AGENDA - General Committee - 20130917PUBLIC RELEASE September 13, 2013 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Pirri in the Chair I DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved. III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V DELEGATIONS (a) Morley Shayuk, Artist pg. 1 pg. 1 Re: Public Art Proposal for Aurora Town Hall General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 2 of 8 VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Section VI - Item 1 - pg. 105 Environmental Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 2 - pg. 106 Councillor Pirri, Chair Accessibility Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 3 - pg. 108 Councillor Gaertner, Council Representative VII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION IX CLOSED SESSION X ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 3 of 8 AGENDA ITEMS 1. Memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development Services pg. 2 Re: Additional Information, Report No. PL13-056, Request to Remove Trees and Amend Subdivision Agreement for 33 Longthorpe Court (Lot 71, Registered Plan 65M-4084) RECOMMENDED: THAT the memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development Services regarding Additional Information, Report No. PL13-056, Request to Remove Trees and Amend Subdivision Agreement for 33 Longthorpe Court (Lot 71, Registered Plan 65M-4084) be received for information. Deferred from Council meeting of September 3, 2013 – Item 7 2. PL13-056 – Request to Remove Trees and Amend Subdivision pg. 6 Agreement for 33 Longthorpe Court (Lot 71, Registered Plan 65M-4084) RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-056 be received; and THAT Council approve the request for the removal of three trees at 33 Longthorpe Court (Lot 71, Registered Plan 65M-4084), and the creation of an agreement between the Town and the Owner which shall include a tree replacement plan as compensation, to be executed prior to the removal of any trees; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute such Agreement, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the specific terms of the tree replacement plan, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 3. CFS13-028 – Award of Contract for Microsoft Software Licensing pg. 13 RFP CFS2013-77 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS13-028 be received; and THAT the three year Large Account Reseller contract for the Microsoft Software Licensing be awarded to Acrodex Inc. on a unit price basis, estimated at $77,100.00 per year, excluding taxes; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 4 of 8 THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 4. CFS13-033 – Divisional Report – Ongoing IT Initiatives pg. 17 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS13-033 be received for information. 5. PL13-053 – Planning Applications Status List pg. 22 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-053 be received for information. 6. PL13-055 – Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and Site Plan pg. 42 Approval 2101154 Ontario Inc. Files: D14-11-12 and D11-09-12 32 Wellington Street East RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-055 be received; and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File: D14-11-12 (2101154 Ontario Inc.) be approved, to rezone the subject lands from “Central Commercial (C2-17) Exception Zone” to “Central Commercial (C2-XX) Exception Zone” to permit 24 residential apartment units; and THAT Site Plan Application File D11-09-12 (2101154 Ontario Inc.) be approved to permit the development of the subject lands for the development of 24 residential apartment units; and THAT a total of 24 units (43 persons equivalent) of water and sewage capacity be allocated to the subject proposal; and THAT the implementing zoning by-law amendment be presented at a future Council meeting for enactment; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 5 of 8 7. PR13-041 – Sports Hall of Fame pg. 61 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-041 be received; and THAT Council approve an interim location for the Sports Hall of Fame on the upper floor of Town Hall, adjacent to the elevator; and THAT Council approve a Gold Sponsorship of $3,000.00 in support of the Sports Hall of Fame Induction Dinner. 8. PR13-044 – Replacement of License Agreement for Hydro Corridor pg. 66 Lands in and around the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Park RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-044 be received; and THAT Council authorize the termination of Hydro One License Agreement (Aurora #632.1-507) dated March 3, 1998; and THAT Council authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation Services to execute a new License Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Ontario as represented by The Minister of Infrastructure for a portion of hydro corridor lands within the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Park, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same; and THAT Council authorize the Director of Parks & Recreation Services to renew the License Agreement on an ongoing basis, provided that the License Agreement remains on the same terms, with the Director of Parks & Recreation Services being authorized to execute the necessary renewal agreements, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 9. BBS13-009 – Proposed By-law respecting Boulevard Maintenance pg. 75 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS13-009 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 6 of 8 THAT Council direct staff to bring forward an amended Clean Yards By - law to include provisions requiring private property owners to maintain and care for boulevards adjacent to their own property including cost recovery provisions should the property owners fail to comply with the By-law and the Town undertakes to do the work. 10. BBS13-010 – Accessibility Transportation for Aurora Residents pg. 79 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS13-010 be received for information. 11. BBS13-011 – Town Hall Renovation Project – Additional Information pg. 85 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS13-011 be received for information. 12. CAO13-021 – Human Resources – Northern 6 Municipalities Benefits pg. 94 Review RECOMMENDED THAT report CAO13-021 be received; and THAT following appropriate consultation/notices, the Town participate in the York Region Umbrella Plan for group benefits; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents a nd ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 13. CAO13-022 – Facility Projects Status Report pg. 98 RECOMMENDED THAT report CAO13-022 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 7 of 8 VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 1. SAC13-13 – Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Report pg. 105 September 4, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report SAC13-13 be received for information. 2. EAC13-08 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report pg. 106 September 5, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report EAC13-08 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting of September 5, 2013: 1. Memorandum from the Manager of Environmental Initiatives Re: Environmental Business Award THAT staff prepare a more detailed award package for consideration at an upcoming EAC meeting. 2. Memorandum from Mayor Dawe Re: Correspondence from Ms Shandroski – Outdoor Burning Pits THAT this item be referred to By-law Services. 3. AAC13-07 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Report pg. 108 September 11, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report AAC13-07 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following recommendations from the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of September 11, 2013: 1. Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor Re: Town Hall First Floor Renovations General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Page 8 of 8 THAT consideration be given to modifying the door to Meeting Room #119 to swing inward rather than outward; and THAT the accessible parking, along with the grading of the interlocking brick, not pose any accessibility issues, challenges or physical barriers; and THAT access be barrier-free. 2. Memorandum from the Planner Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #1) 115-135 Industrial Parkway North (Aurora Family Leisure Complex) Concession 1, Part of Lots 81-85, Plan 246, Part of Lots 87, 88 and 103 65R-3800, Parts 7-10, 65R-4573, Part 3 File No.: D11-07-13 THAT consideration be given to modifying the exterior door at the “Exit Only” staircase No. X to swing inward, rather than outward, in order to not impact users on the sidewalk and accessible parking in the vicinity; and THAT one squash court be made accessible; and THAT the lower level viewing area for the arena have an accessible seating area; and THAT Council consider including two additional accessible parking spaces in the east section of the short-term parking area, closest to the main entrance door.