BYLAW - Council Rules, Amend By~law 862 REPEALED BY WAY OF 1468~61 - 19430607 - 893~1943.- BY~LAW NUMBER ~?..3 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora. BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 862 OF THE SAID CORPORATION, WHEREAS By-Law Number 862 provides for the rules and reg- ulations according to which the proceedings of the Council of the Sorporation shall be governed and conducted_. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend the said By-Law •to provide for a new Standing C:ommi ttee to be known as the Police Gommi ttee. l!IHEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\Wll OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: __ -_ _ _ {ft, 1, S'ection 26 of By-:Law 862 is amended by adding thereto the t( '/1· following subsection: 2. Section 29 of the said By-Law 862 is amended by addin;~·~·~ thereto the following: 29. 11 The Police Cornmi ttee shall deal with all matte;rs relating to the Aurora Poiice Department and to-the maintenance of peace and good order in the Town of Aurora", so that the said section shall now read as follows: The Finance Committee shall deal with all matters relating to the financial affairs of the municipality. The Streets Committee shall deal with all matters relating to the construction, maintenance and improvement of roads and bridges under the jurisdiction of the Council. The Electric Light Committee shall deal with all matters relating to electrical power and energy ) required by the Municipality, all equipment and accessories connected ther~ith, including installation, erection and maintenance of same, and rates and charges for such power and energy supplied to all consumers and, also, including a~ land and buildings used exclusively for electrical purposes, The Property Com- mittee shall deal with all matters relating to real and personal property owned by the municipality, including town truck but excluding real and personal property -2- definitely designated to other Committees. .The Industrial and By;_Laws Comn!i ttee shall deal with matters concerned with the promotion of new industries for the Municipality and generally with the i~:l:roduction to the Council of required By-Laws. The Waterworks and Fire Committee shall deal with all matters relating to the water supply for the municipality, including installation and erection of all necessary equipment, piping, etc. connected with the water system and rates and charges for water supplied to all consumers and, also, including any land and buildings used exclusively for the Waterworks System also, all matters relating to the fire protection for the municipality including all equipment necessary for such fire protection and, also, supervision of the Fire Brigaie. The Social Service and Sanitation Gommittee shall deal with all matters of direct relief, hospitalization, public welfare and social service, .the sewerage disposal. plant and the sewerage under the jurisdiction of the Council. The PUlice Committee shall deal with all matters relating to the Aurora Police Department and to the maintenance of peace and good order in the Town of Aurora, Dated at the Town Hall, Aurora, this 7 day of June, 1943. Passed at .the Town Hall, Aurora, this 7 day of June, 1943. MAYOR CLERX r