AGENDA - General Committee - 20140114PUBLIC RELEASE
January 10, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
7 p.m.
Council Chambers
Councillor Buck in the Chair
THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services
Department be approved.
Environmental Advisory Committee Item 13
Councillor Paul Pirri
Heritage Advisory Committee Item 14
Councillor John Abel
General Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Page 2 of 11
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Item 15
Councillor Chris Ballard
Trails and Active Transportation Committee Item 16
Councillor John Gallo
(a) Councillor Pirri pg. 280
Re: Introduction of Municipal Recall Election Legislation
(b) Mayor Dawe pg. 282
Re: Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan & Greenbelt Plan
(c) Mayor Dawe pg. 283
Re: Video Conferencing for Advisory Committee Members
THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider:
1. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or
Local Board employee; Re: CLS14-001 – Heritage Advisory
Committee Awards of Excellence – Award Nominations
2. Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative
tribunals, affecting the Town or a Local Board; Re: PL14-004 Appeal to
the Ontario Municipal Board, Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance
Application (Community Living York South), 19 Wethersfield Court
3. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or
Local Board; Re: CAO14-001 – Hillary-McIntyre Park – Attachment 2 –
Hillary-McIntyre Park Cost Benefits Study – Schedule A
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1. CAO14-001 – Hillary-McIntyre Park pg. 1
THAT report CAO14-001 be received; and
THAT report CAO14-001 be forwarded to the February 4, 2014 General
Committee meeting for consideration, together with the following
THAT Council receive the attached “Hillary-McIntyre Park Cost
Benefit Study” completed by Sierra Planning and Management and
Carl Bray and Associates Limited; and
THAT staff be authorized to negotiate the terms of agreements of
purchase and sale for the Horton Place (15342 Yonge Street),
Readman House (15356 Yonge Street) and Hillary House (15372
Yonge Street) properties for Council approval; and
THAT staff report back to Council pertaining to: a) the details of the
process of developing a master plan for the properties th at will
guide the long-term development and operation of the three
properties; and b) the outcome of the negotiations to purchase the
three properties and to obtain authority to execute any such
2. BBS14-002 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign By-law No. 4898-07.P pg. 106
2 Orchard Heights Blvd.
THAT report BBS14-002 be received; and
THAT Council approve a request for a variance to Sign By-law 4898-07.P to
permit the installation of a canopy sign that extends beyond the limits of the
canopy fascia.
3. BBS14-003 – The Noise By-law and Outdoor Playing of Music pg. 113
THAT report BBS14-003 be received; and
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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THAT Noise Bylaw No. 4787-06.P not be amended for reasons outlined within
Report No. BBS14-003.
4. BBS14-004 – Petch House – Change of Use Permit pg. 118
THAT report BBS14-004 be received for information.
5. IES14-005 – Facility Projects Status Report pg. 122
THAT report IES14-005 be received for information.
6. IES14-006 – Implementation of a Clear Bag Waste Program pg. 128
THAT report IES14-006 be received; and
THAT Council endorse the replacement of black garbage bags with clear
garbage bags as the acceptable means to set out waste for collection; and
THAT Council endorse the work plan for roll out of the clear bag program with
soft launch starting July 1, 2014 and compliance to come into force January 1,
7. PL14-001 – Planning Applications Status List pg. 142
THAT report PL14-001 be received for information.
8. PL14-002 – Proposed Bell Mobility Telecommunications Tower pg. 163
15320 Bayview Ave. Holdings
650-676 Wellington Street East
File Number D11-(EX)04-13
THAT report PL14-002 be received; and
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THAT Council advise Industry Canada and the applicant that the Town’s
Telecommunications Tower/Antenna Facilities Protocol has been complied
with in respect to the proposed erection of a 29.9 m high monopole design
telecommunication tower; and
THAT Council direct staff to issue a statement of concurrence to the
proponent and to Industry Canada for their consideration as required.
9. PR14-002 – Licence to Utilize Lands Owned by Ontario pg. 171
Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC)
Municipally Known as 100 Bloomington Road
THAT report PR14-002 be received; and
THAT Council not proceed with the signing of an Agreement with the
Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC).
10. PR14-004 – Tree Protection By-law pg. 175
THAT Report PR14-004 be received; and
THAT Council approve the Private Tree Protection By-law as attached.
11. PR14-005 – Aurora Historical Society – Final Report “Aurora pg. 199
Collects: Revealing Our Shared History”
THAT report PR14-005 be received for information.
12. AAC14-01 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Report pg. 205
December 2, 2013
THAT Council receive report AAC14-01; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Accessibility
Advisory Committee meeting of December 2, 2013:
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2. Memorandum from the Planner
Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #1)
York Region Christian Seniors Homes Inc.
15600 Leslie Street
File No.: D11-10-13
THAT each entrance be barrier-free; and
THAT there be an increase in accessible parking spots that have acceptable
connectivity with delineated, contrasting identification marks; and
THAT the parking spots be closer to the building for easier access for each
3. Memorandum from the Planner
Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #1)
TACC Developments (Aurora) Inc.
Part of Lot 25, Concession 2
1335 St. John’s Sideroad East
File No.: D11-11-13
THAT each entrance be barrier-free; and
THAT an additional parking spot be added closer to the building; and
THAT the historical house be outfitted with a ramp feature to ensure
4. Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor
Re: Accessibility Items for the 2014-2021 Accessibility Plan
THAT the Items in Appendix B be adopted and recommended to Council for
inclusion in the 2014-2021 Accessibility Plan.
13. EAC14-01 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report pg. 208
December 5, 2013
THAT Council receive report EAC14-01; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Environmental
Advisory Committee meeting of December 5, 2013:
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2. Memorandum from the Programs Manager, Environmental Initiatives
Re: Water Bottle Fill Stations
THAT this item be referred back to staff for clarification on the location of
existing hydration stations; and
THAT the 2014 budget line regarding this item be deferred to the 2015
New Business
THAT staff be directed to report back on a dedicated environmental section on
the Town website to assist users in readily locating Town of Aurora
environmental information.
New Business
THAT the January 2014 meeting be cancelled.
14. HAC14-01 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report pg. 210
December 9, 2013
THAT Council receive report HAC14-01; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendation from the Heritage
Advisory Committee meeting of December 9, 2013:
1. HAC13-034 – Architectural Salvage Program
THAT staff report back with an inventory of items belonging to the Aurora
Collection; and
THAT staff report back on items salvaged from homes demolished since
2005; and
THAT staff investigate regarding potential liability issues; and
THAT staff report back regarding delegating authority for considering requests
for items under this Program; and
THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee direct staff to provide revised
Program guidelines to the Heritage Advisory Committee in the future.
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15. PRAC14-01 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Report pg. 212
December 19, 2013
THAT Council receive report PRAC14-01; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of December 19, 2013:
1. Memorandum from the Director of Parks and Recreation Services
Re: Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Treatment for Ash Trees in Town Parks
THAT staff be directed to prepare a report regarding a treatment program for
park trees that would identify the trees to be treated including the financial
New Business
THAT a joint meeting for an update on the Stronach Eco-Park be organized,
that would include the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, the Trails
and Active Transportation Committee, and the Environmental Advisory
Committee, to be held in February; and
THAT the proponents be prepared to discuss how the project would seek
synergies with other Town ecological programs.
New Business
THAT staff report back with statistical information regarding memberships
and renewals.
16. TATC14-01 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report pg. 214
December 20, 2013
THAT Council receive report TATC14-01; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Trails and
Active Transportation Committee meeting of December 20, 2013:
2. Measuring Success of the Implementation of the Trails Master Plan
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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THAT staff provide a report back to the Trails and Active Transportation
Committee recording the successes and failures of the implementation of
the Trails Master Plan, and include the criteria by which both were
New Business
THAT all Council decisions regarding Advisory Committee
recommendations be reported back to the relevant Advisory Committee.
New Business
THAT staff provide a report back to the Committee on the implementation
and progress of the Trails Reserve Fund.
New Business
THAT Council establish a practice of clearing snow from those trail
elements which have been paved and illuminated (i.e. Summit Park,
Copeland Park) and give consideration to snow removal from boardwalk
New Business
THAT a joint meeting for an update on the Stronach Eco -Park be
organized, that would include the Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee, the Trails and Active Transportation Committee, and the
Environmental Advisory Committee to be held in February; and
THAT the proponents be prepared to discuss how their project would seek
synergies with other Town ecological programs and Trails and Active
Transportation Committee initiatives.
New Business
THAT staff report back to the next Committee meeting with an update on
the draft signage strategy.
17. AAC14-02 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Report pg. 217
January 8, 2014
THAT Council receive report AAC14-02; and
THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Accessibility
Advisory Committee meeting of January 8, 2014:
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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1. Memorandum from the Planner
Re: Application for Site Plan Review
213-229 Industrial Parkway North
Plan 65M-2718 Block 7
File No.: D11-01-13
THAT the memorandum regarding Application for Site Plan Review, 213 -
229 Industrial Parkway North, Plan 65M-2718 Block 7, File No.: D11-01-
13 be received; and
THAT consideration be given for all entrance and/or exit doors to be
barrier-free; and
THAT consideration be given for all washrooms to be barrier-free; and
THAT consideration be given to men’s and women’s locker rooms,
lunchroom and washrooms maintaining accessible width and clearance
and to be barrier-free; and
THAT consideration be given to both visual and audible alarm systems
being incorporated throughout the building; and
THAT consideration be given for proper way-finding contrasting signage
throughout the building; and
THAT consideration be given to insta lling levered hardware on all doors
within the building.
3. Town of Aurora 2014-2021 Accessibility Plan
THAT the memorandum regarding the Town of Aurora 2014 -2021
Accessibility Plan be received; and
THAT the 2014-2021 Accessibility Plan be adopted and recommended to
Council for approval.
4. Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor
Re: Town of Aurora Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation
THAT the memorandum regarding the Town of Aurora Integrated
Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy be received for information; and
THAT the Town of Aurora Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation
Policy be endorsed by Council.
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New Business
THAT the Accessibility Advisor consult with appropriate staff to ensure that
the accessible doors are operating correctly at the Aurora Public Library.