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AGENDA - General Committee - 20160621
GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY,JUNE 21,2016 7 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS AURORA TOWN HALL TOWN OF AURORA ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday,June 21,2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index Delegation (c)John Green,Ratepayers Association Yonge South Re:Item 10 –PDS16-047 –Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment,Ashlen Holdings Inc.,13859,13875,13887 Yonge Street,Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166,Related File:SUB- 2015-04,File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 Item 15 –Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting pg.148 Minutes of June 2,2016 Item 16 –Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting pg.152 Minutes of June 9,2016 Item 17 –Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.156 June 13,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan Notice of Motion (b)Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes Closed Session Item 1 –A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act, 2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands –15085 Yonge Street Closed Session Item 2 –A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act, 2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands –Yonge Street PUBLIC RELEASE June 17,2016 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA (REVISED) Tuesday,June 21,2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Mrakas in the Chair 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services,with the following additions,be approved: Delegation (c)John Green,Ratepayers Association Yonge South Re:Item 10 PDS16-047 Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment,Ashlen Holdings Inc.,13859, 13875, 13887 Yonge Street,Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166,Related File:SUB-2015-04,File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 Item 15 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 2,2016 Item 16 Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 9,2016 Item 17 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 13,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 2 of 10 Notice of Motion (b)Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes Closed Session Item 1 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands 15085 Yonge Street Closed Session Item 2 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands Yonge Street 3.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5.DELEGATIONS (a)Michelle Johnson,Nancy Black,and Shawna White,representing pg.1 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Re:Item 6 PRS16-034 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements (b)Richard Hui,Manager of Transportation Planning,York Region pg.2 Re:Item 3 IES16-059 Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street and Wellington Street Intersection (c)John Green,Ratepayers Association Yonge South Re:Item 10 PDS16-047 Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment,Ashlen Holdings Inc.,13859,13875, 13887 Yonge Street,Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166,Related File:SUB-2015-04,File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 (Added Item) 6.PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 7.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 3 of 10 8.NOTICES OF MOTION (a)Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan (Added Item) (b)Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes (Added Item) 9.NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION 10.CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT General Committee resolve into Closed Session,following adjournment,to consider the following matters: 1.A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re: Potential Purchase of Lands 15085 Yonge Street (Added Item) 2.A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re: Potential Purchase of Lands Yonge Street (Added Item) 11.ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 4 of 10 AGENDA ITEMS 1.CFS16-010 2015 Year End Budget Report as at December 31,2015 pg.3 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.CFS16-010 be received for information. 2.IES16-058 York Purchasing Cooperative Granular Supply pg.15 Tender Award RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-058 be received;and THAT the supply and delivery of granular materials,Tender CRFT 2015 -09 be awarded to Floyd Preston Limited for $220,000 for a two (2)year term,ending on March 31,2018. 3.IES16-059 Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street pg.19 and Wellington Street Intersection RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-059 be received;and THAT a left turn lane restriction pilot project be implemented at the Yonge Street and Wellington Street intersection from August 15 to October 15,2016;and THAT northbound and southbound left turn restrictions (buses excepted)be implemented by York Region on Yonge Street at Wellington Street between the hours of 7 a.m.to 9 a.m.and 4 p.m.to 6 p.m.,Monday to Friday;and THAT staff report back to Council following the completion of the pilot period. 4.IES16-060 Drinking Water Quality Management Standard pg.27 Management Review RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-060 be received;and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 5 of 10 THAT the meeting minutes of the Annual Management Review by Top Management be received. 5.PRS16-030 Award of Tender PRS2016 -38 James Lloyd Park pg.34 Playground Equipment RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-030 be received;and THAT Tender PRS2016-38 James Lloyd Park Playground Equipment,Capital Project No.73208,be awarded to Play Power LT Canada Inc.;and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement,including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 6.PRS16-034 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements pg.38 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-034 be received;and THAT direction be provided to staff with respect to funding the Capital Improvements for the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame. 7.PDS16-041 Cultural Precinct Public Consultation Process &pg.42 Timeline RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-041 be received;and THAT the public consultation and engagement process and timeline,as described in this report,be endorsed. 8.PDS16-044 Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control pg.49 Casing Developments Inc. Blocks 13,15,18 and 21,Plan 65M-4478 being 65R-36332 and 65R-36333 File Number:PLC-2016-04 General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 6 of 10 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-044 be received;and THAT the Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control submitted by Casing Developments Inc.to divide Blocks 13,15,18 and 21,on Plan 65M-4478 into 26 separate lots for townhouse units be approved;and THAT the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law be introduced and enacted at a future Council meeting. 9.PDS16-045 Request for Street Name Approval pg.57 2351528 Ontario Limited and Aurora-Leslie Developments Limited (Emery Investments) 15625 and 15775 Leslie Street File Number:SUB-2014-01 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-045 be received;and THAT the following street names for the proposed roads within the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision,File SUB-2014-01 be approved: MONARCH PARK GATE ADDISON HALL CIRCLE 10.PDS16-047 Applications for Official Plan Amendment and pg.62 Zoning By-law Amendment Ashlen Holdings Inc. 13859,13875,13887 Yonge Street Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166 Related File:SUB-2015-04 File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-047 be received;and THAT Application to Amend the Official Plan File No.OPA -2015-03 (Ashlen Holdings Inc.),to re-designate the land use designation to allow 30 residential lots on the subject lands be approved;and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 7 of 10 THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No.ZBA-2015-08 (Ashlen Holdings Inc.),to allow 30 single detached dwelling units as a permitted use on the subject lands be approved;and THAT the implementing Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments be presented at a future Council meeting. 11.PDS16-050 Application for Zoning By-law Amendment pg.82 Millwell Properties Inc. 55 Wellington Street West Part of Lot 27,Registered Plan 246 File Number:ZBA-2016-02 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-050 be received;and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No.ZBA-2016-02 (Millwell Properties Inc.)to add additional apartment dwelling units on the subject lands be approved;and THAT the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council meeting. 12.PDS16-051 Proposed Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium pg.94 Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Limited 155 Vandorf Sideroad (former Timberlane Athletic Club property) Related Files:OPA-2014-01 and ZBA-2014-03 File Number:CDM-2016-01 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-051 be received;and THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium File:CDM-2015-01 for 56 single detached dwelling units,,be approved;and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval,including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 8 of 10 13.PDS16-052 Planning Applications Status List pg.111 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-052 be received for information. 14.Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 24,2016 pg.144 RECOMMENDED: THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 24,2016,be received for information. 15.Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.148 June 2,2016 (Added Item) RECOMMENDED: THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 2,2016,be received;and THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT a Community Earth Week Fair 2017 be endorsed;and THAT Council provide input to the objectives of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017;and THAT a multi-department team of Town staff be made available to participate in a Working Group in support of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017. 16.Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.152 June 9,2016 (Added Item) RECOMMENDED: THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 9, 2016,be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 9 of 10 17.Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 13,2016 pg.156 (Added Item) RECOMMENDED: THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 13,2016,be received;and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: 1.HAC16-004 Heritage Permit Application,24 Catherine Avenue, File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 THAT Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-15-03 be approved to permit the construction of a 117m2 accessory structure;and THAT the Owner clarify materials of the proposed accessory structure as indicated in the staff report;and THAT the Owner incorporate a rear yard amenity area or soft landscaping if possible. 2.HAC16-005 Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 20 Ransom Street THAT the property located at 20 Ransom Street be removed from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest;and THAT the proposed elevations are subject to approval of Planning Staff to ensure the proposed new dwelling will maintain the heritage character of the area;and THAT prior to demolition,staff be requested to visit the property and identify Salvage Program. New Business Motion No.1 THAT staff be directed to report back to the next regular Heritage Advisory Committee meeting regarding the Allen Brown Heritage Home. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 10 of 10 New Business Motion No.2 THAT staff be directed to investigate and report back to the Committee regarding methods by which the Town could help home owners to properly maintain heritage trees on their property. DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for the following deadline: 4:30 P.M.ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:June 21,2016 SUBJECT:Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Move to the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC) NAME OF SPOKESPERSON:Michelle Johnson,Nancy Black,and Shawna White NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S)BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): Aurora Sports Hall of Fame BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: To request funding for the reinstallation of the Sports Hall of Fame at the SARC. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest?YES NO IF YES,WITH WHOM?Allan Downey DATE:May 12,2016 I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5)minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way,Box 1000 Aurora,ON L4G 6J1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (a)Page -1 -1 - DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for the following deadline: 4:30 P.M.ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:June 21,2016 SUBJECT:Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street and Wellington Street Intersection NAME OF SPOKESPERSON:Richard Hui,Manager of Transportation Planning NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S)BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): The Regional Municipality of York BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: To inform Council of a pilot project to be carried out by the Region between August 15 -October 15, 2016 to restrict northbound and southbound left turn movements at the intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest?YES NO IF YES,WITH WHOM?Jamal Massadeh DATE:June 6,2016 I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5)minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way,Box 1000 Aurora,ON L4G 6J1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (b)Page -1 -2 - Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (c)Page -1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -1 -3 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -2 -4 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -3 -5 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -4 -6 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -5 -7 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -6 -8 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -7 -9 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -8 -10 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -9 -11 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -10 -12 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -11 -13 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 1 Page -12 -14 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 2 Page -1 -15 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 2 Page -2 -16 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 2 Page -3 -17 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 2 Page -4 -18 - TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No.IES16-059 SUBJECT:Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street and Wellington Street Intersection FROM:Ilmar Simanovskis,Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services DATE:June 21,2016 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No.IES16-059 be received;and THAT a left turn lane restriction pilot project be implemented at the Yonge Street and Wellington Street intersection from August 15 to October 15,2016;and THAT northbound and southbound left turn restrictions (buses excepted)be implemented by York Region on Yonge Street at Wellington Street between the hours of 7 a.m.to 9 a.m.,and 4 p.m.to 6 p.m.,Monday to Friday;and THAT staff report back to Council following the completion of the pilot period. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT This report has been prepared to address the Council motion of January 20,2015,“Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions for the northbound and southbound traffic during the morning and afternoon peak hours at the Intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street”. BACKGROUND Council,at its meeting of January 20,2015,adopted the following motion regarding a request for “Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at the Intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street”during the morning and afternoon peak hours: WHEREAS traffic congestion at the intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street is an ongoing concern for Aurora residents and businesses;and WHEREAS the flow of northbound and southbound traffic is significantly impeded during peak traffic periods due to left turning vehicles;and WHEREAS many municipalities restrict left-hand turns at high volume General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -1 -19 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -2 -20 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -3 -21 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -4 -22 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -5 -23 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -6 -24 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -7 -25 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 3 Page -8 -26 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -1 -27 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -2 -28 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -3 -29 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -4 -30 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -5 -31 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -6 -32 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 4 Page -7 -33 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 5 Page -1 -34 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 5 Page -2 -35 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 5 Page -3 -36 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 5 Page -4 -37 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 6 Page -1 -38 - June 21,2016 -2-Report No.PRS16-034 Celebrating and Promoting our Culture:Expand opportunities and partnerships that contribute to the celebration of culture in the community. ALTERNATIVE(S)TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS None. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding for these proposed improvements has not been considered in the 2016 Capital Budget.The budget estimate provided by the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame is estimate at $77,050.00.The Aurora Sports Hall of Fame has identified a contribution of $18,200.00 and a request for the outstanding balance of $58,850.00 The options available to Council with regards to funding source are: 1.Full funding can be provided from the Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund in the amount of $58,850.00. 2.Full funding can be provided from the outstanding balance in the Sports Plan Reserve Fund in the amount of $43,862.00 in combination with funding from Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund in the amount of $14,988.00. 3.Less than full funding can be provided from either Reserve. 4.Council can direct staff to refer this item to the 2017 Capital Budget Review. CONCLUSIONS The Aurora Sports Hall of Fame has had a very positive impact on elevating the profile and significance of sports in the community.The proposed improvements identified by the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Committee further increase the profile of the Hall and have lasting benefits to the legacy of sport and the individuals who have been recognized for their contributions. PREVIOUS REPORTS None. ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1 -th, 2016 General Committee meeting Attachment #2 Budget Details for Proposed Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 6 Page -2 -39 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 6 Page -3 -40 - Attachment #2 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 6 Page -4 -41 - TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No.PDS16-041 SUBJECT:Cultural Precinct Public Consultation Process &Timeline FROM:Marco Ramunno,Director of Planning &Building Services DATE:June 21,2016 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No.PDS16-041 be received;and THAT the public consultation and engagement process and timeline,as described in this report,be endorsed. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to seek Council endorsement of the public consultation and engagement process and timeline for the Cultural Precinct as described.Staff have prepared a survey questionnaire and social media strategy for public input and outreach to occur during July,August and September;with additional community consultation to be scheduled in the early fall. BACKGROUND On April 19,2016,Report No.PDS16-026 was before the General Committee of Council regarding the Cultural Precinct Conceptual Plans which were prepared by FOTENN;the Town’s Planning and Design Consultants.The General Committee passed a resolution endorsing the planning approval process outlined in the report and directed staff to prepare reports and schedule public consultations.Furthermore,on May 3,2016,Report No.PRS16-028 was before the General Committee regarding the Repurposing Study for the Town owned buildings located in Library Square.The General Committee passed a resolution in this regard notionally agreeing that regardless of the path chosen,a large investment would be required from the Town to move this project forward. Report No.PDS16-026 identified four milestones with respect to the Cultural Precinct Planning Timelines as follows: •Milestone 1:April 19,2016 -Council Approval of the Guiding Principles for the Cultural Precinct; General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -1 -42 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -2 -43 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -3 -44 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -4 -45 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -5 -46 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -6 -47 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 7 Page -7 -48 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -1 -49 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -2 -50 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -3 -51 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -4 -52 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -5 -53 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -6 -54 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -7 -55 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 8 Page -8 -56 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 9 Page -1 -57 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 9 Page -2 -58 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 9 Page -3 -59 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 9 Page -4 -60 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 9 Page -5 -61 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -1 -62 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -2 -63 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -3 -64 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -4 -65 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -5 -66 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -6 -67 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -7 -68 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -8 -69 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -9 -70 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -10 -71 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -11 -72 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -12 -73 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -13 -74 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -14 -75 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -15 -76 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -16 -77 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -17 -78 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -18 -79 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -19 -80 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 10 Page -20 -81 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -1 -82 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -2 -83 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -3 -84 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -4 -85 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -5 -86 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -6 -87 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -7 -88 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -8 -89 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -9 -90 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -10 -91 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -11 -92 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 11 Page -12 -93 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -1 -94 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -2 -95 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -3 -96 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -4 -97 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -5 -98 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -6 -99 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -7 -100 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -8 -101 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -9 -102 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -10 -103 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -11 -104 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -12 -105 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -13 -106 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -14 -107 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -15 -108 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -16 -109 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Page -17 -110 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -1 -111 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -2 -112 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -3 -113 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -4 -114 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -5 -115 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20161OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS1.GenviewDevelopmentCorp.14575BayviewAvenueMaloneGivenParsonsAttn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170Ext.115Files:ZBA-2001-04&SUB-2001-01PlanofSubdivisiontopermit61residentiallots.Jan.4,2001Phase1consistingof56lotswasregisteredonOctober20,2011.RegisteredPlan65M-4292.PhaseII(5lots)tobedevelopedwithadjacentlands:SUB-04-07.DetailedEngineeringDrawingssubmittedtotheTownforreview.2.LebovicEnterprisesLimited(FormerlyWesthillRedevelopmentCo.)13927&14012LeslieStreetand1796BloomingtonRoadGHDInvestments.Attn:GlenEaston905-752-4369Files:OPA-2000-04,ZBA-2000-12&CDM-2000-03OMBCaseNo.PL030997,PL080014OMBFileNos.O030373Z030149S030085ApplicationsforOfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendment,DraftPlanofSubdivisionandDraftPlanofCondominiumtopermit75condounitsand18holegolfcourse.May3,2000OntarioMunicipalBoardHearingheldSeptember14,2010toJanuary5,2011.OntarioMunicipalBoardapprovedappealsonApril14,2011.OntarioMunicipalBoardissuedOrderapproving;OPA74,ZBA5361-11PlanofSubdivisionandCondominiumDraftPlanapprovalonSeptember15,2011.OMBissuedOrderapprovingDraftPlanofSubdivisiononNovember14,2011.Topsoilremovalpermitissued.SubdivisionAgreementexecutedbyOwnerandTown.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -6 -116 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20162OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS3.MIDevelopmentsInc.PartofLot21,Con2Attn:DanRobert905-726-7805Files:SUB-2006-01&ZBA-2006-03DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationfor134townhouseunits.Jan.3,2006CouncilapprovedDraftPlanofSubdivisiononAugust14,2007andimplementingZoningBy-lawonNovember27,2007.OnSeptember29,2015theRemovalofHolding‘H’By-lawwasenacted.SubdivisionAgreementexecutedbyOwnerandTown.4.MIDevelopmentsInc.Leslie&WellingtonStreetE.Attn:AriHuber905-726-7607Files:ZBA-2003-19&CDM-2003-03ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandVacantLandCondominiumApplicationstopermit14unitsdetachedresidential.May.5,2003RevisedDraftPlanofCondominiumapprovedonOctober9,2012.NoticeofDecisionissued.CertificationofnotificationwithDraftPlanofCondominiumsentoutonNovember13,2012.Applicanttoclearconditions.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -7 -117 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20163OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS5.Pandolfo,etal.Lot8,PartLots20&21,Plan13214070YongeStreetTempletonPlanningConsultingAttn:GaryTempleton905-727-8672Files:OPA-2012-03,ZBA-2003-21&SUB-2003-02OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandDraftPlanofSubdivisiontopermit29singledetacheddwellingsandtwo(2)openspaceblocks.May.7,2003PublicPlanningMeetingheldFebruary27,2013.AdditionalPublicPlanningMeetingsheldNovember27,2013andMarch26,2014.OfficialPlanAmendmentandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationsapprovedbyGeneralCommitteeonJune17,2014.OfficialPlanAmendmentNo.6(By-law5656-14)andZoningBy-lawAmendment5657-14enactedbyCouncilonAugust12,2014areinfullforceandeffect.DraftPlanofSubdivisionapprovedbyCouncilonSeptember23,2014.OMBAppealtoCouncil’sDecisiontoDraftPlanApproval.OMBDecision/MinutesofSettlementissuedApril23,2015,CaseNo.PL141259.SubdivisionAgreementbeingprepared.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -8 -118 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20164OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS6.PerwickInv.(Deltera)PartofLot81,Con1N/EcornerWellington&JohnWestWayTridelAttn:GouledOsman416-661-9290Files:OPA-2005-03,ZBA-2005-16&SP-2013-13ApplicationtoAmendtheOfficialPlanandZoningBy-lawtopermita1,255m2multi-unitretailcommercialplaza.SitePlanApplicationtodevelopa1,255sqmonestoreycommercialplaza.Oct.11,2005RevisedAppl.Rec’dJune1,2011.Dec.23,2013CouncilApprovedReportJuly16,2013.OfficialPlanAmendmentadoptedbyCouncilonAugust13,2013.RegionalapprovalgrantedNovember5,2013.SitePlanApplicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonMay26,2015.AwaitingFinalSitePlansubmission.7.1087931OntarioLtd.c/oBruceSpraggLot13,PartLot14,Plan24615356YongeStreetAttn:BruceHall416-686-3563Files:ZBA-2006-11&SP-2006-13ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtopermitasingleexistingdetachedand5newtownhouseresidentialinfilldevelopment.Apr.12,2006(ZBA)May31,2006(SitePlan)ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonNovember10,2009.LSRCAapprovalgranted.SitePlanAgreementdrafted.Inactive.8.HamilInc.260IndustrialParkwayNorthBlocks1,2,3&PartBlock4,65M-2718Attn:MichaelLanger416-398-0747File:SP-2007-09MinorSitePlanApplicationtopermitanadditiontoanexisting4,879m2industrialbuilding.May25,2007ApplicanthasrequestedtheFiletobeheldinabeyance.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -9 -119 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20165OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS9.Genview,formerlyCliffordSifton908VandorfSdrd.MaloneGivenParsonsLtd.Attn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170Ext.115Files:BLK-2007-04&ZBA-2007-12DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtoallowfora20lotresidentialdevelopmentwithinSettlementAreaoftheOakRidgesMoraine.Oct.15,2007DraftPlanofSubdivisionapprovedonAugust1,2012.ZoningBy-lawpassedatCouncilonJune26,2012andisnowinfullforceandeffect.AwaitingFinalEngineeringPlans.Inactive.10.2292863OntarioInc.(BestWesternHotel)4DonHillockDriveAttn:ClaudioRabalino416-425-2222Ext.245File:SP-2008-06RevisedSitePlanApplicationforfour(4)storeyhotelwithpool,bar/loungeandconventionfacilities.Revisedproposalbynewowner,Dec.23,2011AwaitingfinalSitePlansubmission.Inactive.FileMaintenancefeereceivedApril25,2016.11.1207309OntarioInc.337,375&455MagnaDriveAttn:FrankTozzi905-726-7607File:SP-2008-02SitePlanApplicationforthree(3)storey9600m2(103,333ft2)ArtsandEducationbuilding.Mar.14,2008ApplicantrequiredtoobtainInfrastructureEasementpriortoexecutingSitePlanAgreement.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -10 -120 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20166OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS12.VinderHoldingsInc.15195LeslieStreetAttn:StephenBernatt416-449-8845File:ZBA-2008-04ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtopermitbusinessusesandafreestandingrestaurant.Feb.29,2008ApprovedinprinciplependingSitePlanApplication.Pre-consultationheldwithApplicantonNovember12,2015.AwaitingsubmissionofSitePlanApplication.Inactive.Fileclosed.13.FaridAmeryoun118WellingtonStreetEastIntelliterraInc.Attn:BruceHall416-525-1133Files:ZBA-2008-19&SP-2014-03ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtopermitapersonalserviceshop(hairsalon)&business&professionalofficewithinexistingbuilding.SitePlanApplicationtopermitbusinessandprofessionaloffices,andpersonalshopuses,aswellasrelatedparkingonthesubjectlands.Nov.3,2008Jun.9,2014PublicPlanningMeetingheldMay27,2009.PublicPlanningMeetingheldNovember27,2013.ZoningBy-lawApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonAugust12,2014.ZoningBy-law5652-14passedbyCouncilonSeptember9,2013isinfullforceandeffect.SitePlan,approvedbyCouncilonAugust12,2014.SitePlanAgreementbeingprepared.14.RichardsonHouseDevelopmentsInc.(Bellwood)14985LeslieStreetAttn:MartinRendl416-291-6902File:SP-2010-01SitePlanApplicationtopermitfour(4)storeyhealthandwellnesscentre.Apr.13,2010SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonSeptember14,2010.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -11 -121 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20167OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS15.Malfaro,Giorgio,Bucciol15086–15088YongeStreetSosciaEngineeringAttn:SandroSoscia416-707-3868File:SP-2009-10SitePlanApplicationtopermittwo(2)storeyMontessorischool.Oct.8,2009Inactive.16.BGProperties(Aurora)Inc.(formerly,RodCoutts&BrianCoutts)222RidgeRoads&14222,14314,14338&14378YongeStreetBruttoConsultingAttn:MatthewKing905-851-1201Ext.225Files:SUB2012-03&ZBA-2012-16DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationsproposing195residentialunits.Dec.17,2012DraftPlanofSubdivisionwasapprovedbyCouncilonJune26,2013.ZoningBy-law5836-16enactedonApril26,2016.Bylawineffect.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -12 -122 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20168OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS17.Mattamy(Aurora)Ltd.2C(West)AreaPartLot26,Concession2(NEcornerofBayviewAvenueandSt.John’sSideroad)MaloneGivenParsonsLtd.Attn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170Ext.115Files:SUB-2011-02&ZBA-2011-08DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationstopermita760unitresidentialsubdivision.Aug.25,2011Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonJune27,2012.GeneralCommitteeMeetingheldonApril16,2013.ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandPlanofSubdivisionDraftPlanapprovedbyCouncilApril23,2013.ZoningBy-law5522-13approvedbyCouncil,isinforceandeffect.CouncilapprovedLiftingof“H”symbolonDecember10,2013.SubdivisionAgreementsexecutedbytheTownandtheOwner.ThePlanofSubdivisionregisteredasNumbers65M-4407,65M-4408and65M-4423.SubdivisionAgreement(Phase3)Registered.Phase4SubdivisionAgreementbeingprepared.18.99WellingtonStreetLimited99WellingtonStreetEastPartofLot15,Plan68LepekConsultingInc.Attn:HelenLepek416-485-3390Files:ZBA-2011-10&SP-2012-06ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtopermitbusinessandprofessionalofficeuse.SitePlanApplicationtoconverttheexistinghouseto177.6m2ofofficespace.Oct.31,2011June.7,2012ZoningBy-law5490-13approvedbyCouncilonFebruary26,2013,isinforceandeffect.SitePlansecondsubmissioncommentsprovidedtoApplicant.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -13 -123 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,20169OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS19.StronachGroup1289WellingtonStreetMHBCAttention:Mr.RyanMoore905-761-5588File:ZBA-2012-03SitePlanApplication:AdenaWellingtonDevelopmentsInc.Atn:Mr.AndrewGerth905-726-0995File:SP-2012-08ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtopermitfour(4)residentialcondominiumbuildingsconsistingof116units,asales/recreationcentre;andtenniscourts.SitePlanApplicationtoimplementtheaboveproposal.Mar.15,2012ApplicationforZoningapprovedbyCouncilonOctober9,2012.By-lawtoproceedinconjunctionwithSitePlanApplication.SitePlanApplicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -14 -124 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201610OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS20.ShimvestInvestmentsLtd.15436LeslieStreet2C(West)Area(WestsideofLeslieSt.,northofSARC)MaloneGivenParsonsLtd.Attn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170Ext.115Files:SUB-2012-02&ZBA-2012-02DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationstopermitasubdivisionwith359residentialunitsandacommercialblockwithupto1858m2ofgrossfloorarea.Mar.7,2012Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonJune27,2012.ZoningBy-lawandDraftPlanofSubdivisionapprovedbyCouncilMarch26,2013.ZoningBylaw5526-13approvedbyCouncil,isinforceandeffect.Phase1SubdivisionAgreementregisteredas65M-4485Phase2SubdivisionAgreementbeingprepared.21.RCGAuroraNorthLimitedPartnership800St.John’sSideroad(NorthEastcornerofBayviewAve.andSt.John’sSdrd.)Attn:MichaelMendes905-888-1277Ext.227Files:OPA-2012-02&ZBA-2012-09OfficialPlanAmendmentandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationsseektopermitacommercialdevelopmentincludingthree(3)one(1)storeybuildingshavinganapproximategrossfloorareaof5600m2.Jun.5,2012Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonSeptember24,2012.FileMaintenanceFeesreceivedonNovember6,2013.RevisedOfficialPlanandZoningAmendmentreceivedandcirculatedforcomments.PublicPlanningMeetingheldMarch25,2015.ScheduledforJuly12,2016Councilconsideration.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -15 -125 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201611OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS22.2101154OntarioInc.32WellingtonStreetEastTempletonPlanningConsultingAttn:GaryTempleton905-727-8672Files:SP-2012-09&ZBA-2012-11SitePlanApplicationtodevelopa3storey,22unitresidentialapartmentbuildingwithgroundfloorretailontotheexistingheritagebuilding.ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtoimplementtheabovenotedSitePlanApplication.Aug.2,2012Sep.28,2012SitePlanApplicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldDecember19,2012.ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationsapprovedbyCouncilonSeptember24,2013.ZoningBylaw5550-13isinforceandeffect.SitePlanAgreementsenttoYorkRegionforexecution.23.LuvianHomes(Aurora)Limited1001St.John’sSideroadEastGHDInc.Attn:GlenEaston905-752-4300Files:SUB-2012-04&ZBA-2012-12DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationstopermit30singledetacheddwellingsanda2.03haopenspaceblock.Oct.3,2012Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldMarch27,2013.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -16 -126 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201612OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS24.Edenbrook(Aurora)Inc.929St.John’sSdrdEEvansPlanningAttn:MurrayEvans905-669-6992Files:SUB-2012-06&ZBA-2012-15DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationstoallow33singledetachedlots.Nov.29,2012Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingsheldonMarch27,2013andJune25,2014.DraftPlanofSubdivisionapprovedbyCouncilonJuly29,2014.ZoningBy-law5659-14approvedbyCouncilonSeptember9,2014,isinforceandeffect.SubdivisionAgreementbeingprepared.25.CoppervalleyEstatesInc.formallyNorthernThoroughbredEquineProductionLtd.(Sikura)1756St.John’sSideroadKLMPlanningPartnersInc.Attn:RoyMason905-669-4055Files:ZBA-2015-09&SUB-2015-05ApplicationforaDraftPlanofSubdivision&ZoningBy-lawAmendmentsfor101singlefamilydetachedlots.Nov.13,2012Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.ApplicationFileclosedandtransfertoanewFileNumber.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonOctober14,2015.26.YongeDevelopmentsInc.15217YongeStreetMarketsonMainstreetInc.Attn:JackDougan416-759-1093File:SP-2013-04SitePlanApplicationtoconstructa5storeymixed-usebuildingincluding12residentialunitsand195m2ofcommercialspace.Apr.9,2013Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyGeneralCommitteeonMarch4,2014.RevisedPlansreceivedandcirculated.Inactive.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -17 -127 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201613OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS27.JoeCara15132YongeStreet647-300-2272File:SP-2013-05SitePlanApplicationtoconstructathree(3)storeymixedusebuildingincluding12residentialunitsand240sqmofcommercialspace.Apr.24,2013Applicationreceivedandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.Inactive.28.StirlingCookAuroraLtd.74OldBloomingtonRoadYRVLCP–1159Level1,Unit22Macaulay,Shiomi,HowsonLtd.Attn:AngelaSciberras905-868-8230File:ZBA-2013-04ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtopermitsix(6)rowhouseunitsonthesubjectlands.SitePlanApplicationtopermitsix(6)rowhouseunitsonthesubjectlands.Nov.15,2013Aug.6,2014Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingswereheldonMarch26,2014andMay28,2014.ZoningBy-law5661-14passedbyCouncilonSeptember23,2013.SitePlanApplicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonSeptember23,2014.SitePlanAgreementbeingprepared.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -18 -128 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201614OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS29.L.S.ConsultingInc.29GeorgeStreetLarkinAssociatesAttn:AaronGillard905-895-0554Files:OPA-2013-02,ZBA-2013-05,SP-2014-08&CDM-2016-02OfficialPlanAmendmentandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationstopermitafour(4)storeyapartmentbuilding.SitePlanApplicationtopermitafour(4)storey,12unitapartmentbuilding.CondominiumApplicationDec.11,2013Oct.8,2014Feb29,2016Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.Awaitingsecondsubmission.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonApril30,2014.AreporttobebroughtbacktoafuturePublicPlanningMeeting.OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationsapprovedbyCouncilonJanuary28,2015.OPANo.7andBy-law5712-15approvedbyCouncilonMay11,2015.SitePlanAgreementbeingprepared.CondominiumApplicationcommentsprovidedtoApplicant.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -19 -129 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201615OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS30.2351528OntarioLimitedandAurora-LeslieDevelopmentsLimited(EmeryInvestments)15625and15775LeslieStreetKLMPlanningAttn:BillTam905-669-4055Files:ZBA-2014-01&SUB-2014-01ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationandaDraftPlanofSubdivisionApplicationtodevelopabusinessparkoverthe76.6hectareofland.ThebusinessparkdevelopmentproposesEmploymentBlocks,OfficeEmploymentBlocks,aRetailBlock,anInstitutionalBlock,aParkBlockandopenspace,woodlot,stormwatermanagement,buffersandroadwidening.Mar.26,2014Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldJune25,2014.DraftPlanofSubdivisionandZoningBy-lawApplicationsapprovedbyCouncilonSeptember16,2014.By-lawapprovedbyCouncilonNovember25,2014.Noappeals,ZoningBylawAmendmentineffect.SubdivisionAgreementbeingprepared.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -20 -130 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201616OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS31.BrookfieldHomes(Ontario)Limited155VandorfSideroadMaloneGivenParsonsLtd.Attn:AdrianCammaert905-513-0170Ext.148Files:OPA-2014-01,ZBA-2014-03&CDM-2016-01OfficialPlanAmendment,andZoningBy-lawAmendment,foracondominiumdevelopment56singledetachedunits.CondominiumApplicationApr.28,2014Feb23,2016Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingsheldonJanuary28,2015andApril22,2015.OfficialPlanAmendmentandZoningBy-lawAmendmentapprovedbyCouncilonJune9,2015.OfficialPlanAmendmentNo.8(By-law5748-15)andZoningBy-lawAmendment5749-15enactedbyCouncilonJuly14,2015areinfullforceandeffect.ScheduledforJune21,2016GeneralCommittee.32.EyeletInvestmentCorp1114WellingtonStreetEastMaloneGivenParsonsLtd.Attn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0177Files:SUB-2014-03&ZBA-2014-08DraftPlanofSubdivisionandRezoningApplicationsfor82singledetachedlotsanda0.3hectarecommunitypark.Aug.22,2014Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonDecember14,2014.ReportscheduledforGeneralCommitteeonMarch24,2015.SubdivisionandZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationsapprovedbyCouncilonMarch31,2015.ZoningBy-law5735-15enactedonJune9,2015.SubdivisionAgreementbeingprepared.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -21 -131 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201617OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS33.2419059OntarioInc.497WellingtonSt.WestMarketsonMainStreetInc.Attn:JackDougan416-759-1093Files:ZBA-2014-07&SP-2015-01AZoningBy-lawAmendmenttopermit22Rowhouseunits.SitePlanApplicationtopermit22Rowhouseunits.Sept.3,2014Feb.2,2015ApplicationreceivedasCompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonFebruary25,2015.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonSeptember21,2015.ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationrefusedbyCouncilatthePublicPlanningMeeting.OwnerappealedApplicationstoOMB.34.DavidFrattaroli14288YongeStreetBruttoConsultingAttn:MattKing905-761-9890Files:SUB-2014-04&ZBA-2014-08DraftPlanofSubdivisionandRe-ZoningApplicationsfornine(9)townhouseunitsandtwo(2)semi-detachedunits.Sept.29,2014Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldMarch25,2015.Awaiting2ndDraftPlanofSubdivisionSubmission.35.P.A.R.C.E.LS/WCornerofYonge&ElderberryTrailMarkEmery,WestonConsulting905-738-8080Ext.240File:SP-2014-07ASitePlanApplicationtofacilitateawellnesslivingandhealthcentre,20unitadultlivingfacilityanddoctor’sresidence.Oct.8,2014Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicantforreviewandresubmission.Awaiting2ndSitePlanSubmission.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -22 -132 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201618OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS36.HighlandGateDevelopmentsInc.21GolfLinksDriveMaloneGivenParsonsAttn:MatthewCory905-513-0170Ext.138Files:OPA-2015-01,ZBA-2015-02&SUB-2015-01OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationandaDraftPlanofSubdivisionApplicationtodeveloparesidentialsubdivision.TheDraftPlanofSubdivisionproposes184lotsforsingledetacheddwellingsandablockforahigh-densitybuilding(estimatedtoyield144unitsplussmallscalecommercialatgrade).Feb.27,2015Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.FirstPublicPlanningMeetingforJune24,2015.SecondPublicPlanningMeetingscheduledforSeptember30,2015.ThirdPublicPlanningMeetingheldonOctober28,2015.OwnerappealedApplicationstoOMB.37.JochriInvestmentsLtd.200IndustrialParkwaySouth.TrumbleyHamptonDesignBuildInc.Attn:RobertTrumbley416-258-1424File:SP-2015-02SitePlanApplicationforanew625m2warehousebuilding.A1398m2industrialbuildingalreadyexistsontheproperty.Mar.4,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonJune23,2015.SitePlanAgreementexecuted.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -23 -133 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201619OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS38.LeswellInvestmentsInc.1452WellingtonStreetMichaelSmithPlanningConsultantsAttn:MichaelSmith905-989-2588Files:ZBA-2015-04&SP-2015-04ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationtopermitthedevelopmentoftwocommercialbuildingsonthesubjectproperty.May.13,2015Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonSeptember21,2015.39.ThePriestlyHoldingCorporation125EdwardStreetHunter&AssociatesLimitedAttn:DianaMercier416-444-8095File:ZBA-2015-03ZoningBy-lawAmendmenttopermittheexistinguseoftheexistingbusinessandprofessionalofficebuildingwithBy-lawexceptionsonthesubjectlands.Apr.23,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtotheApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldMay21,2015.By-lawapprovedMay10,2016.Bylawineffect.40.2352017OntarioInc.1588St.John’sSideroadHumphriesPlanningGroupInc.Attn:RosemarieHumphries905-264-7678Ext.244Files:SUB-2015-02&ZBA-2015-05ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandDraftPlanofSubdivisionApplicationstodevelopa10blockbusinessparkand10haEPonthe19.8halands.May.29,2015Applicationsreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtotheApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldNovember16,2015.Awaiting2ndSubmission.41.GreenStorageInc.27AllauraBlvdAttn:AlAzevedo905-424-2947File:SP-2015-07SitePlanApplicationtoconstructaself-storagefacilitywithfourbuildingswith8,596m2grossfloorarea.Jul.13,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtotheApplicant.2ndsubmissioncirculatedforcomments.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -24 -134 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201620OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS42.1525366OntarioLtd.67IndustrialParkwayNorthAECOMCanadaLtd.Attn:ArthurDiamond905-668-9363Ext.2212File:SP-2015-05SitePlanApplicationtobuilda334m2additionandanew156m2storagestructure.Jul.27,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonOctober13,2015.SitePlanAgreementbeingprepared.43.RodCoutts&BrianCoutts14314&14338YongeStreetBruttoConsultingAttn:ClaudioBrutto/MatttKing906-761-9890File:ZBA-2015-07ZoningBy-lawAmendmenttopermitaretirementhomewithBy-lawexceptionsonthesubjectlands.Aug.6,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldNovember30,2015.By-lawapprovedMay10,2016.Bylawineffect.44.AshlenHoldingsLtd.13859,13875,&13887YongeSt.BruttoConsultingAttn:MatthewKing905-761-5497Ext.225Files:OPA-2015-03,ZBA-2015-08&SUB-2015-04OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendment,andDraftPlanofSubdivisionApplicationtodevelop30singledetacheddwellings.Aug.6,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonNovember30,2015.SecondPublicPlanningMeetingheldonApril20,2016.OfficialPlanAmendmentandZoningBy-lawAmendmentscheduledforGeneralCommitteeonJune21.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -25 -135 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201621OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS45.CarpinoConstructionInc.c/oTreasureHillHomes15278YongeStreetMaloneGivenParsonsAttn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170Ext.115Files:OPA-2015-04,ZBA-2015-04&SP-2015-08OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationtodevelopa126unitstackedtownhousedevelopment.Aug.20,2015Applicationreceivedascomplete.CommentsprovidedtoApplicantPublicPlanningMeetingheldNovember25,2015.SecondPublicPlanningMeetingheldMarch30,2016.ScheduledJune7,2016Councilconsideration.46.CharlievilleDevelopmentsLtd.45TylerStreetGroundswellUrbanPlannersInc.Attn:KeriganKelly905-597-8204Files:OPA-2015-02&ZBA-2015-06OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmenttodevelopa68unitcondominiumtownhousedevelopment.Aug.20,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldMay25,2016.47.SmallStepsProgramsInc.138CentreStreetLARKIN+LandUsePlannersAttn:MattBagnall905-895-0554Files:ZBA-2015-11&SP-2015-09ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationtoallowadaynurseryuseanddevelopa103.2m2additionontotheexisting65.8m2building.Aug.27,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonNovember25,2015.By-lawapprovedonMay24,2016.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -26 -136 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201622OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS48.Grossi,Nunzio7,15,19CousinsDriveMPlanInc.Attn:MichaelMannett905889-6309File:ZBA-2015-12ZoningBylawAmendmentApplicationtoallowfour(4)newandoneretainedlots.Sept.8,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonNovember25,2015.2ndSubmissionreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.49.FrankLuciani340RidgeRoadBruttoConsultingAttn:MatthewKing905-761-5497Ext.225File:ZBA-2015-13ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtofacilitateaseveranceonthesubjectlands,tocreateone(1)additionalresidentiallot.Sept.23,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldJanuary27,2016.Awaiting2ndSubmission.50.BrookfieldHomes(Ontario)AuroraLtd.15778LeslieStreetMaloneGivenParsonsAttn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170Ext.115Files:CDM-2015-01&PLC-2015-07DraftPlanofCondominiumandPartLotControlApplicationstoallow49singledetacheddwellingunitsonaprivatecondominiumroad.Oct.6,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PartLotControlBy-law5807-16registeredasYR2431625.DraftPlanofCondominiumConditionsofApprovalapprovedbyCouncilonJanuary26,2016.NoticeofConfirmationofDraftPlanofCondominiumApprovalissuedFeb18,2016.CommonElementsCondominiumAgreementExecutedMay10,2016.AwaitingFinalCondominiumPlan.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -27 -137 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201623OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS51.Mattamy(Aurora)Ltd.1280St.John’sSideroadMattamy(Aurora)Ltd.Attn:AndrewSjogren905-943-2145File:ZBA-2015-14ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtorequireaminimum5metresofprivatelandscapebufferonresidentiallotsabuttingthemunicipalboundarytotheTownofNewmarket.Oct.13,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldDecember16,2015.CouncilapprovedBylawAmendmentFebruary23,2016.Bylawineffect.52.MetropolitanSquareInc.180,190&220WellingtonStreetEastMSHLtd.Attn:AngelaSciberras905-868-8230Files:OPA-2015-05&ZBA-2015-15OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmenttodeveloptwo(2)10–storeybuildingsforatotalof296residentialcondominiumunits.Nov.6,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicMeetingheldJanuary27,2016.SecondPublicPlanningMeetingheldJune29,2016.53.WellsStreetSchoolhouseLoftsInc.64WellsStreetBernardH.WattArchitectAttn:JoanneBirch416-920-1660Files:OPA-2012-01&CDM-2015-02PlanofCondominiumApplicationtopermit34residentialunitswithintheexistingstructure.Dec.7,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.DraftPlanofCondominiumConditionsofApprovalapprovedbyCouncilonMarch22,2016.NoticeofConfirmationofDraftPlanofCondominiumApprovalissuedApril19,2016.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -28 -138 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201624OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS54.LoraCai,XunGongandRichardGong15342YongeStreetHBRPlanningCentreInc.Attn:StaceyWilliams905-853-1841Files:ZBA-2015-16&SP-2015-10ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtoproposeaBusinessandProfessionalOfficeasanadditionalpermitteduseonthesubjectlands.ASitePlanApplicationtopermita11spaceparkinglotsurroundingtheexistingheritagestructure.Dec.21,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.CommentsprovidedtoApplicant.PublicPlanningMeetingheldFebruary24,2016.ZoningBy-lawAmendmentandSitePlanApplicationsapprovedbyCouncilonMay24,2016.EnactingZoningBy-lawscheduledforJune14,2016.55.VelloHoldingsLtd.330McClellanWayMPlanInc.Attn:MichaelManett905-889-1564File:ZBA-2016-01Rezoningtoallowawiderrangeofcommercialuses.Jan.5,2016Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonMarch30,2016.ScheduledforGeneralCommitteeonJune7,2016.56.MillwellPropertiesInc.55WellingtonStreetWestLepekConsultingInc.Attn:HelenLepek416-485-3390File:ZBA-2016-02Rezoningtoallow9additionalresidentialunits,removecommercialZoning.Feb.1,2016Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldonApril20,2016.ScheduledforGeneralCommitteeonJune21,2016.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -29 -139 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201625OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS57.GineveInc.250DonHillockDriveWestonConsultingAttn:DeborahAlexander905-738-8080ext.296File:SP-2016-03SitePlanApplicationtobuildasinglestorey,multi-unitindustrialbuildingwithanapproximateGrossFloorAreaof8,815sqm.Feb.12,2016Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.SitePlanReportApprovedbyCouncilMay24,2016.58.2283986OntarioLtd.(Ultramar)15255LeslieSt.and1540WellingtonSt.EKLMPlanningPartnersIncAttn:MarkYarington905-669-0097Files:OPA-2015-06&ZBA-2015-17OfficialPlanandZoningBylawAmendmentApplicationstopermitbroaderrangeofretailuses.Dec.23,2015Applicationreceivedascompleteandcirculated.PublicPlanningMeetingheldFebruary24,2016.ScheduledforGeneralCommitteeonJune7,2016.59.KaitlinEstatesLtd,15277YongeStreetAttn:KelvinWhalen905-642-7050File:CDM-2015-0395residentialunit,3commercialDraftPlanofCondominium.Dec.22,2015ApplicationapprovedatMarch1,2016GeneralCommitteeMeeting.60.2450290OntarioInc.32DonHillockDriveA.FazelArchitectInc.Attn:AlirezaFazel416-444-5480File:SP-2016-022storeyofficebuildingwithatotalgfaof4,265m2Feb.5,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.CommentsprovidedtoApplicantandawaitingsecondsubmission.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -30 -140 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201626OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS61.MHJHHoldingsInc.75EricTSmithWayHallmarkDesignBuildAttn:ScottByersFile:SP-2016-01Onestoreyindustrialbuildingwithatotalgfaof3,611.5m2Jan.25,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.CommentsprovidedtoApplicantandawaitingsecondsubmission.SitePlanApplicationapprovedbyCouncilonMay17,2016.SitePlanAgreementbeingfinalized.62.BrookfieldHomes(Ontario)AuroraLtd.Blocks15,16&19,Plan65M-4467Attn:DavidMurphy905-948-4732Files:PLC-2016-02&PLC-2016-03PartLotControlapplicationforTownhousesonBlocks15,16&19Plan65M-4467PartLotControlApplicationforTownhousesonBlocks17,18,20,21&22Plan65M-4467.Mar.18,2016Apr.13,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.By-law5842-16registeredasYR2470768approvedbyCouncilApril26,2016.Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.By-law5854approvedbyCouncilMay10,2016.63.BGProperties(Aurora)Inc.14222,14314,14358&14378YongeStreetAttn:JoanMacIntyre905-513-0170ext115File:CDM-2016-0342Residentialsingledetacheddwellingunits(Phase1)DraftPlanofCondominium.Apr.25,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -31 -141 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201627OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS64.CASINGDevelopmentsInc.1114WellingtonStreetEastBlocks13,15,18&21,Plan65M-4478Attn:GeorgePietracciFile:PLC-2016-04PartLotControlApplicationforTownhousesonBlocks13,15,18&21,Plan65M-4478Apr.28,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.ScheduledforGeneralCommitteeonJune21,2016.65.Leslie-WellingtonDevelopmentsInc.1289WellingtonStreetEastAttn:AngelaSciberrasFiles:SUB-2016-01,OPA-2016-01&ZBA-2016-03OfficialPlanAmendment,ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplication,andaDraftPlanofSubdivisionApplicationtodeveloparesidentialsubdivision.TheDraftPlanofSubdivisionproposes145lotsforsingledetacheddwellingsandanEnvironmentalProtectionblock.May6,2016ApplicationreceivedwithaddendumreportsreceivedonMay25,2016andcirculatedforcomment.PublicPlanningMeetingheldJune29,2016.66.FGKWRetirementLivingInc.145MurrayDriveAttn:ToddCullen416-221-3335ext422File:SP-2016-04Rearadditiontoallow78additionalretirementhomesuites/unitsonthesubjectlands.May20,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -32 -142 - PLANNINGAPPLICATIONSTATUSLIST–FIGURE3June21,201628OWNER/LOCATION/AGENT&FILENUMBERPROPOSALDATEREC’DSTATUS67.455MagnaDriveInc.455MagnaDriveAttn:TemplarTrinaistichFile:ZBA-2016-04TemporaryUseBy-lawtopermitaButcherShopwithintheexistingbuildingonMagnaDriveforaperiodof3years.May18,2016Applicationreceivedandcirculatedforcomment.PublicPlanningMeetingheldJune29,2016.68.CanadianTireCorporation14700YongeStreetHunter&AssociatesLtdAttn:DianaMercierFile:ZBA-2016-05ZoningBy-lawAmendmentApplicationtoallowawiderrangeofcommercialuses.June3,2016Applicationreceived.69.TheGatheringPlaceofAurora210EdwardStreetAttn:JamesHettinger905-331-0792Files:OPA-2016-02&ZBA-2016-06OfficialPlanAmendmentandZoningBy-lawAmendmenttoallowaplaceofworship.June6,2016Applicationreceived.General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 13 Page -33 -143 - TOWN OF AURORA FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Tuesday,May 24,2016 Time and Location:5:30 p.m.,Leksand Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair),Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Member(s)Absent:Councillor Harold Kim Other Attendees:Councillor Wendy Gaertner,Councillor Sandra Humfryes, Councillor Tom Mrakas,Doug Nadorozny,Chief Administrative Officer,Dan Elliott,Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer,Jason Gaertner,Manager of Financial Planning/Deputy Treasurer,and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 14 Page -1 -144 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,May 24,2016 Page 2 of 4 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 19,2016 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 19,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS None 5.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 1.CFS16-017 –2017 Budget Preparation Directions Staff provided background to the report including a review of the key principles for the development of the 2017 Budget,Budget concerns,Base Operating Budget directions,the Phase-In Budget for Fire Services expansion,and the Fiscal Strategy Budget.The Committee discussed various aspects of the report. Staff noted that 2016 is a re-assessment year and that MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation)would be making a presentation to Council on June 14,2016. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT Report No.CFS16-017 be received;and THAT the comments and directions of Committee be incorporated into a revised Budget Directives report for the next Finance Advisory Committee in a form which can referred by Committee to Council for approval. CARRIED 2.Memorandum from Treasurer Re:Departmental Budget Review –Corporate Accounts Staff noted that Corporate Accounts includes accounts which cannot be easily attributed to any particular department or are Corporation-wide in nature.The Committee reviewed the memorandum and variances highlighted in the line-by- General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 14 Page -2 -145 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,May 24,2016 Page 3 of 4 line analysis of the core Corporate accounts and Taxation accounts.No further input was requested and the review was deemed complete. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the memorandum regarding Departmental Budget Review -Corporate Accounts be received for information. CARRIED 3.Memorandum from Treasurer Re:Residential/Non-residential Assessment Split –Comparators Staff provided background to the memorandum. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the memorandum regarding Residential/Non-residential Assessment Split –Comparators be received for information. CARRIED 4.Review (Part 2)of the BMA Management Consulting Inc.Municipal Study – 2015 (Link to full report:http://www.aurora.ca/bma) Motion to refer Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the Review (Part 2)of the BMA Management Consulting Inc.Municipal Study –2015 be referred to the 2017 Budget presentation. CARRIED 5.Extract from Council Meeting of April 26,2016 Re:Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 22,2016 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of April 26,2016,regarding the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 22,2016,be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 14 Page -3 -146 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,May 24,2016 Page 4 of 4 6.NEW BUSINESS Staff discussed elements of the Citizen Budget Survey and noted that the Committee had previously recommended that the Survey be enhanced.Staff advised that the survey can be modified,but timing and resources presented a challenge at this time.Staff provided options and it was agreed to implement a survey similar to last year,with the addition of a deliberate intercept process at various Town events and locations,to obtain 2017 Budget feedback from the community,and plan for an improved Citizen Budget Survey for the 2018 Budget. 7.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 14 Page -4 -147 - TOWN OF AURORA ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Thursday,June 2,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Holland Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Irene Clement,Larry Fedec,Melville James,Nancee Webb, Kristina Zeromskiene Member(s)Absent:Councillor Mrakas (Chair),Councillor Paul Pirri (Vice Chair), Danielle Howell,Sara Varty Other Attendees:Christina Nagy-Oh,Program Manager,Environmental Initiatives,Justin Leung,Committee of Adjustment Secretary- Treasurer,Linda Bottos,Council/Committee Secretary The Council/Committee Secretary called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene THAT Irene Clement be appointed as Chair for the meeting. CARRIED 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -1 -148 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 2,2016 Page 2 of 4 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 7,2016 Moved by Larry Fedec Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 7,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS (a)Barry Bridgeford,Resident Re:Need for Invasive Plant Species Management Policy and Control Program The Committee consented on a two-thirds vote that the requirements of section 3.8(c)of the Procedural By-law be waived to permit the delegation additional time as required. Mr.Bridgeford expressed his concerns regarding the impact of invasive plant species in a number of the Town’s wooded,forested,and natural areas,and requested that a “Forest Advisory Team”be organized and operational no later than January 2017 to provide input on environmental,forestry,and trail issues. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James THAT the delegation by Barry Bridgeford be received for information. CARRIED 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.Memorandum from Program Manager,Environmental Initiatives Re:Corporate Environmental Action Plan (CEAP)Update Staff invited the Committee to consider items that could be added to the CEAP and submit their suggestions by email to the Program Manager by mid-July for review at the September meeting. Moved by Melville James Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -2 -149 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 2,2016 Page 3 of 4 THAT the memorandum regarding Corporate Environmental Action Plan (CEAP) Update be received;and THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee provide comment to be considered by staff in the preparation of the CEAP update. CARRIED 2.Memorandum from Program Manager,Environmental Initiatives Re:Community Earth Week Fair 2016 and 2017 The Committee noted that the recent Community Earth Week Fair 2016 was a success with more than 600 visitors.The Committee discussed various aspects and potential for a Community Earth Week Fair in 2017. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene THAT the memorandum regarding Community Earth Week Fair 2016 and 2017 be received;and THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT a Community Earth Week Fair 2017 be endorsed;and THAT Council provide input to the objectives of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017;and THAT a multi-department team of Town staff be made available to participate in a Working Group in support of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017. CARRIED AS AMENDED 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3.Extract from Council Meeting of May 10,2016 Re:Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 7,2016 Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Larry Fedec THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of May 10,2016,regarding the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 7,2016,be received for information. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -3 -150 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 2,2016 Page 4 of 4 7.NEW BUSINESS The Committee suggested considering ways in which residents could be encouraged to stop using plastic water bottles.Staff noted that this issue has been included on the CEAP update list. The Committee commented on the need for a central communication network to facilitate the dissemination of environmental information in the Town. The Committee advised that two new acts had recently been passed in Ontario:Bill 172,Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act,2016;and Bill 151, Waste-Free Ontario Act,2016. The Committee noted that used textiles may be donated at a fundraising event for Free the Children on Saturday,June 25,2016,to be held in the parking lot at Town Hall.It was further noted that Value Village in Newmarket also accepts used textiles and clothing. The Committee suggested that residents should be encouraged to recycle plastic plant pots by including relevant information in Aurora’s Waste Management Guide and Recycling Calendar for 2017. The Committee suggested that recyclables should be separated from garbage during Aurora’s next Annual Clean-up Day by offering participants two different bags. Staff advised that a Regional Environmental Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday,June 21,from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m.,at the Trisan Centre in Schomberg. Staff advised that they would be using digital agendas only in future.Committee members were invited to advise staff if they no longer wish to receive paper copies. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -4 -151 - TOWN OF AURORA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Thursday,June 9,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Leksand Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Paul Pirri (Chair),Councillor John Abel (Vice Chair) Rosalyn Gonsalves,Javed Khan,and Bruce Walkinshaw Member(s)Absent:Don Constable and Marilee Harris Other Attendees:Councillor Harold Kim,Councillor Tom Mrakas,Councillor Michael Thompson,Anthony Ierullo,Manager of Long Range & Strategic Planning,Michael Logue,Program Manager, Economic Development,and Samantha Yew, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Rosalyn Gonsalves Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -1 -152 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 9,2016 Page 2 of 4 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 12,2016 Moved by Javed Khan Seconded by Rosalyn Gonsalves THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 12, 2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS None 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range &Strategic Planning Re:Development of an Attraction Strategy for the Hotel Industry Staff gave an overview of the memorandum and noted that it would cost approximately $25,000 for a consultant to complete the scope of work. The Committee discussed the possibility of completing the scope of work in- house and the impact of Regional hotel development charges,and made suggestions that could be considered as part of the hotel feasibility study and attraction strategy. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding Development of an Attraction Strategy for the Hotel Industry be received for information. CARRIED 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 2.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range &Strategic Planning Re:Economic Development Action Plan Update The Committee inquired about the status of the establishment of a BIA in downtown Aurora,the proposed Bell Canada small cell pilot project,and the Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -2 -153 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 9,2016 Page 3 of 4 status of the proposed medical campus.Staff advised on various aspects of these inquiries. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding Economic Development Action Plan Update be received for information. CARRIED 3.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range &Strategic Planning Re:Call for Town of Aurora Business Ambassadors Staff provided a brief overview of the Business Ambassadors Program.The Committee inquired about aspects of the program,including the selection process,compensation,and membership. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding Call for Town of Aurora Business Ambassadors be received for information. CARRIED 7.NEW BUSINESS The Chair thanked staff for their work on the Business Ambassadors Program. The Committee discussed their initiatives and strategic priorities. The Committee discussed the possibility of participating in a hotel attraction strategy working group with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Bruce Walkinshaw Seconded by Javed Khan THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:23 p.m. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -3 -154 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 9,2016 Page 4 of 4 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -4 -155 - TOWN OF AURORA HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Monday,June 13,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Holland Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Jeff Thom (Chair),Councillor Wendy Gaertner (Vice Chair),Barry Bridgeford,James Hoyes,John Kazilis, Bob McRoberts (Honorary Member),and Martin Paivio Member(s)Absent:Carol Gravelle Other Attendees:Councillor Tom Mrakas,Marco Ramunno,Director of Planning and Development Services,Jeff Healey,Planner, and Samantha Kong,Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Bob McRoberts Seconded by James Hoyes THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved with the following additions: Delegation (a)Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian,Representing the Applicant Re:Allen Brown Heritage Home Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -1 -156 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 2 of 6 Delegation (b)Nick Racanelli and Frank Abbaglivio,Applicants Re:Item 1 –HAC16-004 –Heritage Permit Application 24 Catherine Avenue,File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 CARRIED 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 11,2016 Moved by John Kazilis Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 11,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS (a)Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian,Representing the Applicant Re:Allen Brown Heritage Home (Added Item) Mr.Hall and Mr.Kurkjian presented an overview of the Allen Brown Heritage Home,which was relocated in 2012 next to David English Park where it was placed on a new foundation.They expressed concerns regarding the structural integrity of the dwelling and evidence of mold and asbestos.Mr. Hall and Mr.Kurkjian requested that the existing dwelling be demolished and replicated in the reconstruction. Moved by Martin Paivio Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to New Business. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -2 -157 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 3 of 6 (b)Nick Racanelli and Frank Abbaglivio,Applicants Re:Item 1 –HAC16-004 –Heritage Permit Application, 24 Catherine Avenue,File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 (Added Item) Mr.Racanelli and Mr.Abbaglivio provided an overview of the proposed construction of a new accessory structure in the form of a three-bay garage at the rear of the property,and noted that no trees would be affected. Moved by John Kazilis Seconded by Councillor Gaertner THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 1. CARRIED 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.HAC16-004 –Heritage Permit Application,24 Catherine Avenue, File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 Staff provided a brief history of the property and confirmed that the accessory structure would serve as a garage.Staff noted that the proposed materials are consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood. The Committee made various inquiries and staff advised that both properties on either side of 24 Catherine Avenue currently each possess a detached garage. Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Martin Paivio THAT Report No.HAC16-004 be received;and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-15-03 be approved to permit the construction of a 117m2 accessory structure;and THAT the Owner clarify materials of the proposed accessory structure as indicated in the staff report;and Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -3 -158 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 4 of 6 THAT the Owner incorporate a rear yard amenity area or soft landscaping if possible. CARRIED 2.HAC16-005 –Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 20 Ransom Street Staff provided a brief history of the property and indicated that the original dwelling has incurred significant modifications to the main structure and façade. The Committee made various inquiries and staff advised that the owners had indicated that all trees on the property would be maintained. Moved by Bob McRoberts Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT Report No.HAC16-005 be received;and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT the property located at 20 Ransom Street be removed from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest;and THAT the proposed elevations are subject to approval of Planning Staff to ensure the proposed new dwelling will maintain the heritage character of the area;and THAT prior to demolition,staff be requested to visit the property and identify any salvageable items that could be donated to Aurora’s Architectural Salvage Program. CARRIED AS AMENDED 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3.Extract from Council Meeting of April 12,2016 Re:Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 7,2016 Moved by John Kazilis Seconded by Barry Bridgeford Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -4 -159 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 5 of 6 THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of April 12,2016,regarding the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 7,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.Extract from Council Meeting of April 26,2016 Re:Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 11,2016 Moved by Bob McRoberts Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of April 26,2016,regarding the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 11,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 7.NEW BUSINESS Staff reviewed the delegation information provided by Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian regarding the request to demolish the existing dwelling and replicate the original structure of the Allen Brown Heritage Home. The Committee deferred any decision regarding the Allen Brown Heritage Home until a report is provided containing background information of the property, structural conditions,and proposed demolition and reconstruction plans. New Business Motion No.1 Moved by Martin Paivio Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT staff be directed to report back to the next regular Heritage Advisory Committee meeting regarding the Allen Brown Heritage Home. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -5 -160 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 6 of 6 The Committee indicated that the building located on 45 Mosley Street has been demolished,although only the demolition and reconstruction of the second storey had been approved.The Committee expressed concern regarding the lack of consequences for an owner that has not adhered to the decisions recommended by the Committee and ratified by Council.Staff indicated that they would investigate the feasibility of imposing fines or fees and report back to the Committee. The Committee made inquiries regarding Doors Open Aurora.Staff noted that there are new walking tours planned for the event,and new sites including the Patrick House.Staff extended an invitation to members to volunteer on the day of the event,or forward any additional sites to staff for consideration. The Committee expressed concern regarding heritage trees that are located on private properties and requested staff to investigate what other municipalities are doing to assist owners in properly maintaining these trees. New Business Motion No.2 Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Martin Paivio THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT staff be directed to investigate and report back to the Committee regarding methods by which the Town could help home owners to properly maintain heritage trees on their property. CARRIED The Committee expressed interest in reviewing and providing input into the Cultural Precinct project. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Bob McRoberts THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS OTHERWISE ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -6 -161 - NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Tom Mrakas Date:June 21,2016 To:Mayor and Members of Council From:Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan WHEREAS parking has been identified as a need for users of the Library,Cultural Centre and businesses in the Downtown core;and WHEREAS traffic infiltration to the secondary roads around the Downtown core has been an ongoing concern for both residents and business owners;and WHEREAS revitalization of the Downtown core is a high priority for the Town of Aurora; and WHEREAS Council has identified Library Square as the centr of the Downtown core; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT staff investigate the feasibility of the Conceptual Downtown Traffic Management Plan (conceptual plan attached to this motion)and report back to Council in September 2016;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Conceptual Downtown Traffic Management Plan be put forward to the Town Park Area Residents Ratepayer's Association ,for their review and comment;and THAT the results of that consultation be brought back to Council along with the staff feasibility study for Council review and approval. ATTACHMENT Attachment 1 -Conceptual Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Page -1 Attachment 1Attachment#1 Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Page -2 -162 - NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Sandra Humfryes Date:June 21,2016 To:Mayor and Members of Council From:Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes WHEREAS Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children,as well as their friends,family and community;and WHEREAS Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)is the scientific process based on objective evaluation and empirically based interventions used to achieve meaningful, generalizable and enduring behavioural change,and Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI)is an application of the principles of ABA in an intensive setting used to affect behaviour change and improvement;and WHEREAS the current waiting list of children for IBI is over 2,000 and more than 13,000 children await ABA;and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has announced it intends to discontinue IBI services to children over the age of four and provide a one-time payment to assist with services, thereby abandoning thousands who have been wait-listed for years;and WHEREAS there are two service models for affected children to be treated,the Direct Service Offering (DSO)where children receive services directly from trained staff at Ontario's nine regional service providers,and the Direct Funding Offering (DFO)where parents receive funding directly in order to purchase services;and WHEREAS the DFO model to provide services is used in Alberta,British Columbia and imminently Saskatchewan.Such a model is clinically rigorous and has been identified by the Auditor General of Ontario as being less expensive than Ontario's DSO model; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT a letter be sent to the Honourable Michael Coteau,Minister of Children and Youth Services;Alexander Bezzina,Deputy Minister of Children and Youth Services;the Honourable Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care;and the Honourable Kathleen Wynne,Premier of Ontario,requesting the Province to: Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (b)Page -1 June 21,2016 Notice of Motion Page 2 of 2 Ontario Autism Program Changes 1.Amend its policy to one that will allow all children on the current waiting list to receive the IBI services promised them;and 2.Remove the age limit for IBI therapy and replace it with a program that provides ongoing IBI services based on need and individual development, not age;and 3.Ensure oversight by professionals and parents based on 'development progress'criteria and milestones;and 4.Adopt a DFO model in lieu of the current DSO model;and BE FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Chris Ballard,MPP for Newmarket-Aurora and all York Region Municipalities. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (b)Page -2 TOWN OF AURORA ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday,June 21,2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Revised General Committee Meeting Agenda Index Delegation (c)John Green,Ratepayers Association Yonge South Re:Item 10 –PDS16-047 –Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment,Ashlen Holdings Inc.,13859,13875,13887 Yonge Street,Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166,Related File:SUB- 2015-04,File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 Item 15 –Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting pg.148 Minutes of June 2,2016 Item 16 –Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting pg.152 Minutes of June 9,2016 Item 17 –Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.156 June 13,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan Notice of Motion (b)Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes Closed Session Item 1 –A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act, 2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands –15085 Yonge Street Closed Session Item 2 –A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act, 2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands –Yonge Street PUBLIC RELEASE June 17,2016 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA (REVISED) Tuesday,June 21,2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Mrakas in the Chair 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services,with the following additions,be approved: Delegation (c)John Green,Ratepayers Association Yonge South Re:Item 10 PDS16-047 Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment,Ashlen Holdings Inc.,13859, 13875, 13887 Yonge Street,Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166,Related File:SUB-2015-04,File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 Item 15 Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 2,2016 Item 16 Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 9,2016 Item 17 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 13,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 2 of 10 Notice of Motion (b)Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes Closed Session Item 1 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands 15085 Yonge Street Closed Session Item 2 A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re:Potential Purchase of Lands Yonge Street 3.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5.DELEGATIONS (a)Michelle Johnson,Nancy Black,and Shawna White,representing pg.1 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Re:Item 6 PRS16-034 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements (b)Richard Hui,Manager of Transportation Planning,York Region pg.2 Re:Item 3 IES16-059 Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street and Wellington Street Intersection (c)John Green,Ratepayers Association Yonge South Re:Item 10 PDS16-047 Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment,Ashlen Holdings Inc.,13859,13875, 13887 Yonge Street,Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166,Related File:SUB-2015-04,File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 (Added Item) 6.PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 7.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 3 of 10 8.NOTICES OF MOTION (a)Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan (Added Item) (b)Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes (Added Item) 9.NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION 10.CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT General Committee resolve into Closed Session,following adjournment,to consider the following matters: 1.A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re: Potential Purchase of Lands 15085 Yonge Street (Added Item) 2.A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board (section 239(2)(c)of the Municipal Act,2001);Re: Potential Purchase of Lands Yonge Street (Added Item) 11.ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 4 of 10 AGENDA ITEMS 1.CFS16-010 2015 Year End Budget Report as at December 31,2015 pg.3 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.CFS16-010 be received for information. 2.IES16-058 York Purchasing Cooperative Granular Supply pg.15 Tender Award RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-058 be received;and THAT the supply and delivery of granular materials,Tender CRFT 2015 -09 be awarded to Floyd Preston Limited for $220,000 for a two (2)year term,ending on March 31,2018. 3.IES16-059 Pilot Project for Left Turn Restrictions at Yonge Street pg.19 and Wellington Street Intersection RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-059 be received;and THAT a left turn lane restriction pilot project be implemented at the Yonge Street and Wellington Street intersection from August 15 to October 15,2016;and THAT northbound and southbound left turn restrictions (buses excepted)be implemented by York Region on Yonge Street at Wellington Street between the hours of 7 a.m.to 9 a.m.and 4 p.m.to 6 p.m.,Monday to Friday;and THAT staff report back to Council following the completion of the pilot period. 4.IES16-060 Drinking Water Quality Management Standard pg.27 Management Review RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-060 be received;and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 5 of 10 THAT the meeting minutes of the Annual Management Review by Top Management be received. 5.PRS16-030 Award of Tender PRS2016 -38 James Lloyd Park pg.34 Playground Equipment RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-030 be received;and THAT Tender PRS2016-38 James Lloyd Park Playground Equipment,Capital Project No.73208,be awarded to Play Power LT Canada Inc.;and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement,including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 6.PRS16-034 Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements pg.38 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-034 be received;and THAT direction be provided to staff with respect to funding the Capital Improvements for the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame. 7.PDS16-041 Cultural Precinct Public Consultation Process &pg.42 Timeline RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-041 be received;and THAT the public consultation and engagement process and timeline,as described in this report,be endorsed. 8.PDS16-044 Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control pg.49 Casing Developments Inc. Blocks 13,15,18 and 21,Plan 65M-4478 being 65R-36332 and 65R-36333 File Number:PLC-2016-04 General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 6 of 10 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-044 be received;and THAT the Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control submitted by Casing Developments Inc.to divide Blocks 13,15,18 and 21,on Plan 65M-4478 into 26 separate lots for townhouse units be approved;and THAT the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law be introduced and enacted at a future Council meeting. 9.PDS16-045 Request for Street Name Approval pg.57 2351528 Ontario Limited and Aurora-Leslie Developments Limited (Emery Investments) 15625 and 15775 Leslie Street File Number:SUB-2014-01 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-045 be received;and THAT the following street names for the proposed roads within the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision,File SUB-2014-01 be approved: MONARCH PARK GATE ADDISON HALL CIRCLE 10.PDS16-047 Applications for Official Plan Amendment and pg.62 Zoning By-law Amendment Ashlen Holdings Inc. 13859,13875,13887 Yonge Street Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166 Related File:SUB-2015-04 File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-047 be received;and THAT Application to Amend the Official Plan File No.OPA -2015-03 (Ashlen Holdings Inc.),to re-designate the land use designation to allow 30 residential lots on the subject lands be approved;and General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 7 of 10 THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No.ZBA-2015-08 (Ashlen Holdings Inc.),to allow 30 single detached dwelling units as a permitted use on the subject lands be approved;and THAT the implementing Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments be presented at a future Council meeting. 11.PDS16-050 Application for Zoning By-law Amendment pg.82 Millwell Properties Inc. 55 Wellington Street West Part of Lot 27,Registered Plan 246 File Number:ZBA-2016-02 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-050 be received;and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File No.ZBA-2016-02 (Millwell Properties Inc.)to add additional apartment dwelling units on the subject lands be approved;and THAT the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be presented at a future Council meeting. 12.PDS16-051 Proposed Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium pg.94 Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Limited 155 Vandorf Sideroad (former Timberlane Athletic Club property) Related Files:OPA-2014-01 and ZBA-2014-03 File Number:CDM-2016-01 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-051 be received;and THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium File:CDM-2015-01 for 56 single detached dwelling units,,be approved;and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval,including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 8 of 10 13.PDS16-052 Planning Applications Status List pg.111 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PDS16-052 be received for information. 14.Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 24,2016 pg.144 RECOMMENDED: THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 24,2016,be received for information. 15.Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.148 June 2,2016 (Added Item) RECOMMENDED: THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 2,2016,be received;and THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT a Community Earth Week Fair 2017 be endorsed;and THAT Council provide input to the objectives of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017;and THAT a multi-department team of Town staff be made available to participate in a Working Group in support of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017. 16.Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.152 June 9,2016 (Added Item) RECOMMENDED: THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 9, 2016,be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 9 of 10 17.Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 13,2016 pg.156 (Added Item) RECOMMENDED: THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 13,2016,be received;and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: 1.HAC16-004 Heritage Permit Application,24 Catherine Avenue, File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 THAT Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-15-03 be approved to permit the construction of a 117m2 accessory structure;and THAT the Owner clarify materials of the proposed accessory structure as indicated in the staff report;and THAT the Owner incorporate a rear yard amenity area or soft landscaping if possible. 2.HAC16-005 Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 20 Ransom Street THAT the property located at 20 Ransom Street be removed from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest;and THAT the proposed elevations are subject to approval of Planning Staff to ensure the proposed new dwelling will maintain the heritage character of the area;and THAT prior to demolition,staff be requested to visit the property and identify Salvage Program. New Business Motion No.1 THAT staff be directed to report back to the next regular Heritage Advisory Committee meeting regarding the Allen Brown Heritage Home. General Committee Meeting Agenda (Revised) Tuesday,June 21,2016 Page 10 of 10 New Business Motion No.2 THAT staff be directed to investigate and report back to the Committee regarding methods by which the Town could help home owners to properly maintain heritage trees on their property. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (c)Page -1 TOWN OF AURORA ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Thursday,June 2,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Holland Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Irene Clement,Larry Fedec,Melville James,Nancee Webb, Kristina Zeromskiene Member(s)Absent:Councillor Mrakas (Chair),Councillor Paul Pirri (Vice Chair), Danielle Howell,Sara Varty Other Attendees:Christina Nagy-Oh,Program Manager,Environmental Initiatives,Justin Leung,Committee of Adjustment Secretary- Treasurer,Linda Bottos,Council/Committee Secretary The Council/Committee Secretary called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene THAT Irene Clement be appointed as Chair for the meeting. CARRIED 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -1 -148 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 2,2016 Page 2 of 4 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 7,2016 Moved by Larry Fedec Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 7,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS (a)Barry Bridgeford,Resident Re:Need for Invasive Plant Species Management Policy and Control Program The Committee consented on a two-thirds vote that the requirements of section 3.8(c)of the Procedural By-law be waived to permit the delegation additional time as required. Mr.Bridgeford expressed his concerns regarding the impact of invasive plant species in a number of the Town’s wooded,forested,and natural areas,and requested that a “Forest Advisory Team”be organized and operational no later than January 2017 to provide input on environmental,forestry,and trail issues. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James THAT the delegation by Barry Bridgeford be received for information. CARRIED 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.Memorandum from Program Manager,Environmental Initiatives Re:Corporate Environmental Action Plan (CEAP)Update Staff invited the Committee to consider items that could be added to the CEAP and submit their suggestions by email to the Program Manager by mid-July for review at the September meeting. Moved by Melville James Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -2 -149 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 2,2016 Page 3 of 4 THAT the memorandum regarding Corporate Environmental Action Plan (CEAP) Update be received;and THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee provide comment to be considered by staff in the preparation of the CEAP update. CARRIED 2.Memorandum from Program Manager,Environmental Initiatives Re:Community Earth Week Fair 2016 and 2017 The Committee noted that the recent Community Earth Week Fair 2016 was a success with more than 600 visitors.The Committee discussed various aspects and potential for a Community Earth Week Fair in 2017. Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Kristina Zeromskiene THAT the memorandum regarding Community Earth Week Fair 2016 and 2017 be received;and THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT a Community Earth Week Fair 2017 be endorsed;and THAT Council provide input to the objectives of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017;and THAT a multi-department team of Town staff be made available to participate in a Working Group in support of a Community Earth Week Fair 2017. CARRIED AS AMENDED 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3.Extract from Council Meeting of May 10,2016 Re:Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 7,2016 Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Larry Fedec THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of May 10,2016,regarding the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 7,2016,be received for information. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -3 -150 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 2,2016 Page 4 of 4 7.NEW BUSINESS The Committee suggested considering ways in which residents could be encouraged to stop using plastic water bottles.Staff noted that this issue has been included on the CEAP update list. The Committee commented on the need for a central communication network to facilitate the dissemination of environmental information in the Town. The Committee advised that two new acts had recently been passed in Ontario:Bill 172,Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act,2016;and Bill 151, Waste-Free Ontario Act,2016. The Committee noted that used textiles may be donated at a fundraising event for Free the Children on Saturday,June 25,2016,to be held in the parking lot at Town Hall.It was further noted that Value Village in Newmarket also accepts used textiles and clothing. The Committee suggested that residents should be encouraged to recycle plastic plant pots by including relevant information in Aurora’s Waste Management Guide and Recycling Calendar for 2017. The Committee suggested that recyclables should be separated from garbage during Aurora’s next Annual Clean-up Day by offering participants two different bags. Staff advised that a Regional Environmental Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday,June 21,from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m.,at the Trisan Centre in Schomberg. Staff advised that they would be using digital agendas only in future.Committee members were invited to advise staff if they no longer wish to receive paper copies. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Nancee Webb Seconded by Melville James THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 15 Page -4 -151 - TOWN OF AURORA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Thursday,June 9,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Leksand Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Paul Pirri (Chair),Councillor John Abel (Vice Chair) Rosalyn Gonsalves,Javed Khan,and Bruce Walkinshaw Member(s)Absent:Don Constable and Marilee Harris Other Attendees:Councillor Harold Kim,Councillor Tom Mrakas,Councillor Michael Thompson,Anthony Ierullo,Manager of Long Range & Strategic Planning,Michael Logue,Program Manager, Economic Development,and Samantha Yew, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Rosalyn Gonsalves Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -1 -152 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 9,2016 Page 2 of 4 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 12,2016 Moved by Javed Khan Seconded by Rosalyn Gonsalves THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 12, 2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS None 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range &Strategic Planning Re:Development of an Attraction Strategy for the Hotel Industry Staff gave an overview of the memorandum and noted that it would cost approximately $25,000 for a consultant to complete the scope of work. The Committee discussed the possibility of completing the scope of work in- house and the impact of Regional hotel development charges,and made suggestions that could be considered as part of the hotel feasibility study and attraction strategy. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding Development of an Attraction Strategy for the Hotel Industry be received for information. CARRIED 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 2.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range &Strategic Planning Re:Economic Development Action Plan Update The Committee inquired about the status of the establishment of a BIA in downtown Aurora,the proposed Bell Canada small cell pilot project,and the Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -2 -153 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 9,2016 Page 3 of 4 status of the proposed medical campus.Staff advised on various aspects of these inquiries. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding Economic Development Action Plan Update be received for information. CARRIED 3.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range &Strategic Planning Re:Call for Town of Aurora Business Ambassadors Staff provided a brief overview of the Business Ambassadors Program.The Committee inquired about aspects of the program,including the selection process,compensation,and membership. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding Call for Town of Aurora Business Ambassadors be received for information. CARRIED 7.NEW BUSINESS The Chair thanked staff for their work on the Business Ambassadors Program. The Committee discussed their initiatives and strategic priorities. The Committee discussed the possibility of participating in a hotel attraction strategy working group with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Bruce Walkinshaw Seconded by Javed Khan THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:23 p.m. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -3 -154 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,June 9,2016 Page 4 of 4 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 16 Page -4 -155 - TOWN OF AURORA HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Monday,June 13,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Holland Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Jeff Thom (Chair),Councillor Wendy Gaertner (Vice Chair),Barry Bridgeford,James Hoyes,John Kazilis, Bob McRoberts (Honorary Member),and Martin Paivio Member(s)Absent:Carol Gravelle Other Attendees:Councillor Tom Mrakas,Marco Ramunno,Director of Planning and Development Services,Jeff Healey,Planner, and Samantha Kong,Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Bob McRoberts Seconded by James Hoyes THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved with the following additions: Delegation (a)Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian,Representing the Applicant Re:Allen Brown Heritage Home Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -1 -156 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 2 of 6 Delegation (b)Nick Racanelli and Frank Abbaglivio,Applicants Re:Item 1 –HAC16-004 –Heritage Permit Application 24 Catherine Avenue,File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 CARRIED 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 11,2016 Moved by John Kazilis Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 11,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS (a)Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian,Representing the Applicant Re:Allen Brown Heritage Home (Added Item) Mr.Hall and Mr.Kurkjian presented an overview of the Allen Brown Heritage Home,which was relocated in 2012 next to David English Park where it was placed on a new foundation.They expressed concerns regarding the structural integrity of the dwelling and evidence of mold and asbestos.Mr. Hall and Mr.Kurkjian requested that the existing dwelling be demolished and replicated in the reconstruction. Moved by Martin Paivio Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to New Business. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -2 -157 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 3 of 6 (b)Nick Racanelli and Frank Abbaglivio,Applicants Re:Item 1 –HAC16-004 –Heritage Permit Application, 24 Catherine Avenue,File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 (Added Item) Mr.Racanelli and Mr.Abbaglivio provided an overview of the proposed construction of a new accessory structure in the form of a three-bay garage at the rear of the property,and noted that no trees would be affected. Moved by John Kazilis Seconded by Councillor Gaertner THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 1. CARRIED 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.HAC16-004 –Heritage Permit Application,24 Catherine Avenue, File:NE-HCD-HPA-16-03 Staff provided a brief history of the property and confirmed that the accessory structure would serve as a garage.Staff noted that the proposed materials are consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood. The Committee made various inquiries and staff advised that both properties on either side of 24 Catherine Avenue currently each possess a detached garage. Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Martin Paivio THAT Report No.HAC16-004 be received;and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-15-03 be approved to permit the construction of a 117m2 accessory structure;and THAT the Owner clarify materials of the proposed accessory structure as indicated in the staff report;and Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -3 -158 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 4 of 6 THAT the Owner incorporate a rear yard amenity area or soft landscaping if possible. CARRIED 2.HAC16-005 –Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 20 Ransom Street Staff provided a brief history of the property and indicated that the original dwelling has incurred significant modifications to the main structure and façade. The Committee made various inquiries and staff advised that the owners had indicated that all trees on the property would be maintained. Moved by Bob McRoberts Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT Report No.HAC16-005 be received;and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT the property located at 20 Ransom Street be removed from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest;and THAT the proposed elevations are subject to approval of Planning Staff to ensure the proposed new dwelling will maintain the heritage character of the area;and THAT prior to demolition,staff be requested to visit the property and identify any salvageable items that could be donated to Aurora’s Architectural Salvage Program. CARRIED AS AMENDED 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 3.Extract from Council Meeting of April 12,2016 Re:Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 7,2016 Moved by John Kazilis Seconded by Barry Bridgeford Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -4 -159 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 5 of 6 THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of April 12,2016,regarding the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of March 7,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.Extract from Council Meeting of April 26,2016 Re:Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 11,2016 Moved by Bob McRoberts Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of April 26,2016,regarding the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of April 11,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 7.NEW BUSINESS Staff reviewed the delegation information provided by Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian regarding the request to demolish the existing dwelling and replicate the original structure of the Allen Brown Heritage Home. The Committee deferred any decision regarding the Allen Brown Heritage Home until a report is provided containing background information of the property, structural conditions,and proposed demolition and reconstruction plans. New Business Motion No.1 Moved by Martin Paivio Seconded by Barry Bridgeford THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT staff be directed to report back to the next regular Heritage Advisory Committee meeting regarding the Allen Brown Heritage Home. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -5 -160 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday,June 13,2016 Page 6 of 6 The Committee indicated that the building located on 45 Mosley Street has been demolished,although only the demolition and reconstruction of the second storey had been approved.The Committee expressed concern regarding the lack of consequences for an owner that has not adhered to the decisions recommended by the Committee and ratified by Council.Staff indicated that they would investigate the feasibility of imposing fines or fees and report back to the Committee. The Committee made inquiries regarding Doors Open Aurora.Staff noted that there are new walking tours planned for the event,and new sites including the Patrick House.Staff extended an invitation to members to volunteer on the day of the event,or forward any additional sites to staff for consideration. The Committee expressed concern regarding heritage trees that are located on private properties and requested staff to investigate what other municipalities are doing to assist owners in properly maintaining these trees. New Business Motion No.2 Moved by Councillor Gaertner Seconded by Martin Paivio THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee recommend to Council: THAT staff be directed to investigate and report back to the Committee regarding methods by which the Town could help home owners to properly maintain heritage trees on their property. CARRIED The Committee expressed interest in reviewing and providing input into the Cultural Precinct project. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by James Hoyes Seconded by Bob McRoberts THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS OTHERWISE ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 17 Page -6 -161 - NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Tom Mrakas Date:June 21,2016 To:Mayor and Members of Council From:Councillor Mrakas Re:Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan WHEREAS parking has been identified as a need for users of the Library,Cultural Centre and businesses in the Downtown core;and WHEREAS traffic infiltration to the secondary roads around the Downtown core has been an ongoing concern for both residents and business owners;and WHEREAS revitalization of the Downtown core is a high priority for the Town of Aurora; and WHEREAS Council has identified Library Square as the centr of the Downtown core; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT staff investigate the feasibility of the Conceptual Downtown Traffic Management Plan (conceptual plan attached to this motion)and report back to Council in September 2016;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Conceptual Downtown Traffic Management Plan be put forward to the Town Park Area Residents Ratepayer's Association ,for their review and comment;and THAT the results of that consultation be brought back to Council along with the staff feasibility study for Council review and approval. ATTACHMENT Attachment 1 -Conceptual Library Square/Downtown Traffic Management Plan Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Page -1 Attachment 1Attachment#1 Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (a)Page - 2 NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Sandra Humfryes Date:June 21,2016 To:Mayor and Members of Council From:Councillor Humfryes Re:Ontario Autism Program Changes WHEREAS Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children,as well as their friends,family and community;and WHEREAS Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)is the scientific process based on objective evaluation and empirically based interventions used to achieve meaningful, generalizable and enduring behavioural change,and Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI)is an application of the principles of ABA in an intensive setting used to affect behaviour change and improvement;and WHEREAS the current waiting list of children for IBI is over 2,000 and more than 13,000 children await ABA;and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has announced it intends to discontinue IBI services to children over the age of four and provide a one-time payment to assist with services, thereby abandoning thousands who have been wait-listed for years;and WHEREAS there are two service models for affected children to be treated,the Direct Service Offering (DSO)where children receive services directly from trained staff at Ontario's nine regional service providers,and the Direct Funding Offering (DFO)where parents receive funding directly in order to purchase services;and WHEREAS the DFO model to provide services is used in Alberta,British Columbia and imminently Saskatchewan.Such a model is clinically rigorous and has been identified by the Auditor General of Ontario as being less expensive than Ontario's DSO model; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT a letter be sent to the Honourable Michael Coteau,Minister of Children and Youth Services;Alexander Bezzina,Deputy Minister of Children and Youth Services;the Honourable Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care;and the Honourable Kathleen Wynne,Premier of Ontario,requesting the Province to: Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (b)Page -1 June 21,2016 Notice of Motion Page 2 of 2 Ontario Autism Program Changes 1.Amend its policy to one that will allow all children on the current waiting list to receive the IBI services promised them;and 2.Remove the age limit for IBI therapy and replace it with a program that provides ongoing IBI services based on need and individual development, not age;and 3.Ensure oversight by professionals and parents based on 'development progress'criteria and milestones;and 4.Adopt a DFO model in lieu of the current DSO model;and BE FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Chris Ballard,MPP for Newmarket-Aurora and all York Region Municipalities. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Notice of Motion (b)Page -2 TOWN OF AURORA ADDITIONAL ITEMS NO. 2 FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 21, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Delegation (d) Mark Hall and Ray Kurkjian, Representing the Applicant Re: Allen Brown Heritage Home Delegation (e) Warren McClure, Resident Re: Item 10 – PDS16-047 – Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, Ashlen Holdings Inc., 13859, 13875, 13887 Yonge Street, Part of Lots 15 & 16, Registered Plan 166, Related File: SUB- 2015-04, File Numbers: OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 Delegation (f) Nima Osqueizadeh, Resident Re: Item 10 – PDS16-047 – Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, Ashlen Holdings Inc., 13859, 13875, 13887 Yonge Street, Part of Lots 15 & 16, Registered Plan 166, Related File: SUB- 2015-04, File Numbers: OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 Replacement Pages for Item 12 pgs. 106-111 PDS16-051 – Proposed Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited 155 Vandorf Sideroad (former Timberlane Athletic Club property) Related Files: OPA-2014-01 and ZBA-2014-03 File Number: CDM-2016-01 Item 18 – Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee pg. 162 Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2016 DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for the following deadline: 4:30 P.M.ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:June 21,2016 SUBJECT:Allan Brown Heritage Home NAME OF SPOKESPERSON: NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S)BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): Mark Hall,OAA,MRAIC,FAIA,RPP,CAHP,and Ray Kurkjian,P.Eng,MASc BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: To remove the existing home because of structural issue and rebuild it as close as possible. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest?YES NO IF YES,WITH WHOM?Marco Ramunno DATE:June 6,2016 I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5)minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way,Box 1000 Aurora,ON L4G 6J1 Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (d)Page -1 DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for the following deadline: 4:30 P.M.ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:June 21,2016 SUBJECT:Ashland Yonge St.Rezoning Proposal NAME OF SPOKESPERSON:Warren McClure NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S)BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: Continuing input on Proposed Rezoning PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest?YES NO IF YES,WITH WHOM?DATE: I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5)minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way,Box 1000 Aurora,ON L4G 6J1 Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (e)Page -1 DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for the following deadline: 4:30 P.M.ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:June 21,2016 SUBJECT: Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Ashlen Holdings Inc. 13859,13875,13887 Yonge Street Part of Lots 15 &16,Registered Plan 166 Related File:SUB-2015-04 File Numbers:OPA-2015-03 and ZBA-2015-08 NAME OF SPOKESPERSON:Nima Osqueizadeh NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S)BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): Area residents in Hunters Glen Rd. BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: To represent area residents viewpoints regarding the proposed plan and zoning by -law amendments at this Committee meeting. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest?YES NO IF YES,WITH WHOM?DATE: I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5)minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way,Box 1000 Aurora,ON L4G 6J1 Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Delegation (f)Page -1 Appendix “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Limited 155 Vandorf Sideroad,Lot 75,Concession 1 CDM-2016-01 THE CONDITIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA (THE “TOWN”)TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO THE RELEASE FOR REGISTRATION OF THE DRAFT PLAN OF VACANT LAND CONDOMINIUM CDM-2016-01 ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1)Approval shall relate to the Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium prepared by Rady-Pentek &Edward Surveying Ltd.dated February 12,2016 (the “Plan”)with respect to the lands described as Part of Lot 75,Concession 1 Town of Aurora,Regional Municipality of York PIN 03673-0276 (the “Lands”). 2)The Plan and associated conditions of draft approval may require revisions,to the satisfaction of the Town,to implement or integrate any recommendations resulting from studies required as a condition of draft plan approval.Further,minor redline revisions to the Plan to ensure property alignment with existing or proposed units and/or facilities on the Lands or on lands adjacent to the Plan may also be required. 3)The Owner of the Lands (the “Owner”)shall enter into and execute development agreement(s) with the Town,agreeing to satisfy any conditions of the Town related to the development of the Lands,,at the sole expense of the Owner. 4)The Owner shall provide to the Town a copy of the final version of the Vacant Land Condominium declaration and description for the Plan to be registered on title. 5)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to implement the recommendations and measures contained in the Urban Design Guidelines prepared by Malone Given Parsons Ltd, dated April 2014.The design and construction of all residential dwellings,walkways, landscaping,entrance features, lighting and all other areas within the Plan shall be in compliance with the Guidelines,unless otherwise approved by the Town, with the Owner being financially responsible for all costs for the Town’s Controlling Architect and/or urban design consultant to review all building plans to ensure that the design principles express ed in Official Plan Amendment 34 and other good design principles are complied with throughout the Plan. 6)The Owner shall covenant and agree in the development agreement to provide a Solicitor’s Title Opinion for the lands. 7)The Owner shall covenant and agree in the development agreement to grant,convey and dedicate the following property interests in the lands at no cost and free of all encumbrances to the Town to the satisfaction of the Town Solicitor: all 0.3 m reserves shall be conveyed as may be required; all lands required for municipal purposes shall be conveyed as may be required;and, all easements required for municipal purposes shall be granted as may be required. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Replacement Page - 13 -106 - Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Aurora Limited CDM-2016-01 Conditions of Approval Page 2 8)The Owner shall covenant and agree in the development agreement to consent to registration by the Town of Aurora of the developm ent agreement and any ancillary agreements as necessary in priority of all encumbrances to the Town to the satisfaction of the Town Solicitor and to pay to the Town its associated fees for the preparation and registration of same. 9)The Owner shall covenant and agree in the development agreement to satisfy any cash-in-lieu of parkland requirements to the satisfaction of the Town Solicitor in accordance with: a)the Town of Aurora’s By-law Number 4291-01.F,as amended or successor thereto and applicable policies;and b) any related parkland agreements imposed by the Town. 10)The Owner shall acknowledge and agree in the development agreement that the private road(s)on the Plan are “common elements”and will not be maintained or assumed by the Town. 11)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the Town’s provisions and requirements for the development of the Lands to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning & Building Services,including,but not limited to the following: i)the Owner shall submit a schedule certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor indicating the areas and frontages of the Units within the Plan; ii)the Owner shall engage the services of a qualified noise consultant to complete a Noise Study which assesses projected nuisances caused by noise or vibration within the Plan; iii)the Owner shall submit a geotechnical report for review and approval by the Town which deals with the relative elevations of foundations and footings,the requirements for engineered fill based on existing subsurface conditions,and the requirements for road and municipal services construction; iv)the Owner shall submit Reference Plans and Engineering Details and Specifications for any retaining walls which a permit is required under the Building Code Act,indicating any restrictions such as setback limits for structures,inground pools,above -ground pools and possibly landscaping; v)the Owner shall obtain a permit under the Building Code Act for the decommissioning of any septic system and submit a Consultant’s Certificate upon completion of the decommissioning;and vi)the Owner shall obtain a permit under the Building Code Act for the demolition of any buildings or structures prior to the demolition of said structures. 12)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the Town’s Infrastructure & Environmental Services Department provisions and requirements for the development of the Lands,including,but not limited to,site servicing,grading and drainage. 13)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the Town’s Parks &and Recreation Services Department provisions and requirements for the development of the Lands. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Replacement Page - 14 -107 - Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Aurora Limited CDM-2016-01 Conditions of Approval Page 3 14)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy all Central York Fire Services provisions and requirements for the development of the Lands. 15)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the following requirements of The Regional Municipality of York for the development of the Lands: i) York Region shall confirm that adequate water supply and sewage capacity are available and have been allocated by the Town of Aurora for the development proposed within this draft plan of condominium or any phase thereof.Registration of the plan of condominium shall occur in phases based on the availability of water supply and sewage servicing allocation. ii) The Owner shall agree in the Condominium Agreement that the Owner shall save harmless the Town of Aurora and York Region from any claim or action as a result of water or sanitary sewer service not being available when anticipated. iii)Prior to final approval,an engineering drawing showing the layout of the watermains and sewers shall be submitted to the Infrastructure Asset Management Branch for review. iv)The Owner shall agree in the Condominium Agreement that any direct connection to and/or the crossing of a York Region water or wastewater system requires Regional approval prior to construction,and engineering drawings showing details of the connection shall be submitted to the Infrastructure Asset Management Branch for approval. v)Prior to final approval,the Owner shall conduct and submit a Source Water Impact and Assessment Mitigation Plan (SWIAMP),to the satisfaction of York Region,to identify and address any potential water quality and water quantity threats to the municipal groundwater supplies for the portion of the land within the Wellhead Protection Area but not the Oak Ridges Moraine.The SWIAMP shall be prepared by a qualified professional,to the satisfaction of Regional Environmental Services staff in the Water Resources group.The SWIAMP must follow the York Region document Guidance for Proposed Developments in Wellhead Protection Areas In York Region (October 2014). A SWIAMP is required for any of the activities listed below if they will occur on the site for the storage or manufacture of: a)Petroleum-based fuels and or solvents; b)Pesticides,herbicides,fungicides or fertilizers; c)Construction equipment; d)Inorganic chemicals; e)Road salt and contaminants as identified by the Province; f)The generation and storage of hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste,and waste disposal sites and facilities; g)Organic soil conditioning sites and the storage and application of agricultural and non-agricultural source organic materials; and, h)Snow storage and disposal facilities. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Replacement Page - 15 -108 - Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Aurora Limited CDM-2016-01 Conditions of Approval Page 4 If a SWIAMP is not triggered,a letter prepared by a qualified professional will be required in its place stating that the above note activities will not be occurring. vi)Prior to final approval,the Owner shall agree to provide direct shared pedestrian/cycling connections from the proposed development to roads and communities to support active transportation and public transit.A drawing shall be provided to clearly show the locations of the connections. vii)Prior to final approval,the Owner shall provide a T ransportation Demand Management (TDM)communication strategy shall be provided to communicate and notify York Region and the Town of Aurora to effectively deliver the Information Packages and pre - loaded PRESTO Cards to residents.This strategy shall also i nclude the physical location of distribution of the Information Packages and pre-loaded PRESTO Cards. viii)Prior to final approval,the Owner shall provide a copy of the Condominium Agreement to Community Planning and Development Services,outlining all applic able requirements. ix)The Owner shall enter into an agreement with York Region,agreeing to satisfy all conditions,financial and otherwise,of the Regional Corporation;Regional Development Charges are payable prior to final approval in accordance with By-law #2012-36. x)The Regional Community Planning and Development Services Division shall advise that Conditions 1 to 9 inclusive,have been satisfied. 16)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the following requirements of Enbridge Gas Distribution for the development of the Lands: i)service and meter installation details to ensure all gas piping is installed prior to the commencement of site landscaping (including,but not limited to:tree planting,silva cells,and/or soil trenches)and/or asphalt paving; ii)all costs are the responsibility of the Owner if the gas main needs to be relocated as a result of changes in the alignment or grade of the future road allowances or for temporary gas pipe installations pertaining to phase construction; iii)any easements necessary will be conveyed to Enbridge Gas Distribution at no cost;and iv)a 3 metre by 3 metre exclusive use location that cannot project into the municipal road allowance in the event a pressure reducing regulator station is required. 17)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the following requirements of Canada Post for the development of the Lands: i) The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale,a statement that advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. ii) The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Replacement Page - 16 -109 - Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Aurora Limited CDM-2016-01 Conditions of Approval Page 5 Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any unit sale. iii) The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad)to place the Community Mailboxes on. Any required walkway across the boulevard. Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. iv)The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s),which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations.This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to the new homes as soon as they are occupied. 18)The Owner shall agree in the development agreement to satisfy the following requirements of Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (“LSRCA”)for the development of the Lands: i)That prior to final Plan approval and any major site alteration,the following shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the LSRCA and municipality: a.A detailed Stormwater Management Report in conformity with the Stormwater Management Master Plan approved under Strategic Action 4.5 -SA of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan; b.A detailed erosion and sediment control plan; c.A detailed grading and drainage plan; d.A detailed geotechnical report for the proposed stormwater pond e.A water balance report ii) That the Owner shall carry out or cause to be carried out the recommendations and measures contained within the plans and reports as approved by the Town and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA). iii) That the Owner shall ensure that proper erosion and sediment control measures will be in place in accordance with the approved Grading and Drainage Plan,and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prior to any site alteration or grading. iv)That the Owner shall maintain all existing vegetation up until a maximum of 30 days prior to any grading or construction on-site in accordance with 4.20b.-DP of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. v)That the Owner shall retain a qualified professional to certify in writing that the works were constructed in accordance with the plans,reports,and specifications,as approved by the Town and LSRCA. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Replacement Page - 17 -110 - Brookfield Homes (Ontario)Aurora Limited CDM-2016-01 Conditions of Approval Page 6 vi)That the Owner shall grant any easements required for storm water management purposes to the Town. vii)That prior to final Plan approval,the Owner shall pay all development fees to the LSRCA in accordance with the approved fees policy,under the Conservation Authorities Act. Clearances The Town’s Development Planning Section shall advise that Conditions 1 to 5 inclusive have been satisfied,stating briefly how each condition has been met. The Town’s Legal &Legislative Services Department shall advise that Condition 6 to 9 inclusive have been satisfied,stating briefly how the condition has been met. The Town’s Infrastructure &Environmental Services Department shall advise that Conditions 10 and 12 have been satisfied,stating briefly how the condition has been met. The Town’s Planning &Building Services Department shall advise that Condition 11 has been satisfied,stating briefly how the condition has been met. The Town’s Parks &Recreation Services Department shall advise that Condition 13 has been satisfied,stating briefly how the condition has been met. Central York Fire Services shall advise the Town of Aurora that Condition 14 has been satisfied, stating briefly how the condition has been met. The Regional Municipality of York shall advise the Town of Aurora that Condition 15 has been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how the condition has been met. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.shall advise the Town of Aurora that Condition 16 has been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how the condition has been met. Canada Post shall advise the Town of Aurora that Condition 17 has been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how the condition has been met. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority shall advise the Town of Aurora that Condition 18 has been satisfied in a clearance letter to the Town of Aurora detailing how each condition has been met. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 12 Replacement Page - 18 -111 - TOWN OF AURORA COMMUNITY RECOGNITION REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Tuesday,June 14,2016 Time and Location:2 p.m.,Tannery Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair),Diane Buchanan,Brian North,and Jo-anne Spitzer Members Absent:Councillor Sandra Humfryes (Vice Chair),Steven Hinder, and Tim Jones Other Attendees:Jennifer Norton,Web Services and Corporate Events Co- ordinator,Shelley Ware,Supervisor,Special Events,and Samantha Yew,Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:14 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Diane Buchanan Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 18 Page - 1 - 162 - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,June 14,2016 Page 2 of 3 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 10,2016 Moved by Brian North Seconded by Diane Buchanan THAT the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 10,2016,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS None 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.2016 Awards Event –Roundtable Discussion The Committee discussed various aspects of the 2016 Community Recognition Awards event,including the presentation of awards,invitations,sponsorships and event format,and proposed ideas for the 2017 Community Recognition Awards event. 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS None 7.NEW BUSINESS The Committee extended thanks to Jennifer Norton for her efforts,and welcomed Shelley Ware in her capacity as new staff liaison to the Committee. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Diane Buchanan Seconded by Brian North THAT the meeting be adjourned at 3:44 p.m. CARRIED Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 18 Page - 2 - 163 - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,June 14,2016 Page 3 of 3 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday,June 21,2016 Item 18 Page - 3 - 164 - AumoRA TOWN OF AURORA your&``&good`° GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No. IES16-060 SUBJECT: Drinking Water Quality Management Standard — Management Review FROM: llmar Simanovskis, Director of Infrastructure & Environmental Services DATE: June 21, 2016 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No. IES16-060 be received; and THAT the meeting minutes of the Annual Management Review by Top Management be received. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To provide the minutes of the Annual Management Review of the Drinking Water Quality Management System and Operational Plan as part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 and Ontario Regulation 188/07- Licensing of Municipal Drinking Water Systems. BACKGROUND The Ontario Government implemented the Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program in 2007 as recommended by Justice O'Conner as a result of the Walkerton Inquiry. The Operational Plan requirement was one portion of the mandated Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS) that is required by the Ministry of Environment. The 21 Elements of the DWQMS is based on a plan, do, check, and continuous improvement principle. The Operational Plan is a document that provides an understanding of the drinking water system, the roles and responsibilities of the owner and a commitment and endorsement by the owner to provide safe drinking water. COMMENTS The operation and management of the water system achieved full compliance for 2015 Full requirements of the DWQMS are outlined in this report and are a critical component of the management framework under which staff and senior management are required to operate. This report details our performance for 2015 and staff is proud to report that this was a very successful year in fulfilling all requirements resulting in a very high June 21, 2016 - 2 - Report No. IES16-060 this was a very successful year in fulfilling all requirements resulting in a very high confidence that our water system is operated and maintained to a high standard to the benefit of our community. Operational Plan Elements The Town of Aurora Water System Operational Plan was prepared to meet legislative requirements and was submitted to the Ministry on August 1, 2009. A Municipal Drinking Water Licence was issued August 30, 2011 to be renewed August 28th, 2016. The renewal process is in progress with staff fulfilling the necessary requirements prior to the renewal date. The status of the licence will be reported in the 2016 annual report. A critical step in the accreditation process is the confirmation of an understanding and acceptance of the plan by Council and Senior Management. The following sections provide a summary of the document purpose and key roles and responsibilities. The DWQMS Operational Plan is a document that outlines all the 21 elements, which are the legislative requirements and guiding principles for each Operating Authority across the Province and that must be incorporated into its everyday operational and maintenance activities. Some of the key elements include: • Commitment and Endorsement; • Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities; • Risk Assessment; and • Emergency Management. The elements for the commitment, endorsement and organization structure outlining the Corporation's roles and authorities must be endorsed by Council as the owner of Aurora's drinking water system. DWQMS Management Structure The legislation requires that proper authorities are established to ensure that the water system has qualified oversight, management support, identified ownership and financial resources. For the Town of Aurora, this structure is presented in the following organization chart. An important aspect of this structure is the identification of Council as the Owner and the body having overall responsibility for providing the necessary resources to deliver safe and reliable drinking water to the community. June 21, 2016 - 3 - Report No. IES16-060 OWNER (COUNCIL) 1`- - - - - --.. -, .. j TOP MANAGEMENT (CAO, DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES) IMPLEMENTA OF OPERATIONS ©CMS PROJECT SPONSOR (DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES) PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OPERATIONS CLERK) Council's Role FINANCE (DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES) DW ($- REPRESENTATIVE (WATER/WASTEWATER S� VISOR) CERTIFIED WATER OPERATORS One of the critical elements is that the Operation Plan is endorsed in writing by Top Management and the Owner, which in this case, are senior staff and the Town Council. This element requires that Top Management demonstrates its commitment to the DWQMS by being aware of the requirements and providing direction and resources as required. The element further describes that Top Management and Council shall provide evidence of its commitment to an effective quality management system by: • ensuring that a Quality Management System is in place that meets the requirement of this Standard; • ensuring that the Operating Authority is aware of all applicable legislation and regulatory requirements; • communicating the Quality Management System according to the procedure for communications; and • determining, obtaining or providing the resources necessary to maintain and continually improve the Quality Management System; June 21, 2016 - 4 - Report No. IES16-060 As described, Council and Top Management's commitment is a crucial part of the successful DWQMS implementation and must clearly be recognized in terms of acknowledgment of ownership and providing resources. Role of Top Management - CAO and Director of IES • Ensure QMS is in place and operational; • Endorse and lead the development, implementation and maintenance of the QMS; • Identify and obtain necessary resources to support the QMS and for the complete operation and maintenance of the drinking water system; • Ensure the system is operating in accordance with all applicable legislation and regulations; • Management review of the QMS; • Communicate with Council about the QMS and the water distribution system communications lead during emergencies; Role of Director of Financial Services • Ensure appropriate funding is available for the QMS to deliver safe drinking water; • Incorporate water delivery components of the budget within the overall budget presentation; • Conduct financial audits on the QMS and the water delivery program; Role of Project Sponsor — Director of IES • Help orchestrate project team direction and flow; • Assuring the systematic progression through the program's action and implementation plans; • Ensures adequate funds are available; • Communicate with the Mayor and Council about the QMS and the water distribution system; • Is authorized to designate Infrastructure & Environmental Services Crew Leaders as Operators -in -Charge as required in the absence of the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Supervisors; Role of DWQMS Implementation Lead — Manager of Operation Services • Carry out the activities and manage programs related to the water distribution system as outlined by approval policies, procedures and legislative requirements; • Appoints QMS Representative; • QMS Implementation Lead; • Preparation of budget and program; • Assessment of supervisor's personnel performance (annual); June 21, 2016 - 5 - Report No. IES16-060 • Ensures adequate staffing is available at all times; • Recommendation of system improvements; • Emergency response planning and training; • Reports on Operations and the QMS to Top Management and the CEO through management review meeting, on an annual basis, to evaluate the continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and compliance of the DWQMS; Role of DWQMS Representative — Water/Wastewater Supervisor • Carry out the activities and manage programs related to the water distribution system as outlined by approval policies, procedures and legislative requirements; • Communication/liaison with the Water Treatment Plants run by the Region of York; • Act on and report incidents of non-compliance; • Assessment of operator's personnel performance (annual); • Reporting of distribution system performance to the Manager of Operations Services; • Maintains regulatory compliance; • Is the system overall responsible operator schedules work assignments; • Monitors water quality and demand; • Supervises operations and maintenance staff; • Maintains provincial operator licensing at system certification level; • Organizes work -safety program; • Assists in the development of the facility budget; • Maintain and update QMS as required; • Identifies co-ordinates and communicates staff training programs to comply with appropriate legislation; • Recommendation of system improvements; • Emergency response planning and training; • Reports on Operations and the QMS to Top Management and the CEO through management review meeting, on an annual basis, to evaluate the continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and compliance of the DWQMS; • Develop procedures and processes for assuring water quality; Certified Operators • Monitor, maintain and operate the distribution system in accordance with established standard operating procedures; • Document all operating activities in accordance with provincial legislation and established operating procedures; • Report on and act on incidents of non-compliance; • Report any abnormal conditions to the Supervisor; • Carry -out duties and tasks as assigned by the Supervisor and as per established water distribution policies and procedures; June 21, 2016 - 6 - Report No. IES16-060 • Is the designated operator -in -charge; • Files records; • Attends training; • Receives and communicates external complaints; • Regularly communicates to the Quality Manager; • Maintains operator's license; Internal Audit, System Audit, Inspections and Management Review As part of the oversight responsibilities, the management team is required to conduct internal program audits, external third party system and inspection audits and an annual management team review. Aurora's annual internal audit was performed by the AET Group on December 1, 2015. All 21 Elements of Aurora's Operational Plan were audited to ensure "we do what we say we do". A copy of the AET Group Audit report, Appendix "A" is attached. The external accreditation audit is required to be performed annually by a Ministry approved auditor, NSF. An off -site system audit took place June 16, 2015. All 21 Elements of Aurora's Operational Plan were audited to ensure "we do what we say we do". A copy of NSF Audit report, Appendix "B" is attached. An unannounced inspection of The Town of Aurora's Drinking Water Distribution System is conducted annually by The Ministry of Environment. The primary focus of this inspection is to conform compliance with the Ministry of Environment and the Climate Change (MOECC) legislation as well as evaluating conformance with ministry drinking water policies and guidelines during the inspection period. The MOE System Inspection Report, Appendix "C" is attached. The Plan also requires that a Management Review meeting be held annually to review the system performance and identify necessary actions to ensure compliance with the regulations. The Management Review meeting was held on March 4, 2016, in which the audit results were reviewed. The Management Review minutes, Appendix "D" are attached. LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Objective 2: Invest in sustainable infrastructure Maintain and expand infrastructure to support forecasted population growth through technology, waste management, roads, emergency services and accessibility. ALTERNATIVE(S) TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS There are no alternatives to this report. Council's commitment and endorsement for the June 21, 2016 -7-Report No. IES16-060 Aurora's Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS) Operational Plan is a requirement under the Safe Water Drinking Act, 2002, and Ontario Regulation 188/07- Licensing of Municipal Drinking Water Systems. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS A budget of $20,000 is requested annually through the water operating budget to support external audit costs and training and development costs of the DWQMS system as required. This amount will be carried into future budgets as a requirement for demonstrating financial support to the ongoing maintenance of the DWQMS and will be adjusted as required to ensure adequate funding is in place. CONCLUSIONS The Town has now completed all the requirements to maintain its accreditation under the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard for 2015. As Owner of the system, Council will receive periodic reports on the performance and financial aspects of the Town's water distribution system. PREVIOUS REPORTS N/A ATTACHMENTS (Note: Attachments can be accessed at http://www.aurora.ca/ TownHall/Pages/Council-and-Committee-Meetings/Agendas-and-Minutes.aspx) •Appendix "A" AET Group Internal Audit Report (December 1, 2015) •Appendix "B" NSF System Audit Report (June 16, 2015) •Appendix "C" MOE System Inspection Report (August 6, 2015) •Appendix "D" Minutes of Management Review Meeting (March 4, 2016) PRE-SUBMISSION REVIEW Executive Leadership Team meeting of June 2, 2016 Prepared by: Lindsay Hayworth, Supervisor, Water/Wastewater -Ext. 3442 I/mar imanovskis Director, Infrastructure & Environmental Services Appendix "A" DWQMS INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT Project #AUR_EA1415_050: Town of Aurora Operating Authority for: Aurora Drinking Water System Prepared by: Janet McKenzie AET Group Inc. Audit Date: December 1, 2015 Report Date: December 20, 2015 Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 1.0 AUDIT SUMMARY An on -site internal DWQMS audit of the Town of Aurora Drinking Water System for the Town of Aurora was conducted by AET Group Inc. ("AET") on December 1, 2015. A total of three (3) minor non -conformances and eight (8) opportunities for improvement were identified during this assessment, as noted in Section 4 of this report. Audit Objectives The objective of the audit was to determine whether the drinking water Quality Management System (QMS) for the Town of Aurora conforms to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's (MOECC) Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS:2006). Audit Scope The facilities and processes associated with the operating authority's QMS were objectively evaluated to obtain audit evidence and to determine whether the quality management activities and related results conform with DWQMS requirements, and if they have been effectively implemented. Audit Criteria • The Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (October 2006) • Current QMS manuals, procedures and records implemented by the Town of Aurora Audit Dates The DWQMS internal audit was held on December 1, 2015. Audit Team Members • Lead Auditor: Janet McKenzie, AET Group Inc. Page 1 2 of 8 =; Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 2.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Requirement Finding 1. Quality Management System Mn 2. Quality Management System Policy OR 3. Commitment and Endorsement C 4. Quality Management System Representative C 5. Document and Records Control Mn OR 6. Drinking -Water System C 7. Risk Assessment C 8. Risk Assessment Outcomes C 9. Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities OR 10. Competencies C 11. Personnel Coverage C 12. Communications 2 OR 13. Essential Supplies and Services 14. Review and Provision of Infrastructure C 15. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation & Renewal C 16. Sampling, Testing and Monitoring C 17. Measurement & Recording Equipment Calibration and Maintenance C 18. Emergency Management C 19. Internal Audits OR 20. Management Review Mn OFI 21. Continual Improvement OR Major non -conformity. The auditor has determined one of the following: (a) a required element of the DWQMS has not been incorporated into a QMS; (b) a systemic problem with a QMS is evidenced by two or more minor non -conformities; or c a minor non -conformity identified in a corrective action request has not been remedied. Mn Minor non -conformity. In the opinion of the auditor, part of a required element of the DWQMS has not been incorporated satisfactorily into a QMS. OFI Opportunity for improvement. Conforms to requirement, but there is an opportunity for improvement. C Conforms to requirement. The element is operational, implemented and performed in accordance with the requirement. Not applicable to this audit Additional comment added by auditor in the body of the report. Page 13 of 8 Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 3.0 FINDINGS/COMMENTS DWQMS Reference: 1 Quality Management System Requirement: The Operating Authority shall establish and maintain the Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of this Standard and the policies and procedures documented in the Operational Plan Client Reference: DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #5 Document and Records Control Results: Minor non-conformance Details: Frozen watermains are not addressed in the Quality Management System. DWQMS Reference: 2 Quality Policy Requirement: The Operating Authority shall establish and maintain a Quality Management System that is consistent with the Policy. Client Reference: DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #2 Revision #3 November 13, 2015 Results: Opportunity for Improvement Details: Consider implementing a routine review of the Policy as part of the maintenance of the DWQMS. DWQMS Reference: 5 Document and Record Control Requirement: The Operating Authority shall implement and conform to the procedure for document and records control and shall ensure that the QMS documentation for the subject system includes: a) the Operational Plan and its associated policies and procedures Client Reference: QMS PRO-001, rev 4, Nov 30, 2015. Document Control Procedure, Section 4.7 BayviewiVandorf Booster Station "Log in Sheets" Results: Minor non-conformance Details: The procedure states that all internal and external documents shall be reviewed annually as a component of the annual internal audit and management review. This is Page 14 of 8 Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 not occurring as Management review minutes do not reflect procedures/OP Plan, forms, MSDSs, permits etc being reviewed and the internal audit process has been conducted for the past 3 years as a one day sampling process. Results: Opportunity for Improvement Details: Ensure only controlled forms are used for monitoring and inspection purposes in the booster stations. DWQMS Reference: 9 Organizational Requirement The Operating Authority shall keep current the description of the organizational structure including respective roles, responsibilities and authorities, and shall communicate this information to Operating Authority personnel and the Owner. Client Reference: DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #13 Communications Extract from Council Meeting, March 31, 2015, Report No. IES15-020 Operational Plan, Element #9, rev#4, November 30, 2015, Organizational Chart Results: Opportunity for Improvement Details: The organizational reporting structure that was presented to Council differs from what appears in the Operational Plan. DWQMS Reference: 12 Communication Requirement: The Operational Plan shall document a procedure for communications that describes how the relevant aspects of the QMS are communicated between Top Management and: a) the Owner b) Suppliers Client Reference: DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #5 Document and Records Control Results: Opportunity for Improvement Page 15 of 8 CaEt Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 Details: Ensure all essential suppliers and services are communicated with in terms of the relevant aspects of the QMS. Results: Opportunity for Improvement Details: New hire/temporary staff training/awareness is not well defined. Specifically, how long after hire should this awareness training be given. DWQMS Reference: 19 Internal Audit Requirement The Operational Plan shall document a procedure for internal audits that: b) identifies internal audit criteria, frequency, scope, methodology and record -keeping requirements Client Reference: DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #19 Plan for Internal Audit QMS-PRO-008 Internal Audit Procedure, rev 4, January 11/12 Results: Opportunity for Improvement Details: Consider clarifying the purpose of the table within Section 4.2 of this procedure, ie. The audit shall assess that the QMS Activity listed occurs at the specified frequency OR the audit shall assess the QMS Activity at the specified frequency. DWQMS Reference: 20 Management Review Requirement: The Operating Authority shall implement and conform to the procedure and shall: a) ensure that a management review is conducted at least once every twelve months b) consider the results of the management review and identify deficiencies and action items to address the deficiencies Client Reference: DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #20 Plan for Management Review QMS-PRO-009 Management Review Procedure, Rev 1, May 29/2009 Results: Opportunity for Improvement Page 16 of 8 Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 Details: The 2015 management review meeting was not conducted at least 12 months after the 2014 management review meeting. Results: Minor non-conformance Details: Section 7 of the 2015 Management Review minutes stated that Emergency Response testing occurred in 2015 but did not discuss the action items/recommendations that resulted from it. DWQMS Reference: 21 Continual Improvement Requirement The Operational Plan shall strive to continually improve the effectiveness of its QMS through the use of corrective actions. Client Reference: Corrective Action Form SF-014. Section 4.5 of Plan for Internal Audit, Element #19, Rev #2 January 11, 2012. Results: Opportunity for Improvement Details: It is strongly recommended to develop a more defined/documented corrective action procedure, describing responsibilities, root cause analysis, target completion dates, documentation, record retention, and verification. Consideration should be given to documenting the various issues that could potentially be managed using the corrective action process as part of DWQMS. Page 17 of 8 C V Town of Aurora DWQMS Internal Audit December 2015 4.0. CONCLUSIONS This audit report presents an overview of DWQMS conformance findings, reflecting AET's best judgment using information reasonably available to the auditors at the time of AET's audit. AET has prepared this audit report using information understood to be factual and correct and shall not be responsible for conditions arising from information or facts that were concealed or not fully disclosed to AET during the period of time for which the work was being conducted. This DWQMS audit report, which was derived from a sampling of document/record reviews and site observations, aims to establish the current position of the Town of Aurora with respect to conformance to the DWQMS. While comments were made throughout the report, an in-depth inspection was not carried out. Respectfully Submitted, AET Group Inc. Prepared by: Janet McKenzie, B.Sc, EP(CEA), EP(EMSLA), EP Certified Trainer Director, Environment Page 18 of 8 Appendix "B" NSF International Strategic Registrations Audit Report The Corporation of The Town of Aurora 100 John West Way P.O. Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 CAN C0121304 Audit Type DWQMS System Audit Auditor Subhash Chander Standard Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (Exp Date: 13-JUL-2017) Recommendation Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard : DWQMS System Audit Complete No Change to Certificate N#a Executive Summary Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Support of City council in infrastructure improvements and pushing for Back flow Management Standard preventing valve control program is a very positive step towards improvements. Drinking Water Quality Infrastructure improvements help in catching the leaks; Changing of the lent Standard residential meters is also a continuous improvement for the distribution s iCorrective Action-• here is NO Corrective Action Request in this audit. Industry Codes IAF - QMS:27 Scope of Registration Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard : Town of Aurora Distribution System, 115-OA1, Entire Full Scope Accreditation NSF International Strategic Registrations I www nsf-isr.org 6/30/2015 2 J 7 'Opportunities •Improvements Ontario's Drinkinq Water Qualitv Management Standard Opportunity Observations / Auditor Notes Opportunities for Location of OFI Improvements 5. Document and Record Control; (DWQMS)-01 Discussed With All present; Description Could consider retention time to 6 years -Coordinate with re -certification time.; Opportunities for Location of OFI Improvements 18.. Emergency Management; (DWQMS)-02 Discussed With All present; Description In Operations manual- could consider mention of how often Mock-up excercise is conducted and could also consider different scenerios- each year.; Opportunities for Location of OFI Improvements . Drinking Water System; (DWQMS)-03 Discussed With All present; Description Mention of Emergency generator, its log for excercising at partial and full load could be mentioned in the Operations Manual.; Opportunities for Location of OFI Improvements 15. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal; (DWQMS)-04 Discussed With All present; Description Scheduling of maintenance of all the equipment in the booster station, could be added in the list of equipment maintenance list.; Opportunities for Location of OFI Improvements 12. Communication; (DWQMS)-05 Discussed With All Present; Description Could consider creating a flow chart for the communication within your organization, with the City of Aurora and York Region Personnel - in case of emergency situations.; General Information Operating Authority: Legal Name & Address The Corporation of the Town of Aurora; 100 John West Way; P.O. Box 1000, Aurora, Ont. L4G 6J1 Language Preference: Correspondence English Language Preference: Audit English Owner: Legal Name and Address The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, 100 John West Way, P.O. Box 1000, Aurora, Ont. L413 6J1 Owner Language Preference: Correspondence English Owner Language Preference: Audit English Applicant Representative Information; Include Name, Title, Phone, Angela Pucci, QMSR, 905- Fax, Email & Website 727-3123/3451, NSF International Strategic Registrations I wrow nsf-isr org NSF apucci@aurora, Ont. Ont. L4G6J1 Accreditation Option Full Scope - Entire DWQMS Date of Previous Systems Audit: Aug. 14, 2013 Date of Previous On -Site Verification Audit: June 18, 2014 Untano'S UrinKlnq Water ul.lallty IVlanagement btanaara Process Name Observations / Auditor Notes Processes or Activities Describe whether the process is effective or not (effectiveness should be (DWQMS)-01 supported with specific data/records/results). Include strengths & weaknesses of process: Process is effective- Personnel are dedicated.; NSF International Strategic Registrations I www nsf-isr org 6/30/2015 4 1 7 4 ! YT1 - I N!E Summary of Findings Requirement Finding 1. Quality Management System C 2. Quality Management System Policy C 3. Commitment and Endorsement C 4. Quality Management System Representative C 5. Document and Record Control OFI 6. Drinking -Water System OFI 7. Risk Assessment C 8. Risk Assessment Outcomes C 9. Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities C 10. Competencies C 11. Personnel Coverage C 12. Communications OFI 13. Essential Supplies and Services C 14. Review and Provision of Infrastructure C 16. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation & Renewal OFI 16. Sampling, Testing & Monitoring C 17. Measurement & Recording Equipment, Calibration & Maintenance C 18. E n r enc Management C 19. Internal Audits C 20. Mana ement Review C 21. Continual Improvement C Major Non -Conformity. The auditor has determined one of the following: (a) a required element of the DWQMS has not been incorporated into a QMS: (b) a systemic problem with a QMS is evidenced by two or more minor conformities; or c a minor non -conformity identified in a corrective action request has not been remedied. Mn Minor Non -Conformity. In the opinion of the auditor, part of a required element of the DWQMS has not been incorporated satisfactorily into a QMS. Opportunity for Improvement. Conforms to requirement, but there is opportunity for improvement. rCFII Conforms to requirement. Not Applicable to this audit Additional Comment added by auditor in the body of the report. NSF International Strategic Registrations I www nsf-isr org 6/30/2015 5 1 7 o ; `r -lt _ NSF., Process Matrix Audit Audited Processes DWQMS System Audit Processes or Activities (DWQMS)-01 (J0495534) Jun 16, 2015 Audit Audited Processes DWQMS Verification Audit Processes or Activities (DWQMS)-01 (J0495536) Jun 18, 2014 NSF International Strategic Registrations I www nsf-isr.org 6/30/2015 61 7 NSE i •� Have you verified the effectiveness of all previous CARS? (List all new CAR's that you initiated in this report because you did not verify effective implementation of a previous CAR) N/A. Discuss your evaluation in detail. Not Applicable. NSF International Strategic Registrations I w,,vw nsf-isr org 6/30/2015 7 ; 7 Appendix °C^ Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Safe Drinking Water Branch York Durham District Office 230 Westney Road South, 5 Floor Ajax, ON L1S 7J5 Tel. (905) 427-5600 Fax (905) 427-5602 September 16, 2015 The Town of Aurora 100 John West Way Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Ministere de I'Environnement et de L'Action en matiere de changement climatique Direction du contrble de la qualite de 1'eau potable Bureau de district de York Durham 230, chemin Westney sud, 5e etage Ajax, ON L1S 7J5 Tel. (905) 427-5600 Fax (905) 427-4502 Attention: Luigi Colangelo, Manager of Operations Services RE: Aurora Distribution System (260003227) Drinking Water Inspection Report 1-C16UV File: SI YO AU SC 540 �r Ontario Please find attached the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's inspection report for the above facility. The report details the findings of the inspection that began on August 6, 2015. The Appendix section of the inspection includes the Stakeholder Appendix A with links to key reference and guidance materials available on the Ministry of the Environment's (MOE) website. Appendix B contains the inspection rating record and an updated risk methodology memo. Please note the attached IRR methodology memo describing how the risk rating model has improved to better reflect the health related and administrative non-compliance found in an inspection report. IRR ratings are published (for the previous inspection year) in the Ministry's Chief Drinking Water Inspectors' Annual Report. In the inspection report, any "Actions Required" are linked to incidents of non-compliance with regulatory requirements contained within the Act, a regulation, or site -specific approvals, licenses, permits, orders or instructions. Such violations could result in the issuance of mandatory abatement instruments including Orders, tickets, penalties, or referrals to the ministry's Investigations and Enforcement Branch. "Recommended Actions" convey information that the owner or operating authority should consider implementing in order to advance efforts already in place to address such issues as emergency preparedness, the availability of information to consumers, and conformance with existing and emerging industrial standards. Please note that items which appear as recommended actions do not, in themselves, constitute violations. Please note, you will find in the report that bullets are shown in bold print and are the consistent and standard responses to the information gathered during the inspection. Statements shown in regular font provide additional site -specific details. Section 19 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (Standard of Care) creates a number of obligations for individuals who exercise decision -making authority over municipal drinking water systems. Please be aware that the Ministry has encouraged such individuals, particularly municipal councillors, to take steps to be better informed about the drinking water systems over which they have decision -making authority. These steps could include asking for a copy of this inspection report and a review of its findings. Further information about Section 19 can be found in "Taking Care of Your Drinking Water.- A guide for members of municipal council" found under "Resources" on the Drinking Water Ontario website at www_ontario.caldrinkingwater. would like to thank the Region of Durham staff for the assistance afforded to me during this compliance assessment. If you have any questions or concerns please contact myself or Demetra Koros, Water Supervisor, Central Region at 905-427-5630. Yours truly Melissa Hills Water Inspector Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Phone: (905) 427-5622 c: Lindsay Hayworth, Water & Wastewater Supervisor Bernard Mayer, Manager of Environmental Health, York Region Health Department Joe La Marca, Director of Health Protection, York Region Health Department Marion Young, Administrative Clerk, York Region Health Department Ben Langstaff, Director, Watershed Management, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Demetra Koros, Water Supervisor, York Durham District Office Ministry of the Environment TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Drinking Water System Inspection Report DWS Number: Inspection Number: Date of Inspection: Inspected By: 1-C16UV Aug 06, 2015 Melissa Hills f- Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water Inspection Ontario TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Drinking Water System Owners Information 2. Drinking Water System Inspection Report Appendix• A. Stakeholders Appendix B. Inspection Rating Record r• Ministry of the Environment Ontario Drinking Water System Inspection Report OWNER INFORMATION: Company Name: AURORA, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF Street Number: 100 Unit Identifier: Street Name: JOHN WEST Way City: AURORA Province: ON Postal Code: L4G 6J1 CONTACT INFORMATION Type: Manager Name: Luigi Colangleo Phone: (905) 727-3123 x3446 Fax: (905) 727-7616 Email: Icolangelo@aurora.ca Title: Manager of Operations Services Type: Supervisor Name: Lindsay Hayworth Phone: (905) 727-3123 x3442 Fax: (905) 727-7616 Email: Hayworth@aurora.ca Title: Water and Wastewater Supervisor INSPECTION DETAILS: DWS Name: DWS Address: County/District: MOE District/Area Office: Health Unit: Conservation Authority MNR Office: DWS Category: DWS Number: Inspection Type: Inspection Number: Date of Inspection: Date of Previous Inspection TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 100 JOHN WEST WAYAURORA L4G 6J1 Aurora York -Durham District YORK REGION HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT N/A N/A Large Municipal Residential 260003227 Announced 1-C16UV Aug 06, 2015 Dec 02, 2014 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION Site (Name): MOE DWS Mapping Type: DWS Mapping Point Sub Type: Comments: Not Applicable Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 2 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) ram. tvl-'Ontario Site (Name): Aurora Distribution System Type: Other Comments: Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water System Inspection Report Sub Type: The Aurora Distribution System (The System) is owned and operated by the Town of Aurora (The Town) and serves a population of approximately 57,000. The Town is responsible for the operation and maintenance of approximately 220 kilometers of watermain, a booster pumping station, watermain valves, fire hydrants, service connections, and water meters. The System receives a mix of treated surface water and groundwater from six production wells that are owned and operated by the Region of York (The Region) and surface water that is treated by the City of Toronto and the Region of Peel. Chloramination is used in the treatment process. The transmission lines and storage facilities are owned and operated by the Region of York. Site (Name): Vandorf Booster Pumping Station Type: Other Comments: Sub Type: The Vandorf Booster Pumping Station (The Pumping Station) located at the south-east corner of Vandorf Side Road and Industrial Parkway South is equipped with two booster pumps each rated at 65 Us, one fire booster pump rated at 131 Us, and a 125 kW standby diesel generator. Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 3 of 10 r� Ontario INSPECTION SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water System Inspection Report The primary focus of this inspection is to confirm compliance with Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) legislation as well as evaluating conformance with ministry drinking water policies and guidelines during the inspection period. This drinking water system is subject to the legislative requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 (SDWA) and regulations made therein, including Ontario Regulation 170103, "Drinking Water Systems" (0. Reg.170/03). This inspection has been conducted pursuant to Section 81 of the SDWA. This report is based on an inspection of a "stand alone connected distribution system". This type of system receives treated water from a separately owned "donor" system. This report contains the elements required to assess key compliance and conformance issues associated with a "receiver" system. This report does not contain items associated with the inspection of the donor system, such as source waters, intakes/wells and treatment facilities. This report is based on a "focused" inspection of the system. Although the inspection involved fewer activities than those normally undertaken in a detailed inspection, it contained critical elements required to assess key compliance issues. This system was chosen for a focused inspection because the system's performance met the ministry's criteria, most importantly that there were no deficiencies as identified in O.Reg. 172/03 over the past 3 years. The undertaking of a focused inspection at this drinking water system does not ensure that a similar type of inspection will be conducted at any point in the future. This inspection report does not suggest that all applicable legislation and regulations were evaluated. It remains the responsibility of the owner to ensure compliance with all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. Drinking Water Inspector Melissa Hills began an announced inspection of the Aurora Distribution System on August 6, 2015. Documents reviewed in association with this reort included, but were not limited to: 1. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Municipal Drinking Water Licence (MDWL), number 115-101, issue number 2, dated January 5, 2012. 2. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP), number 115-201, issue number 1, dated August 29, 2011. 3. Other documents maintained by the owner/operating authority for the period of December 2014 through to August 2015, were also reviewed in conjunction with this inspection. TREATMENT PROCESSES The owner had ensured that all equipment was installed in accordance with Schedule A and Schedule C of the Drinking Water Works Permit. The Drinking Water Works Permit references an emergency standby booster pumping station located at the south-east corner of Vandorf Side Road and Industrial Parkway South. This pumping station includes two booster pumps and one fire booster pump along with a standby diesel generator. Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 4 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) r• Ministry of the Environment >l- Ontario Drinking Water System Inspection Report TREATMENT PROCESSES * The owner/operating authority was in compliance with the requirement to prepare Form 1 documents as required by their Drinking Water Works Permit during the inspection period. The Town of Aurora had five (5) Form 1 documents for the inspection period. The documents were reviewed on site and appeared to be in compliance with the Drinking Water Works Permit. * The Operator -in -Charge had ensured that all equipment used in the processes was monitored, inspected, and evaluated. TREATMENT PROCESS MONITORING * The secondary disinfectant residual was measured as required for the distribution system. As per Ontario Regulation 170/03, Schedule 7-2, chlorine residuals are to be measured either daily or on two different days of the week. For sampling on two days, there must be at least 48 hours between the last sample of one day and the first sample of the next sampling day. Four samples are to be taken one day and three on the other. Each sample collected on one day must be from a separate location. The System met this requirement. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM * Existing parts of the distribution system that were taken out of service for inspection, repair or other activities that may lead to contamination, and all new parts of the distribution system that came in contact with drinking water, were disinfected in accordance with Schedule B, Condition 2.3 of the Drinking Water Works Permit. The Drinking Water Works Permit, Schedule B, 2.3, requires that all parts of the drinking water system in contact with drinking water which are added, modified, replaced, extended or taken out of service for inspection, repair or other activities that may lead to contamination, shall be disinfected before being put into service in accordance with the provisions of the AWWA C651 - Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains or an equivalent procedure. The Town of Aurora has updated their procedures to reflect the current AWWA Standard C651 as recommended in the 2014-2015 drinking water inspection report. * Based on the records available the owner was able to maintain proper pressures in the distribution system. OPERATIONS MANUALS * The operations and maintenance manuals contained plans, drawings and process descriptions sufficient for the safe and efficient operation of the system. * The operations and maintenance manuals did meet the requirements of the Permit and Licence or Approval issued under Part V of the SDWA. LOGBOOKS * Records or other record keeping mechanisms confirmed that operational testing not performed by continuous monitoring equipment was being done by a certified operator, water quality analyst, or person who suffices the requirements of O. Reg. 170/03 7-5. SECURITY Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 5 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) r� 1 Ontario SECURITY Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water System Inspection Report The owner had provided security measures to protect components of the drinking -water system. CERTIFICATION AND TRAINING * The overall responsible operator had been designated for each subsystem. Subsection 23(1)23 of Ontario Regulation 128/04 states that the owner or operating authority of a municipal residential subsystem shall designate an overall responsible operator (ORO). The ORO shall be an operator who holds a certificate for that type of subsystem and that is of the same class as or higher than the class of that subsystem. The Town of Aurora is in compliance with this legislative requirement. * Operators in charge had been designated for all subsystems which comprised the drinking - water system. Subsection 25(1) of Ontario Regulation 128/04 states that the owner or operating authority of a subsystem shall designate one or more operators as operators -in -charge (OIC) of the subsystem. Subsection 25(5) states that a person who holds an operator -in -training certificate shall not be designated as an OIC. Duties of the OIC are listed in Section 26 of O. Reg. 128/04. The Town of Aurora is in compliance with this legislative requirement. * Only certified operators made adjustments to the treatment equipment. WATER QUALITY MONITORING * All microbiological water quality monitoring requirements for distribution samples were being met. The Town of Aurora exceeded the requirement for bacteriological sampling in the distribution system for this inspection period. * All trihalomethanes water quality monitoring requirements prescribed by legislation were conducted within the required frequency. O. Reg. 170/03, Schedule 13-6, requires the owner of a drinking water system to ensure that at least one distribution sample is taken every 3 months, from a point in the drinking water system's distribution system, or plumbing that is connected to the drinking water system, that is likely to have an elevated potential for the formation of trihalomethanes. The Town of Aurora is in compliance with this legislative requirement. * All sampling requirements for lead prescribed by schedule 15.1 of O. Reg. 170/03 were being met. The Town of Aurora is required to take 8 samples for lead in the distribution system in the periods between December 15, 2014 to April 15, 2015 and again between June 15, 2015 to October 15, 2015. Records were available for review on site for samples collected on April 15 2015. At the time of the inspection the Town of Aurora was in compliance with this requirement for the first period of sampling required. * Records confirmed that chlorine residual tests were being conducted at the same time and at the same location that microbiological samples were obtained. WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 6 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/0812015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Ontario WATER WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water System Inspection Report Records show that all water sample results taken during the review period met the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards (O. Reg. 169/03). Two (2) AWQls were reported to SAC for the presence of TC on June 2, 2015 and July 18, 2015. Both were resolved. REPORTING & CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Corrective actions (as per Schedule 17) had been taken to address adverse conditions, including any other steps that were directed by the Medical Officer of Health. Corrective actions as directed by the Medical Officer of Health had been taken by the owner and operating authority to address exceedances of the lead standard. All required notifications of adverse water quality incidents were immediately provided as per O. Reg. 170/03 16-6. All changes to the system registration information were provided within ten (10) days of the change. The Drinking Water System Profile was up to date at the time of the inspection. Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 7 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Ministry of the Environment r" Ontario Drinking Water System Inspection Report NON-COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND ACTIONS REQUIRED This section provides a summary of all non-compliance with regulatory requirements identified during the inspection period, as well as actions required to address these issues. Further details pertaining to these items can be found in the body of the inspection report. Not Applicable Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 8 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) r� Ontario Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water System Inspection Report SUMMARY OF BEST PRACTICE ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section provides a summary of all best practice issues identified during the inspection period. Details pertaining to these items can be found in the body of the inspection report. Best Management Practices are recommendations and not mandatory requirements, but may lead to safe drinking water for the consumer. In the interest of continuous improvement in the interim, it is recommended that owners and operators develop an awareness of the following practices and consider measures to implement them so that all drinking water systems continuously improve their processes. Not Applicable Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 9 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Date of Inspection: 06/08/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Ministry of the Environment Ontario Drinking Water System Inspection Report SIGNATURES Inspected By: Signature: (Provi eial Officer): Melissa Hills Reviewed & Approved By: Signature: (Supervisor): )/ Demetra Koros / Review & Approval Date: ,f Note: This inspection does not in any way suggest that there is or has been compliance with applicable legislation and regulations as they apply or may apply to this facility. It is, and remains, the responsibility of the owner and/or operating authority to ensure compliance with all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. Report Generated for hillsme on 08/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Page 10 of 10 DWS #: 260003227 TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Dale of Inspectlon. 06/0812015 (dd/mm/yyyy) �r Ontario APPENDIX A STAKEHOLDER APPENDIX June 2012 Key Reference and Guidance Material for Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems Many useful materials are posted on the Ministry of the Environment's Drinking Water Ontario website at www.ontario.ca/drinkingwater to help in the operation of your drinking water system. Below is a list of key materials frequently used by owners and operators of municipal drinking water systems. To read or download these materials, go to Drinking Water Ontario and search in the Resources section by Publication Number. Visit Drinking Water Ontario for more useful materials. Contact the Public Information Centre if you need assistance or have questions at 1-800-565- 4923/416-325-4000 or picemail.moe@ontario.ca. rKxnrrnrHaH.un _ _-- ..,. =--SM lnwwy h�yr - -- - PIG_ flrn.lol.l Wflahr�Mn} �`C '`Anrrnl HuHHIn�-�� r tle comma` Yoa fnUnp prapram NJ d- iCOtcr t 7t {1(--f-ITt? Tll)- 4448e01 Procedure for Disinfection of Drinking Water in Ontario 7152e Strategies for Minimizing the Disinfection Products Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids 7467 Filtration Processes Technical Bulletin 7685 Ultraviolet Disinfection Technical Bulletin 8215 Total Trihalomethane (TTHM) Reporting Requirements Technical Bulletin (February 2011) 2601 a Overview Guide: Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program 0000 Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program Bulletin, Issue 1, January 2011 0000 Certification Guide for Operators and Water Quality Analysts 6560e Taking Samples for the Community Lead Testing Program 7423e Community Sampling and Testing for Lead: Standard and Reduced Sampling and Eligibility for Exemption 7128e Drinking Water System Contact List 4449e01 Technical Support Document for Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards ontario.ca/drinkingwater PIBS 8990b r� tA-"'Ontario Juin 2012 Principaux guides et documents de reference sur les reseaux residentiels municipaux dleau potable Beaucoup de documentation sur le fonctionnement d'un reseau d'eau potable se trouve sur le site Web - du ministere de 1'Environnement. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des principaux documents que les proprietaires et les exploitants .. de reseaux municipaux d'eau potable utilisent _... frequemment. Pour lire ou telecharger ces documents, allez sur le site Web du Ministere, et effectuez une recherche par numero de publication dans la section RESSOURCES. Consultez le site d'Eau potable Ontario pour ou au 416 325-4000, ou encore a picemail.moe@ obtenir d'autre documentation. Communiquez avec oatario.ca si vous avez des questions ou besoin le Centre d'information du public au 1 800 565-4923 d'aide. 4448f01 Marche a suivre pour desinfecter ['eau portable en Ontario 7152e Strategies for Minimizing the Disinfection Products Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids (en anglais seulement) 7467 Filtration Processes Technical Bulletin (en anglais seulement) 7685 Ultraviolet Disinfection Technical Bulletin (en anglais seulement) 8215 Total Trihalomethane (TTHM) Reporting Requirements Technical Bulletin (fdvrier 2011) (en anglais seulement) 2601 f Guide gdn6ral - Programme de delivrance des permis de reseaux municipaux d'eau potable 0000 Bulletin du Programme des permis de reseaux municipaux d'eau potable, numero 1, janvier 2011 0000 Guide.sur ['accreditation des exploitants de reseaux d'eau potable et des analystes de la qualite de ['eau de reseaux d'eau potable 6560f Prelevement d'echantillons dans le cadre du programme d'analyse de la teneur en plomb de 1'eau dans les collectivites 7423f Echantillonnage et analyse du plomb dans les collectivit6s : dchantillonnage normalise ou rdduit et admissibilite A ['exemption 7128f Liste des personnes-ressources du reseau d'eau potable 4449f01 Document d'aide technique pour les normes, directives et objectifs associds A la qualite de I'eau potable en Ontario ontarioxa/dri nkingwater PIBS 8990b r� �r"'Ontario Ontario APPENDIX B INSPECTION RATING RECORD Ministry of the Environment - Inspection Summary Rating Record (Reporting Year - 2015-2016) DWS Name: TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DWS Number: 260003227 DWS Owner: Aurora, The Corporation Of The Town Of Municipal Location: Aurora Regulation: O.REG 170/03 Category: Large Municipal Residential System Type Of Inspection: Adhoc Inspection Date: August 6, 2015 Ministry Office: York -Durham District Maximum Question Rating: 265 Inspection Module Non -Compliance Rating Treatment Processes 0 / 39 Distribution System 0 / 21 Operations Manuals 0 / 28 Logbooks 0 / 14 Certification and Training 0 / 28 Water Quality Monitoring 0 / 51 Reporting & Corrective Actions 0 / 63 Treatment Process Monitoring 0 / 21 TOTAL 0 / 265 Inspection Risk Rating O FINAL INSPECTION RATING: 100.000/0 Inspection Rating Record Generated On 16-SEP-15 (Inspection ID: 1-C16UV). Ministry of the Environment - Detailed Inspection Rating Record (Reporting Year - 2015-2016) DWS Name: TOWN OF AURORA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DWS Number: 260003227 DWS Owner: Aurora, The Corporation Of The Town Of Municipal Location: Aurora Regulation: O.REG 170/03 Category: Large Municipal Residential System Type Of Inspection: Adhoc Inspection Date: August 6, 2015 Ministry Office: York -Durham District Maximum Question Rating: 265 Inspection Risk Rating 0.000/0 FINAL INSPECTION RATING: 100.000/0 Inspection Rating Record Generated On 16-5EP-15 (Inspection ID: 1-C16UV). April 2012 APPLICATION OF THE RISK METHODOLOGY USED FOR MEASURING MUNICIPAL RESIDENTIAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM INSPECTION RESULTS The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has a rigorous and comprehensive inspection program for municipal residential drinking water systems (MRDWS). Its objective is to determine the compli- ance of MRDWS with requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and associated regulations. It is the responsibility of the municipal residen- tial drinking water system owner to ensure their drinking water systems are in compliance with all applicable legal requirements. This document describes the risk rating methodol- ogy, which has been applied to the findings of the Ministry's MRDWS inspection results since fiscal year 2008-09. The primary goals of this assessment ontario.ca/dri nkingwater PIBS 6797e are to encourage ongoing improvement of these sys- tems and to establish a way to measure this progress. MOE reviews the risk rating methodology every three years. The Ministry's Municipal Residential Drinking Water Inspection Protocol contains up to 14 in- spection modules and consists of approximately 120 regulatory questions. Those protocol ques- tions are also linked to definitive guidance that ministry inspectors use when conducting MRDWS inspections. The questions address a wide range of regulatory issues, from administrative procedures r� Ontario to drinking water quality monitoring. Additionally, the inspection protocol contains a number of non - regulatory questions. A team of drinking water specialists in the ministry have assessed each of the inspection protocol regula- tory questions to determine the risk (not complying with the regulation) to the delivery of safe drinking water. This assessment was based on established provincial risk assessment principles, with each question receiving a risk rating referred to as the Question Risk Rating. Based on the number of areas where a system is deemed to be non -compliant dur- ing the inspection, and the significance of these areas to administrative, environmental, and health conse- Determining Potential to Compromise the Delivery of Safe Water The risk management approach used for MRDWS is aligned with the Government of Ontario's Risk Management Framework. Risk management is a sys- tematic approach to identifying potential hazards; understanding the likelihood and consequences of the hazards; and taking steps to reduce their risk if necessary and as appropriate. The Risk Management Framework prop ides a formu- la to be used in the determination of risk: RISK = LIKELIHOOD x CONSEQUENCE (of the consequence) quences, a risk -based inspection rating is calculated by the ministry for each drinking water system. Every regulatory question in the inspection proto- col possesses a likelihood value (L) for an assigned It is important to be aware that an inspection rating consequence value (C) as described in Table 1 and that is less than 100 per cent does not mean that the Table 2. drinking water from the system is unsafe. It shows areas where a system's operation can improve. To that end, the ministry works with owners and opera- tors of systems to make sure they know what they need to do to achieve full compliance. The inspection rating reflects the inspection results of the specific drinking water system for the report- ing year. Since the methodology is applied consis- tently over a period of years, it serves as a compara- tive measure both provincially and in relation to the individual system. Both the drinking water system and the public are able to track the performance over time, which encourages continuous improvement and allows systems to identify specific areas requir- ing attention. The ministry's annual inspection program is an im- portant aspect of our drinking water safety net. The ministry and its partners share a common commit- ment to excellence and we continue to work toward the goal of 100 per cent regulatory compliance. TABLE Likelihood of Consequence Occurring Likelihood Value 0% - 0.99% (Possible but Highly Unlikely) L = 0 1 -10% (Unlikely) L =1 11 - 49% (Possible) L = 2 50 - 89% (Likely) L = 3 90 -100% (Almost Certain) L = 4 TABLE Consequence Consequence Value Medium Administrative Consequence C =1 Major Administrative Consequence C = 2 Minor Environmental Consequence C = 3 Minor Health Consequence C = 4 Medium Environmental Consequence C = 5 Major Environmental Consequence C = 6 Medium Health Consequence C = 7 Major Health Consequence C = 8 771 t 2 ) APPLICATION OF RISK METHODOLOGY The consequence values (0 through 8) are selected to align with other risk -based programs and projects currently under development or in use within the ministry as outlined in Table 2. The Question Risk Rating for each regulatory in- spection question is derived from an evaluation of every identified consequence and its correspond- ing likelihood of occurrence: • All levels of consequence are evaluated for their potential to occur • Greatest of all the combinations is selected. The Question Risk Rating quantifies the risk of non-compliance of each question relative to the others. Questions with higher values are those with a potentially more significant impact on drinking water safety and a higher likelihood of occurrence. The highest possible value would be 32 (4x8) and the lowest would be 0 (0x1). Table 3 presents a sample question showing the risk rating determination process. 7oes7theOperatorrge ensure that the equipment and processes are monitored, inspected and evaluated? Risk = Likelihood x Consequence C=1 C=3 C=4 C=5 C=6 C=7 C=8 Medium Major Minor Minor Medium Major Medium Major Administrative Administrative Environmental Health Environmental Environmental Health Health Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence L=4 (Almost L=1 L=2 L=3 L=3 L=1 L=3 L=2 Certain) (Unlikely (Possible) (Likely) (Likely) (Unlikely (Likely) (Possible) R=4 R=2 R=6 R=12 R=15 R=6 R=21 R=16 Application of the Methodology to Inspection Results Based on the results of a MRDWS inspection, an overall inspection risk rating is calculated. During an inspection, inspectors answer the questions that relate to regulatory compliance and input their responses as "yes", "no" or "not applicable" into the Ministry's Laboratory and Waterworks Inspection System (LWIS) database. A "no" response indicates non-compliance. The maximum number of regulatory questions asked by an inspector varies by: system (i.e., distribution, stand-alone), type of inspection (i.e., focused, detailed), and source type (i.e., groundwater, surface water). The risk ratings of all non -compliant answers are summed and divided by the sum of the risk ratings of all questions asked (maximum question rating). The resulting inspection risk rating (as a percentage) is subtracted from 100 per cent to arrive at the final inspection rating. APPLICATION OF RISK METHODOLOGY 13 ) Application of the Methodology for Public Reporting The individual MRDWS Total Inspection Ratings are published with the ministry's Chief Drinlang Water Inspector's Annual Report. Figure 1: Year Over Year Distribution of MRDWS Ratings 700 to 0 z 600 500 400 z 0 U a 300 to z LL 0 w 200 0o z 100 0 Figure 1 presents the distribution of MRDWS rat- ings for a sample of annual inspections. Individual drinlang water systems can compare against all the other inspected facilities over a period of inspection years. >50 % to 80% >80 % to 85 % >85% to 90 % >90% to 95% >95 % to 100 % 5% RATING BANDING BY YEAR L� YEAR A . YEAR B . YEAR C [3 YEAR D ■ YEAR E 0 100% Rating Reporting Results to MRDWS Owners/Operators A summary of inspection findings for each system which would provide the system owner/operator is generated in the form of an Inspection Rating with information on the areas where they need to Record (IRR). The findings are grouped into the improve. The 14 modules are: 14 possible modules of the inspection protocol, 1. Source 5. Process Wastewater 2. Permit to Take Water 6. Distribution System 3. Capacity Assessment 7. Operations Manuals 4. Treatment Processes 8. Logbooks 9. Contingency and Emergency Planning 10. Consumer Relations 12. Water Quality Monitoring 13. Reporting, Notification and Corrective Actions 11. Certification and Training 14. Other Inspection Findings 0 4 J APPLICATION OF RISK METHODOLOGY Appendix "D" Drinking Water Quality Management Syste,.. ,AUR,011A Management Review - Meetinq Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 1 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 pm to 4 pm Page 1 of 9 Attendees: Phillip Galin - Manager of Operations Services / DWQMS Implementation Lead Doug Nadorozny - CAO / Top Management Ilmar Simanovskis - Director of Public Works / DWQMS Project Sponsor/ Top Management Lindsay Hayworth - Water/Wastewater Supervisor / DWQMS Representative / ORO Angela Pucci - Operations Clerk / DWQMS Project Administrator Introduction to DWQMS Management Review Top Management reviewed all DWQMS data presented as summarized below. All deficiencies identified by Top Management have been documented on the Management Review Action Items Form (SF-015) attached. Agenda Items Reviewed 1. Incidents of Adverse Drinkinq Water Tests ➢ Water Quality Report reviewed by Top Management. Report will be presented to council in March. Lindsay utilized the MOE Annual Report template form for this year's Water Quality report, this template is used by most municipalities. ➢ It was suggested by Ilmar to have a link from Aurora's Water Quality Report on the Town's web site to York Regions Water Quality Report. ➢ 929 Water Samples taken in 2015, increase compared to 2014 due to the additional sampling after watermain breaks and when turning water mains off due to repairs. ➢ Lindsay reported three adverse incidences in 2015. All adverse incidences listed below, including report documents, re -sampling and summary of actions taken was reviewed and discussed. 1. June 18, 2015, 186 Heathwood Heights 2. July 2, 2015, 4 Hollidge Blvd. 3. September 9, 2015, 122 Brookview ➢ Proper procedures were followed for all incidences, results achieved and water quality adverse issue resolved. ➢ Ilmar updated Doug on the Towns Water Meter Replacement program. Program started in 2014, 2000 have been replaced. 1000 water meters a year will be replaced till the entire town is completed. 2. The Efficiency of the Risk assessment, Deviations from Critical Control Points Limits and Response Actions ➢ As part of Element 7 & 8, Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment Outcomes, the currency of the information and the validity of the information used are verified once a year. The risk assessment is redone every three years at a minimum. A complete redo of the risk assessment was conducted on October 22, 2015. ➢ Top Management verified the Risk Assessment complete Redo meeting minutes of October 22, 2015. Fifteen hazards and hazardous events were identified and the level of risk for each assessed. ➢ Ilmar suggested that staff see if they can identify additional potential hazards at the next Risk Assessment review. Staff are to reach out to other municipalities to help identify more hazards. . Drinking Water Quality Management System AURORA Management Review - Meetinq Minutes Date: Friday March 0, 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 prn to 4 prn Page 2 of 9 ➢ Next review is scheduled for October 22, 2016 and a redo October 22, 2018. 3. Internal and Third party Audit Results and Incidents of Regulatory Non -Compliance, System Audits of June 16, 2015 & Internal Audit of December 1, 2015 ➢ Top Management reviewed, DWQMS System audit conducted by NSF on June 16, 2015. Report # CO121304. ➢ No corrective action and five opportunities for improvement were identified during the audit. Top Management reviewed all OFI and resulting action details listed below: NSF-MOE VERIFICATION AUDIT JUNE 16, 2015 - OFI ELEMENT Opportunity for Improvement Action Details # Details Updated Element #5 Record Control Document and Record Control: Could consider Procedure, QMS-PRO-002, section 5 retention time to 6 years — Coordinate with re- 4.41 and 4.6 as per Town of Aurora certification time Record Classification Structure & Retention By -Law 5611-14. The Town contractor has many Drinking Water System: Mention of emergency inspections to preform weekly and 6 generator, its log for exercising at partial and full monthly, exercising is one of them, load could be mentioned in the Operations Manual there are too many to add to Element #6. An Emergency contact list is updated Communication: Could consider creating a flow chart annually and is part of the Town's 12 for the communication within your organization, with Internal Audit procedure, QMS-PRO- the Town of Aurora and York Region Personnel — in 008, it is specific to Emergency case of emergency situations Contacts for York Region and York Region Municipalities Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Updated Element # 15, Booster 15 Renewal: Scheduling of maintenance of all the Station Maintenance Records was equipment in the booster station, could be added in added. the list of equipment maintenance list Emergency Procedures are tested with staff once per year and is referenced in QMS-PRO-008, Emergency Management: In Operations manual — section 4.2 18 could consider mention of how often Mock-up The departments practice is not to exercise is conducted and could also consider concurrently duplicate the scenarios. different scenarios -each year The previous year scenario is reviewed prior to testing to insure that a different scenario is being tested. / Drinking Water Quality Management System AURORA Management Review - Meetinq Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 prn to 4 pm Page 3 of 9 ➢ Top Management reviewed, DWQM System Internal Audit report conducted on December 1, 2015 by AET Consultants, an external accredited auditor. Three minor non -conformities and eight opportunities for improvement were identified during the audit. Top Management reviewed all Non -Conformities and OF] and resulting action details listed below: AET Internal Audit December 1, 2015 Mn Element # Mn - Non -Conformity- Details Action Details 1 - Quality DWQMS Operational Plan, Section #5 Lindsay will create a new procedure to Management Document and Records Control, Frozen address frozen watermains. System Watermains are not addressed in the Quality Management System 5 — Document Bayview/Vandorf Booster Station "Log in All internal and external documents shall and Records Sheets". The procedure states that all internal be reviewed annually, as a component of Control and external documents shall be reviewed all future annual internal audits, # QMS- annually as a component of the annual Internal PRO-001 Document Control Procedure Audit and Management Review. This is not was revised. occurring as Management review minutes do not reflect procedures/OP Plan, forms, MSDSs, permits etc. being reviewed and the internal audit process has been conducted for the past 3 years as a one ay sampling rocess 20 — Management review minutes stated that Management Review of March 4, 2016, Management Emergency Response Testing occurred in 2015 Top Management reviewed and Review but did not discuss the action discussed the finding of the Emergency items/recommendations that resulted from it Preparedness training of January 14, 2015 and December 18, 2015. AET Internal Audit December 1, 2015 OR Element # OR Details Action Taken/Details 2 Quality Management System Policy: Consider Will be reviewed during the Management implementing a routine review of the Policy as Review Process. Updated SOP, QMS- part of the maintenance of the DWQMS PRO-009, 4.3 Updated SF-016, Management Review Agenda to Include the Review of QMS Policy, Element # 2 to insure a review will occur annually. 5 Document and Records Control: Ensure only Lindsay requested that the contractor controlled forms are used for monitoring and send him all completed SF-023 at the inspection purposes in the booster stations end of each year starting 2016. This will enable Lindsay to ensure the contractor is using the correct forms. A file has been created in the Town's archival network drive, as part of DWQMS records control "Standard Form Records". All completed records will be filled electronical by year and saved as identified in the Town of Aurora Record Classification Structure & Retention By - Law # 5611-14 Schedule "A". 9 Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities Will be reviewed during the Management and Authorities: The organizational reporting Review On March 4,2016. structure that was presented to Council differs from what appears in the Operational Plan Drinking Water Quality Management System ,UR,0� Management Review - Meeting Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 pm to 4 prn Page 4 of 9 12 Communications: Ensure all essential suppliers The Water Quality Management System and services are communicated with in terms of is communicated during the procurement the relevant aspects of the QMS process, and specifies the legislated requirements and location of QMS documents. The QMS Representative is responsible to ensure that all operating personnel and suppliers are made aware of the hard copy locations and are apprised of any changes or updates to the QMS through regular meetings when necessary, as described in Element #12. 12 Communications: New hire/temporary staff Element # 12 was revised to include how training/awareness is not well defined. long after hire new staff are trained and Specifically, how long after hire should this made aware of the QMS. awareness training be given 19 Internal Audits: Consider clarifying the purpose Standard Operating Procedure QMS- of the table within section 4.2 of this procedure, PRO-008, Section 4.2 has been updated i.e. The audit shall assess that the QMS Activity to clarify the purpose of the table. listed occurs at the specified frequency or the audit shall assess the QMS Activity at the specified frequency 20 Management Review: The 2015 management Every effort is made by the Administrator review meeting was not conducted at least 12 to arrange meetings within 12 months of months after the 2014 management review the previous meeting, unfortunately due meeting to Top Managements scheduling conflicts, occasionally meetings my exceed the 12 month frequency specified in the Audit Schedule. 21 Continual Improvement: It is strongly Standard Form #014, Corrective Action recommended to develop a more Form has been revised defined/documented corrective action procedure, QMS-PRO-008, section 4.5 has been describing responsibilities, root cause analysis, updated to reflect the usage of the form. target completion dates, documentation, record retention, and verification. Consideration should be given to documenting the various issues that could potentially be managed using the corrective action process as part of DWQMS ➢ Ilmar suggested that staff review the Management Review procedure and the Internal Audit procedure and update the frequency specified for all activities. 4. Results of Emergency Response Testing and Findings of January 14, 2015 and December 18, 2015 ➢ Lianne Sinclair of Wesa delivered the emergency preparedness training to all Water Operators on January 14, 2015. ➢ Top Management reviewed the Emergency Scenario Table top Exercise report, Wesa Project Number, W-1312941-00-00. Seven findings were identified, each findings listed below, was reviewed and discuss with Top Management: Drinking Water Quality Management System ., U1?,0RA Management Review - Meetinq Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsa Hayworth Time: 2 prn to 4 pm Page 5 of 9 Findings of January 14, 2015 Action Action Details Taken 1. Although Earthquakes are listed on NO Management review identified this as a the potential lists of emergencies, there low risk emergency. were no work instructions for staff on how to manage their safety during an Earthquake 2. Review the Municipal Emergency NO Existing fire drills occurs once a year procedures to determine if there is an with staff and reviewed with new staff evacuation procedure that can be when hired. referenced in the case of an emergency requiring evacuation of the public works building. i.e. Fire, Earthquake. The staff determined that they would leave the building and meet at the regular meeting space at the back of the building 3. It was discussed that CB radios YES Staff are not confident with the current located in the trucks could be used for two way radios, As part of 2017 capital communication in case cellular systems project management identified an are unavailable. Test the CB radios to opportunity to upgrade the current ensure that they are a suitable radio system to hand held radios. communication replacement during an emergency 4. During an earthquake that would NO The response to this emergency will impact infrastructure and could be a be managed using the Towns of "Catastrophic" Emergency the major Aurora's Emergency Response Plan in activities are managed by York Region. conjunction with the Regional Contact York Region to determine if Emergency Plan. they have reviewed this scenario and if they have an action plan 5. Input #4 was not a realistic option as NO Unclear, cannot identify risk. the tank would not drain into the booster station 6. The containment for the diesel tank at NO Staff are required to visit the booster the booster station can fill up with water station weekly and drain the during a rain storm, if a leak were to containment when needed. occur when the containment is full of water the fuel will spill into the ditch. Look into placing a roof over the diesel tank 7. Section V. Environmental Spills, on YES Staff update Procedure QMS-PRO- QMS-PRO-019 Waterworks Emergency 019 to reflect 100L. Procedure, needs to be modified to state that the Spills Action Centre be called if the spill exceeds 100L -751Drinking Water Quality Management System AURORA Management Review- Meetinq Minutes Date: Friday March 0, 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 prn to 4 prn Page 6 of 9 ➢ Lindsay Hayworth delivered the emergency preparedness training to all Water Operators on December 18, 2015. ➢ Top Management reviewed the Emergency Scenario Table top Exercise report dated December 18, 2015, three findings were identified, each findings listed below, was reviewed and discuss with Top Management: Findings of December 18, 2015 Action Action Details Taken 1. It was apparent through discussions YES All staff including new staff reviewed that not all staff was fully aware of the the location of all 6 Aurora wells. The exact location of the wells within Aurora locations were reaffirmed with existing that the Region operates. New staff and locations were confirmed and operators were fully informed of all 6 verified with new staff. Aurora well locations 2. It was suggested that arrangements YES Tours to be arranged with York Region be made with the Region for a tour of by Lindsay, end of March. the Aurora well houses for all Operators 3. There was a discussion on the YES Will be part of 2017 Capital Plan. location and types of spills response A suggestion was made to purchase a clean up material located at the pop up tent to be used as a temporary operations yard. It was suggested that a command centre in the interim. dedicated enclosed trailer for responding to spills, fully stocked and ready to go would be the ideal. A recommendation will be made to purchase a suitable trailer for this role ➢ Ilmar suggested the opportunity for staff to learn more about the pumping stations through job swapping with the Region. It would be mutually beneficial. ➢ Staff identified the need of supplies during the emergency training that has been purchased, generators, LAD Flood lighting, ➢ Town staff has conformed to the requirements of Element # 18 of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS). 5. Operational Plan Currency, Content and Updates ➢ Lindsay will update Procedure QMS-PRO-010 Emergency Watermain Break Repairs and 012 Water Service Repair to reflect the new requirements outlined in the MOE Watermain Disinfection Procedure of November 2015, major areas to be implemented listed below: 1. Categorizing Watermain Breaks, Watermain breaks with no evident or suspected contamination are classified as Category 1, watermain breaks with evident or suspected contamination and repairs involving more than 6 metres of replaced pipe are classified as Category 2. 2. Only the Operator In Charge or Overall Responsible Operator can classify the category of the break. Drinking Water Quality Management System .AC RA►. Management Review - Meeting Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 prn to 4 prn Page 7 of 9 3. Public Agency Notification, Category 9 watermain breaks are not required to be reported to the Spills Action Centre. Category 2 watermain breaks are required to be reported to the Spills Action Centre. > Staff reformatted Element # 7 Risk Assessment and Element # 17 Measurement and Recording Equipment Calibration and Maintenance. Ilmar and Lindsay reviewed and approved Elements 7 & 17. 6. Review of the Quality Management System Policy, Element # 2 Management Team reviewed Element # 2, The Quality Management System Policy statement was reaffirmed. ➢ Doug pointed out the discrepancy in the headings, Quality Management System Policy, staff agreed to change the heading to reflect the element requirements as stated in the MOE Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. Ilmar's designation requires updating. ➢ Angela will update Element #2 to reflect the changes. 7. Drinking Water Quality Trends ➢ In 2015, The Region installed a chlorine booster facility on Bathurst, since the installation the water pressure has been better in the centre of town. ➢ All Swabbing contracted out in the past has not been done for a few years. ➢ Last year directional flushing done by staff was successful, is planned this year again. ➢ Ilmar would like to implement a GIS mapping strategy to document all flushing cycles and other activities performed and planned. > Lindsay is proposing to install a new bulk water filling station at the dead end on Eric T Smith Way, pending council approval. > Current bulk water station will be given up with the sale of the Operations Centre at 9 Scanlon Crt. > Lindsay estimated the sale in 2015 of commercial water from the existing station was $24,000.00, our cost for the water was $14,000.00. The new station will pay for itself in a few years. > Lindsay reported two major watermain breaks on Hartwell way in 2015, hit twice by the developer. Water loss was estimated at maximum, contractor was invoiced for the water loss. > Due to all of the construction Lindsay is expecting a higher than normal water loss projection for 2015. .- Over the next three years, Ilmar would like to develop a multi -year projection maintenance plan, pending resources. 8. Changes That Could Affect the QMS > In 2015 Aurora lost three staff members with a Class 2 Drinking Water Certificate. Y Currently there is only three qualified staff with a, level 2 Drinking Water Certificate that can be designated ORO or OIC. If two are unexpectedly, away there is no one qualified to fill in and Aurora would not be in compliance. Drinking Water Quality Management System AUR,OPA Management Review - Meetinq Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 prn to 4 prn Page 8 of 9 ➢ Current staff are working towards there certification upgrade to a Class 2 and will meet the experience requirement to upgrade in the fall. ➢ Procedure requirements for a Drinking water system ORO and OIC is, a minimum Level 2 Drinking Water Certificate. Presently Aurora does not have enough personnel who meet the requirements. ➢ Water Operators have done over 1000 locates in 2015. ➢ Streetlight Locates are contracted out to Mead Electric, staff estimated that $145,000.00 was spent in 2015 on Streetlight Locates. ➢ In December Water Operators were trained to do streetlight locates and have done the majority, the ones that need panel entry or can't be done by staff are given to the contractor. Cost savings estimated at about $70,000.00. ➢ Streetlight locate requests will increase in the spring and staff will monitor to see if Water Operators can handle the volume. 9. The Resources Needed to Maintain the QMS ➢ Back Flow Prevention By-law #5645-14 enacted but not enforced. ➢ Lindsay would like a new Compliance Officer position in the Water/Wastewater department with a minimum Class 2 Drinking Water Certificate. ➢ This role would be responsible for enacting the Back Flow Prevention Program and other preventative programs, fill in as OIC or ORO when required and ensuring that Aurora complies with its regulatory requirements and internal policies and/or procedures. ➢ Ilmar will put a case together to identify all of the points and will further discuss the request of this new role with Doug. 10. The Results of the Infrastructure Review ➢ Top Management review the Infrastructure Review report dated May 28, 2015, no action items identified. ➢ All action items from meeting of April 30, 2014 have been addressed, Back Flow Prevention By -Law enacted, no additional action items identified. 11. Operational Performance ➢ 30 Frozen Services reported in 2015, fewer frozen services for the 2015/2016 season, all were on private side. ➢ A recorded 12 watermain breaks in 2015. Staff has identified three failures on Algonquin Cr., two in 2014 and one in 2015, watermain relining on Algonquin Cr., is projected for 2016. 12. Consumer Feedback ➢ Top Management reviewed the 2015 Water Quality Complaints report. ➢ 25 water quality complaints recorded in 2015, all of the complaints were private side issues. ➢ Ilmar suggested staff look into the use of CRM to track calls. /I- "= .. Drinking Water Quality Management System ,AUR,O . Management Review - Meeting Minutes Date: Friday March 4 , 2016 Prepared by: Angela Pucci Place: 9 Scanlon Court, Boardroom Reviewer: Lindsay Hayworth Time: 2 pm to 4 pm Page 9 of 9 13. Staff Suggestions To comply with the Municipal Act, Lindsay is in the process of purchasing door hangers to use in addition to personal notification when notifying residents of water disruption during an emergency repair. Summary All action Items are identified on the Management Review Action Item form # SF-015 attached. All records are maintained and stored electronically in the Town's record management system filling location: KAnfrastructure & Environmental Services\ENV\PlanProtect\DWQMS\Records\Management Review Next Meeting TBD Iluk AURORA TOWN OF AURORA y°"re,"`g°°d,`°wpaAy GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No. PRS16-034 SUBJECT: Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements FROM: Allan D. Downey, Director of Parks & Recreation Services DATE: June 21, 2016 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No. PRS16-034 be received; and THAT direction be provided to staff with respect to funding the Capital Improvements for the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To obtain Council direction regarding the funding model for proposed Capital Improvements for the Sports Hall of Fame. BACKGROUND Nancy Black and Michelle Johnson made presentation to the June 7th, 2016 General Committee meeting to seek endorsement of the proposed Capital Improvements to the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame. COMMENTS At that meeting, General Committee requested that the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Committee provide the estimated cost for the proposed Capital Improvements. Staff have attached the presentation as well as budget details provided by the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame. LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN The Aurora Sports Hall of Fame supports the Strategic Plan goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for All through its accomplishment in satisfying requirements in the following key objective within this goal statement: June 21, 2016 - 2 -Report No. PRS16-034 Celebrating and Promoting our Culture: Expand opportunities and partnerships that contribute to the celebration of culture in the community. ALTERNATIVE(S) TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS None. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding for these proposed improvements has not been considered in the 2016 Capital Budget. The budget estimate provided by the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame is estimate at $77,050.00. The Aurora Sports Hall of Fame has identified a contribution of $18,200.00 and a request for the outstanding balance of $58,850.00 The options available to Council with regards to funding source are: 1.Full funding can be provided from the Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund in the amount of $58,850.00. 2.Full funding can be provided from the outstanding balance in the Sports Plan Reserve Fund in the amount of $43,862.00 in combination with funding from Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund in the amount of $14,988.00. 3.Less than full funding can be provided from either Reserve. 4.Council can direct staff to refer this item to the 2017 Capital Budget Review. CONCLUSIONS The Aurora Sports Hall of Fame has had a very positive impact on elevating the profile and significance of sports in the community. The proposed improvements identified by the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Committee further increase the profile of the Hall and have lasting benefits to the legacy of sport and the individuals who have been recognized for their contributions. PREVIOUS REPORTS None. ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1 – Presentation “The Grand Re-Opening” by Nancy Black, to the June 7th, 2016 General Committee meeting (available at http://www.aurora.ca/TownHall/Pages/ Council-and-Committee-Meetings/Agendas-and-Minutes.aspx) Attachment #2 – Budget Details for Proposed Aurora Sports Hall of Fame Capital Improvements June 21, 2016 - 3 - Report No. PRS16-034 PRE -SUBMISSION REVIEW CAO Review Prepared by: Allan D. Downey, Director of Parks & Recreation Services - Ext. 4752 Allan D. Downey Director of Parks and Recreation _.bw�UJA le� Doug N orozny Chief Administrative Attachment #1 m W O x Attachment #2