AGENDA - General Committee - 20121106PUBLIC RELEASE November 2, 2012 THE TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, November 6, 2012 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Abel in the Chair I DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved. III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V DELEGATIONS (a) Angela Sciberras, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd., and Philip Evans, pg. 1 E.R.A. Architects Inc., representing Treasure Hill Homes Re: Item 18 – HAC12-10 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report October 15, 2012; Item 1 – HAC12-018 VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 2 of 8 VII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION IX CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT Council resolve into a General Committee Closed Session, following adjournment, to consider: 1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board; Re: PL12-061 - Potential Sale of Lands at Northeast Corner of John West Way and Wellington Street East, Perwick Investments Limited (Tridel) 2. Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Town or a Local Board; Re: CFS12 -011 – Settlement of OMB Appeals Against the Town’s Development Charges By-law  Deferred from October 16, 2012 General Committee: 3. The security of property of the Town or Local Board; and Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee; Re: Public release of Confidential Auditors’ Internal Control Letter 4. The security of property of the Town or Local Board; and Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee; Re: Action Plan in Response to Auditor’s Internal Control Letter 5. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a Town or Local Board employee; and Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations; Re: Organizational Shifts To Accommodate Internal Control Action Plan X ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 3 of 8 AGENDA ITEMS 1. IES12-055 – Ontario One Call, Call Before You Dig Services pg. 2 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-055 be received; and THAT Town of Aurora register its infrastructure with Ontario One Call; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same; and THAT the Director of Infrastructure in Environmental Services be authorized to execute future terms prior to expiry of the current term. 2. IES12-056 – Award of Tender IES2012-54 – Town Hall Energy pg. 6 Management Retro-Fits RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-056 be received; and THAT additional funding in the amount of $147,520 be provided from the Council Discretionary Reserve Fund; and THAT Tender IES2012-54 Town Hall Energy Management Retro-fits be awarded to Canadian Tech Air Systems Incorporated in the amount of $602,390.00, excluding taxes; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 3. IES12-057 – Facility Energy Management Retro-Fits pg. 11 Program Update RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-057 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 4 of 8 4. IES12-058 – Drinking Water System Information Report pg. 19 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-058 be received for information. 5. LGL12-013 – Franchise Agreement with Enbridge Gas pg. 72 Distribution Inc. RECOMMENDED: THAT report LGL12-013 be received; and THAT Council approve By-law Number 5431-12 (including the Model Franchise Agreement with Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. for ming part thereof) granting the natural gas franchise to Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Model Franchise Agreement with Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to the same. 6. PL12-053 – Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review pg. 112 File No. D14-ZBL-12 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-053 be received for information. 7. PR12-035 – “Kwik Kopy” Agreement for Purchase and Sale pg. 116 For Revised Trail Alignment RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-035 be received; and THAT Council approve the proposed terms and conditions, as detailed within this report, to be included within an Agreement for Purchase and Sale for the revised “Kwik Kopy” trail route; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 5 of 8 THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the “Kwik Kopy” Pedestrian Trail Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 8. PR12-037 – Award of Tender PRS2012-51 – Multi-Purpose pg. 128 Synthetic Turf Sports Field RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-037 be received; and THAT Tender PRS2012-51 – Multi-Purpose Synthetic Turf Sports Field construction not be awarded; and THAT the remaining funding for Capital Project 73161 in the amount of $1,454,671.00 be returned to the source. 9. BBS12-008 – Temporary and Permanent Sign By-law Review pg. 133 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS12-008 be received; and THAT staff be directed to develop By-law provisions and criteria for the Sign Variance process Option #1 outlined in this report delegating authority to staff for the approval of sign variances. 10. BBS12-009 – Request for Sign Variance to Sign By-law pg. 140 No. 4898-07.P 15400 Bayview Avenue RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS12-009 be received; and THAT Council approve a request for a variance to Sign By-law 4898-07.P to allow wall signs on 3 building elevations whereas the Sign By -law restricts wall signs to 2 building elevations for a single-tenant building in a commercial zone. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 6 of 8 11. BBS12-010 – Animal Control Services pg. 148 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS12-010 be received; and THAT Council authorize a single source three year contract with the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) as a single source provider of animal control and shelter services at a cost of $202,694 for year 2013 adjusted by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Rate for All-Items as published by Statistics Canada for subsequent years; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with the OSPCA including any and all documents and ancillary agreements to give effect to same. 12. BBS12-012 – Customer Service Strategy (CSS) pg. 158 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS12-012 be received for information. 13. CAO12-022 – New Lease for 22 Church Street pg. 163 Aurora Cultural Centre RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO12-022 be received; and THAT Report CAO12-022 be forwarded to the November 20, 2012 General Committee meeting together with the following recommendation: THAT the draft lease attached as Attachment 1 be finalized and forwarded for approval to a future General Committee meeting concurrent with the finalized Agreement for the Purchase of Cultural Services. 14. CLS12-006 – Notice of Motion pg. 196 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CLS12-006 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 7 of 8 15. CLS12-024 – 2013 Council and Committee Meeting Calendar pg. 198 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CLS12-024 be received; and THAT Council provide direction respecting summer meetings; and THAT Council approve a Council and Committee Meeting Calendar for 2013. 16. PRAC12-08 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Report pg. 214 October 10, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee recommendations from the October 10, 2012 meeting. 17. EDAC12-09 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report pg. 216 October 11, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommendations from the October 11, 2012 meeting. 18. HAC12-10 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report pg. 219 October 15, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Heritage Advisory Committee recommendations from the October 15, 2012 meeting. 19. SAC12-06 – Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee Report pg. 220 October 24, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Sesquicentennial Ad Hoc Committee recommendations from the October 24, 2012 meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Page 8 of 8 20. Memorandum from Mayor Dawe pg. 222 Re: Correspondence from the Aurora Chamber of Commerce RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive the Correspondence from the Aurora Chamber of Commerce for information.