AGENDA - General Committee - 20131015PUBLIC RELEASE October 11, 2013 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, October 15, 2013 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Abel in the Chair 1. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved. 3. DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4. ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5. DELEGATIONS 6. PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Accessibility Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 1 - pg. 12 Councillor Gaertner, Council Representative Environmental Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 2 - pg. 16 Councillor Pirri, Chair General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Page 2 of 6 Heritage Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 3 - pg. 18 Councillor Humfryes, Vice-Chair 7. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8. NOTICES OF MOTION (a) Councillor Buck pg. 21 Re: Process of Accountability of Administration to Council (b) Councillor Buck pg. 22 Re: Termination of Accommodation (c) Councillor Buck pg. 23 Re: Petch House (d) Councillor Buck pg. 24 Re: Cost of Relocation 9. NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION 10. CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider: 1. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee, Re: CLS13-027 – Appointments to the Environmental Advisory Committee Deferred from Council meeting of October 8, 2013 2. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board; Re: PR13-045 – Acquisition of Land in 2B – Block 208, 65M-3979. 11. ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Page 3 of 6 AGENDA ITEMS 1. CAO13-024 – Facility Projects Status Report pg. 1 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO13-024 be received for information. 2. PL13-051 – Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review pg. 8 File No. D14-ZBL-12 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-051 be received for information. 6. PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 1. AAC13-08 – Accessibility Committee Report pg. 12 October 2, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report AAC13-08 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following Accessibility Advisory Committee recommendations from the meeting of October 2, 2013: 1. Memorandum from the Planner Re: Application for Site Plan Review 213-229 Industrial Parkway North Plan 65M-2718 Block 7 File No.: D11-01-13 THAT as this is a municipally owned building, the Accessibility Advisory Committee requests that an example be set for the Community regarding new buildings and that all public and staff spaces be accessible and barrier free; and THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee requests that more detailed drawings be provided to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for further review and comment. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Page 4 of 6 2. Memorandum from the Planner Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #3) 27 Allaura Blvd, Part of Lot 13, Block A and Block B Registered Plan M-51 File No.: D11-14-12 THAT consideration be given to eliminate barriers along the barrier free paths of travel (sidewalks) adjacent to all principle accessible entrances to all building units. 3. Memorandum from the Planner Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #2) 2101154 Ontario Inc. 32 Wellington Street East File No.: D11-09-12 THAT consideration be given to providing one accessible visitor parking space in addition to the one resident accessible parking space currently provided; and THAT consideration be given to making the Party Room entrance and washroom barrier free. 4. Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor Re: Accessibility Advisory Committee Comments on Site Plan Applications THAT in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, Chapter 11 under “Duty of Council” section 29(5) the Accessibility Advisory Committee shall provide comments at regular scheduled meetings or at the call of the Chair/Vice Chair. 2. EAC13-09 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report pg. 16 October 3, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT report EAC13-09 be received; and THAT Council adopt the following Environmental Advisory Committee recommendations from the meeting of October 3, 2013: 1. Memorandum from the Manager of Environmental Initiatives Re: Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) Initiatives for the Upcoming Year General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Page 5 of 6 THAT the following three (3) initiatives be endorsed by Council as the future primary focus of the Environmental Advisory Committee, by investigating ways to engage citizens in: 1. Green procurement policy/procedure best practices; 2. Hydration stations to reduce use of disposable water bottles; 3. Community garden project. 3. HAC13-08 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report pg. 18 October 7, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the following Heritage Advisory Committee recommendations from the meeting of October 7, 2013: 1. HAC13-022 – Doors Open Aurora 2013 – Event Summary Report THAT the estimated expenditure of $1,695.00, plus applicable taxes, for the 2014 Doors Open Ontario registration fee to the Ontario Heritage Trust be approved; and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee extend thanks to the following individuals and groups for their support of Doors Open Aurora 2013:  All site owners/co-ordinators;  All volunteers and site staff;  The Auroran newspaper;  The Mayor, Members of Council, and supporting Town Staff; and THAT the date of Doors Open Aurora 2014 be July 19, 2014. 2. HAC13-023 – Notice of Demolition of a Structure on a Listed Heritage Property, 45 Tyler Street (Collis Leather) THAT the Notice of Intention to demolish a structure on the property located at 45 Tyler Street be received; and THAT Council support the demolition of the structure as it is not of cultural heritage value or interest worthy of designation under Ontario Regulation 9/06. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Page 6 of 6 3. HAC13-024 – Youth Involvement with the Aurora Heritage Advisory Committee THAT the Aurora Heritage Advisory Committee Art Exhibition be authorized in order to engage young members of the public in June 2014; and THAT the Exhibition and reception celebration be held on Saturday June 7, 2014 in Brevik Hall of the Aurora Cultural Centre; and THAT members of the Heritage Advisory work with staff to liaison between the Committee and school groups and assist staff with outlining the details of the Exhibition; and THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee select a theme for the Art Exhibition; and THAT staff be authorized to prepare and purchase the materials necessary to host the Exhibition as outlined in this report using budget monies of the Heritage Advisory Committee (estimated $350.00).