BYLAW - Establish the Hydro Electric Comission - 19431206 - 89943[? i \ BY~LAW NUMBER of the Municipal Corporati Town of Aurorae of the BY~LAIV TO ESTABLISH THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO:J;!ISSIOlif OF TIE TOWH OF AURORA. WHEREAS the I\lunicipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora has entered into a contract with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the supply of electrical power or energy. AliD WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish a Com- mi'ssion for the control and management of the construction, operation and maintenance of all works undertaken by the Corporation for the distribution an_!/~upply ofc,s(>Ch electrical power or" energy. --- THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COU.NC IL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\Wf OF AilllORA ENACTS AS FOLL0\7S: That there shall be established a Com~ission for the control and management of the construction, operation and maintenance of all works , Y:t~'1dertaken by the ,~ower or energy. Corporation for the distribution and supply of such electrica1 That the said. Cmmnission shall be known as "The Hydro- Electrio Commission of the Town of Aurora", That the said. Cormnission shall consist of three members, 4. That the members of the said Commission shall be d,etermined and hold office for the period as set out in Section 37 of the Public Utilities Act, Revised. Statutues of Ontario,, 1937, Dated at the Town Hall, Aurora, this , !; day of December, 1943, Passed. at £he Town Hall, Aurora, this day of December, 1943, MAYOR CLERK