AGENDA - General Committee - 20140520PUBLIC RELEASE
May 16, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
7 p.m.
Council Chambers
Councillor Gaertner in the Chair
THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be
(a) Reverend Ian Martin, Trinity Aurora Anglian Church pg. 1
Re: Request for Fees to be Waived for Rental of Town Park on
June 15, 2014
(b) Southeast Quadrant Ratepayers Association pg. 2
Re: Item 1- PL14-034 – Southeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation
District Study
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Councillor Gaertner (Vice Chair)
Trails and Active Transportation Committee
Councillor Gallo
Environmental Advisory Committee
Councillor Pirri
Heritage Advisory Committee
Councillor Abel
(a) Councillor Gallo pg. 205
Re: IPTV Networks
(b) Councillor Abel pg. 206
Re: Vacant Commercial Lot Tax Rates
(c) Councillor Buck pg. 207
Re: Farmers’ Market
(d) Councillor Buck pg. 208
Re: Staff Vacation Entitlement Policy
(e) Councillor Abel pg. 209
Re: Community Tourism Plan
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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1. PL14-034 – Southeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Study pg. 3
THAT report PL14-034 be received; and
THAT Council provide direction to staff regarding next steps for the Southeast
Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Study.
2. HAC14-05 –Heritage Advisory Committee Report, May 12 , 2014 pg. 18
THAT report HAC14-05 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Heritage
Advisory Committee meeting of May 12, 2014:
1. HAC14-014 – Southeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Study
THAT the boundary for the Southeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation
District Study as revised by the Heritage Conservation District Study Sub-
Committee and included as attachment 2 be accepted; and
THAT Phase 2 of the Southeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District
Study be initiated.
3. BBS14-009 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign By-law No. 4898.07.P pg. 20
SportClips Haircuts
15380 Bayview Ave. Unit A3
THAT report BBS14-009 be received; and
THAT Council approve a request for a variance to Sign By-law 4898-07.P to
allow two wall signs whereas the By-law permits only one wall sign at 15380
Bayview Ave – Unit A3, SportClips Haircuts.
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4. BBS14-011 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign By-law No. 4898.07.P pg. 27
Sobeys Extra
15500 Bayview Ave.
THAT report BBS14-011 be received; and
THAT Council approve a request for a variance to Sign By-law 4898-07.P to
allow two signs on the east elevation whereas the By-law permits only one
sign; and
THAT Council approve a request for a variance to Sign By-law 4898-07.P to
allow one sign on the west elevation whereas the By-law permits no signs on
the west elevation.
5. IES14-029 – Award of Quotation IES2014-18 – Removal of Existing pg. 36
Paving Stones and Replacement with “Trafficpatterns XD”
Pavement Impressions at Wellington St. E – John West Way
THAT report IES14-029 be received; and
THAT Quotation IES2014-18 – Removal of Existing Paving Stones and
Replacement with “Trafficpatterns XD” Pavement Impressions at Wellington
St. E - John West Way Intersection, be awarded to Hawkins Contracting
Services Limited in the amount of $103,365.08, excluding taxes; and
THAT additional funding in the amount of $11,300.24 from the Roads and
Related Repairs and Replacement Reserve be provided; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same.
6. IES14-030 – Purchase Order Increase to Purchase Road Salt and pg. 40
Winter Sand
THAT report IES14-030 be received; and
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THAT Council approve an increase of $146,531 to the winter maintenance
materials operating budget to be drawn from the General Tax Rate
Stabilization Reserve; and
THAT Council approve an increase of $160,000 to an upset limit of $355,806,
excluding taxes, for Purchase Order No. 78 in the favour of Sifto Canada Inc.
for the supply and delivery of bulk highway coarse rock salt; and
THAT Council approve an increase of $20,000 to an upset limit of $46,025,
excluding taxes, for Purchase Order No. 76 in the favour of Bedard Sand and
Gravel Limited for the supply and delivery of screened winter sand, mixing of
screened winter sand onsite and stockpiling; and
THAT Council approve the funding increase.
7. PL14-030 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 44
York Region Christian Seniors Homes Inc
15600 Leslie Street
Part of Lot 23, Concession 2
File No. D11-10-13
THAT report PL14-030 be received; and
THAT Site Plan Application File D11-10-13 (York Region Christian Seniors
Homes Inc.) be approved to permit the development of Phase 1 (subject
lands) for the construction of a six (6) storey, 154 unit residential life-lease
seniors apartment complex; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan
agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same.
8. CFS14-003 – Consolidation and Definition of Reserve Funds pg. 64
THAT report CFS14-003 be received; and
THAT the reserve fund consolidations set out in table 1 be approved; and
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THAT the Fire Training Reserve Fund be transferred to the Central York Fire
Services Asset Replacement Fund, maintained by the Town of Newmarket,
under the expenditure control of the Joint Council Committee, and that such
transfer occur upon the passing of a similar resolution by the Town of
Newmarket transferring their Fire Training Reserve balance; and
THAT staff bring forward the necessary by-law to amend the Town’s Reserve
Fund By-Law adding the schedules presented in attachments 2 through 15.
9. CFS14-005 – Capital Projects Status & Closures Report as of pg. 91
December 31, 2013
THAT report CFS14-005 be received; and
THAT the capital project closures and capital funding adjustments outlined in
attachments 1 and 2 be approved.
10. IES14-026 – Solid Waste By-law Update and Clear Bag Status pg. 104
THAT report IES14-026 be received; and
THAT the request for approval of a clear bag program be brought back to
Council in January 2015 for a proposed launch of April 2015; and
THAT Staff bring forward By-law 5590-14, “BEING A BY-LAW for the
collection of solid waste and recyclable materials in the Town of Aurora” to a
future Council meeting for enactment.
11. IES14-027 – Facility Projects Status Report pg. 111
THAT report IES14-027 be received for information.
12. IES14-028 – Fleet 2014 Capital Request Confirmation pg. 124
THAT report IES14-028 be received; and
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THAT this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval; and
THAT staff be authorized to proceed with:
Capital Project 34160 (1/2 tonne Pick-up No. 13 replacement); and
Capital Project 71069 (1 tonne dump truck No. 251 replacement with a 3
tonne 4x4 ); and
Capital Project 71070 (1/2 tonne Pick-up No. 250 to be replaced with a
3/4 tonne 4x4 pick-up and plow); and
Capital Project 71089 (Addition to Fleet ¾ tonne 4x4 Pick-up).
13. PR14-022 – Cultural Master Plan pg. 130
THAT report PR14-022 be received; and
THAT the Cultural Master Plan dated May, 2014 be received; and
THAT the Cultural Master Plan be forwarded to the June 3, 2014 General
Committee meeting for consideration, together with the following
THAT Council endorse the Cultural Master Plan and specifically
approve Section 5 of the Plan being “Strategies and Actions”; and
THAT Staff be authorized to initiate the Cultural Mapping components
of the plan prior to the completion of a detailed implementation plan.
14. PL14-035 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 179
The Regional Municipality of York
350 First Commerce Drive
Block 6, 65M-3819
File No. D11-01-14
THAT report PL14-035 be received; and
THAT Site Plan Application File D11-01-14 (York Region) be approved to
permit the construction of a new regional elevated water storage tank off First
Commerce Drive; and
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THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan
agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same.
15. PRAC14-04 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Report pg. 187
April 17, 2014
THAT report PRAC14-04 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendation from the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of April 17, 2014:
1. Aurora Family Leisure Complex Fitness Centre Membership Summary
Report – Update as of March 31, 2014
THAT the Aurora Family Leisure Complex Fitness Centre Membership
Summary Report – Update as of March 31, 2014 be received; and
THAT accumulation of the data for the Aurora Family Leisure Complex
Fitness Centre Membership Summary Report be continued through 2014 in
order to reflect the change of the facilities scheduled to occur in October and
November 2014, and be presented to the next Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee in 2015.
16. TATC14-04 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report pg. 189
April 25, 2014
THAT report TATC14-04 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Trails and
Active Transportation Committee meeting of April 25, 2014:
1. Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Correspondence received from Waterfront Regeneration Trust
Re: Request for Endorsement of the Proposed Alignment for
the Greenbelt Cycling Route in the Town of Aurora
THAT the Greenbelt Cycling Route concept be endorsed, subject to the
proponents satisfying the requirements of the Parks and Recreation
Department related to the placement of appropriate signage along the route
instructing cyclists to dismount at locations not suitable for cycling; and
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THAT Waterfront Regeneration Trust be invited to return to the Trails and
Active Transportation Committee, for an update, following their May
2. Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Trail Easement on Portion of Future Eco Park Lands
THAT staff be directed to negotiate with the landowner at the time of site plan
submission, as a condition of site plan approval, for the provision of a
permanent public access trail in a mutually agreeable location along the
southern boundary of the Eco Park to facilitate the Oak Ridges Trail as
outlined in the trails Master Plan; and
THAT prior to site plan approval staff report back to the Trails and Active
Transportation Committee and Council for endorsement of all aspects of the
proposed Oak Ridges Trail including its proposed location, rights of use, and
any implications or restrictions.
3. Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Renaming of Trail
THAT the Town continue to refer to the main north/south trail through the
Town of Aurora as the Nokiidaa Trail on all signage and maps; and
THAT various smaller sections of the Nokiidaa Trail System be highlighted in
similar fashion to the Klaus Wehrenberg Trail with signage on plaques and
maps; and
THAT all references to Holland River Trail be removed; and
THAT the section of trail from St. John’s Sideroad to Wellington be named
Aurora Arboretum Trail; and
THAT signage placement be determined in concert with the Wayfinding
Strategy; and
THAT the Town of Aurora streets, parks and trails map be updated at
next printing to reflect these changes.
17. EAC14 -05 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report, May 5 , 2014 pg. 201
THAT report EAC14-05 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Environmental
Advisory Committee meeting of May 5, 2014:
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1. Memorandum from Municipal Engineer
Re: Town of Aurora Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan
THAT Council consider adopting the Town of Aurora Comprehensive
Stormwater Management Master Plan when it is presented to Council.
3. Memorandum from the Program Manager, Environmental Initiatives
Re: Invasive Species Removal
THAT staff be directed to develop a long-term plan for dealing with Invasive
THAT staff be directed to develop a long term-plan for dealing with dog-
strangling vine.
THAT the Environmental Reserve Fund be used to cover the cost
difference for initiating the first phase of the self-watering container project
in the amount of $8000.
18. AAC14-05 –Accessibility Advisory Committee Report, May 7, 2014 pg. 203
THAT report AAC14-05 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Accessibility
Advisory Committee meeting of May 7, 2014:
1. Memorandum from the Planner
Re: Application for Site Plan Review (Submission #2)
213-229 Industrial Parkway North
Plan 65M-2718 Block 7
File No. D11-01-13
THAT consideration be given, where feasible, to access points at the north
end of the building; and
THAT the Accessibility Advisor resubmit to Planning and Development
Services the following recommendations, approved by Council on February
11, 2014:
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THAT consideration be given for all entrance and/or exit doors to be
barrier-free; and
THAT consideration be given for all washrooms to be barrier-free; and
THAT consideration be given to men’s and women’s locker rooms,
lunchroom, and washrooms maintaining accessible width and clearance
and to be barrier-free; and
THAT consideration be given to both visual and audible alarm systems
being incorporated throughout the building; and
THAT consideration be given for proper way-finding contrasting signage
throughout the building; and
THAT consideration be given to installing levered hardware on all doors
within the building; and
THAT Planning and Development Services forward these considerations to
the Architect.