BYLAW - To Fix the First Meeting of Council - 19440110 - 90644·.; i BY-LAW mTh!BER 9o{; 7 7 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. TO FIX THE FIRST MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. ~~S Section 205, &~b-Sections (1) and (2) of The Municipal Act, as amended by Chapter 16, Section 4 of the 1943 Ontario Statutes, provide that the first meeting of the Council of a local municipality shall be held not later than the second ~~onday in January and the day and hour for holding such meeting shall be fixed by by-law. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE lv!UNICIPAL COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF AllliRORA ENAOTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the first meeting of the Council of the Mun- icipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora be held on the second Mon- day in January of each year at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. 2. That the day and time of the holding of this meeting of the said Council {being the first meeting for the year 1944~,be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the said meeting be and the same is hereby declared regular. Dated at the IDown Hall, Aurora, this /P &day·of January, 1944. 11f Passed at the 'l)own Hall,Aurora, this !d-day of January, 1944. MAYOR CLERK