AGENDA - General Committee - 20160202GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY,FEBRUARY 2,2016 7 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS AURORA TOWN HALL PUBLIC RELEASE January 29,2016 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday,February 2,2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Thompson in the Chair 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. 3.DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4.ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5.DELEGATIONS (a)Joyce Deutsch,Resident pg.1 Re:Item 4 IES16-010 Parking Concerns on Hawthorne Lane (b)Dr.Beverley Bouffard,Resident pg.2 Re:Item 3 IES16-009 Speed Cushion Pilot Project Follow-Up 6.PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 7.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Page 2 of 7 8.NOTICES OF MOTION 9.NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION 10.CLOSED SESSION 11.ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Page 3 of 7 AGENDA ITEMS 1.CAO16-001 Business Improvement Area (BIA)Plan Update pg.3 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.CAO16-001 be received;and That a Public Information Session pertaining to the BIA be scheduled for later in February or March 2016. 2.BBS16-001 Request for Sign Variance to Sign Bylaw No.4898-07.P pg.14 for the Canadian Disc Institute at 15000 Yonge Street RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.BBS16-001 be received;and THAT the request for variance to Sign By-law No.4898-07.P to allow a 4.09m2 wall sign located 190mm above grade for the Canadian Disc Institute be approved on the following conditions: i)A Heritage Permit for the proposed sign is obtained from Planning and Development Services prior to the issuance of the Sign Permit;and ii)The existing ground sign is removed as part of the Sign Permit. 3.IES16-009 Speed Cushion Pilot Project Follow -Up pg.29 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-009 be received;and THAT staff be directed to conduct the public consultation as set out in Report No. IES16-009. 4.IES16-010 Parking Concerns on Hawthorne Lane pg.34 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-010 be received;and THAT parking be prohibited at any time on the north side of Hawthorne Lane from George Street to the end of Hawthorne Lane;and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Page 4 of 7 THAT the necessary by-law be introduced to implement the above recommendation. 5.IES16-011 Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain pg.38 Constructed by Magna International Inc. RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-011 be received;and THAT the following external services constructed by Magna International Inc.be accepted: a)Sanitary sewer contained within municipal easement and Town owned lands located west of Bayview Avenue and south of Wellington Street East; b)Watermain located on the south side of Wellington Street East between Conover Avenue and Aurora East Pumping Station;and THAT the Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services be authorized to issue a Certificate of Acceptance of public works for the said external services as required under Section 3.10 of the External Services Agreement. 6.IES16-013 School Travel Planning Program for Aurora Heights pg.42 Public School RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.IES16-013 be received;and THAT three-way stop sign control be installed at the intersection of Tecumseh Drive and Kitimat Crescent (north leg);and THAT the necessary by-law be introduced to implement the above recommendation;and resolution. 7.IES16-014 Acceptance of Municipal Services Elderberry Hill pg.53 Residential Subdivision Registered Plan 65M-3931 RECOMMENDED: General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Page 5 of 7 THAT Report No.IES16-014 be received;and THAT ownership,operation and maintenance of the works within the roads, right-of-ways and other lands dedicated to the Town as contained within Registered Plan 65M-3931,being Elderberry Hill Residential Subdivision be assumed;and THAT the necessary by-law be brought forward for enactment to assume for public use the highways within Registered Plan 65M-3931 and to establish as public highway any applicable reserves. 8.LLS16-007 Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of pg.57 Reference Review RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.LLS16-007 be received;and THAT the Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee be amended to change the Committee composition to: a)Five (5)Citizen Members,the majority of whom shall be persons with a disability and the minority of whom shall be citizen volunteers,parents of a child with a disability,or professionals from the stakeholder community. b)One (1)Member of Council shall be appointed as Council liaison to the - THAT the Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee be further amended to change the meeting time from 7:00 p.m.to as agreed to by the Committee;and THAT the appointment of a citizen member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee recommended by staff in confidential Closed Session Report No. LLS15-060 be approved;and THAT staff be directed to report out the names of citizen members appointed to the Accessibility Advisory Committee upon adoption of this resolution. 9.PRS16-002 License Agreement for Hydro Corridor Lands North of pg.62 road in the Town of Aurora RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-002 be received;and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Page 6 of 7 THAT the Director of Parks &Recreation Services be authorized to execute a License Agreement with HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN THE RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by THE MINISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE for a all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same;and THAT the Director of Parks &Recreation Services be authorized to renew the License Agreement on an ongoing basis,provided that the License Agreement remains on the same terms,with the Director of Parks & Recreation Services being authorized to execute the necessary renewal agreements,including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 10.PRS16-005 Review of Indoor Tennis Facility pg.68 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-005 be received;and THAT staff be directed to prepare a lease agreement with 849400 Ontario Inc.for the provision of an indoor tennis facility;and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease Agreement with 849400 Ontario Inc.,including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same 11.PRS16-007 Injury or Destruction of Trees on Private Property By-law pg.122 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-007 be received;and THAT the final Injury or Destruction of Trees on Private Property By-law not include provisions pertaining to golf courses that similar to those in the City of -law for the reasons set out in this report;and THAT Council provide direction on the inclusion of one (1)of the three (3)options pertaining to trees on golf courses provided within the Alternatives to Recommendation section of this report as Alternatives 1,2 and 3;and THAT staff be directed to finalize the Injury or Destruction of Trees on Private Property By-law and commence a public notification and awareness process on the various aspects of the revised by-law,following which the by-law will be presented for enactment at the Council meeting on May 11,2016. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Page 7 of 7 12.PRS16-008 Facility Sponsorship Program Aurora Toyota pg.134 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.PRS16-008 be received for information. 13. Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting pg.136 Minutes of January 12, 2016 RECOMMENDED: THAT the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of January 12, 2016 be received for information. 14.Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of pg.139 January 14, 2016 RECOMMENDED: THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes of January 14,2016,be received for information. 15.Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 pg.144 RECOMMENDED: THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of January 19, 2016,be received;and THAT the Finance Advisory Committee recommends to Council: THAT the Financial Advisory Committee shall normally meet at Town Hall once per month,except for the months of July and August,from 5:30 p.m.to 6:45 p.m.on the Tuesday of the second General Committee meeting of that month;and THAT the Town Clerk be directed to amend the Terms of Reference for the Financial Advisory Committee. February 2,2016 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Delegation (a)Page -1 -1 - DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for consideration by either Council or Committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk’s office by the following deadline: 4:30 P.M.ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE:February 2,2016 SUBJECT:Speed Humps on Kennedy Street West Aurora NAME OF SPOKESPERSON:Dr.Beverley Bouffard NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S)BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): family BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: Concerns/rationale to support Speed Hump Pilot Project on Kennedy Street West re:safety/risk issues for the children of the immediate community from a family with a special needs child.We have lived on the corner of Kennedy St &Corner Ridge for 15 years.The community park is vital to our child’s social/emotional needs.However,safety /risk needs on Kennedy [walking to park,exiting our property,neighbourhood kids trying to bike to get to the park needing to cross the road]have escalated since Bathurst was widened,the Viva busline activated,low police presence,population density increase on the street and feeder streets,incr.volume at Aurora High School and kids from George Street now at Wellington School have increased the volume of traffic in the area.When the Viva bus stops,drivers try to go around,or when cars are parked on the side of the road,increasing safety concerns for oncoming drivers,pedestrians,cyclists.The Kennedy St.Park is filled with children/families from spring to fall-drivers not obeying speed signs and stop signs are a detriment to the community and placing all of our children at risk. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest?YES NO IF YES,WITH WHOM?DATE: I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5)minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way,Box 1000 Aurora,ON L4G 6J1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Delegation (b)Page -1 -2 - TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No.CAO16-001 SUBJECT:Business Improvement Area (BIA)Plan Update FROM:Doug Nadorozny,Chief Administrative Officer DATE:February 2,2016 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No.CAO16-001 be received;and THAT a Public Information Session pertaining to the BIA be scheduled for later in February or March 2016. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To provide Council with an update of the BIA initiative and to schedule a public information session pertaining to the BIA. BACKGROUND On September 28,2010,Council adopted “The Aurora Promenade Concept Plan – Urban Design Strategy”for the Yonge and Wellington Corridors. Goals for the study included: •Stimulate economic development and make the Promenadea more profitable location to do business; •Intensification along the Yonge and Wellington Corridors; •Return Downtown to being a focal point for retail/service and special events in the community; •Create a vibrant street life and maximize use of upper floors; •Improve the appearance of downtown through restoration of heritage resources/façade improvements; •Create a positive image of the downtown as a desirable place to work,live, shop and invest. The Implementation section of the Promenade Plan indicates that the Town should work with the business owners to establish a BIA. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -1 -3 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -2 -4 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -3 -5 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -4 -6 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -5 -7 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -6 -8 - Figure 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -7 -9 - BIA Questions and Answers Background: In 2010,the Town of Aurora completed a revitalization strategy entitled “The Aurora Promenade –Concept Plan”for the commercial area along Yonge and Wellington Streets.The implementation section of this strategy recommended the Town work with business owners to consider the establishment of a Business Improvement Area (BIA). In addition to the Promenade Plan the Town has also completed a “Streetscape Plan” and “Community Improvement Plan”for the Promenade area. 1.What is a BIA? A strategy and organization managed by a Board of Managers that allows local business people and commercial property owners to join together,with the support of the municipality,to organize,finance and promote economic development and carry out physical improvements in their area.The main goal is for business owners to work together to improve the promotion/marketing and beautification of an area. 2.Who establishes a BIA? Typically a steering committee comprised of business owners is established and this committee determines if there is sufficient interest in establishing BIA.The Town’s role is to assist this steering committee and to pass a bylaw to establish the BIA,should the steering committee determine there is merit and sufficient interest.The Town will not pass a bylaw on its own accord as a BIA is only established with the support of local business owners. 3.What can a BIA do? A BIA is intended to work to improve business within a specific area through beautification,promotion,advocating on behalf of its members and improving tourism. Benefits include: Increased community interest and pride in the business area Improvement of the physical environment,including parking,benches, flowers,planters,special street lighting,improved streetscapes,art and beautification projects Marketing and promotion of the area as a business and shopping community,including organizing community events,public relations programs and advertising campaigns Advocating on behalf of its members at Council meetings,seminars and public meetings. Appendix 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -8 -10 - Increased cost savings to the membership through improved integration of capital funding and promotional activities (competitive edge and economies of scale) 4.Who pays for a BIA? Any commercially assessed property within the BIA would contribute a levy which is based on their property assessment value. 5.How much would I pay? The cost or levy per business is based upon the set budget.The formula below provides an example of how the levy is calculated.More information on levies will be provided as the steering committee develops the boundary and budget. Example calculation: Your Business Assessment ($500,000)X BIA Budget ($100,000)=Annual Levy $310 Total Area Assessment ($161,000,000) 6.What would my levy pay for? A sample draft budget from a proposed BIA in Brooklyn (Whitby)Ontario is attached to provide a typical example of how funds are allocated.A steering committee comprised of local business owners would undertake a similar budget exercise for any BIA within Aurora. 7.Who actually runs the BIA? The BIA is managed by a Board of Management that is voted upon by the membership and appointed by the municipal council.The Board has general responsibilities,which include overseeing the planning,budgeting,implementation and evaluation of BIA projects. The BIA Steering Committee is a group of volunteers who are trying to establish the BIA. If the BIA is put in place,this Committee will no longer exist and will be replaced by a Board of Management/Board of Directors who will be voted into position by paying members. 8.Is there paid staff on the BIA? Many successful BIA's begin with volunteers and once their mandate and budget grow, they find it more time and cost efficient to hire a BIA manager.If,or when,a paid staff member is considered it would be raised through the budget process and voted upon by the membership. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -9 -11 - 9.How is the BIA budget collected? The BIA does not levy taxes directly.The municipal council adds a special BIA levy to the property tax collected from property owners within the area and collects this on the BIA's behalf. 10.What is the Town's role in a BIA? As per the Municipal Act,the Town's role within a BIA is to provide support,statutory notices,execute applicable bylaws,register objections,monitor finances,alter boundaries and approve proposed Board of Director members and annual budgets. 11.What are the proposed boundaries of the BIA? The boundary of the BIA would be established by a steering committee made up of business owners.As a suggested starting point the boundary could coincide with the Promenade Area boundary 12.How can I object if the Town passes a BIA bylaw? You will have the opportunity to object if the Town passes a bylaw and when formal notice of the BIA Bylaw is sent.This Notice will clearly explain your rights and obligations.If your tenants will be expected to pay part/all of the levy they will also be entitled to notice.You as the property owner are required under the Municipal Act to provide the Town with contact information for your tenants within 30 days. 13.Is it true that if I don't object it's essentially a vote for the BIA? Yes,the Municipal Act states that the Town can pass a bylaw as long as no more than a third of the voting members representing a third of the total levies object.If you do not object,your vote is essentially a vote in favour of the BIA. 14.I'm a business owner,not the property owner.What rights do I have? As a business owner it is important you communicate your preference (for or against the BIA)to your landlord.If you will be responsible for all/portion of your levy,your landlord MUST provide your contact information to the Town within 30 days,as you are entitled to a notice and have the right to object. If you would not be responsible for paying all/portion of the levy,you would not have an opportunity to vote.If your landlord is not supportive of the BIA,and as a business owner you would like the BIA to be implemented,please remind your landlord of the many benefits a BIA would have for your business and in the long term on property values. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -10 -12 - For further information pertaining to BIAs: http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page1529.aspx http://obiaa.com/ http://toronto-bia.com/ Did you know? There are now more than 230 BIAs in Ontario BIAs exist in every province as well as communities across the United States In York Region there are BIAs in Newmarket,Richmond Hill,Markham,Vaughan, King,Whitchurch-Stouffville and Georgina General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 1 Page -11 -13 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -1 -14 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -2 -15 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -3 -16 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -4 -17 - Attachment 1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -5 -18 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -6 -19 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -7 -20 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -8 -21 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -9 -22 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -10 -23 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -11 -24 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -12 -25 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -13 -26 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -14 -27 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 2 Page -15 -28 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 3 Page -1 -29 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 3 Page -2 -30 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 3 Page -3 -31 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 3 Page -4 -32 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 3 Page -5 -33 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 4 Page -1 -34 - February 2,2016 -2 -Report No.IES16-010 Existing Town Parking Policy and Recommendations The Town of Aurora policies recommend that on-street parking will: “not be permitted on a local road with pavement width less than 7.5 metres”; “be permitted on one side of a local road with a pavement width greater than 7.5 metres and less than 8.5 metres”, “not be permitted on collector road with pavement width less than 8.5 metres”;and “be permitted on one side of a collector road with a pavement width greater than 8.5 metres and less than 11.0 metres” Based on the pavement width of 8.0 meters,there is insufficient width to accommodate vehicles parked on both sides of the street and two-way vehicular traffic.In consideration of the above,it is recommended that parking be prohibited on one side of the street.This will result in the loss of approximately 22 parking spots. Pre-policy road conditions grandfathered unless issues identified Hawthorne Lane does not meet the current policy,as these parking conditions were in place prior to development of this policy.The policy is applicable to any new roads that were in the approval process at the time of policy adoption.Retroactive application is only considered when an issue is identified or raised by the community as is permitted by the policy.This request from the community is sufficient to respond to the requested change and is in alignment with the policy. On-Site Investigation Staff conducted a number of on-site investigations and have observed vehicles parked on both sides of Hawthorne Lane.Based on the pavement width of 8.0 metres,there is insufficient width to accommodate vehicles parked on both sides of the street and two- way vehicular traffic.In consideration of the above,it is recommended that parking be prohibited on the north side of Hawthorne Lane.The north side was selected for the parking prohibition due to the lower number of available off-street parking spaces and the location of the fire hydrants.The residents were notified of staff selection of the parking restrictions on the north side. LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic Plan Goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life for All Objective 1:Improve transportation,mobility and connectivity Examine traffic patterns and identify potential solutions to improve movement and safety for motorists and pedestrians. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 4 Page -2 -35 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 4 Page -3 -36 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 4 Page -4 -37 - TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No.IES16-011 SUBJECT:Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Constructed by Magna International Inc. FROM:Ilmar Simanovskis,Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services DATE:February 2,2016 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No.IES16-011 be received;and THAT the following external services constructed by Magna International Inc.be accepted; a)Sanitary sewer contained within municipal easement and Town owned lands located west of Bayview Avenue and south of Wellington Street East; b)Watermain located on the south side of Wellington Street East between Conover Avenue and Aurora East Pumping Station;and THAT the Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services be authorized to issue a Certificate of Acceptance of public works for the said external services as required under Section 3.10 of the External Services Agreement. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to assume the external services constructed by Alpen House Limited and Magna International Inc Magna pursuant to the External Services Agreement. BACKGROUND The subject external services were constructed by Magna in accordance with the terms of the External Services Agreement executed between the Town and Magna on June 2, 1994 to service the development of Magna lands located south of Wellington Street East in between Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street. COMMENTS Magna has fulfilled its obligations for completion and maintenance of the subject external services and has requested that the Town issue a Certificate of Acceptance for General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 5 Page -1 -38 - February 2,2016 -2 -Report No.IES16-011 the subject external services.Inspections have been completed of the subject external services and are confirmed to be in good condition and completed in accordance with the terms of the External Services Agreement.All construction lien provisions have also been satisfied.As such it is recommended that the subject external services be accepted and the Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services be authorized to issue a Certificate of Acceptance in accordance with Section 3.10 of the External Services Agreement. LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN This project supports the Strategic Plan Goal of Supporting an Exceptional Quality of Life and Work for All by maintaining and expanding infrastructure to support forecasted population growth through technology,waste management,roads, emergency services,jobs and accessibility. ALTERNATIVE(S)TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS None. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Town will,upon issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance of public works,be responsible for all future operational and maintenance costs for the subject external services.Remaining securities held in relation to the subject external services will be released in accordance with the terms of the External Services Agreement. CONCLUSIONS The external services comprising of sanitary sewer and watermain constructed by Magna,as indicated on the attached key map,have been completed and operating to the satisfaction of the staff.As such it is recommended that the subject external services be assumed and the Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services be authorized to issue a Certificate of Acceptance in accordance with the provisions of the External Services Agreement. ATTACHMENTS Appendix A Key map showing location of the external services to be accepted. PREVIOUS REPORTS None General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 5 Page -2 -39 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 5 Page -3 -40 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 5 Page -4 -41 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -1 -42 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -2 -43 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -3 -44 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -4 -45 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -5 -46 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -6 -47 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -7 -48 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -8 -49 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -9 -50 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -10 -51 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 6 Page -11 -52 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 7 Page -1 -53 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 7 Page -2 -54 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 7 Page -3 -55 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 7 Page -4 -56 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 8 Page -1 -57 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 8 Page -2 -58 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 8 Page -3 -59 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 8 Page -4 -60 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 8 Page -5 -61 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 9 Page -1 -62 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 9 Page -2 -63 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 9 Page -3 -64 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 9 Page -4 -65 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 9 Page -5 -66 - Attachment #1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 9 Page -6 -67 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -1 -68 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -2 -69 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -3 -70 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -4 -71 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -5 -72 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -6 -73 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -7 -74 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -8 -75 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -9 -76 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -10 -77 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -11 -78 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -12 -79 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -13 -80 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -14 -81 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -15 -82 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -16 -83 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -17 -84 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -18 -85 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -19 -86 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -20 -87 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -21 -88 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -22 -89 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -23 -90 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -24 -91 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -25 -92 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -26 -93 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -27 -94 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -28 -95 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -29 -96 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -30 -97 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -31 -98 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -32 -99 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -33 -100 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -34 -101 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -35 -102 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -36 -103 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -37 -104 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -38 -105 - Attachment 5 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -39 -106 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -40 -107 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -41 -108 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -42 -109 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -43 -110 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -44 -111 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -45 -112 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -46 -113 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -47 -114 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -48 -115 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -49 -116 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -50 -117 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -51 -118 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -52 -119 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -53 -120 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 10 Page -54 -121 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -1 -122 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -2 -123 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -3 -124 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -4 -125 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -5 -126 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -6 -127 - Attachment #1 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -7 -128 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -8 -129 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -9 -130 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -10 -131 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -11 -132 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 11 Page -12 -133 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 12 Page -1 -134 - General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 12 Page -2 -135 - TOWN OF AURORA COMMUNITY RECOGNITION REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Tuesday,January 12,2016 Time and Location:3 p.m.,Tannery Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair),Diane Buchanan,Steve Hinder,Tim Jones (arrived 3:41 p.m.),and Brian North Members Absent:Councillor Sandra Humfryes and Jo-anne Spitzer Other Attendees:Jennifer Norton,Web Services and Corporate Events Co- ordinator,and Linda Bottos,Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Brian North Seconded by Diane Buchanan THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 15,2015 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 13 Page -1 -136 - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,January 12,2016 Page 2 of 3 Moved by Brian North Seconded by Steve Hinder THAT the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 15,2015,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS None 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1.Round Table Discussion Re:Sponsorship and Promotion Staff advised that the 2016 Community Recognition Awards Nomination Package would be released on January 14,2016,and nominations would be accepted until March 4,2016,via mail or online submission.Staff noted the various means of promotion being implemented including the Town website, social media,newspaper advertising,notice boards,and cross-promotion with other Advisory Committees,Town facilities and events. The Committee discussed various aspects of sponsorship for the Community Recognition Awards event and noted that a sponsor had been identified for video and photography.Committee members agreed to further explore sponsorship opportunities for food and alcohol for the event. 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 2.2016 Community Recognition Awards Nomination Package The Committee suggested that the Awards categories and criteria be further reviewed following the 2016 Awards event. Moved by Tim Jones Seconded by Brian North THAT the 2016 Community Recognition Awards Nomination Package be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 13 Page -2 -137 - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,January 12,2016 Page 3 of 3 7.NEW BUSINESS None 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Tim Jones Seconded by Steve Hinder THAT the meeting be adjourned at 3:56 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 13 Page -3 -138 - TOWN OF AURORA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Thursday,January 14,2016 Time and Location:7 p.m.,Leksand Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Paul Pirri (Chair),Councillor John Abel (Vice Chair), Don Constable,Rosalyn Gonsalves,Marilee Harris,Paul Smith, Bruce Walkinshaw,and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe (ex-officio) Member(s)Absent:None Other Attendees:Councillor Tom Mrakas,Councillor Michael Thompson,Doug Nadorozny,Chief Administrative Officer,Anthony Ierullo, Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning,Michael Logue,Program Manager,Economic Development,and Linda Bottos,Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Bruce Walkinshaw Seconded by Councillor Abel THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services,with the following additions,be approved: Item 4 –Memorandum from Mayor Geoffrey Dawe;Re:A Short History of a New Hotel in Aurora General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 14 Page -1 -139 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,January 14,2016 Page 2 of 5 Item 5 –Memorandum from Acting Manager of Corporate Communications;Re: 2016 Community Recognition Awards CARRIED 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2015 Moved by Marilee Harris Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes of December 10,2015,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS (a)Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Re:Hotel Development Update The Committee consented on a two-thirds vote that the requirements of section 3.8(c)of the Procedural By-law be waived to permit the delegation to speak for more than five minutes. Mayor Dawe provided an overview of the information detailed in Item 4 (added item)regarding the history and future potential of hotel development,and Development Charges,in Aurora. Moved by Marilee Harris Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the delegation by Mayor Geoffrey Dawe be received for information. CARRIED 5.MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION None 6.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 14 Page -2 -140 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,January 14,2016 Page 3 of 5 1.Memorandum from Director of Building &Bylaw Services Re:Proposed Sign By-law Staff gave a brief overview and background of the memorandum.Staff provided clarification to the cost analysis and noted that further analysis was needed.The Committee expressed opposition to the proposed permit fee increases. Moved by Paul Smith Seconded by Rosalyn Gonsalves THAT the memorandum regarding Proposed By-law be received for information. CARRIED 2.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning Re:Vacant Employment Land Inventory Staff gave a brief overview of the memorandum and attachment.The Committee inquired about the Inventory criteria,frequency of updates,and vacant buildings,and staff provided clarification. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Marilee Harris THAT the memorandum regarding Vacant Employment Land Inventory be received for information. CARRIED 3.Memorandum from Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning Re:Activity Report Staff gave a brief overview of the memorandum regarding business inquiries, openings,and upcoming events,and noted that business closings would be included in the annual update. Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Rosalyn Gonsalves THAT the memorandum regarding Activity Report be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 14 Page -3 -141 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,January 14,2016 Page 4 of 5 4.Memorandum from Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Re:A Short History of a New Hotel in Aurora (Added Item) Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding A Short History of a New Hotel in Aurora be received for information. CARRIED 5.Memorandum from Acting Manager of Corporate Communications Re:2016 Community Recognition Awards (Added Item) Staff gave a brief overview of the background to the memorandum and noted that the Committee was being asked to help promote the 2016 Community Recognition Awards and encourage nominations for the Good Business Award. The Committee provided comments regarding the Good Business Award in relation to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce,communications,and business feedback.Staff clarified that the Good Business Award is a corporate social responsibility award,and it was indicated that the Committee’s comments would be shared with the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee. Moved by Don Constable Seconded by Bruce Walkinshaw THAT the memorandum regarding 2016 Community Recognition Awards be received for information. CARRIED 7.NEW BUSINESS The Committee requested clarification on the current role of the Economic Development Advisory Committee.Mayor Dawe advised that the new Chief Administrative Officer is in the process of an organizational review and more information would be forthcoming. The Committee inquired about the status of a potential medical campus in Town.Staff responded regarding the marketing strategy and communication plans for this project. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 14 Page -4 -142 - Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday,January 14,2016 Page 5 of 5 The Committee inquired about the status of high speed broadband in Aurora.Mayor Dawe advised that a Regional task force would be meeting in February 2016 to discuss strategy. The Committee suggested that there is a need for increased efforts in relation to business retention and communications in Town. 8.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Abel Seconded by Marilee Harris THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:14 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 14 Page -5 -143 - TOWN OF AURORA FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date:Tuesday,January 19,2016 Time and Location:5:30 p.m.,Leksand Room,Aurora Town Hall Committee Members:Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair),Councillor Harold Kim (arrived 5:45 p.m.),and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Member(s)Absent:None Other Attendees:Councillor Tom Mrakas,Doug Nadorozny,Chief Administrative Officer,Dan Elliott,Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer,Al Downey,Director of Parks and Recreation Services,Ilmar Simanovskis,Director of Environmental and Infrastructure Services,Jason Gaertner, Manager,Financial Planning,and Linda Bottos,Council/ Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 15-Page -1 -144 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,January 19,2016 Page 2 of 5 3.RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of August 11,2015 Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of August 11,2015,be received for information. CARRIED 4.DELEGATIONS None 5.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 1.2016 Budget Process Debrief Staff and Committee briefly reviewed the 2016 Budget process and agreed that the new process was more efficient and worked well.The Committee discussed future areas of focus and noted that daytime Budget meetings are not convenient for all Council members. Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the Finance Advisory Committee comments of the 2016 Budget Process Debrief be referred to staff for consideration. CARRIED 2.Memorandum from Director,Corporate &Financial Services –Treasurer Re:Update on Council Budget Principles and Council Budget Process Documents Staff provided a brief overview of the memorandum and attachments,which will be submitted for Council approval once discussed by the Committee. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 15-Page -2 -145 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,January 19,2016 Page 3 of 5 THAT the memorandum regarding Update on Council Budget Principles and Council Budget Process Documents be received and referred for discussion at the next meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee. CARRIED 3.Discussion of Process/Expectations for Detailed Department Budget Reviews for 2016 for Parks &Recreation Services and Infrastructure & Environmental Services Staff reviewed the possible formats and areas of focus respecting the expectations and approaches of the budgeting process.The Committee indicated that it wished to have a better sense of how budgets are created at the department level,including main drivers,major elements and accomplishments,and how they affect the budget.The Committee discussed various options,and staff noted that the Council Budget Principles document proposes that each department would undergo a line by line review once during each Term of Council.Staff provided insight into the strategy of the budget process for the departments of Parks and Recreation Services and Infrastructure and Environmental Services,and it was noted that these two departments would be the focus of review for 2016. Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the necessary and appropriate agenda materials be provided to support the Committee’s detailed Budget review of the Parks and Recreation Services department in the following areas: a.Line by line details,including grouping summaries for identification of areas of Committee interest; b.2016 Business Plan;and c.Presentation by Director on approaches used to prepare their Budget; and THAT the necessary and appropriate agenda materials be provided to support the Committee’s detailed Budget review of the Infrastructure and Environmental Services department in the following areas: a.Line by line details,including grouping summaries for identification of areas of Committee interest; b.2016 Business Plan;and c.Presentation by Director on approaches used to prepare their Budget. CARRIED General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 15-Page -3 -146 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,January 19,2016 Page 4 of 5 4.Proposed 2016 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee The proposed 2016 Work Plan was briefly reviewed and the Committee was encouraged to bring any other ideas forward. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the Proposed 2016 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee be received;and THAT the Proposed 2016 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee be approved. CARRIED 5.Next Meeting Dates/Time/Duration and Setting of Dates Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the Financial Advisory Committee shall normally meet at Town Hall once per month,except for the months of July and August,from 5:30 p.m.to 6:45 p.m.on the Tuesday of the second General Committee meeting of that month;and THAT the Town Clerk be directed to amend the Terms of Reference for the Financial Advisory Committee. CARRIED 6.Extract from Council Meeting of September 15,2015 Re:Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of August 11,2015 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of September 15,2015,regarding Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of August 11,2015,be received for information. CARRIED 6.NEW BUSINESS None General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 15-Page -4 -147 - Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday,January 19,2016 Page 5 of 5 7.ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:40 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday,February 2,2016 Item 15-Page -5 -148 - TOWN OF AURORA ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 2, 2016 7 p.m. Council Chambers Delegation (c) Dr. Brian Moore, Canadian Disc Institute pg. 1 Re: Item 2 – BBS16-001 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign Bylaw No. 4898-07.P for the Canadian Disc Institute at 15000 Yonge Street DELEGATION REQUEST This Delegation Request form and any written submissions or background information for consideration by either Council or Committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk’s office by the following deadline: 4:30 P.M. ON THE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING DATE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 SUBJECT: Sign Variance at 15000 Yonge Street NAME OF SPOKESPERSON: Dr. Brian Moore NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable): Canadian Disc Institute BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DELEGATION: The purpose of this delegation is to Respond to the report made by the Building and Planning departments and to help council Understand the purpose of the dual signage and the dual usage of the building. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Have you been in contact with a Town staff or Council member regarding your matter of interest? Yes YES ☐NO ☐ IF YES, WITH WHOM? Mr. Marco Ramunno, Mr. Dale Robson, Councillor Thom, Councillor Mrakas, Councillor Abel, Councillor Kim DATE: ☐I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law permits five (5) minutes for Delegations. Legal and Legislative Services 905-727-3123 CSecretariat@aurora.ca Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, ON L4G 6J1 Additional Items for General Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Delegation (c) Page - 1 1