AGENDA - General Committee - 20120612PUBLIC RELEASE June 15, 2012 THE TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7 p.m. Council Chambers Councillor Gaertner in the Chair I DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved. III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V DELEGATIONS (a) Shawn Dillon, Manager – Electrical and Traffic Design pg. 1 York Region, Transportation and Community Planning Department, Traffic Management and ITS Re: Planned Reconstruction of Traffic Control Signals at Yonge Street and Wellington Street VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 2 of 11 VII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION IX CLOSED SESSION X ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 3 of 11 AGENDA ITEMS 1. CAO12-010 – Live Streaming Media via Internet Pilot pg. 2 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO12-010 be received; and THAT Council approve a six-month pilot project to live-stream General Committee meetings via Internet at a cost not to exceed $7,500 from the Operating Contingency account. 2. CAO12-011 – Community Consultation for Disbursement of pg. 5 Hydro Funds RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO12-011 be received; and THAT Council support the recommendations outlined in this report to conduct a community-wide education and awareness campaign regarding potential options for disbursement of Hydro funds; and THAT an amount not to exceed $35,000 be allocated from the Council Discretionary Reserve Fund to support a community-wide education and consultation campaign; and THAT Council direct staff to proceed with a Request for Proposals (RFP) to retain a reputable third-party that specializes in community-based surveying to help design, implement and analyze the results of a community survey to determine resident priorities for the Hydro funds. 3. CAO12-012 – Town of Aurora Strategic Plan pg. 9 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CAO12-012 be received; and THAT Council approve and authorize staff to implement the attached Town of Aurora Strategic Plan and related Strategic Plan Actions and Measures document. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 4 of 11 4. CFS12-021 – Capital Projects Status & Closure Report pg. 55 as of December 31, 2011 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS12-021 be received; and THAT the project closures and capital funding adjustments outlined in Attachments #1 and #2, and summarized in Attachment #3 be approved. 5. CFS12-023 – 2012 Budget Debrief Follow-Up pg. 69 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS12-023 be received for information. 6. CFS12-024 – Pre-Audit 2011 Budget Report as at pg. 73 December 31, 2011 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS12-024 be received for information. 7. CFS12-025 – Award of Tender CFS2012-47 – Supply and Delivery pg. 83 of Avaya Switches for WAN (Wide Area Network) Edge Connectivity RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS12-025 be received; and THAT Tender CFS2012-47 – Supply & Delivery of Avaya Switches for WAN Edge Connectivity be awarded to Smart IP Inc. in the amount of $57,269.37, excluding taxes; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 5 of 11 8. CFS12-026 – Expenses Excluded from the 2011 Budget pg. 87 RECOMMENDED: THAT report CFS12-026 be received for information. 9. IES12-031 – Drinking Water Quality Management Standard Update pg. 92 Report RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-031 be received for information. 10. IES12-032 – Award of Tender IES2012-15 – Stream Restorations pg. 113 Downstream of the Seaton Drive Culvert RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-032 be received; and THAT Tender IES2012-15 – Streambed and Stream Bank Restorations Downstream of the Seaton Drive Culvert be awarded to Dynex Construction Inc. in the amount of $116,370.00, excluding taxes; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 11. IES12-033 – Award of Contract for Consulting Services – Design pg. 118 for the Reconstruction of Vandorf Sideroad 300m east of Bayview to Leslie Street – RFP IES2012-42 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-033 be received; and THAT the Contract for the provision of consulting services for the design of the reconstruction of Vandorf Sideroad from 300m East of Bayview to Leslie Street be awarded to Genivar Inc. for $89,782.00, excluding taxes; and THAT additional funding in the amount of $12,698.00 be approved from the storm sewer reserve; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 6 of 11 THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 12. IES12-034 – Award of Contract for Remedial Works to Reduce pg. 123 Extraneous Flow in the Wastewater Collection System RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-034 be received; and THAT Council award the 2012 remedial works to reduce extraneous flows in the wastewater collection system to Liquiforce Sewer Services based on the unit prices contained in the Town of Newmarket contract RFP2010- 47 for a 2012 upset limit of $450,000.00 excluding taxes; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 13. IES12-035 – Sidewalk Policy Review pg. 127 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-035 be received for information. 14. IES12-036 – Information Regarding Colour Choices for Town pg. 141 of Aurora Operational Vehicles RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-036 be received for information. 15. IES12-037 – 2012 Water Audit Report for Town of Aurora pg. 147 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-037 be received for information. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 7 of 11 16. PL12-001 – Delegation Authority for Minor Development pg. 156 Agreements RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-001 be received; and THAT Council delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Development Services, or designate, to sign, simplified development agreements, Oak Ridges Moraine development agreements and other minor agreements required as a condition of a Committee of Adjustment decision; and THAT a delegation By-law be presented to Council at a future Council meeting. 17. PL12-026 – Application for Site Plan Approval pg. 159 Gordon and Joyce Allen 15393 Yonge Street File Number D11-04-12 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-026 be received; and THAT Site Plan Application File D11-04-12 (Allen) be approved to permit the development of the subject lands for the conversion of the existing building to an office use, demolish the existing rear addition, and build a new 228 m2 rear addition; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the site plan agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 18. PL12-028 – Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law pg. 167 Amendment Applications 2197616 Ontario Inc. (Genview II) 908 Vandorf Sideroad File Numbers D12-04-07 and D14-12-07 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-028 be received; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 8 of 11 THAT Draft Plan of Subdivision 2197616 Ontario Inc. (Genview II), File: D12-04-07 be approved subject to Conditions of Approval attached as Appendix “A" being fulfilled prior to final approval; and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File: D14-12-07 be approved, to rezone a portion of the subject lands from “Oak Ridges Moraine Rural (RU-ORM) Zone” to “Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Holding (H)R2-90 Exception Zone”, “Major Open Space (O-9) Exception Zone” and “Environmental Protection (EP-6) Exception Zone” to permit a 20 unit residential plan of subdivision; and THAT a total of 20 units (66 persons equivalent) of sewage and water capacity be allocated to the proposed draft plan of subdivision; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 19. PL12-030 – Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law pg. 205 Amendment Applications Jane Gibb Strawbridge and Harry Thomas Gordon Strawbridge (Norm and Helen Grey-Noble) LOT 56, RCP 10328, EXCEPT PART 34, 65R-16898 14726 Bayview Avenue File Numbers D14-03-11 and D12-01-11 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-030 be received; and THAT Draft Plan of Subdivision Jane Gibb Strawbridge and Harry Thomas Gordon Strawbridge, File: D12-01-11 be approved by the Town of Aurora subject to the Conditions of Approval attached as Appendix “A" being fulfilled prior to final approval; and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File: D14-03-11 be approved, to rezone the subject lands from “Oak Ridges Moraine Rural (RU-ORM) Zone” to “Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2- 91) Exception Zone”, “Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2- 92) Exception Zone” and “Environmental Protection (EP-6) Exception Zone” to permit a 89 unit residential plan of subdivision; and THAT the implementing Zoning By-law be brought forward to a future Council meeting for enactment; and General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 9 of 11 THAT a total of 89 units (294 persons equivalent) of sewage and water capacity be allocated to the draft plan of subdivision lands from the Town’s allocation for 2011/2012; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 20. PL12-031 – Applications to Amend the Official Plan and pg. 253 Zoning By-law 1623 Wellington Street Developments Limited 1623 Wellington Street East File Numbers D09-02-11 and D14-06-11 RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report PL12-031 be received; and THAT Application to Amend the Official Plan, File: D09-02-11 be approved as modified to permit a site specific official plan policy applying to a portion of the subject lands to permit expanded and stand alone commercial uses within the Business Park designation; and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File: D14-06-11 be approved, to rezone the subject lands from “Rural (RU) Zone” to a site specific “Business Park Holding (H)BP Exception Zone” and “Business Park (BP) Zone” as modified to permit business park and commercial retail uses; and THAT by-laws to adopt the Official Plan Amendment and implement the zoning by-law amendment will be presented at a future Council Meeting for enactment. 21. PR12-020 – Stewart Burnett Multi-Purpose Artificial Sports Field pg. 269 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-020 be received; and THAT Council authorize proceeding with tendering the construction of a Multi-purpose Artificial Turf Sports Field for construction to begin in 2012. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 10 of 11 22. PR12-025 – Aurora Historical Society Collection Review pg. 279 Consultant Recommendation RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-025 be received; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to engage the services of Cultural Asset Management Group to conduct a review of the Aurora Historical Society Collection with an upset budget limit of $50.000.00. 23. PR12-027 – Award of Tender PRS 2012-30 – Earthworks and pg. 281 Servicing of 15059 Leslie Street RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-027 be received; and THAT Tender PRS 2012-30 - Earthworks and Servicing of 15059 Leslie Street be awarded to Con-Drain Company (1983) Ltd. in the amount of $5,979,656.79, including taxes; and THAT the budget be increased by $1,153,254.17 from the Proceeds of the Sale of Land Reserve Fund to address the shortfall; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement with respect to the award of the Tender, including any and all ancillary documents required to give effect to same. 24. EAC12-07 – Environmental Advisory Committee Report pg. 288 June 7, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Environmental Advisory Committee recommendations from the June 7, 2012 meeting. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Page 11 of 11 25. HAC12-07 – Heritage Advisory Committee Report pg. 291 June 11, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Heritage Advisory Committee recommendations from the June 11, 2012 meeting. 26. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer pg. 294 Re: Interim Report No. 2 of the Ad Hoc Negotiating Working Group to Negotiate a New Cultural Services Purchase Agreement RECOMMENDED: THAT the memorandum regarding Interim Report No. 2 of the Ad Hoc Negotiating Working Group to Negotiate a New Cultural Services Purchase Agreement be received for information. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 19, 2012  New Delegation (b) Wendy Nott, representing 1623 Wellington Street Developments Re: Item 20 – PL12-031 – Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 1623 Wellington Street Developments Limited 1623 Wellington Street East File Numbers D09-02-11 and D14-06-11 RECOMMENDED: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.  New Delegation (c) Angela Sciberras, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd., representing Helen Grey-Noble Re: Item 19 – PL12-030 – Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Jane Gibb Strawbridge and Harry Thomas Gordon Strawbridge (Norm and Helen Grey-Noble) LOT 56, RCP 10328, EXCEPT PART 34, 65R-16898 14726 Bayview Avenue File Numbers D14-03-11 and D12-01-11 RECOMMENDED: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.  Additional Information to Item 17 Re: PL12-026 – Application for Site Plan Approval Gordon and Joyce Allen 15393 Yonge Street File Number D11-04-12 RECOMMENDED: THAT the additional information regarding Item 17 be received for information. AuR,O, RA yocdre� itz Good courtsast'Y Customer and. Legislative Services Town Clerk 905-727-3123 info@e-aurora.ca Town of Aurora 1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000. Aurora. ON L4G 6,11 DELEGATION REQUEST Requests for delegation status, any written submissions and background information for consideration by Council or committees of Council must be submitted to the Clerk's office by 4:30 P.M. ON THE MONDAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED MEETING 1 XF��7; Vil" COUNCIL/COMMITTEE/ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: 1WF �VOKKIi'1tiMl NAME OF GROUP OR PERSON(S) BEING REPRESENTED (if applicable) BRIEF STATEMENT OF ISSUE OR PURPOSE OF DEPUTATION A aO Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, as amended. The Information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk, Town ofAurora 1 Municipal Drive Box 1000 Aurora, ON UG 6J1 Telephone 905 727-3123. � i r Community AURORA ,`Jowre irc rood Co�nax� Delegation Request Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone: 905-727-3123 ext. 4217 Fax: 905-726-4732 www.aurora.ca Please complete the following form. You may submit it to the Town of Aurora by EITHER: • Printing and faxing a copy to 905-726-4732 • Saving this file to your computer and emailing it to councilsecretariatstaff aurora.ca Once your delegation request is received, the Customer and Legislative Services Department will contact you to confirm receipt. Date June 18, 2012 Meeting date June 19, 2012 Subject Draft Plan of Subdivision; 14726 Bayview Avenue, Item No. 19 General Committee Agenda -, Name Angela Sciberras of Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. Name of group or person(s) being represented, if applicable: - - -- am the planning consultant for the Applicant (Helen Grey -Noble) Brief statement of issue or purpose of delegation: To provide the Committee with a brief update on the project to date. Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Town Clerk, Town of Aurora, 100 John West Way, Box 1000, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6,11, Telephone 905-727-3123 ext. 4217. REPORTPL12-026 nooi Irnrinrd ono cirr_ of nsi