AGENDA - General Committee - 20140401PUBLIC RELEASE March 28, 2014 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Gallo in the Chair 1. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. 3. DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4. ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5. DELEGATIONS (a) Neil Walker, Chief of Education & Capacity Enhancement, Kerry’s pg. 1 Place Autism Services Re: Autism Awareness (b) Paul Woods and Dr. Eileen Berg, representing Devins Drive Public pg. 2 School Re: Item 14 – IES14-019 – School Travel Planning for Devins Drive Public School General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 2 of 11 6. PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Environmental Advisory Committee Councillor Pirri Heritage Advisory Committee Councillor Abel Economic Development Advisory Committee Councillor Thompson Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Councillor Ballard 7. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8. NOTICES OF MOTION (a) Councillor Gaertner pg. 260 Re: 15059 Leslie Street – Details of Land Sale 9. NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION 10. CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider: 1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board; Re: Report CAO14-008 – Purchase of Property for a Post- Secondary Campus 11. ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 3 of 11 AGENDA ITEMS Deferred from General Committee meeting of March 4, 2014 – Item 11 1. LLS14-009 – Use of Corporate Resources for Election Campaign pg. 3 Purposes RECOMMENDED: THAT report LLS14-009 be received; and THAT Council adopt “Policy No. 76 – Use of Corporate Resources for Election Campaign Purposes”; and THAT 4.1(1) “Televising and live-streaming of Council and General Committee meetings shall be discontinued from June 30th until Voting Day in the year of a regular municipal election.” be removed from Policy No. 76 – Use of Corporate Resources for Election Campaign Purposes; and THAT “Administration Procedure No. 33 – Political Issues” be repealed. Deferred from General Committee meeting of March 4, 2014 – Item 13 2. PL14-003 – Policy for Outdoor Patios on Town Right-of-Ways pg. 12 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-003 be received; and THAT Council approve the attached Outdoor Patios on Town Right-of- Ways Policy and related Encroachment Agreement as a Pilot Project for 2014; and THAT Council delegate the authority to the Director of Infrastructure & Environmental Services to permit encroachments and enter into an encroachment agreement in accordance with the policy. Deferred from General Committee meeting of March 4, 2014 – Item 15 3. PR14-009 – Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Treatment for Ash Trees pg. 27 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR14-009 be received; and THAT Council provide direction on the treatment of Ash trees in Town of Aurora parks. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 4 of 11 4. PR14-012 – Habachat: Application for Third-Party Event in an pg. 32 Outdoor Town Facility RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR14-012 be received; and THAT Council provide direction to staff in response to the application received from Habachat for the Celebrate Aurora Music Festival, in accordance with the Third-Party Events in Outdoor Town Facilities Policy. 5. PR14-016 – RFP Results for an All-Season, Multi-Use Tennis Facility pg. 39 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR14-016 be received; and THAT Council recommend that the RFP for an indoor tennis facility be awarded to 849400 Ontario Inc. O/A Canada Winter Tennis; and THAT staff be directed to prepare an agreement with 849400 Ontario Inc. for the provision of an indoor tennis facility; and THAT the agreement be presented to Council for approval. 6. IES14-021 – Acceptance of Municipal Services pg. 45 Minto Communities (Toronto) Inc. Spring Farm – Phase 2 Subdivision RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-021 be received; and THAT, subject to the execution of the Standstill Agreement outlined in report No. IES14-021, Council assume ownership, operation and maintenance of the works within the roads, rights-of-way and other lands dedicated to the Town as contained within Plan 65M-3979, being Spring Farm – Phase 2 Subdivision by Minto Communities (Toronto) Inc. as detailed in report No. IES14-021; and THAT staff bring forward a by-law for Council’s enactment to assume for public use the highways within Plan 65M-3979; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Standstill Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 5 of 11 7. IES14-018 – Water Meter Replacement Program pg. 50 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-018 be received; and THAT the asset renewal strategy for water meters be approved; and THAT WAMCO be awarded the contract for the replacement of 1,000 meters in 2014 at a cost of $289,000 plus taxes under the single source provisions of the Purchasing By-law; and THAT Council authorize the Director to renew the contract with WAMCO at the same rate for an additional two (2) years pending an annual analysis and performance review by the Director; and THAT the Director be authorized to execute the necessary agreements, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 8. PL14-009 – Draft Plan of Condominium Application pg. 59 Daniels LR Corporation Part of Block 11 & Block 15, Plan 65M-4309, Town of Aurora File: D07-04-13 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-009 be received; and THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium File: D07-04-13 be approved for 87 stacked townhouse units subject to conditions set out in Appendix “A” to this report; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any Agreement(s) referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same; and THAT a by-law to establish certain lands as public highway on Registered Plan 65M-4309 (Block 18) forming part of Lewis Honey Drive be brought forward for enactment by Council. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 6 of 11 9. PL14-020 – Application to Amend the Zoning By-law pg. 70 20 Wellington East Inc. 20 Wellington Street East File: D14-02-13 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-020 be received; and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File: D14-02-13 (20 Wellington East Inc.) be approved, to rezone the subject lands from Institutional “I” zone to Central Commercial “C2-XX” Exception Zone to permit business and professional offices and other appropriate uses within the Central Commercial (C2) Zone; and THAT the implementing zoning by-law amendment be presented at a future Council meeting for enactment. 10. BBS14-007 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign By-law No. 4898-07.P pg. 85 15420 Bayview Avenue, Unit C4A, Dollar Mart RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS14-007 be received; and THAT Council approve a request for a variance to Sign By-law 4898-07.P to allow two (2) wall signs whereas the By-law permits only one (1) wall sign at 15420 Bayview Ave, Unit C4A, Dollar Mart. 11. BBS14-006 – Changes to Building Permit Fees pg. 92 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS14-006 be received; and THAT an amending Building By-law be brought forward to a future Council meeting for enactment reflecting changes to the building permit fees. 12. CFS14-006 – 2014 IT Project Workplan pg. 104 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS14-006 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 7 of 11 13. PR14-013 – Municipal Alcohol Policy pg. 109 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR14-013 be received; and THAT Council approve the Municipal Alcohol Policy as presented, replacing the existing Municipal Alcohol/Risk Management Policy. 14. IES14-019 – School Travel Planning for Devins Drive Public School pg. 136 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-019 be received; and THAT three-way stop sign control be installed at the intersection of Kemano Road and Banff Drive; and THAT three-way stop sign control not be installed at the intersection of Crawford Rose Drive and Valley Crescent (south leg); and THAT pedestrian crossing pavement marking be provided on Devins Drive in the vicinity of the walkway; and THAT 20km/h advisory speed tab signs be added to the existing pedestrian ahead warning signs on Devins Drive; and THAT “pedestrian must yield for traffic” signs be installed on both sides of the crossing on Devins Drive; and THAT letters be sent to Devins Drive Public School and area residents with the General Committee’s recommendations. 15. IES14-020 – Ministry of Environment Drinking Water System pg. 145 Inspection RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES14-020 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 8 of 11 16. PR14-010 – Amendment to Lease Agreement: Vending and pg. 176 Concessions RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR14-010 be received; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Amendment to the Lease Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Global Brand Foods Inc. (Global) for the lease of space in Town facilities for the operation of concession stands, as well as the lease of space in various Town facilities for the operation of snack food and beverage vending machines, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 17. PL14-021 – Official Plan Performance Indicators pg. 179 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL14-021 be received for information. 18. CAO14-005 – Strategic Plan Report Card pg. 187 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO14-005 be received for information. 19. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer pg. 216 Re: Parkette Naming Rights RECOMMENDED: THAT the memorandum regarding Parkette Naming Rights be received; and THAT Council approve the name “Richard and Sandra Gladden” for the Parkette in the 2C planning area subject to compliance with the Town of Aurora Naming Policy. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 9 of 11 20. LLS14-014 – Release of Closed Session Materials – 215 Industrial pg. 219 Parkway South (Old Hydro Building) RECOMMENDED: THAT report LLS14-014 be received for information. 21. AAC14-03 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Report pg. 226 March 5, 2014 RECOMMENDED: THAT report AAC14-03 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of March 5, 2014: 2. Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor Re: Accessible Playground Design Options for Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Park THAT more detailed design information, including what is being proposed for the footprint of the Park, be provided back to the Committee in order to make an informed decision. 3. Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor Re: Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel THAT the Mobility Plus Appeal Panel continue to remain under the current status and not be outsourced; and THAT The Regional Municipality of York consider expanding the Mobility Plus Appeal Panel to assist with the backlog and increase in Mobility Plus Appeals by including members of municipal Accessibility Advisory Committees, who are experts regarding disability issues within their local municipalities; and THAT Regional Council reconsider outsourcing and instead consider exploring options to streamline the application process for improved efficiency; and THAT municipal Accessibility Advisory Committees be consulted with respect to any proposed changes. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 10 of 11 22. EAC14-03 – Environmental Advisory Committee No Quorum Report pg. 228 March 6, 2014 RECOMMENDED: THAT report EAC14-03 be received for information. 23. HAC14-03 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report pg. 229 March 17, 2014 RECOMMENDED: THAT report HAC14-03 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting of March 17, 2014: 1. HAC14-007 – Purpose of the Town of Aurora Heritage Fund THAT Council endorse the proposed purpose of the Town of Aurora Heritage Fund, which is to help the Heritage Advisory Committee achieve their duties and functions as outlined in the Boards and Committees booklet as approved by Council and to help facilitate any special programs, projects, or initiatives of the Heritage Advisory Committee which have been given Council approval; and THAT the identification of specific monies in the Town of Aurora Heritage Fund to be allocated and used for these various purposes require approval by Council after consultation with the Heritage Advisory Committee. 2. HAC14-008 – Architectural Salvage Program, Revised Guidelines THAT the revised Architectural Salvage Program as described in this report be endorsed and that the necessary steps be taken for a program re-launch; and THAT staff be directed to provide Council with an Amendment to By-law No. 5365-11 to include authority to the Heritage Planner in regards to the Architectural Salvage Program as outlined in this report and the drafted Program Guidelines. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Page 11 of 11 24. EDAC14-02 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report pg. 253 March 20, 2014 RECOMMENDED: THAT report EDAC14-02 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting of March 20, 2014: 1. Memorandum from the Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning Re: Preferred Medical Campus Locations THAT staff be directed to prepare the required planning amendments to enable the establishment of a medical campus in the Bayview Avenue and St. John’s Sideroad area. 2. Memorandum from the Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning Re: Endorsement of Final Business Retention and Expansion Action Plan THAT the Business Retention and Expansion Action Plan, outlined in Attachment 1, be endorsed. 4. Memorandum from the Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning Re: Aurora Promenade Update THAT staff be directed to report back at the next Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting with an update on the establishment of a Business Improvement Association in Aurora; and THAT staff be directed to report back at the next Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting on parking in downtown Aurora. 25. PRAC14-03 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee No Quorum pg. 259 Report, March 20, 2014 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PRAC14-03 be received for information.