AGENDA - General Committee - 20130319PUBLIC RELEASE
March 15, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
6 p.m.
Council Chambers
Councillor Humfryes in the Chair
THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services
Department be approved.
THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session to consider:
1. Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative
tribunals, affecting the Town or a Local Board; Re: LGL13-003 – Litigation
Status Update (Bondfield)
(Deferred from General Committee meeting of February 19, 2013)
2. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or
Local Board employee; Re: Annual Senior Staff Performance Discussion
General Committee Meeting Agenda
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(a) Frank Pulumbarit, representing the Aurora Cultural Centre
Re: Aurora Cultural Centre 2013 Operating Grant
(at the request of Council)
(b) Dan Elliott, Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer
Re: 2013 Budget Overview
Accessibility Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 1 - pg. 447
Councillor Gaertner, Council Representative
Environmental Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 2 - pg. 450
Councillor Pirri, Chair
Heritage Advisory Committee Section VI - Item 3 - pg. 458
Councillor Abel, Chair
Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Section VI - Item 4 - pg. 461
Section VI - Item 5 - pg. 464
Trails and Active Transportation Committee Section VI - Item 6 - pg. 467
Councillor Gallo, Chair
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(Forwarded from General Committee meeting of February 19, 2013 – Item 7)
Due to the size of this agenda, please extract Item 7 from your Feb. 19 General
Committee agenda and bring it to this meeting for reference…thank you.
1. PR13-008 – Aurora Historical Collection pg. 1
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Transfer
Agreement and an Exhibition and Management Agreement for the Collection,
including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give
effect to same; and
THAT $179,470.00 be allocated from the Council Discretionary Reserve in
2013 for the operating costs; and
THAT $50,135.00 be allocated from the Council Discretionary Reserve in
2013 for the capital costs; and
THAT the Administrative responsibility for the Collection be performed by the
Director of Parks and Recreation Services.
(Reconsideration adopted at Council meeting of February 26, 2013 – New Business)
2. CCAC12-001 – Report of the Council Compensation Ad Hoc Committee pg. 3
1) THAT report CCAC12-001 be received; and
2) THAT By-law 5253-10 (Attachment #2) be reviewed and confirmed to
continue the one-third tax-free “deemed expenses” portion of the
remuneration of members of Council; and
3) THAT the Mayor’s base salary remain unchanged at this time but be
increased by $9,000 commencing with the next term of Council; and
4) THAT no change be made to the Transportation Allowances for members
of Council, and that Council review the Transportation Allowance in 2014
or such later date as may be decided; and
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5) THAT an Income Protection Program for the Mayor be introduced through
the purchase of additional benefit coverages for LTD and AD&D to match
those provided for full-time staff, and that such improvements be extended
to the existing Mayor as expeditiously as possible, and continued for all
future Mayors; and
6) THAT in the absence of a sick time program for the Mayor, that the
Council compensation by-law be amended to include wording
demonstrating Council’s commitment to continue paying the Mayor’s
salary in the event of extended illness or disability until the LTD benefit
payments commence, with such change being made as expeditiously as
possible; and
7) THAT for the current term, Council implement an End of Service Transition
Payment program with the following fundamentals:
• Only the Mayor (full-time) is eligible for transition payments;
• Must serve one full term to qualify;
• Payment amounts to one month pay for each completed year of
service, to a maximum of 12 months;
• No payment if Mayor is removed due to judicial process and/or
conviction under the Criminal Code; and
• Should a Mayor serving in their second or more successive term die
while serving in office, a prorated amount would be paid on the final
salary payment issued by the Town; and
8) THAT the necessary by-law be presented for adoption by Council to give
effect to the above recommendations.
3. PL13-007 – Draft Plan of Subdivision File D12-03-11 pg. 15
Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-09-11
2C (West) Secondary Plan Area
TACC Developments (Aurora) Limited
Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 E.Y.S.
THAT report PL13-007 be received; and
THAT application for Draft Plan of Subdivision D12-03-11 (TACC
Development (Aurora) Limited) be approved, subject to the conditions outlined
in Schedule ‘A’ of this report; and
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THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file D14-09-11 (TACC Development
(Aurora) Limited) be approved, to zone the subject lands from Rural General
“RU” and Institutional to “R2” – Detached Dwelling Second Density
Residential Exception Zone, “R3” – Semi-detached and Duplex Dwelling
Residential Exception Zone, “R6” – Row Dwelling Residential Exception
Zone, “C1” – Local Commercial Exception Zone, “EP” – Environmental
Protection Exception Zone and “O” – Major Open Space (subject to a Holding
symbol “H”). The Holding Symbol “H” shall be lifted upon the confirmation of
servicing capacity from York Region in accordance with the Inflow and
Infiltration Reduction Project, or additional servicing capacity being granted by
Aurora Town Council; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision
Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements
referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT the Owner enter into an agreement with the Town of Aurora to be
registered on title, indicating that no Lots and/or Blocks will be offered for sale
by the Owner or Purchasers until water supply and sewage servicing capacity
has been allocated, and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to
execute the “No Pre-Sale Agreement”.
4. PL13-008 – Draft Plan of Subdivision File D12-01-12 pg. 76
Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-01-12
2C (West) Secondary Plan Area
St. John’s Road Development Corporation (Metrus)
Part of Lots 24 and 25, Concession 2 E.Y.S.
THAT report PL13-008 be received; and
THAT application for Draft Plan of Subdivision D12-01-12 (St. John’s Road
Development Corporation (Metrus)) be approved, subject to the conditions
outlined in Schedule A of this report; and
THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file D14-01-12 (St. John’s Road
Development Corporation (Metrus)) be approved, to zone the subject lands
from Rural General “RU” to Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential
Exception Zone “R2”, Institutional Exception Zone “I”, Environmental
Protection Exception Zone “EP” and Major Open Space “O” (subject to a
Holding Symbol “H”). The Holding Symbol “H” shall be lifted upon the
confirmation of servicing from York Region in accordance with the Inflow and
Infiltration Reduction Project, or additional servicing capacity being granted by
Aurora Town Council; and
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THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision
Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements
referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT the Owner enter into an agreement with the Town of Aurora to be
registered on title, indicating that no Lots and/or Blocks will be offered for sale
by the Owner or Purchasers until water supply and sewage servicing capacity
has been allocated, and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to
execute the “No-Pre Sale Agreement”.
5. PL13-009 – Draft Plan of Subdivision File D12-04-11 pg. 131
Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-12-11
2C (West) Secondary Plan Area
Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited
Part of Lots 23, 24 and 25, Concession 2 E.Y.S.
THAT report PL13-009 be received; and
THAT application for Draft Plan of Subdivision D12-04-11 (Brookfield Homes
(Ontario) Limited) be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule
A of this report; and
THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file D14-12-11 (Brookfield Homes (Ontario)
Limited) be approved, to zone the subject lands from Rural General (RU)
Zone to “R2” – Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception
Zone, “R6” Row Dwelling Residential Exception Zone, “C7” Residential
Commercial Exception Zone, “I” Institutional Exception Zone, “EP”
Environmental Protection Exception Zone and “O” Major Open Space (subject
to a Holding Symbol “H”). The Holding symbol “H” shall be lifted upon the
confirmation of services capacity from York Region in accordance with the
Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Project, or additional servicing capacity being
granted by Aurora Town Council; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision
Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements
referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT the Owner enter into an agreement with the Town of Aurora to be
registered on title, indicating that no Lots and/or Blocks will be offered for sale
by the Owner or Purchasers until water supply and sewage servicing capacity
has been allocated, and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to
execute the “No Pre-Sale Agreement”.
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6. PL13-010 – Draft Plan of Subdivision File D12-05-11 pg. 197
Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-13-11
2C (West) Secondary Plan Area
York Region Christian Seniors Home Inc.
Part of Lot 23, Concession 2 E.Y.S.
THAT report PL13-010 be received; and
THAT application for Draft Plan of Subdivision D12-05-11 (York Region
Christian Seniors Home Inc.) be approved, subject to the conditions outlined
in Schedule ‘A’ of this report; and
THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file D14-13-11 (York Region Christian
Seniors Home Inc.) be approved, to zone the subject lands from Rural
General (RU) Zone to “RA3” – Third Density Apartment Residential and “EP”
– Environmental Protection Exception Zone (subject to a Holding Symbol “H”).
The Holding symbol “H” shall be lifted upon the confirmation of services
capacity from York Region in accordance with the Inflow and Infiltration
Reduction Project, or additional servicing capacity being granted by Aurora
Town Council; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision
Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements
referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT the Owner enter into an agreement with the Town of Aurora to be
registered on title, indicating that no Lots and/or Blocks will be offered for sale
by the Owner or Purchasers until water supply and sewage servicing capacity
has been allocated, and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to
execute the “No Pre-Sale Agreement”.
7. PL13-011 – Draft Plan of Subdivision File D12-02-12 pg. 250
Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-02-12
2C (West) Secondary Plan Area
Shimvest Investments Limited
Part of Lot 22, Concession 2 E.Y.S.
THAT report PL13-011 be received; and
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THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision D12-02-12 (Shimvest
Investments Limited) be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in
Schedule ‘A’ of this report; and
THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file D14-02-12 (Shimvest Investments
Limited) be approved, to zone the subject lands from “RU” – Rural General
Zone to “R1” – Detached Dwelling First Density Residential Zone, “R2” –
Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception Zone, “R6” – Row
Dwelling Residential Exception Zone, “C7” – Residential Commercial
Exception Zone, “EP” – Environmental Protection Exception Zone and “O” –
Major Open Space Zone (subject to a Holding Symbol “H”). The Holding
Symbol “H” shall be lifted upon the confirmation of servicing capacity from
York Region in accordance with the Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Project,
or additional servicing capacity being granted by Aurora Town Council; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision
Agreement, including any and all documents and all of the Agreements
referenced in the Conditions of Approval, including any ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same; and
THAT the Owner enter into an agreement with the Town of Aurora to be
registered on title, indicating that no Lots and/or Blocks will be offered for sale
by the Owner or Purchasers until water supply and sewage servicing capacity
has been allocated, and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to
execute the “No-Pre Sale Agreement.”
8. PL13-014 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 311
St. Andrew’s College, Arena
15800 Yonge Street
File: D11-15-12
THAT report PL13-014 be received; and
THAT subject to any issues or comments raised by Council, that Site Plan
Application D11-15-12 be approved to permit development of the subject
lands for a single pad arena including accessary spaces, such as
changing/dressing rooms, seating for 500 spectators, and associated
mechanical/electrical spaces of approximately 4,644 m2 (49,988 ft2) gross
floor area; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Site Plan
Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same.
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9. PL13-015 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 320
Rui Chan Lin
72 Kennedy Street West
File Number: D11-02-09
Related Files: D10-01-07 and D13(20-27)-07
THAT report PL13-015 be received; and
THAT Site Plan Application File D11-02-09 (Rui Chan Lin) be approved to
permit the development of the subject lands for the construction of two single
detached dwellings on the subject lands; and
THAT 1 additional unit of servicing capacity be allocated to the subject site
plan application File No. D11-02-09; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan
agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements
required to give effect to same.
10. PL13-016 – Simplified Development Agreement Execution pg. 329
Blue Hills Academy
402 Bloomington Road West
Minor Variance File Number: D13-24-12
THAT report PL13-016 be received; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the simplified
development agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary
agreements required to give effect to same.
11. PR13-012 – Tree Removal Permit Application pg. 336
Mattamy (Aurora) Limited
THAT report PR13-012 be received; and
THAT Council receive the attached application for a Tree Removal Permit and
consider granting approval to remove trees at 938, 926 and 1280 St. John’s
Sideroad East in accordance with By-law 4474-03.D being a By-law to
authorize the injury or destruction of trees (Tree Permit By-law); and
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THAT, subject to approval of a Tree Permit, that the owner be required to
enter a re-development agreement with the Town to ensure that the applicant
is bound by terms and conditions associated with tree protection and
compensation to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation
Services prior to the removal of any trees on this property; and
THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to enter into an Agreement,
including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give
effect to same.
12. PR13-013 – Aurora Music Festival pg. 340
THAT report PR13-013 be received; and
THAT Council provide direction to staff regarding the permitting of Machell
Park for a Music Festival.
13. PR13-014 – Transfer of the Aurora Collection – Additional Information pg. 359
THAT report PR13-014 be received for information.
14. CFS13-009 – 2013 Operating Budget – Final Approval pg. 363
THAT report CFS13-009 be received; and
THAT the 2013 Operating Budget summarized in Schedule 2 which reflects
all revisions recommended for approval by Budget Committee, resulting in a
total tax levy of $33,015,900 and a total expenditure plan of $51,289,400, and
an estimated 2.02% residential tax bill increase when combined with the
regional and education shares of the tax bill, be approved; and
THAT the Town’s full-time staff complement be increased by four (4) to 205
(excluding Library Board and Central York Fire Services staff) as presented in
Schedule 5 and funded in the 2013 Operating Budget; and
THAT staff prepare the necessary bylaw for adoption by Council to set 2013
tax rates and payment dates.
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15. CFS13-011 – Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for pg. 386
Members of Council, Committees and Local Boards
THAT report CFS13-011 be received for information.
16. CFS13-012 – Expenses Excluded from the 2013 Budget pg. 391
THAT report CFS13-012 be received for information.
17. IES13-009 – Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Budget pg. 396
THAT report IES13-009 be received; and
THAT Council approve the 2013 Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
budgets with a combined net expenditure of $15,784,143; and
THAT Council approve the 2013 retail water rate of $1.6088 per cubic meter
and the retail wastewater rate of $1.3719 per cubic meter of water; and
THAT Council approve the 2013 flat rate stormwater charge of $4.36 per unit
per month for residential and condominium properties and $61.53 per unit per
month for metered non-residential commercial/industrial and multi-residential
properties; and
THAT the new approved rates become effective for all billings issued by the
Town on or after May 1, 2013, and be retroactive for all consumption newly
billed on such billings; and
THAT Council approve the 2013 bulk water purchase rate of $2.9807 per
cubic meter dispensed effective May 1, 2013; and
THAT Council adopt the necessary by-law to implement the above
recommendations effective May 1, 2013.
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18. IES13-011 – Submission of Annual Drinking Water Quality Report pg. 405
THAT report IES13-011 be received for information.
19. IES13-012 – DWQMS Management Review pg. 439
THAT report IES13-012 be received for information.
20. Memorandum from the Director of Customer and Legislative pg. 444
Services/Town Clerk
Re: Presentations by the Advisory Committee Chair/Council Representative
THAT this memorandum regarding Presentations by the Advisory Committee
Chair/Council Representative be received for information.
1. AAC13-04 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Report, March 6, 2013 pg. 447
THAT Council adopt the following Accessibility Advisory Committee
recommendations from the March 6, 2013 meeting:
(4) Memorandum from Lawrence Kuk, Planner
Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #1), 15441 Yonge
Street, Plan 215, Lot 4, File No. D11-03-13
THAT the following comments be forwarded to the Planner as suggestions
1. An automatic door opener to be installed;
2. Doorways to be wide enough (three feet wide) to accommodate any
mobility device;
3. Parking space #1 to be an accessible parking space;
4. An accessible ramp to be added to the south side of the building;
5. Entrance/exit door to open (to the North) away from the ramp; and
6. All interior doorways to provide barrier-free access, including
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(5) Memorandum from Jeff Healey, Planner
Re: Application for Site Plan Approval (Submission #3), 212-218 Earl
Stewart Drive, Plan 65M-2873, Lots 17 and 18, File No. D11-11-12
THAT the following comments be forwarded to the Planner as suggestions
1. Appropriate directional signage to be installed indicating location of
accessible parking spaces; and
2. Barriers to be installed to prevent the general width of sidewalks from
being compromised by parked vehicle overhang, except at accessible
parking spaces.
(6) Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor
Re: Proposed Accessible Changes to the Ontario Building Code (OBC)
THAT the following comments be forwarded by staff to the Ontario Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing as suggestions for:
1. Every accessible hotel room to have:
a. A wheel-in shower stall;
b. A non-platform bed to accommodate use of a lift; and
c. Adapted furniture.
(1) Memorandum from the Accessibility Advisor
Re: Capital Accessibility Initiatives for 2013-2017
THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee receive the comments of the
Committee and staff and refer the comments to staff for a further report at the
Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of April 3, 2013.
2. EAC13 -05 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report, March 7, 2013 pg. 450
THAT Council adopt the following Environmental Advisory Committee
recommendations from the March 7, 2013 meeting:
(1) Memorandum from the Manager of Environmental Initiatives
Re: Smart Commute Program
THAT Council consider the reinstatement of $10,000 support to Smart
Commute Central York in recognition of the benefit to all citizens via reduction
of carbon dioxide emissions by participating Aurora businesses, employees
and citizens.
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(2) Memorandum from the Manager of Environmental Initiatives
Re: Corporate Environmental Action Plan (CEAP) Progress Report 2012
THAT this memorandum and the attached CEAP Progress Report 2012 be
forwarded to Council.
THAT a plan of action be requested from the Parks and Recreation Services
department to control/eliminate Phragmites and Dog Strangling Vine.
3. HAC13-03 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report, March 11, 2013 pg. 458
THAT Council adopt the following Heritage Advisory Committee
recommendations from the March 11, 2013 meeting:
(1) HAC13-007 – Demolition of House & Outbuildings of a Listed
Property, 15775 Leslie Street (Addison-Hall Farm)
THAT the report from the Heritage Building Evaluation Working Group
regarding the subject property be received and endorsed; and
THAT Council consent to the demolition of the subject property as it has
been determined that it is not of sufficient cultural heritage value or interest
to warrant designation; and
THAT the subject property be excluded from the Aurora Register of
Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest; and
THAT a cultural heritage documentation report be provided at no cost to
the Town, which shall include measured floor plans, elevations, exterior
and interior photographs, and full history of the property; and
THAT the buildings be secured when vacant in order to mitigate property
damage prior to demolition for the purpose of documentation; and
THAT the Owner be required to commit to the future commemoration of
the Addison-Hall Farm by either one of the following methods:
• The installing of an interpretive plaque;
• Street naming;
• The provision of a public gathering space on site; and
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THAT the Addison-Hall Farm sign with two horseshoes located at the front
of the property be extracted prior to demolition and donated to the Town
so that it may be potentially incorporated with the future commemoration
of the property.
(2) HAC13-009 – Heritage Permit Application (NE-HCD-HPA-13-001)
58 Catherine Street
THAT Heritage Permit Application NE-HCD-HPA-13-001 be approved.
(3) HAC13-008 – Selection of Two (2) Members of the Aurora Heritage
Advisory Committee to the Southeast Old Aurora
Heritage Conservation District Study Area
THAT Erina Kelly and David Heard be chosen as the Heritage Advisory
Committee members for the Southeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation
District Study Area Sub-Committee.
4. SAC13-05 – Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Report pg. 461
February 20, 2013
THAT Council adopt the following Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee
recommendations from the February 20, 2013 meeting:
(1) Aurora Tattoo – Event Coordination Staff Update
THAT the alternative indoor location for the tattoo as presented be supported;
THAT staff be requested to approach and invite the Aurora Community Band
and the bands from the Aurora secondary high schools to participate in the
tattoo and report back on the outcome to the next meeting on March 6.
(2) Prioritization of Event Planning Logistics and Assignment of Tasks –
Event Coordination Staff Update
THAT staff be directed to bring back a report, to the next meeting on March 6,
outlining the comparative costs for the suggested keepsake options.
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(3) Website/Virtual Time Capsule – Update
THAT staff be directed to review the proposed social media option presented
to ensure conformity to the Purchasing Policy guidelines and to proceed as
(4) Outreach and Follow-Up with Community and Commercial Partners –
THAT the Committee continue to follow-up with the Community Partners as
5. SAC13-06 – Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Report pg. 464
March 6, 2013
THAT Council adopt the following Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee
recommendations from the March 6, 2013 meeting:
Delegation (a) Mr. John Clement representing the Aurora Community
Re: Aurora Community Arboretum Sesquicentennial Event
THAT the Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee work with the Aurora
Community Arboretum on this initiative.
(1) Aurora Tattoo – Update
THAT the Aurora Tattoo be held at the Aurora Community Centre and
Machell Park on Sunday, May 5, 2013; and
THAT staff proceed with the preparation and organization of the format, and
program of bands for the Aurora Tattoo; and
THAT staff be authorized to contract with the bands; and
THAT staff proceed with the Schedule of Events brochure; and
THAT staff proceed with four videos to be produced by SNAP; and
THAT staff proceed with street banners to be put up by Town staff as soon as
possible; and
THAT staff proceed with the proposed marketing plan as presented.
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(2) Keepsake Options – Update
THAT staff proceed with the order of 10,000 lapel pins as part of the Aurora
Tattoo budget.
(3) July Event – Discussion
THAT Committee member Brian North contact the Rotary Club regarding the
Dance in the Park to be held on June 30, 2013; and
THAT Committee member Brian North source bands and report back to the
next Committee meeting; and
THAT the working group meet to flesh out the details for the Canada Day
weekend Event and report back at the next Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc
Committee meeting.
THAT staff proceed with the option of ice logos at the Aurora Community
Centre and the Aurora Family Leisure Complex at a cost of $226.
6. TATC13-02 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report pg. 467
February 15, 2013
THAT Council adopt the following Trails and Active Transportation Committee
recommendations from the February 15, 2013 meeting:
(1) Extract from Council Meeting 12-30 of Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Re: IES12-060 – Authorization to Proceed with Tendering Cousins
Drive Pedestrian Crossing
THAT this item be deferred to the next Trails and Active Transportation
Committee meeting on March 22, 2013; and
THAT staff be directed to prepare a report outlining the discussion to-date with
Metrolinx, the rational for considering a level crossing at this location as
opposed to an overpass, and whether York Region needs to be involved.
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(4) Memorandum from the Manager of Parks
Re: Parks and Trails Signage Strategy
THAT staff be requested to invite the Parks and Trails signage consultant,
Kramer Design Associates, to present the draft Parks and Trails signage
strategy at the next Trails and Active Transportation Committee meeting on
March 22, 2013.
(9) Extract from Special Council Meeting 13-03 of January 30, 2013
Re: TATC13 -01 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report
January 18, 2013
THAT the Extract from Special Council Meeting 13-03 of January 30, 2013
Re: TATC13-01 – Trails and Active Transportation Committee Report,
January 18, 2013 be amended by deleting “by the TATC” in Clause 1 of the
recommendation to read:
“THAT one additional Grade-Separated crossing not be endorsed by
the TATC as it was not included nor contemplated in the Trails Master