AGENDA - General Committee - 20140617PUBLIC RELEASE
June 13, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
7 p.m.
Council Chambers
THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved.
(a) Stephen Meldrum, resident pg. 1
Re: Item 19 – HAC14-06 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report of June 9, 2014
Re: Item 1 – HAC14-015 – Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora
Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 83 George
(b) Barry Quinn, Vice President, Aurora Tigers Junior A Hockey Club pg. 2
Re: Item 4 – PR14-030 – Ice Allocation Conflict: Aurora Tigers and
Aurora Chamber of Commerce
(c) Jonathan Weizel, Architect, Derlin Investments pg. 3
Re: Item 2 – PL14-039 – Application for Site Plan Approval, Derlin Investments
Inc., 288 Don Hillock Drive, Lot 10, Plan 65M3974, File: D11-02-14
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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Environmental Advisory Committee
Councillor Pirri
Heritage Advisory Committee
Councillor Abel
THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider:
1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or
Local Board; Re: Report PR14-031 – Potential Purchase of 89 Mosley
Street (Aurora Armoury).
2. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or
Local Board; Re: Report CAO14-013 – 215 Industrial Parkway South.
3. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or
Local Board employee; Re: LLS14-023 – Appointments to the Joint
Compliance Audit Committee (2014-2018).
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1. PL14-045 – Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and pg. 4
Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
Pandolfo et al.
14070 Yonge Street
Files: D09-03-12, D12-03-2A, D14-21-03
THAT report PL14-045 be received; and
THAT Application to Amend the Official Plan File D09-03-12 be approved to
re-designate the subject lands from “Estate Residential” to “Cluster
Residential” and from “Cluster Residential” to “Environmental Function Area”
to facilitate the development of a portion of the subject property for the
purposes of 29 residential lots and to provide for the protection and
enhancement of certain natural features and significant vegetation; and
THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File D14-21-03 be approved to
rezone the subject lands from “Rural Oak Ridges Moraine (RU-ORM) Zone” to
three site specific “Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2)
Exception Zone” and “Environmental Protection (EP) Exception Zone”; and
THAT the planning report recommending approval of the Draft Plan of
Subdivision (File D12-03-2A) with conditions of approval be presented at a
future General Committee/Council Meeting; and
THAT by-laws to adopt the Official Plan Amendment and implementing zoning
be presented at a future Council Meeting for enactment.
2. PL14-039 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 24
Derlin Investments Inc.
288 Don Hillock Drive
Lot 10, Plan 65M3974
File: D11-02-14
THAT report PL14-039 be received; and
THAT Site Plan Application File D11-02-14 (Derlin Investments Inc.) be
approved to permit the development of a two (2) storey, 4.571.67 metres
manufacturing and office building; and
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THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan
agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same.
3. PL14-044 – Draft Plan of Condominium Application pg. 38
Daniels LR Corporation
221-329 John West Way
File: D07-01-14
THAT report PL14-044 be received; and
THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium File D07-01-14 be approved for 37
stacked townhouse units subject to conditions set out in Appendix “A” to report
PL14-044; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any agreement(s)
referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any and all documents and
ancillary agreements required to give effect to same.
4. PR14-030 – Ice Allocation Conflict: Aurora Tigers and Aurora Chamber pg. 48
of Commerce
THAT report PR14-030 be received; and
THAT Council provide direction regarding the permitting of the Aurora
Community Centre during the month of April.
5. PR14-028 – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Park pg. 56
THAT report PR14-028 be received; and
THAT Council approve the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Accessible Playground
Design; and
THAT the project be referred to the 2015 Capital Budget for consideration and
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6. PR14-025 – 2014 Aurora Ribfest - Update pg. 65
THAT report PR14-025 be received for information.
7. PL14-047 – Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control pg. 68
Mattamy (Aurora) Limited
Block 93, Plan 65M-4407
File: D12-PC-02-14
THAT report PL14-047 be received; and
THAT Council approve the Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control
submitted by Mattamy (Aurora) Limited to divide Block 93 on Plan 65M-4407
into four (4) separate lots for townhouse units; and
THAT Council enact the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law at the next
available Council meeting.
8. PR14-027 – Award of Proposal PRS2014-39 – 2C West Ecological pg. 75
Integrity Monitoring
THAT report PR14-027 be received; and
THAT Request for Proposal PRS2014-39 – 2C West Ecological Integrity
Monitoring be awarded to Morrison Hershfield Limited for the tendered price of
$212,400.00, excluding taxes; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
Form of Agreement including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT the required funds be sourced from the Landscape Fee Reserve Fund
and transferred to Capital Project No. 73260.
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9. LLS14-020 – 2014 Revised Council and Committee Meeting Calendar pg. 80
THAT report LLS14-020 be received; and
THAT Council approve the revised Council and Committee Meeting Calendar
for 2014 that eliminates the General Committee meeting of October 7, 2014
and the Council meeting of October 14, 2014.
10. IES14-031 – Regional Sewer Lateral Rehabilitation Pilot Project pg. 96
THAT report IES14-031 be received; and
THAT Council endorse entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with
York Region for a pilot project for the video inspection and rehabilitation of
public side sewer laterals within the Town of Aurora; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
Memorandum of Understanding including any and all documents and ancillary
agreements required to give effect to same.
11. IES14-032 – Facility Projects Status Report pg. 100
THAT report IES14-032 be received for information.
12. CAO14-012 – Town of Aurora Resident Survey pg. 106
THAT report CAO14-012 be received; and
THAT report CAO14-012 satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval; and
THAT Council approve funding of $30,000 to proceed with Capital Project
No. 12024 – Resident Survey.
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13. BBS14-012 – Animal Control By-law Update pg. 112
THAT report BBS14-012 be received; and
THAT staff bring forward a consolidated Animal Control By-law to replace the
existing Animal Control By-laws No. 4747-05.P (dogs) and 4749-05.P (cats) to
a future Council meeting for enactment.
14. IES14-033 – 2014 Capital Request Confirmation – Capital Project pg. 117
72198 Aurora Community Centre Bench Configuration
THAT report IES14-033 be received; and
THAT this report satisfy Council’s conditional budget approval; and
THAT staff be authorized to proceed with Capital Project 72198 Aurora
Community Centre Bench Configuration.
15. LLS14-022 – Vacancy on Council – Councillor Chris Ballard pg. 120
THAT report LLS14-022 be received; and
THAT Council enact a by-law at its meeting on June 24, 2014 to declare the
Council seat of Councillor Chris Ballard vacant; and
THAT Council fill the vacant Council seat by means of an appointment of an
eligible elector in the Town of Aurora in accordance with the Municipal Act;
THAT the “Council Vacancy Appointment Procedure” attached to this report
be approved; and
THAT Council provide direction on the date for a Council Meeting to fill the
vacant Council seat.
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16. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer pg. 128
Re: Petch House Open Call to the Public
THAT the memorandum regarding Petch House Open Call to the Public be
received for information.
17. AAC14-06 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Report of June 4, 2014 pg. 131
THAT report AAC14-06 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendation from the Accessibility
Advisory Committee meeting of June 4, 2014:
Delegation (a) Linda Jones, Canadian Hearing Society (CHS)
Re: CHS Programs and Services
THAT staff investigate and report back to Council on the provision of
education and devices, including auditory and visual aids, for improving
barrier-free access for communications for visual and hearing impaired
customers at all Town of Aurora facilities.
18. EAC14-06 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report of June 5, 2014 pg. 132
THAT report EAC14-06 be received for information.
19. HAC14-06 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report of June 9, 2014 pg. 133
THAT report HAC14-06 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Heritage
Advisory Committee meeting of June 9, 2014:
1. HAC14-015 – Request to Remove a Property from the Aurora Register
of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest 83 George Street
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THAT the Application to Request that the property located at 83 George
Street be removed from the Aurora Register of Properties of Cultural
Heritage Value or Interest be denied as it was determined to be worthy of
preservation; and
THAT the owner(s) of the subject property be encouraged to conserve the
building at 83 George Street; and
THAT the owner be encouraged to work with staff in regards to the
submission of a structural engineering report and the submission of a
Letter of Undertaking to relocate the building on the subject property to a
suitable location on one of the severed lots should the owner submit an
Application to the Committee of Adjustment to sever the property into two
lots in the future; and
THAT the owner be encouraged to ensure that any new structure on a
newly severed lot should be in harmony with the established context of th e
neighbourhood in scale, design, rhythm, and massing and that this be
reflected in a Letter of Undertaking.
2. HAC14-016 – Request for Feedback, Property Listed on the Aurora
Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest Potential
Redevelopment of Site, 1588 St. John’s Sideroad East
THAT the property located at 1588 St. John’s Sideroad East and
associated buildings have been reviewed as per Ontario Regulation 9/06
and do not warrant designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
as they are not a significant cultural heritage value or interest; and
THAT a documentation report of the Lundy Farmhouse be provided at no
cost to the Town which shall include photographs, measured floor plans
and elevations of all elevations of the building as well as an analysis of the
careful dismantling of the building in order to determine its age,
construction type, materials, and history by a qualified professional; and
THAT prior to the demolition of the Lundy Farmhouse, that a qualified
heritage professional assess the building for any heritage building
components to be salvaged (including floorboards and timbers) and report
the findings to staff at no cost to the Town; and
THAT any materials determined to be available for salvage be careful ly
extracted from the Lundy Farmhouse prior to demolition and retained by
the owner of the subject property in a safe location so that they may be
incorporated on-site in the future redevelopment of the subject property in
a location and manner to the satisfaction of the Town, such as a public
gathering space; and
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THAT the owner of the subject property be required to commemorate the
history of the subject property through a commemorative plaque which
relates the history of the subject property to the Eno s Lundy House at 938
St. John’s Sideroad in a location and manner to the satisfaction of the
Town; and
THAT the subject property be removed from the Aurora Register of
Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest subsequent to the
demolition of buildings on the subject property; and
THAT the conditions contained in this recommendation be reflected in the
Conditions of Draft Plan Approval for any forthcoming planning application
for the subject property.
3. HAC14-017 – Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-14-01
81 Catherine Avenue
THAT Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-14-01 be approved to
permit the demolition of the building located at 81 Catherine Avenue as it
was evaluated by Heritage Evaluation Working Group and scored in Group
3; and
THAT the owner of the subject property hold a site visit with members of
the Heritage Advisory Committee prior to demolition in order for the
Committee to determine the availability of any architectural elements
which may be incorporated in the Architectural Salvage Program provided
that they meet the Program Guidelines; and
THAT the owner of the subject property apply to donate materials to the
Architectural Salvage program should appropriate materials be identified
by the Heritage Advisory Committee; and
THAT the mature trees located adjacent to the sidewalk at the front of the
existing building on the subject property remain on the subject property as
it supports the character of the District; and
THAT the owner of the subject property submit a Heritage Permit to the
Heritage Advisory Committee in the future for the construction of any new
buildings on the property lot.