification.iii) Unless otherwise determined by the Clerk, Council Closed Meetings will be scheduled at 5:30 p.m. immediately prior to a Council or General Committee meeting, and will recess or adjourn at least twenty (20) minutes prior to the scheduled time of the regular meeting.New Allows for Council Closed Session Meetings to be held immediately prior to the regular meeting.n/an/a7Suggested at Procedural By-law Review workshop of October 6, 2016iv) Only one (1) General Committee and one (1) Council meeting will be held in each of July and August. Revised 2.5 July and August Meetings 7v) Only one (1) General Committee meeting, one (1) Council meeting and one (1) Public Planning meeting will be held in each of December and January.15 19 f)Public Planning MeetingsRevised Text revised for simplicity2.6Public Planning Meetings7i) Council will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. for a Council meeting to consider development-related applications and other matters that have been submitted under the Planning Act, 1990. It was suggested that Public Planning Meetings be moved to the third Wednesday of each month, however there is a conflict with the Aurora Public Library Board.Regular Council and General Committee MeetingsText revised and sections restructured for easier referenceSummer and Winter meeting requirements added for clarificationThe next and each succeeding Regular Council Meeting shall be held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall, except as otherwise provided for in this By-law, and shall be held in accordance with the schedule of Meetings of Council and General Committee as prepared by the Clerk and approved by Council. All such Regular Council Meetings shall generally be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and General Committee Meetings shall generally be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. On the days in which a Regular Council Meeting is scheduled, Open Forum shall commence at 7:00 p.m. and the Regular Council Meeting shall commence immediately thereafter, or at such other time as is prescribed by resolution of Council where it is necessary to reschedule a Regular Council Meeting. Where a Regular Council Meeting day is a public or civic holiday, Council shall meet at the same hour on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday, as prescribed by resolution of Council.Adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of November 24, 2015Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, during the months of July and August there shall be one (1) Regular Meeting of Council in each month.In addition to its schedule of Regular Meetings, where development-related applications have been submitted under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. Council shall meet in the Council Chambers on the last Wednesday of each month commencing at 7:00 p.m. to conduct public hearings to consider such applications. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 59 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)20 Notice of Meetings 17 20 a)General ProvisionsRevisedi)The Clerk gives Notice of a Meeting by:(a)Updating the annual Meeting schedule; or(b)Using the Town's social media accounts; or(c) Publishing notice on the Town's regular advertising page in the local newspaper; or(d)Providing the agenda to Members of Council and the public; orAll of the above.ii) Every notice of a Meeting of Council or Committee shall indicate the date, time and place of the Meeting, and the contact information for the Clerk's office.iii) Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the Clerk from using more extensive methods of notice.iv) Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the Clerk from using longer timeframes for providing notice.17 20 (b)Special Meetings of Council or General CommitteeRevised2.7 (a)Special Council Meetings7i) A Special Meeting of Council or General Committee may be called by the Mayor at any time. A special Meeting of Council or General Committee is limited to business matters included in the Notice of Meeting. (b)ii)Upon receipt of a written petition from a majority of the Members of Council, the Clerk will summon a special Meeting of Council or General Committee for the specific purpose and time identified in the petition.iii) In addition to the general notice provisions in this by-law, the Clerk shall give notice of a Special Meeting of Council or General Committee by providing an agenda at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.17 20 c)Workshop MeetingsNewn/an/an/ai) The Mayor and/or CAO may convene a workshop Meeting for Members of Council to discuss issues in an informal venue. With the exception of Procedural Matters, no motions are passed.ii) A record describing, in general terms, the proceedings and the subject matter discussed is made at all workshop Meetings and placed on a future Council agenda to be received only for the purposes of information.iii) In addition to the general notice provisions in this by-law, the Clerk shall give notice of a Workshop Meeting by providing an agenda at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.iv)Delegations shall not be permitted at Workshop Meetings.18 20 d) Emergency Meetings of Council or General Committee New Provides guidelines for emergency Meetingsn/a n/a n/ai) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Procedure By-law, the Mayor may, at any time, call or provide Notice of an emergency Meeting of Council or General Committee. An emergency Meeting of Council or General Committee is limited to business matters included in the Notice of Meeting.ii) The Clerk gives Notice of emergency Meetings of Council or General Committee by:Providing Notice to Council in person, by telephone, by electronic mail, or in the form of an agenda that indicates the date and time of the Meeting and general nature of the matters to be discussed.Text revised for simplicity and to reflect current and new notice practicesText revised for simplicity and to reflect current and new notice practicesProvides guidelines for Workshop Meetings The Head of Council may at any time call a Special Council Meeting; orUpon receipt of a petition of the majority of the Members of Council, the Clerk shall call a Special Council Meeting for the purpose and the time mentioned in the petition. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 60 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)18 20 e)Cancellation or Postponement of MeetingsNew2.13Cancellation/Postponement 9i) A regular, special, or emergency Meeting of Council or General Committee or a workshop Meeting of Council may be cancelled or postponed where Quorum cannot be achieved, by Council resolution, in the event of an emergency, or where the Meeting is no longer required, as deemed by the Mayor and/or CAO.ii)The Clerk gives Notice of Cancellations or Postponements by: Providing written notice to Members of all Meetings of Council or General Committee regarding cancellations and postponements by the Clerk to each Member no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time set for the Meeting;iii) Providing notice to the public of all Meetings of Council or General Committee regarding cancellations, and postponements by:Posting a Notice on the Town website as soon as possible; Sending a Notice via the Town's social media accounts;Posting a Notice on the Town's regular advertising page in the local newspaper, if time permits; andWhere (c) cannot be achieved, posting a Notice at the main entrance to Town Hall.iv) Meetings of other Committees may be cancelled or postponed by the Clerk, Recording Secretary, Chair or other assigned person where Quorum cannot be achieved, by Committee resolution, or in the event of an emergency.18 20 g)QuorumRevised Text revised for simplicity3.5Quorum12i)A majority of members shall constitute a quorum.ii) As soon as there is a quorum after the time appointed for commencement of a Meeting, the Mayor or Chair will call the Meeting to order. If a quorum is not present 30 minutes after the time appointed for commencement of a Meeting, the Clerk shall record the names of the Members present and the Meeting shall not commence or proceed.3.618 20 h)Late ArrivalNewn/an/an/ai) If a Member arrives late at a Meeting, any prior discussion is not reviewed without the consent of the Members present.A majority of the Members shall constitute a quorum.If there be no quorum present within thirty (30) minutes after the time fixed for holding the Meeting, the Clerk shall call the roll and take down the names of the Members present and the Meeting shall immediately stand adjourned until the next regular Meeting.Expands on current practices Any Meeting may be cancelled or rescheduled to a day, time and place set out in a written notice from the Clerk, sent to each Member as provided for in section 2.10 of this By-law and at least forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled date of the meeting.Meeting management practiceGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 61 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)21 Closed Meetings19 21 a)Matters of Closed Session Revised2.17Closed Meetings9i) Council or a Committee may, by Resolution, close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to the public in accordance with section 239 of the Municipal Act, as amended from time to time, if the subject matter being considered is:(a)The security of the property of the Town or local board;(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Town or local board employees;(c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or local board;(d)Labour relations or employee negotiations;(e) Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board;(f) Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;(g) A matter in respect of which a Council, Board, Committee or other body may hold a closed meeting under another Act;(h) The Meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the Members and no Member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of Council, Local Board or Committee.ii) Council or a Committee may also resolve into a Meeting closed to the public for the following purposes:2.20(a) A request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, if the Council, board, commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act.(b) An ongoing investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipally-controlled corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman Act, an Ombudsman referred to in subsection 223.13 (1) of the Municipal Act, or the investigator referred to in subsection 239.2 (1) of the Municipal Act. New statutory requirements regarding closed Meetings adopted at the Procedure By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Reflects new statutory requirements A Meeting or part of a Meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered:(a) The security of property of the Town or Local Board;(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee;(c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board;(d) Labour relations or employee negotiations;(e) Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Town or a Local Board;(f) The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;(g) The education and training of Members, provided that no Member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of Council; or(h) A matter in respect of which Council has authorized a Meeting to be in Closed Session under statutory authority.A Meeting shall be closed to the public if the subject matter relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, as amended, if the Council, Board, Commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 62 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)19 21 b)Notice of Closed SessionNew Documents current practice n/an/an/ai) Where a matter may be considered by Council or General Committee for discussion in closed session, wherever possible, written notice will include:(a) The fact that the Meeting will be closed to the public as provided for in the Municipal Act;(b) The general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed Meeting.21 21 c) A Motion to close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to the public shall state the:Revised Text revised for simplicity 2.21 Prior Public Resolutions 10i) Intention to close the Meeting to the public; and, the general nature of the matter to be considered at the Meeting closed to the public.ii) General nature of the matter to be considered at the Confidential Meeting and the grounds for closing the Meeting as set out in the Municipal Act, as amended from time to time.21 21 d)Voting during Meetings Closed to the PublicRevised Text revised for simplicity10i) Only votes relating to procedural matters or direction to staff may be taken during a Confidential Meeting, unless otherwise authorized.21 21 e)Upon completion of the Confidential Meeting:New Documents current practice n/an/an/ai)The Members shall immediately reconvene in open session; ii) The Mayor shall report any outcomes on the Confidential Meeting as necessary; and,iii) If applicable, the Members shall vote on any Resolutions originating from the Confidential Meeting. 21 21 f)Scheduling of Closed MeetingsNewn/an/an/ai) Closed Meetings shall be scheduled as indicated in the Schedule of Meetings of Council, General Committee and other Committees in this By-law.22 21 g)Reporting Out and Confidentiality of Closed Session Discussions New Documents current practice 2.19Closed Meetings10i) A summary of any discussion held in closed session and any required vote will occur following the closed session discussion of a Council or Committee Meeting. ii) Public General Committee and Council Closed Session meeting agendas, minutes and reports shall provide sufficient detail without detrimentally affecting the confidentiality of the matter(s) discussed in closed session and the position of the Municipality.iii) Minutes of a Closed Session meeting shall be presented for adoption at the next Regular Meeting of Council that does not occur on the same day.iv) No Member shall disclose or discuss, through written, electronic or verbal communication, to any individual or corporate third party, any information that has been or will be discussed at a closed session meeting of Council or a Committee until such time that Council or a Committee has determined or has been advised by staff that the matter, or any part of the matter, can be made public subject to review by the Head or designate under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or if directed to do so by a court.References meeting schedules section The part of a Meeting that is closed to the public shall be held at General Committee whenever possible and any recommendations will be reported out and ratified at the next Council Meeting open to the public. The subject matter and recommendations will be reported out to the extent possible without divulging confidential informationBefore holding a Meeting or part of a Meeting that is to be closed to the public, a municipality or Local Board or Committee of either of them shall state by public resolution:A Meeting shall not be closed to the public during the taking of a vote.2.22 Open Votes and Closed Session VotesGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 63 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)22 21 h)Openness and TransparencyNewn/an/an/ai) The Clerk shall maintain an annual log of all reports and resolutions considered in Closed Session, conduct an annual review with the CAO and staff to determine which items are no longer sensitive and/or confidential. The Clerk shall prepare an Annual Report of all Closed Session items approved for public release, and shall post the report on the Town website. Items identified for release shall qualify for 'routine disclosure' under the Town's freedom of information practices. 22 21 i)Closed Meeting InvestigationNew Transparencyn/an/an/ai) A person may request that an investigation be undertaken to determine whether Council or other Committee complied with the requirements of the Municipal Act and this Procedure By-law in respect of a Meeting or part of a Meeting closed to the public. A person may initiate such a request by submitting a written request to the Clerk.22 Speaking Order and Limit22 22 a) The Chair maintains a list of Members who have requested to speak or ask questions. The Chair designates Members to speak or ask questions in the order in which they appear on the list.Revised 5.1 Rules of Debate 1922 22 b) At Committee Meetings, Members be permitted to speak two (2) times on a subject, the first time being for a maximum of ten (10) minutes, and the second time being for a maximum of five (5) minutes; and5.25.322 22 c) At Council Meetings, Members be permitted to speak two (2) times on a subject for a maximum of five (5) minutes each time. address Council, a Member shall request to speak and be recognized by the Chair. Prior to speaking to any question or motion, each Member shall engage his or her microphone and address the ChairWhen two (2) or more Members indicate their desire to speak at the same time, the Chair shall designate the order of speakers.Any Member may require a motion or question under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt the Member speaking. No Member shall speak for longer than ten (10) minutes on a question without Council’s permission.No Member shall speak more than twice to the same question without Council’s permission, except that a reply shall be permitted only from a Member who has presented the main motion.Time limits adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Text revised for simplicity, detail added for clarificationSuggested at Procedural By-law Review workshop of October 6, 2016Transparency, provides information to the publicSuggested at Procedural By-law Review workshop of October 6, 2016General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 64 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)23 Rules of Debate23 23 a) Members' comments are relevant to the matter of business before Council or a Committee. Members should avoid comments intended to be statements or assertions.New n/a n/a n/a23 23 b) When a Member wishes to raise a point of order or question of privilege, the Member shall ask leave of the Chair to raise the point. After leave is granted, the Member shall state the point to the Chair and then remain silent until the Chair has ruled upon the point.Revised 5.8 When a Member wishes to raise a point of order or question of privilege, the Member shall ask leave of the Chair to raise the point. After leave is granted, the Member shall state the point to the Chair and then remain silent until the Chair has ruled upon the point.Rules of Debate 1923 23 c) Subject to being overruled by Council on a vote which shall be taken immediately and without debate, the Chair shall rule on the point.Revised 5.9 Subject to being overruled by Council on a vote which shall be taken immediately and without debate, the Chair shall rule on the point.Rules of Debate23 23 d)Any Member may require a motion or question under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt the Member speaking.Revised 5.4 When a Member is speaking, no other Member shall interrupt the Member speaking except to raise a point of order or question of privilege.Rules of Debate23 23 e)Members express themselves succinctly without repetition.Newn/an/an/a23 23 f)Questions may be asked only of:Newn/an/an/ai)The Chair;ii)Staff;iii)A previous speaker; andiv)A Delegation.24 Order of Business - General Committee23 24 a) The order of business of Council is set out in the agenda, as follows, where provided for:Revised 3.3 Order of Business 12i)Approval of the Agendaii)Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereofiii)Presentations iv)Delegationsv)Consent Items vi)Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda)viii) Notices of Motionix)New Businessx)Closed Session xi) AdjournmentThis section has been revised to include:Declarations of Pecuniary Interest before Approval of Agenda (adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of November 24, 2015)Presentations added at the General Committee levelPresentations and Delegations before Consideration of Items Requiring DiscussionAddition of Consent AgendaMotion to list "Declaration of Pecuniary Interest" following "Approval of the Agenda" adopted at the Procedural By-law Meeting Review Workshop of November 24, 2015Motion to remove Presentations by the Advisory Committee Chair adopted at the Procedural By-law Meeting Review Workshop of November 24, 2015Documents current practice and provides more detailThe Order of Business of General Committee shall in all cases be taken up in the following sequence, unless otherwise decided by the majority of the Members present:(a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof(b) Approval of the Agenda(c) Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion(d) Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion(e) Delegations(f) Presentations by the Advisory Committee Chair(g) Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion(h) Notices of Motion (By-law No. 5556-13)(i) New Business/General Information (j) Closed Session(k) AdjournmentGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 65 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)25 Order of Business - Council24 25 a) The order of business for the Council is set out in the agenda as follows, where provided for:Revised 3.2 Order of Business 11i)Approval of the Agendaii)Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereofiii)Presentations iv)Delegationsv)Consent Agendavi)Consideration of Items Requiring Discussion (Regular Agenda)vii)Action Itemsviii)Notices of Motionix)Motionsx)Regional Reportxi)New Business xii)Public Service Announcementsxiii)By-lawsxiv)Closed Sessionxv)Confirming By-lawxvi) Adjournment26 Record of Proceedings24 26 a)The Clerk records the minutes of Meetings of General Committee and Council without note or comment. The minutes record:Revised Text revised for simplicity 3.1715-16i)The date, time and location of the Meeting;ii)The name of the Chair and a record of the attendance at the Meeting;iii)The name and nature of presenters and Delegations;iv)All resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the Meeting; and,v) Administrative references, including by-law, report, motion and policy indexes.The Council shall deal with matters in the following order, unless otherwise decided by the majority of the Members present: (a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof(b) Approval of the Agenda(c) Adoption of the Minutes(d) Presentations(e) Public Service Announcements (f) Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion(g) Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion(h) Delegations(i) Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion(j) Notices of Motion/Motions for Which Notice Has Been Given(k) Regional Report(l) New Business/General Information (m) Reading of By-laws(n) Closed Session(o) AdjournmentMotion to list "Declaration of Pecuniary Interest" following "Approval of the Agenda" adopted at the Procedural By-law Meeting Review Workshop of November 24, 2015Motion to list the Confirming By-law as a separate agenda item adopted at the Procedural By-law Meeting Review Workshop of November 24, 2015This section has been revised to include:Declarations of Pecuniary Interest before Approval of Agenda (adopted at the Council meeting of November 24, 2015)Presentations added at the General Committee levelPresentations and Delegations before Consideration of Items Requiring DiscussionAddition of Consent AgendaContent of Minutes of Council and General CommitteeThe minutes of each Council and General Committee Meeting shall record:(a) The place, date, and time of Meeting;(b) The name of the Chair and the attendance of the Members and senior Staff; and(c) Each item considered by Council and the decisions of the Meeting without note or comment.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 66 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)27 Minutes25 27 a) Minutes of each Meeting of Council are presented to the subsequent Meeting of Council for approval. The approved minutes form the official record of the meeting.Revised Revised to include detail 3.18 The minutes of each Council Meeting shall be presented to Council for adoption at the next regular Meeting.Approval 1625 27 b)A report of General Committee is submitted to the next Meeting of Council, for consideration of the recommendations. The report from General Committee that is presented to Council shall not contain the mover or seconder on each item but rather shall only show recommendations endorsed by General Committee. New Revised to include details of General Committee report3.193.21The General Committee shall report directly to Council. The report from General Committee that is presented to Council shall not contain the mover or seconder on each item but rather shall only show recommendations endorsed by General Committee.Approval1625 27 c) Approved minutes of Council and report of General Committee will be posted on the Town's website as they become available.New Documents current practice n/a n/a25 27 d) Minutes of other Committees, as designated by Council, are submitted to General Committee for Council receipt. New Documents current practice n/a n/a25 27 f) The receipt of minutes from other Committees by Council does not constitute endorsement by the Town of any recommendations or actions contained therein.New Documents current practice n/a n/a n/a25 27 g) It shall be the duty of the Clerk to ensure that the minutes of each regular Meeting, Public Planning Meeting and Special Council Meeting are made available to each Member within a reasonable amount of time after the holding of such Meeting.New Best practicen/an/an/a2825 28 a) The business of General Committee and Council is dealt with in the order stated on the published agenda, unless Council consents to changing the order.New Documents current practice n/an/an/a29 Open Forum26 29 a) In the Open Forum that occurs fifteen (15) minutes prior to the formal portion of a General Committee Meeting, any individual may address General Committee to make informal inquiries or to comment on matters of municipal business. Persons speaking at the Open Forum are shall be required to sign the Open Forum Register held by the Clerk or Council/Committee Secretary prior to being permitted to address Council, and shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes each. Revised Revised to reflect proposed open forum structure.3.1 (a) During the twenty (20) minutes preceding each Regular Council Meeting, the Members shall attend in the Council Chambers for the purpose of providing an informal opportunity for any person to voice opinions on subjects of municipal concern.Open Forum1126 29 b)Open Forum will not be included in the Meeting Minutes, and will not be part of the live streaming of the meeting.Revised Section revised to include live streaming3.1 (d)Any comments made during Open Forum shall not form part of the minutes of the Council Meeting.Open Forum 1126 29 c) Generally, no motions are passed related to matters raised during Open Forum.Revised Text revised for simplicity, and to reflect current practice3.1 (c ) No decisions will be made as a result of comments made during Open Forum. However, Council will consider the comments when deliberating the issue if the item arises on the regular agenda.Open Forum 11Changes in Order of Agenda Suggested at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of October 6, 2016General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 67 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)26303127 31 a)Staff PresentationsNew3.8 (j)Delegations13i) Staff presentations, if related to a report on the agenda shall occur at the time the report is discussed. Presentations by staff at Meetings shall endeavour to be a maximum of ten (10) minutes. ii) Where a staff or a third party presentation involves an item on an agenda, the item shall be heard at the appropriate time in the agenda with the report brought forward for consideration immediately after the presentation has been made. 27 31 b)Other Presentationsi) Presentations may be made by parties invited by staff or other government agency presentations to Council or General Committee on matters of interest to the Town, as well as awards, certificates, grants and other recognitions presented to/by the Town. Such presentations are received or presented by the Chair.ii) Presentation material shall be submitted to the Clerk in an electronic format prior to the 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting date.iii) Presentations may be up to ten (10) minutes. The consent of Council or General Committee is required to extend a presentation beyond ten (10) minutes.32 Delegations at Meetings of Council & General Committee27 32 a)General ProvisionsRevised3.8 (a)Delegations12-13i) Anyone wishing to appear before General Committee or Council shall register as a delegate by submitting the prescribed form to the Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. two days prior to the scheduled Meeting date.ii) Delegations at General Committee and Council Meetings shall be on a subject that is within the jurisdiction or influence of local government. Delegations at a Meeting of Council shall be related to an item of business on the agenda. iii) Delegates requesting specific financial assistance or services in-kind from General Committee or Council must submit a detailed written request to the Clerk prior to the meeting, which will be forwarded to the appropriate department for review. A decision will not be made at that meeting.(b)iv) Delegates shall refrain from making statements or comments that are, in the opinion of the Chair, Frivolous or Vexatious in nature.v) Delegations shall be encouraged to appear at the appropriate Committee first rather than Council. vi) The Clerk shall give due consideration to the length of the agenda and the number of Delegations and shall advise to the requester the earliest possible date when their Delegation may be accommodated. A limit of three (3) delegations will be considered at a Meeting of Council.(c )(d)vii) Delegations who appear before General Committee are not permitted to make a delegation in relation to the same item at the following Council meeting, but may submit written material to Members of Council through the Clerk's Office. (e )viii) Delegates shall advise the Clerk that the audio visual equipment will be required and shall submit supporting material to the Clerk in an electronic format no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting date. (f)Delegations shall be encouraged to appear at the appropriate Committee first rather than Council. Anyone wishing to appear before General Committee or Council respecting an item on the agenda shall advise the Director of Customer & Legislative Services/Town Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Meeting. The request to appear shall be in writing and shall state in detail the nature of the matter to be presented by the spokesperson.The Clerk shall give due consideration to the length of the agenda and the number of Delegations and shall advise to the requester the earliest possible date when their Delegation may be accommodated. A maximum of three (3) Delegations shall be allowed to address Council per Meeting. No person other than the designated spokesperson may speak on the matter and not for more than five (5) minutes.Anyone wishing to speak on an item that is not on the Council agenda shall be directed to appear at the Open Forum session that precedes Council Meetings. Alternatively, the Delegation may be placed on a Committee agenda to address an issue that is not on the Council agenda.A Delegation not on the agenda shall not be heard without the consent of at least a two-thirds majority of the Members present. All Delegations appearing before General C itt C il h ll b itt d tDeclarations of Pecuniary InterestThis text in this section has been revised for simplicityRevised to include provision for Delegates requesting financial assistance or services in-kind, provision to allow for only one (1) extension of up to five (5) minutes, provision that restricts delegates who speak at General Committee from appearing before Council the following week, and other current practices PresentationsPresentations of general interest shall be placed on the Council agenda and shall be limited to ten (10) minutes per presentation.Updated to include new provisions for presentations, including allowing for Presentations from staff and invited parties or other government agencies only, and allowing for presentations at the General Committee level.Suggestion that the Presentation section of the agenda be investigated at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of October 6, 2016Motion to increase the time limit for delegations by Town staff, consultants, or contractors to ten (10) minutes approved by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015 Motion requiring presentations and delegations to submit material prior to a meeting adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Motion allowing only one (1) extension of up to five (5) minutes adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Motion restricting delegates who speak at General Committee from speaking at following Council meeting on the same subject adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Motion requiring delegates wishing to sppear before Committee advise the Clerk in writing no later th 4 30 t (2) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 68 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)ix) Delegates shall be restricted to a speaking limit of five (5) minutes, regardless of whether they are representing an organization, association or other group. x) The consent of Council or General Committee is required to grant a delegation one (1) extension of up to five (5) minutes at a Council or General Committee meeting, and to consider more than three (3) delegations at a Council meeting.(g)xi) A Delegation not on the agenda shall not be heard without the consent of at least a two-thirds majority of the Members present.xii) Members of General Committee and Council are permitted to ask the individual making a delegation questions only for clarification and to obtain additional relevant information(h)(i)28 32 b)Delegations at General Committee Meetings i) Individuals who request to make a delegation may be encouraged by a Councillor or staff to consider resolving an issue or concern with staff in lieu of, or prior to, submitting a Delegation request.ii) Where there are numerous delegates taking the same position on a matter, they are encouraged to select a spokesperson to present their views. Delegations are encouraged not to repeat information presented by an earlier delegation.(j)29 32 c)Delegations at Council Meetingsi) Anyone wishing to speak on an item that is not on the Council agenda shall be directed to appear at the Open Forum session that precedes the Council Meetings. Alternatively, the Delegation may be placed on a Committee agenda to address an issue that is not on the Council agenda.(K)29 32 d)Delegations at Public Planning Meetingsi) Any person may speak on the matter at a Public Planning Meeting provided that the spokesperson is speaking on an item that is contained in the agenda. The delegate shall not speak for more than five (5) minutes, but may have an opportunity to speak more than once on the agenda item.Committee or Council shall be permitted to speak only once on an item. Once discussion in respect of a motion or resolution has commenced, no further presentation shall be made by the delegate or by any other person other than a Member of Council.Members of Council shall ask questions of the delegate only for clarification and shall not engage the delegate in discussion.Any person may speak on the matter at a Public Planning Meeting provided that the spokesperson is speaking on an item that is contained in the agenda. The delegate shall not speak for more than five (5) minutes, but may have an opportunity to speak more than once on the agenda item.Delegations shall speak in order of the item as it is listed on the agenda.Presentations of general interest shall be placed on the Council agenda and shall be limited to ten (10) minutes per presentation.For matters which are more properly within the responsibility of Town Staff, the Clerk shall notify the proposed delegate that the Delegation shall not be listed on the agenda, and shall direct the proposed delegate to the appropriate Town Department. The delegate shall not be listed on an agenda for Delegation until Staff has had the opportunity to address the matter.than 4:30 p.m. two (2) days prior to the meeting adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 69 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)3329 33 a) Consent Agenda will include the following items that do not have presentations or delegations:New Meeting management practice to increase efficiencyn/an/an/ai) Receipt of the Minutes (i.e. Special Council, Workshop, Closed Session) (Council meeting agenda only);ii)Advisory Committee Minutes;iii)Staff Reports that require no action other than receiving for information; iv)Procurement items that are within the approved budget;v)Communications addressed to Council; andvi) Items included in the Report of General Committee that were not pulled for discussion at the General Committee meeting (Council Meetings agenda only).29 33 b) Simple questions may be asked by members about any Consent item during the adoption of the Consent Agenda without requiring a separate vote.29 33 c) Members shall identify any items contained on the Consent Agenda which they wish to speak to and the matter shall be extracted from the Consent agenda to be dealt with separately under Items Requiring Separate Discussion.30 33 d) In the event that a Member of Council declares a Pecuniary Interest on an item that is included on the Consent Agenda, that item shall be considered under Items Requiring Separate Discussion.30 33 e) The balance of the items on the Consent Agenda shall be adopted in one motion.3430 34 a)A Member of Council desiring to introduce a subject for discussion by Council will provide the proposed motion to the Clerk in writing for inclusion in a regular agenda of General Committee or Council by 12 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.New Deadlines changed to meet new agenda publishing requirements, further clarification of process3.13 (a)Notice of Motion1430 34 b)The Motions for Which Notice Has Been Given will be included on the next Council agenda for consideration and disposition.30 34 c) The CAO or staff may be requested to comment on the motion raised in this Section, but no staff report will be prepared unless the motion is referred to staff for a further report.(b)30 34 d)It is the duty of the Member of Council to:i)Prepare the proposed motion in writing.ii) Submit the proposed motion to the Clerk by 12 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.iii) Ensure the content of the proposed motion allows for it to be published on a public agenda. 35 Regional Report30 35 a) a) The representative of the Town on Regional Council will provide a report at regular Meetings of Council on matters of interest to the Town, when available.New Defines current practice n/a n/a n/a n/a36 Public Service Announcements30 36 a) Members may speak for no more than three (3) minutes on public service announcements and community events, unless the consent of Council is granted.New Meeting management practice n/a n/a n/a n/aA Member desiring to introduce a subject for discussion by Council shall provide a Notice of Motion in writing to the Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Thursday prior to a regular Council or General Committee (By-law No. 5556-13) Meeting.The Motions for Which Notice Has Been Given shall be included on the next Council agenda for consideration and disposition.Suggested at the Procedural By-law Review Workshops of October 6, 2016Consent AgendaNotice of MotionGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 70 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)37 New Business30 37 a) Any Member of Council or a Committee, at any Meeting, may present and introduce any matter of New Business during the New Business portion of the Meeting, and shall have regard to the following guidelines:Revised Meeting management practice 3.14 New Business/General Information1431 37 b)Members are encouraged to raise operational matters prior to the Meeting through the CAO, Director or appropriate staff member;31 37 c) Members are discouraged from raising substantive policy matters, in particular consideration of corporate policies or by-laws; and,31 37 d) Members of Council are encouraged to raise announcements and community events under the Public Service Announcements portion of the Council agenda.31383932 39 b) If Council or General Committee is still in session at 11 p.m., it shall be adjourned unless all members of Council present concur in the extension of the Meeting. Revised Meeting management practice 3.16 (b)If Council or General Committee is still in session at 11:00 p.m., it shall be adjourned unless a two-thirds majority of Council concurs in the extension of the Meeting. 4032 40 a) Correspondence addressed to the Mayor and Council shall be acknowledged by the Town Clerk and sent directly to the appropriate Committee or Director for response or action.New Updated to include current practices 3.12 (a)(b)(c)Correspondence addressed to the Mayor and Council shall be acknowledged by the Director of Customer & Legislative Services/Town Clerk and sent directly to the appropriate Committee or Director for response or action.Copies of such correspondence shall also be distributed to Members of Council and the C.A.O.Members of Council may direct that correspondence, letters or resolutionsbe placed on an agenda, but not as an added item to an agenda that has already been circulated. Correspondence 1432 40 b) Copies of such correspondence shall also be distributed to Members of Council and the CAO.32 40 c) Where correspondence is not requested to be included in a Council or General Committee agenda, it is circulated by the Clerk to Members of Council, the CAO, Commissioners and applicable staff for their information, and forms a part of the Clerk's records.32 40 d) Where correspondence has been requested to be included on a Council or General Committee agenda or on the request of a Member of Council to the Clerk, correspondence is placed on the General Committee meeting agenda for consideration. Where required due to urgency or timing, correspondence may be considered directly by Council as an Additional Item.This section shall contain items which a Member may introduce which were not circulated with the agenda and which, due to their nature cannot be properly presented at a subsequent Meeting of Council or appropriate Committee. Members may raise questions regarding matters that may be appropriate for Staff comment in the form of immediate response or subsequent follow-up. Any New Business/General Information consideration that results in a direction to Staff shall require a Notice of Motion by a Member of Council as set out in section 3.13 of this By-law.By-lawsThis section has been expanded to include other types of by-laws that may be presented directly to Council, including: a by-law to set tax rates in accordance with the approved budget, minor amendments resulting from changes to provincial enabling legislation, and other administrative by-laws deemed appropriate by the CAO.AdjournmentCorrespondenceGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 71 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)32 40 e) Staff may prepare recommendations related to the matter for Council's consideration.32 40 f) Council and staff will direct, to the Clerk, correspondence clearly intended to be considered as part of an agenda of Council or General Committee.33 40 g) The Clerk is required to verify whether it is the intent of an individual to include his/her correspondence on a public agenda. For reasons of privacy, irrelevant personal information will be severed from correspondence. General correspondence between Councillors or staff, and constituents or stakeholders, will not be included unless the Clerk is satisfied it was clearly the individual's intent to include his/her correspondence on a public agenda.33 40 h) Correspondence related to items already decided on by Council will form a part of the Clerk's records and be circulated to Members of Council, but not placed on an agenda.33 40 i) Correspondence must be legible and not contain any defamatory statements. Anonymous correspondence will not be acknowledged, circulated, or placed on an agenda.33 40 j) The Council's receipt of correspondence does not constitute endorsement of the correspondence by the Town of any recommendations it may contain or actions it may advocate.41 Petitions33 41 a) Petitions may be submitted to the Clerk and will include a minimum of two (2) persons and their respective addresses, and a clear statement of purpose for the Petition.New Documents new practice n/a n/a n/a Suggested at Procedural By-law Review workshop of October 6, 201633 41 b) The request conveyed in the Petition will be considered by General Committee for disposition. Where required due to urgency or timing, Petitions may be considered directly by Council.33 41 c) For reasons of privacy, the names and addresses included with the Petition will be provided to Members of Council, but not published in an agenda of the General Committee or Council.33 41 d) Staff may prepare recommendations related to the matter for Council's consideration.33 41 e) The Town is not accountable for the accuracy or reliability of Petitions that are submitted.4233 42 a) All requests for endorsement of resolutions from other municipalities will be electronically circulated to Council and acknowledged by the Town Clerk, with the advice that the Town of Aurora does not take action on resolutions received from other municipalities, but rather makes its position known through the appropriate municipal association, or alternatively, directly to the relevant Minister or government leader.New Documents current practices n/a n/a n/a34 42 b) A Member of Council may request that a resolution from another municipality be added to a General Committee agenda for consideration.34 42 c) The Council's receipt of motions from other municipalities does not constitute endorsement by the Town of any recommendations or actions they may contain.Motions from Other Municipalities General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 72 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)4334 43 a) The CAO will advise on the appropriate means of disposition for matters that make an impact on administration.New Documents new practice n/a n/a n/a34 43 b) Council is not required to pass a motion that makes an impact on corporate resources where a matter:i)Has already been approved by Council;ii)Is considered by the CAO to be minor in nature; and/or,iii)Falls within existing service levels.4435 44 b)Motion under DebateNew8.1Order of Votes22i) When a motion is under debate, no other motion may be considered except for the following motions, to be considered in the listed order of priority:(a)To waive or suspend the rules of procedure;(b)To recess;(c)To adjourn;(d)To call the question; (e)To receive an item;(f)To table an item;(g)To defer;(h)To refer;(i)To amend;(j) Main motion.37 44 j)Motion to AmendUpdated7.11Motion to Amend21i)A motion to amend means to alter a motion in a germane manner.ii)A motion to amend:(a)Is to be open to debate; and,(b)Is to be relevant to the main motion.iii) If it is not considered a "Friendly Amendment," then the motion to amend:(a) If more than one, will be put to a vote in the reverse order to that in which they were moved;(b) Will be decided upon or withdrawn before the main motion is put to the vote;(c) Will not be amended more than once, provided that further amendments may be made to the main motion; and,(d)Will not be directly contrary to the main motion.Motions relating to an item under consideration shall be voted on in the following order:(a) Motion to waive or suspend the rules of procedure;(b) Motion to recess;(c) Motion to adjourn;(d) Motion to call the question;(e) Motion to receive an item;(f) Motion to table an item;(g) Motion to defer;(h) Motion to refer;(i) Motion to amend; (j) Main motion.Updated to include friendly amendments A motion to amend:(a) Shall be open to debate and shall be relevant to the main motion; and(b) Shall not propose a direct negative to the main motion.(c) Only one motion to amend a motion shall be on the floor at any one time.7.12 After the motion to amend has been voted on, the main motion (as amended) shall, if no other amendment is proposed, be put to a vote.Motions - Impact on Corporate ResourcesProcedures Concerning MotionsUpdated to reflect the priority of motions in Robert's Rules of OrderGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 73 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)4538 45 d)Recorded VoteRevised8.10Recorded Vote23i) A recorded vote is only permitted at Council Meetings and will be taken at the request of a Member prior to the commencement of the vote being taken or immediately thereafter. When electronic voting devices are available, all votes at Council Meetings will be recorded votes.8.11ii) A Member of Council's failure to participate in a recorded vote when he/she has not declared a conflict of interest is deemed to be a negative vote.iii) A recorded vote at Council Meetings will be taken as set out in i) or ii) below:Each Member announces his/her vote openly, and the Clerk records his/her vote in the minutes. Votes are called in random order as determined by the Clerk. Each Member first indicates his/her vote by using an electronic device. Each Member's vote is then electronically displayed on a screen, and the Clerk announces the outcome of the vote and records each Member's vote in the minutes.iv) Notwithstanding recorded votes, a record or notation of a Member's opposition to an issue is not recorded in any Meeting minutes.4640 46 a) Council cannot reconsider a matter until six (6) months have passed from the date of the matter's original disposition by Council, except upon a vote in the affirmative of two-thirds Majority of the Members present.New 8.14 Reconsideration of a Matter 2340 46 b)Decisions which contractually bind the Town shall not be reconsidered.40 46 c) A motion to reconsider shall be introduced by way of a Notice of Motion and considered either at the next Regular Council Meeting or at a Special Meeting called to reconsider the Motion unless the Council, without debate, dispenses with the requirement for a Notice of Motion on a two-thirds vote.40 46 d) A Motion to reconsider is debatable, which debate will be restricted to the rationale for reconsidering the matter, and no debate of the main question shall be allowed until the Motion for reconsideration is carried.40 46 e) Once the reconsideration Motion has carried, it is reopened in its entirety unless the reconsideration Motion specifies otherwise.40 46 f) If the matter is reopened, all previous decisions of the Council remain in force unless and until the Council decides otherwise.40 46 g) No Motion to reconsider may, itself, be the subject of a Motion to reconsider. 40 46 h) Notwithstanding, if a Council matter was determined in the negative as a result of a tie vote due to an absent member, the matter may be reconsidered at the next Council meeting via a motion to reconsider carried by a majority of the Members present VotingMotion to include electronic voting provisions adopted by Council at the Procedural By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015Reconsideration of a MatterUpdated to include new provisions for bringing forward a matter for reconsideration by way of a Notice of MotionProcess brought forward based on feedback from CouncillorsAfter Council determines the final outcome of a matter, such matter shall not be reconsidered within six (6) months unless there is a motion, which has been seconded, to reconsider the matter and it carries by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members present. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, any matter that was determined in the negative as a result of a tie vote due to an absent Member of Council may be reconsidered at the next Council meeting via a motion, which has been seconded, to reconsider the matter and it is carried by a simple majority vote of the Members present. (By-law No. 5488-13)Updated to include electronic voting provisionsA request by a Member for a recorded vote shall be made prior to the commencement of the vote being taken or immediately thereafter.Where a vote is to be taken for any purpose, a Member may request that the vote be recorded immediately before or after the taking of the vote, but prior to any consideration of another matter of Council, and each Member present, except a Member who is disqualified from voting by statute, shall announce their vote openly, and any failure to vote by a Member who is not disqualified, shall be deemed to be a negative vote. Members shall vote in random order as determined by the Clerk. The Clerk shall record each vote. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 74 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)4741 47 a) A Member may interrupt the person who has the floor to raise a Point of Order when such Member feels that there has been:New Added information for clarification on processn/a n/a n/ai)A deviation or departure from this Procedure By-law; orii) A deviation from the matter under consideration and the current discussion is not within the scope of the proposed motion.47 b ) Upon hearing such Point of Order, the Chair decides and states his/her ruling on the matter.41 47 c) Upon hearing the Point of Order ruling, a Member only addresses the Chair for the purpose of appealing the Chair's decision to the Council or a Committee.41 47 d)If no Member appeals, the decision of the Chair is final.41 47 e) If a Member appeals the Chair's ruling to the Council or a Committee, the Member has the right to state his/her case, the Chair has the right to reply and the Council or Committee decides the question "That the decision of the Chair be sustained" without further debate. The decision of the majority of the Members of the Council or a Committee who are present is final. 4841 48 a) A Member may rise at any time on a Point of Personal Privilege where such Member feels that the health, safety, rights, or integrity of his/her own person, the Council, a Committee or anyone present at the Meeting has been called into question by another Member or by anyone present at the Meeting. New Added information for clarification on processn/a n/a n/a41 48 b)Upon hearing such Point of Personal Privilege, the Chair decides and states his/her ruling on the matter. 41 48 c) Where the Chair rules that a breach of Privilege has taken place, he/she demands that the offending Member or individual apologize and, failing such apology, requires said Member or individual to vacate the Meeting room for the duration of the Meeting.41 48 d) With the exception of providing an apology, the Member addresses the Chair for the purpose of appealing the Chair's ruling of a breach of Privilege to the Council or a Committee.41 48 e)If no Member appeals, the decision of the Chair is final.42 48 f) If a Member appeals the Chair's ruling to the Council or a Committee, the Member has the right to state his/her case, the Chair has the right to reply and the Council or Committee decides the question "That the decision of the Chair be sustained" without further debate. The decision of a majority of the Members who are present at the Meeting of Council or Committee is final. 4942 49 a) All communications that the Clerk receives about a matter on the agenda of a public or open Meeting will form part of the public record. Personal information and opinions in communications are part of the public record unless the author of the communication requests the removal of his/her personal information when submitting it, or where confirmed by the Clerk.New Added information for clarification n/a n/a n/aPoint of OrderPoint of Personal PrivilegePublic RecordGeneral Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 75 of 114 Attachment 2- Comparison of Draft Procedure By-law and Current Procedure By-lawDraft By-law Page Draft By-law ProvisionNew or RevisedRationale for Draft By-law ProvisionCurrent By-law Section Current By-law PageComments and Other OptionsDraft By-law SectionCurrent By-law Provision (By-law 5330-11)50 Administrative Authority of Clerk42 50 a) The Clerk is authorized to amend by-laws, minutes and other Council and Committee documentation for technical, typographical or other administrative errors and omissions for the purpose of ensuring an accurate and complete record of proceedings.New Documents current practice n/an/an/a42 50 b) The Clerk is authorized to create and amend an annotated version of the Procedure By-law from time to time, to assist Members in complying with the rules as enforced and interpreted.New Housekeeping provision n/a n/a n/a51 Recording, Broadcasting and/or Live Streaming Meetings42 51 a) All Meetings with a quorum of Council members shall be audio and/or visually recorded, broadcast and/or live streamed publically by the Town, with the exception of proceedings closed to the public provided for in the Closed Meetings Section of this Procedure By-law.Revised Text revised for simplicity, detail added for clarification2.4Taping, Televising, Recording 742 51 b)All Meetings of Committee of Adjustments, Property Standards Committee, and other quasi-judicial bodies or Committees shall be audio and/or visually recorded, broadcast and/or live streamed publically by the Town, with the exception of proceedings closed to the public provided for in Closed Meetings Section of this Procedure By-law.Revised42 51 c) The use of audio and video recording equipment by the public or media will be permitted provided it is not disruptive to the meeting or the live streaming of the meeting. Attendees using their own recording, broadcasting and/or streaming devices are encouraged to inform the Clerk or Recording Secretary to ensure attendees at the Meeting are notified through the Chair.Revised42 51 d) The approved minutes of a meeting will form the official record of the meeting. Any audio, video, or other record of the meeting shall not be considered an official record.New Added to clarify the official record of a meeting52 Review of Procedure By-law43 52 b) The Clerk shall bring forward housekeeping amendments, as required or as directed by Council.New Authority to bring forward housekeeping amendments to this by-lawn/a n/a n/aMeetings which are not closed to the public may be taped, televised or otherwise electronically or mechanically recorded so long as the taping, televising or recording is carried out in a manner that does not interfere with the conduct of the Meeting.Adopted at the Procedure By-law Review Workshop of December 15, 2015General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 76 of 114 1(26) OFFICE CONSOLIDATION COPY PROCEDURAL BY-LAW NUMBER 5330-11 As Amended by By-law No. 5488-13 and By-law No. 5556-13 INDEX SECTION 1 – DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 4 PART I – MEETINGS OF COUNCIL ............................................................................... 6 SECTION 2 – CALLING OF MEETINGS ............................................................................. 6 2.1 APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 6 2.2 INAUGURAL MEETING ................................................................................ 6 2.3 REGULAR COUNCIL AND GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS ........................ 7 2.4 TAPING, TELEVISING, RECORDING ............................................................. 7 2.5 JULY/AUGUST MEETINGS .......................................................................... 7 2.6 PUBLIC PLANNING MEETINGS .................................................................... 7 2.7 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS .................................................................... 7 2.8-2.9 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ........................................................ 7 2.10 NOTICE TO MEMBERS ............................................................................... 8 2.11 NOTICE TO MEDIA AND PUBLIC .................................................................. 8 2.12 CONTENT OF NOTICE ................................................................................ 9 2.13 CANCELLATION/POSTPONEMENT ............................................................... 9 2.14 PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ..................................................................................... 9 2.15 FAILURE TO MEET NOTICE PROVISIONS .................................................... 9 2.16 MEETINGS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ............................................................... 9 2.17-2.20 CLOSED MEETINGS .................................................................................. 9 2.21 PRIOR PUBLIC RESOLUTION .................................................................... 10 2.22 OPEN VOTES .......................................................................................... 10 2.23 CLOSED SESSION VOTES ........................................................................ 10 2.24-2.25 RECORD OF CLOSED SESSION MEETING ................................................. 11 SECTION 3 – ORDER OF BUSINESS ............................................................................. 11 3.1 OPEN FORUM ......................................................................................... 11 3.2-3.4 ORDER OF BUSINESS .............................................................................. 11 3.5-3.6 QUORUM ................................................................................................ 12 3.7 REVISED AGENDA ................................................................................... 12 3.8 DELEGATIONS ........................................................................................ 13 3.9 BEHAVIOUR ............................................................................................ 14 3.10 CURTAILMENT OF TIME ........................................................................... 14 3.11 EXPULSION............................................................................................. 14 3.12 CORRESPONDENCE ................................................................................ 14 3.13 NOTICE OF MOTION ................................................................................ 14 Attachment 3 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 77 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 2(26) 3.14 NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................. 14 3.15 PROCLAMATIONS/RESOLUTIONS ............................................................. 15 3.16 ADJOURNMENT ....................................................................................... 15 3.17 CONTENT OF MINUTES OF COUNCIL AND GENERAL COMMITTEE ............... 15 3.18-3.21 APPROVAL ............................................................................................. 16 3.22 SIGNATURE ............................................................................................ 16 SECTION 4 – CONDUCT OF MEETINGS ......................................................................... 16 4.1-4.4 DUTIES OF THE CHAIR ............................................................................ 16 4.5 DEPUTY MAYOR ..................................................................................... 17 4.6 CONDUCT OF MEMBERS ......................................................................... 17 4.7 SUSPENSION OF PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 18 4.8 STATUTORY HEARINGS ........................................................................... 18 4.9-4.10 RULES OF ORDER ................................................................................... 18 4.11-4.14 DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & GENERAL NATURE THEREOF .. 18 SECTION 5 – RULES OF DEBATE ................................................................................. 19 SECTION 6 – MOTIONS .............................................................................................. 20 6.1 MUST BE SECONDED .............................................................................. 20 6.2 MOVER AND SECONDER MAY VOTE IN OPPOSITION ................................. 20 6.3 WITHDRAWAL ......................................................................................... 20 6.4 ULTRA VIRES .......................................................................................... 20 SECTION 7 – SPECIFIC MOTIONS ................................................................................ 20 7.1 MOTION TO RECESS ............................................................................... 20 7.2-7.3 MOTION TO ADJOURN ............................................................................. 20 7.4-7.6 MOTION TO CALL THE QUESTION ............................................................ 21 7.7-7.8 MOTION TO TABLE .................................................................................. 21 7.9 MOTION TO DEFER ................................................................................. 21 7.10 MOTION TO REFER ................................................................................. 21 7.11-7.12 MOTION TO AMEND ................................................................................. 21 7.13 MOTION TO POSTPONE INDEFINITELY ...................................................... 21 SECTION 8 – VOTING ................................................................................................. 22 8.1 ORDER OF VOTES .................................................................................. 22 8.2 MEMBERS MUST VOTE ........................................................................... 22 8.3 ACTIONS DURING VOTES ........................................................................ 22 8.4-8.5 SPLIT VOTES .......................................................................................... 22 8.6 FAILURE TO VOTE DEEMED NEGATIVE ..................................................... 23 8.7 MAJORITY VOTE ..................................................................................... 23 8.8 TIE VOTE ............................................................................................... 23 8.9 METHOD OF VOTING ............................................................................... 23 8.10-8.11 RECORDED VOTE ................................................................................... 23 8.12-8.13 CLERK TO ANNOUNCE RESULTS OF RECORDED VOTE ............................. 23 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 78 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 3(26) 8.14 RECONSIDERATION OF MATTER .............................................................. 23 8.15-8.20 BY-LAWS ................................................................................................ 24 PART II – GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................. 24 SECTION 9 – GENERAL COMMITTEE ............................................................................ 24 SECTION 10 – AUDIT COMMITTEE ............................................................................... 25 SECTION 11 – REVIEW OF PROCEDURAL BY-LAW ......................................................... 25 SECTION 12 – REVIEW OF COUNCIL CODE OF ETHICS .................................................. 25 SECTION 13 – SEVERABILITY ...................................................................................... 25 SECTION 14 – CONFLICT ............................................................................................ 25 SECTION 15 – ENACTMENT ........................................................................................ 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 79 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 4(26) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 5330-11 BEING A BY-LAW to govern the procedures of The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and its Committees and Boards. WHEREAS subsection 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that every municipality and local board shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora considers it necessary and desirable to enact a By-law in this regard and to repeal any prior procedural by-laws and any amendments thereto; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 – Definitions In this By-law, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 “Act” shall mean the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended or re- enacted from time to time; 1.2 “Audit Committee” shall mean the General Committee and shall have separate terms of reference for its Audit Committee functions. 1.3 “C.A.O.” shall mean the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town; 1.4 “Chair” shall mean the person presiding at a Meeting in accordance with the provisions in this By-law governing that Meeting; 1.5 “Clerk” shall mean the Town Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, or his/her designate; 1.6 “Closed Session” shall mean a Meeting that is closed to the public; 1.7 “Committee” shall mean an Advisory Committee or similar body comprised of members of Council and/or members of the public, but does not include the General Committee; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 80 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 5(26) 1.8 “Council” shall mean The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora consisting of the Mayor and eight (8) Councillors; 1.9 “Delegation” shall mean an address to Council or a Committee at the request of a person wishing to speak; 1.10 “General Committee” shall mean all of the Members of Council sitting in committee and shall report to and make recommendations to Council; 1.11 “Inaugural Meeting” shall mean the first meeting of Council after a regular election as set out in section 230 of the Act; 1.12 “Local Board” shall mean a body established by Council pursuant to a specific statutory authority; 1.13 “Majority vote” shall mean an affirmative vote of more than one-half of the Members present and voting;   1.14 “Meeting” shall mean any Regular or Special or other Meeting of Council, General Committee, Local Board or a Committee thereof; 1.15 “Member(s)” shall mean a Member of Council and its Committees, including any Advisory, or Ad Hoc Committees, or Local Boards; 1.16 “Motion” shall mean a proposal moved by a Member, and seconded by another Member, to adopt, amend, or otherwise deal with a matter before Council or a Committee; 1.17 “Motion to defer” shall mean a motion to delay consideration of a matter until later in the same Meeting or to a future Meeting of Council or a Committee; 1.18 “Motion to receive” shall mean a motion to acknowledge an item, report, or recommendation under consideration and to have it placed in the records of Council with no additional action being taken; 1.19 “Motion to refer” shall mean a motion to dispose of a question under consideration, with or without any proposed amendment, in order to seek consideration by, and, if deemed desirable, one or more reports from any Committee, body, or official; 1.20 “Motion to table” shall mean a motion to postpone without setting a definite date as to when the matter will be considered again; 1.21 “Notice of Motion” shall mean a written notice of a motion respecting a substantive matter not on the Agenda for a Meeting of Council or General Committee (By-law No. 5556-13) which is received by the Clerk, for inclusion on the Agenda for a future Meeting of Council, unless notice thereof is waived pursuant to Section 4.7 of this By-law; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 81 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 6(26) 1.22 “Open Forum” shall mean an opportunity, preceding each regular Council meeting, for members of the public to voice opinions on subjects of municipal concern; 1.23 "Point of Order'' means the raising of a question by a Member of Council for the purpose of calling attention to a deviation or departure from the Rules of Procedure; 1.24 “Question of privilege or personal privilege” shall mean a question by a Member who believes that another Member has spoken disrespectfully towards that Member or another Member or who considers that his or her integrity or that of a Member or Town official has been impugned or questioned by a Member; 1.25 “Record” shall mean any written, audio, or video recording or any combination thereof for the purpose of compiling minutes of a public Meeting; 1.26 “Recorded vote” shall mean a written record of the name and vote of every Member voting on any matter or question conducted by the Clerk; 1.27 “Resolution” shall mean the decision of Council on any motion; 1.28 “Secretary” shall mean the person appointed to record the proceedings of any Meeting constituted pursuant to this By-law; 1.29 “Staff” shall mean employee(s) of the Town; 1.30 “Town” shall mean the Corporation of the Town of Aurora; 1.31 “Two-thirds majority vote” shall mean an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the Members present at the Meeting, as follows:  If 9 Members are present, 6 is a two-thirds majority  If 8 Members are present, 6 is a two-thirds majority  If 7 Members are present, 5 is a two-thirds majority  If 6 Members are present, 4 is a two-thirds majority  If 5 Members are present, 4 is a two-thirds majority PART I – MEETINGS OF COUNCIL Section 2 – Calling of Meetings Application 2.1 The rules of procedure set out in this By-law shall govern all proceedings of Council and its Committees, including any Advisory or Ad Hoc Committees, or Local Boards. Inaugural Meeting 2.2 The Inaugural Meeting of Council shall be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday in December after a regular election. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 82 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 7(26) Regular Council and General Committee Meetings 2.3 The next and each succeeding Regular Council Meeting shall be held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall, except as otherwise provided for in this By-law, and shall be held in accordance with the schedule of Meetings of Council and General Committee as prepared by the Clerk and approved by Council. All such Regular Council Meetings shall generally be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and General Committee Meetings shall generally be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. On the days in which a Regular Council Meeting is scheduled, Open Forum shall commence at 7:00 p.m. and the Regular Council Meeting shall commence immediately thereafter, or at such other time as is prescribed by resolution of Council where it is necessary to reschedule a Regular Council Meeting. Where a Regular Council Meeting day is a public or civic holiday, Council shall meet at the same hour on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday, as prescribed by resolution of Council. Taping, Televising, Recording 2.4 Meetings which are not closed to the public may be taped, televised or otherwise electronically or mechanically recorded so long as the taping, televising or recording is carried out in a manner that does not interfere with the conduct of the Meeting. July/August Meetings 2.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-law, during the months of July and August there shall be one (1) Regular Meeting of Council in each month. Public Planning Meetings 2.6 In addition to its schedule of Regular Meetings, where development-related applications have been submitted under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. Council shall meet in the Council Chambers on the last Wednesday of each month commencing at 7:00 p.m. to conduct public hearings to consider such applications. Special Council Meetings 2.7 (a) The Head of Council may at any time call a Special Council Meeting; or (b) Upon receipt of a petition of the majority of the Members of Council, the Clerk shall call a Special Council Meeting for the purpose and the time mentioned in the petition. Special Council Meeting Agenda 2.8 The Clerk, when it is reasonably possible, shall cause an agenda to be prepared, in the following order, for the use of Members at Special Council Meetings: (a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (b) Approval of the Agenda (c) Delegations General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 83 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 8(26) (d) Consideration of Business For Which Notice Was Given (e) By-laws (f) Adjournment 2.9 No Open Forum shall be held prior to a Special Council Meeting. Notice to Members 2.10 Notice to Members of all Meetings of Council or General Committee, agendas, agenda items, cancellations and rescheduling shall be provided by the Clerk to each Member’s residence or place of business, as directed by the Member, not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time set for the Meeting. Notice may be sent by first-class mail, courier, facsimile, electronic mail or posted to the Town’s official website. Notice to Media and Public 2.11 The Clerk shall provide notice to the public and the media of all Meetings of Council or Committee, agendas, agenda items, cancellations and rescheduling by: (a) Publishing the annual schedule of Meetings once adopted by Council by posting on the Town’s official website and by distributing copies upon request; (b) Updating the annual schedule of Meetings posted on the Town’s official website within twenty-four (24) hours of any changes made to the schedule; and (c) Not less than twenty-four (24) hours in advance, posting Meeting notices, agendas and agenda items on the Town’s official website. (d) Council shall generally hold its Meetings at the Town Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. unless Council meets in a Special Council Meeting called pursuant to the terms of this By-law or unless Council authorizes holding any Meeting at a different location or date or time and notice thereof has been provided in accordance with the provisions of this By- law. (e) In addition, notice of all Meetings of Council shall be provided to the public by posting to the Town’s official website, placing a copy of the agenda on the reception counter of the Customer & Legislative Services Department in the Town Hall, and by making a copy of the agenda available to the Aurora Public Library and to those members of the press who have requested that they be placed on the circulation list with the Clerk, not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the said Meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where such Meeting is a Special Council Meeting called pursuant to this By-law and it is not possible to provide the aforementioned notice, the Clerk shall make reasonable efforts to provide notice to those concerned. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 84 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 9(26) Content of Notice 2.12 Every notice of a Meeting of Council or Committee shall indicate the day, date, time and place of commencement of the Meeting, and the contact information for the Clerk’s office. Cancellation/Postponement 2.13 Any Meeting may be cancelled or rescheduled to a day, time and place set out in a written notice from the Clerk, sent to each Member as provided for in section 2.10 of this By-law and at least forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled date of the meeting. Public Holidays 2.14 In the event that a Regular Meeting of Council or General Committee shall fall upon a public holiday, the meeting shall be held at the same hour on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday. Failure to Meet Notice Provisions 2.15 Notice which is substantively given but which is irregular or not otherwise in strict compliance with this By-law will not invalidate the holding of a Meeting or any proceeding taken at a Meeting. Meetings Open to the Public 2.16 All Meetings shall be open to the public except as provided for in section 2.17 of this By-law. Closed Meetings 2.17 A Meeting or part of a Meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is: (a) The security of property of the Town or Local Board; (b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee; (c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board; (d) Labour relations or employee negotiations; (e) Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Town or a Local Board; (f) The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (g) The education and training of Members, provided that no Member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of Council; or (h) A matter in respect of which Council has authorized a Meeting to be in Closed Session under statutory authority. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 85 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 10(26) 2.18 The Chair of every Closed Session Meeting shall be the Mayor. In the absence or unavailability of the Mayor, the Chair shall be the Deputy Mayor. In the absence or unavailability of the Deputy Mayor the Chair shall be selected by those Members of Council being present. 2.19 The part of a Meeting that is closed to the public shall be held at General Committee whenever possible and any recommendations will be reported out and ratified at the next Council Meeting open to the public. The subject matter and recommendations will be reported out to the extent possible without divulging confidential information. 2.20 A Meeting shall be closed to the public if the subject matter relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, as amended, if the Council, Board, Commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act. Prior Public Resolution 2.21 Before holding a Meeting or part of a Meeting that is to be closed to the public, a municipality or Local Board or Committee of either of them shall state by public resolution: (a) The fact of holding the Closed Session; (b) The general nature of the matter to be considered; (c) The specific provision of the Act under which the Meeting in Closed Session is permitted; and (d) Where the purpose is for education or training, that the Meeting is to be held in Closed Session pursuant to subsection 239(3.1) of the Act. Open Votes 2.22 A Meeting shall not be closed to the public during the taking of a vote. Closed Session Votes 2.23 Despite section 2.22 of this By-law, a Meeting may be closed to the public during a vote if: (a) Subsection 239(2) of the Act permits or requires a Meeting to be closed to the public; and (b) The vote is for a procedural matter or for giving directions or instructions to officials, employees or agents of the Town, or persons retained by or under contract with the Town. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 86 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 11(26) Record of Closed Session Meeting 2.24 The Clerk shall prepare a Record of each Closed Session held in Council or General Committee, indicating: (a) The matter(s) discussed; (b) The specific provision under the Act under which the Meeting in Closed Session is permitted; (c) The Members in attendance; (d) The disposition of the matter(s); (e) The starting and concluding times for the Closed Session; and (f) The minutes are to be adopted at the next Closed Session Meeting. 2.25 Section 3.22 of this By-law does not apply to the Record created under section 2.24 of this By-law. Section 3 – Order of Business Open Forum 3.1 (a) During the twenty (20) minutes preceding each Regular Council Meeting, the Members shall attend in the Council Chambers for the purpose of providing an informal opportunity for any person to voice opinions on subjects of municipal concern. (b) Each person shall be required to sign the Open Forum Register held by the Clerk or Council/Committee Secretary prior to being permitted to address Council, and each person shall be limited to addressing Council for a maximum of five (5) minutes. (c) No decisions will be made as a result of comments made during Open Forum. However, Council will consider the comments when deliberating the issue if the item arises on the regular agenda. (d) Any comments made during Open Forum shall not form part of the minutes of the Council Meeting. Order of Business 3.2 The Council shall deal with matters in the following order, unless otherwise decided by the majority of the Members present: (a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (b) Approval of the Agenda (c) Adoption of the Minutes (d) Presentations (e) Public Service Announcements (f) Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion (g) Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion (h) Delegations General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 87 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 12(26) (i) Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion (j) Notices of Motion/Motions for Which Notice Has Been Given (k) Regional Report (l) New Business/General Information (m) Reading of By-laws (n) Closed Session (o) Adjournment 3.3 The Order of Business of General Committee shall in all cases be taken up in the following sequence, unless otherwise decided by the majority of the Members present: (a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (b) Approval of the Agenda (c) Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion (d) Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion (e) Delegations (f) Presentations by the Advisory Committee Chair (g) Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion (h) Notices of Motion (By-law No. 5556-13) (i) New Business/General Information (j) Closed Session (k) Adjournment 3.4 After the adoption of “Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion”, the Chair shall consult with the audience to determine who may be in attendance to hear specific items and the order of the items shall be prioritized by the Chair to address the identified issues first, for the benefit of those in attendance. Quorum 3.5 A majority of the Members shall constitute a quorum. 3.6 If there be no quorum present within thirty (30) minutes after the time fixed for holding the Meeting, the Clerk shall call the roll and take down the names of the Members present and the Meeting shall immediately stand adjourned until the next regular Meeting. Revised Agenda 3.7 After delivery of the Council or General Committee agenda, the Clerk may amend the agenda by way of a revised agenda by adding or deleting matters from the prepared agenda in consultation with the Mayor or the C.A.O. In this case, the Clerk shall endeavor to forward additional agenda material to the Members prior to the Meeting. The revised agenda may be presented at the Meeting, and is not subject to the Notice requirements set out in section 2.10 of this By-law. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 88 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 13(26) Delegations 3.8 (a) Delegations shall be encouraged to appear at the appropriate Committee first rather than Council. Anyone wishing to appear before General Committee or Council respecting an item on the agenda shall advise the Director of Customer & Legislative Services/Town Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Meeting. The request to appear shall be in writing and shall state in detail the nature of the matter to be presented by the spokesperson. (b) The Clerk shall give due consideration to the length of the agenda and the number of Delegations and shall advise to the requester the earliest possible date when their Delegation may be accommodated. A maximum of three (3) Delegations shall be allowed to address Council per Meeting. (c) No person other than the designated spokesperson may speak on the matter and not for more than five (5) minutes. (d) Anyone wishing to speak on an item that is not on the Council agenda shall be directed to appear at the Open Forum session that precedes Council Meetings. Alternatively, the Delegation may be placed on a Committee agenda to address an issue that is not on the Council agenda. (e) A Delegation not on the agenda shall not be heard without the consent of at least a two-thirds majority of the Members present. (f) All Delegations appearing before General Committee or Council shall be permitted to speak only once on an item. Once discussion in respect of a motion or resolution has commenced, no further presentation shall be made by the delegate or by any other person other than a Member of Council. (g) Members of Council shall ask questions of the delegate only for clarification and shall not engage the delegate in discussion. (h) Any person may speak on the matter at a Public Planning Meeting provided that the spokesperson is speaking on an item that is contained in the agenda. The delegate shall not speak for more than five (5) minutes, but may have an opportunity to speak more than once on the agenda item. (i) Delegations shall speak in order of the item as it is listed on the agenda. (j) Presentations of general interest shall be placed on the Council agenda and shall be limited to ten (10) minutes per presentation. (k) For matters which are more properly within the responsibility of Town Staff, the Clerk shall notify the proposed delegate that the Delegation shall not be listed on the agenda, and shall direct the proposed delegate to the appropriate Town Department. The delegate shall not be listed on an agenda for Delegation until Staff has had the opportunity to address the matter. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 89 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 14(26) Behaviour 3.9 No delegate shall: (a) Speak disrespectfully of any person; (b) Use offensive words or unparliamentary language; (c) Speak on any subject other than the subject for which he or she has received approval to address Council or Committee; or (d) Disobey the rules of procedure or a decision of the Chair or Council. Curtailment of Time 3.10 The Chair may curtail any Delegation, any questions of a delegate or debate during a Delegation for disorder or any other breach of this By-law, and, if the Chair rules that the Delegation is concluded, the person or persons appearing shall withdraw. Expulsion 3.11 The Chair may cause to be expelled and exclude any member of the public, who creates any disturbance or acts improperly during a Meeting of Council. If necessary, the Chair may call upon the Clerk to seek the appropriate assistance from security or police officers. Correspondence 3.12 (a) Correspondence addressed to the Mayor and Council shall be acknowledged by the Director of Customer & Legislative Services/Town Clerk and sent directly to the appropriate Committee or Director for response or action. (b) Copies of such correspondence shall also be distributed to Members of Council and the C.A.O. (c) Members of Council may direct that correspondence, letters or resolutions be placed on an agenda, but not as an added item to an agenda that has already been circulated. Notice of Motion 3.13 (a) A Member desiring to introduce a subject for discussion by Council shall provide a Notice of Motion in writing to the Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Thursday prior to a regular Council or General Committee (By-law No. 5556-13) Meeting. (b) The Motions for Which Notice Has Been Given shall be included on the next Council agenda for consideration and disposition. New Business/General Information 3.14 This section shall contain items which a Member may introduce which were not circulated with the agenda and which, due to their nature cannot be properly presented at a subsequent Meeting of Council or appropriate Committee. Members may raise questions regarding matters that may be appropriate for Staff comment in the form of immediate response or subsequent follow-up. Any New Business/General Information consideration that results in a direction to Staff shall General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 90 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 15(26) require a Notice of Motion by a Member of Council as set out in section 3.13 of this By-law. Proclamations/Resolutions 3.15 (a) All requests for endorsement of resolutions from municipalities outside of the Region of York shall be acknowledged by the Director of Customer & Legislative Services/Town Clerk, with the advice that the Town of Aurora does not take action on resolutions received from other municipalities, but rather makes its position known through the appropriate municipal association, or alternatively, directly to the relevant Minister or government leader. (b) Any resolutions from municipalities within York Region are to be placed on a Council agenda for direction. (c) Resolutions initiated by the Town of Aurora shall not be circulated to other municipalities for endorsement outside of York Region, but shall instead be directed to the appropriate Minister of the government involved, and to the relevant municipal association. (d) Resolutions from charitable or non-profit organizations shall be acknowledged by the Mayor, and subject to the nature of the resolution, the Mayor may direct that the request be added to a Council or Committee agenda for consideration. (e) Copies of all resolutions will be circulated to all Members of Council, the C.A.O., and Directors via electronic mail. (f) Any resolution may be placed on a Council or Committee agenda at the request of a Council Member. (g) Requests for proclamations will be sent directly to the Mayor’s office for consideration and not placed on the public agenda. Adjournment 3.16 (a) No item of business shall be considered at a Meeting of Council or General Committee after 10:30 p.m. local time unless a majority of the Members present enact a resolution to extend the hour. (b) If Council or General Committee is still in session at 11:00 p.m., it shall be adjourned unless a two-thirds majority of Council concurs in the extension of the Meeting. Content of Minutes of Council and General Committee 3.17 The minutes of each Council and General Committee Meeting shall record: (a) The place, date, and time of Meeting; (b) The name of the Chair and the attendance of the Members and senior Staff; and (c) Each item considered by Council and the decisions of the Meeting without note or comment. (d) Minutes of a Meeting shall be reviewed and/or amended and approved at the next regular Meeting of Council. (e) It shall be the duty of the Clerk to ensure that the minutes of each regular Meeting, Public Planning Meeting and Special Council Meeting are made General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 91 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 16(26) available to each Member within a reasonable amount of time after the holding of such Meeting. Approval 3.18 The minutes of each Council Meeting shall be presented to Council for adoption at the next regular Meeting. 3.19 The General Committee shall report directly to Council. 3.20 No discussion or recommendation of the General Committee shall constitute an act of Council unless such recommendation is adopted by Council. 3.21 The report from General Committee that is presented to Council shall not contain the mover or seconder on each item but rather shall only show recommendations endorsed by General Committee. Signature 3.22 After the Council minutes have been approved by Council, they shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk. Section 4 – Conduct of Meetings Duties of the Chair 4.1 (a) The Chair of every Council Meeting shall be the Mayor. In the absence or unavailability of the Mayor, the Chair shall be the Deputy Mayor. In the absence or unavailability of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the Chair shall be selected by those Members of Council being present. (b) The Chair for the General Committee shall be rotated among the Members of Council, excluding the Mayor, every two (2) consecutive meetings except in July and August, in descending order of votes received by the Members in the last regular election. (c) In the absence of the person appointed as Chair, the Committee Members shall appoint one of their Members as Chair for the purpose of that Meeting. (d) The Chair shall expel or exclude from any Meeting any person whom the Chair feels has exhibited improper conduct at that Meeting. 4.2 As soon as there is a quorum after the time set for the Meeting, the Mayor, or Member of Council in General Committee rotation, shall take the Chair and call the Members to order. 4.3 The Mayor shall Chair the Meetings of Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively, and shall: (a) Maintain order and preserve the decorum of the Meeting; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 92 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 17(26) (b) Rule on all procedural matters, without debate or comment; (c) Receive and submit to a vote all motions presented by the Members that do not contravene the rules of procedure; (d) Decline to put to a vote motions which do not comply with the rules of procedure, or which are not within the jurisdiction of Council; (e) Announce the results of the vote on any motions presented for a vote; (f) Expel or exclude from any Meeting any person whom the Chair feels has exhibited improper conduct at that Meeting; (g) Adjourn or suspend the Meeting if he or she considers it necessary because of grave disorder; and (h) Close the Meeting when business is concluded or recess the Meeting as may be required. 4.4 If a Member disagrees with the ruling of the Chair, he or she may appeal the ruling of the Chair immediately. The Chair, in response, shall call a vote on the question of sustaining the ruling of the Chair. The Chair may provide further explanation of the ruling prior to calling the vote. Deputy Mayor 4.5 The Council Member who received the highest number of votes in the last regular election shall be the Deputy Mayor, to act in the place and stead of the Mayor when the Mayor is absent from the municipality, or is absent through illness, or refuses to act, or the office is vacant. The Deputy Mayor shall have all of the duties, rights, powers and authority of the Mayor during such absence, refusal to act, or vacancy of office. Conduct of Members 4.6 No Member shall: (a) Use offensive words, inappropriate actions or unparliamentary language in or against Council or against any Member of Council or any Staff member or any member of the public; (b) Speak disrespectfully of any member of the Royal Family, the Governor General, the Lieutenant Governor of any Province, Council, any municipality, any Member or any official or employee of the Town; (c) Engage in private conversation while in the Council Meeting or use electronic devices including cellular phones, personal digital assistants, media players, and pagers in any manner that disrupts the Member speaking or interrupts the business of Council; (d) Leave his or her seat or make any noise or disturbance while a vote is being taken and until the result of the vote is announced; (e) Speak on any subject other than the subject under debate; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 93 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 18(26) (f) Where a matter has been discussed in Closed Session, and where the matter remains confidential, disclose a confidential matter or the substance of deliberations at a Closed Session, except to the extent that Council has previously released or disclosed the matter in public. All information, documentation or deliberations received, reviewed or provided in a closed session meeting is confidential. Members of Council shall not release, reproduce, copy or make public any information or material considered at a closed session meeting, or discuss the content of such a meeting with persons other than members of Council or relevant staff members, prior to it being reported in public by Council; (g) Criticize any decision of Council except for the purpose of moving that the question be reconsidered; (h) Contravene the rules of Council or a decision of the Chair or of Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of Council. In case a Member persists in any such contravention, after having been called to order by the Chair, the Chair shall not recognize that Member, except for the purpose of receiving an apology from the Member tendered at that Meeting or any subsequent Meeting. Suspension of Procedural Requirements 4.7 (a) The provisions of this By-law shall be observed in all proceedings of Council and its Committees, except that the rules and regulations contained herein may be suspended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members present. (b) A motion to suspend the rules of procedure required by this By-law shall not be debatable or amendable. Statutory Hearings 4.8 Hearings required by statute shall be undertaken in accordance with the prescription and procedure outlined in the relevant statute or as otherwise directed by law. Rules of Order 4.9 In all circumstances in the proceedings of Council or its Committees not provided for in this By-law, resort shall be had to Bourinot’s Rules of Order as a rule for guidance on the question, and in such cases, the decision of the Chair shall be final and acquiesced to without debate subject to section 4.4 of this By-law. 4.10 In the event of conflict between the provisions of this By-law and relevant legislation, the provisions of the legislation shall prevail. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 4.11 Where a Member, either on his or her own behalf or while acting for, by, with or through another, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter and is present at a Meeting at which the matter is the subject of consideration, the Member shall, in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, as amended: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 94 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 19(26) (a) Prior to any consideration of the matter at the Meeting, disclose the Member’s interest and the general nature thereof; and (b) Not take part in the discussion of, or vote on any question in respect of the matter; and (c) Not attempt in any way whether before, during or after the Meeting to influence the voting on the matter. 4.12 Where a Meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the requirements set out in section 4.11 of this By-law, the Member shall forthwith leave the Meeting or the part of the Meeting during which the matter is under consideration. 4.13 Where the interest of a Member has not been disclosed by reason of the Member’s absence from a particular Meeting, the Member shall disclose the Member’s interest and otherwise comply at the first Meeting of Council or Committee, as the case may be, attended by the Member after the particular Meeting. 4.14 The Clerk shall record the particulars of any disclosure of pecuniary interest and general nature thereof made by a Member, and this record shall appear in the minutes of that Meeting. Section 5 – Rules of Debate 5.1 To address Council, a Member shall request to speak and be recognized by the Chair. 5.2 Prior to speaking to any question or motion, each Member shall engage his or her microphone and address the Chair. 5.3 When two (2) or more Members indicate their desire to speak at the same time, the Chair shall designate the order of speakers. 5.4 When a Member is speaking, no other Member shall interrupt the Member speaking except to raise a point of order or question of privilege. 5.5 Any Member may require a motion or question under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt the Member speaking. 5.6 No Member shall speak for longer than ten (10) minutes on a question without Council’s permission. 5.7 No Member shall speak more than twice to the same question without Council’s permission, except that a reply shall be permitted only from a Member who has presented the main motion. 5.8 When a Member wishes to raise a point of order or question of privilege, the Member shall ask leave of the Chair to raise the point. After leave is granted, the Member shall state the point to the Chair and then remain silent until the Chair has ruled upon the point. 5.9 Subject to being overruled by Council on a vote which shall be taken immediately and without debate, the Chair shall rule on the point. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 95 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 20(26) 5.10 Any Member may challenge the ruling of the Chair immediately following the ruling. 5.11 The Chair’s ruling is final unless it is challenged. 5.12 Council’s decision is final if the Chair is challenged. Section 6 – Motions Must be Seconded 6.1 A motion shall be moved and seconded before the Chair shall put the question and the motion is recorded in the minutes of the Meeting. Mover and Seconder May Vote in Opposition 6.2 A Member may move a motion in order to initiate discussion and debate and that Member may vote in opposition to the motion. A seconder of a motion may vote against the motion. Withdrawal 6.3 After a motion is moved and seconded at a Meeting and debate has taken place, it may not be withdrawn without the consent of the mover and seconder and a majority vote provided that all Members who have indicated a desire to speak to the motion have spoken. Ultra Vires 6.4 A motion in respect of a matter which is ultra vires of the jurisdiction of the Meeting shall not be in order. Section 7 – Specific Motions Motion to Recess 7.1 A motion to recess is not debatable, shall specify the length of the recess, and may only be amended with respect to the length of the recess. Motion to Adjourn 7.2 A motion to adjourn a Meeting is not debatable and shall always be in order except when: (a) Another Member is in possession of the floor; (b) A vote has been called; (c) Members are voting; or (d) A Member has indicated to the Chair his or her desire to speak on the matter before the Meeting. 7.3 A motion to adjourn shall take precedence over any other motion and shall be put immediately without debate. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 96 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 21(26) Motion to Call the Question 7.4 A motion to call the question is not debatable. 7.5 A Member who moved a motion to call the question shall not be allowed to speak to the question again if the motion is decided in the negative. 7.6 A motion to call the question shall be put immediately without debate. Motion to Table 7.7 A motion to table shall not be amended or debated and shall apply to the motion and any amendments under debate when the motion to table is made. 7.8 If the motion to table carries, in the absence of any direction from Council, the matter may not be discussed until the C.A.O., or a Member through a Notice of Motion, brings it forward to a subsequent Meeting. Motion to Defer 7.9 A motion to defer or any amendment to it is debatable and shall include: (a) The time period within which consideration of the matter is to be deferred; and (b) Whatever explanation is necessary to demonstrate the purpose of the motion to defer. Motion to Refer 7.10 A motion to refer or any amendment to it is debatable and shall include: (a) The name of the Committee or official to whom the motion or amendment is to be referred; and (b) The terms upon which it is to be referred and the time or period, if any, on or within which the matter is to be returned. Motion to Amend 7.11 A motion to amend: (a) Shall be open to debate and shall be relevant to the main motion; and (b) Shall not propose a direct negative to the main motion. (c) Only one motion to amend a motion shall be on the floor at any one time. 7.12 After the motion to amend has been voted on, the main motion (as amended) shall, if no other amendment is proposed, be put to a vote. Motion to Postpone Indefinitely 7.13 A motion to postpone indefinitely (to table) shall be debatable, shall not be amended, and may be reconsidered. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 97 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 22(26) Section 8 – Voting Order of Votes 8.1 Motions relating to an item under consideration shall be voted on in the following order: (a) Motion to waive or suspend the rules of procedure; (b) Motion to recess; (c) Motion to adjourn; (d) Motion to call the question; (e) Motion to receive an item; (f) Motion to table an item; (g) Motion to defer; (h) Motion to refer; (i) Motion to amend; (j) Main motion. Members Must Vote 8.2 Every Member present at a Meeting where a question is put shall vote on the question, unless prohibited by statute, in which case the Clerk shall so record. The Chair may not move or second any motion. The Chair shall vote on a motion but shall not have a second or casting vote in the event of an equality of votes on any motion. Actions During Votes 8.3 When the Chair calls for the vote on a question: (a) Each Member shall occupy his or her seat and shall remain in place until the result of the vote has been declared by the Chair; and (b) During this time no Member shall walk across the room or make any other motion or speak to the question or any other Member or make any noise or disturbance. Split Votes 8.4 Upon the request of any Member, and when the Chair is satisfied that a matter under consideration contains distinct proposals, the vote upon each proposal shall be taken separately. 8.5 A vote on the main motion, as amended, may be split for the purpose of complying with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 98 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 23(26) Failure to Vote Deemed Negative 8.6 If any Member present does not vote at a Meeting of the Council where a question is put and a recorded vote taken, he or she shall be deemed to vote in the negative except where the Member is prohibited from voting by statute. Majority Vote 8.7 All decisions of the meeting shall require a majority vote except as otherwise set out in this By-law or legislation. Tie Vote 8.8 Any motion that receives a tie vote shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative. Method of Voting 8.9 A Member shall vote by raising a hand or otherwise indicating the Member’s vote, except where a recorded vote is requested. The Chair shall announce the result of all votes taken. Recorded Vote 8.10 A request by a Member for a recorded vote shall be made prior to the commencement of the vote being taken or immediately thereafter. 8.11 Where a vote is to be taken for any purpose, a Member may request that the vote be recorded immediately before or after the taking of the vote, but prior to any consideration of another matter of Council, and each Member present, except a Member who is disqualified from voting by statute, shall announce their vote openly, and any failure to vote by a Member who is not disqualified, shall be deemed to be a negative vote. Members shall vote in random order as determined by the Clerk. The Clerk shall record each vote. Clerk to Announce Results of Recorded Vote 8.12 The Clerk shall announce the results of the recorded vote. 8.13 No vote taken at a Committee Meeting shall be a recorded vote and any vote previously taken during that Meeting may be reconsidered. Reconsideration of Matter 8.14 After Council determines the final outcome of a matter, such matter shall not be reconsidered within six (6) months unless there is a motion, which has been seconded, to reconsider the matter and it carries by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members present. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, any matter that was determined in the negative as a result of a tie vote due to an absent Member of Council may be reconsidered at the next Council meeting via a motion, which has been seconded, to reconsider the matter and it is carried by a simple majority vote of the Members present. (By-law No. 5488-13) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 99 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 24(26) By-laws 8.15 All by-laws shall be given first, second and third readings in a single motion, unless a Member wishes to discuss the contents of a by-law, at which time the subject by-law shall be removed from the motion and dealt with separately. 8.16 The Clerk shall present the following by-laws directly to Council: (a) The appointment of staff for by-law inspection, municipal law enforcement and Provincial Offences administration; (b) Consolidation of by-laws or housekeeping amendments; (c) General by-laws where the purpose and intent of the by-law have been clearly authorized by a previous Council; (d) A by-law to levy Interim Property Taxes; (e) Part-lot control by-laws; and (f) A by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council. 8.17 The proceedings at every Meeting of Council shall be confirmed by by-law so that every decision of Council at that Meeting of Council and every resolution thereof shall have the same force and effect as if each and every one of them had been the subject matter of a separate by-law duly enacted. 8.18 All amendments to any by-law approved by Council shall be deemed to be incorporated into the by-law and if the by-law is enacted by Council, the amendments shall be inserted by the Clerk. 8.19 The Clerk may make such minor clerical, typographical or grammatical deletions, additions or other changes in form to any by-law, motion, resolution and/or minutes as may be required for the purpose of ensuring correct and complete implementation of the actions of Council. 8.20 Every by-law enacted by Council shall be signed by the Mayor, or by the Deputy Mayor in the Mayor’s absence, and by the Clerk. The corporate seal shall be affixed to the by-law and the by-law shall be numbered, dated and deposited in the Clerk’s office. PART II – GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 9 – General Committee 9.1 Council hereby establishes a General Committee which shall be comprised of all Members of Council. 9.2 The General Committee may consider delegations, correspondence, staff reports and matters for discussion in relation to matters ordinarily within the competence of the Town’s Departments which may require more elaboration and discussion than General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 100 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 25(26) would be appropriate in a formal Council Meeting and such other matters as Council may by resolution determine. 9.3 General Committee shall consider reports from Advisory and Ad Hoc Committees as may be established by Council. 9.4 Upon consideration of such matters as are provided for herein, the General Committee shall report to and make recommendations to Council. Section 10 – Audit Committee 10.1 Council hereby establishes an Audit Committee which will be comprised of all Members of Council, or Council as a whole, for the purpose of reviewing audited financial statements, recommending their receipt to Council, reviewing significant management letter comments and related recommendations and to recommend to Council the appointment of auditors. The Committee’s mandate shall include operational reviews. Meetings shall be held at the call of the Chair. Agendas shall be distributed to Members of Council at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Meeting. Section 11 – Review of Procedural By-law 11.1 Council shall review this By-law within the first six (6) months of the second year of each term of Council. Section 12 – Review of Council Code of Ethics 12.1 Council shall review the Council Code of Ethics within the first six (6) months of the first year of each term of Council. Section 13 – Severability 13.1 Each and every one of the provisions of this By-law is severable and if any provisions of this By-law should, for any reason, be declared invalid by any Court, it is the intention and desire of Council that each and every one of the then remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. Section 14 – Conflict 14.1 If there is any conflict between this By-law and any statute, the provisions of the statute shall prevail. Section 15 – Enactment 15.1 THAT By-law Numbers 4835-06.C, 4912-07.C, 4972-07.C, 5057-08.C, 5300-11, and 5335-11 be and are hereby repealed. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 101 of 114 Office Consolidation Copy Procedural By-law Number 5330-11, as amended 26(26) 15.2 THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of final passage hereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 22ND DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 22ND DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 2 Page 102 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1 st floor)(HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) January 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 New Year’s Day/ Hanukkah (Last Day) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (LR) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 29 30 31 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) Attachment 4General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 103 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) February 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Committee (HR) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (Newmarket) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 7 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee (LR) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 7 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (HR) 10 a.m. Trails and Active Transportation Committee (CC) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Family Day 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 26 27 28 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 104 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) March 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (LR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 8 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 March Break 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) March Break March Break March Break March Break 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 26 27 28 29 30 31 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 105 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) April 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (Newmarket) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Committee (HR) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) Passover (First Day) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 7 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee (LR) Good Friday 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Easter Sunday Easter Monday 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) Passover (Last Day) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 7 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (HR) 10 a.m. Trails and Active Transportation Committee (CC) 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 106 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) May 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) Art Show Art Show Art Show Art Show 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Art Show 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (LR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Victoria Day 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 28 29 30 31 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 107 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) June 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Committee (HR) FCM Conference FCM FCM 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FCM 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (Newmarket) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 7 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee (LR) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 6 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (HR) 10 a.m. Trails and Active Transportation Committee (CC) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 25 26 27 28 29 30 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 6:30 p.m. Audit Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 108 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) July 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Canada Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 109 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) August 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Civic Holiday 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AMO Conference AMO AMO AMO 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 110 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) September 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Labour Day 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (LR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Committee (HR) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 8 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 7 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee (LR) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 7 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (HR) Rosh Hashanah 10 a.m. Trails and Active Transportation Committee (CC) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) Yom Kippur General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 111 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) October 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (Newmarket) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Thanksgiving Day 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 9 a.m. Budget Committee (Capital Budget) (CC) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 29 30 31 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 112 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) November 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Committee (HR) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:30 a.m. Joint Council Committee (LR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 7 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee (LR) Remembrance Day 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 a.m. Budget Committee (Operating Budget) (CC) 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 7 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (HR) 10 a.m. Trails and Active Transportation Committee (CC) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 p.m. Budget Committee (Operating Budget) (CC) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 26 27 28 29 30 7 p.m. Budget Committee (Operating Budget) (CC) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 113 of 114 (CC) Council Chambers (1st floor) (HR) Holland Room (1st floor) (LR) Leksand Room (1st floor) (TR) Tannery Room (2nd floor) Revision: November 15, 2016 (Draft) December 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. General Committee (CC) 4 p.m. Accessibility Advisory Committee (LR) Tree Lighting Ceremony 7 p.m. Committee of Adjustment (CC) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 p.m. Heritage Advisory Committee (HR) 5:30 p.m. Council Closed Session (if required) (HR) 7 p.m. Council (CC) 7 p.m. Aurora Public Library Board 8 p.m. Aurora Cultural Centre Board Hanukkah (First Day) 5:30 p.m. Finance Advisory Committee (LR) 7 p.m. Public Planning (CC) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30 Christmas Eve/New Year’s Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 2 Page 114 of 114 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. CAO16-006 Subject: Economic Development Model Review and Comparison Prepared by: Anthony Ierullo, Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning Department: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Date: November 15, 2016 Recommendation 1.That Report No. CAO 16-006 be received; and, 2.That the Hybrid Model for Economic Development be endorsed; and 3.That staff be directed to bring forward an implementation plan for 2017. Executive Summary •On September 27, 2016, Council approved a motion directing staff to prepare an evaluation of the prominent economic development models currently in use in Ontario. •Staff completed the analysis and identified three prominent economic development models in Ontario: the Municipal model, the Non-profit Development Corporation model and the Hybrid model. •Staff is recommending that the Town implement a Hybrid model to deliver economic development services in Aurora. The hybrid model is typically considered an extension of the municipal model with the addition of a board/committee. •If directed by Council, staff will bring forward an option for consideration as part of the 2017 Budget and prepare for implementation of the recommended model in 2017. Background On September 27, 2016, Council approved the following Motion directing staff to prepare an evaluation of the prominent economic development models currently in use in Ontario: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 1 of 22 November 15, 2016 Page 2 of 7 Report No. CAO16-006 Whereas Municipal Economic Development is an activity which can be undertaken under a variety of models; and Whereas the Town of Aurora has currently adopted a Community Advisory Committee approach; and Whereas it is important that the Town of Aurora ensures adherence to best practices; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the Chief Administrative Officer investigate and report back to Council with regard to the best model to deliver Economic Development Services for the Town of Aurora moving forward; and Be It Further Resolved That a survey be sent to Council, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, and relevant staff to gauge the effectiveness and areas of improvement for the current economic development model; and Be It Further Resolved That this report be brought back in time to be considered for the 2017 budget. The following analysis has been prepared in response to the above Council approved motion. As directed by Council, staff completed a survey of staff, Council and the Economic Development Advisory Committee. Generally, survey participants felt that the current economic development model can be improved and additional focus, accountability and resources are required in economic development. The results of the survey are attached and have been considered as part of the following analysis. Analysis Three Prominent Economic Development Models in use in Ontario Economic development services are provided through a variety of methods in Ontario. The majority of communities currently rely on staff within a municipality to deliver economic development services, while several larger municipalities have formed economic development corporations operating at arms-length with oversight from an independent board. These models are commonly referred to as the Municipal Model and Non-profit Economic Development Corporation model. A limited number of General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 2 of 22 November 15, 2016 Page 3 of 7 Report No. CAO16-006 municipalities have adopted a Hybrid model that is supported by a committee or board. All models have merits for providing opportunity for successful economic development services delivery dependent on the community needs and level of cooperation with partner jurisdictions. The various models are further described below: The Municipal Model Where economic initiatives are primarily development focused, municipalities typically employ a Municipal model providing services “in house” to ensure strong connections between the associated planning, public works, engineering and other municipal departments. These services are often structurally associated to encourage cooperation and enhanced customer service for economic development clients. This model is common in municipalities with aging infrastructure and traditional industries that are looking to make the shift to a more knowledge based or diversified economy. Economic development portfolios usually include a variety of priorities including business retention & expansion, brownfield redevelopment, industrial land development and small business support. This model can also include the appointment of an advisory committee to provide advice to Council on economic development considerations. This model is most commonly used in Ontario, York Region and Aurora. In York Region, the regional municipality offers support with economic research, investment attraction and small business support. The Non-Profit Development Corporation Model The Non-profit Economic Development Corporation model can focus on a number of functions including the marketing and promotion of the municipality but the mandate can also include a wider range of economic development functions. It is often supported by various levels of government and usually works in conjunction with the municipality it serves. In Ontario, this model usually operates as a corporation without share capital. A key component is the successful engagement of the private sector (as board members and financial contributors) with a focus on investment attraction, marketing, promotion and community investment. Non-profit Economic Development Corporations operate at arms-length and are not subject to the same limitations under the Municipal Act, 2001 related to bonusing and land acquisition. Moreover, non-profit economic development corporations are often eligible for funding and partnership opportunities that are not available to municipalities. Primary funding is usually provided by the municipality with the potential for supplementary private sector investment. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 3 of 22 November 15, 2016 Page 4 of 7 Report No. CAO16-006 Recent research suggests that this model is most effective in suburban growth type municipalities and relies heavily on a dedicated municipal staff with a mandate to deal with non-residential development as a priority. The Hybrid Model The Hybrid model is typically an extension of the municipal model with the addition of a board or committee. A less common application of this model is the appointment of a non-profit development corporation that is supported through the municipal model. In this instance, the corporation could hold a potential funding, advisory, investment and redevelopment mandate in addition to the more typical strategy mandate associated with the standard Advisory Committee mandate. The corporation is often less autonomous and requires municipal approval to fund programs and initiatives. The hybrid model can be effective for a mid-sized municipality that would like to take advantage of the potential mandate of a Non-profit Economic Development Corporation, while maintaining the connections between associated municipal functions and avoiding the additional cost of establishing a stand-alone administration. These corporations often have no assets or funding directly from the corporation, but are supported by municipal staff. Recommended Economic Development Model There are a number of economic development models that can be employed to drive economic development priorities. Aurora is a lower tier mid-sized community that would typically employ a municipal model to deliver economic development services. This is primarily due to the cost of administering a traditional Non-profit Development Corporation (NPDC), the active role of Regional government in leading investment attraction activities in York region and the Town’s position as an established community that is approaching buildout. However, there are a number of opportunities that are unique to Non-profit Development Corporations that align with the planned economic development focus in Aurora. Non-profit development corporations have the ability to provide incentives to business to promote economic development. There are several hundred acres of privately owned employment land that are coming to market in the coming years. The Town may benefit from having the ability to offer business incentives in select instances as a potential differentiator for large scale investment Aurora. In addition, Non-Profit Development Corporations have the ability to acquire, manage, redevelop and sell real estate to advance economic development opportunities. This may be beneficial in the Town leading downtown revitalization activities and actively promoting employment General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 4 of 22 November 15, 2016 Page 5 of 7 Report No. CAO16-006 development. Corporations also often have access to unique funding and public private partnership opportunities that may not always be available to a municipality due to potential Municipal Act, 2001 restrictions. Based on the above rationale, it is recommended that the Town pursue a Hybrid Model to deliver economic development services. Under this proposed model, economic development services would be delivered through an expanded Office of Economic Development within the Planning and Building Services Department with close alignment with the Office of the CAO. This expanded function would be supported by a non-profit development corporation governed by an economic development committee or board that would provide strategy and investment recommendations to Council in specific areas of the economic development mandate. The committee or board would “recommend” to Council any investments in proposed projects. Attachment 2 provides a more detailed description of the proposed economic development proposal. Economic Development Services Economic development service providers, whether internal or external corporations, provide a diverse range and numerous combinations of different functions or services that may include the following: •Site Selection •Economic Research •Information on Incentives •Small Business Support/Business Advisory Services •Property Sales & Management •Development/Redevelopment Services •Employment Land Revitalization •Downtown Revitalization •Marketing & Communications •Events and Promotional Activities •Investment Attraction •Liaison and Advocacy with various levels of Government •Information and Customer Service •Tourism Development •Strategic Planning Assistance •Physician Recruitment •Business Retention and Expansion •Cultural Event support and Promotion General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 5 of 22 November 15, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Report No. CAO16-006 Next Steps If Council supports the attached economic development proposal, the next steps towards a targeted Q1 roll out would be: 1.Present Plan to Council (November 2016) 2.Establish required funding as part of the 2017 Budget 3.Provide a full Implementation Plan to Council (December 2016) 4.Begin development of Economic Development Board (January 2017) 5.Establish Economic Development Board (Q1 2017) Advisory Committee Review None Financial Implications It is proposed that the resources required to facilitate the proposed economic development model are funded through the re-alignment or reallocation of existing or planned budgets. Communications Considerations None Link to Strategic Plan The report supports the Strategic Plan goal of Enabling a Creative, Diverse and Resilient Economy through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objective within this goal statement: Promoting economic opportunities that facilitate the growth of Aurora as a desirable place to do business. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 6 of 22 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 3 Page 7 of 22 Economic Development Model Survey Results – November 2016 Q1: Do you believe that the current Economic Development model in Aurora (the Municipal model) is effective at advancing economic development priorities? Q2: If yes, why do you believe that the current economic development model in Aurora (the Municipal model) is effective at advancing economic development priorities? 1.No response 2.Because there is direct staff accountability 3.The Municipal model is appropriate for a Town the size of Aurora and is well aligned with the magnitude of growth anticipated within the current Strategic Plan. Q3: If no, why do you not believe that the current economic development model in Aurora (the Municipal model) is effective at advancing economic development priorities? 1.No response 2.Appears to be difficult to attract new business/hotels 3.Lack of focus/strategic direction 4.Personality conflicts 5.No clear mandate for current committee 6.Because there is currently very little priority on economic development – no full time economic development staff with direct report to CAO 7.I just don’t see a strong focus on how the model is attracting, nurturing and retaining business Q4: Conceptually, rank your preferred economic development model, as described above, for advancing economic development priorities in Aurora? Results inconclusive due to small sample size combined with a number of skipped responses and the number of responses that indicated no preference at this time. Q5: Are there specific considerations based on your experiences with the Economic Development Advisory Committee or otherwise that you feel the Town should consider when determining the most appropriate economic development model to deliver services in Aurora? 1.Careful (interview based) selection of committee/board members 2.Municipal model provides direct accountability. Town needs dedicated economic development staff with direct report to Council to achieve results. Other 2 models dilute accountability. 3.An individual who is solely responsible for economic development and is responsible directly to the CAO 4.If Council wishes to see more aggressive results within the economic development portfolio of the Town, they should give serious consideration to increasing the staffing hours allocated to economic development and expertise required to be successful at driving a more accelerated pace of growth. 5.Not sure – would like to be presented with the various models. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Yes No Number of Responses Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 8 of 22 Attachment 2Economic Development Proposal Economic Development Proposal General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 3 Page 9 of 22 Economic Development Proposal Contents 1. Introduction/Background .................................................................................... 1 2. Strategic Role of Economic Development ......................................................... 2 3. New Economic Development Mandate ............................................................. 3 Expansion of Business Retention and Expansion Program ........................ 3 Relaunch and Expansion of Business Concierge Program ......................... 3 Responsible for Property Sales and Acquisitions ........................................ 4 Responsible for the Development of a scoped Tourism Program ............... 4 Expand Economic Development Marketing Activities ................................. 4 Develop and pursue economic development priority projects ..................... 4 4. Creation of Office of Economic Development to Support Mandate ................... 6 5. Re-launch of Economic Development Committee to Support Mandate ............ 8 6. Budget/Funding Considerations ........................................................................ 9 Capital Funding for Economic Development ............................................... 9 Operating Funds for Economic Development.. ............................................ 9 7. Next Steps ....................................................................................................... 1 O Appendix A .......................................................................................................... 11 ii General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 10 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 1. Introduction/Background Economic development refers to the sustained, concerted actions of policymakers and communities to improve the standard of living and economic health of an area. At the core of economic development is the creation of quality employment opportunities that enrich the lives of people. An enhanced quality of life for our residents includes opportunities for employment, recreation, retail and housing. The Town currently has a limited service economic development function that delivers core economic development services. The Town does not have any staff position dedicated to economic development, although several staff have been involved in economic development activities over the years. In total, less than one full time equivalent is currently dedicated to economic development. Based on research around economic development models, this level of investment in economic development appears to be atypical for a community the size of Aurora with significant economic development opportunities. Generally, the volume and quality of work generated by staff working on economic development projects represents good value for Council. However, there appears to be a mismatch between the perceived strategic role of economic development within the corporation and the operational focus on the function. There are also loosely defined tourism and cultural development ideas that can benefit from enhanced profile. The proposed Office of Economic Development is structured to provide a right sized solution that delivers services that leverage strategic opportunities and objectives. It will provide a more proactive approach to advancing economic development priorities. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 11 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 2. Strategic Role of Economic Development The Town is clearly committed to advancing economic development as a key priority. This commitment is highlighted in the Town's Strategic Plan, which dedicates one of three Pillars of the Strategic Plan to the "Economy". This strategic policy focus highlights economic development as an integral priority for Council and in the community. The Town of Aurora's Strategic Plan outlines a series of goals, objectives and actions that help guide municipal decisions over the next two decades. This action plan is guided by the economic goals, objectives and actions outlined in the Strategic Plan (available at www.aurorastrategicplan.com). In addition to the strategic role of ec~nomic development defined in the Strategic Plan, Council has also approved a number of related economic development strategies. This includes the Business Retention and Expansion Strategy and related Action Plan, Tourism Strategy, Cultural Master Plan and Economic Development Action Plan. The intent of the proposed Office of Economic Development is to re-align resources to better reflect the strategic role of economic development. 2 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 12 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 3. New Economic Development Mandate There is an opportunity to review service levels in economic development to better align with Council's strategic priorities. This will require an expanded mandate and scope for economic development that strategically positions the function corporately. The expanded mandate will focus on the expansion of services in strategic areas that offer the greatest return for Council. The newly proposed mandate is as follows: Expansion of Business Retention and Expansion Program In late 2012, the Town of Aurora undertook over 150 business visits as part of the Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) program. The goal of this program was to identify opportunities and actions to assist local businesses. This program resulted in a number of successes in quickly and efficiently addressing both opportunities and challenges highlighted by local businesses. Statistically, a significant proportion of new job creation is generated through existing business growth and networks. Moreover, maintaining an active and healthy relationship with local business is at the core of economic development. Based on best practices and the recent success of Business Retention and Expansion efforts locally, it is recommend that the Town expand and formalize a business visitation program, building on the previous work done in BR&E, with the following targets: • Target 500 business visitations each year (visit every business at least once every three years). • Meet with 10 largest employers semi-annually • Identity and address red flag issues raised in a business visitation within 30 days of the visitation • Regularly update and implement an action plan that addresses longer term issues raised by local business where appropriate Relaunch and Expansion of Business Concierge Program The Business Concierge Program is a unique program that streamlines and prioritizes development applications for larger non-residential investors. The program has had success in its limited application, but is currently resourced to take a handful of applications annually. It is proposed that the program be significantly expanded and relaunched as a strategic priority that coordinates all non-residential development applications across the corporation. This will be processed through the following structural changes: 3 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 13 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 1. All non-residential planning applications will be fully processed through the proposed Economic Development Office through the reassignment of internal resources within Planning and Building Services. 2. Non-residential minor variances, building permits and tree permits will be overseen by economic development as part of a scaled business concierge program that matches service levels with the complexity of the application. 3. All non-residential permits and applications will be tracked and expedited by the new Office of Economic Development. 4. Managing Cash in lieu of Parkland requirement for all non-residential applications will be transferred from Legal services to the new Office of Economic Development. Responsible for Property Sales and Acquisitions The Office of Economic Development will be responsible for managing property sales and acquisitions corporately. This includes managing all property purchases and sales, expropriations and land/building leases. This may include the (re)development of Town owned lands for economic development purposes. Responsible for Community Development to Enhance Tourism Opportunities While Aurora lacks significant tourism infrastructure (i.e. hotel, convention venue, major destination), the opportunity exists to enhance community assets and activities that could ultimately assist in a longer term tourism focus. For example, the numerous existing and planned activities around sport and culture could be supported by economic development with the goal of enhancing the attendance of visitors to the community. Expand Economic Development Marketing Activities There is an opportunity to partner with other levels of government to expand the focus on economic development marketing to support strategic programs. This includes developing economic development marketing material, managing applicable web content and promoting downtown revitalization. Specific projects include Community Improvement Plan (CIP) marketing, updating and managing BusinessAurora.ca, promoting the hotel strategy if needed, preparing and designing an economic development newsletter, engaging business on social media, promoting the medical campus etc. Develop and pursue economic development priority projects 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 14 of 22 Economic Development Proposal There are a number of economic development priorities developed by Council through its Strategic Plan and endorsed by the Economic Development Advisory Committee through the Economic Development Action Plan. It is expected that the Office of Economic Development will continue to lead strategic economic development projects as directed by Council and the CAO. The following strategic priorities are currently ongoing: a. Post-Secondary Institution b. Business Incubator c. Entertainment District d. Medical Campus e. Hotel and Convention Centre f. Broadband g. Downtown Revitalization h. Community Improvement Plans 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 15 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 4. Creation of Office of Economic Development to Support Mandate In order to support the expanded economic development mandate, a new Office of Economic Development is proposed. This group will represent economic development as a strategic priority for Council with authority to prioritize and advance key economic development initiatives. The Office will have prominence within the organization to reflect its strategic role. In order to facilitate this transition: • Roles and responsibilities will be redefined to create added focus on economic development. • Titles will be restructured to provide added emphasis on economic development • Economic development objectives will be highlighted at both ELT and Council • Economic Development will have a direct reporting relationship to the CAO In addition to the above, the following staffing changes will be employed to ensure that there are sufficient resources allocated to achieve the expanded mandate: • Re-evaluation and re-definition of the Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning role to a position that includes a strategic focus on economic development in addition to other complementary functions including planning, strategic planning and property sales and acquisitions. This process began with the re-organization of the environmental initiatives portfolio into Infrastructure and Environmental Services to create additional capacity for economic development at this level. • Dedicating .5 FTE from the Senior Policy Planner role to assist with the enhanced Business Concierge Program • Dedicating .5 FTE from the Program Manager, Economic Planning to assist with the enhanced Business Concierge Program • The creation of a new economic development position to manage expanded Business Retention and Expansion program as well as other economic development functions. 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 16 of 22 Economic Development Proposal • Partner with Corporate Communications to lead the development of economic development marketing materials, manage web design/content and promote downtown revitalization initiatives. Examples of projects that could benefit from added marketing resources include CIP marketing, review/update of businessaurora.ca, promotion of hotel strategy (if needed), development of a regular economic development newsletter, engaging business through social media, promotion of a medical campus. 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 17 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 5. Restructuring of Community Participation in Economic Development to Support Mandate In order to support the expanded economic development mandate, it is recommended that Council consider a restructuring of the Economic Development Advisory Committee. The Committee should have a defined structure through the creation of a Community Development Corporation. Membership should include targeted influential business leaders for specific sectors that play a significant role in the community. This new corporation would have a Council endorsed mandate to advance downtown revitalization objectives through the recommendation of funds for festivals, events and other activities that promote economic development. This supports the clear link between economic development and culture as highlighted in the Town's Cultural Master Plan. This may also include the ability to recommend investment in strategic economic development initiatives and projects including Community Improvement Plan programs. Council may also want to eventually consider added accountability for managing potential public/private partnerships including property assets such as the former Aurora Hydro Building, Aurora Armory, potential Aurora Promenade land holdings/expropriations and Broadband/Small Cell agreements. A preliminary terms of reference (Appendix A) has been developed to articulate the potential role and function of this new board. 8 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 18 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 6. Budget/Funding Considerations An expanded economic development mandate will require additional resources to implement. It is proposed that these resources be realized through the re- alignment or reallocation of existing or planned funding. These costs and the associated recommended funding approach are described below: Capital Funding for Economic Development It is recommended that Council redirect existing approved CIP funding (approx. $600,000) to a more general Economic Development Reserve Fund that could be used to fund economic development projects. Despite efforts to actively promote the program, there has been limited interest in the CIP program to date. The proposed new fund could continue to support the funding of CIP applications through the Aurora Promenade CIP, but also offer funding for other potential economic development projects as approved by Council. Council currently funds $200,000 per year through the capital budget to support the implementation of the CIP. It is recommended that Council continue to dedicate these CIP funds to economic development programs with an annual contribution of $100,000 to the Economic Development Reserve Fund. The remaining funds could be allocated to the operating budget to implement the related operational changes in economic development including the additional staff position. Operating Funds for Economic Development The proposal calls for the realignment of existing staff to support the expanded mandate. However, additional operating resources will be required to implement the program. These costs are primarily related to required additional staff resources and are estimated at $100,000. As mentioned above, it is proposed that $100,000 from previously committed capital funding be transferred to the operating budget to offset these costs. The proposed funding model realigns and redirects existing Council approved funding to implement the proposed Office of Economic Development at no additional cost to the community. 9 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 19 of 22 Economic Development Proposal 7. Next Steps 1. Present Plan to Council (November 2016) 2. Establish required funding as part of the 2017 Budget 3. Provide a full Implementation Plan to Council (December 2016) 4. Begin development of Economic Development Board (January 2017) 5. Establish Economic Development Board (01 2017) 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 20 of 22 Appendix A Aurora Community Development Corporation Draft Preliminary Terms of Reference Economic Development Proposal The Aurora Community Development Corporation (ACDC) is a non-share, not-for-profit, corporation, incorporated under the Business Corporations Act and Municipal Act, 2001 and is the economic development arm of the Town of Aurora. On behalf of the Council of the Town of Aurora, the Aurora Community Development Corporation provides strategic leadership and coordination of community economic development. The ACDC works with partners (provincial and federal governments, community agencies, educational institutions and local businesses) to strengthen and diversify existing business, attract new business and investment, and coordinate strategic economic development initiatives within the community. The goal of the Board of Directors is to strengthen economic development and quality of life within Aurora by: • supporting the expansion of current businesses; • advising on Downtown Revitalization Activities; • attracting, brokering and facilitating new business development; and, • encouraging continued economic diversification. This is accomplished by the Board: • assisting in the expansion of current businesses and the development of new businesses; • making recommendations to Council on funding and grants to advance downtown revitalization objectives and strategic economic development initiatives and projects; • promoting public/private partnerships opportunities that advance economic development interests; • recommending programs to Council that actively promote Aurora as a centre for advanced manufacturing, information technology and telecommunications, environmental technology, medical and related technologies, finance, insurance, real estate and leasing; and, 11 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 21 of 22 Economic Development Proposal • recommending programs that actively promoting Aurora as York Region's centre for education and training, business services, health services and government services. The Economic Development staff at the Town of Aurora serve as support to the Board of Directors at the Aurora Community Development Corporation. Board Composition The Board of Directors is composed of up to 8 private citizens that serve three-year terms and represent the various economic and geographic sectors of our community. Private members should be primarily influential business leaders that play a significant role in the community. Membership should include representation from large and small businesses, public and private sectors, private/public education, non-profit and accommodation/tourism providers. Previous membership on a governance board is an asset. In addition to the private members, the Board will include two Town Councillors and the Mayor of the Town of Aurora. A more detailed skills matrix will be developed and approved by Council prior to the establishment of the Board. Economic Development Strategy The ACDC provides a critical advisory role in promoting economic growth and diversification in the Town of Aurora. Economic development goals should seek to build on local strengths, mitigate inherent weaknesses, convey the desired outcomes of the strategic planning process and speak directly to the aspirations of the community. The ACDC is responsible for working with community stakeholders to develop and maintain an Economic Development Strategy to guide economic development activities and investment over the short, medium and long term. This Strategy will be updated and approved by Council every 5 years. Operational Activities In addition to the preparation of an Economic Development Strategy, the ACDC Board of Directors will also be responsible for reviewing the Economic Development Operational Plan that will be presented to the Board and approved by Council on an annual basis. 12 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 3 Page 22 of 22 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 4 Page 1 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 4 Page 2 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 4 Page 3 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 4 Page 4 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 4 Page 5 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 4 Page 6 of 6 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. CS16-012 Subject: Proclamation Policy Prepared by: Lisa Lyons, Town Clerk Department: Corporate Services Date: November 15, 2016 Recommendation 1.That Report No. CS16-012 be received; and 2.That the “Proclamation Policy” attached to Report No. CS16-012 be approved; and 3.That authority for approving or denying requests for proclamations be delegated to the Town Clerk. Executive Summary To request that Council approve a Proclamation Policy establishing criteria and procedures to ensure clarity and consistency when evaluating proclamation requests. Background The Town of Aurora has had a long practice of issuing proclamations to recognize activities, honour individuals, or mark important events related to charitable organizations, cultural and community groups. The Procedural By-law provides direction related to proclamation requests; specifically subsection 3.15 (g) states: “Requests for proclamations will be sent directly to the Mayor’s office for consideration and not placed on the public agenda.” Currently, proclamation requests are received by the Mayor’s Office and considered case-by-case based on an internal guideline rather than on a policy approved by Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 5 Page 1 of 10 November 15, 2016 Page 2 of 5 Report No. CS16-012 A monthly notice is posted at Town-owned facilities listing the approved proclamations and they are also posted on the Town website. On average, the Town receives 38 proclamation requests per year from various organizations as it assists in raising public awareness to an organization’s event, awareness campaign, and/or celebration. Analysis Challenges identified in current proclamation practice Several challenges have been identified through the administration of the current proclamation practice, including: • Incomplete requests result in staff researching proposals and often drafting proclamations on behalf of organizations; • Lack of an administration policy to approve or deny requests; • Lack of process to deal with special requests for communication of proclamations, such as additional advertising or coloured lighting at facilities; and • Proclamation requests may also include flag raising requests, and should be dealt with collectively under the Flag Protocol and Flag Raising Policy for efficiency. Improvements to the proclamation administration process To ensure clarity and consistency when evaluating proclamation requests, staff recommend that Council adopt the proposed Proclamation Policy attached as “Attachment 1” to this report. The proposed Policy provides for proclamation criteria, application procedure and identifies a process for communicating the proclamation. This Policy was developed after consultation with other municipalities and review of best practices related to proclamations, and also captures the Town’s current informal procedures. Should the proposed Policy be approved by Council, it is recommended that the reference to proclamations be removed from the Procedural By-law to prevent any duplication or confusion regarding the process moving forward. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 5 Page 2 of 10 November 15, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Report No. CS16-012 The chart below indicates how proclamations are currently administered throughout York Region: MUNICIPALITY RESPONSIBILITY POLICY Aurora Mayor’s Office Council Procedural Bylaw East Gwillimbury None Non-proclamation municipality King None Non-proclamation municipality Georgina Mayor’s Office No Markham Clerk’s Office Yes Newmarket Clerk’s Office No – Requests go to Council Richmond Hill Clerk’s Office Yes Whitchurch-Stouffville Clerk’s Office Council Procedural Bylaw Vaughan Clerk’s Office Yes The Clerk has delegated authority to approve or deny requests in the Flag Protocol and Flag Raising Policy; it would be efficient for Council to delegate authority to the Clerk for approving or denying requests for proclamations as well, subject to the terms of the proposed Policy. Next Steps • Should Council approve the recommendations contained in this report, the Clerk’s Office will work with the Mayor’s Office to ensure a seamless transition of the program. • Staff will develop an online Proclamation application form to streamline submissions, and will update the Town website to ensure accessibility for public stakeholders. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications There are no financial implications regarding the adoption of the proposed Proclamation Policy, other than the continued investment of a minimal amount of staff resources associated with administering the program. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 5 Page 3 of 10 November 15, 2016 Page 4 of 5 Report No. CS16-012 Communications Considerations The Legislative Services section of the Town website would be updated to provide access to the Proclamation Policy and the online Proclamation application form. Link to Strategic Plan The proposed Proclamation Policy supports the Strategic Plan goals of strengthening the fabric of our community through building stronger links and relationships with individuals, events, organizations and community groups that have a demonstrated interest or relationship with the Town and the community. The proposed Policy also supports the guiding principle of Progressive corporate excellence and continuous improvement by ensuring clarity and consistency when evaluating proclamation requests. Alternative(s) to the Recommendation 1.Council can maintain the current practice regarding proclamations as provided for in the Procedural By-law, and receive the report for information. Conclusions It is recommended that delegated authority pertaining to proclamations be transferred to the Clerk, and that a Proclamation Policy be adopted to ensure that the Clerk can consistently apply best practices in exercising authority as delegated. Attachments Attachment 1 – Proclamation Policy Previous Reports Not applicable. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 5 Page 4 of 10 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 5 Page 5 of 10November 15, 2016 Page 5 of 5 Report No. Pre-submission Review Agenda Management Team review on October 27, 2016 Departmental Approval Approved for Agenda h-/11.1. t' ~ Techa van Leeuwen Doug Nadorozny Director Chief Administrative Officer Corporate Services CS16-012 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 5 Page 6 of 10Attachment 1 TOWN OF AURORA Legal & Legislative Services Department Corporate Policies, Programs and Procedures Proclamation Policy Title of All Employees, Elected Proclamation Policy Affects: Officials and members of the Policy: public, and all Town Facilities Section: Legislative Services Replaces: Not applicable Original Not applicable Revision Not applicable Policy Date: Date: Effective TBD, 2016 Next Review As required Date: Date: Prepared Legal & Legislative Approval Council By: Services Authority: 1. Purpose 1.1. This Policy establishes a framework for the approval of Proclamation requests received by the Town. 2. Application 2.1. This Policy applies to all requests for Proclamations sent to the Clerk's Office. 2.2. The Policy does not apply to Notices of Motion submitted by Members of Council pursuant to the Procedural By-law that may result in Council proclaiming a particular event, day, week or month. 3. General Principles and Rules of the Policy 3.1. Proclamations are issued to acknowledge the efforts, commitment and achievement of individuals and organizations that enhance the community of Aurora. 3.2. Proclamations are issued to recognize public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns, and arts and cultural celebrations of significance to the Town. 3.3. A proclamation may recognize a particular event, day, week or month. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 5 Page 7 of 10Town of Aurora -Corporate Policies, Programs and Procedures Proclamation Policy Page 2 of 5 3.4. An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of its proclamation. 3.5. All proclamation requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and no individual or organization has the right to a proclamation. 3.6. The declaration of a proclamation is at the discretion of the Town, and the Town reserves the right to decline any request. 3.7. Where the Town issues a proclamation in accordance with this policy such proclamation does not constitute a personal or civic endorsement by the Town or approving official. 3.8. The Town of Aurora will not incur any expenses relating to the advertising and promotion of a proclamation. 4. Definitions 4.1. In this Policy, the following words have the following meanings: (a) "Clerk" means the Clerk appointed by Council pursuant to requirements of section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, or his/her designate. (b) "Council" means the Aurora Town Council. (c) "Procedural By-law" means the by-law that governs the calling, place and procedures of meetings of the Town, and that is enacted by Council in accordance with the requirements of subsection 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended. (d) "Town" means The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. 5. Proclamation Criteria 5.1. Proclamations may be issued by the Town to acknowledge the efforts, commitment and achievement of individuals and organizations that enhance the community of Aurora. 5.2. Proclamations may be issued by the Town to recognize public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns, and arts and cultural celebrations of significance to the Town. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 5 Page 8 of 10Town of Aurora -Corporate Policies, Programs and Procedures Proclamation Policy Page 3 of 5 5.3. A Proclamation may be issued by the Town if it pertains to one of the following matters: (a) Civic promotions; (b) Public awareness campaigns; (c) Charitable fundraising campaigns; (d) Arts and cultural celebrations; and (e) Special honours for individuals or organizations for special achievements. 5.4. A Proclamation will not be issued by the Town when the request pertains to any of the following: (a) Individuals, events, organizations or community groups with no demonstrated interest or direct relationship to the Town; (b) Matters of political controversy, political parties or political organizations; · (c) Religious organizations or religious events or celebrations; (d) Individual conviction; (e) Businesses or commercial enterprises, and celebrations, campaigns or events intended for profit making purposes; (f) Discriminatory or inflammatory matters; (g) Attempting to influence Town policy; (h) National, Independence or Republic Days; (i) Celebrations, campaigns or events contrary to Town Policies or by-laws; U) Illegal matters; (k) Matters which defame the integrity of the Town; (I) Matters designed to incite hatred or disorder; and, (m) Matters which are untruthful. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 5 Page 9 of 10Town of Aurora -Corporate Policies, Programs and Procedures Proclamation Policy 6. Application Procedures Page 4 of 5 6.1 Requests for proclamations shall be submitted in writing and include: (a) A brief summary and background of the individual or organization requesting a proclamation; (b) A brief summary and background of the subject matter of the requested proclamation; (c) The name and date(s) of the day, week, month, or event to be proclaimed; (d) The proposed text for the proclamation, which the Clerk may request and make amendments to the proclamation, which in the Clerk's opinion improves the structure and/or overall intent of the requested proclamation; (e) Contact person's name, address, telephone number and email; and (f) A date when the proclamation is required. 6.2 Requests for proclamation must be submitted at least one month prior to the first day of the event day, week, or month for which a proclamation is requested. 6.3 Any request to raise a flag associated with the proclamation, will be required to meet the criteria set out in the Flag Protocol and Flag Raising Policy. 7. Approval Procedures 7.1 Proclamation requests that comply with this Policy will be approved at the discretion of the Clerk. 7.2 The Clerk may refer any request for a proclamation to the Mayor or any other Town staff for comment on the request. 7.3 The Clerk will notify the requester of the Town's decision in relation to any request received. a. Communication of the Proclamation 8.1 The individual, organization or community group will be responsible for disseminating the proclamation to the media and making arrangements for the attendance of the Mayor and/or Councillors at the specific function or event, if any, at which the proclamation is to be made. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 5 Page 10 of 10Town of Aurora -Corporate Policies, Programs and Procedures Proclamation Policy Page 5 of 5 8.2 Notice of proclamations approved by the Clerk will be posted on the Town's website or by other means at the discretion of the Town. 8.3 Certificates of proclamations are available from the Clerk's Office upon request. 9. Delegation 9.1 The authority to approve or deny Proclamations under this Policy is delegated to the Clerk or his/her designate. 9.2 The Clerk may refer any request for Proclamation for Council's consideration when deemed appropriate by the Clerk. 1 o. Responsibility 10.1 Council will be responsible for: (a) approving and amending this Policy; and (b) deciding on any matter referred by the Clerk to Council. 10.2 The Clerk will be responsible for: (a) exercising any authority delegated to the Clerk by this Policy; (b) administering the operation of this Policy; (c) interpreting this Policy; and (d) creating any procedure that the Clerk deems necessary for the effective and efficient implementation of this Policy. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 6 Page 1 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 6 Page 2 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 6 Page 3 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 6 Page 4 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 1 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 2 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 3 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 4 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 5 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 6 of 7 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 7 Page 7 of 7 Town of Aurora General Committee Report No. IES16-084 Subject: Municipal Council Blanket Support Resolution Prepared by: Christina Nagy-Oh, Program Manager, Environmental Initiatives Department: Infrastructure and Environmental Services Date: November 15, 2016 Recommendation 1. That Report No. IES16-084 be received; and 2. That approval of the following Municipal Blanket Support Resolution, previously approved by Council in 2012, 2013 and 2015, be confirmed for a further 12-month period: Whereas the Province's FIT Program encourages the construction and operation of rooftop solar PV projects (the "Projects"); and Whereas one or more Projects may be constructed and operated in the Town of Aurora; and Whereas, pursuant to the FIT Rules, Version 5.0, Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contract; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That Council of the Town of Aurora supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Projects anywhere in the Town of Aurora; and Be It Further Resolved That this resolution shall expire twelve (12) months after its adoption by Council. 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the new FIT form attached to this Report. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 8 Page 1 of 6 November 15, 2016 Page 2 of 4 Report No. IES16-084 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to enable the participants in the FIT Program 5.0 to receive priority points under the application which gives an increased chance of approval. Background On June 15, 2015 Council approved the following resolution in support of local applications submitted under the Ontario Power Authority’s Feed-in-Tariff program: THAT the memorandum regarding Municipal Council Blanket Support Resolution- Rooftop Solar PV Projects be received; and WHEREAS the Province's FIT Program encourages the construction and operation of rooftop solar PV projects (the "Projects"); WHEREAS one or more Projects may be constructed and operated in the Town of Aurora; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the FIT Rules, Version 4.0, Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Town of Aurora supports the construction and operation of the Projects anywhere in the Town of Aurora. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution shall expire twelve (12) months after its adoption by Council. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the new FIT form attached to this memorandum. The province has recently announced the release of FIT version 4.0 and it is appropriate to consider the continuation of the Town’s support of local applications through the renewal of the Municipal Council Blanket Support Resolution. This Municipal Council Support Resolution will provide local applications with two priority points under the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) recently-released Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program rules, version 5.0. The greater the number of priority points an General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 8 Page 2 of 6 November 15, 2016 Page 3 of 4 Report No. IES16-084 applicant has secured, the better the chance that they will be awarded a FIT contract from the OPA. These rules were developed based on feedback received by the OPA during the FIT Program two-year review. This feedback included concerns about a lack of opportunity for municipal input regarding renewable energy projects proposed within a particular municipality. Though municipalities still do not have control over which renewable energy projects are developed within their municipal territory, FIT 5.0 prioritizes project applications which can demonstrate Municipal Council Support. Staff are requesting that Council renew the Municipal Council Blanket Support Resolution for 2016/ 2017. The purpose is to enable the participants in the FIT Program to receive priority points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Projects or for any other purpose. Passing the recommended resolution would be an equitable way to increase the likelihood that one or more solar rooftop generation projects within Aurora receives a FIT contract, while not preferring one Aurora-sited project application over all others. Advisory Committee Review Not applicable. Financial Implications There are no financial implications. Communications Considerations Not applicable. Link to Strategic Plan The proposed Blanket Solar resolution supports the Strategic Plan Goal of Supporting Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability and the objective of promoting and advancing green initiatives. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 8 Page 3 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 8 Page 4 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 8 Page 5 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 8 Page 6 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 9 Page 1 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 9 Page 2 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 9 Page 3 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 9 Page 4 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 9 Page 5 of 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 10 Page 1 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 10 Page 2 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 10 Page 3 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 10 Page 4 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 11 Page 1 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 11 Page 2 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 11 Page 3 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 11 Page 4 of 4 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 1 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 2 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 3 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 4 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 5 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 6 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 7 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 8 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 9 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 10 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 11 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 12 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 13 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 14 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 15 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 16 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 17 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 12 Page 18 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03, BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 1 Appendix “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. 14222, 14314, 14358 & 14378 Yonge Street File Number: CDM-2016-03 THE CONDITIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA (THE “TOWN”) TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO THE RELEASE FOR REGISTRATION OF THE DRAFT PLAN OF COMMON ELEMENTS CONDOMINIUM CDM-2016-03 ARE AS FOLLOWS: Planning & Building Services 1) Approval shall relate to the Draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium prepared by KRCMAR Surveyors Ltd. dated October 19, 2016 with respect to the creation of a private common elements condominium road and the related Draft Plan of Subdivision prepared by KRCMAR Surveyors Ltd. dated October 25, 2016 with respect to the creation of 42 related parcels of tied land (collectively the “Plan”) on a portion of the lands described as Part of Lot 17, Plan 132 and Part of Lots 74 and 75, Concession 1, designated as Part 1 on Plan 65R- 35902, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the “Lands”). 2) The Plan and associated conditions of Draft Approval may require revisions, to the satisfaction of the Town, to implement or integrate any recommendations included as a condition of Draft Plan Approval. Further, minor redline revisions to the Plan to ensure property alignment with existing or proposed lots, blocks, streets, and/or facilities on lands adjacent to the Plan may also be required. 3) The Owner shall, prior to the Town’s final approval of the Plan, enter into and execute a development agreement with the Town agreeing to satisfy all conditions of the Town related to the development of the Lands, including, but not limited to, site servicing, access, engineering, landscaping, legal, financial and otherwise to be registered on title against to the Lands, as provided for in the Planning Act, at the sole expense of the Owner. 4) The Owner shall satisfy the Conditions of Approval related to the Draft Plan of Subdivision dated July 31, 2013, File: SUB-2012-03 (the “Draft Plan of Subdivision Conditions”) as they relate to the development of the Lands prior to the Town’s release of the Plan and Common Elements Condominium Plan for registration on title. 5) The Owner shall provide to the Town a copy of the final version of the Common Elements Condominium declaration and description for the Common Elements Condominium Plan to be registered on title. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 19 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03, BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 2 2 Infrastructure & Environmental Services 6) The Owner shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Infrastructure & Environmental Services that all water and sanitary servicing for the Lands, as constructed on external lands, have been completed prior to the Town’s release of the Plan and Common Elements Condominium Plan for registration. 7) The Owner shall provide the Town with engineering documents and obtain any necessary permission for access to construct a temporary turning circle on the external lands to the north of Blocks 67, 68 and 69 on the Plan, or on such alternative lands as approved by the Town to the satisfaction of the Town’s Director of Infrastructure & Environmental Services. 8) The Owner shall not be required to enter into a municipal responsibility agreement with the Town in accordance with Draft Plan of Subdivision Condition No. 9 as servicing on the Lands shall be privately owned, constructed, and maintained, and that the Owner shall demonstrate to the Town that all servicing is substantially completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Infrastructure & Environmental Services prior to the Town’s release of the Plan and Common Elements Condominium Plan for registration. The Owner shall also provide the Town with the Common Elements Condominium Declaration and Description which confirms to the satisfaction of Town Staff that all roads and services on the Lands are to be constructed and maintained by the Condominium Corporation. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services 9) The Owner shall convey Blocks 43 to 48 inclusive on the Draft Plan to the Town as Environmental Protection lands, at no charge and free of all encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. 10) The Owner shall convey Blocks 49 to 57 inclusive on the Draft Plan to the Town as Open Space lands, at no charge and free of all encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. 11) The Owner shall grant easements to the Town over Blocks 58, 71, 73-77, 79, being the private roads within the Draft Plan for trail access purposes, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. 12) The Owner shall obtain any necessary permits or permission from the Town to use Blocks 51 to 57 inclusive on the Draft Plan for Sales Office purposes and upon discontinued use shall restore the Blocks with naturalization plantings, an access road and a trailhead parking lot, at the Owner’s expense, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. Cultural Heritage 13) The Owner shall agree in the Condominium Agreement that no grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on lands described as Part 1 – Plan 65R-35507 prior to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have met licensing and resource conservation requirements. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 20 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03 BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 3 York Region 14) Prior to final approval, the Owner shall provide confirmation that all of the conditions of the draft plan of subdivision issued for the subject property on March 4, 2013 under Regional File No. 19T-12A03 have been satisfied. 15) Prior to final approval, the Owner shall execute all Regional agreements and obtain all of the necessary permits required as part of the subdivision approval for the subject property issued under File No. 19T-12A03. 16) Prior to final approval, the Owner shall confirm that all of the works within the Regional ROW have been completed to the satisfaction of the Region or that the Region holds sufficient securities to cover the cost of any outstanding works. Should there be insufficient security to cover the cost of the remaining works, the Owner shall arrange for the deposit of additional securities in the amount sufficient to cover the cost of all outstanding works. 17) Prior to final approval, the Owner shall provide confirmation that all transfers of obligation have been completed where Regional agreements require responsibility to change from the Owner to the Condominium Corporation. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority 18) That prior to final plan approval and any major site alteration, the following shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Town and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA): a. A detailed Stormwater Management Report in conformity with the designated stormwater management policies of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP) (DP-4.8 – 4.11), LSRCA Technical Guidelines for Stormwater Management Plan and an updated detailed Functional Servicing Report; b. A detailed Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan; c. A detailed Grading and Drainage Plan; d. A Water Balance as per Designated Policy 4.8 of the LSPP; and e. A Phosphorous Budget in accordance with Designated Policy 4.8 of the LSPP. 19) That prior to final approval, a detailed floodplain analysis be prepared to the satisfaction of the Town and the LSRCA demonstrating all development is located outside of the greater of either the existing/ proposed 1:100 year or Regional floodplain, safe conveyance of external and internal 1:100 year and Regional peak storm flows are maintained, and safe access is maintained. This draft plan may be required to be redline revised to reflect the results of this floodplain analysis. 20) That prior to final plan approval, a detailed hydrogeological report be prepared to the satisfaction of the Town and the LSRCA that confirms the feasibility of the proposed infiltration enhancements, confirms dewatering requirements, and outlines a monitoring program and construction methods. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 21 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03, BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 4 4 21) That prior to final plan approval, a Compensation Plan be prepared to the satisfaction of the Town and the LSRCA detailing the revegetation and enhancement treatments (including compensatory measures such as tree planting) to be applied to the affected areas of the Environmental Protection Areas, Key Natural Heritage Features and/ or Hydrologically Sensitive Features and their associated Vegetation Protection Zones as per the recommendations of the Natural Heritage Evaluation and Environmental Impact Study prepared by Beacon Environmental. 22) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement to carry out or cause to be carried out the recommendations and requirements contained within the plans, reports, and studies as approved by the LSRCA. 23) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement to retain a qualified professional to certify in writing that the works were constructed in accordance with the plans, reports, and studies as approved by the LSRCA. 24) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement that prior to any major site alteration or grading, proper erosion and sediment control measures must be put in place in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and Grading Plan. 25) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement that prior to the creation of any impervious surface such as roads and buildings, stormwater management facilities must be put in place in accordance with the approved plans. 26) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement to maintain all existing vegetation up until a maximum of 30 days prior to any grading or construction on-site in accordance with 4.20 b) – DP of the LSPP. 27) That the Owner successfully amend the Town of Aurora Zoning By-law by rezoning the identified Key Natural Heritage Feature, Hydrologically Sensitive Features and their associated Vegetation Protection Zone on the subject site to a site-specific Environmental Protection zones. 28) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement to demarcate the extent of the Environmental Protection areas through the means such as fencing (living or cedar rail) and/or signage (“Natural Buffer Area’). 29) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement to grant any easements required for stormwater management purposes to the Town. 30) That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision / Condominium Agreement to monitor, inspect and maintain the stormwater management works on a periodic basis in accordance with 4.10 & 4.11 – DP of the LSPP. 31) That prior to final plan approval, the Owner shall obtain a permit from the LSRCA for any works within an area subject to Ontario Regulation 179/06 under the Conservation Authorities Act. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 22 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03 BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 5 32) That prior to final plan approval, the Owner shall pay all the required development fees to the Conservation Authority in accordance with the LSRCA’s Fees Policy under the Conservation Authorities Act. Enbridge Gas 33) The Owner shall contact Enbridge Gas Distribution’s Customer Connections department by emailing SalesArea30@enbridge.com for service and meter installation details and to ensure all gas piping is installed prior to the commencement of site landscaping (including, but not limited to: tree planting, silva cells, and/or soil trenches) and/or asphalt paving. 34) The Owner acknowledges that all costs are the responsibility of the Owner if the gas main needs to be relocated as a result of changes in the alignment or grade of the future road allowances or for temporary gas pipe installations pertaining to phase construction. 35) The Owner will provide easement(s) to Enbridge Gas Distribution at no cost. 36) The Owner will provide a 3 metre by 3 metre exclusive use location that cannot project into the municipal road allowance in the event a pressure reducing regulator station is required. The final size and location of the regulator station will be confirmed by Enbridge Gas Distribution’s Customer Connections department at SalesArea30@enbridge.com. 37) The Owner will grade all road allowances to as final elevation as possible, provide necessary field survey information and all approved municipal road cross sections, identifying all utility locations prior to the installation of the gas piping. Canada Post 38) The Owner agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement that advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. 39) The Owner will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox location prior to the closing of any unit sale. 40) The Owner will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. 41) The Owner will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: a. An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) to place the Community Mailboxes on. b. Any required walkway across the boulevard. c. Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. 42) The Owner further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to the new homes as soon as they are occupied. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 23 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03, BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 6 6 GO Transit/ Metrolinx 43) The proponent shall engage a qualified consultant to prepare a noise and vibration study, to be submitted for review and to the satisfaction of Metrolinx. 44) The following warning clause shall be inserted in all development agreements, offers to purchase, and agreements of Purchase and Sale or Lease of each dwelling unit within 300 metres of the railway right-of-way: Warning: Metrolinx, carrying on business as GO Transit, and its assigns and successors in interest are the owners of lands within 300 metres from the land which is the subject hereof. In addition to the current use of the lands owned by Metrolinx, there may be alterations to or expansions of the rail and other facilities on such lands in the future including the possibility that GO Transit or any railway entering into an agreement with GO Transit to use the Metrolinx lands or Metrolinx and their respective assigns or successors as aforesaid may expand their operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents in the vicinity, notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the development and individual dwellings. Metrolinx will not be responsible for any complaints or claims arising from use of such facilities and/or operations on, over or under its lands. 45) The Owner shall grant Metrolinx an environmental easement for operational emissions, registered on title against the subject residential dwellings in favour of Metrolinx. Bell Canada 46) The Owner shall indicate in the Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, that it will grant to Bell Canada any easements that may be required, which may include a blanket easement, for communication/telecommunication infrastructure. In the event of any conflict with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements. 47) The Owner shall contact Bell Canada during detailed design to confirm the provision of communication/telecommunication infrastructure needed to service the development. 48) The Owner shall ensure that the development is serviced with communication/telecommunication infrastructure. 49) Prior to commencing any work, the Owner must confirm that sufficient wire-line communication/telecommunication infrastructure is available. In the event that such infrastructure is unavailable, the Owner shall be required to pay for the connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure. 50) If the Owner elects not to pay for the above noted connection, then the Owner will be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that sufficient alternative communication/telecommunication will be provided to enable, at a minimum, the effective delivery of communication/telecommunication services for emergency management services (i.e., 911 Emergency Services). General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 24 of 25 Conditions of Approval CDM-2016-03 BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. Page 7 Clearances The Town’s Planning and Building Services Department shall advise that Conditions 1 to 5 inclusive have been satisfied, stating briefly how each condition has been met. The Town’s Infrastructure and Environmental Services Department shall advise that Conditions 6 to 8 have been satisfied, stating briefly how each condition has been met. The Town’s Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department shall advise that Conditions 9 to 12 have been satisfied, stating briefly how each condition has been met. The Town’s Heritage Planner shall advise that Condition 13 has been satisfied, stating briefly how the condition has been met. York Region shall advise the Town of Aurora that Conditions 15 to 18 have been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority shall advise the Town of Aurora that Conditions 19 to 33 have been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. shall advise the Town of Aurora that Conditions 33 to 37 have been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. Canada Post shall advise the Town of Aurora that Conditions 38 to 42 have been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. GO Transit/ Metrolinx shall advise the Town of Aurora that Conditions 43 to 45 have been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. Bell Canada shall advise the Town of Aurora that Conditions 46 to 50 have been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Item 12 Page 25 of 25 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 13 Page 1 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 13 Page 2 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 13 Page 3 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 13 Page 4 of 6 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 13 Page 5 of 6Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 13 Page 6 of 6 Public Release November 11, 2016 Town of Aurora Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers • Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index • Item 14 – Correspondence from Association of Municipalities of Ontario Re: What’s Next Ontario? Resolution • Notice of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas Re: Buy and Sell Designated Areas • Notice of Motion (b) Councillor Mrakas and Councillor Humfryes Re: Cycling Master Plan • Notice of Motion (c) Councillor Gaertner Re: Proposed Community Safety Zone in Town Park Area Public Release November 4, 2016 Town of Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Humfryes in the Chair 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 2. Approval of the Agenda Recommended: That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. 3. Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion 4. Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion 5. Delegations 6. Presentations by the Advisory Committee Chair 7. Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 2 of 8 8. Notices of Motion (a) Councillor Mrakas Re: Buy and Sell Designated Areas (Added Item) (b) Councillor Mrakas and Councillor Humfryes Re: Cycling Master Plan (Added Item) (c) Councillor Gaertner Re: Proposed Community Safety Zone in Town Park Area (Added Item) 9. New Business/General Information 10. Closed Session 11. Adjournment General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Agenda Items 1. Presentation by Lisa Lyons, Town Clerk Re: Item 2 – CS16-010 – Draft Procedure By-law and 2017 Meeting Schedule Recommended: 1. That the presentation regarding Item 2 – CS16-010 – Draft Procedure By-law and 2017 Meeting Schedule be received for information. 2. CS16-010 – Draft Procedure By-law and 2017 Meeting Schedule Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS16-010 be received; and 2. That Council provide feedback on the draft Procedure By-law (Attachment 1); and 3. That the final draft Procedure By-law, incorporating Council feedback, be presented at the Council meeting of November 22, 2016, for enactment effective on January 1, 2017; and 4. That the 2017 Meeting Schedule (Attachment 4) be approved. 3. CAO16-006 – Economic Development Model Review and Comparison Recommended: 1. That Report No. CAO16-006 be received; and 2. That the Hybrid Model for Economic Development be endorsed; and 3. That staff be directed to bring forward an implementation plan for 2017. 4. IES16-083 – Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street and Wellington Street Intersection Follow-up General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 4 of 8 Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-083 be received; and 2. That staff report back to Council following the completion of the pilot project for left turn restrictions at the intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street. 5. CS16-012 – Proclamation Policy Recommended: 1. That Report No. CS16-012 be received; and 2. That the “Proclamation Policy” attached to Report No. CS16-012 be approved; and 3. That authority for approving or denying requests for proclamation be delegated to the Town Clerk. 6. IES16-081 – Acceptance of Municipal Services – Chateaus on Bayview – Registered Plan 65M-4292 Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-081 be received; and 2. That ownership, operation and maintenance of the works within the roads, right-of-ways and other lands dedicated to the Town as contained within Registered Plan 65M-4292, being Chateaus on Bayview Residential Subdivision, be assumed; and 3. That the necessary by-law be brought forward for enactment to assume for public use the highways within Registered Plan 65M-4292 and to establish as public highway any applicable reserves. 7. IES16-082 – Water Meter Replacement Program Contract Renewal Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-082 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 5 of 8 2. That Wamco be awarded the contract for the replacement of 1,500 meters in 2017 at a cost of $502,500 excluding taxes under the single source provisions of the Purchasing By-law; and 3. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew the contract with Wamco at $567,000 excluding taxes for 2018 and $663,000.00 excluding taxes for 2019 pending an annual analysis, and performance review by the Director; and 4. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to execute the necessary agreements, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 8. IES16-084 – Municipal Council Blanket Support Resolution Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-084 be received; and 2. That approval of the following Municipal Blanket Support Resolution, previously approved by Council in 2012, 2013 and 2015, be confirmed for a further 12-month period: Whereas the Province's FIT Program encourages the construction and operation of rooftop solar PV projects (the "Projects"); and Whereas one or more Projects may be constructed and operated in the Town of Aurora; and Whereas, pursuant to the FIT Rules, Version 5.0, Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contract; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That Council of the Town of Aurora supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Projects anywhere in the Town of Aurora; and Be It Further Resolved That this resolution shall expire twelve (12) months after its adoption by Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 6 of 8 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the new FIT form attached to this Report. 9. IES16-085 – Award of Tender No. IES 2016-65 for Fire Monitoring and Suppression Services Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-085 be received; and 2. That Request for Proposal IES 2016-65 – for the Supply of Fire Monitoring and Suppression Services on an as needed basis be awarded to Classic Fire Protection Inc. at the unit prices tendered for a five (5) year contract; and 3. That a purchase order in the amount of $350,000, excluding taxes, be approved in favour of Classic Fire Protection Inc. for the five (5) years of services; and 4. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to renew RFP IES 2016-65 for an additional two (2), one (1) year optional years, pending an annual analysis and satisfactory performance review, for a total contract duration of up to seven (7) years; and 5. That the Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services be authorized to approve additional expenditures within the scope of the contract to an amount up to the approved annual operating budget for these services over the term of the contract; and 6. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 10. IES16-086 – Award of Contract for Consulting Services to Prepare a Town- wide Stream Management Master Plan for the Town of Aurora Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-086 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 7 of 8 2. That the Contract for the provision of consulting services to prepare a Town Wide Stream Management Master Plan for the Town of Aurora be awarded to Aquafor Beech Limited for $105,230, excluding taxes; and 3. That additional funding for Capital Project No. 42057 in the amount of $17,790 be approved from the Storm Sewer reserve fund; and 4. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 11. IES16-087 – By-law to Establish 0.3m Reserve as Public Highway Recommended: 1. That Report No. IES16-087 be received; and 2. That a by-law to establish 0.3m reserves on Plans 65M-4075 and 65M-4082 as public highways be enacted. 12. PBS16-092 – Draft Plan of Condominium Application BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. 14222, 14314, 14358 and 14378 Yonge Street Part Lot 17, Plan 132, Part Lots 74 and 75, Con. 1, Part 1, 65R- 35902 File Number: CDM-2016-03 Related File Number: SUB-2012-03, ZBA-2012-16 Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS16-092 be received; and 2. That the Draft Plan of Condominium File No. CDM-2016-03 (BG Properties (Aurora) Inc. to permit the development of the subject lands for 42 single detached dwelling units on the subject lands be approved; and 3. That the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Page 8 of 8 13. PBS16-095 – Public Notification of Site Plan Applications Recommended: 1. That Report No. PBS16-095 be received; and 2. That the requirement for Public Notification Signage for Site Plan Applications submitted under Section 41 of the Planning Act as outlined in the staff report be approved. 14. Correspondence from Association of Municipalities of Ontario Re: What’s Next Ontario? Resolution (Added Item) Recommended: 1. That the Correspondence from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding What’s Next Ontario? Resolution be received; and 2. That Council provide direction. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 14 Page 1 of 2 Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016Item 14 Page 2 of 2 Notice of Motion Councillor Tom Mrakas Date: November 15, 2016 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Mrakas Re: Buy and Sell Designated Areas Whereas many residents in the Town of Aurora and York Region utilize online classified ads to purchase and sell products; and Whereas there is always a risk when meeting a stranger in person; and Whereas designated exchange areas in police stations, such as a couple of parking spots, would help residents safely conduct these transactions; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That The Town of Aurora request that the York Regional Police Services Board review the possibility of designating areas in police stations or Headquarters for residents to meet buyers and sellers of online classified ads. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Notice of Motion (a) Page 1 of 1 Notice of Motion Councillor Tom Mrakas and Councillor Sandra Humfryes Date: November 15, 2016 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Mrakas and Councillor Humfryes Re: Cycling Master Plan Whereas the bicycle is a viable and affordable mode of transportation that is not only environmentally sound but supportive of active healthy lifestyles; and Whereas a Cycling Master Plan would create and improve opportunities throughout the Town of Aurora for active recreation and active transportation for all residents and visitors; and Whereas the development of active transportation infrastructure, policies and promotion strategies are also supported at the federal, provincial, county and local municipal levels of government; and Whereas the purpose of a Cycling Master Plan is to guide the development of a long- term, comprehensive, Town-wide, on- and off-road commuter and recreational bicycling network; and Whereas the creation of a Cycling Master Plan would help support the Town of Aurora’s pursuit in becoming Canada’s most active municipality; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That staff work with the Trails and Active Transportation Committee in developing a strategy to create a Cycling Master Plan that will ultimately be incorporated into the Town’s Official Plan. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Notice of Motion (b) Page 1 of 1 Notice of Motion Councillor Wendy Gaertner Date: November 15, 2016 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Councillor Gaertner Re: Proposed Community Safety Zone in Town Park Area Whereas the area around the Town Park is home to many families with small children; and Whereas Town Park is used by these children, as well as those from the larger Aurora community; and Whereas concern has been repeatedly expressed about excessive speeding of traffic during the GO Transit hours of operation; and Whereas it is appropriate that Council address this concern as soon as possible; Now Therefore Be It Hereby Resolved That the Town declare the area around Town Park as a Community Safety Zone; and Be It Further Resolved That Council ask York Regional Police for their help with measures to control speeding near the Town Park area; and Be It Further Resolved That, when the provincial government gives municipalities the authority to set up photo radar cameras, staff be directed to install them in the Town Park area. Additional Items to General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Notice of Motion (c) Page 1 of 1