AGENDA - General Committee - 20130402PUBLIC RELEASE March 28, 2013 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Humfryes in the Chair I DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved. III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V DELEGATIONS (a) Kathy Wohlfeld and Jack Brice pg. 1 Re: “Hope with Art” Easel Program General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 2 of 9 VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Economic Development Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 1 - pg. 196 Councillor Thompson, Chair Trails and Active Transportation Committee Section VI - Item 3 - pg. 197 Councillor Gallo, Chair VII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION IX CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider: (Deferred from General Committee meeting of March 19, 2013) 1. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee; Re: Annual Senior Staff Performance Discussion 2. The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; Re: LGL13-005 – Implications on the Town Regarding Master Hawkins Cost Decision in Morris v. Johnson, et al. 3. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee; Re: CLS13-009 - Appointments to the Environmental Advisory Committee X ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 3 of 9 AGENDA ITEMS 1. BBS13-006 – African Dwarf Frogs pg. 4 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS13-006 be received for information. 2. CAO13-006 – Quick Response Codes pg. 6 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO13-006 be received for information. 3. CAO13-007 – 2013 and 2014 Community Recognition Awards Event pg. 10 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO13-007 be received; and THAT the 2013 Community Recognition Awards ceremony be held in September or early October, adopting the format allowed in 2012; and THAT the 2014 Community Recognition Awards be combined with the Citizen of the Year Award and be held in May. 4. CAO13-008 – Results of Live Streaming Media via Internet Pilot pg. 13 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO13-008 be received; and THAT Council authorize the continued live-streaming of General Committee meetings via Interrnet. 5. CFS13-006 – Budgets and Reporting of Expenses of Members of pg. 18 Council RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS13-006 be received for information; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 4 of 9 THAT Council provide direction with respect to the form and frequency of future reporting of expenses of members of Council; and THAT following such direction, the Treasurer be directed to develop a revised accounting and budget structure for such expenses and provide recommendations for change to Council, with no net impa ct on the 2013 Operating Budget; and THAT Council provide direction with respect to duration of ready access on the Town’s website of periodic reports of expenditures of members of Council; and THAT staff be directed to bring forward necessary amendments to Policy #57 “Compensation & Support for Members of Council” to incorporate updates on the public reporting of members expenses arising from this report. 6. CLS13-007 – Pending List pg. 36 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CLS13-007 be received for information. 7. IES13-010 – Acceptance of Municipal Services – Renaissance pg. 53 Phase 2 Subdivision – Registered Plan 65M-4087 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES13-010 be received; and THAT Council assume ownership, operation and maintenance of the works within the roads, rights-of-way and other lands dedicated to the Town as contained within Plan 65M-4087, being Phase 2 of the Renaissance Subdivision by Ballymore Building (Bathurst) Corp. and Ballymore Development (Bathurst) Corp. as detailed in Report No. IES13 - 010; and THAT Council enact By-law 5496-13 to assume for public use the highways within Plan 65M-4087. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 5 of 9 8. IES13-013 – Topsoil and Sodding Requirements for Boulevards pg. 57 RECOMMENDED: That report IES13-013 be received for information. 9. IES13-014 – Additional Information on the Traffic Calming Measures pg. 63 in the Northeast Quadrant of Yonge Street and Wellington Street East Intersection RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES13-014 be received for information. 10. IES13-015 – Capital Project 34707 – Lighting Upgrades on pg. 71 Wellington Street, Mary Street to Berczy Street RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES13-015 be received; and THAT Council accept this report as fulfillment of the further report requirement established through the 2013 Cap ital Budget for project #34707 - Lighting Upgrades on Wellington Street, Mary Street to Berczy Street; and THAT Council authorize staff to proceed to tender capital project #34707 - Lighting Upgrades on Wellington Street, Mary Street to Berczy Street. 11. PL13-012 – Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-17-12 pg. 77 Removal of (H) Holding Provision Daniels LR Corporation Part of Lot 82, Concession 1 221 John West Way RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-012 be received; and THAT Council enact By-law 5491-13 to remove the Holding (H) provision from the subject lands zoned Third Density Apartment Residential Holding (H) RA3-6 to permit the development of 37 garden apartment units; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 6 of 9 THAT servicing allocation for one (1) additional garden apartment unit (Council previously approved allocation for 36 garden apartment units on November 20, 2012) be allocated to the proposed development. 12. PL13-019 –Draft Plan of Condominium Application, File D07-01-13 pg. 85 Ridgewood Developments II Inc. 111 Civic Square Gate Part of Lot 82, Concession 1, Plan 65R-33536 Part of Block 13, Plan 65M-3072, Town of Aurora RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-019 be received; and THAT the proposed Draft Plan of Condominium File D07-01-13 be approved for a six storey, 157 unit residential building subject to conditions set out in Appendix “A” to this report; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Condominium Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 13. PL13-020 – Request for Street Name Approval pg. 94 Draft Plan of Subdivision, File D12-01-11 Zoning By-law Amendment, File D14-03-11 Treasure Hill Homes (formerly Jane G. Strawbridge) 14726 Bayview Avenue RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL13-020 be received; and THAT the following street names be approved for the proposed public roads within Draft Plan of Subdivision, D12-01-11, Treasure Hill Homes. STREET “A”/STREET “B” STRAWBRIDGE FARM DRIVE STREET “C” HACKWOOD CRESCENT STREET “D” COLYTON COURT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 7 of 9 14. PL13-025 – Site Plan Approval, File D11-13-12 pg. 99 The Regional Municipality of York (York Regional Police) 47 Don Hillock Drive RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-025 be received; and THAT subject to any issues or comments raised by Council, that Site Plan Application D11-13-12 be approved to permit the construction of a 124 space parking lot ancillary to the existing four (4) storey office building and three (3) storey parking structure; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Site Plan Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 15. PR13-011 – Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Recovery Update Report pg. 108 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-011 be received; and THAT Council authorize staff to issue a tender for the Preventative Treatment of Ash trees; and THAT staff report back to Council with the Tender results, cost implications and recommendations on the treatment of Ash Trees. 16. PR13-015 – Cultural Master Plan Terms of Reference pg. 121 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-015 be received; and THAT the Terms of Reference identified as an attachment to this report be approved; and THAT staff be directed to proceed with an RFP based on the approved Terms of Reference. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 8 of 9 17. PR13-017 – Diamond Jubiliee Park – Follow-up Report pg. 131 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR13-017 be received; and THAT Council consider renaming an existing municipal Park “Diamond Jubilee Park”; and THAT a park to be renamed be selected from the candidate p arks contained in this report; and THAT staff notify all Aurora Recipients of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal of the proposed addition of their name to the Park signage. 18. LGL13-004 – Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) pg. 140 RECOMMENDED: THAT report LGS13-004 be received; and THAT the Mayor, on behalf of Council, advocate and write a letter to The Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, and to The Hon. John Gerretson, Attorney General of Ontario, urging them to bring fo rward legislation to implement the recommendations of the Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel; and THAT the Mayor also send a copy of the letter to the mayors and councils of all other municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area requesting that they write to the Premier of Ontario and the Attorney General in support of the contents of the letter. VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR 1. EDAC13-03 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report, pg. 196 March 21, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive the No Quorum Report of the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting of March 21, 2013 for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 9 of 9 2. TATC13-03 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report pg. 197 March 22, 2013 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the following Trails and Active Transportation Committee recommendations from the March 22, 2013 meeting: Delegation (a) Jeremy Kramer and Janet Young, Kramer Design Associates Re: Item 1 – Memorandum from the Manager of Parks Re: Parks and Trails Way Finding Strategy THAT the delegation be received; and THAT the comments of the Trails and Active Transportation Committee be included in future iterations of the Parks and Trails Way Finding Strategy; and THAT this strategy coordinate with other signage hierarchies within the Town of Aurora; and THAT the Consultant be requested to return to the Trails and Active Transportation Committee with their revised proposal prior to Council’s consideration.