AGENDA - General Committee - 20131001PUBLIC RELEASE September 27, 2013 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, October 1, 2013 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Pirri in the Chair I DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved. III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V DELEGATIONS (a) Ilmar Simanovskis, Director of Infrastructure and Environmental pg. 1 Services Re: Item 3 – IES13-050 – Capital Project Estimating Practices General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Page 2 of 6 VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Economic Development Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 1 - pg. 105 Councillor Thompson, Chair Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 2 - pg. 108 Councillor Gallo, Chair Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 3 - pg. 110 Councillor Ballard, Chair VII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION IX CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider: 1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board; Re: PR13-045 – Acquisition of Land in 2B – Block 208, 65M-3979 X ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Page 3 of 6 AGENDA ITEMS Deferred from Council meeting of August 13, 2013 – Item 2 1. PR13-034 – Future Uses of Library Square pg. 9 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-034 be received; and THAT Council direct staff to prepare a report authorizing the capital and operating implication of the two options: 1) Demolition of 52 and 56 Victoria Street and construct a multi-use community facility; and 2) Demolition of 52 and 56 Victoria Street and construct a parking lot and urban square; and THAT this information be provided in time for consideration in the 2014 Budget. 2. IES13-049 – Award of Request for Quotation IES2013-81 – pg. 23 Installation of Intersection Pedestrian Signals on John West Way at Hollandview Trail/Civic Square Gate Intersection RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES13-049 be received; and THAT Tender IES2013-81 – Installation of Intersection Pedestrian Signals on John West Way at Hollandview Trail/Civic Square Gate Intersection, be awarded to Stacey Electric Company Limited in the amount of $94,688.70, excluding taxes; and THAT additional funding in the amounts of $15,896.42 from the Development Charges Reserve and $5,298.81 from the Infrastructure Sustainability Reserve for Roads, Sidewalks and Street Light Repairs be provided; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 3. IES13-050 – Capital Project Estimating Practices pg. 29 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES13-050 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Page 4 of 6 4. CLS13-024 – Resignation of Environmental Advisory Committee pg. 68 Member RECOMMENDED: THAT report CLS13-024 be received; and THAT Council pull from the recent applicants and invite one of them to assume the position. 5. CLS13-025 – 2014 Council and Committee Meeting Calendar pg. 70 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CLS13-025 be received; and THAT Council approve the proposed Meeting Calendar for 2014. 6. PR13-046 – Tree Protection By-law pg. 85 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-046 be received; and THAT Council repeal By-law Number 4474-03.D; and THAT a new by-law to deal with matters relating to the injury and destruction of trees located wholly on private property, being the proposed By-law Number 5551-13 (the “Private Tree Protection By-law”), be enacted; and THAT the Private Tree Protection By-law shall come into full force and effect on May 1, 2014; and THAT information concerning the Private Tree Protection By-law be published in the local media, the Town of Aurora website, and in all municipal facilities for the purpose of allowing the public and stakeholders an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the new By-law. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Page 5 of 6 VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 1. EDAC13-08 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report pg. 105 September 12, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report EDAC13-08 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following Economic Development Advisory Committee recommendations from the meeting of September 12, 2013: 2. Report prepared by Sierra Planning and Management Re: Aurora Promenade Community Improvement Plan Conditions and Program Options Report THAT the CIP (Community Improvement Plan) move forward with the primary boundaries as outlined in the Consultant’s presentation including Machell Avenue and Irwin Avenue. 2. TATC13-07 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report pg. 108 September 20, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report TATC13-07 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following Trails and Active Transportation Committee recommendations from the meeting of September 20, 2013: 1. Verbal Updates from the Manager of Parks Re: Trails on Ridge Road; and 2. Re: Pandolfo Property Trails THAT the Manager of Parks be requested to modify the routing of the trail as presented, subject to the approval of York Region and the landowners, and report back to the next Trails and Active Transportation Committee meeting on October 18, 2013. 4. Extract from Council Meeting held August 13, 2013 Re: Item 24 – PR13-038 – St. John’s Sideroad and Leslie Street Trail THAT the Manager of Parks be requested to provide a report with additional information outlining the rationale as to why the Underpass “A” crossing at Leslie Street south of St. John’s Sideroad should be reconsidered and approved. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Page 6 of 6 3. PRAC13-06 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Report pg. 110 September 23, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PRAC13-06 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee recommendations from the meeting of September 23, 2013: Delegation (a) Jim Kyle, Manager, Project Manager – Special Projects Re: Economic Value of Natural Capital Assets THAT, in recognition of the value of the report entitled “The Economic Value of Natural Capital Assets”, it is requested that the URL to a PDF version of this report be widely distributed electronically to all advisory committees and other stakeholders. 1. Verbal Update from the Director of Parks and Recreation and Previous Reports Re: Pricing Policy THAT facility and programme costing data be revisited according to the 2008 pricing policy mechanism, with attention to key selection criteria for subsidy levels, with the intent to promote accessibility regardless of means and with the intent to update all costing elements within a three-year period.