AGENDA - General Committee - 20120207PUBLIC RELEASE February 3, 2012 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, February 7, 2012 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers I DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved as presented. III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION V DELEGATIONS (a) Anthony Santilli, Bullfrog Power pg. 1 Re: Item 3 - CAO12-003 – Alternatives to Bullfrog Power Procurement (b) Veronica St. Pierre, Principal, Devins Drive P.S. pg. 5 Re: Item 4 - IES12-003 – Multi-Way Stop Sign Control Request at the Kemano Road and Banff Drive Intersection and Crossing Guard Request at the Banff Drive and Devins Drive Intersection General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Page 2 of 6 (c) Ashley Parkes, Resident pg. 6 Re: Item 1 - PL12-003 – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications 2177111 Ontario Limited Block C, Plan M-42 Elderberry Trail File: D09-01-11 and D14-05-11 (d) Eros Fiacconi, EGF Associates, on Behalf of Applicant pg. 7 Re: Item 1 - PL12-003 – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications 2177111 Ontario Limited Block C, Plan M-42 Elderberry Trail File: D09-01-11 and D14-05-11 (e) Al Downey, Director of Parks and Recreation Services pg. 8 Re: Item 9 - PR12-005 – Club Aurora Fitness Centre Business Plan VI PRESENTATIONS BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR VII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION IX CLOSED SESSION THAT Council resolve into Closed Session to consider: 1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town or Local Board; Re: 15059 Leslie Street 2. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees: LGL12-002 - Waiver of Closed Session Confidentiality X ADJOURNMENT General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Page 3 of 6 AGENDA ITEMS 1. Deferred from General Committee Meeting of January 17, 2012 (Item 5) PL12-003 – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law pg. 9 Amendment Applications 2177111 Ontario Limited Block C, Plan M-42 Elderberry Trail File: D09-01-11 and D14-05-11 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PL12-003 be received; and THAT Application to Amend the Official Plan (OPA 34) File D09-01-11 be approved, to redesignate the subject lands from “Private Open Space” to “Estate Residential” to permit the future creation of two estate residential lots and to reduce the lot frontage minimum; and THAT Application to Amend the Zoning By-law File D14-05-11 be approved, to rezone the subject lands from “Major Open Space (O)” to a site specific “Estate Residential (ER) Exception Zone” to permit the future creation of two estate residential lots including a reduction in the lot frontage minimum; and THAT by-laws to adopt the Official Plan Amendment and implement the Zoning By-law amendment be presented at a future Council meeting for enactment. 2. BBS12-001 – Customer Service Strategy (CSS) pg. 27 RECOMMENDED: THAT report BBS12-001 be received; and THAT staff be authorized to proceed with process mapping in the amount of $30,630 for the ‘Build’ phase of the Customer Service implementation plan as described here in report BBS12-001; and THAT staff report back to Council with a progress report prior to commencing the ‘Mobilization’ phase of the Customer Service Project. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Page 4 of 6 3. CAO12-003 – Alternatives to Bullfrog Power Procurement pg. 30 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report CAO12-003; and THAT staff investigate the development of two (2) 10 kW microFIT Solar PV systems on Town-owned buildings and report back with a full benefit/cost analysis when possible. 4. IES12-003 – Multi-Way Stop Sign Control Request at the pg. 37 Kemano Road and Banff Drive Intersection and Crossing Guard Request at the Banff Drive and Devins Drive Intersection RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive report IES12-003; and THAT an all-way stop sign control not be installed at the intersection of Banff Drive and Kemano Road; and THAT School Crossing Guards not be provided during the a.m. and p.m. peak periods at the Hollandview Trail and McMaster Avenue intersection. 5. IES12-004 – Water System Financial Plan pg. 47 RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-004 be received; and THAT Council endorse the 10-Year Financial Plan for the Aurora Water System; and THAT Staff submit the Financial Plan to the Ministry of Environment before February 29, 2012 as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act and Regulation 453/07. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Page 5 of 6 6. IES12-005 – Government of Canada Accreditation Agreement for pg. 66 Drinking Water System RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-005 be received; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the Form of Agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same. 7. IES12-007 – Atria Network LP Municipal Access Agreement pg. 70 Termination RECOMMENDED: THAT report IES12-007 be received; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to terminate Atria Network LP Municipal Access Agreement. 8. PR12-004 – Engagement of Design Engineer for 15059 Leslie pg. 72 Street Servicing RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-004 be received; and THAT Cole Engineering Group Ltd. be engaged to provide Consulting Engineering Services for the design, tendering and administration for servicing 15059 Leslie Street in the amount of $381,490.00, excluding taxes; and THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement, including any and all documents and ancillary agreements required to give effect to same, with Cole Engineering Group Ltd. for the provision of consulting services; and THAT the provisions within the Purchasing By-law for sole sourcing be implemented to engage the services of Cole Engineering Group Ltd. General Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Page 6 of 6 9. PR12-005 – Club Aurora Fitness Centre Business Plan pg. 74 RECOMMENDED: THAT report PR12-005 be received; and THAT the 2012 Capital Budget request for Club Aurora be approved. 10. EDAC12-02 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Report, pg. 90 January 12, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommendations of the January 12, meeting. 11. PRAC12-01 – Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Report, pg. 92 January 19, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee recommendations of the January 19, 2012 meeting. 12. AAC12-03– Accessibility Advisory Committee Report, pg. 94 February 1, 2012 RECOMMENDED: THAT Council adopt the Accessibility Advisory Committee recommendations of the February 1, 2012 meeting. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 7, 2012  Replacement Page 37 Re: Item 4 - IES12-003 – Multi-Way Stop Sign Control Request at the Kemano Road and Banff Drive Intersection and Crossing Guard Request at the Banff Drive and Devins Drive Intersection Auk TOWN OF AURORA ynw'reuoymd[axr�uury GENERAL COMMITTEE REPORT No. IES12-003 SUBJECT: Multi -Way Stop Sign Control Request at the Kemano Road and Banff Drive Intersection and Crossing Guard Request at the Banff Drive and Devins Drive Intersection. FROM: L Simanovskis, Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services DATE: February 7, 2012 THAT Council receive report IES12-003; and THAT an all-waystop sign control not be installed at the intersection of Banff Drive and Kemano Road; and THAT School Crossing Guards not be provided during the a.m. and p.m. peak periods at the Devins Drive and Banff Drive intersection. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT This report has been prepared to investigate Devins Drive Public School requests of a three-way stop sign control at the Banff Dive and Kemano Road intersection and a crossing guard at the Banff Drive and Devins Drive intersection. BACKGROUND On November 29, 2011, Town staff met with the Devins Drive Public School Traffic Flow Committee to discuss their traffic concerns around the school. The following are some of the requests that were discussed at the meeting: • Three-way stop sign control at the Kemano Road and Banff Drive intersection; • Crossing guard at the Banff Drive and Devins Drive intersection; • Pedestrians ahead signs on Devins Drive and Crawford Rose Drive; • School area signs on a number of locations in the vicinity of the school; and • Sightline obstructions. The request of a three-way stop sign at the Banff Drive and Kemano Road intersection had been considered twice previously by the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee and Town Council. However, staff supported a new investigation of the intersection for a three-way stop as previous studies were conducted prior to the road reconstruction of Kemano Road and the installation of the new sidewalk on the south side.