AGENDA - General Committee - 20140902PUBLIC RELEASE August 29, 2014 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, September 2, 2014 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Pirri in the Chair 1. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. 3. DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4. ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5. DELEGATIONS (a) Steve Gardner, Principal, Rick Hansen Public School pg. 1 Re: Item 8 – IES14-048 – School Travel Planning for Rick Hansen Public School (b) Catherine Spears, Spears + Associates Inc., and Brad Allen, pg. 2 SVP Bentall Kennedy (Canada) LP Re: Item 1 – PL14-056 – Site Plan Amendment Application Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 444-446 Hollandview Trail, Part of Block 2 Plan 65M-2873, and Part Block 1 Plan 65M-3193, File: D11-04-14 General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 2 of 8 6. PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Heritage Advisory Committee Councillor Abel 7. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8. NOTICES OF MOTION 9. NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION 10. CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider: 1. Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Town or a Local Board; Re: Report PL14-061 – Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board re Aurora Small Engine Repair Inc., (Appellants: York Region Condominium Corporation No. 797), Committee of Adjustment Variance Application – D13-11-14, 305 Industrial Parkway South. 11. ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 3 of 8 AGENDA ITEMS Referred from Council meeting of August 12, 2014 – Item 9 1. PL14-056 – Site Plan Amendment Application pg. 5 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 444-446 Hollandview Trail, Part of Block 2 Plan 65M-2873, and Part Block 1 Plan 65M-3193, File: D11-04-14 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-056 be received; and THAT the Site Plan Amendment Application File: D11-04-14 be approved to permit the construction of a 132m2 (1,420ft2) patio on the subject lands; and THAT Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to execute the Site Plan Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 2. PR14-040 – Pan Am Games Torch Run pg. 19 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR14-040 be received; and THAT Council provide direction to staff with regards to their desire to host the Pan Am Games Torch Run; and THAT upon approval, the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same; and THAT $15,000.00 be allocated from the Council Operating Contingency Account. 3. IES14-047 – Service Level Review for Winter Maintenance and Revised pg. 52 Policies RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-047 be received; and THAT Council adopt the Level of Service Targets for Winter Maintenance of Roads and Sidewalks dated June 2014 that align with Ontario Regulation 239/02, as amended by Ontario Regulation 47/13, being the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 4 of 8 THAT Council adopt the Salt Management Plan dated June 2014; and THAT staff be directed to provide winter maintenance service levels in accordance with the policies while striving to maintain existing community satisfaction. 4. IES14-049 – Award of Tender IES2014-53 and IES2014-54 – Road pg. 114 Plowing and Sidewalk Plowing Contracts RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-049 be received; and THAT Council approve a funding increase of $225,000 to the 2014 winter maintenance contracts operating budget due to increased service demands caused by the winter weather which shall be drawn from the General Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve; and THAT Tender IES2014-53 in relation to Sidewalk Snow Plowing be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, Forest Ridge Landscaping Inc., for a seven (7) year term with year one funding approval for $322,800 for the 2014/2015 winter season, excluding taxes; and THAT Tender IES2014-54 in relation to Road Snow Plowing be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, Fermar Paving Limited, for a seven (7) year term with year one funding approval for $341,200 for the 2014/2015 winter season, excluding taxes; and THAT Council authorize the Director to renew Tender IES2014-53 and IES2014- 54 on an annual basis for an additional six (6) years, pending an annual analysis and satisfactory performance review by the Director; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreements, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 5. IES14-043 – Town-wide Conversion to LED Street Lighting pg. 119 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-043 be received; and THAT this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval for capital project 34709; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 5 of 8 THAT staff be authorized to issue a Request for Proposal to select an Energy Solutions Partner for the Town-wide implementation of light emitting diode (LED) street lighting and other energy savings projects. 6. IES14-044 – Upper York Sewage Solution Environmental Assessment pg. 126 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-044 be received for information. 7. IES14-045 – Water Connection Backflow Prevention Program pg. 150 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-045 be received; and THAT staff bring forward By-law Number 5645-14, “BEING A BY-LAW to regulate cross connections and backflow prevention in private plumbing systems as required to protect the Town of Aurora drinking water system from contamination” to a future Council meeting for enactment. 8. IES14-048 – School Travel Planning for Rick Hansen Public School pg. 159 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-048 be received; and THAT three-way stop sign control be installed at the intersection of Mavrinac Boulevard and Cosford Street; and THAT three-way stop sign control be installed at the intersection of Hartwell Way and Bilbrough Street; and THAT pedestrian crossing pavement marking be provided at all legs of the Mavrinac Boulevard and Hartwell Way traffic circle; and THAT school area signs be installed for the eastbound and westbound directions on Hartwell Way; and THAT the necessary by-law be introduced to implement the above recommendations; and THAT letters be sent to Rick Hansen Public School with the General Committee’s recommendations. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 6 of 8 9. IES14-046 – Purchase Order Increase for Water and Wastewater pg. 171 Services RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-046 be received; and THAT Council approve an increase of $150,000 to an upset limit of $485,000 (excluding HST) for Purchase Order No. 131 in the favour of VM DiMonte Construction Limited for Mainline Sewer and Watermain Repairs. 10. BBS14-013 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign By-law No. 4898-07.P pg. 174 for State and Main Kitchen and Bar, 14760 Yonge Street, Unit C1 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS14-013 be received; and THAT Council approve a request for variance to Sign By-law No. 4898-07.P for the business premise of State & Main Kitchen and Bar, 14760 Yonge Street, Unit C1, to allow five (5) wall signs whereas the Sign By-law restricts the number of wall signs to two (2) wall signs maximum for this unit; and THAT Council approve a request for variance to permit the wall signs on the north elevation to have a combined sign area of 29.2m2 whereas the Sign By-law restricts the sign area for the north elevation to 18.5m2 maximum; and THAT Council approve a request for variance to permit the wall signs on the north elevation to provide 29.8% wall coverage whereas the Sign By-law restricts the north elevation wall sign coverage to 20% maximum. 11. CAO14-017 – Internet Protocol Television pg. 184 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO14-017 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 7 of 8 12. PL14-037– Updated Radiocommunication & Broadcasting Antenna pg. 189 Systems Protocol RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-037 be received; and THAT the attached updated Town of Aurora Radiocommunication & Broadcasting Antenna Systems Protocol be adopted. 13. LLS14-029 – Update on Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Legislation pg. 234 RECOMMENDED: THAT report LLS14-029 be received; and THAT a by-law repealing By-law Number 5033-08.P, “BEING A BY-LAW for the prohibition of the application of cosmetic pesticides in the Town of Aurora”, be presented to Council for enactment at a future meeting. 14. PL14-059 – Council Motion Re: Protection for Area of Significant pg. 237 Heritage and Cultural Resources RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-059 be received for information. 15. HAC14-08 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report of August 11, 2014 pg. 243 RECOMMENDED: THAT report HAC14-08 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting of August 11, 2014: 1. HAC14-021 – Removal of the property located at 15186 Yonge Street from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest THAT the Aurora United Church property remain on the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Page 8 of 8 2. HAC14-022 – Heritage Permit Application No. NE-HCD-HPA-14-02 for a property Designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, within the Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District, 58 Catherine Avenue THAT Heritage Permit Application No. NE-HCD-HPA-14-02 be approved. 16. Memorandum from Chief Administrative Officer pg. 245 Re: Total Costs Associated with Aurora’s Post-Secondary Institution Attraction Strategy RECOMMENDED: THAT the memorandum regarding Total Costs Associated with Aurora’s Post- Secondary Institution Attraction Strategy be received for information. 17. Memorandum from Director of Infrastructure & Environmental Services pg. 247 Re: Resident Request to Address Old Bloomington Road Concerns RECOMMENDED: THAT the memorandum regarding Resident Request to Address Old Bloomington Road Concerns be received for information. 18. Memorandum from Councillor Gaertner pg. 248 Re: Arboretum News – Summer 2014 Newsletter RECOMMENDED: THAT the memorandum regarding Arboretum News – Summer 2014 Newsletter be received for information.