AGENDA - General Committee - 20131105PUBLIC RELEASE
November 1, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
7 p.m.
Council Chambers
Councillor Abel in the Chair
THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services
Department be approved.
(a) Svetoslava Topouzova
Re: Trees for the Park on Mavrinac Boulevard
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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Economic Development Advisory Committee (Oct.10/13) Item 15 - pg. 120
Councillor Thompson, Chair
Economic Development Advisory Committee (Oct.29/13) Item 16 - pg. 122
Councillor Thompson, Chair
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Item 17 - pg. 124
Councillor Ballard, Chair
Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee Item 18 - pg. 125
Councillor Gallo, Chair
Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Item 19 - pg. 127
(a) Councillor Buck pg. 130
Re: 2014 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts
(b) Councillor Buck pg. 131
Re: Development of a New Long-Term Federal Plan to Fix
Canada’s Housing Crunch
(c) Councillor Buck pg. 133
Re: Community Park
(d) Councillor Gallo pg. 134
Re: Mavrinac Park
(e) Councillor Buck pg. 135
Re: Policies 28 and 57
(f) Councillor Buck pg. 136
Re: Director Expenses
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THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider:
Deferred from General Committee meeting of October 15, 2013 – Item 2
Closed Session
1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the
Town or Local Board; Re: PR13-050 – Potential Acquisition of
Land in 2B – Block 208, Plan 65M-3979
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Deferred from General Committee meeting of October 1, 2013 – Item 1
1. PR13-034 – Future Uses of Library Square pg. 1
THAT report PR13-034 be received; and
THAT Council direct staff to prepare a report authorizing the capital and
operating implication of the two options: 1) Demolition of 52 and 56
Victoria Street and construct a multi-use community facility; and 2)
Demolition of 52 and 56 Victoria Street and construct a parking lot and
urban square; and
THAT this information be provided in time for consideration in the 2014
2. BBS13-012 – Proposed Changes to Building Permit Fees pg. 16
THAT report BBS13-012 be received; and
THAT Council direct staff to hold a public meeting in accordance with the
Building Code Act and regulations for proposed changes to building permit
fees collected under the Act.
3. BBS13-013 – Cost Estimate for Access Aurora Space Needs pg. 24
THAT report BBS13-013 be received; and
THAT Council authorize staff to commence with a detailed design for an
Access Aurora customer service counter and functional work space
followed by procurement of construction services.
4. CAO13-025 – Website Redevelopment Project Status Update pg. 29
THAT report CAO13-025 be received for information.
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5. CFS13-037 – 2014 Fees and Charges Update By-law No. 5557-13 pg. 32
THAT report CFS13-037 be received; and
THAT the 2013 Fees and Charges for applications, permits, use of Town
property, the sale of Town publications and for the prescribed service
charges for administrative matters as itemized on the attached schedules
be approved:
Schedule A - General Fees and Charges
Schedule B - Building and Bylaw Services
Schedule C - Customer and Legislative Services
Schedule D - Planning and Development and
Committee of Adjustment
Schedule E - Infrastructure and Environmental Services
Schedule F - Corporate and Financial Services
Schedule G - Parks and Recreation Services
Schedule H - Legal Services; and
THAT the necessary bylaw be enacted at the November 26, 2013 Council
meeting, in accordance with the Town’s Notice Provision Policy.
6. CLS13-029 – Local Calling Area pg. 51
THAT report CLS13-029 be received for information.
7. CLS13-030 – Question on the Ballot pg. 55
THAT report CLS13-030 be received for information.
8. IES13-051 – Parking in Cul-de-Sacs pg. 64
THAT report IES13-051 be received; and
THAT the parking in the centre of cul-de-sacs not be permitted.
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9. LGL13-012 – Creation of the Aurora Appeal Tribunal and Changes pg. 68
To the Licensing By-law and Dog Control By-law
THAT report LGL13-012 be received; and
THAT the Aurora Appeal Tribunal be established through the enactment of
By-law Number 5558-13 (“Appeal Tribunal By-law”);
THAT By-law Number 4747-05.P (“Dog Control By-law”) be amended
through the enactment of By-law Number 5559-13 to direct appeals of
decisions under the Dog Control By-law to the Aurora Appeal Tribunal;
THAT members of the Committee of Adjustment, as appointed by Council
from to time to time, be appointed as members of the Aurora Appeal
10. LGL13-013 – Council Representation on the Aurora Cultural Centre pg. 85
Board of Directors
THAT report LGL13-013 be received; and
THAT Council provide further direction on this matter.
11. PL13-063 – Amendment to Planning Application Fees By-law pg. 100
THAT report PL13-063 be received; and
THAT Council update the Planning Application Fees By-law, which increases
the fees for processing planning applications to reflect the Consumer Price
Index; and
THAT the amending Planning Application Fees Bylaw be brought forward to a
future Council meeting for enactment; and
THAT Council direct staff to amend the Planning Application Fees schedule
on an annual basis based on the Consumer Price Index for the years 2015,
2016 and 2017 as an administrative matter.
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12. PR13-047 – Culture and Recreation Grant Bi-Annual Allocation for pg. 106
September 2013
THAT report PR13-047 be received for information.
13. PR13-048 – Award of Tender PRS2013-91 for the Addition to and the pg. 110
Renovation of the Existing Aurora Family Leisure
Complex (AFLC)
THAT report PR13-048 be received; and
THAT Tender PRS2013-91 for the Addition to and the Renovation of the
existing Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) be awarded to Jasper
Construction Corp. in the amount of $5,994,000.00 excluding taxes; and
THAT Council approve an increase to the Tender in the amount of
$20,000.00 for LED Gym Lights; and
THAT Council approve an increase to the Tender in the amount of
$25,000.00 for the restoration of the asphalt driveway; and
THAT Council approve an increase to the Tender in the amount of
$100,000.00 for furniture, fixtures and equipment.
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT Council increase the budget by 1% in the amount of $59,940.00, in
principle, to support public art in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Official
Plan and subject to that a staff report from the Treasurer be included on a
future Council agenda with respect to funding sources.
14. PR13-049 – Pre-Qualification of Museum Services pg. 116
THAT report PR13-049 be received; and
THAT Council direct staff to proceed to an RFP for the provision of Museum
Services for the Aurora Collection.
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15. EDAC13-09 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report pg. 120
October 10, 2013
THAT report EDAC13-09 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following Economic Development Advisory
Committee recommendation from the meeting of October 10, 2013:
9. Report dated September 12, 2013 from Corporate and Strategic
Planning from Regional Council Meeting of September 26, 2013
Re: Economic Development Action Plan Update – York Region
Broadband Strategy Progress
THAT the Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning be requested to
report back to the Committee on broadband in the downtown core.
16. EDAC13-10 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report pg. 122
October 29, 2013
THAT report EDAC13-10 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following Economic Development Advisory
Committee recommendation from the meeting of October 29, 2013:
1. Memorandum from the Manager of Long Range and Strategic Planning
Re: Aurora Promenade Community Improvement Plan
THAT Council consider appealing to the Region to participate in the Aurora
Promenade Community Improvement Plan.
2. Presentation to Council on October 22, 2013
Re: The Aurora Innovation Centre: Supporting Innovation and Economic
Development Through Community Collaboration
THAT Council give consideration to the Aurora Innovation Centre and how it
fits within the overall vision and strategic objectives for the downtown core and
Library Square.
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17. PRAC13-07 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Report pg. 124
October 17, 2013
THAT report PRAC13-07 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
recommendation from the meeting of October 17, 2013:
THAT the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee recognizes
the value of administrative accommodation as a key element of
support for many community organizations doing valuable work in
supporting Town objectives, and the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee encourages the continuation of th is process.
18. TATC13-08 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report pg. 125
October 18, 2013
THAT report TATC13-08 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following Trails and Active Transportation Committee
recommendations from the meeting of October 18, 2013:
Delegation (a) Janet Young, Sr. Vice-President, Kramer Design Associates
Re: Item 4 – Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Signage Strategy Follow-up Presentation
THAT the comments of the Trails and Active Transportation Committee be
taken into consideration for implementation in the next phase.
2. Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Leslie Street Underpass “A”
THAT staff be directed to develop a terms of reference and retain an
engineering firm to conduct a preliminary design and cost analysis for the
underpass in consultation with the Region of York staff provided that the cost
of the design is to a maximum of $50,000.00.
3. Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Pandolfo Trail Connection
THAT the Trails and Active Transportation Committee recommend deferring
any further recommendations to Council until such time as staff provides
more detailed information to the Committee on the specific requirements
associated with the modified trail routing.
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19. SAC13-14 – Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Report pg. 127
October 30, 2013
THAT report SAC13-14 be received; and
THAT Council adopt the following Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee
recommendations from the meeting of October 30, 2013:
1. Aurora 150 Cultural Event – Discussion
THAT the core elements of the community cultural celebration be considered
as part of the 2014 menu of events as a stand-alone event to be held at Ada
Johnson Park.
2. Budget – Discussion
THAT the Budget Sheet as of September 30, 2013 reflecting the expenses to
date be posted on the Town website as an Additional item to this meeting.
3. Time Capsule – Discussion
THAT the Time Capsule be located in a central location, preferably Town
Hall, or as determined by Council; and
THAT $3,000 be allocated for the Time Capsule project from the
Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee’s approved budget; and
THAT the Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee staff liaison continue to be
involved as a consultant for this project from concept to execution.
4. Additional Event Activities for the Year – Discussion
THAT staff be directed to include components from the cultural celebration as
enhancements to the Santa Claus Parade in an amount not to exceed
$2,000 from Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee’s approved (promotional)
5. Legacy Project – Discussion
THAT the Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee provide a list of suggested
projects at their presentation to Council on November 26, 2013; and
THAT any remaining funds from the Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee
budget be allocated to the legacy project.