AGENDA - General Committee - 20151102SPECIAL GENERAL COMMITTEE 2016 BUDGET REVIEW MEETING AGENDA MONDAY,NOVEMBER 2,2015 5:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS AURORA TOWN HALL PUBLIC RELEASE October 29,2015 TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL GENERAL COMMITTEE 2016 BUDGET REVIEW MEETING AGENDA Monday,November 2,2015 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers 1.DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services,with the following changes,be approved: THAT Agenda Items 1 and 2 be considered prior to Public Consultation –Open Session–Opportunity for Members of the Public to Provide Input Regarding the 2016 Budget;and THAT Agenda Item 3 be considered after Public Consultation –Open Session– Opportunity for Members of the Public to Provide Input Regarding the 2016 Budget. 3.DELEGATIONS RECOMMENDED: THAT the requirements of section 3.8(c)of the Procedural By-law be waived to permit the delegation of Patrick Moyle,Interim Chief Administrative Officer,and Dan Elliott,Director of Corporate &Financial Services,to speak for more than five (5)minutes. (a)Patrick Moyle,Interim Chief Administrative Officer,and Dan Elliott,Director of Corporate &Financial Services Re:Item 1 –CFS15-045 –2016 Operating Budget Special General Committee –2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Page 2 of 4 4.PUBLIC CONSULTATION –OPEN SESSION –OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO PROVIDE INPUT REGARDING THE 2016 BUDGET Note:The Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer will provide a summary of email comments from the public received to date. 5.CLOSED SESSION 6.CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 7.ADJOURNMENT Special General Committee –2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEMS 1.CFS15-045 –2016 Operating Budget pg.1 RECOMMENDED: THAT Report No.CFS15-045 be received;and THAT the 2016 draft Operating Budget be reviewed by General Committee – Budget at its scheduled meetings;and THAT the 2016 draft Operating Budget be approved;and THAT the necessary bylaw establishing tax rates and due dates for 2016 property taxation be presented for adoption at a future Council meeting. 2.2016 Operating Budget –Departmental Business Plans (Binder Tab 6) Presentations by Department (a)Infrastructure &Environmental Services (Binder Page 6-1) Ilmar Simanovskis,Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation by the Director of Infrastructure &Environmental Services be received for information. (b)Parks,Recreation,&Cultural Services (Binder Page 6-9) Al Downey,Director of Parks &Recreation Services RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation by the Director of Parks &Recreation Services be received for information. (c)Corporate &Financial Services (Binder Page 6-16) Administrative Services (Binder Page 6-33) Dan Elliott,Director of Corporate &Financial Services/Treasurer RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentations by the Director of Corporate &Financial Services/ Treasurer be received for information. Special General Committee –2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Page 4 of 4 (d)Legal &Legislative Services (Binder Page 6-23) Warren Mar,Director of Legal &Legislative Services/Town Solicitor RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation by the Director of Legal &Legislative Services/Town Solicitor be received for information. (e)Building &By-law Services (Binder Page 6-39) Techa van Leeuwen,Director of Building &By-law Services RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation by the Director of Building &By-law Services be received for information. (f)Planning &Development Services (Binder Page 6-53) Marco Ramunno,Director of Planning &Development Services RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation by the Director of Planning &Development Services be received for information. 3.2016 Operating Budget –General Discussion GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No.CFS15-045 SUBJECT:2016 Operating Budget FROM:Dan Elliott,Director,Corporate &Financial Services -Treasurer DATE:November 2,2015 RECOMMENDATIONS THAT Report No.CFS15-045 be received;and THAT the 2016 draft Operating Budget be reviewed by General Committee Budget at its scheduled meetings;and THAT the 2016 draft Operating Budget be approved;and THAT the necessary bylaw establishing tax rates and due dates for 2016 property taxation be presented for adoption at a future Council meeting. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT On September 15,2015,Council provided clear direction to staff for the preparation of the 2016 Operating Budget.This report presents the 2016 draft Operating Budget for review by General Committee Budget and approval by Council. BACKGROUND At its meeting of September 15,2015,Council adopted the following resolutions arising from staff Report No.CFS15-035: THAT staff be directed to prepare the 2016 Operating Budget in accordance with the following directives: 1.The Base Operating Budget reflects an overall tax increase pressure of 1.8%,including: a.A reduction in hydro interest reliance of $100,000;and b.A reduction of supplementary tax reliance of $75,000;and c.Maintain current contributions to infrastructure sustainability reserves;and d.An overall increase in CYFS funding of 1.3%of the total tax levy (contributing 1.03%to the overall tax increase pressure);and e.Partial absorption of inflationary pressures;and f.Maintain current service levels. TOWN OF AURORA Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -1 -1 - November 2,2015 -2 -Report No.CFS15-045 2.All rates,fees and unit charges for non-tax revenues be indexed individually by a minimum of 1.1%,unless set by contract or statutes; and THAT the Aurora Public Library Board be directed to prepare a budget based on an anticipated Town of Aurora tax-based operating funding grant of $3,659,000;and THAT the Aurora Cultural Board be requested to prepare their 2016 Operating and Capital Budgets based upon the current Town funding in the amount of $377,000. COMMENTS Staff are pleased to present the draft 2016 Operating Budget which reflects direction,resulting in an average town share tax increase of 1.8%for residential properties. The following items of key interest to Council have been reflected in the draft budget: 1.Increased contributions to infrastructure reserves equal to 1%of tax levy. 2. of $300,000 to only $200,000 for 2016. 3.Reduced planned reliance on supplementary tax revenues in accordance with our financial strategy by $75,000 to only $500,000 for 2016,despite much higher but short term expectations for sup taxes (mid-year taxation of new property construction arising in the 2C lands). 4.Phase-in of expected cost increased for Central York Fire,which,as anticipated, slightly exceeds the actual budget draft approved by the Joint Council Committee for CYFS.The excess results in a contribution to tax stabilization reserve for future use in this phase-in plan.The Town had previously adopted a phase- each year for six years. 5.All rates,fees,and charges of the Town have been indexed where permissible by 1.1%representing inflation as reported for the 12 month period July to June, 2015. 6.All revenue estimates have been carefully considered in the context of the inflated rates and fees,as well as expected activity volumes and reflected in the budget. Staff have been able to achieve a 1.8%tax levy increase budget by utilizing new growth revenues arising from the recent growth of the 2C area,together with the above noted revenue changes,as well as constraining wherever possible the costs of operations of the Town.Training and development budgets remain substantially unchanged from last year.By having a clear direction of Council,staff were able to focus their attention to Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -2 -2 - November 2,2015 -3 -Report No.CFS15-045 .Attachment #1 outlines the operating expenses of each department,net of their respective non -tax revenues.The total Net Operating budget,so represented,shows the distribution of the actual total tax revenue of $38,959,100.Attachment #2 outlines all revenues by type,showing the total combined revenues of $57,999 ,900.Attachment #3 shows this information in tabular format.The percentages in the right hand column represent the tax rate impact of the line item change;not the year over year percentage change for the budget line item. Attachment #4 outlines graphically the key budget pressures and influences in compiling the 2016 budget,ending with a 1.8%tax increase.The six previously noted budget highlights are included in these graphics. The Budge Tab #3 of the Budget Binder includes a summary of all corporate Key Performance Indicators.As 2015 is not yet complete,the 2015 targets are shown,together with the 2016 targets.Past results are included.2015 estimates have been included where possible. Binder Tab #4 includes a summation of all departmental business objectives for the Some of the highlights include: Expand on 2015 successes of Lean Practices pilot to include cross functional services in order to increase operational efficiencies; Integrate various corporate project management practices in order to create a consolidated delivery model; Implement the required changes to winter snow control in order to eliminate the use of sand on roads; Roll out new e-billing program for water bills process Collaboration with downtown business owners to form a Business Improvement Area Update zoning bylaw Update of the Corporate Environmental Action Plan Update of Official Plan To obtain Silver (Level 2)Certification from Excellence Canada Develop more robust wellness program focusing on mental health and stress issues. Update Corporate Communications Strategy and Communications Policy Technology advancements on line services,mobile devices,customer relations management system. Sign Bylaw implementation and education Septic Maintenance program implementation Advancement of recommendations from Parks and Recreat ion Master Plan and Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -3 -3 - November 2,2015 -4 -Report No.CFS15-045 Sports Plan Creation and implementation of a Public Art Policy Update and review of the departmental Pricing Policy Implementation of Electronic Document &Records Management System Implementation of a new e-agenda system for Council and Committee Binder Tab #6 contains the business plans and information regarding each operating department of the Town.(Tab #5 is unused,and may be used to hold copies of presentations from each department.) LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Developing the annual budget supports all aspects of the Strategic Plan.Specifically, this report supports the Plan principles of Leadership in Corporate Management, Leveraging Partnerships,and Progressive Corporate Excellence and Continuous Improvement. ALTERNATIVE(S)TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS General Committee Budget will consider the presented draft budget in detail, reviewing materials from each operating department,as well as materials presented by the Library Board,the Aurora Cultural Board,and the Aurora Historical Society.Shortly, the draft detailed budget for Central York Fire Services,as reviewed and recommended by the Joint Council Committee will be presented to Committee for comment. Committee may make recommendations for changes to the 2016 draft budget. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Residential tax bills contain three different property taxes.Taxes collected for provincial education purposes represents approximately 20.6%of a residential tax bill,while taxes for York Region are approximately 43.0%,with the remaining 36.4%being retained by the Town for Town purposes. $6.20 per year to the tax bill for each $100,000 of assessment. When combined with the York Region expected 2.85%tax rate and the revenue neutral education rate to be set by the Province (not until April 2016),the expected combined tax impact to a residential property is 1.88%.For reference,Attachment #5 sets out a Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -4 -4 - November 2,2015 -5 -Report No.CFS15-045 The proposed budget sets out planned expenditures totalling $57,999,900,funded with non-tax revenues of $19,040,800,such as investment income,user fees,Federal Gas Tax grants,and fines &penalties.The remaining $38,959,100 requirement is to be raised through property taxes,requiring a 1.8%average tax increase.Attachment #5 A key budgeting change for 2016 affects the past practice of budgeting for supplementary taxes.Supplementary taxes are taxes levied upon new structures which are first assessed during the budget year.The Town is working on reducing its budget reliance on supp.taxes as the current high levels will be short lived,and will affect the tax budgets significantly if not managed over the next few years.For 2016,the planned level of reliance is $500,000 down from the 2015 reliance of $575,000.The expected supplementary tax revenue for 2016 is $1,100,000.For 2016,the budget reflects supplementary tax revenue at $1,100,000,with an off-setting temporary contribution to capital reserves of $600,000,resulting in a net budget revenue at the $500,000 planned level. CONCLUSIONS Council established a budget target for 2016 operating budget of 1.8%tax increase. Staff have responded and have developed a comprehensive budget.As directed,all revenue rates,fees and charges have been indexed for inflation.All operating lines were examined for opportunities for constraint,while maintaining services.All revenue targets were examined for expected volumes of activities.Through careful review,the goals set out in their directives to staff. PREVIOUS REPORTS CFS15-2016 Budget Outlook and Preparation Directives to Staff to General Committee September 8,2015,Council,September 15,2015. ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1 Net Operating Budget by Department Attachment #2 Total Revenues by Source Attachment #3 2016 Draft Operating Budget Summary by Department Attachment #4 Key Budget Drivers Summary (graphical) Attachment #5 Tax Rate History Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -5 -5 - Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -6 -6 - Attachment 1 Town of Aurora 2016 DRAFT Operating Budget Net Operating Budget by Department Shown in $000's Planning & Development Services $142.5 0% Building &Bylaw Services $1,383.9 4% Infrastructure & Environmental Services $11,885.2 30% Parks & Recreation Services $3,385.8 9% Internal Support Services $4,133.1 11% Contributions to Infrastructure, $4,594.7 12% Central York Fire Services $9,774.8 25% Town of Aurora Library Board $3,659.0 9% Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -7 -7 - Attachment 2 Town of Aurora 2016 DRAFT Operating Budget Total Revenues by Source Shown in $000's *User Fees include revenue received in relation to the utilization of the town's various service offerings such as its parks and facilities,building permit issuances and development application fees. Total Tax Levy $38,959.0 67% User Fees $12,019.4 21% Grants &Gas Tax 2,168.4 4% Reserve Draws 1,928.2 3% Investment Income $1,550.0 3% Fines &Penalties $1,175.0 2% Hydro Fund Proceeds $200.0 0% Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -8 -8 - Attachment 3 Town of Aurora 2016 DRAFT Operating Budget Summary by Department 2015 2016 Tax Shown in $000's Approved Draft Dollar Pressure Budget Budget Change Change (adjusted) Gross Expenses Council 525.3$532.8$(7.5)$(0.0 %) Chief Administrative Office 1,869.3$1,889.0$(19.8)$(0.1 %) Legal &Legislative Services 2,528.4$2,561.7$(33.3)$(0.1 %) Election 2018 82.5$82.5$-$- Corporate &Financial Services 3,190.7$3,283.1$(92.5)$(0.2 %) Building &By-law Services 4,016.1$4,543.5$(527.4)$(1.4 %) Planning &Development Services 1,926.0$1,985.8$(59.8)$(0.2 %) Infrastructure &Environmental Services 12,740.6$13,492.8$(752.2)$(2.0 %) Parks,Recreation &Culture Services 8,398.8$8,776.3$(377.5)$(1.0 %) Corporate Expenses &Revenues 7,917.1$7,418.5$498.5$1.3 % Central York Fire Services 9,287.4$9,774.8$(487.4)$(1.3 %) Funding Provided for Library Operations 3,538.7$3,659.0$(120.3)$(0.3 %) Gross Expenditure (Increase)/ Decrease 56,020.7$57,999.9$(1,979.2)$(5.2 %) Gross Revenues Council -$-$-$- Chief Administrative Office -$-$-$- Legal &Legislative Services (190.7)$(204.1)$13.4$0.0 % Election 2018 -$-$-$- Corporate &Financial Services (129.0)$(177.6)$48.6$0.1 % Building &By-law Services (2,661.9)$(3,159.6)$497.8$1.3 % Planning &Development Services (1,610.5)$(1,843.3)$232.8$0.6 % Infrastructure &Environmental Services (1,181.9)$(1,607.6)$425.7$1.1 % Parks,Recreation &Culture Services (5,520.9)$(5,390.5)$(130.4)$(0.3 %) Corporate Expenses &Revenues (7,729.6)$(6,658.1)$(1,071.5)$(2.8 %) (19,024.4)$(19,040.8)$16.4$0.0 % Taxation -2015 (36,996.3)(36,996.3)$- Taxation -Growth from New Assessment -(1,257.9)$1,257.9 3.4 % Gross Revenue Increase /(Decrease)(56,020.7)$(57,295.0)$1,274.3$3.4 % Net Expenditures/(Revenues) Council 525.3$532.8$(7.5)$(0.0 %) Chief Administrative Office 1,869.3$1,889.0 (19.8)$(0.1 %) Legal &Legislative Services 2,337.7$2,357.6 (19.9)$(0.1 %) Election 2018 82.5$82.5 -$- Corporate &Financial Services 3,061.7$3,105.5 (43.9)$(0.1 %) Building &By-law Services 1,354.2$1,383.9 (29.7)$(0.1 %) Planning &Development Services 315.5$142.5 173.0$0.5 % Infrastructure &Environmental Services 11,558.7$11,885.1 (326.5)$(0.9 %) Parks,Recreation &Culture Services 2,877.9$3,385.8 (507.9)$(1.3 %) Corporate Expenses &Revenues 187.5$760.4 (573.0)$(1.4 %) Central York Fire Services 9,287.4$9,774.8 (487.4)$(1.3 %) Funding Provided for Library Operations 3,538.7$3,659.0 (120.3)$(0.3 %) 36,996.3$38,959.1$(1,962.8)$(5.2 %) Taxation (36,996.3)$(38,254.1)1,257.9$3.4 % NET -$704.9$(704.9)$(1.8 %) Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -9 -9 - Attachment 4 Town of Aurora 2016 Draft Operating Budget KEY BUDGET DRIVERS Net all other Changes 2.4% Reduce Supp &Hydro Interest Reliance 0.5% Increased Infrastructure Renewal Funding 1.0% Increase for Fire Services 1.3% Taxes from New Growth Less:3.4% Net Tax Increase 1.8% Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -10 -10 - Town of Aurora 2016 Draft Operating Budget HISTORY OF AURORA TAX RATE INCREASES Attachment 5 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 6.0% 5.5% 7.9%7.9% 4.3% 5.0% 1.8% 2.8% 3.8% 4.8% 3.4%3.8%3.9% 1.8% Special General Committee -2016 Budget Review Meeting Agenda Monday,November 2,2015 Item 1 Page -11 -11 -